def callback(ch, method, properties, body): data = json.loads(body) # We need: # - name: name of the current sheet # - partials: file names of the additional MEI files (including extension) (list). # These "partial" MEIs need to be in the "whole" folder of the sheet already, just like the skeleton.mei sheet_name = data['name'] partial_file_names = data['partials'] # Get sheet id (for status queue) sheet_id = str(db[cfg.col_sheet].find_one({"name": sheet_name})["_id"]) whole_dir = fsm.get_sheet_whole_directory(sheet_name) skeleton_path = whole_dir / 'aligned.mei' partial_paths = [whole_dir / partial for partial in partial_file_names] # skeleton always has 1 section which just contains the measures and some additional tags skeleton_document = xml.parse(str(skeleton_path)).documentElement skeleton_section = skeleton_document.getElementsByTagName("section")[0] skeleton_section_xml = tt.purge_non_element_nodes(skeleton_section).toxml() partial_sections_xml = [] for partial_path in partial_paths: if partial_path.is_file(): partial = xml.parse(str(partial_path)) # We have to extract the measures and put them under a "fake" section root to get a similar structure as the skeleton partial = tt.replace_child_nodes( tt.create_element_node("section"), partial.getElementsByTagName("measure")) partial = tt.purge_non_element_nodes(partial) partial_sections_xml.append(partial.toxml()) # Perform the alignments and node picking aligned_trees = ta.align_trees_multiple([skeleton_section_xml] + partial_sections_xml) final_section_tree, _ = ta.build_consensus_tree( aligned_trees, consensus_method=ta.consensus_bnd_enrich_skeleton) # The final tree only aligned the section with measures, so we need to put the contents of that section back now tt.replace_child_nodes(skeleton_section, final_section_tree.childNodes) # Write the final tree to a file with open(whole_dir / 'aligned.mei', 'w') as aligned_mei_file: # We also purge everything that is not an element, to keep the tree clean and easily output a prettified XML file aligned_mei_file.write( tt.purge_non_element_nodes(skeleton_document).toprettyxml()) # Update status status_update_msg = { '_id': sheet_id, 'module': 'aligner', 'status': 'complete', 'name': sheet_name } global channel channel.queue_declare(queue=cfg.mq_omr_planner_status) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key=cfg.mq_omr_planner_status, body=json.dumps(status_update_msg))
def populate_payload_xml(score, tree, task): task_type_name = task["type"] task_step_name = task["step"] measures = tree.getElementsByTagName("measure") first_measure_index = measures[0].getAttribute("n") # Scoredefs if task_type_name == "0_fix_scoredef" and scoredef_chance > rnd.random(): node = tt.create_element_node( "scoreDef", { "key.sig": rnd.choice(key_sigs), "key.mode": rnd.choice(key_modes), "crmp_id": str(uuid.uuid4()) }) print( f" Putting scoreDef {node.toxml()} before measure n={first_measure_index}" ) tree.insertBefore(node, measures[0]).parentNode # Clef detection elif task_type_name == "1_detect_clefs" and task_step_name == "edit" and clef_chance > rnd.random( ): node = tt.create_element_node("clef", {"shape": "G", "line": "2"}) staff = tree.getElementsByTagName("staff")[0] first_staff_index = staff.getAttribute('n') print( f" Putting clef {node.toxml()} in measure n={first_measure_index}, staff n={first_staff_index}" ) for layer in staff.getElementsByTagName("layer"): layer.appendChild(node.cloneNode(deep=True)) break # Note editing elif task_type_name == "2_add_notes" and task_step_name == "edit": staff = tree.getElementsByTagName("staff")[0] staff_index = staff.getAttribute('n') for layer in staff.getElementsByTagName("layer"): for i in [_ for _ in range(4) if note_chance > rnd.random()]: note_attr = { "dur": rnd.choice(note_dur), "oct": rnd.choice(note_oct), "pname": rnd.choice(note_pname) } node = tt.create_element_node("note", note_attr) print( f" Putting note {node.toxml()} in measure n={first_measure_index}, staff n={staff_index}" ) layer.appendChild(node.cloneNode(deep=True)) return tt.purge_non_element_nodes(tree).toxml()
