def __init__(self): # コンストラクタ self.model = Sequential() self.layout = self.Layout() self.layer = None # 層が追加されているか判定するための変数
def nn(x, t, batch_size, epochs, feature=None, validation=None): """ 簡単なニューラルネットワークのモデルを作成する関数 Parameters ---------- x : ndarray 学習用データ t : ndarray 教師データ batch_size : int バッチサイズ eopchs : int エポック数 feature : int Feature Scalingの選択 """ #------------------------------- # DataFeature #------------------------------- if feature != None: x = Datafeature(x, feature) t = Datafeature(t, feature) #------------------------------- # Validation #------------------------------- if validation != None: # バリデーションが最初からセットされているとき x_val = validation[0] t_val = validation[1] else: x = __shuffle__(x) t = __shuffle__(t) x_val, x = __sorting__(x, 100) t_val, t = __sorting__(t, 100) # 学習曲線を可視化するコールバックを用意する higher_better_metrics = ['r2'] visualize_cb = LearningVisualizationCallback(higher_better_metrics) callbacks = [ visualize_cb, ] model = Sequential() model.add(Input(input_shape=x.shape[1])) model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) #model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation='softmax')) #model.compile(loss='cross_entropy_error') model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation = 'liner')) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', metrics = ['r2', 'rsme']), t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=validation) history =, t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=(x_val, t_val), callbacks=callbacks) # lossグラフ loss = history['loss_ave'] val_loss = history['val_loss'] nb_epoch = len(loss) plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), loss, marker = '.', label = 'loss') plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), val_loss, marker='.', label='val_loss') plt.legend(loc = 'best', fontsize = 10) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('loss')
class NeuralNet_APP: def __init__(self): # コンストラクタ self.model = Sequential() self.layout = self.Layout() self.layer = None # 層が追加されているか判定するための変数 #self.main() """ ---------------------- NetWork ---------------------- """ def LayerAdd_click(self, layerName, Node, weight=None, bias=None, activation=None): """ NetWorkにレイヤを追加していく関数 """ Node = int(Node) if layerName == 'input': self.model.add(Input(input_shape=Node)) elif layerName == 'Dense': self.model.add(Dense(Node, activation, weight, bias)) print(layerName + ':' + str(Node)) return layerName def NetMake_click(self, loss, optimizer, metrics): """ NetWorkに損失関数、評価関数、最適化アルゴリズムをセットし、 モデルを構築する関数 """ metrics = [metrics] self.model.compile(loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics) print('コンパイル完了') def Training_click(self, orgPath, batch_size, epochs, feature=None, valPath=None): orgLrn_Path = orgPath[0] orgTrg_Path = orgPath[1] #--------------- # 型変換 #--------------- if batch_size != int: batch_size = int(batch_size) if epochs != int: epochs = int(epochs) #--------------------- # データの読み込み #--------------------- x = dataLoad(orgLrn_Path, float) t = dataLoad(orgTrg_Path, float) #------------------------------- # DataFeature #------------------------------- if feature != None: x = Datafeature(x, feature) t = Datafeature(t, feature) #----------------------------- # Validationデータの読み込み #----------------------------- if valPath != None: valRLN_Path = valPath[0] valTrg_Path = valPath[1] x_val = dataLoad(valRLN_Path, float) t_val = dataLoad(valTrg_Path, float) #------------------------------- # DataFeature #------------------------------- if feature != None: x_val = Datafeature(x_val, feature) t_val = Datafeature(t_val, feature) validation = (x_val, t_val) else: validation = None # 学習曲線を可視化するコールバックを用意する higher_better_metrics = ['r2'] visualize_cb = LearningVisualizationCallback(higher_better_metrics) callbacks = [ visualize_cb, ], t=t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=validation, callbacks=callbacks) def Test_click(self, tstDataPath, feature): tstLrn_Path = tstDataPath[0] tstTrg_Path = tstDataPath[1] #--------------------- # データの読み込み #--------------------- x = dataLoad(tstLrn_Path, float) t = dataLoad(tstTrg_Path, float) #------------------------------- # DataFeature #------------------------------- if feature != None: x = Datafeature(x, feature) t = Datafeature(t, feature) self.model.evaluate(x, t) def FlowChartPrint_click(self): xmin = -8 xmax = 8 ymin = 0 ymax = 25 dh = 0.7 # 行ごとの高さ A = [] B = [] for i in range(0, int(ymax//dh)+1): s = '{0:.1f}'.format(dh*i) A += [float(s)] B += [i] fig = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(111) ax1 = plt.gca() ax1.