def getTextParam(self, startDate=None, ROsignificatif=True, Degenerate_case=False, Period=1): if Degenerate_case==False: S = self.modele.getTextParam(ROsignificatif, Period=Period) else: S = 'Degenerate case - Period ' + str(Period) S += '\nSolveur init:\n'# + '\n N=' + str(self.N) + '\n dt='+str(self.dt) \ S += r' $S_0=' + str(self.y0[0]) + '$\n' S += r' $E_0=' + str(self.y0[1]) + r', I_0='+str(self.y0[2]) + '$\n' S += r' $R^1_0=' + str(self.y0[3]) + r', R^2_0=' + str(self.y0[4])+ '$' if startDate!=None: dateI0 = addDaystoStrDate(startDate, -self.TS) S += '\n Date ' + r'$d_{I=1}$' + ':'+dateI0 return S
def fit(sysargv): """ Program to process Covid Data. :Example: For countries (European database) >> python >> python France 0 1 0 0 1 1 >> python France 2 3 8 0 1 1 # 3 périodes pour les femmes en France avec un décalage de 8 jours >> python France,Germany 1 1 0 0 1 1 # 1 période pour les hommes francais et les hommes allemands For French Region (French database) >> python FRANCE,D69 0 -1 13 0 1 1 # Code Insee Dpt 69 (Rhône) >> python FRANCE,R84 0 -1 13 0 1 1 # Tous les dpts de la Région dont le code Insee est >> python FRANCE,R32+ 0 -1 13 0 1 1 # Somme de tous les dpts de la Région 32 (Hauts-de-France) >> python FRANCE,MetropoleD 0 -1 13 0 1 1 # Tous les départements de la France métropolitaine >> python FRANCE,MetropoleD+ 0 -1 13 0 1 1 # Toute la France métropolitaine (en sommant les dpts) >> python FRANCE,MetropoleR+ 0 -1 13 0 1 1 # Somme des dpts de toutes les régions françaises Toute combinaison est possible de lieu : exemple FRANCE,R32+,D05,R84 argv[1] : List of countries (ex. France,Germany,Italy), or see above. Default: France argv[2] : Sex (male:1, female:2, male+female:0). Only for french database Default: 0 argv[3] : Periods ('1' -> 1 period ('all-in-on'), '!=1' -> severall periods). Default: -1 argv[4] : Delay (in days). Default: 13 argv[5] : UKF filtering of data (0/1). Default: 0 argv[6] : Verbose level (debug: 3, ..., almost mute: 0). Default: 1 argv[7] : Plot graphique (0/1). Default: 1 """ #Austria,Belgium,Croatia,Czechia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Lithuania,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Serbia,Spain,Switzerland,Ukraine #Austria,Belgium,Croatia,Czechia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Serbia,Spain,Switzerland,Ukraine # Il y a 18 pays if len(sysargv) > 7: print(' CAUTION : bad number of arguments - see help') exit(1) # Constantes ######################################################@ fileLocalCopy = True # if we upload the file from the url (to get latest data) or from a local copy file readStartDateStr = "2020-03-01" # "2020-03-01" Le 8 mars, pour inclure un grand nombre de pays européens dont la date de premier était postérieur au 1er mars readStopDateStr = None recouvrement = -1 dt = 1 France = 'France' thresholdSignif = 1.5E-6 # Interpetation of arguments - reparation ######################################################@ # Default value for parameters listplaces = ['France'] sexe, sexestr = 0, 'male+female' nbperiodes = -1 decalage = 13 UKF_filt = False verbose = 1 plot = True # Parameters from argv if len(sysargv) > 0: liste = list(sysargv[0].split(',')) if len(sysargv) > 1: sexe = int(sysargv[1]) if len(sysargv) > 2: nbperiodes = int(sysargv[2]) if len(sysargv) > 3: decalage = int(sysargv[3]) if len(sysargv) > 4 and int(sysargv[4]) == 1: UKF_filt = True if len(sysargv) > 5: verbose = int(sysargv[5]) if len(sysargv) > 6 and int(sysargv[6]) == 0: plot = False if nbperiodes == 1: decalage = 0 # nécessairement pas de décalage (on compense le recouvrement) if sexe not in [0, 1, 2]: sexe, sexestr = 0, 'male+female' # sexe indiférencié if sexe == 1: sexestr = 'male' if sexe == 2: sexestr = 'female' listplaces = [] listnames = [] if liste[0] == 'FRANCE': FrDatabase = True liste = liste[1:] for el in liste: l, n = getPlace(el) if el == 'MetropoleR+': for l1, n1 in zip(l, n): listplaces.extend(l1) listnames.extend([n1]) else: listplaces.extend(l) listnames.extend(n) else: listplaces = liste[:] FrDatabase = False if verbose > 0: print(' Full command line : ' + sysargv[0] + ' ' + str(nbperiodes) + ' ' + str(decalage) + ' ' + str(UKF_filt) + ' ' + str(verbose) + ' ' + str(plot), flush=True) # Data reading to get first and last date available in the data set ######################################################@ if FrDatabase == True: pd_exerpt, HeadData, N, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, _ = readDataFrance( ['D69'], readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, fileLocalCopy, sexe, verbose=0) else: pd_exerpt, HeadData, N, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, _ = readDataEurope( France, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, fileLocalCopy, verbose=0) dataLength = pd_exerpt.shape[0] readStartDate = datetime.strptime(readStartDateStr, strDate) if readStartDate < pd_exerpt.index[0]: readStartDate = pd_exerpt.index[0] readStartDateStr = pd_exerpt.index[0].strftime(strDate) readStopDate = datetime.strptime(readStopDateStr, strDate) if readStopDate < pd_exerpt.index[-1]: readStopDate = pd_exerpt.index[-1] readStopDateStr = pd_exerpt.index[-1].strftime(strDate) dataLength = pd_exerpt.shape[0] if verbose > 1: print('readStartDateStr=', readStartDateStr, ', readStopDateStr=', readStopDateStr) print('readStartDate =', readStartDate, ', readStopDate =', readStopDate) print('dataLength =', dataLength) #input('pause') # Collections of data return by this function modelSEIR1R2D = np.zeros(shape=(len(listplaces), dataLength, 6)) data_deriv = np.zeros(shape=(len(listplaces), dataLength, 2)) modelR1_deriv = np.zeros(shape=(len(listplaces), dataLength, 2)) data_all = np.zeros(shape=(len(listplaces), dataLength, 2)) modelR1_all = np.zeros(shape=(len(listplaces), dataLength, 2)) Listepd = [] ListetabParamModel = [] # data observed data = np.zeros(shape=(dataLength, 2)) # Paramètres sous forme de chaines de caractères ListeTextParam = [] ListeDateI0 = [] # Loop on the places to process for indexplace, place in enumerate(listplaces): # Get the full name of the place to process, and the special dates corresponding to the place if FrDatabase == True: placefull = 'France-' + listnames[indexplace][0] DatesString = readDates(France, verbose) else: placefull = place DatesString = readDates(place, verbose) print('PROCESSING of', placefull, 'in', listnames) # data reading of the observations ############################################################################# if FrDatabase == True: pd_exerpt, HeadData, N, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, dateFirstNonZeroStr = readDataFrance( place, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, fileLocalCopy, sexe, verbose=0) else: pd_exerpt, HeadData, N, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, dateFirstNonZeroStr = readDataEurope( place, readStartDateStr, readStopDateStr, fileLocalCopy, verbose=0) shift_0value = getNbDaysBetweenDateFromString(readStartDateStr, dateFirstNonZeroStr) # UKF Filtering ? if UKF_filt == True: data2Filt = pd_exerpt[[HeadData[0], HeadData[1]]].to_numpy(copy=True) sigmas = MerweScaledSigmaPoints(n=2, alpha=.5, beta=2., kappa=1.) #1-3.) ukf = UKF(dim_x=2, dim_z=2, fx=fR1D, hx=hR1D, dt=dt, points=sigmas) # Filter init ukf.x[:] = data2Filt[0, :] ukf.Q = np.diag([30., 15.]) ukf.R = np.diag([170., 100.]) if verbose > 1: print('ukf.x[:]=', ukf.x[:]) print('ukf.R =', ukf.R) print('ukf.Q =', ukf.Q) # UKF filtering and smoothing, batch mode R1Ffilt, _ = ukf.batch_filter(data2Filt) HeadData[0] += ' filt' HeadData[1] += ' filt' pd_exerpt[HeadData[0]] = R1Ffilt[:, 0] pd_exerpt[HeadData[1]] = R1Ffilt[:, 1] # Get the list of dates to process ListDates, ListDatesStr = GetPairListDates(readStartDate, readStopDate, DatesString, decalage, nbperiodes, recouvrement) if verbose > 1: #print('ListDates =', ListDates) print('ListDatesStr=', ListDatesStr) #input('pause') # Solveur edo solveur = SolveEDO_SEIR1R2D(N, dt, verbose) indexdata = solveur.indexdata E0, I0, R10, R20, D0 = 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 # Repertoire des figures if plot == True: repertoire = getRepertoire( UKF_filt, './figures/SEIR1R2D_UKFilt/' + placefull + '/sexe_' + str(sexe) + '_delay_' + str(decalage), './figures/SEIR1R2D/' + placefull + '/sexe_' + str(sexe) + '_delay_' + str(decalage)) prefFig = repertoire + '/Process_' # Remise à 0 des données data.fill(0.) # Boucle pour traiter successivement les différentes fenêtres ############################################################### ListeTextParamPlace = [] ListetabParamModelPlace = [] ListeEQM = [] DEGENERATE_CASE = False for i in range(len(ListDatesStr)): # dates of the current period fitStartDate, fitStopDate = ListDates[i] fitStartDateStr, fitStopDateStr = ListDatesStr[i] # Est-on dans un CAS degénéré? # print(getNbDaysBetweenDateFromString(dateFirstNonZeroStr, fitStopDateStr)) if getNbDaysBetweenDateFromString( dateFirstNonZeroStr, fitStopDateStr ) < 5: # Il faut au moins 5 données pour fitter DEGENERATE_CASE = True if i > 0: DatesString.addOtherDates(fitStartDateStr) # Récupérations des données observées dataLengthPeriod = 0 indMinPeriod = (fitStartDate - readStartDate).days for j, z in enumerate(pd_exerpt.loc[ fitStartDateStr:addDaystoStrDate(fitStopDateStr, -1), HeadData[0]]): data[indMinPeriod + j, 0] = z dataLengthPeriod += 1 for j, z in enumerate(pd_exerpt.loc[ fitStartDateStr:addDaystoStrDate(fitStopDateStr, -1), HeadData[1]]): data[indMinPeriod + j, 1] = z slicedata = slice(indMinPeriod, indMinPeriod + dataLengthPeriod) slicedataderiv = slice(slicedata.start + 1, slicedata.stop) if verbose > 0: print(' dataLength =', dataLength) print(' indMinPeriod =', indMinPeriod) print(' dataLengthPeriod=', dataLengthPeriod) print(' fitStartDateStr =', fitStartDateStr) print(' fitStopDateStr =', fitStopDateStr) #input('attente') # Set initialisation data for the solveur ############################################################################ # paramètres initiaux à optimiser if i == 0: datelegend = fitStartDateStr # ts=getNbDaysBetweenDateFromString(DatesString.listFirstCaseDates[0], readStartDateStr) # En premiere approximation, on prend la date du premier cas estimé pour le pays (même si c'est faux pour les régions et dpts) ts = getNbDaysBetweenDateFromString( DatesString.listFirstCaseDates[0], dateFirstNonZeroStr) if ts < 0: continue # On passe au pays suivant if nbperiodes != 1: # pour plusieurs périodes #l, b0, c0, f0 = 0.255, 1./5.2, 1./12, 0.08 #a0 = (l+c0)*(1.