def upload(name, **kwargs): try: app = application_detail(name) if not app: raise NotExistError("application not exist", "application %s not exist" % name) bucket_name = app.buckets.split(",")[0] accept_fields = [x for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') != "object"] pipeline_fields = {x: y['pipeline'] for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') == "object"} new_fields = app.fields.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accept_fields: new_fields[k]['value'] = v res = [] for k, _ in kwargs.get('fields').items(): if k not in accept_fields and k not in pipeline_fields: raise RequestError(f"fields {k} not in application", "") for n, p in pipeline_fields.items(): pipe = pipeline_detail(p) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % p) value = kwargs['fields'].get(n) file_data = value.get('data') url = value.get('url') if not file_data and not url: raise RequestError("can't find data or url from request", "") file_name = "{}-{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) file_path = save_tmp_file(file_name, file_data, url) # begin to timing start = time.time() S3Ins.upload2bucket(bucket_name, file_path, file_name) upload_time = time.time() logger.debug("[timing] upload image to bucket costs: {:.3f}s".format(upload_time - start)) vectors = run_pipeline(pipe, data=file_data, url=url) pipeline_time = time.time() logger.debug("[timing] run pipeline costs: {:.3f}s".format(pipeline_time - upload_time)) milvus_collection_name = f"{}_{pipe.encoder}" vids = MilvusIns.insert_vectors(milvus_collection_name, vectors) insert_time = time.time() logger.debug("[timing] insert to milvus costs: {:.3f}s".format(insert_time - pipeline_time)) for vid in vids: m = DB(id=vid, app_name=name, image_url=gen_url(bucket_name, file_name), fields=new_fields) add_mapping_data(m) res.append(new_mapping_ins(id=vid, app_name=name, image_url=gen_url(bucket_name, file_name), fields=new_fields)) final_time = time.time() logger.debug("[timing] prepare result costs: {:.3f}s".format(final_time - insert_time)) return res except Exception as e: print(e) return e
def upload(name, **kwargs): try: app = application_detail(name) if not app: raise NotExistError("application not exist", "application %s not exist" % name) bucket_name = app.buckets.split(",")[0] accept_fields = [ x for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') != "object" ] pipeline_fields = { x: y['pipeline'] for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') == "object" } new_fields = app.fields.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accept_fields: new_fields[k]['value'] = v res = [] for k, _ in kwargs.get('fields').items(): if k not in accept_fields and k not in pipeline_fields: raise RequestError(f"fields {k} not in application", "") for n, p in pipeline_fields.items(): pipe = pipeline_detail(p) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % p) value = kwargs['fields'].get(n) file_data = value.get('data') url = value.get('url') if not file_data and not url: raise RequestError("can't find data or url from request", "") file_name = "{}-{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) file_path = save_tmp_file(file_name, file_data, url) S3Ins.upload2bucket(bucket_name, file_path, file_name) vectors = run_pipeline(pipe, data=file_data, url=url) if not vectors: raise NoneVectorError( "can't encode data by encoder, check input or encoder", "") milvus_collection_name = f"{}_{pipe.encoder}" vids = MilvusIns.insert_vectors(milvus_collection_name, vectors) for vid in vids: m = DB(id=vid, app_name=name, image_url=gen_url(bucket_name, file_name), fields=new_fields) add_mapping_data(m) res.append( new_mapping_ins(id=vid, app_name=name, image_url=gen_url(bucket_name, file_name), fields=new_fields)) return res except Exception as e: print(e) return e
