예제 #1
def preflop_interpreter(table, name, smallblind, ante):

    return_string = "tough-spot"

    bet0 = table.seats[0].bet
    bet1 = table.seats[1].bet
    bet2 = table.seats[2].bet
    bet3 = table.seats[3].bet
    bet4 = table.seats[4].bet
    bet5 = table.seats[5].bet

    stack0 = table.seats[0].stack
    stack1 = table.seats[1].stack
    stack2 = table.seats[2].stack
    stack3 = table.seats[3].stack
    stack4 = table.seats[4].stack
    stack5 = table.seats[5].stack

    posicione = common.getPreflopPosition(table, name)
    gamblers = common.countNotFoldedYet(table)
    cur_stack = 0
    biggest_bet = 0
    limpers = 0
    players_with_bets_bigger_than_big_blind = 0
    different_bet_sizings = []

    for s in table.seats:
        if s.bet > smallblind * 2 + ante:

    for s in table.seats:
        if s.bet > smallblind * 2 + ante:
            players_with_bets_bigger_than_big_blind += 1

    for l in table.seats:
        if l.bet == smallblind * 2 + ante:
            limpers += 1
    limpers -= 1  #remove big blind from limpers

    for s in table.seats:
        if s.bet > biggest_bet:
            biggest_bet = s.bet

    for s in table.seats:
        if s.name == name:
            cur_stack = s.stack

    pot = 0
    for s in table.seats:
        pot += s.bet

    #this function will read the table and give output string as one of the 50 preflop situations:
    #check if someone is allin before you and his stack
    allinbets = []
    #if there are more allins it will go to specail case
    for s in table.seats:
        if (s.bet > ((smallblind * 2) + ante)) and (s.stack == 0):
            #there is allin count number of allins
    if len(allinbets) == 1:
        if allinbets[0] < (smallblind * 25 + ante):
            if pot < allinbets[0] * 2:
                #one allin no call
                if gamblers == 2:
                    return_string = "allin10BB-wearehere-0behind"
                elif gamblers == 3:
                    return_string = "allin10BB-wearehere-1behind"
                elif gamblers > 3:
                    return_string = "allin10BB-wearehere-morebehind"
        else:  #allin bet is more than 10BB
            if (pot >= allinbets[0] * 2 + 6 * ante + 3 * smallblind) and (
                    pot <= allinbets[0] * 3 + 6 * ante + 3 * smallblind):
                if gamblers == 3:
                    return_string = "allin10BB+call-wearehere-0behind"
                elif gamblers == 4:
                    return_string = "allin10BB+call-wearehere-1behind"
                elif gamblers > 4:
                    return_string = "allin10BB+call-wearehere-morebehind"
                if gamblers == 2:
                    return_string = "allin10BB+wearehere-0behind"
                elif gamblers == 3:
                    return_string = "allin10BB+wearehere-1behind"
                elif gamblers > 3:
                    return_string = "allin10BB+wearehere-morebehind"
    elif len(allinbets) == 2:
        if gamblers == 3:
            return_string = "2allins-0behind"
        elif gamblers == 4:
            return_string = "2allins-1behind"
        elif gamblers > 4:
            return_string = "2allins-morebehind"
    elif len(allinbets) > 2:
        return_string = "more-allins"
        #no allin continue
        if cur_stack < smallblind * 20:
            if limpers > 0:
                if limpers == 1:
                    if gamblers == 2:
                        return_string = "10BB-1limper-0behind"
                    elif gamblers == 3:
                        return_string = "10BB-1limper-1behind"
                    elif gamblers == 4:
                        return_string = "10BB-1limper-2behind"
                    elif gamblers > 4:
                        return_string = "10BB-1limper-morebehind"
                elif limpers == 2:
                    if gamblers == 3:
                        return_string = "10BB-2limpers-0behind"
                    elif gamblers == 4:
                        return_string = "10BB-2limpers-1behind"
                    elif gamblers > 4:
                        return_string = "10BB-2limpers-morebehind"