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax1.set_ylim([ymax, ymin]) aspect = (abs(ymax-ymin))/(abs(xmax-xmin))*abs(ax1.get_xlim() [1] - ax1.get_xlim()[0]) / abs(ax1.get_ylim()[1] - ax1.get_ylim()[0]) ax1.set_aspect(aspect) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=6) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(dh)) plt.yticks(A, B) plt.grid(which='both', lw=0.3, color='#cccccc', linestyle='-') # Store texts in list a = [] ax = [] ay = [] i = 0 iis = 3 ii = iis+1 wx = 10 row = 1 llw = 0.5 fsize = 5 # fontsize title = 'model' # Draw title xs = 0 ys = iis*dh-1.0*dh plt.text(xs, ys, title, rotation=0, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fsize, fontweight='bold') for key in self.model.sequential.keys(): a = a+[key] # Store coordinats of texts in list ii += 1 ys = ii*dh xs = 0 ax = ax+[xs] ay = ay+[ys+0.5*dh] # Store coordinates of tbox shapes in list xs = -0.5*wx xe = 0.5*wx ye = ys + row*dh # 行間 # Draw box poly = Polygon( [(xs, ys), (xe, ys), (xe, ye), (xs, ye)], # 左回りでプロット facecolor='#dddddd', edgecolor='#000000', lw=llw ) ax1.add_patch(poly) # Draw text if ax[i] == 0: plt.text(ax[i], ay[i], a[i], rotation=0, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fsize) else: plt.text(ax[i], ay[i], a[i], rotation=0, ha='left', va='center', fontsize=fsize) # Draw line ii += 1 lx = [0, 0] ly = [ii*dh, (ii+1)*dh] plt.plot(lx, ly, 'k-', lw=0.5) i += 1 def Flow_click(self, flow_data): y = self.model.flow(flow_data) return y """ ---------------------- DataMake ---------------------- """ def DataMake_click(self, importDirPath, outputDirPath, org_FileName, lrn_FileName, tst_FileName, digit): """ Originalデータを学習用データと正解ラベルに分ける関数 """ org_FileName = __filePath__(importDirPath, org_FileName) lrn_FileName = __filePath__(outputDirPath, lrn_FileName) tst_FileName = __filePath__(outputDirPath, tst_FileName) DataConv(org_FileName, lrn_FileName, col_range_end=2, digit=digit) DataConv(org_FileName, tst_FileName, col_range_first=3, col_range_end=6, digit=digit) """ ---------------------- GUI Layout ---------------------- """ def Layout(self): # ----- Column Definition ----- # Dir = [ [sg.Text('Import Dir')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FolderBrowse(key='-importDirPath-')], [sg.Text('Output Dir')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FolderBrowse(key='-outputDirPath-')], [sg.Button('DataMake', key='-DataMake-')], ] convfunc = [ [sg.Text('OrigiData')], [sg.InputText('data.csv', size=(13, 1), key='-orgDataFileName-')], [sg.Text('LearnData')], [sg.InputText('learn.csv', size=(13, 1), key='-lrnDataFileName-')], [sg.Text('TestData'), sg.Text('小数点以下の桁数')], [sg.InputText('test.csv', size=(13, 1), key='-tstDataFileName-'), sg.InputText('2', size=(5, 1), key='-Digit-')], ] dataConv = [ [sg.Column(Dir), sg.Column(convfunc)], ] NetMake = [ [sg.Text('層の種類 '), sg.Text('ユニット数')], [sg.InputCombo(('input', 'Dense'), size=(15, 1), key='-LayerName-'), sg.InputText('50', size=(5, 1), key='-Node-')], [sg.Text('重みの初期値')], [sg.InputCombo(('He', 'Xavier',), size=( 15, 1), key='-weightInit-')], [sg.Text('閾値の初期値')], [sg.InputCombo(('ZEROS',), size=(15, 1), key='-biasInit-')], [sg.Text('活性化関数')], [sg.InputCombo(('relu', 'sigmoid', 'liner'), size=(15, 1), key='-activation-'), sg.Button('add', key='-LayerAdd-')], [sg.Text('損失関数')], [sg.InputCombo(('mean_squared_error',), size=(20, 1), key='-loss-')], [sg.Text('最適化')], [sg.InputCombo(('sgd', 'momentum_sgd', 'nag', 'ada_grad', 'rmsprop', 'ada_delta', 'adam',), size=(20, 