def setup_db(): initCFG('server.satellite') db_backend = CFG.DB_BACKEND db_host = CFG.DB_HOST db_port = CFG.DB_PORT db_user = CFG.DB_user db_password = CFG.DB_PASSWORD database = CFG.DB_NAME rhnSQL.initDB(backend=db_backend, host=db_host, port=db_port, username=db_user, password=db_password, database=database)
def db_init(): """initializes the db connection""" #global access - not a good idea but that'll have to do for now. global rhnSQL global rhnChannel global rhnConfig global satver import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/rhn/') #TODO: replace this by a file read test #TODO: use the taskomatic module instead to do the db operation try: #import server.repomd.repository as repository import server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL except ImportError: # this changed for 5.5 import spacewalk.server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import spacewalk.common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import spacewalk.server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL rhnConfig.initCFG("web") rhnSQL.initDB() satver = rhnConfig.CFG.VERSION
def db_init(): """initializes the db connection""" #global access - not a good idea but that'll have to do for now. global rhnSQL; global rhnChannel; global rhnConfig; global satver; import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/rhn/') #TODO: replace this by a file read test #TODO: use the taskomatic module instead to do the db operation try: #import server.repomd.repository as repository import server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL except ImportError: # this changed for 5.5 import spacewalk.server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import spacewalk.common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import spacewalk.server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL rhnConfig.initCFG("web") rhnSQL.initDB() satver = rhnConfig.CFG.VERSION
def regen_channel_db(key,channels=(), clean_db=False): """Inserts into the database the taskomatic jobs. requires to be run on the satellite or import will fail""" global satver; import sys sys.path.append('/usr/share/rhn/') #TODO: replace this by a file read test #TODO: use the taskomatic module instead to do the db operation try: #import server.repomd.repository as repository import server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL except ImportError: # this changed for 5.5 import spacewalk.server.rhnChannel as rhnChannel import spacewalk.common.rhnConfig as rhnConfig import spacewalk.server.rhnSQL as rhnSQL rhnConfig.initCFG() rhnSQL.initDB() try: backend = rhnConfig.CFG.DB_BACKEND except: backend = 'oracle' if clean_db: h = rhnSQL.prepare("DELETE FROM rhnRepoRegenQueue") h.execute() rhnSQL.commit(); #this part should only run on 5.4.0 versions (it will fail on others) #only execute g if need to be cleaned and on 5.4.0 minimum g = rhnSQL.prepare("DELETE FROM rhnPackageRepodata WHERE package_id IN (SELECT a.package_id FROM rhnChannelPackage a, rhnChannel b WHERE a.channel_id = AND b.label like :channel)") #this should choose the sql to use between either postgresql or oracle. problem is the way to use sequences changes from one another if backend != 'postgresql': h = rhnSQL.prepare("INSERT INTO rhnRepoRegenQueue (id, CHANNEL_LABEL, REASON, BYPASS_FILTERS, FORCE) VALUES (rhn_repo_regen_queue_id_seq.nextval, :channel , 'repodata regeneration script','Y', 'Y')") else: h = rhnSQL.prepare("INSERT INTO rhnRepoRegenQueue (id, CHANNEL_LABEL, REASON, BYPASS_FILTERS, FORCE) VALUES (nextval('rhn_repo_regen_queue_id_seq'), :channel , 'repodata regeneration script','Y', 'Y')") if satver in ('5.4.0','5.4.1', '5.5.0', '5.6.0'): #this is a satellite of at least version 5.4.0, 5.5.0 or 5.6.0 for label in channels: if clean_db: g.execute(channel=label) status = "channel "+label+" has been queued for regeneration, previous repodata were cleaned from the database" else: status = "channel "+label+" has been queued for regeneration" h.execute(channel=label) print status elif satver in ('5.3.0', None): #satellite 5.3.0 and older for label in channels: h.execute(channel=label) print "channel "+label+" has been queued for regeneration" else: #satellite after 5.6.0 #default action : use the api instead. this should be hit when satellite 5.x isn't tested and on test it should have its own version added to either the first function or a new function be created. for label in channels: regen_channel(key,True,label) print "channel "+label+" has been queued for regeneration" rhnSQL.commit(); #now clean the needed cache to make sure all systems see their updates properly try: print "The needed cache has been regenerated for all systems" except: sys.stderr.write("an exception occured durring the regenerateNeededCache call!") raise pass
#!/usr/bin/python import sys from xmlrpclib import Server sys.path.append('/usr/share/rhn') try: from common.rhnConfig import initCFG, CFG except: print "Couldn't load needed libs, Are you sure you are running this on a satellite?" sys.exit(1) initCFG() user = '******' passw = CFG.SESSION_SECRET_1 c = Server('http://localhost/rpc/api') print("Satellite auth.checkAuthToken (should be 1): ") print( c.auth.checkAuthToken(user, passw)) print("Trying cobbler login (should be a random token): ") c = Server('http://localhost/cobbler_api') print(c.login(user, passw))