            #current stack is less than 10BB so shortstack mode
            elif pot <= smallblind * 3 + 6 * ante:
                #no one opened
                if gamblers == 2:
                    return_string = "10BB-noopen-wearehere-1behind"
                elif gamblers == 3:
                    return_string = "10BB-noopen-wearehere-2behind"
                elif gamblers > 3:
                    return_string = "10BB-noopen-wearehere-morebehind"
                if gamblers == 2:
                    return_string = "10BB-opened-0behind"
                elif gamblers == 3:
                    return_string = "10BB-opened-1behind"
                elif gamblers > 3:
                    return_string = "10BB-opened-morebehind"
            #current stack is more than 10BBs
            if pot <= smallblind * 3 + 6 * ante:
                if gamblers == 2:
                    return_string = "10BB+noopen-wearehere-1behind"
                elif gamblers == 3:
                    return_string = "10BB+noopen-wearehere-2behind"
                elif gamblers >= 3:
                    return_string = "10BB+noopen-wearehere-morebehind"
                #check for limpers
                if limpers > 0:
                    if limpers == 1:
                        if gamblers == 2:
                            return_string = "10BB+1limp-wearehere-0behind"
                        elif gamblers == 3:
                            if len(
                            ) == 1 and smallblind * 10 > different_bet_sizings[
                                    0]:  #less than 5 times raise, otherwise special case
                                return_string = "10BB+limped-raised-wearehere-0behind"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                            elif len(different_bet_sizings) == 0:
                                return_string = "10BB+1limp-wearehere-1behind"
                        elif gamblers == 4:
                            if len(
                            ) == 1 and smallblind * 10 > different_bet_sizings[
                                    0]:  #less than 5 times raise, otherwise special case
                                return_string = "10BB+limped-raised-wearehere-1behind"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                            elif len(different_bet_sizings) == 0:
                                return_string = "10BB+1limp-wearehere-2behind"
                        elif gamblers > 4:
                            if len(
                            ) == 1 and smallblind * 10 > different_bet_sizings[
                                    0]:  #less than 5 times raise, otherwise special case
                                return_string = "10BB+limped-raised-wearehere-morebehind"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                            elif len(different_bet_sizings) == 0:
                                return_string = "10BB+1limp-wearehere-morebehind"
                    elif limpers == 2:
                        if gamblers == 3:
                            return_string = "10BB+2limps-wearehere-0behind"
                        elif gamblers == 4:
                            return_string = "10BB+2limps-wearehere-1behind"
                        elif gamblers > 4:
                            return_string = "10BB+2limps-wearehere-morebehind"
                    elif limpers == 3:
                        if gamblers == 4:
                            return_string = "10BB+3limps-wearehere-0behind"
                        elif gamblers > 4:
                            return_string = "10BB+3limps-wearehere-morebehind"
                    elif limpers > 3:
                        return_string = "10BB+bunch_of_limpers"
                    if players_with_bets_bigger_than_big_blind == 1:
                        #check open size:
                        if biggest_bet <= smallblind * 10 + 6 * ante:
                            #up to 5 big blinds plus ante it will go for normal bet size
                            if gamblers == 2:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-wearehere-0behind"
                            elif gamblers == 3:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-wearehere-1behind"
                            elif gamblers == 4:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-wearehere-2behind"
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-wearehere-morebehind"
                            return_string = "10BB+weird-big-size-open"
                        if len(different_bet_sizings
                               ) == 2 and different_bet_sizings[
                                   0] == different_bet_sizings[1]:
                            if gamblers == 3:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-call-wearehere-0behind"
                            elif gamblers == 4:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-call-wearehere-1behind"
                            elif gamblers > 4:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-call-wearehere-morebehind"
                        elif len(different_bet_sizings) == 2:
                            if gamblers == 2:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-back-to-original-opener"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                            elif gamblers == 3:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-wearehere-0behind"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                            elif gamblers == 4:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-wearehere-1behind"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                            elif gamblers > 4:
                                return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-wearehere-morebehind"
                                settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
                        elif len(different_bet_sizings) == 3:
                            if different_bet_sizings[
                                    0] != different_bet_sizings[1]:
                                if different_bet_sizings[
                                        0] != different_bet_sizings[2]:
                                    if different_bet_sizings[
                                            1] != different_bet_sizings[2]:
                                        return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-reraised-wearehere"
                                open_raise_call = 0
                                if different_bet_sizings[
                                        0] == different_bet_sizings[1]:
                                    open_raise_call = 1
                                if different_bet_sizings[
                                        0] == different_bet_sizings[2]:
                                    open_raise_call = 1
                                if different_bet_sizings[
                                        1] == different_bet_sizings[2]:
                                    opened_raised_called = 1
                                if open_raise_call == 1:
                                    return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-called-wearehere"
                                    settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet

    if return_string == "tough-spot":
        #here check for special cases if you missed something, lets say open or limp and someone reraises and gets back to you
        if (players_with_bets_bigger_than_big_blind == 2) and (
            (len(different_bet_sizings) == 2) and
            (different_bet_sizings[0] < different_bet_sizings[1]) and
            (different_bet_sizings[0] * 5 >= different_bet_sizings[1])):
            if gamblers == 2:
                mybet = 0.0
                for s in table.seats:
                    if s.name == name:
                        mybet = s.bet
                if mybet < biggest_bet:
                    #we opened, villain raised
                    return_string = "10BB+opened-raised-back-to-original-opener"
                    settings.threebet += 1  #there is a 3bet
        #check for maniacs
        maniac_on_board = 0
        for s in table.seats:
            if s.last5betscrazy >= 2:
                maniac_on_board = 1
        if settings.preorbits_hero > 3:
            if settings.crazybets_hero / settings.preorbits_hero >= 0.5:
                return_string = "maniac-on-board"
        if maniac_on_board:
            return_string = "maniac-on-board"
    return return_string
예제 #2
def openbetriversize(vilsstp, stp, boardstraight, boardflush, mystraight,
                     myflush, equx, pot, mybet, biggest_bet, game_type,
                     smallblind, ante, table):
    gamblers = common.countNotFoldedYet(table)
    effective_stacks = common.get_effective_stacks(table, smallblind)
    proposed_bet = 0
    bet_big_reasons = 0
    bet_small_reasons = 0
    check_reasons = 0
    allin_reasons = 0
    villains_stps = vilsstp
    shortstack_vil = vilsstp[0]
    bigstack_vil = vilsstp[0]
    for vsstp in vilsstp:
        if vsstp < shortstack_vil:
            shortstack_vil = vsstp
        if vsstp > bigstack_vil:
            bigstack_vil = vsstp

    if boardflush == 0:
        # have to find method to find if our flush is high or low
        check_reasons += 1
    elif boardflush == 1:
        #possible flush on river 4 board cards from same suit
        if myflush == 0:
            #we already have flush will bet big
            bet_big_reasons += 1
        if myflush == 1:
            #we do not have this suit
            check_reasons += 1
    elif boardflush == 2:
        #there is a possible flush
        if myflush == 0:
            #we already have flush
            bet_big_reasons += 1
        if myflush == 1:
            #we do not have a flush but we have blocker
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        if mystraight == 0:
            #we have straight on a flush 2 board
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        bet_big_reasons += 1

    if boardstraight == 2:
        #possible straight on river
        if mystraight == 0:
            #we have straight
            bet_big_reasons += 1
    elif boardstraight == 1 or boardstraight == 0:
        #heavy straight board
        check_reasons += 1
        bet_big_reasons += 1