1), key='-optimizer-')], [sg.Text('評価関数')], [sg.InputCombo(('r2', 'rmse'), size=(15, 1), key='-metrics-'), sg.Button('NetMake', key='-NetMake-')], ] FlowChartPrint = [ [sg.Button('FlowChart', key='-FlowChartPrint-')], ] NuralNet = [ [sg.Text('学習用データ')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FileBrowse(key='-orgLRN-')], [sg.Text('学習用ラベル')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FileBrowse(key='-orgTrg-')], [sg.Text('Validation用データ')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FileBrowse(key='-valRLN-')], [sg.Text('Validation用ラベル')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FileBrowse(key='-valTrg-')], [sg.Radio('標準化', 'feature', size=(10, 1), key='-feature_0-'), sg.Radio('正規化', 'feature', size=(10, 1), key='-feature_1-'), sg.Radio('両方', 'feature', size=(10, 1), key='-feature_2-')], [sg.Text('Batch Size'), sg.Text('epochs')], [sg.InputText('128', size=(10, 1), key='-Batch-'), sg.InputText('100', size=(10, 1), key='-epochs-'), sg.Button('Training', key='-TrainingRUN-')], ] NetEvaluate = [ [sg.Text('テスト用データ')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FileBrowse(key='-tstRLN-')], [sg.Text('テスト用ラベル')], [sg.Input(size=(30, 1)), sg.FileBrowse(key='-tstTrg-'), sg.Button('Test', key='-TestRUN-')], ] layout = [ [sg.Frame('NetMake', NetMake), sg.Frame('NuralNet', NuralNet), sg.Column(FlowChartPrint)], [sg.Frame('DataConv', dataConv)], [sg.Quit()], ] return layout """ ---------------------- GUI EVENT ---------------------- """ def Event(self, event, values): print(event, values) #InLayer = None # 層が追加されているか判定するための変数 #--------------------------------- # DataMake_click #--------------------------------- if event == '-DataMake-': self.DataMake_click(importDirPath=values['-importDirPath-'], outputDirPath=values['-outputDirPath-'], org_FileName=values['-orgDataFileName-'], lrn_FileName=values['-lrnDataFileName-'], tst_FileName=values['-tstDataFileName-'], digit=values['-Digit-']) #--------------------------------- # Networkの層を追加する。 #--------------------------------- elif event == '-LayerAdd-': self.layer = self.LayerAdd_click(layerName=values['-LayerName-'], Node=values['-Node-'], weight=values['-weightInit-'], bias=values['-biasInit-'], activation=values['-activation-']) elif event == '-NetMake-': if self.layer is None or self.layer in 'input': print('層もしくは隠れ層がセットされていません。') return self.NetMake_click(values['-loss-'], values['-optimizer-'], values['-metrics-']) #NetMake_click(values['-loss-']) #---------------------------- # Trainig_click #---------------------------- elif event == '-TrainingRUN-': if self.layer is None or self.layer in 'input': print('層もしくは隠れ層がセットされていません。') return #---------------------------- # ラジオボタンの条件分岐 #---------------------------- if values['-feature_0-'] is True: feature = 0 elif values['-feature_1-'] is True: feature = 1 elif values['-feature_2-'] is True: feature = 2 else: feature = None #---------------------------- # Validationの条件分岐 #---------------------------- if (values['-valRLN-'] != '' and values['-valTrg-'] != ''): val = (values['-valRLN-'], values['-valTrg-']) else: val = None self.Training_click((values['-orgLRN-'], values['-orgTrg-']), values['-Batch-'], values['-epochs-'], feature, val) elif event == '-FlowChartPrint-': self.FlowChartPrint_click() def main(self): return sg.Window('NeuralNet', self.layout, default_element_size=(40, 1))
sg.FileBrowse(key='-tstTrg-'), sg.Button('Test', key='-TestRUN-')], ] layout = [ [sg.Frame('NetMake', NetMake), sg.Frame('NuralNet', NuralNet), ], [sg.Frame('DataConv', dataConv)], [sg.Quit()], ] window = sg.Window('NeuralNet', layout, default_element_size=(40, 1)) # コンストラクタ model = Sequential() while True: event, values = window.Read(timeout=10) if event is None or event == 'Quit': break #--------------------------------- # DataMake_click #--------------------------------- if event is '-DataMake-': DataMake_click(importDirPath=values['-importDirPath-'], outputDirPath=values['-outputDirPath-'], org_FileName=values['-orgDataFileName-'], lrn_FileName=values['-lrnDataFileName-'], tst_FileName=values['-tstDataFileName-'], digit=values['-Digit-'])
