def get(self, username, name): adata = UserData.load_from_nickname(username) author = adata.user page_admin = self.page_admin(author) name = urllib.unquote_plus(urllib.unquote(name)) unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) context = self.context context['author'] = author context['page_author'] = adata context['page_admin'] = page_admin # Check to see if we already have a profile for that character. profile = Profile.get_by_key_name( stores.Profile.key_name_form % (unix_name, adata.key_name) ) # If we can't find that character and we're the author we may want to # make it, other wise we should move the user back to the user page. if not profile or (not profile.public and not page_admin): self.flash.msg = "Unknown Profile: %s" % name self.redirect(Profile.get_url(username)) return context['profile'] = profile self.render(['delete', 'deleteprofile'], context)
def get(self, username, name): adata = UserData.load_from_nickname(username) author = adata.user page_admin = self.page_admin(author) name = urllib.unquote_plus(urllib.unquote(name)) unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) context = self.context context['author'] = author context['page_author'] = adata context['page_admin'] = page_admin # Check to see if we already have a profile for that character. # profile = Profile.gql('WHERE unix_name = :name AND author = :author', # name=unix_name, author=adata).get() profile = Profile.get_by_key_name( stores.Profile.key_name_form % (unix_name, adata.key_name) ) # If we can't find that character and we're the author we may want to # make it, other wise we should move the user back to the user page. if not profile or (not profile.public and not page_admin): self.flash.msg = "Unknown Profile: %s" % name if author == self.user: self.redirect('/create/profile/?name=%s' % name) else: self.redirect(adata.url) return context['profile'] = profile self.render(['edit', 'editprofile'])
def post(self): user = utils.get_current_user() name = self.request.get('name', '') unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) profile = Profile.get(self.request.get('profile_key')) world = stores.World.get_by_key_name('w:%s' % unix_name) if not name or not profile or not world: self.flash.msg = "Unknown World: %s" % name self.redirect(self.request.headers['REFERER']) return page_admin = utils.page_admin( if not page_admin or not world.user_can_post(self.udata): self.flash.msg = "Access Denied" self.redirect(profile.url) return connections = profile.worldconnection_set.fetch(6) if len(connections) >= 6: self.flash.msg = "Profile: %s in too many worlds (Max = 5)" % self.redirect(profile.url) return if not self.add_profile(world, profile): self.flash.msg = "Profile: %s already in World: %s" % (, else: self.flash.msg = "Profile: %s joined World: %s" % (, self.redirect(profile.url)
def load_from_nickname(cls, nick): """Utility Function to UserData""" unix_nick = utils.unix_string(nick) data = memcache.get("nickpointer:%s" % unix_nick) if not data: data = UserData.all().filter("unix_nick =", unix_nick).get() if data: memcache.set("nickpointer:%s" % unix_nick, data) return data
def post(self): name = self.request.get("name", "") unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) if not name: self.flash.msg = "Error: Name Required" self.render(["new", "newWorld"], self.args_to_dict()) return key_name = "w:%s" % unix_name if stores.World.get_by_key_name(key_name): self.flash.msg = "Error: World already exists" self.render(["new", "newWorld"], self.args_to_dict()) return get = self.request.get # Due to the nature of the lazy property, using self.udata within the # txn may cause the txn to act on two properties (loading the udata). adata = self.udata def txn(): now = world = stores.World(created=now, author=adata, name=name, unix_name=unix_name, key_name=key_name) world.about = get("about", "") world.links = get("links", "") world.public = get("public", "True") == "True" = get("open", "False") == "True" world.markup = get("markup", "Textile") world.put() return world try: world = db.run_in_transaction(txn) except apiproxy_errors.CapabilityDisabledError: self.flash.msg = "Error: Sybil could not create your world." self.render(["new", "newWorld"], self.args_to_dict()) return except (db.Error, apiproxy_errors.Error), e: logging.error(e) self.flash.msg = "Error: Sybil could not create your world for an unknown reason." self.render(["new", "newWorld"], self.args_to_dict()) return
def get(self, username, name): adata = UserData.load_from_nickname(username) author = adata.user get = self.request.get if name is None: name = get('name', '') output = get('output', '') # If we're loading the user's public page and not a profile if not name: if output in ["rss", "atom"]: self.render_feed(user, author, adata, output) else: self.render_user(user, author, adata) return name = urllib.unquote_plus(urllib.unquote(name)) unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) page_admin = self.page_admin(author) action = get('action') refresh_cache = get('refresh_cache', False) is not False sterile_url = framework.sterilize_url(self.url) context = self.context context['author'] = author context['page_author'] = adata context['page_admin'] = page_admin # Check to see if we already have a profile for that character. # profile = Profile.gql('WHERE unix_name = :name AND author = :author', # name=unix_name, author=adata).get() profile = stores.Profile.get_by_key_name( stores.Profile.key_name_form % (unix_name, adata.key_name) ) # If we can't find that character and we're the author we may want to # make it, other wise we should move the user back to the user page. if not profile or (not profile.public and not page_admin): self.flash.msg = "Unknown Profile: %s" % name if author == self.user: self.redirect('/create/profile/name=%s' % name) else: self.redirect(adata.url) return # Check for actions if action: if action == 'edit': self.render(['edit', 'editprofile'], locals()) elif action == 'delete': self.render(['delete', 'deleteprofile'], locals()) return @framework.memoize(sterile_url, 'world_listing', refresh=refresh_cache) def __fetch_world_data(): # This bit of hackery is