    allin_reasons = 0

    if allin_reasons:
        proposed_bet = 3 * pot
        if check_reasons > bet_small_reasons and check_reasons > bet_big_reasons:
            #we prefer to check
            proposed_bet = 0
        elif bet_small_reasons > bet_big_reasons:
            #prefer to bet small
            simpledecision = randint(0, 10)
            if simpledecision < 3:
                #blocking bet
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 4)
                if settings.debug_postflop:
                    if settings.view < 4:
                        print("blocking bet")
                    if settings.debug_postflop_stop_point:
                        dumb = input("]")
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 2)
        elif bet_small_reasons < bet_big_reasons:
            #prefer to bet big
            simpledecision = randint(0, 10)
            if simpledecision == 0:
                #overbet 1.5*pot
                proposed_bet = round(1.5 * pot)
            elif simpledecision < 4:
                proposed_bet = round(pot)
            elif simpledecision < 7:
                proposed_bet = round(3 * pot / 4)
                #2/3 bet
                proposed_bet = round(2 * pot / 3)
            if effective_stacks < 30 and gamblers < 4:
                #halfpot bet for h and s
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 2)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 1)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
                #2/3bet for mtt and cash
                proposed_bet = round(2 * pot / 3)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 3)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
    rounded_bet = common.roundbet(proposed_bet)
    return rounded_bet
예제 #3
def openbetflopsize_vs1(vilsstp, stp, boardstraight, boardflush, mystraight,
                        myflush, equx, pot, mybet, biggest_bet, game_type,
                        smallblind, ante, table):
    gamblers = common.countNotFoldedYet(table)
    effective_stacks = common.get_effective_stacks(table, smallblind)
    proposed_bet = 0
    bet_big_reasons = 0
    bet_small_reasons = 0
    allin_reasons = 0
    if vilsstp[0] < 3:
        if equx > 0.8:
            #villain is some kind of shortstack
            #or a lot of bets are in so we want to trap with good hand
            #to induce bluff and checkraise
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        elif equx < 0.5:
            #here is the opposite we have mediocre hand
            #and want to bluff off villains hand
            bet_big_reasons += 1
    if boardflush == 2:
        #this is maximum possible flushdraw on flop i.e. all board cards from same suit
        if myflush == 0:
            #we already have flush
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        if myflush == 1:
            #we have a flush draw
            bet_big_reasons += 1
        if mystraight == 0:
            #we have flopped straight on a flush heavy board
            bet_big_reasons += 1
        if mystraight == 1:
            #we have straight draw on a heavy flush draw
            bet_small_reasons += 1

    elif boardflush == 3:
        #two cards from same suit on board, possible flushdraw
        if myflush == 1:
            #we have a flush draw
            bet_big_reasons += 1
    elif boardflush == 4:
        #three different suits on board
        print("error on counting flushdraws on flop")
        dumb = input("]")

    #print("boardstraight: " + str(boardstraight))
    if boardstraight == 2:
        #possible straight on flop
        if mystraight == 0:
            #we have flopped straight
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        if mystraight == 1:
            #we have straight draw

