def display(self, data): """pushes data into our local cache of infos and also gets the length of the longest torrent info string""" if not data: return self.torrents = {'torrents':[], 'maxLength': 0} maxLength = 0 for x in data: ( name, status, progress, peers, seeds, seedsmsg, dist, uprate, dnrate, upamt, dnamt, size, t, msg, hash, knownSeeds, knownPeers ) = x progress = float(progress.replace("%", "")) progressMsg = "%.0f" % (progress) pathname, filename = os.path.split(name) #TODO: do this better (truncate the name) if len(filename) > 14: filename = filename[:10] + '... ' dist = "%.3f" % (dist*1000) uprate = Format.bytes_per_second(uprate) dnrate = Format.bytes_per_second(dnrate) upamt = Format.format_bytes(upamt) dnamt = Format.format_bytes(dnamt) s = '%s-> P: (%s)%s | S: (%s)%s | D: %s (%s) | U: %s (%s) | %s%%'%\ (filename, peers, knownPeers, seeds, knownSeeds, dnamt, dnrate, upamt, uprate, progress) if len(s) > maxLength: maxLength = len(s) self.torrents['torrents'].append(s) self.torrents['maxLength'] = maxLength return False
def display(self, data): """pushes data into our local cache of infos and also gets the length of the longest torrent info string""" if not data: return self.torrents = {'torrents': [], 'maxLength': 0} maxLength = 0 for x in data: (name, status, progress, peers, seeds, seedsmsg, dist, uprate, dnrate, upamt, dnamt, size, t, msg, hash, knownSeeds, knownPeers) = x progress = float(progress.replace("%", "")) progressMsg = "%.0f" % (progress) pathname, filename = os.path.split(name) #TODO: do this better (truncate the name) if len(filename) > 14: filename = filename[:10] + '... ' dist = "%.3f" % (dist * 1000) uprate = Format.bytes_per_second(uprate) dnrate = Format.bytes_per_second(dnrate) upamt = Format.format_bytes(upamt) dnamt = Format.format_bytes(dnamt) s = '%s-> P: (%s)%s | S: (%s)%s | D: %s (%s) | U: %s (%s) | %s%%'%\ (filename, peers, knownPeers, seeds, knownSeeds, dnamt, dnrate, upamt, uprate, progress) if len(s) > maxLength: maxLength = len(s) self.torrents['torrents'].append(s) self.torrents['maxLength'] = maxLength return False
def get_app_info(self): appInfos = [] #for all socks applications: for app in self.applications.values(): #ignore those that are not running if not app.is_running(): continue #collect the necessary data down, up = app.get_instant_bw() uprate = Format.bytes_per_second(up) dnrate = Format.bytes_per_second(down) numHops = app.pathLength numCoins = app.coinsSpent appInfos.append((, numHops, dnrate, uprate, numCoins)) return appInfos
def update(self, globalDownRate, globalUpRate, globalDownAmount, globalUpAmount): if self.btApp.is_ready(): try: nodes = self.btApp.btInstance.dht.get_dht_peers() except: nodes = ("unknown", "disabled") self.dhtText.set_markup('<span>DHT Nodes: %s (%s)</span>' % nodes) globalDownRate = Format.bytes_per_second(globalDownRate) globalDownAmount = Format.format_bytes(globalDownAmount) self.downText.set_markup('<span>U: %s %s</span>' % (globalDownRate, globalDownAmount)) globalUpRate = Format.bytes_per_second(globalUpRate) globalUpAmount = Format.format_bytes(globalUpAmount) self.upText.set_markup('<span>D: %s %s</span>' % (globalUpRate, globalUpAmount)) credits = Bank.get().get_total_asset_value() self.creditText.set_markup('<span>Credits: %s (%s)</span>' % (credits, Format.convert_to_gb(credits)))