def upload(name, **kwargs): try: app = application_detail(name) if not app: raise NotExistError("application not exist", "application %s not exist" % name) bucket_name = app.buckets.split(",")[0] accept_fields = [x for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') != "pipeline"] pipeline_fields = {x: y['value'] for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') == "pipeline"} new_fields = app.fields.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accept_fields: new_fields[k]['value'] = v res = [] for k, _ in kwargs.get('fields').items(): if k not in accept_fields and k not in pipeline_fields: raise RequestError(f"fields {k} not in application", "") docs = {} valid_field_flag = False for n, p in pipeline_fields.items(): pipe = pipeline_detail(p) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % p) value = kwargs['fields'].get(n) if not value: continue valid_field_flag = True file_data = value.get('data') url = value.get('url') if not file_data and not url: raise RequestError("can't find data or url from request", "") file_name = "{}-{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) file_path = save_tmp_file(file_name, file_data, url) S3Ins.upload2bucket(bucket_name, file_path, file_name) vectors = run_pipeline(pipe, data=file_data, url=url) if not vectors: raise NoneVectorError("can't encode data by encoder, check input or encoder", "") milvus_collection_name = f"{}_{pipe.encoder['name']}_{pipe.encoder['instance']}" vids = MilvusIns.insert_vectors(milvus_collection_name, vectors) docs[n] = {"ids": vids, "url": gen_url(bucket_name, file_name)} doc_id = MongoIns.insert_documents(f"{}_entity", docs) res.append(new_mapping_ins(docs)) if not valid_field_flag: raise RequestError("none valid field exist", "") return res except Exception as e: err_msg = f"Unexpected error happen when upload: {str(e)}" logger.error(err_msg, exc_info=True) raise UnexpectedError(err_msg, e)
def delete_entity(app_name, entity_id): try: mongo_ins_name = f"{app_name}_entity" entity = MongoIns.search_by_id(mongo_ins_name, entity_id) if not entity.count(): raise NotExistError("Entity %s not exist" % entity_id, "NotExistError") for item in entity: en = new_mapping_ins(item) for name, fields in en._docs.items(): # delete s3 object bucket_name = fields.get("url").split("/")[-2] object_name = fields.get("url").split("/")[-1] S3Ins.del_object(bucket_name, object_name) # delete vector from milvus vids = fields.get("ids") app = application_detail(app_name) pipe_name = app.fields[name]["value"] pipe = pipeline_detail(pipe_name) instance_name = pipe.encoder.get("instance") MilvusIns.del_vectors(f"{app_name}_{name}_{instance_name}", vids) # delete from mongodb MongoIns.delete_by_id(mongo_ins_name, entity_id)"delete entity %s in application %s", entity_id, app_name) return en except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def operator_health(name): try: op = search_operator(name) if not op: raise NotExistError("operator %s not exist" % name, "") return health(op) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return e
def _shopValidCheck(self, id_shop=None, upc_shop=None): if not id_shop and not upc_shop: return if id_shop and int(id_shop) == 0: return try: assert CachedShop(id_shop, upc_shop), id_shop or upc_shop except AssertionError, e: raise NotExistError('ORDER_ERR_SHOP_%s_NOT_EXIST' % e)
def application_detail(name): try: x = search_application(name) if not x: raise NotExistError(f"application {name} not exist", "") fields = json.loads(x.fields) app = Application(, fields=fields, buckets=x.s3_buckets) return app except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def test_pipeline(name, data=None, url=None): try: pipe = MongoIns.search_by_name(PIPELINE_COLLECTION_NAME, name) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline %s is not exist" % name, "") pipe = pipe[0] p = Pipeline(pipe["name"], pipe["description"], pipe["processors"], pipe["encoder"], pipe["input"], pipe["output"]) p.metadata = pipe["metadata"] return {"result": run_pipeline(p, data=data, url=url)} except Exception as e: raise e
def operator_detail(name): try: op = MongoIns.search_by_name(OPERATOR_COLLECTION_NAME, name) if not op: raise NotExistError(f"operator {name} not exist", "") op = op[0] operator = Operator(op["name"], op["addr"], op["author"], op["version"], op["type"], op["description"]) operator.metadata = op["metadata"] return operator except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def application_detail(name): try: app = MongoIns.search_by_name(APPLICATION_COLLECTION_NAME, name) if not app: raise NotExistError(f"application {name} not exist", "") app = app[0] application = Application(app["name"], app["fields"], app["bucket"]) application.metadata = app["metadata"] return application except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def pipeline_detail(name): try: p = MongoIns.search_by_name(PIPELINE_COLLECTION_NAME, name) if not p: raise NotExistError("pipeline %s is not exist" % name, "") p = p[0] pipe = Pipeline(p["name"], p["description"], p["processors"], p["encoder"], p["input"], p["output"]) pipe.metadata = p["metadata"] return pipe except Exception as e: raise e
