def test_get_sorted_responses(self):
        expected = [[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                    [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]

        responses = utils.get_sorted_responses(

        assert expected == responses
예제 #2
def calculate_weighted_scores(param):
    A function to get the weighted score of each student:
    For each student, it gets the weight of every item
    they got correct by getting its difficulty and dividing
    it by the sum of all items' difficulties.

    :param: a json in the Reliabilty Measures
            standard json format
    :return: a dictionary of floats: a dictionary with
             student ids as keys and their weighted score 
             as values
    service_key = get_service_config(7)
    catch_error = get_error(param)
    if catch_error[0]:
        return {service_key: catch_error[1]}
    inp = update_input(param)
    student_ids = get_student_ids(inp)
    sorted_resp = get_sorted_responses(inp)
    scoring_method = get_scoring_method(inp)
    num_items = len(sorted_resp[0])
    difficulty_list = list(
    difficulty_sum = sum(difficulty_list)
    weighted_scores_dict = {}

    for curr_id in student_ids:
        weighted_scores_dict[curr_id] = None

    j = 0
    for i in weighted_scores_dict:
        weighted = 0
        for k in range(0, num_items):
            if sorted_resp[j][k] == 1:
                weighted += difficulty_list[k]
        weighted /= difficulty_sum
        if scoring_method[0] == get_keyword_value("percentage"):
            weighted = round(weighted * 100, 3)
        elif scoring_method[0] == get_keyword_value("absolute"):
            weighted = round(weighted * num_items, 3)
        elif scoring_method[0] == get_keyword_value("scaled"):
            weighted = round(weighted * scoring_method[1], 3)
            weighted = round(weighted, 3)
        weighted_scores_dict[i] = weighted
        j += 1

    return {service_key: weighted_scores_dict}
예제 #3
def calculate_scores(param):
    A function to get the score of each student:
    For each student, it gets the number of correct
    responses and divides it by the number of questions.

    :param: a json in the Reliability Measures
            standard json format
    :return: a dictionary of floats: a dictionary with
             student ids as keys and their score as values
    service_key = get_service_config(4)
    catch_error = get_error(param)
    if catch_error[0]:
        return {service_key: catch_error[1]}
    inp = update_input(param)
    sorted_resp = get_sorted_responses(inp)
    student_ids = get_student_ids(inp)
    scoring_method = get_scoring_method(inp)
    num_items = len(sorted_resp[0])
    score_dict = {}

    for curr_id in student_ids:
        score_dict[curr_id] = None

    k = 0
    for i in score_dict:
        num_right = sum(sorted_resp[k])
        score = num_right / num_items
        if scoring_method[0] == get_keyword_value("percentage"):
            score = round(score * 100, 3)
        elif scoring_method[0] == get_keyword_value("absolute"):
            score = round(score * num_items, 3)
        elif scoring_method[0] == get_keyword_value("scaled"):
            score = round(score * scoring_method[1], 3)
            score = round(score, 3)
        score_dict[i] = score
        k += 1

    return {service_key: score_dict}
예제 #4
def calculate_kr20(param):
    A function to get the kr20 value of an exam:
    First it get the number of items divided by the
    number of items - 1. Then it multiplies that by 
    1 - the summation of the product of the 
    proportion of those who got an item right by the
    proportion of those who got it wrong divided by the
    variance of the students' scores.