def __init__(self, controller): buttons = (gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.RESPONSE_YES, gtk.STOCK_NO, gtk.RESPONSE_NO) dia = gtk.Dialog("Credits Low", None, 0, buttons) self.controller = controller vbox = gtk.VBox() title = gtk.Label() markup = "<span size='large' weight='bold'>You Are Running out of Credits</span>" title.set_markup(markup) title.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER) vbox.pack_start(title, True, False, 0) #A text entry telling the user what to do: balance = Bank.get().get_expected_balance() balanceGB = Format.convert_to_gb(balance) label = gtk.Label() text = "You only have %s (%s) credits remaining. You must set up a relay to gain more credits. \ This will allow other users to send traffic via your computer.\n\nWould you like to set up a relay now?" % (balance, balanceGB) label.set_markup(text) label.set_line_wrap(True) vbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 5) #if we should always check: self.askAboutRelay = gtk.CheckButton("Always ask about help setting up relay") vbox.pack_start(self.askAboutRelay, True, True, 10) #initialize the checkbox: self.askAboutRelay.set_active(CoreSettings.get().askAboutRelay) vbox = GTKUtils.add_padding(vbox, 5) dia.vbox.pack_start(vbox, True, True, 0) dia.connect("response", self.on_response) self.dia = dia #start the dialog dia.show_all()
def on_update(self): """updates the gui via pulling infos out of tor and the bank- slow, stupid, and easy""" # don't do updates if we arent visible if not GTKUtils.is_visible(self.container): return configuredAsRelay = self.torApp.is_server() if configuredAsRelay: self.relayRow.update_row_image(True) else: self.relayRow.reset_row_image() relayStatus, relayStateString = self.torApp.get_relay_status() if self.torApp.is_server(): self.statusRow.update_row_image(relayStatus) else: self.statusRow.reset_row_image() self.statusRow.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">%s</span>' % (relayStateString)) # update as appropriate for rows when we are trying to be a relay if configuredAsRelay: boolToStringMapping = {True: "is reachable", False: "is unreachable", None: "testing..."} # do updates where we have the info relayPortsState = self.torApp.get_all_port_status() for row in self.statusRows: updateForGUIPort = row.rowName in relayPortsState if updateForGUIPort: port = relayPortsState[row.rowName] row.update_row_image(port[0]) statusText = boolToStringMapping[port[0]] row.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">%s %s</span>' % (port[1], statusText)) # else, null everything out else: for row in [self.udpRelayPortRow, self.tcpRelayPortRow, self.dirPortRow, self.statusRow]: row.reset_row_image() row.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">offline</span>') # update the balance bank = Bank.get() if not bank: return credits = bank.get_expected_balance() if not credits: return self.creditsRow.widget.set_markup( '<span size="large">%s (%s)</span>' % (credits, Format.convert_to_gb(credits)) ) if credits > 200: creditState = True elif credits > 100: creditState = None else: creditState = False self.creditsRow.update_row_image(creditState)
def __init__(self, btApp, maggicPadding): gtk.Frame.__init__(self) #bottom row self.btApp = btApp row = gtk.HBox() self.dhtText = gtk.Label('') self.dhtText.set_markup('<span size="large">DHT Nodes: 0 (0)</span>') self.upText = gtk.Label('') initialInfos = (Format.bytes_per_second(0), Format.format_bytes(0)) self.upText.set_markup('<span size="large">D: %s %s</span>' % initialInfos) self.downText = gtk.Label('') self.downText.set_markup('<span size="large">U: %s %s</span>' % initialInfos) self.creditText = gtk.Label('') self.creditText.set_markup('<span size="large">Credits: Unknown</span>') for item in [self.dhtText, self.upText, self.downText]: row.pack_start(item, True, True, 0) row.pack_start(gtk.VSeparator(), False, False, 0) row.pack_start(self.creditText, True, True, 0) self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.add(row)
