예제 #1
def test_magnitude_pruning():
    # Create a 4-D tensor of 1s
    a = torch.ones(3, 64, 32, 32)
    # Change one element
    a[1, 4, 17, 31] = 0.2
    # Create a masks dictionary and populate it with one ParameterMasker
    zeros_mask_dict = {}
    masker = distiller.ParameterMasker('a')
    zeros_mask_dict['a'] = masker
    # Try to use a MagnitudeParameterPruner with defining a default threshold
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        pruner = distiller.pruning.MagnitudeParameterPruner("test", None)

    # Now define the default threshold
    thresholds = {"*": 0.4}
    pruner = distiller.pruning.MagnitudeParameterPruner("test", thresholds)
    assert distiller.sparsity(a) == 0
    # Create a mask for parameter 'a'
    pruner.set_param_mask(a, 'a', zeros_mask_dict, None)
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity(zeros_mask_dict['a'].mask), 1/distiller.volume(a))

    # Let's now use the masker to prune a parameter
    masker = zeros_mask_dict['a']
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity(a), 1/distiller.volume(a))
    # We can use the masker on other tensors, if we want (and if they have the correct shape).
    # Remember that the mask was created already, so we're not thresholding - we are pruning
    b = torch.ones(3, 64, 32, 32)
    b[:] = 0.3
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity(b), 1/distiller.volume(a))
예제 #2
def test_level_mask():
    # Create a 4-D tensor of 1s
    a = torch.rand(3, 64, 32, 32)

    # Create and apply a mask
    mask = distiller.create_mask_level_criterion(a, desired_sparsity=0.3)
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity(mask), 0.3, max_diff=0.0001)
예제 #3
def intersection(p1, p2, p3, p4):
    d = cm.area_rectangle(p2, p1, p4, p3)
    a = cm.area_rectangle(p4, p3, p1, p3)
    b = cm.area_rectangle(p2, p1, p1, p3)

    if cm.almost_equal(d, 0):
        # Lines coincide
        if cm.almost_equal(cm.almost_equal(a, b), 0):
            return None, "coincident"

        # Lines are parallel
        return None, "parallel"

    ua = a / d
    ub = b / d

    # Lines do not touch
    if not 0 <= ua <= 1 or not 0 <= ub <= 1:
        return None, "none"

    # Calculate touching point
    x = p1[0] + ua * (p2[0] - p1[0])
    y = p1[1] + ua * (p2[1] - p1[1])
    xy = np.array([x, y])

    if cm.almost_equal(ua, 0) or cm.almost_equal(ua, 1) or cm.almost_equal(ub, 0) or cm.almost_equal(ub, 1):
        return xy, "touch"
        return xy, "intersection"
예제 #4
def test_sparsity():
    zeros = torch.zeros(2, 3, 5, 6)
    assert distiller.sparsity(zeros) == 1.0
    assert distiller.sparsity_3D(zeros) == 1.0
    assert distiller.density_3D(zeros) == 0.0
    ones = torch.ones(12, 43, 4, 6)
    assert distiller.sparsity(ones) == 0.0
    x = torch.tensor([[1., 2., 0, 4., 0], [1., 2., 0, 4., 0]])
    assert distiller.density(x) == 0.6
    assert distiller.density_cols(x, transposed=False) == 0.6
    assert distiller.sparsity_rows(x, transposed=False) == 0
    x = torch.tensor([[0., 0., 0], [1., 4., 0], [1., 2., 0], [0., 0., 0]])
    assert distiller.density(x) == 4 / 12
    assert distiller.sparsity_rows(x, transposed=False) == 0.5
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity_cols(x, transposed=False),
                               1 / 3)
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity_rows(x), 1 / 3)
예제 #5
def test_threshold_mask():
    # Create a 4-D tensor of 1s
    a = torch.ones(3, 64, 32, 32)
    # Change one element
    a[1, 4, 17, 31] = 0.2
    # Create and apply a mask
    mask = distiller.threshold_mask(a, threshold=0.3)
    assert np.sum(distiller.to_np(mask)) == (distiller.volume(a) - 1)
    assert mask[1, 4, 17, 31] == 0
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity(mask), 1/distiller.volume(a))
예제 #6
def test_sensitivity_mask():
    # Create a 4-D tensor of normally-distributed coefficients
    a = torch.randn(3, 64, 32, 32)

