def save_to_mongo(request_json): try: Database.insert(GraphConstants.COLLECTION, request_json) except: GraphErrors.GraphAlreadyExistsError( "The graph you tried to create with name {} already exists. Please pick a different 'unique_name'.".format( request_json['unique_name']))
def updatedb(self): try: db = Database() smsen = [] smsen.append(self.smsdict) smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WATCHDOG: " + "UPDATING " + str(self.smsdict["smsid"]) + " " + str(self.smsdict["status"])) db.update_sms(smsen) except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message)
def delete_months(group, months_to_keep): # Find data in the database # Those timestamps older than `months`, delete them. if months_to_keep < 1: return else: Database.remove(DataConstants.COLLECTION, {"group": group, "date": {"$lte": datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=months_to_keep * 31)} })
def run(self): # load the configuration # Create default root user db = Database() abspath = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir)) configfile = abspath + '/conf/smsgw.conf' cfg = SmsConfig(configfile) wisglobals.wisid = cfg.getvalue('wisid', 'nowisid', 'wis') wisglobals.wisipaddress = cfg.getvalue('ipaddress', '', 'wis') wisglobals.wisport = cfg.getvalue('port', '7777', 'wis') wisglobals.cleanupseconds = cfg.getvalue('cleanupseconds', '86400', 'wis') wisglobals.ldapserver = cfg.getvalue('ldapserver', None, 'wis') wisglobals.ldapbasedn = cfg.getvalue('ldapbasedn', None, 'wis') wisglobals.ldapenabled = cfg.getvalue('ldapenabled', None, 'wis') ldapusers = cfg.getvalue('ldapusers', '[]', 'wis') wisglobals.ldapusers = json.loads(ldapusers) wisglobals.ldapusers = [item.lower() for item in wisglobals.ldapusers] smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS:" + str(wisglobals.ldapusers)) password = cfg.getvalue('password', '20778ba41791cdc8ac54b4f1dab8cf7602a81f256cbeb9e782263e8bb00e01794d47651351e5873f9ac82868ede75aa6719160e624f02bba4df1f94324025058', 'wis') salt = cfg.getvalue('salt', 'changeme', 'wis') # write the default user on startup db.write_users('root', password, salt) # check if ssl is enabled wisglobals.sslenabled = cfg.getvalue('sslenabled', None, 'wis') wisglobals.sslcertificate = cfg.getvalue('sslcertificate', None, 'wis') wisglobals.sslprivatekey = cfg.getvalue('sslprivatekey', None, 'wis') wisglobals.sslcertificatechain = cfg.getvalue('sslcertificatechain', None, 'wis') smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS: SSL " + str(wisglobals.sslenabled)) if wisglobals.sslenabled is not None and 'true' in wisglobals.sslenabled.lower(): smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS: STARTING SSL") cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_module': 'builtin'}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_certificate': wisglobals.sslcertificate}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_private_key': wisglobals.sslprivatekey}) if wisglobals.sslcertificatechain is not None: cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_certificate_chain': wisglobals.sslcertificatechain}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_host': wisglobals.wisipaddress}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': int(wisglobals.wisport)}) cherrypy.quickstart(Root(), '/smsgateway', 'wis-web.conf')
def writetodb(self): try: db = Database() db.insert_sms(self.smsdict["modemid"], self.smsdict["targetnr"], self.smsdict["content"], self.smsdict["priority"], self.smsdict["appid"], self.smsdict["sourceip"], self.smsdict["xforwardedfor"], self.smsdict["smsintime"], self.smsdict["status"], self.smsdict["statustime"]) except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message)
def from_name(cls, name, **kwargs): data = Database.find_one(GraphConstants.COLLECTION, {'unique_name': name}) if not data: raise GraphErrors.GraphNotFoundError("The graph you requested '{}' was not found.".format(name)) data.update(kwargs) graph = cls.from_json(data) return
def checkpassword(username, password): try: db = Database() erg = db.read_users(username) if erg is None or len(erg) == 0: raise error.UserNotFoundError() retpasswordhash = erg[0]["password"] retpasswordsalt = erg[0]["salt"] givpasswordhash = hashlib.sha512((password + retpasswordsalt) .encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if retpasswordhash == givpasswordhash: return True else: return False except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message)