def on_update(self): """updates the gui via pulling infos out of tor and the bank- slow, stupid, and easy""" #don't do updates if we arent visible if not GTKUtils.is_visible(self.container): return configuredAsRelay = self.torApp.is_server() if configuredAsRelay: self.relayRow.update_row_image(True) else: self.relayRow.reset_row_image() relayStatus, relayStateString = self.torApp.get_relay_status() if self.torApp.is_server(): self.statusRow.update_row_image(relayStatus) else: self.statusRow.reset_row_image() self.statusRow.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">%s</span>' % (relayStateString)) #update as appropriate for rows when we are trying to be a relay if configuredAsRelay: boolToStringMapping = {True: 'is reachable', False: 'is unreachable', None: 'testing...'} #do updates where we have the info relayPortsState = self.torApp.get_all_port_status() for row in self.statusRows: updateForGUIPort = row.rowName in relayPortsState if updateForGUIPort: port = relayPortsState[row.rowName] row.update_row_image(port[0]) statusText = boolToStringMapping[port[0]] row.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">%s %s</span>' % (port[1], statusText)) #else, null everything out else: for row in [self.udpRelayPortRow, self.tcpRelayPortRow, self.dirPortRow, self.statusRow]: row.reset_row_image() row.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">offline</span>') #update the balance bank = Bank.get() if not bank: return credits = bank.get_expected_balance() if not credits: return self.creditsRow.widget.set_markup('<span size="large">%s (%s)</span>'%\ (credits, Format.convert_to_gb(credits))) if credits > 200: creditState = True elif credits > 100: creditState = None else: creditState = False self.creditsRow.update_row_image(creditState)
def __init__(self, btApp, maggicPadding): gtk.Frame.__init__(self) #bottom row self.btApp = btApp row = gtk.HBox() self.dhtText = gtk.Label('') self.dhtText.set_markup('<span size="large">DHT Nodes: 0 (0)</span>') self.upText = gtk.Label('') initialInfos = (Format.bytes_per_second(0), Format.format_bytes(0)) self.upText.set_markup('<span size="large">D: %s %s</span>' % initialInfos) self.downText = gtk.Label('') self.downText.set_markup('<span size="large">U: %s %s</span>' % initialInfos) self.creditText = gtk.Label('') self.creditText.set_markup( '<span size="large">Credits: Unknown</span>') for item in [self.dhtText, self.upText, self.downText]: row.pack_start(item, True, True, 0) row.pack_start(gtk.VSeparator(), False, False, 0) row.pack_start(self.creditText, True, True, 0) self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.add(row)
def __init__(self, controller): buttons = (gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.RESPONSE_YES, gtk.STOCK_NO, gtk.RESPONSE_NO) dia = gtk.Dialog("Credits Low", None, 0, buttons) self.controller = controller vbox = gtk.VBox() title = gtk.Label() markup = "<span size='large' weight='bold'>You Are Running out of Credits</span>" title.set_markup(markup) title.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER) vbox.pack_start(title, True, False, 0) #A text entry telling the user what to do: balance = Bank.get().get_expected_balance() balanceGB = Format.convert_to_gb(balance) label = gtk.Label() text = "You only have %s (%s) credits remaining. You must set up a relay to gain more credits. \ This will allow other users to send traffic via your computer.\n\nWould you like to set up a relay now?" % ( balance, balanceGB) label.set_markup(text) label.set_line_wrap(True) vbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 5) #if we should always check: self.askAboutRelay = gtk.CheckButton( "Always ask about help setting up relay") vbox.pack_start(self.askAboutRelay, True, True, 10) #initialize the checkbox: self.askAboutRelay.set_active(CoreSettings.get().askAboutRelay) vbox = GTKUtils.add_padding(vbox, 5) dia.vbox.pack_start(vbox, True, True, 0) dia.connect("response", self.on_response) self.dia = dia #start the dialog dia.show_all()