    if stp < 1.7:
        allin_reasons = 1

    if allin_reasons:
        proposed_bet = 3 * pot
        if bet_small_reasons > bet_big_reasons:
            #prefer to bet small
            simpledecision = randint(0, 10)
            if simpledecision < 3:
                #blocking bet
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 4)
                if settings.debug_postflop:
                    if settings.view < 4:
                        print("blocking bet")
                    if settings.debug_postflop_stop_point:
                        dumb = input("]")
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 2)
        elif bet_small_reasons < bet_big_reasons:
            #prefer to bet big
            simpledecision = randint(0, 10)
            if simpledecision == 0:
                #overbet 1.5*pot
                proposed_bet = round(1.5 * pot)
            elif simpledecision < 4:
                proposed_bet = round(pot)
            elif simpledecision < 7:
                proposed_bet = round(3 * pot / 4)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 1)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
                #2/3 bet
                proposed_bet = round(2 * pot / 3)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 3)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
            if effective_stacks < 40:
                #halfpot bet for h and s
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 2)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 1)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
                #2/3bet for mtt and cash
                proposed_bet = round(2 * pot / 3)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 3)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
    rounded_bet = common.roundbet(proposed_bet)
    return rounded_bet
예제 #4
def openbetflopsize_vs_more(vilsstp, stp, boardstraight, boardflush,
                            mystraight, myflush, equx, pot, mybet, biggest_bet,
                            game_type, smallblind, ante, table):
    gamblers = common.countNotFoldedYet(table)
    effective_stacks = common.get_effective_stacks(table, smallblind)
    proposed_bet = 0
    bet_big_reasons = 0
    bet_small_reasons = 0
    allin_reasons = 0
    villains_stps = vilsstp
    shortstack_vil = vilsstp[0]
    bigstack_vil = vilsstp[0]
    for vsstp in vilsstp:
        if vsstp < shortstack_vil:
            shortstack_vil = vsstp
        if vsstp > bigstack_vil:
            bigstack_vil = vsstp
    if shortstack_vil < 3:
        #we have shortstack villain
        bet_small_reasons += 1
    if boardflush == 2:
        #this is maximum possible flushdraw on flop i.e. all board cards from same suit
        if myflush == 0:
            #we already have flush
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        if myflush == 1:
            #we have a flush draw
            bet_big_reasons += 1
        if mystraight == 0:
            #we have flopped straight on a flush heavy board
            bet_big_reasons += 1
        if mystraight == 1:
            #we have straight draw on a heavy flush draw
            bet_small_reasons += 1

    elif boardflush == 3:
        #two cards from same suit on board, possible flushdraw
        if myflush == 1:
            #we have a flush draw
            bet_big_reasons += 1
    elif boardflush == 4:
        #three different suits on board
        print("error on counting flushdraws on flop")
        dumb = input("]")

    if boardstraight == 2:
        #possible straight on flop
        if mystraight == 0:
            #we have flopped straight
            bet_small_reasons += 1
        elif mystraight == 1:
            #we have straight draw
            #we want to give bad pot odds to villain
            bet_big_reasons += 1

    if stp < 1.7:
        allin_reasons = 1

    if allin_reasons:
        proposed_bet = 3 * pot
        if bet_small_reasons > bet_big_reasons:
            #prefer to bet small
            simpledecision = randint(0, 10)
            if simpledecision < 3:
                #blocking bet
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 4)
                if settings.debug_postflop:
                    if settings.view < 4:
                        print("blocking bet")
                    if settings.debug_postflop_stop_point:
                        dumb = input("]")
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 2)
        elif bet_small_reasons < bet_big_reasons:
            #prefer to bet big
            simpledecision = randint(0, 10)
            if simpledecision == 0:
                randomoverbet = randint(0, 4)
                if randomoverbet == 0:
                    proposed_bet = round(1.5 * pot)
                elif randomoverbet == 1:
                    proposed_bet = round(1.8 * pot)
                elif randomoverbet == 2:
                    proposed_bet = round(2.1 * pot)
                    proposed_bet = round(1.3 * pot)
            elif simpledecision < 4:
                proposed_bet = round(pot)
            elif simpledecision < 7:
                proposed_bet = round(3 * pot / 4)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 1)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
                #2/3 bet
                proposed_bet = round(2 * pot / 3)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 3)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
            if effective_stacks < 30 and gamblers < 4:
                #halfpot bet for h and s
                proposed_bet = round(pot / 2)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 1)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
                #2/3bet for mtt and cash
                proposed_bet = round(2 * pot / 3)
                cherrytop = randint(0, 3)
                proposed_bet += cherrytop * smallblind
    rounded_bet = common.roundbet(proposed_bet)
    return rounded_bet