def login_valid_user(email, password): """ :param email: user's email :param password: user's password :return: True if valid, False otherwise """ userData = Database.find_one("users", {'email': email}) if userData is None: raise UserNotExistsError("this user does not existed!") return False if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, userData['password']): raise UserIncorrectPasswordError("Incorrect password!") return False return True
def is_login_valid(cls, email, password): """ This method verifies that an e-mail/password combo (as sent by the site forms) is valid or not. Checks that the e-mail exists, and that the password associated to that e-mail is correct. :param email: The user's email :param password: A sha512 hashed password :return: True if valid, False otherwise """ user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {"email": email}) # Password in sha512 -> pbkdf2_sha512 if user_data is None: # Tell the user that their e-mail doesn't exist raise UserErrors.UserNotExistsError("Your user does not exist.") if not Utils.check_hashed_password(password, user_data['password']): # Tell the user that their password is wrong raise UserErrors.IncorrectPasswordError("Your password was wrong.") return cls(**user_data)
def register_user(email, password): """ This method registers a user using e-mail and password. The password already come with sha-512 hash algorithm. :param email: user's email (might be invalid) :param password: sha512-hashed password :return: True if registered successfully, of False otherwise """ userData = Database.find_one("users", {'email': email}) if userData is not None: raise UserExistsError("user already existed!") #if email is invalid, then what? if not Utils.email_is_valid(email): raise UserEmailInvalid("invalid email!") #hash password, create new object, then insert to db User(email, Utils.hash_password(password)).save_to_db() return True
def register_user(email, password): """ This method registers a user using e-mail and password. The password already comes hashed as sha-512. :param email: user's e-mail (might be invalid) :param password: sha512-hashed password :return: True if registered successfully, or False otherwise (exceptions can also be raised) """ user_data = Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {"email": email}) if user_data is not None: raise UserErrors.UserAlreadyRegisteredError("The e-mail you used to register already exists.") if not Utils.email_is_valid(email): raise UserErrors.InvalidEmailError("The e-mail does not have the right format.") user = User(email, Utils.hash_password(password)) user.save_to_db() return user
def _remove_fr_mongo(email): Database.remove(collection="users", data={"email": email})
def from_mongo(cls, id): blog_data = Database.find_one(collection='blogs', query={'_id': id}) return cls(**blog_data)
def get_all(cls): users = Database.find(collection="users", query=({})) return [cls(**user) for user in users]
def from_mongo(cls, id): post_data = Database.find_one(collection="posts", query={"_id": id}) return cls(**post_data)
def find_all_ganti_password(cls): return [ cls(**data) for data in Database.find(cls.collection, {}) if cls(**data).ganti_password != '' ]
def main(self): if self.brute is None: self.brute = config.enable_brute_module if self.dns is None: self.dns = config.enable_dns_resolve if self.req is None: self.req = config.enable_http_request old_table = self.domain + '_last' new_table = self.domain + '_now' collect = Collect(self.domain, export=False) if self.brute: # 由于爆破会有大量dns解析请求 并发爆破可能会导致其他任务中的网络请求异常 brute = AIOBrute(self.domain, export=False) db = Database() db.copy_table(self.domain, self.domain + '_ori') db.remove_invalid(self.domain) db.deduplicate_subdomain(self.domain) old_data = [] # 非第一次收集子域的情况时数据库预处理 if db.exist_table(new_table): db.drop_table(old_table) # 如果存在上次收集结果表就先删除 db.rename_table(new_table, old_table) # 新表重命名为旧表 old_data = db.get_data(old_table).as_dict() # 不解析子域直接导出结果 if not self.dns: # 数据库导出 self.valid = None dbexport.export(self.domain, valid=self.valid, format=self.format, db.drop_table(new_table) db.rename_table(self.domain, new_table) db.close() return = db.get_data(self.domain).as_dict() # 标记新发现子域 = utils.mark_subdomain(old_data, loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # 解析子域 task = resolve.bulk_query_a( = loop.run_until_complete(task) # 保存解析结果 resolve_table = self.domain + '_res' db.drop_table(resolve_table) db.create_table(resolve_table) db.save_db(resolve_table,, 'resolve') # 不请求子域直接导出结果 if not self.req: # 数据库导出 self.valid = None dbexport.export(self.domain, valid=self.valid, format=self.format, db.drop_table(new_table) db.rename_table(self.domain, new_table) db.close() return # 请求子域 task = request.bulk_get_request(, self.port) = loop.run_until_complete(task) # 在关闭事件循环前加入一小段延迟让底层连接得到关闭的缓冲时间 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0.25)) logger.log('INFOR', f'经验证{self.domain}有效子域{len(}个') # 保存请求结果 db.clear_table(self.domain) db.save_db(self.domain,, 'request') # 数据库导出 dbexport.export(self.domain, valid=self.valid, format=self.format, db.drop_table(new_table) db.rename_table(self.domain, new_table) db.close() # 子域接管检查 if self.takeover: subdomains = set(map(lambda x: x.get('subdomain'), takeover = Takeover(subdomains)
def get_by_email(cls, email): data = Database.find_one("users", {"email": email}) if data is not None: return cls(**data)
def api(self, arg, **params): cl = cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length'] rawbody = smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(rawbody) plaintext = GlobalHelper.decodeAES(rawbody) smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(plaintext) data = json.loads(plaintext) if arg == "watchdog": if data["run"] == "True": self.triggerwatchdog() else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 if arg == "heartbeat": if "routingid" in data: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(data["routingid"]) try: count = wisglobals.rdb.raise_heartbeat(data["routingid"]) if count == 0: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("COUNT: " + str(count)) cherrypy.response.status = 400 except error.DatabaseError: cherrypy.response.status = 400 else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 if arg == "receiverouting": try: wisglobals.rdb.merge_routing(data) except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message) if arg == "requestrouting": if data["get"] != "peers": cherrypy.response.status = 400 return smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("Sending routing table to you") try: erg = wisglobals.rdb.read_routing() jerg = json.dumps(erg) data = GlobalHelper.encodeAES(jerg) return data except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message) if arg == "managemodem": try: if data["action"] == "register": smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("managemodem register") smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(wisglobals.wisid) # add wisid to data object data["wisid"] = wisglobals.wisid # store date in routing table wisglobals.rdb.write_routing(data) # call receiverouting to distribute routing Helper.receiverouting() elif data["action"] == "unregister": smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("managemodem unregister") wisglobals.rdb.change_obsolete(data["routingid"], 14) Helper.receiverouting() else: return False except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message) if arg == "deligatesms": if "sms" in data: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(data["sms"]) try: sms = Smstransfer(**data["sms"]) sms.smsdict["status"] = 1 sms.writetodb() self.triggerwatchdog() except error.DatabaseError: cherrypy.response.status = 400 else: cherrypy.response.status = 400 if arg == "router": if data["action"] == "status": smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("API: " + data["action"]) if wisglobals.routerThread is None: cherrypy.response.status = 200 data = GlobalHelper.encodeAES('{"ROUTER":"noobject"}') return data if wisglobals.routerThread.isAlive(): cherrypy.response.status = 200 data = GlobalHelper.encodeAES('{"ROUTER":"alive"}') return data else: cherrypy.response.status = 200 data = GlobalHelper.encodeAES('{"ROUTER":"dead"}') return data if arg == "getsms": if data["get"] != "sms": cherrypy.response.status = 400 return if "date" in data: date = data["date"] smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("API: " + date) else: date = None smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("Sending SMS Table") smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("Sending SMS Table date: " + str(date)) try: db = Database() erg = db.read_sms_date(date=date) jerg = json.dumps(erg) data = GlobalHelper.encodeAES(jerg) return data except error.DatabaseError as e: smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug(e.message)