def do_expose_event(self, event): #schedule the draw event if this is the first time we've ever been exposed if not self.shouldDraw: self.shouldDraw = True Scheduler.schedule_repeat(1.0, self.draw) self.visible_cb() #Create the cairo context = self.window.cairo_create() #Restrict Cairo to the exposed area; avoid extra work, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) width, height = self.window.get_size() cr = cr.set_source_rgb(*self.cFill) cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr.fill() #figure out the scale mapping between values and pixels: maxYVal = self.maxVal maxValueText, maxValueUnits = Format.bytes_per_second(maxYVal).split(" ") x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents(maxValueText)[:4] xStart = w + self.PADDING_LEFT + self.PADDING_AXIS xEnd = width - self.PADDING_RIGHT xStepSize = float(xEnd - xStart) / float(self.NUM_VALUES) x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("100MB/s")[:4] bottomY = height - (self.PADDING_BOTTOM + h + self.PADDING_AXIS) yScale = float(bottomY - self.PADDING_TOP) / float(maxYVal) #shade enclosed rectangle white cr.set_source_rgb(self.cInnerShade[0], self.cInnerShade[1], self.cInnerShade[2]) cr.rectangle(xStart, self.PADDING_TOP, width-self.PADDING_RIGHT-xStart, bottomY-self.PADDING_TOP) cr.fill() #labels cr.set_line_width(0.6) cr.set_font_size(self.FONT_SIZE) #vertical lines: numLines = self.NUM_VERT_LINES cr.set_source_rgb(self.cLines[0], self.cLines[1], self.cLines[2]) if self.xMiddleTics: numLines = (numLines * (self.xMiddleTics+1)) for i in range(0, numLines + 1): if self.xMiddleTics: if i % (1+self.xMiddleTics) == 0: cr.set_line_width(0.6) else: cr.set_line_width(0.2) s = (self.NUM_VALUES / numLines) * i #should be a dark color... x = xStart + int(xStepSize * s) cr.move_to(x, self.PADDING_TOP) cr.line_to(x, bottomY) cr.stroke() x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("Time (1 second step)")[:4] yPos = bottomY + self.PADDING_AXIS + h - self.lineWidth #make left label: cr.move_to(xStart, yPos) cr.show_text("Time (1 second step)") #middle label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("Grid: 10 seconds")[:4] cr.move_to((xStart+xEnd)/2 - w/2, yPos) cr.show_text("Grid: 10 seconds") #make right label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("Now")[:4] cr.move_to(xEnd-w, yPos) cr.show_text("Now") #horizontal lines: cr.set_source_rgb(self.cLines[0], self.cLines[1], self.cLines[2]) numLines = self.NUM_HORIZ_LINES if self.yMiddleTics: numLines = (numLines * (self.yMiddleTics+1)) j = 0 for i in range(0,maxYVal+1,maxYVal/numLines): if self.yMiddleTics: if j % (1+self.yMiddleTics) == 0: cr.set_line_width(0.6) else: cr.set_line_width(0.2) j += 1 #should be a dark color... y = bottomY - int(yScale * i) cr.move_to(xEnd, y) cr.line_to(xStart, y) cr.stroke() #make top label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("0")[:4] cr.move_to(self.PADDING_LEFT, self.PADDING_TOP+h) cr.show_text(maxValueText) #middle label:*math.pi / 2.0) x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents(maxValueUnits)[:4] cr.move_to(-1 * height / 2.0 - w/2 + self.PADDING_TOP, self.PADDING_LEFT + h + 2) cr.show_text(maxValueUnits) / 2.0) #make bottom label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("0")[:4] cr.move_to(xStart-self.PADDING_AXIS-w, bottomY) cr.show_text("0") #draw the data lines on the graph: for sourceVals in (self.dataSource.bytesRead, self.dataSource.bytesWritten): # Set properties for the line (different colors for read and written) if sourceVals == self.dataSource.bytesWritten: cr.set_source_rgb(self.cWritten[0], self.cWritten[1], self.cWritten[2]) else: cr.set_source_rgb(self.cRead[0], self.cRead[1], self.cRead[2]) cr.set_line_width(self.lineWidth) #for every bw value, vals = sourceVals[len(sourceVals)-self.NUM_VALUES:] for i in range(0, len(vals)-1): #draw a line segment: startX = xStart + int(xStepSize * i) endX = xStart + int(xStepSize * (i+1)) y1 = bottomY - (vals[i] * yScale) y2 = bottomY - (vals[i+1] * yScale) cr.move_to(startX, y1) cr.line_to(endX, y2) #Apply the ink cr.stroke() #update the maximum y value and scale for next time: newMax = 0 for v in vals: if v > newMax: newMax = v #double the scale until we contain the max value: while newMax > self.maxVal: self.maxVal *= 2 else: if newMax < self.maxVal / 2: self.scale_too_big += 1 else: self.scale_too_big = 0 #if the scale has been too big for more than 5 ticks, make it smaller if self.scale_too_big > 5: #dont go below the original axis value: if self.maxVal > 32 * 1024: self.maxVal /= 2
def do_expose_event(self, event): #schedule the draw event if this is the first time we've ever been exposed if not self.shouldDraw: self.shouldDraw = True Scheduler.schedule_repeat(1.0, self.draw) self.visible_cb() #Create the cairo context = self.window.cairo_create() #Restrict Cairo to the exposed area; avoid extra work, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) width, height = self.window.get_size() cr = cr.set_source_rgb(*self.cFill) cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) cr.fill() #figure out the scale mapping between values and pixels: maxYVal = self.maxVal maxValueText, maxValueUnits = Format.bytes_per_second(maxYVal).split( " ") x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents(maxValueText)[:4] xStart = w + self.PADDING_LEFT + self.PADDING_AXIS xEnd = width - self.PADDING_RIGHT xStepSize = float(xEnd - xStart) / float(self.NUM_VALUES) x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("100MB/s")[:4] bottomY = height - (self.PADDING_BOTTOM + h + self.PADDING_AXIS) yScale = float(bottomY - self.PADDING_TOP) / float(maxYVal) #shade enclosed rectangle white cr.set_source_rgb(self.cInnerShade[0], self.cInnerShade[1], self.cInnerShade[2]) cr.rectangle(xStart, self.PADDING_TOP, width - self.PADDING_RIGHT - xStart, bottomY - self.PADDING_TOP) cr.fill() #labels cr.set_line_width(0.6) cr.set_font_size(self.FONT_SIZE) #vertical lines: numLines = self.NUM_VERT_LINES cr.set_source_rgb(self.cLines[0], self.cLines[1], self.cLines[2]) if self.xMiddleTics: numLines = (numLines * (self.xMiddleTics + 1)) for i in range(0, numLines + 1): if self.xMiddleTics: if i % (1 + self.xMiddleTics) == 0: cr.set_line_width(0.6) else: cr.set_line_width(0.2) s = (self.NUM_VALUES / numLines) * i #should be a dark color... x = xStart + int(xStepSize * s) cr.move_to(x, self.PADDING_TOP) cr.line_to(x, bottomY) cr.stroke() x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents( "Time (1 second step)")[:4] yPos = bottomY + self.PADDING_AXIS + h - self.lineWidth #make left label: cr.move_to(xStart, yPos) cr.show_text("Time (1 second step)") #middle label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("Grid: 10 seconds")[:4] cr.move_to((xStart + xEnd) / 2 - w / 2, yPos) cr.show_text("Grid: 10 seconds") #make right label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("Now")[:4] cr.move_to(xEnd - w, yPos) cr.show_text("Now") #horizontal lines: cr.set_source_rgb(self.cLines[0], self.cLines[1], self.cLines[2]) numLines = self.NUM_HORIZ_LINES if self.yMiddleTics: numLines = (numLines * (self.yMiddleTics + 1)) j = 0 for i in range(0, maxYVal + 1, maxYVal / numLines): if self.yMiddleTics: if j % (1 + self.yMiddleTics) == 0: cr.set_line_width(0.6) else: cr.set_line_width(0.2) j += 1 #should be a dark color... y = bottomY - int(yScale * i) cr.move_to(xEnd, y) cr.line_to(xStart, y) cr.stroke() #make top label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("0")[:4] cr.move_to(self.PADDING_LEFT, self.PADDING_TOP + h) cr.show_text(maxValueText) #middle label: * math.pi / 2.0) x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents(maxValueUnits)[:4] cr.move_to(-1 * height / 2.0 - w / 2 + self.PADDING_TOP, self.PADDING_LEFT + h + 2) cr.show_text(maxValueUnits) / 