def buildApp (buildRoot, androidBuildType, javaApi): appDir = os.path.join(buildRoot, "package") # Set up app os.chdir(appDir) manifestSrcPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "AndroidManifest.xml")) manifestDstPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml")) # Build dir can be the Android dir, in which case the copy is not needed. if manifestSrcPath != manifestDstPath: shutil.copy(manifestSrcPath, manifestDstPath) common.execArgs([ common.ANDROID_BIN, 'update', 'project', '--name', 'dEQP', '--path', '.', '--target', javaApi, ]) # Build common.execArgs([ common.ANT_BIN, androidBuildType, "-Dsource.dir=" + os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "src"), "-Dresource.absolute.dir=" + os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "res") ])
def buildApp (buildRoot, androidBuildType, javaApi, package): appDir = os.path.join(buildRoot, package) # Set up app os.chdir(appDir) manifestSrcPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, package, "AndroidManifest.xml")) manifestDstPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml")) # Build dir can be the Android dir, in which case the copy is not needed. if manifestSrcPath != manifestDstPath: shutil.copy(manifestSrcPath, manifestDstPath) common.execArgs([ common.ANDROID_BIN, 'update', 'project', '--name', 'dEQP', '--path', '.', '--target', javaApi, ]) # Build common.execArgs([ common.ANT_BIN, androidBuildType, "-Dsource.dir=" + os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, package, "src"), "-Dresource.absolute.dir=" + os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR,package, "res") ])
def buildApp(buildRoot, isRelease): appDir = os.path.join(buildRoot, "package") # Set up app os.chdir(appDir) manifestSrcPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "AndroidManifest.xml")) manifestDstPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml")) # Build dir can be the Android dir, in which case the copy is not needed. if manifestSrcPath != manifestDstPath: shutil.copy(manifestSrcPath, manifestDstPath) common.execArgs([ common.ANDROID_BIN, 'update', 'project', '--name', 'dEQP', '--path', '.', '--target', str(common.ANDROID_JAVA_API), ]) # Build common.execArgs([ common.ANT_BIN, "release" if isRelease else "debug", "-Dsource.dir=" + os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "src"), "-Dresource.absolute.dir=" + os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "res") ])
def buildNative (nativeLib, buildType): deqpDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "..")) buildDir = getNativeBuildDir(nativeLib, buildType) assetsDir = os.path.join(buildDir, "assets") libsDir = os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package", "libs", nativeLib.abiVersion) srcLibFile = os.path.join(buildDir, "") dstLibFile = os.path.join(libsDir, "" % nativeLib.libName) # Remove old lib files if such exist if os.path.exists(srcLibFile): os.unlink(srcLibFile) if os.path.exists(dstLibFile): os.unlink(dstLibFile) # Remove assets directory so that we don't collect unnecessary cruft to the APK if os.path.exists(assetsDir): shutil.rmtree(assetsDir) # Make build directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(buildDir): os.makedirs(buildDir) os.chdir(buildDir) common.execArgs([ 'cmake', '-G%s' % common.CMAKE_GENERATOR, '-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%s/framework/delibs/cmake/toolchain-android-%s.cmake' % (deqpDir, common.ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION), '-DANDROID_NDK_HOST_OS=%s' % common.ANDROID_NDK_HOST_OS, '-DANDROID_NDK_PATH=%s' % common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, '-DANDROID_ABI=%s' % nativeLib.abiVersion, '-DDE_ANDROID_API=%s' % nativeLib.apiVersion, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s' % buildType, '-DDEQP_TARGET=android', deqpDir ]) os.chdir(buildDir) common.execute(common.BUILD_CMD) if not os.path.exists(libsDir): os.makedirs(libsDir) # Copy shutil.copyfile(srcLibFile, dstLibFile) # Copy gdbserver for debugging if buildType.lower() == "debug": if nativeLib.abiVersion == "x86": shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, "prebuilt/android-x86/gdbserver/gdbserver"), os.path.join(libsDir, "gdbserver")) elif nativeLib.abiVersion == "armeabi-v7a": shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, "prebuilt/android-arm/gdbserver/gdbserver"), os.path.join(libsDir, "gdbserver")) else: print("Unknown ABI. Won't copy gdbserver to package") elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(libsDir, "gdbserver")): # Make sure there is no gdbserver if build is not debug build os.unlink(os.path.join(libsDir, "gdbserver"))
def signApp(keystore, keyname, storepass, keypass): os.chdir(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package")) common.execArgs([ common.JARSIGNER_BIN, '-keystore', keystore, '-storepass', storepass, '-keypass', keypass, '-sigfile', 'CERT', '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-sigalg', 'MD5withRSA', '-signedjar', 'bin/dEQP-unaligned.apk', 'bin/dEQP-release-unsigned.apk', keyname ]) common.execArgs([ common.ZIPALIGN_BIN, '-f', '4', 'bin/dEQP-unaligned.apk', 'bin/dEQP-release.apk' ])