def from_all(): return [movie for movie in Database.find(collection='movies')]
def mark(self): """ Mark the new discovered subdomain :return: marked data :rtype: list """ db = Database() old_data = list() now_data = db.get_data(self.domain).as_dict() # Database pre-processing when it is not the first time to collect this subdomain if db.exist_table(self.new_table): # If there is the last collection result table, delete it first db.drop_table(self.old_table) # Rename the new table to the old table db.rename_table(self.new_table, self.old_table) old_data = db.get_data(self.old_table).as_dict() db.close() marked_data = utils.mark_subdomain(old_data, now_data) return marked_data
def from_mongo(cls, file): movie_data = Database.find_one(collection='movies', query={'file': file}) return movie_data
def find_by_user_email(cls, user_email): return [ cls(**elem) for elem in Database.find(AlertConstants.COLLECTION, {"user_email": user_email}) ]
def save_to_mongo(self): Database.update(AlertConstants.COLLECTION, {"_id": self._id}, self.json())
def find_one_warga_from_db(self): return Database.find_one(Warga.collection, { "blok_ppn": self.blok_ppn, "no_ppn": self.no_ppn })
def get_by_id(cls, _id): data = Database.find_one("users", {"_id": _id}) if data is not None: return cls(**data)
def get_by_id(cls, _id): data = Database.find_one("users", {"_id": _id}) if data is not None: return cls(**data) return None
def get_balance(username): data = Database.find_one("users", {"username": username}) return data["balance"]
def save_one_to_db(self): Database.insert_one(Warga.collection, self.json())
def save_to_mongo(self): Database.insert("users", self.json())
def delete(self): Database.remove(AlertConstants.COLLECTION, {"_id": self._id})
def save_to_mongo(self): Database.insert(collection='students', data=self.json())
def deactivate(self): Database.update(collection="users", query={"email":}, new_val={"$set": { "active": False }})
def from_mongo_by_id(cls, _id): # Post.from_mongo('123') student_data = Database.find_one(collection='students', query={'_id': _id}) return cls(**student_data)
def get_by_email(cls, email): data = Database.find_one(collection="users", query={"email": email}) if data is not None: return cls(**data)
def from_mongo_by_email(cls, email): data = Database.find_one(collection='students', query={'email': email}) if data is not None: return cls(**data) return None
def from_blog(id): return [post for post in Database.find(collection="posts", query={"blog_id": id})]
def all_from_mongo(cls): data = Database.find(collection='students', query={}) return cls(**data)
def init_db(): Database.initialize()
def save_to_db(self): Database.insert(UserConstants.COLLECTION, self.json())
def find_by_author_id(cls, author_id): blogs = Database.find(collection='blogs', query={'author_id': author_id}) return [cls(**blog) for blog in blogs]
def api_key_exists(api_key): return Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {'api_key': api_key}) is not None
def find_by_group(cls, group): return cls(**Database.find_one(AggregatorConstants.COLLECTION, {"group": group}))
def from_mongo(cls, id): post_data = Database.find_one(collection='posts', query={'_id': id}) return cls(**post_data)