2.0) #make bottom label: x_bearing, y_bearing, w, h = cr.text_extents("0")[:4] cr.move_to(xStart - self.PADDING_AXIS - w, bottomY) cr.show_text("0") #draw the data lines on the graph: for sourceVals in (self.dataSource.bytesRead, self.dataSource.bytesWritten): # Set properties for the line (different colors for read and written) if sourceVals == self.dataSource.bytesWritten: cr.set_source_rgb(self.cWritten[0], self.cWritten[1], self.cWritten[2]) else: cr.set_source_rgb(self.cRead[0], self.cRead[1], self.cRead[2]) cr.set_line_width(self.lineWidth) #for every bw value, vals = sourceVals[len(sourceVals) - self.NUM_VALUES:] for i in range(0, len(vals) - 1): #draw a line segment: startX = xStart + int(xStepSize * i) endX = xStart + int(xStepSize * (i + 1)) y1 = bottomY - (vals[i] * yScale) y2 = bottomY - (vals[i + 1] * yScale) cr.move_to(startX, y1) cr.line_to(endX, y2) #Apply the ink cr.stroke() #update the maximum y value and scale for next time: newMax = 0 for v in vals: if v > newMax: newMax = v #double the scale until we contain the max value: while newMax > self.maxVal: self.maxVal *= 2 else: if newMax < self.maxVal / 2: self.scale_too_big += 1 else: self.scale_too_big = 0 #if the scale has been too big for more than 5 ticks, make it smaller if self.scale_too_big > 5: #dont go below the original axis value: if self.maxVal > 32 * 1024: self.maxVal /= 2
def on_update(self): globalDownRate = 0 globalUpRate = 0 globalDownAmount = 0 globalUpAmount = 0 torrentInfo = None if torrentInfo = if not torrentInfo: #generate it from the pending downloads: torrentInfo = [] for torrentHash, data in name = data[0]['metainfo']['info']['name'] torrentInfo.append([name, "Waiting for Tor...", "0%", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "0 seconds", "", torrentHash, 0, 0]) #log_msg("update: %s" % (len(self.lastData))) #mark everything as invisible unless it was in this update: visible = {} for ref in self.rows.values(): visible[ref] = False #update each of the active torrents: for torrent in torrentInfo: ( name, status, progress, peers, seeds, seedsmsg, numCopies, dnrate, uprate, dnamt, upamt, size, timeLeft, msg, torrentHash, knownSeeds, knownPeers ) = torrent globalDownRate += dnrate globalUpRate += uprate globalDownAmount += dnamt globalUpAmount += upamt progress = float(progress.replace("%", "")) pathname, filename = os.path.split(name) #status = status+"|"+seedsmsg+"|"+msg progressMsg = "%.0f" % (progress) uprate = Format.bytes_per_second(uprate) dnrate = Format.bytes_per_second(dnrate) upamt = Format.format_bytes(upamt) dnamt = Format.format_bytes(dnamt) # if progress >= 100: # status = "Seeding" try: if and if not[torrentHash].unpauseflag.isSet(): status = "Paused" if status = except Exception, error: log_ex(error, "Could not find torrent") peers = "%s (%s)" % (peers, knownPeers) seeds = "%s (%s)" % (seeds, knownSeeds) if not self.rows.has_key(torrentHash): rowIter = self.liststore.append([filename, progress, progressMsg, status, peers, seeds, uprate, dnrate, upamt, dnamt, numCopies, torrentHash.encode("hex"), True]) self.rows[torrentHash] = gtk.TreeRowReference(self.liststore, self.liststore.get_string_from_iter(rowIter)) else: rowIter = self.liststore[self.rows[torrentHash].get_path()].iter self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["name"], filename) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["progress"], progress) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["progressMsg"], progressMsg) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["status"], status) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["peers"], peers) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["seeds"], seeds) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["rateUp"], uprate) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["rateDown"], dnrate) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["amountUp"], upamt) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["amountDown"], dnamt) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["copies"], numCopies) if not self.liststore.get_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["visibility"]): self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["visibility"], True) visible[self.rows[torrentHash]] = True