+l/b0) #a0, b0, c0, f0, mu0, xi0 = 0.55, 0.34, 0.12, 0.25, 0.0005, 0.0001 a0, b0, c0, f0, mu0, xi0 = 0.60, 0.55, 0.30, 0.50, 0.0005, 0.0001 T = 150 else: # pour une période #a0, b0, c0, f0, mu0, xi0 = 0.10, 0.29, 0.10, 0.0022, 0.00004, 0. a0, b0, c0, f0, mu0, xi0 = 0.70, 0.25, 0.05, 0.003, 0.0005, 0.0001 T = 350 if i == 1 or i == 2: datelegend = None _, a0, b0, c0, f0, mu0, xi0 = solveur.modele.getParam() R10 = int(data[indMinPeriod, 0]) # on corrige R1 à la valeur numérique F0 = int(data[indMinPeriod, 1]) # on corrige F à la valeur numérique if i == 1: a0 /= 4. # le confinement réduit drastiquement (pour aider l'optimisation) T = 120 ts = 0 time = np.linspace(0, T - 1, T) solveur.modele.setParam(N=N, a=a0, b=b0, c=c0, f=f0, mu=mu0, xi=xi0) solveur.setParamInit(N=N, E0=E0, I0=I0, R10=R10, R20=R20, D0=D0) # Before optimization ############################### # Solve ode avant optimization sol_ode = solveur.solveEDO(time) # calcul time shift initial (ts) with respect to data if i == 0: ts = solveur.compute_tsfromEQM(data[slicedata, :], T, indexdata) else: solveur.TS = ts = 0 sliceedo = slice(ts, min(ts + dataLengthPeriod, T)) if verbose > 0: print(solveur) print(' ts=' + str(ts)) # plot if plot == True and DEGENERATE_CASE == False: commontitre = placefull + '- Period ' + str(i) + '\\' + str( len(ListDatesStr) - 1 ) + ' - [' + fitStartDateStr + '\u2192' + addDaystoStrDate( fitStopDateStr, -1) if sewe == 0: titre = commontitre + '] (Delay (delta)=' + str( decalage) + ')' else: titre = commontitre + '] (Sex=', +sexestr + ', Delay (delta)=' + str( decalage) + ')' listePlot = indexdata filename = prefFig + str(decalage) + '_Period' + str( i) + '_' + ''.join(map(str, listePlot)) + 'Init.png' solveur.plotEDO(filename, titre, sliceedo, slicedata, plot=listePlot, data=data, text=solveur.getTextParam(datelegend, Period=i)) # Parameters optimization ############################################################################ solveur.paramOptimization( data[slicedata, :], time) # version lorsque ts est calculé automatiquement #solveur.paramOptimization(data[slicedata, :], time, ts) # version lorsque l'on veut fixer ts _, a1, b1, c1, f1, mu1, xi1 = solveur.modele.getParam() R0 = solveur.modele.getR0() if verbose > 0: print('Solver' 's state after optimization=', solveur) print(' Reproductivité après: ', R0) # After optimization ############################### # Solve ode avant optimization sol_ode = solveur.solveEDO(time) # calcul time shift with respect to data if i == 0: ts = solveur.compute_tsfromEQM(data[slicedata, :], T, indexdata) else: solveur.TS = ts = 0 sliceedo = slice(ts, min(ts + dataLengthPeriod, T)) sliceedoderiv = slice(sliceedo.start + 1, sliceedo.stop) if verbose > 0: print(solveur) print(' ts=' + str(ts)) if i == 0: # on se souvient de la date du premier infesté dateI0 = addDaystoStrDate(fitStartDateStr, -ts + shift_0value) if verbose > 2: print('dateI0=', dateI0) input('attente') # sauvegarde des param (tableau et texte) seuil = (data[slicedata.stop - 1, 0] - data[slicedata.start, 0] ) / getNbDaysBetweenDateFromString( fitStartDateStr, fitStopDateStr) / N #print('seuil=', seuil) #print('DEGENERATE_CASE=', DEGENERATE_CASE) if DEGENERATE_CASE == True: ROsignificatif = False