class MatplotlibPdfWrapper:
    ## create new matplotlib wrapper. This is a convinient class
    #  to create a pdf page with multiple pages.
    def __init__(self, filename = 'all.pdf' ):
        self._pdf = PdfPages( filename )
        self._helper = MatplotlibHelper()

    ## add a view to the existing pdf page
    #  @param json block of data that contains options.
    #  @param resources array of common.writable.*
    #  @return nothing, but mutates internal state
    def addView(self, json, resources):
        title = json['title'] if 'title' in json else ''
        type = json['plot'] if 'plot' in json else 'line'
        sources = json['source']
        days = json['days'] if 'days' in json else None
        width = json['width']/96.0 if 'width' in json else 20
        height = json['height']/96.0 if 'height' in json else 12 'plotting {0}'.format(title) )

        objects = []

        for key in sources:
            res = resources.selectOne(key)
            if key is None:
                log.error( 'attempting to plot resource {0}, but no such resource exists'.format(key) )
            elif isinstance( res, FullBalance ):
                objects.append( (key, res.value) )
                log.error( 'attempting to plot resource {0}, but is of unsupported type {1}'
                           .format( key, res.__class__.__name__ ) )

        if len(objects) == 0:
            log.error( 'skipping plot titled {0} because there are no objects to plot...'.format( title ) )

        ret = self._helper.plot( type, objects, days )
        if ret is None:
            log.error( 'unknown plot type {0}'.format(type) )
        fig, ax = ret

        if len(title):
            ax.set_title(title, fontsize=18)
        self._pdf.savefig( bbox_inches='tight', dpi=160 )

    ## save and close the plot.
    #  implementation must call this function, or a memory leak will occur.
    def finalize(self):
 def __init__(self, filename = 'all.pdf' ):
     self._pdf = PdfPages( filename )
     self._helper = MatplotlibHelper()
 def __init__(self, extension, filename ):
     self._ext = extension
     self._filename = filename
     self._helper = MatplotlibHelper()