    :param: a json in the Reliabilty Measures
            standard json format
    :return: a float: the kr20
    service_key = get_service_config(1)
    catch_error = get_error(param)
    if catch_error[0]:
        return {service_key: catch_error[1]}
    inp = update_input(param)
    sorted_resp = get_sorted_responses(inp)
    num_students = len(sorted_resp)
    num_items = len (sorted_resp[0])
    pq_list = []
    score_std = get_score_std(inp)

    if score_std <= 0:
        return {service_key: get_keyword_value("bad_std")}

    for i in range(0, num_items):
        p = 0
        for k in range(0, num_students):
            p += sorted_resp[k][i]
        p /= num_students
        q = 1 - p
        pq_list.append(p * q)
    pq_sum = sum(pq_list)

    kr20_value = (num_items /(num_items - 1)) * (1 - (pq_sum / (score_std ** 2)))
    kr20_value = round(kr20_value, 3)

    return {service_key: kr20_value}
예제 #5
def calculate_difficulty(param):
    A function to get the difficulty of 
    each item on the exam:
    It calculates how many students got an
    item correct, and then divides it by
    the total number of students.

    :param: a json in the Reliabilty Measures
            standard json format
    :return: a dictionary of floats: a dictionary
             with item ids as keys and the
             difficulty as values
    service_key = get_service_config(3)
    catch_error = get_error(param)
    if catch_error[0]:
        return {service_key: catch_error[1]}
    inp = update_input(param)
    sorted_resp = get_sorted_responses(inp)
    num_students = len(sorted_resp)
    num_items = len(sorted_resp[0])
    id_list = get_item_ids(inp)
    difficulty_list = []
    difficulty_dict = {}

    for i in range(0, num_items):  # For each question i
        numRight = 0
        for k in range(0, num_students):  # For each student k
            studentAnswer = sorted_resp[k][i]
            numRight += studentAnswer
        difficulty = 1 - numRight / num_students
        difficulty = round(difficulty, 3)

    k = 0
    for i in id_list:
        difficulty_dict[i] = difficulty_list[k]
        k += 1

    return {service_key: difficulty_dict}
예제 #6
def calculate_idr(param):
    A function to get the idr of each item:
    For every item, it calculates the mean score
    of students who got the answer right and subtracts
    it by the mean score of those who got it wrong.
    Then it multiplies that by the square root of 
    the number of students who got the item right
    multiplied by the total of those who got it wrong.
    Then it divides that by the number of students
    multiplied by the std of the students' scores.

    :param: a json in the Reliabilty Measures
            standard json format
    :return: a dictionary of floats: a dictionary with
             item ids as keys and idr as values
    service_key = get_service_config(2)
    catch_error = get_error(param)
    if catch_error[0]:
        return {service_key: catch_error[1]}
    inp = update_input(param)
    sorted_resp = get_sorted_responses(inp)
    num_students = len(sorted_resp)
    num_items = len(sorted_resp[0])
    id_list = get_item_ids(inp)
    score_std = get_score_std(inp)
    idr_list = []
    idr_dict = {}

    if score_std < 0:
        return {service_key: get_keyword_value("bad_std")}

    for i in range(0, num_items):  # For each question i
        right_list = []
        wrong_list = []
        num_right = 0
        num_wrong = 0
        for k in range(0, num_students):  # For each student k
            if sorted_resp[k][i] == 1:  # If student k gets question i correct
                score = sum(sorted_resp[k]) / num_items
                    score)  # Then add their score to the "right" list
                num_right += 1
            elif sorted_resp[k][i] == 0:  # If student k gets question i wrong
                score = sum(sorted_resp[k]) / num_items
                    score)  # Then add their score to the "wrong" list
                num_wrong += 1

        if num_right == num_students or num_wrong == num_students:
        if len(right_list) == 1:
            right_mean = right_list[0]
        elif len(right_list) > 1:
            right_mean = mean(right_list)
        if len(wrong_list) == 1:
            wrong_mean = wrong_list[0]
        elif len(wrong_list) > 1:
            wrong_mean = mean(wrong_list)
        if not right_mean or not wrong_mean:
            return {service_key: get_keyword_value("bad_mean")}

        idr = ((right_mean - wrong_mean) *
               sqrt(num_right * num_wrong)) / num_students * score_std
        idr = round(idr, 3)

    k = 0
    for i in id_list:
        idr_dict[i] = idr_list[k]
        k += 1

    return {service_key: idr_dict}