def to_db_dict(self): """ Get a dictionary representation of the object for storage in the database. """ measures = [] for measure in self.measures: staffs = [staff._asdict() for staff in measure.staffs] measures.append( Measure(staffs, measure.index, measure.xml, measure.context, measure.score_def_before_measure)._asdict()) return { "name":, "measures": measures, "context": tt.purge_non_element_nodes(self.context).toprettyxml() }
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): data = json.loads(body) sheet_name = data['name'] task_id = data['task_id'] client = MongoClient(cfg.mongodb_address.ip, cfg.mongodb_address.port) db = client[cfg.db_name] # Get MEI file and measures mei_path = fsm.get_sheet_whole_directory(sheet_name) / "aligned.mei" mei_xml_tree = xml.parse(str(mei_path)) # mei_measures = mei_xml.getElementsByTagName("measure") # Obtain corresponding task and slice task = db[cfg.col_task].find_one({"_id": ObjectId(task_id)}) # measure_staff_slice = db[cfg.col_slice].find_one({"_id" : ObjectId(task["slice_id"])}) # slice_measures = mei_measures[measure_staff_slice["start"]: measure_staff_slice["end"]] # Get aggregated XML aggregated_result = db[cfg.col_aggregated_result].find_one({ "task_id": task_id, "step": task["step"] }) if aggregated_result: aggregated_xml = aggregated_result["result"] # Temporary solution: give the slice somewhat more context by inserting only the header of the previous measure into it tree = xml.parseString(aggregated_xml).documentElement index = int(tree.getElementsByTagName("measure")[0].getAttribute( "n")) - 1 # n-index is shifted up by 1 if index > 0: measure = mei_xml_tree.getElementsByTagName("measure")[ index - 1].cloneNode(deep=True) # get the previous measure measure.childNodes = [] tree.insertBefore(measure, tree.childNodes[0]) aggregated_xml = tree.toxml() # Perform combination with original MEI via tree aligner mei_section = mei_xml_tree.getElementsByTagName("section")[0] mei_section_xml = mei_section.toxml() aligned_trees = ta.align_trees_multiple( [mei_section_xml, aggregated_xml], distance_function=ta.node_distance_anchored) final_section_tree, _ = ta.build_consensus_tree( aligned_trees, consensus_method=ta.consensus_bnd_override_inner) tt.replace_child_nodes(mei_section, final_section_tree.childNodes) # Write MEI file with open(str(mei_path), 'w') as mei_file: mei_file.write( tt.purge_non_element_nodes( mei_xml_tree.documentElement).toprettyxml()) status_update_msg = { '_id': task_id, 'module': 'score_rebuilder', 'status': 'complete' } else: print( f"Aggregated result for task with id {task_id} at step {task['step']} did not exist!" ) status_update_msg = { '_id': task_id, 'module': 'score_rebuilder', 'status': 'failed' } global channel channel.queue_declare(queue=cfg.mq_task_scheduler_status) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key=cfg.mq_task_scheduler_status, body=json.dumps(status_update_msg))