def upload(name, **kwargs): try: app = application_detail(name) if not app: raise NotExistError("application not exist", "application %s not exist" % name) bucket_name = app.buckets.split(",")[0] accept_fields = [x for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') != "pipeline"] pipeline_fields = {x: y['value'] for x, y in app.fields.items() if y.get('type') == "pipeline"} new_fields = app.fields.copy() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accept_fields: new_fields[k]['value'] = v res = [] for k, _ in kwargs.get('fields').items(): if k not in accept_fields and k not in pipeline_fields: raise RequestError(f"fields {k} not in application", "") docs = {} for n, p in pipeline_fields.items(): pipe = pipeline_detail(p) if not pipe: raise NotExistError("pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % p) value = kwargs['fields'].get(n) file_data = value.get('data') url = value.get('url') if not file_data and not url: raise RequestError("can't find data or url from request", "") file_name = "{}-{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) file_path = save_tmp_file(file_name, file_data, url) S3Ins.upload2bucket(bucket_name, file_path, file_name) vectors = run_pipeline(pipe, data=file_data, url=url) milvus_collection_name = f"{}_{pipe.encoder['name']}_{pipe.encoder['instance']}" vids = MilvusIns.insert_vectors(milvus_collection_name, vectors) docs[n] = {"ids": vids, "url": gen_url(bucket_name, file_name)} doc_id = MongoIns.insert_documents(f"{}_entity", docs) res.append(new_mapping_ins(docs)) fields=new_fields)) return res
def update_pipeline(name, p): try: old = db.session.query(Pipeline).filter( if not old: raise NotExistError("update target not exist", "pipeline with %s not exist" % name) for k, v in p.__dict__.items(): if v and k != "_sa_instance_state": setattr(old, k, v) db.session.commit() return old except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, NotExistError): raise e raise UpdateFromSQLError("update from sql error", e.orig.args[-1])
def pipeline_detail(name): try: p = search_pipeline(name) if not p: raise NotExistError("pipeline %s is not exist" % name, "") pipe = Pipeline(, input=p.input, output=p.output, description=p.description, processors=json.loads(p.processors), encoder=json.loads(p.encoder)) return pipe except Exception as e: raise e
def patch_application(name, fields, s3_buckets): try: app_model = DB(name=name, fields=json.dumps(fields), s3_buckets=s3_buckets) x = update_application(name, app_model) if not x: raise NotExistError(f"application {name} not exist", "") app = Application(, fields=fields, buckets=s3_buckets)"change appication %s config", name) return app except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return e
def delete_application(name): try: x = del_application(name) if not x: raise NotExistError("application %s not exist" % name, "") x = x[0] fields = json.loads(x.fields) app = Application(, fields=fields, buckets=x.s3_buckets) S3Ins.del_s3_buckets(x.s3_buckets.split(","))"delete application %s", name) return app except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return e
def delete_operators(name): try: op = del_operator(name) if not op: raise NotExistError("operator %s not exist" % name, "") return new_operator(, type=op.type, addr=op.addr,, version=op.version, description=op.description) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def operator_detail(name): try: op = search_operator(name) if not op: raise NotExistError("operator %s not exist" % name, "") return new_operator(, backend=op.backend, type=op.type, input=op.input, output=op.output, endpoint=op.endpoint, dimension=op.dimension, metric_type=op.metric_type) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def delete_pipeline(name): try: p = del_pipeline(name) if