def test_pages_as_newuser(self): api.user_create(api.ROOT, nick='mmmm', password='******', first_name='m', last_name='m') for page in ('/user/root', '/user/mmmm/overview', '/user/mmmm/contacts', '/user/mmmm/followers', '/user/mmmm', '/channel/popular', '/channel/popular/presence/13345'): r = self.login_and_get('mmmm', page, password='******') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200, page + ' failed:' + str(r.status_code))
def test_pages_as_newuser(self): api.user_create(api.ROOT, nick = 'mmmm', password = '******', first_name = 'm', last_name ='m') for page in ('/user/root', '/user/mmmm/overview', '/user/mmmm/contacts', '/user/mmmm/followers', '/user/mmmm', '/channel/popular', '/channel/popular/presence/13345'): r = self.login_and_get('mmmm', page, password='******') self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200, page + ' failed:' + str(r.status_code))
def promote_user(self, from_jid, nick): ji_ref = api.actor_lookup_im(api.ROOT, from_jid.base()) if jid_ref: # TODO(tyler): Should we tell the user who they are? raise exception.ValidationError( "You already have an account and are signed in.") if not NICK_RE.match(nick): raise exception.ValidationError( "Invalid screen name, can only use letters or numbers, 3 to 16 " "characters") # Create the user. (user_create will check to see if the account has # already been created.) password = util.generate_uuid()[:8] # TODO(termie): Must have a first/last name. :( actor = api.user_create(api.ROOT, nick=nick, password=password, given_name=nick, family_name=nick) # link this im account to the user's account (equivalent of SIGN IN) self.sign_in(from_jid, nick, password) # Inform the user of their new password welcome = '\n'.join([HELP_WELCOME_NICK % nick, HELP_PASSWORD % password, HELP_POST, HELP_CHANNEL_POST, HELP_COMMENT, HELP_FOLLOW, HELP_STOP, HELP_MORE, HELP_FOOTER]) self.send_message([from_jid], welcome)
def promote_user(self, from_jid, nick): ji_ref = api.actor_lookup_im(api.ROOT, from_jid.base()) if jid_ref: # TODO(tyler): Should we tell the user who they are? raise exception.ValidationError( "You already have an account and are signed in.") if not NICK_RE.match(nick): raise exception.ValidationError( "Invalid screen name, can only use letters or numbers, 3 to 16 " "characters") # Create the user. (user_create will check to see if the account has # already been created.) password = util.generate_uuid()[:8] # TODO(termie): Must have a first/last name. :( actor = api.user_create(api.ROOT, nick=nick, password=password, given_name=nick, family_name=nick) # link this im account to the user's account (equivalent of SIGN IN) self.sign_in(from_jid, nick, password) # Inform the user of their new password welcome = '\n'.join([ HELP_WELCOME_NICK % nick, HELP_PASSWORD % password, HELP_POST, HELP_CHANNEL_POST, HELP_COMMENT, HELP_FOLLOW, HELP_STOP, HELP_MORE, HELP_FOOTER ]) self.send_message([from_jid], welcome)
def create_djangouser_for_user(cls, user): from common import api actor_ref = api.actor_lookup_email(api.ROOT, if actor_ref: return actor_ref params = {'nick': user.nickname(), 'password': "******", 'first_name': user.nickname(), 'last_name': user.nickname()} actor_ref = api.user_create(api.ROOT, **params) actor_ref.access_level = "delete" relation_ref = api.email_associate(api.ROOT, actor_ref.nick,, nick=actor_ref.nick, message='Joined %s!' % (settings.SITE_NAME), icon='jaiku-new-user') return actor_ref
def user_create(service, params, username="", id="", remote_url=""):"user_create") actor_ref = api.user_create(api.ROOT, **params) actor_ref.access_level = "delete", nick=actor_ref.nick, message="Joined %s!" % (util.get_metadata("SITE_NAME"))) email = params.get("email", None) if email is not None: api.email_associate(api.ROOT, actor_ref.nick, email) else: key = "emailneeded_%s" % util.display_nick(actor_ref.nick) memcache.client.set(key, True, 360) key = "firsttime_%s" % util.display_nick(actor_ref.nick) memcache.client.set(key, True, 360) external_profile_ref = api.create_external_profile(actor_ref.nick, service, username, id, remote_url) return actor_ref
def join_join(request): if request.user: raise exception.AlreadyLoggedInException() redirect_to = request.REQUEST.get('redirect_to', '/') # get the submitted vars nick = request.REQUEST.get('nick', '') first_name = request.REQUEST.get('first_name', '') last_name = request.REQUEST.get('last_name', '') email = request.REQUEST.get('email', '') password = request.REQUEST.get('password', '') confirm = request.REQUEST.get('confirm', '') homepage = request.REQUEST.get('homepage', '') hide = request.REQUEST.get('hide', '') if request.POST: try: # TODO validate params = util.query_dict_to_keywords(request.POST) if hide: params['privacy'] = 2 if not mail.is_allowed_to_send_email_to(email): raise exception.ValidationError("Cannot send email to that address") # TODO start transaction if api.actor_lookup_email(api.ROOT, email): raise exception.ValidationError( 'That email address is already associated with a member.') actor_ref = api.user_create(api.ROOT, **params) actor_ref.access_level = "delete", nick=actor_ref.nick, message='Joined %s!' % (settings.SITE_NAME), icon='jaiku-new-user') # send off email confirmation api.activation_request_email(actor_ref, actor_ref.nick, email) # TODO end transaction welcome_url = util.qsa('/welcome', {'redirect_to': redirect_to}) # NOTE: does not provide a flash message response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(welcome_url) user.set_user_cookie(response, actor_ref) return response except: exception.handle_exception(request) # for legal section legal_component = component.include('legal', 'dummy_legal') legal_html = legal_component.embed_join() # for sidebar sidebar_green_top = True area = "join" c = template.RequestContext(request, locals()) t = loader.get_template('join/templates/join.html') return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def join_join(request): if request.user: raise exception.AlreadyLoggedInException() redirect_to = request.REQUEST.get('redirect_to', '/') account_types = api.get_config_values(api.ROOT, 'account_type') # get the submitted vars nick = request.REQUEST.get('nick', ''); first_name = request.REQUEST.get('first_name', ''); last_name = request.REQUEST.get('last_name', ''); email = request.REQUEST.get('email', ''); password = request.REQUEST.get('password', ''); confirm = request.REQUEST.get('confirm', ''); hide = request.REQUEST.get('hide', ''); country_tag = request.REQUEST.get('country_tag', '') if request.POST: try: # TODO validate params = util.query_dict_to_keywords(request.POST) if hide: params['privacy'] = 2 # XXX: Check if the data come from a openid account # @author: [email protected] fromopenid = request.POST.get('fromopenid', False) and True if fromopenid: try: person = openidgae.get_current_person(request, http.HttpResponse()) except: raise exception.ServiceError email = person.get_email() if email == params['email']: params['password'] = util.generate_password() else: raise exception.ServiceError # ENDXXX if not mail.is_allowed_to_send_email_to(email): raise exception.ValidationError("Cannot send email to that address") # TODO start transaction if api.actor_lookup_email(api.ROOT, email): raise exception.ValidationError( 'That email address is already associated with a member.') actor_ref = api.user_create(api.ROOT, **params) actor_ref.access_level = "delete", nick=actor_ref.nick, message='Joined %s!' % (util.get_metadata('SITE_NAME'))) if fromopenid: api.email_associate(api.ROOT, actor_ref.nick, email) else: # send off email confirmation api.activation_request_email(actor_ref, actor_ref.nick, email)'setting firsttime_%s from register page' % actor_ref.nick) memcache.client.set('firsttime_%s' % nick, True) # TODO end transaction welcome_url = util.qsa('/', {'redirect_to': redirect_to}) # NOTE: does not provide a flash message response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(welcome_url) user.set_user_cookie(response, actor_ref) return response except: exception.handle_exception(request) # for legal section legal_component = component.include('legal', 'dummy_legal') legal_html = legal_component.embed_join() # for sidebar sidebar_green_top = True area = "join" c = template.RequestContext(request, locals()) t = loader.get_template('join/templates/join.html') return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
def join_join(request): if request.user: raise exception.AlreadyLoggedInException() redirect_to = get_clean_redirect(request) # get the submitted vars nick = request.REQUEST.get('nick', '') first_name = request.REQUEST.get('first_name', '') last_name = request.REQUEST.get('last_name', '') email = request.REQUEST.get('email', '') password = request.REQUEST.get('password', '') confirm = request.REQUEST.get('confirm', '') homepage = request.REQUEST.get('homepage', '') hide = request.REQUEST.get('hide', '') if request.POST: try: # TODO validate params = util.query_dict_to_keywords(request.POST) if hide: params['privacy'] = 2 if not mail.is_allowed_to_send_email_to(email): raise exception.ValidationError( "Cannot send email to that address") # TODO start transaction if api.actor_lookup_email(api.ROOT, email): raise exception.ValidationError( 'That email address is already associated with a member.') actor_ref = api.user_create(api.ROOT, **params) actor_ref.access_level = "delete", nick=actor_ref.nick, message='Joined %s!' % (settings.SITE_NAME), icon='jaiku-new-user') # send off email confirmation api.activation_request_email(actor_ref, actor_ref.nick, email) # TODO end transaction welcome_url = util.qsa('/welcome', {'redirect_to': redirect_to}) # NOTE: does not provide a flash message response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(welcome_url) user.set_user_cookie(response, actor_ref) return response except: exception.handle_exception(request) # for legal section legal_component = component.include('legal', 'dummy_legal') legal_html = legal_component.embed_join() # for sidebar sidebar_green_top = True area = "join" c = template.RequestContext(request, locals()) t = loader.get_template('join/templates/join.html') return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))