used to fetch the actual world objects # as opposed to the connection, which don't fetch their references # when called inside the html. return [ for conn in profile.worldconnection_set.fetch(5)] def __build_comment_data(): page = self.request.get_range('comments_page', min_value=1, default=1) items_per_page = self.request.get_range( 'comments_items', min_value=1, max_value=25, default=6 ) offset = ((page - 1) * items_per_page) last_page = True key = profile.key() q = Comment.all() q.filter('host =', key) q.order('-created') comments = q.fetch((items_per_page + 1), offset) if len(comments) > items_per_page: last_page = False comments.pop() @framework.memoize(sterile_url, 'comment_listing', refresh=refresh_cache) def fetch(): return comments return {'comments': fetch(), 'host': key, 'host_type': 'profile', 'page': page, 'last_page': last_page} context['world_data'] = { 'worlds': __fetch_world_data(), 'list_author': True, } context['comment_data'] = __build_comment_data() if refresh_cache: memcache.delete('markup:%s' % profile.key_name) self.render(['view', 'viewProfile'], locals())
def post(self): get = self.request.get name = get("name", "") unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) if not name: self.flash.msg = "Error: Name Required" self.redirect(self.args_to_url()) return key_name = stores.Profile.key_name_form % (unix_name, self.udata.key_name) if stores.Profile.get_by_key_name(key_name): self.flash.msg = "Error: Profile (%s) Already Exists" % name self.render(["new", "newProfile"], self.args_to_dict()) return now = def txn(): profile = stores.Profile( key_name=key_name, created=now, updated=now, author=self.udata, name=name, unix_name=unix_name ) profile.public = get("public", "True") == "True" profile.markup = get("markup", "Textile") profile.age = get("age", "") profile.gender = get("gender", "") profile.race = get("race", "") profile.height = get("height", "") profile.weight = get("weight", "") profile.apperence = get("apperence", "") profile.background = get("background", "") profile.extra_info = get("extra_info", "") profile.links = get("links", "") profile.common = get("common", "") profile.word_count = utils.word_count(profile.apperence, profile.background, profile.extra_info) profile.put() return profile try: profile = db.run_in_transaction(txn) except apiproxy_errors.CapabilityDisabledError: self.flash.msg = "Error: App Engine could not create your profile." self.render(["new", "newProfile"], self.args_to_dict()) return except (db.Error, apiproxy_errors.Error): self.flash.msg = "Error: App Engine could not create your profile for an unknown reason." self.render(["new", "newProfile"], self.args_to_dict()) return c = counter.Counter("TotalProfiles") c.increment() c = counter.Counter("%sProfiles" % self.udata.key_name, 1) c.increment()"User (%s) has made a new character (%s)" % (, framework.unmemoize("/manage/", "profile_listing", self.udata.nickname) framework.unmemoize("/", "profile_listing") framework.unmemoize("/discover/", "profile_listing") framework.unmemoize("/discover/", "profile_feed") framework.unmemoize(, "profile_listing") framework.unmemoize(, "profile_feed") self.flash.msg = "%s has been created" % name self.redirect(profile.url)
def get(self, name): get = self.request.get action = get('action', '') if name is None: name = get('name', '') unix_name = utils.unix_string(name) refresh_cache = get("refresh_cache", False) is not False if not name: self.error(400) return world = stores.World.get_by_key_name('w:%s' % unix_name) if not world or not world.user_can_view(self.udata): self.flash.msg = "Unknown World" self.redirect('/') return context = self.context context['world'] = world context['page_admin'] = utils.page_admin( context['page_owner'] = if action: if action == 'edit': self.render(['edit', 'editWorld']) elif action == 'delete': self.render(['delete', 'deleteWorld']) return sterile_url = framework.sterilize_url(self.url) def __build_profile_data(): page = self.request.get_range('profiles_page', min_value=1, default=1) # Allow page numbers to be more natural items_per_page = self.request.get_range('profiles_items', min_value=1, max_value=25, default=6) offset = ((page - 1) * items_per_page) last_page = True connections = world.worldconnection_set.fetch( (items_per_page + 1), offset ) # This bit of hackery is used to fetch the actual profile objects # as opposed to the connection, which don't fetch their references # when called inside the html. profiles = [conn.profile for conn in connections] if len(profiles) > items_per_page: last_page = False profiles.pop() @framework.memoize(sterile_url, 'profile_listing', refresh=refresh_cache) def fetch(): return profiles return {'profiles': fetch(), 'page':page, 'last_page': last_page} @framework.memoize(sterile_url, 'member_listing', refresh=refresh_cache) def __fetch_member_data(): return world.worldmember_set.fetch(25) def __build_comment_data(): page = self.request.get_range('comments_page', min_value=1, default=1) # Allow page numbers to be more natural items_per_page = self.request.get_range('comments_items', min_value=1, max_value=25, default=6) offset = ((page - 1) * items_per_page) last_page = True key = world.key() q = Comment.all() q.filter('host =', key) q.order('-created') comments = q.fetch((items_per_page + 1), offset) if len(comments) > items_per_page: last_page = False comments.pop() @framework.memoize(sterile_url, 'comment_listing', refresh=refresh_cache) def fetch(): return comments return {'comments': comments, 'host': key, 'page': page, 'last_page': last_page} context['profile_data'] = __build_profile_data() context['profile_data']['list_author'] = True context['profile_data']['list_remove'] = True context['profile_data']['list_pages'] = True context['member_data'] = {'members': __fetch_member_data()} context['comment_data'] = __build_comment_data() context['comment_data']['host_type'] = 'world' c = counter.Counter('%sWorldProfiles' % world.key_name) context['profile_count'] = c.get_count(refresh_cache) c = counter.Counter('%sWorldMembers' % world.key_name) context['member_count'] = c.get_count(refresh_cache) self.render(['view', 'viewWorld'], locals())