def nn(x, t, batch_size, epochs, feature=None, validation=None): """ 簡単なニューラルネットワークのモデルを作成する関数 Parameters ---------- x : ndarray 学習用データ t : ndarray 教師データ batch_size : int バッチサイズ eopchs : int エポック数 feature : int Feature Scalingの選択 """ data = {} data['x'] = x data['t'] = t # データの仕分け #data['x'], data['t'], data['val'] = __sorting__(x) # データの前処理 for i in data.keys(): data[i] = __feature__(data[i], feature) # 標準化と正規化 data[i] = __shuffle__(data[i], 0) # データシャッフル # データのシャッフル #x, t = __shuffle__(x, t, 0) #data['x'], data['t'] = __shuffle__(data['x'], data['t'], 0) model = Sequential() model.add(Input(input_shape=x.shape[1])) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) #model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation='softmax')) #model.compile(loss='cross_entropy_error') model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation='liner')) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error'), t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=validation) history =['x'], data['t'], batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=validation) # lossグラフ loss = history['loss_ave'] val_loss = history['val_loss'] nb_epoch = len(loss) plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), loss, marker='.', label='loss') plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), val_loss, marker='.', label='val_loss') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=10) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('loss')
def __init__(self): # コンストラクタ self.model = Sequential() self.main()
def nn(x, t, batch_size, epochs, feature=None, validation=None): """ 簡単なニューラルネットワークのモデルを作成する関数 Parameters ---------- x : ndarray 学習用データ t : ndarray 教師データ batch_size : int バッチサイズ eopchs : int エポック数 feature : int Feature Scalingの選択 """ model = Sequential() model.add(Input(input_shape=x.shape[1])) model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) #model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation='softmax')) #model.compile(loss='cross_entropy_error') model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation='liner')) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error'), t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=validation) history =, t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation=validation) # lossグラフ loss = history['loss_ave'] val_loss = history['val_loss'] train_acc = history['train_acc'] nb_epoch = len(loss) plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), loss, marker='.', label='loss') plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), val_loss, marker='.', label='val_loss') plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), train_acc, marker='.', label='train_acc') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=10) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('loss')
def nn(x, t, batch_size, epochs, feature): """ 簡単なニューラルネットワークのモデルを作成する関数 Parameters ---------- x : ndarray 学習用データ t : ndarray 教師データ batch_size : int バッチサイズ eopchs : int エポック数 feature : int Feature Scalingの選択 """ # 標準化 if (feature == 0 or feature == 2): x = data_std(x) t = data_std(t) if (feature == 1 or feature == 2): x = data_nom(x) t = data_nom(t) model = Sequential() model.add(Input(input_shape=x.shape[1])) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) #model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu', weight_initializer='relu')) model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) model.add(Dense(50, activation='sigmoid', weight_initializer='sigmoid')) model.add(Dense(t.shape[1], activation='liner')) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error') history =, t, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs) # lossグラフ loss = history['loss_ave'] nb_epoch = len(loss) plt.plot(range(nb_epoch), loss, marker='.', label='loss') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=10) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('loss')