not p: raise NotExistError("pipeline %s is not exist" % name, "") p = p[0] pipe = Pipeline(, input=p.input, output=p.output, description=p.description, processors=json.loads(p.processors), encoder=json.loads(p.encoder)) return pipe except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def new_application(name, fields, s3_buckets): app = Application(name=name, fields=fields, buckets=s3_buckets) try: all_pipelines_names = [ for x in _all_pipelines()] for _, v in fields.items(): if v.get("type") == "object": if v.get("pipeline") not in all_pipelines_names: return NotExistError( "pipeline not exist", "pipeline %s not exist" % v.get("value")) if v.get("type") != "object": if "value" not in v: return RequestError("key 'value' not exist", "request error") return except Exception as e: return e
def delete_entity(app_name, entity_name): try: entity = search_from_mapping(entity_name) if not entity: raise NotExistError("Entity %s not exist" % entity_name, "NotExistError") MilvusIns.del_vectors(app_name, [int(entity_name)]) bucket_name = entity.image_url.split("/")[-2] object_name = entity.image_url.split("/")[-1] S3Ins.del_object(bucket_name, object_name) del_mapping(entity_name)"delete entity %s in application %s", entity_name, app_name) return new_mapping_ins(, app_name=entity.app_name, image_url=entity.image_url, fields=entity.fields) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return e
def delete_pipeline(name): try: p = del_pipeline(name) if not p: raise NotExistError("pipeline %s is not exist" % name, "") p = p[0] milvus_collection_name = f"{name}_{p.encoder}" MilvusIns.del_milvus_collection(milvus_collection_name) pipe = Pipeline(, input=p.input, output=p.output, dimension=p.dimension, index_file_size=p.index_file_size, metric_type=p.metric_type, description=p.description, processors=p.processors.split(","), encoder=p.encoder) return pipe except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return e
def pipeline_detail(name): try: p = search_pipeline(name) if not p: raise NotExistError("pipeline %s is not exist" % name, "") if not p.processors: pr = [] else: pr = p.processors.split(",") pipe = Pipeline(, input=p.input, output=p.output, dimension=p.dimension, index_file_size=p.index_file_size, metric_type=p.metric_type, description=p.description, processors=pr, encoder=p.encoder) return pipe except Exception as e: raise e
def delete_application(name, force=False): try: if not force: if not entities_list(name, 100, 0): raise RequestError( "Prevent to delete application with entity not deleted", "") app = MongoIns.search_by_name(APPLICATION_COLLECTION_NAME, name) if not app: raise NotExistError(f"application {name} not exist", "") app = app[0] delete_milvus_collections_by_fields(app) S3Ins.del_s3_buckets(app['bucket']) MongoIns.delete_mongo_collection(f"{name}_entity") MongoIns.delete_by_name(APPLICATION_COLLECTION_NAME, name)"delete application %s", name) application = Application(app["name"], app["fields"], app["bucket"]) application.metadata = app["metadata"] return application except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def delete_application(name): try: if len(entities_list(name, 100, 0)): raise RequestError( "Prevent to delete application with entity not deleted", "") # TODO rewrite clean all resource before change metadata x = del_application(name) if not x: raise NotExistError(f"application {name} not exist", "") x = x[0] fields = search_fields(json.loads(x.fields)) app = Application(, fields=fields2dict(fields), buckets=x.s3_buckets) delete_milvus_collections_by_fields(app) delete_fields(json.loads(x.fields)) S3Ins.del_s3_buckets(x.s3_buckets.split(",")) MongoIns.delete_mongo_collection(f"{name}_entity")"delete application %s", name) return app except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise e
def _telephoneValidCheck(self, conn, id_phone): where = {'id': id_phone, 'users_id': self.users_id} telephone = select(conn, 'users_phone_num', where=where) if not telephone: raise NotExistError('ORDER_ERR_PHONE_%s_NOT_EXIST' % id_phone)
def _addressValidCheck(self, conn, addr_id): where = {'id': addr_id, 'users_id': self.users_id} addr = select(conn, 'users_address', where=where) if not addr: raise NotExistError('ORDER_ERR_ADDR_%s_NOT_EXIST' % addr_id)