예제 #1
 def run(self):
     k = self.kwargs.pop('k', 1)
     exist_card = HandCardUtils.find_even_three(self.hand_card_status, k=k)
     if self.primary_item is not None:
         exist_card = list(
             filter(lambda x: x > self.primary_item, exist_card))
     if len(exist_card) == 0:
         logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
         return None, None, None
     rnd = random.randint(0, len(exist_card) - 1)
     one_card = exist_card[rnd]
     exist_card = [one_card - ix for ix in reversed(range(k))]
     remain_card = self.__flat_card(self.hand_card_status, exist_card)
     if len(remain_card) < k:
         logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
         return None, None, None
     other_card = sorted(random.sample(remain_card, k))
     score = HandCardUtils.value_map(exist_card[-1],
                                     3 * k + 2 * k)
     put_card = list(map(lambda x: [x] * 3, exist_card))
     put_card = np.reshape(put_card, (1, -1)).tolist()[0]
     other_card = list(map(lambda x: [x] * 2, other_card))
     other_card = np.reshape(other_card, (1, -1)).tolist()[0]
     return put_card, score, exist_card[-1]
예제 #2
 def run(self):
     qu_ja = [CardEnum.QU.value, CardEnum.JA.value]
     comm_bomb = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 4, enumerate(self.hand_card_status))))
     master_bomb = list(
             lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[0] in qu_ja and x[1] == 1,
     if self.primary_item:
         comm_bomb = list(filter(lambda x: x > self.primary_item,
     if len(comm_bomb) == 0 and len(master_bomb) < 2:
         logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
         return None, None, None
     rnd = random.randint(0, len(comm_bomb) - 1)
     one_card = comm_bomb[rnd]
     if one_card == 'master':
         put_card = qu_ja
         score = HandCardUtils.value_map(put_card[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB,
         return put_card, score, put_card[-1]
     put_card = [one_card] * 4
     score = HandCardUtils.value_map(put_card[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB, 4)
     return put_card, score, put_card[-1]
예제 #3
 def run(self):
     k = self.kwargs.pop('k', 5)
     exist_card = HandCardUtils.find_continues(self.hand_card_status, k=k)
     if self.primary_item is not None:
         exist_card = list(filter(lambda x:x > self.primary_item,exist_card))
     if len(exist_card) == 0:
         logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
         return None, None, None
     rnd = random.randint(0,len(exist_card)-1)
     one_card = exist_card[rnd]
     put_card = [one_card - ix for ix in reversed(range(k))]
     score = HandCardUtils.value_map(put_card[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_CONTINUE, k)
     return put_card, score, put_card[-1]
예제 #4
 def run(self):
     k = self.kwargs.pop('k', 1)
     exist_card = HandCardUtils.find_even_three(self.hand_card_status, k=k)
     if self.primary_item is not None:
         exist_card = list(filter(lambda x:x > self.primary_item,exist_card))
     if len(exist_card) == 0:
        logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
        return None, None, None
     rnd = random.randint(0,len(exist_card)-1)
     one_card = exist_card[rnd]
     exist_card = [one_card - ix for ix in reversed(range(k))]
     score = HandCardUtils.value_map(exist_card[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE, 6)
     put_card = list(map(lambda x:[x]*3, exist_card))
     put_card = np.reshape(put_card, (1, -1)).tolist()[0]
     return put_card, score, exist_card[-1]
예제 #5
 def __agent(self):
     # initialize three player
     lo = Player('player-01', role=PlayerRoleEnum.LAND_OWNER)
     ulo = Player('player-02', role=PlayerRoleEnum.UP_LAND_OWNER)
     llo = Player('player-03', role=PlayerRoleEnum.LOW_LAND_OWNER)
     lo_cards = lo.obtain_init_card()
     exclude_card = copy.deepcopy(lo_cards)
     ulo_cards = ulo.obtain_init_card(exclude_card=exclude_card)
     llo_cards = llo.obtain_init_card(exclude_card=exclude_card)
     lo_cards = list(map(lambda x: x[1], lo_cards))
     ulo_cards = list(map(lambda x: x[1], ulo_cards))
     llo_cards = list(map(lambda x: x[1], llo_cards))
     logger.info(f'Land owner cards: {lo_cards}')
     logger.info(f'Upper land owner cards: {ulo_cards}')
     logger.info(f'Lower land owner cards: {llo_cards}')
     lo_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(lo_cards)
     ulo_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(ulo_cards)
     llo_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(llo_cards)
     return lo_card_status, ulo_card_status, llo_card_status
예제 #6
def test_data():
    player = Player('agent', role=PlayerRoleEnum.LAND_OWNER)
    player_cards = player.obtain_init_card()
    player_cards = list(map(lambda x: x[1], player_cards))
    logger.info(f'player cards: {player_cards}')
    player_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(player_cards)
    desk_card_status = [0] * 18
    role_onehot = [1, 0, 0]
    state = []
    pre_put_cards = None
    return state, pre_put_cards
    def run(self):
        exist_card = list(
            map(lambda x: x[0],
                filter(lambda x: x[1] >= 1, enumerate(self.hand_card_status))))
        if self.primary_item is not None:
            exist_card = list(
                filter(lambda x: x > self.primary_item, exist_card))
        if len(exist_card) == 0:
            logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
            return None, None, None

        rnd = random.randint(0, len(exist_card) - 1)
        put_card = exist_card[rnd]
        score = HandCardUtils.value_map(put_card, CardTypeEnum.CT_ONE, 1)
        return [put_card], score, put_card
예제 #8
 def __preprocess(self, pre_put_cards, hand_card_status):
     env = Env(hand_card_status, hand_card_status, hand_card_status)
     pre_action, pre_primary_item = None, None
     if pre_put_cards:
         pre_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(
         for act in ALL_ACTIONS:
             is_valid, put_cards, pre_primary_item = env.check_action(
                 pre_card_status, act)
             if is_valid and \
                 np.sum(np.equal(pre_put_cards, put_cards)) == len(pre_put_cards):
                 pre_action = act
     available_actions, available_put_cards = self.__obtain_actions(
         env, hand_card_status, pre_action, pre_primary_item)
     return available_actions, available_put_cards
 def run(self):
     exist_card = list(map(lambda x:x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1] == 4, enumerate(self.hand_card_status)))) 
     if self.primary_item is not None:
         exist_card = list(filter(lambda x:x > self.primary_item,exist_card))
     if len(exist_card) == 0:
         logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
         return None, None, None
     rnd = random.randint(0,len(exist_card)-1)
     one_card = exist_card[rnd]
     remain_card = self.__flat_card(self.hand_card_status, [one_card])
     if len(remain_card) <= 1:
         logger.debug('Can not accept the card')
         return None, None, None
     other_card = sorted(random.sample(remain_card, 2))
     score = HandCardUtils.value_map(one_card, CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_ONE, 6)
     put_card = [one_card]*4
     return put_card, score, one_card