def align_trees_multiple(trees, distance_function=node_distance, gap_penalty=GAP_PENALTY, verbose=False): # If we just have one tree, don't do anything fancy and just return that one if len(trees) == 1: return [tt.purge_non_element_nodes(xml.parseString(trees[0]))] # Create all distinct xml pairs pairs = {} for i in range(len(trees)): for j in range(i + 1, len(trees)): a = tt.purge_non_element_nodes(xml.parseString(trees[i])) b = tt.purge_non_element_nodes(xml.parseString(trees[j])) pairs[(i, j)] = (a, b) # Perform pairwise alignments distances = np.full((len(trees), len(trees)), np.inf) for i, j in pairs: a, b = pairs[i, j] distances[i, j] = align_trees_pairwise( a, b, distance_function=distance_function, gap_penalty=gap_penalty) distance_bins = [0] * len(trees) for i, j in pairs: distance_bins[i] += distances[i, j] distance_bins[j] += distances[i, j] # Tree with the smallest overall distance will be a good candidate main_tree_index = np.argmin(distance_bins) # Use the pairwise alignments with a heuristic to come up with a multiple alignment solution mas = [] candidate_pairs = sorted([(i, j) for i, j in pairs if main_tree_index in (i, j)], key=lambda t: distances[t[0], t[1]]) closest_pair_index = candidate_pairs[0] closest_pair = pairs[closest_pair_index] mas.append(closest_pair[closest_pair_index.index( main_tree_index)]) # The closest tree mas.append(closest_pair[not closest_pair_index.index(main_tree_index)] ) # The "other" tree for pair_index in candidate_pairs[1:]: pair = pairs[pair_index] main_tree = pair[pair_index.index(main_tree_index)] cand_tree = pair[not pair_index.index(main_tree_index)] if verbose: print(f"ITERATION {candidate_pairs.index(pair_index)}:") print("===MAIN:") print(main_tree.toprettyxml()) print("===CAND:") print(cand_tree.toprettyxml()) print() # Copy the gaps for tree in mas: copy_gaps(main_tree, tree) mas.append(cand_tree) if verbose: print("===RESULT SO FAR:") for tree in mas: print(tree.toprettyxml()) print("============") print() print() print() print("------------------------------------------------") if verbose: print("===FINAL RESULTS:") for index, tree in enumerate(mas): print(f"TREE AT INDEX {index}:") print(tree.toprettyxml()) print("============") return mas
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): data = json.loads(body) sheet_name = data['name'] post_processing_steps = data["steps"] task_id = data['task_id'] # Get MEI file mei_path = fsm.get_sheet_whole_directory(sheet_name) / "aligned.mei" mei_xml_tree = tt.purge_non_element_nodes(xml.parse(str(mei_path))) mei_section = mei_xml_tree.getElementsByTagName("section")[0] if "clef" in post_processing_steps: print(f"Performing clef post-processing for sheet {sheet_name}") for layer in mei_xml_tree.getElementsByTagName("layer"): element = layer.firstChild if element != None and element.tagName=="clef": staff = layer.parentNode measure = staff.parentNode clef_line = element.getAttribute("line") clef_shape = element.getAttribute("shape") layer.removeChild(element) prev = measure.previousSibling scoreDef = None while prev: if prev.tagName == "measure": break if prev.tagName == "scoreDef": scoreDef = prev break prev = prev.previousSibling # TODO: actually generalize this code if not scoreDef: scoreDef = tt.create_element_node("scoreDef") mei_section.insertBefore(scoreDef, measure) staffGrp = tt.first_or_none(scoreDef, "staffGrp") if not staffGrp: staffGrp = tt.create_element_node("staffGrp") scoreDef.appendChild(staffGrp) staffDef = tt.first_or_none(staffGrp, "staffDef", lambda e: e.getAttribute("n") == staff.getAttribute("n")) if not staffDef: staffDef = tt.create_element_node("staffDef", {"n": staff.getAttribute("n")}) staffGrp.appendChild(staffDef) staffDef.setAttribute("clef.line", clef_line) staffDef.setAttribute("clef.shape", clef_shape) # Write MEI file if there were changes if post_processing_steps: with open(str(mei_path), 'w') as mei_file: mei_file.write(tt.purge_non_element_nodes(mei_xml_tree.documentElement).toprettyxml()) status_update_msg = { '_id': task_id, 'module': 'post_processing', 'status': 'complete' } global channel channel.queue_declare(queue=cfg.mq_task_scheduler_status) channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key=cfg.mq_task_scheduler_status, body=json.dumps(status_update_msg))