    # Create and apply a mask
    mask = distiller.create_mask_sensitivity_criterion(a, sensitivity=1)
    # The width of 1-std on ~N(0,1) is about 68.27%.  In other words:
    # Pr(mean - std <= X <= mean + std) is about 68.27%
    assert common.almost_equal(distiller.sparsity(mask),
예제 #7
def quickhull_sub(s, e1, e2, main=None):
    # Find biggest triangle area for s
    max_area, max_p, max_i = -np.inf, None, -1
    for i, p in enumerate(s):
        area = cm.area_triangle(e1, p, e2)
        if cm.almost_equal(area, max_area):
            # Take biggest angle if same area
            a = p - e1  # Vector from e1 to point
            b = e2 - p  # Vector from e2 to point
            angle1 = np.arctan2(b[1], b[0]) - np.arctan2(a[1], a[0])

            a = max_p - e1  # Vector from e1 to point
            b = e2 - max_p  # Vector from e2 to point
            angle2 = np.arctan2(b[1], b[0]) - np.arctan2(a[1], a[0])

            if angle1 > angle2:
                max_area, max_p, max_i = area, p, i

        elif area > max_area:
            max_area, max_p, max_i = area, p, i

    # if main is not None:
    #     main.plot_point(max_p, text="M", color="blue")  # Debug
    #     main.plot_connection(e1, max_p, color="blue", temp=True)  # Debug
    #     main.plot_connection(e2, max_p, color="blue", temp=True)  # Debug

    ch_points = np.array([max_p])

    # Split into 2 areas outside of triangle (ignoring points inside triangle)
    s1 = []
    s2 = []
    for p in s[:max_i] + s[(max_i + 1):]:
        u1 = cm.area_triangle(e1, p, max_p)
        u2 = cm.area_triangle(max_p, p, e2)
        if u1 > 0 and u2 < 0:  # Right of one line
            # if main is not None:
            #     main.plot_point(p, text="1", color="blue")  # Debug
        elif u2 > 0 and u1 < 0:  # Right of the other line
            # if main is not None:
            #     main.plot_point(p, text="2", color="blue")  # Debug

    if s1:
        sub_ch_points1 = quickhull_sub(s1, e1, max_p)
        if sub_ch_points1.any():
            ch_points = np.vstack((ch_points, sub_ch_points1))
    if s2:
        sub_ch_points2 = quickhull_sub(s2, max_p, e2)
        if sub_ch_points2.any():
            ch_points = np.vstack((ch_points, sub_ch_points2))

    return ch_points
예제 #8
class Point:
    x: float
    y: float

def euclidean_distance(a: Point, b: Point) -> float:
    return distance.euclidean((a.x, a.y), (b.x, b.y))

class UnitCircle:
    center: ClassVar[Point] = Point(0.5, 0.5)
    radius: ClassVar[float] = 0.5

    def contains(self, point: Point) -> bool:
        return euclidean_distance(point, self.center) < self.radius

def simulate(n_iter: int) -> float:
    unit_circle = UnitCircle()
    random_points: Generator[Point] = (Point(x=random.random(), y=random.random()) for _ in range(n_iter))
    num_points_within_circle: int = sum(
        [1 if unit_circle.contains(point) else 0 for point in random_points]

    return (float(num_points_within_circle) / n_iter) * 4

assert almost_equal(simulate(100000), math.pi)
예제 #9
from functools import lru_cache
from common import almost_equal

def even_heads(tosses: int, p: float) -> float:
    def _even_heads(n: int, even: bool) -> float:
        if n == 0:
            return 1 if even else 0
            return p * _even_heads(n - 1, not even) + (1 - p) * _even_heads(
                n - 1, even)

    return _even_heads(tosses, even=True)

assert even_heads(10, p=0.5) == 0.5
assert almost_equal(even_heads(10, p=0.6), 0.5000000512)
예제 #10
import numpy as np
from typing import List
from common import almost_equal

def correlation(x: List[int], y: List[int]) -> float:

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    n = len(x)
    x_mean, y_mean = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
    x_std_dev, y_std_dev = np.std(x), np.std(y)

    numerator = sum([x_i * y_i
                     for (x_i, y_i) in zip(x, y)]) - (n * x_mean * y_mean)
    denominator = n * x_std_dev * y_std_dev
    return numerator / denominator

a, b = [0, 14, 1, 10, 5], [2, 6, 8, 5, 6]
assert almost_equal(correlation(a, b), np.corrcoef(a, b)[0][1])
예제 #11
from random import sample
from common import almost_equal

def experiment(total_shows: int, num_top_shows: int):
    shows = range(total_shows)
    alice = sample(shows, num_top_shows)
    bob = sample(shows, num_top_shows)
    return len(set(alice) & set(bob))

def simulate(n_experiments=1000000):
    count = 0
    for i in range(n_experiments):
        count += experiment(total_shows=50, num_top_shows=3)
    return float(count) / n_experiments

assert almost_equal(simulate(), 0.18)
예제 #12
def jarvis_march(points, main=None):
    amount = len(points)

    start_extreme = timer()

    # Find extreme point (start of convex hull)
    points = points[np.lexsort((points[:, 0], points[:, 1]))]
    e = points[0]

    end_extreme = timer()

    # if main is not None:
    #     main.plot_point(e, text="E", color="blue")  # Debug

    start_first = timer()

    # Find second point by calculating angles to all points (smallest angle)
    min_angle, min_i = np.inf, -1
    for i, p in enumerate(points[1:]):
        angle = np.arctan2(p[1] - e[1], p[0] - e[0])
        if cm.almost_equal(angle, min_angle):
            # Take smaller distance if same angles
            if pl.euclidean_dist(e, p) < pl.euclidean_dist(e, points[min_i]):
                min_angle, min_i = angle, i + 1
        elif angle < min_angle:
            min_angle, min_i = angle, i + 1

    end_first = timer()

    ch_points = np.vstack((e, points[min_i]))
    points = np.concatenate((points[:min_i], points[(min_i + 1):]))

    start_other = timer()

    # Find all other points
    pi = ch_points[-1]
    while not np.array_equal(pi, e):
        min_angle, min_i = np.inf, -1
        for i, p in enumerate(points):
            a = pi - ch_points[-2]  # Vector from previous point to last point
            b = p - pi  # Vector from last point to new point
            angle = np.arctan2(b[1], b[0]) - np.arctan2(a[1], a[0])
            if angle < 0:
                angle += 2 * np.pi  # Bring into positive

            if cm.almost_equal(angle, min_angle):
                # Take smaller distance if same angles
                if pl.euclidean_dist(pi, p) < pl.euclidean_dist(
                        pi, points[min_i]):
                    min_angle, min_i = angle, i
            elif angle < min_angle:
                min_angle, min_i = angle, i

        ch_points = np.vstack((ch_points, points[min_i]))
        points = np.concatenate((points[:min_i], points[(min_i + 1):]))
        pi = ch_points[-1]

    end_other = timer()

    if main is not None:
        time_extreme = (end_extreme - start_extreme) * 1000
        time_first = (end_first - start_first) * 1000
        time_other = (end_other - start_other) * 1000
            "Calculated convex hull on {} points using Jarvis March algorithm in {} ms:"
            .format(amount, int(time_extreme + time_first + time_other)))
        main.log("- Found extreme point in {} ms".format(int(time_extreme)))
        main.log("- Found second point using extreme in {} ms".format(
        main.log("- Found all remaining points in {} ms".format(

    return ch_points