def run(self): # load the configuration # Create default root user db = Database() abspath = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir)) # store the abspath in globals for easier handling wisglobals.smsgatewayabspath = abspath configfile = abspath + '/conf/smsgw.conf' cfg = SmsConfig(configfile) readme = open(abspath + '/', 'r') readmecontent = version = re.compile(r"(?<=## Version)(.*v.\..*)", re.S).findall(readmecontent) if version: wisglobals.version = version[0].strip('\n') smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS: Version: " + str(wisglobals.version)) wisglobals.wisid = cfg.getvalue('wisid', 'nowisid', 'wis') wisglobals.wisipaddress = cfg.getvalue('ipaddress', '', 'wis') wisglobals.wisport = cfg.getvalue('port', '7777', 'wis') wisglobals.cleanupseconds = cfg.getvalue('cleanupseconds', '86400', 'wis') wisglobals.validusernameregex = cfg.getvalue('validusernameregex', '([^a-zA-Z0-9])', 'wis') wisglobals.validusernamelength = cfg.getvalue('validusernamelength', 30, 'wis') wisglobals.ldapserver = cfg.getvalue('ldapserver', None, 'wis') wisglobals.ldapbasedn = cfg.getvalue('ldapbasedn', None, 'wis') wisglobals.ldapenabled = cfg.getvalue('ldapenabled', None, 'wis') ldapusers = cfg.getvalue('ldapusers', '[]', 'wis') wisglobals.ldapusers = json.loads(ldapusers) wisglobals.ldapusers = [item.lower() for item in wisglobals.ldapusers] smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS:" + str(wisglobals.ldapusers)) password = cfg.getvalue('password', '20778ba41791cdc8ac54b4f1dab8cf7602a81f256cbeb9e782263e8bb00e01794d47651351e5873f9ac82868ede75aa6719160e624f02bba4df1f94324025058', 'wis') salt = cfg.getvalue('salt', 'changeme', 'wis') # write the default user on startup db.write_users('root', password, salt) # read pissendtimeout wisglobals.pissendtimeout = int(cfg.getvalue('pissendtimeout', '20', 'wis')) # check if ssl is enabled wisglobals.sslenabled = cfg.getvalue('sslenabled', None, 'wis') wisglobals.sslcertificate = cfg.getvalue('sslcertificate', None, 'wis') wisglobals.sslprivatekey = cfg.getvalue('sslprivatekey', None, 'wis') wisglobals.sslcertificatechain = cfg.getvalue('sslcertificatechain', None, 'wis') smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS: SSL " + str(wisglobals.sslenabled)) if wisglobals.sslenabled is not None and 'true' in wisglobals.sslenabled.lower(): smsgwglobals.wislogger.debug("WIS: STARTING SSL") cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_module': 'builtin'}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_certificate': wisglobals.sslcertificate}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_private_key': wisglobals.sslprivatekey}) if wisglobals.sslcertificatechain is not None: cherrypy.config.update({'server.ssl_certificate_chain': wisglobals.sslcertificatechain}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_host': wisglobals.wisipaddress}) cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': int(wisglobals.wisport)}) cherrypy.tree.mount(StatsLogstash(), '/smsgateway/api/stats/logstash', {'/': {'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()}}) cherrypy.quickstart(Root(), '/smsgateway', 'wis-web.conf')
from common.database import Database db = Database.initialize() tweets = Database.find(collection='twitter_search', query={}) lis = [] neg = 0.0 n = 0.0 net = 0.0 pos = 0.0 p = 0.0 cout = 0 for tweet in tweets: # Create a list with all the terms blob = TextBlob(tweet["text"]) cout += 1 lis.append(blob.sentiment.polarity) # print blob.sentiment.subjectivity # print (os.listdir(tweet["text"])) if blob.sentiment.polarity < 0: sentiment = "negative" neg += blob.sentiment.polarity n += 1 elif blob.sentiment.polarity == 0: sentiment = "neutral" net += 1 else: sentiment = "positive" pos += blob.sentiment.polarity p += 1
def initialize_database(): Database.initialize()
def update(self, attrib, val): Database.update(collection="books", query={"_id": self._id}, new_val={"$set": { attrib: val }})
def find_by_id(cls, alert_id): return cls( **Database.find_one(AlertConstants.COLLECTION, {"_id": alert_id}))
def find_by_id(cls, id): return cls(**Database.find_one(UserConstants.COLLECTION, {'_id': id}))
def get_all(cls): books = Database.find(collection="books", query=({})) return [cls(**book) for book in books]
def save_to_mongo(self): Database.insert(AggregatorConstants.COLLECTION, self.json())
def get_by_title(cls, name): data = Database.find_one(collection="books", query={"title": title}) if data is not None: return cls(**data)
def save_to_mongo(self): Database.insert(collection='posts', data=self.json())
def get_by_id(cls, _id): data = Database.find_one(collection="books", query={"_id": _id}) if data is not None: return cls(**data)
def from_blog(id): return [post for post in Database.find(collection='posts', query={'blog_id': id})]
def save_to_mongo(self): Database.insert(collection="books", data=self.json())