def make_pretty(self): """Note, pretty is set here!""" self.pretty = Format.convert_to_gb(self.value) return self.pretty
def _cell_data_amount(self, column, cell, model, row): value = model.get_value(row, column.valueNum) text = Format.format_bytes(value) cell.set_property("text", text)
def _cell_data_rate(self, column, cell, model, row): value = model.get_value(row, column.valueNum) text = Format.bytes_per_second(value) cell.set_property("text", text)
def on_update(self): globalDownRate = 0 globalUpRate = 0 globalDownAmount = 0 globalUpAmount = 0 torrentInfo = None if torrentInfo = if not torrentInfo: #generate it from the pending downloads: torrentInfo = [] for torrentHash, data in name = data[0]['metainfo']['info']['name'] torrentInfo.append([ name, "Waiting for Tor...", "0%", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "0 seconds", "", torrentHash, 0, 0 ]) #log_msg("update: %s" % (len(self.lastData))) #mark everything as invisible unless it was in this update: visible = {} for ref in self.rows.values(): visible[ref] = False #update each of the active torrents: for torrent in torrentInfo: (name, status, progress, peers, seeds, seedsmsg, numCopies, dnrate, uprate, dnamt, upamt, size, timeLeft, msg, torrentHash, knownSeeds, knownPeers) = torrent globalDownRate += dnrate globalUpRate += uprate globalDownAmount += dnamt globalUpAmount += upamt progress = float(progress.replace("%", "")) pathname, filename = os.path.split(name) #status = status+"|"+seedsmsg+"|"+msg progressMsg = "%.0f" % (progress) uprate = Format.bytes_per_second(uprate) dnrate = Format.bytes_per_second(dnrate) upamt = Format.format_bytes(upamt) dnamt = Format.format_bytes(dnamt) # if progress >= 100: # status = "Seeding" try: if and torrentHash): if not[ torrentHash].unpauseflag.isSet(): status = "Paused" if status = except Exception, error: log_ex(error, "Could not find torrent") peers = "%s (%s)" % (peers, knownPeers) seeds = "%s (%s)" % (seeds, knownSeeds) if not self.rows.has_key(torrentHash): rowIter = self.liststore.append([ filename, progress, progressMsg, status, peers, seeds, uprate, dnrate, upamt, dnamt, numCopies, torrentHash.encode("hex"), True ]) self.rows[torrentHash] = gtk.TreeRowReference( self.liststore, self.liststore.get_string_from_iter(rowIter)) else: rowIter = self.liststore[ self.rows[torrentHash].get_path()].iter self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["name"], filename) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["progress"], progress) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["progressMsg"], progressMsg) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["status"], status) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["peers"], peers) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["seeds"], seeds) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["rateUp"], uprate) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["rateDown"], dnrate) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["amountUp"], upamt) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["amountDown"], dnamt) self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["copies"], numCopies) if not self.liststore.get_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["visibility"]): self.liststore.set_value(rowIter, self.attrIdx["visibility"], True) visible[self.rows[torrentHash]] = True