ListetabParamModelPlace.append( [-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1.]) else: if seuil < thresholdSignif: ROsignificatif = False ListetabParamModelPlace.append( [a1, b1, c1, f1, mu1, xi1, -1.]) else: ROsignificatif = True ListetabParamModelPlace.append( [a1, b1, c1, f1, mu1, xi1, R0]) # print('seuil=', seuil) # print('ROsignificatif=', ROsignificatif) # print('R0=', R0) # input('pause') ListeTextParamPlace.append( solveur.getTextParamWeak(datelegend, ROsignificatif, Period=i)) data_deriv_period = ( data[slicedataderiv, :] - data[slicedataderiv.start - 1:slicedataderiv.stop - 1, :]) / dt modelR1_deriv_period = ( sol_ode[sliceedoderiv, indexdata] - sol_ode[sliceedoderiv.start - 1:sliceedoderiv.stop - 1, indexdata]) / dt data_all_period = data[slicedataderiv, :] modelR1_all_period = sol_ode[sliceedoderiv, indexdata] if plot == True and DEGENERATE_CASE == False: commontitre = placefull + '- Period ' + str(i) + '\\' + str( len(ListDatesStr) - 1 ) + ' - [' + fitStartDateStr + '\u2192' + addDaystoStrDate( fitStopDateStr, -1) if sexe == 0: titre = commontitre + '] (Delay (delta)=' + str( decalage) + ')' else: titre = commontitre + '] (Sex=', +sexestr + ', Delay (delta)=' + str( decalage) + ')' # listePlot = [0,1,2,3,4,5] # filename = prefFig + str(decalage) + '_Period' + str(i) + '_' + ''.join(map(str, listePlot)) + '.png' # solveur.plotEDO(filename, titre, sliceedo, slicedata, plot=listePlot, data=data, text=solveur.getTextParam(datelegend, ROsignificatif, Period=i)) listePlot = [1, 2, 3, 5] filename = prefFig + str(decalage) + '_Period' + str( i) + '_' + ''.join(map(str, listePlot)) + 'Final.png' solveur.plotEDO(filename, titre, sliceedo, slicedata, plot=listePlot, data=data, text=solveur.getTextParam(datelegend, ROsignificatif, Period=i)) listePlot = indexdata filename = prefFig + str(decalage) + '_Period' + str( i) + '_' + ''.join(map(str, listePlot)) + 'Final.png' solveur.plotEDO(filename, titre, sliceedo, slicedata, plot=listePlot, data=data, text=solveur.getTextParam(datelegend, ROsignificatif, Period=i)) # dérivée numérique de R1 et F filename = prefFig + str(decalage) + '_Period' + str( i) + '_' + ''.join(map(str, listePlot)) + 'Deriv.png' solveur.plotEDO_deriv(filename, titre, sliceedoderiv, slicedataderiv, data_deriv_period, indexdata, text=solveur.getTextParam(datelegend, ROsignificatif, Period=i)) # sol_ode_withSwitch = solveur.solveEDO_withSwitch(T, timeswitch=ts+dataLengthPeriod) # ajout des données dérivées data_all[indexplace, slicedataderiv, :] = data_all_period modelR1_all[indexplace, slicedataderiv, :] = modelR1_all_period data_deriv[indexplace, slicedataderiv, :] = data_deriv_period modelR1_deriv[indexplace, slicedataderiv, :] = modelR1_deriv_period # ajout des SEIR1R2D modelSEIR1R2D[indexplace, slicedata.start:slicedata.stop, :] = sol_ode[ ts:ts + sliceedo.stop - sliceedo.start, :] # preparation for next iteration _, E0, I0, R10, R20, D0 = map( int, sol_ode[ts + dataLengthPeriod + recouvrement, :]) #print('A LA FIN : E0, I0, R10, R20, D0=', E0, I0, R10, R20, D0) if verbose > 1: input('next step') Listepd.append(pd_exerpt) ListeDateI0.append(dateI0) # calcul de l'EQM sur les données (et non sur les dérivées des données) #EQM = mean_squared_error(data_deriv[indexplace, :], modelR1_deriv[indexplace, :]) EQM = mean_squared_error(data_all[indexplace, :], modelR1_all[indexplace, :]) ListeEQM.append(EQM) # udpate des listes pour transmission ListeTextParam.append(ListeTextParamPlace) ListetabParamModel.append(ListetabParamModelPlace) return modelSEIR1R2D, ListeTextParam, Listepd, data_deriv, modelR1_deriv, ListetabParamModel, ListeEQM, ListeDateI0
def main(sysargv): print('sysargv=', sysargv) startAnalyseDate = "2020-06-08" TS = 18 lenAnalysis = 18 sexe, sexestr = 0, 'male+female' modelString = 'SEIR1R2' UKF_filt = 0 verbose = 1 plot = 1 #ListPlaces = 'FRANCE,MetropoleD+,MetropoleR+' ListPlaces = 'FRANCE,MetropoleD+' #ListPlaces = 'FRANCE,MetropoleD+,R84+,R52+' #ListPlaces = 'FRANCE,D28,D84' repertoire = getRepertoire( UKF_filt, './figures/' + modelString + '_UKFilt/R0Est_TS/sexe_' + str(sexe) + '_delay_' + str(TS), './figures/' + modelString + '/R0Est_TS/sexe_' + str(sexe) + '_delay_' + str(TS)) if len(sysargv) == 1: # Recupération des données et creation d'un dataframe pandas ################################################################# df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['EndEstDate', 'Place', 'R0MoyenP2']) for delta in range(lenAnalysis): #range(0, 13, 5): stopDate = addDaystoStrDate(startAnalyseDate, delta) print('-->STOP DATE=', stopDate) # Preparation de la liste des arguments por appel aux fonctions ListeArg=['', ListPlaces, str(sexe), \ modelString, str(UKF_filt), str(TS)+','+str(TS+1), str(0), str(plot), stopDate] # Appel à la fonction ListeChaines = PlotTimeShift(ListeArg) if verbose > 1: print('ListeChaines=', ListeChaines) # recupération en enregistrement des infos pour tous les sites demandés for elt in ListeChaines: ListeElt = elt.split(',') new_row = { 'EndEstDate': stopDate, 'Place': ListeElt[0], 'R0MoyenP2': np.float64(ListeElt[3]) } df = df.append(new_row, ignore_index=True) # Sauvegarde des résultats dans un fichier filename = repertoire + '/ROEst_TS.csv' print('filename=', filename) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) else: df = pd.read_csv(sysargv[1], sep=',', dtype={'R0MoyenP2': np.float64}) # listeHeader = list(df) df['EndEstDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['EndEstDate']) df.set_index('EndEstDate', inplace=True) # print('df.head()=', df.head()) # input('attente') # Filtage de quelques régions # filterArea=['53', '76', '94'] # print( # df.query('Place not in @filterArea', inplace=True) # print(df.head(15)) # Affichages graphiques ################################################################# # listplaces = ListPlaces.split(',')[1:] # Répertoire des figures prefFig = repertoire + '/TS_' # On s'occupe de l'évolution du R0 sur la période 2 filename = prefFig + str(TS) + '_Period_2_R0.png' if sexe == 0: title = f'R\N{SUBSCRIPT ZERO}' + ' estimation w.r.t. to the end date for estimation - Delay (delta)=' + str( TS) + ' day(s)' else: title = f'R\N{SUBSCRIPT ZERO}' + ' estimation w.r.t. to the end date for estimation - Sex=' + sexestr + ', Delay (delta)=' + str( TS) + ' day(s)' y = 'R0MoyenP2' PlotR0Est_TS(modelString, df, y, title, filename) df1 = df.groupby('Place').get_group('France') filename = prefFig + str(TS) + '_Period_2_R0_France.png' PlotR0Est_TS(modelString, df1, y, title, filename) print('Mean of estimated R0=', df.groupby('Place').mean()) print('Std of estimated R0=', df.groupby('Place').std())
def getTextParamWeak(self, startDate=None, ROsignificatif=True, Period=1): S = self.modele.getTextParam(ROsignificatif, Period=Period) if startDate!=None: dateI0 = addDaystoStrDate(startDate, -self.TS) S += '\n Date ' + r'$d_{I=1}$' + ':'+dateI0 return S