def buildNative (buildRoot, libTargetDir, nativeLib, buildType): deqpDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "..")) buildDir = getNativeBuildDir(buildRoot, nativeLib, buildType) libsDir = os.path.join(libTargetDir, nativeLib.abiVersion) srcLibFile = os.path.join(buildDir, common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) dstLibFile = os.path.join(libsDir, common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) # Make build directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(buildDir): os.makedirs(buildDir) os.chdir(buildDir) toolchainFile = '%s/framework/delibs/cmake/toolchain-android-%s.cmake' % (deqpDir, common.ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION) common.execArgs([ 'cmake', '-G%s' % common.CMAKE_GENERATOR, '-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%s' % toolchainFile, '-DANDROID_NDK_HOST_OS=%s' % common.ANDROID_NDK_HOST_OS, '-DANDROID_NDK_PATH=%s' % common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, '-DANDROID_ABI=%s' % nativeLib.abiVersion, '-DDE_ANDROID_API=%s' % nativeLib.apiVersion, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s' % buildType, '-DDEQP_TARGET=android', deqpDir ]) os.chdir(buildDir) common.execArgs(['cmake', '--build', '.'] + common.EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS) if not os.path.exists(libsDir): os.makedirs(libsDir) shutil.copyfile(srcLibFile, dstLibFile) # Copy gdbserver for debugging if buildType.lower() == "debug": srcGdbserverPath = os.path.join(common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, 'prebuilt', getPrebuiltsDirName(nativeLib.abiVersion), 'gdbserver', 'gdbserver') dstGdbserverPath = os.path.join(libsDir, 'gdbserver') shutil.copyfile(srcGdbserverPath, dstGdbserverPath) else: assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(libsDir, "gdbserver"))
def buildNative(buildRoot, libTargetDir, nativeLib, buildType): deqpDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "..")) buildDir = getNativeBuildDir(buildRoot, nativeLib, buildType) libsDir = os.path.join(libTargetDir, nativeLib.abiVersion) srcLibFile = os.path.join(buildDir, common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) dstLibFile = os.path.join(libsDir, common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) # Make build directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(buildDir): os.makedirs(buildDir) os.chdir(buildDir) toolchainFile = '%s/framework/delibs/cmake/toolchain-android-%s.cmake' % ( deqpDir, common.ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION) common.execArgs([ 'cmake', '-G%s' % common.CMAKE_GENERATOR, '-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=%s' % toolchainFile, '-DANDROID_NDK_HOST_OS=%s' % common.ANDROID_NDK_HOST_OS, '-DANDROID_NDK_PATH=%s' % common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, '-DANDROID_ABI=%s' % nativeLib.abiVersion, '-DDE_ANDROID_API=%s' % nativeLib.apiVersion, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s' % buildType, '-DDEQP_TARGET=android', deqpDir ]) os.chdir(buildDir) common.execArgs(['cmake', '--build', '.'] + common.EXTRA_BUILD_ARGS) if not os.path.exists(libsDir): os.makedirs(libsDir) shutil.copyfile(srcLibFile, dstLibFile) # Copy gdbserver for debugging if buildType.lower() == "debug": srcGdbserverPath = os.path.join( common.ANDROID_NDK_PATH, 'prebuilt', getPrebuiltsDirName(nativeLib.abiVersion), 'gdbserver', 'gdbserver') dstGdbserverPath = os.path.join(libsDir, 'gdbserver') shutil.copyfile(srcGdbserverPath, dstGdbserverPath) else: assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(libsDir, "gdbserver"))
def signApp (keystore, keyname, storepass, keypass): os.chdir(os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "package")) common.execArgs([ common.JARSIGNER_BIN, '-keystore', keystore, '-storepass', storepass, '-keypass', keypass, '-sigfile', 'CERT', '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-sigalg', 'MD5withRSA', '-signedjar', 'bin/dEQP-unaligned.apk', 'bin/dEQP-release-unsigned.apk', keyname ]) common.execArgs([ common.ZIPALIGN_BIN, '-f', '4', 'bin/dEQP-unaligned.apk', 'bin/dEQP-release.apk' ])
def install (extraArgs = []): curDir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(common.ANDROID_DIR) print "Removing old dEQP Package..." common.execArgs([common.ADB_BIN] + extraArgs + [ 'uninstall', 'com.drawelements.deqp' ]) print "" print "Installing dEQP Package..." common.execArgs([common.ADB_BIN] + extraArgs + [ 'install', '-r', 'package/bin/dEQP-debug.apk' ]) print "" finally: # Restore working dir os.chdir(curDir)
def debug(adbCmd, deqpCmdLine, targetGDBPort, hostGDBPort, jdbPort, jdbCmd, gdbCmd, buildDir, deviceLibs, breakpoints, serial, deviceGdbCmd, appProcessName, linkerName): programPid = -1 gdbServerProcess = None gdbProcess = None jdbProcess = None curDir = os.getcwd() debugDir = os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "debug") serialArg = "-s " + serial if serial != None else "" if os.path.exists(debugDir): shutil.rmtree(debugDir) os.makedirs(debugDir) os.chdir(debugDir) try: # Start execution print("Starting intent...") common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + [ "shell", "am", "start", "-W", "-D", "-n", "com.drawelements.deqp/", "-e", "cmdLine", "\"\"unused " + deqpCmdLine + "\"\"" ]) print("Intent started") # Kill existing gdbservers print("Check and kill existing gdbserver") gdbPid = getADBProgramPID(adbCmd, "gdbserver", serial) if gdbPid != -1: print("Found gdbserver with PID %i" % gdbPid) common.execArgs( [adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + [ "shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", "kill", "-9", str(gdbPid) ]) print("Killed gdbserver") else: print("Couldn't find existing gdbserver") programPid = getADBProgramPID(adbCmd, "com.drawelements.deqp:testercore", serial) print("Find process PID") if programPid == -1: common.die("Couldn't get PID of testercore") print("Process running with PID %i" % programPid) # Start gdbserver print( "Start gdbserver for PID %i redirect stdout to gdbserver-stdout.txt" % programPid) gdbServerProcess = subprocess.Popen( [adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + [ "shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", deviceGdbCmd, "localhost:" + str(targetGDBPort), "--attach", str(programPid) ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open("gdbserver-stdout.txt", "wb"), stderr=open("gdbserver-stderr.txt", "wb")) print("gdbserver started") time.sleep(1) gdbServerProcess.poll() if gdbServerProcess.returncode != None: common.die( "gdbserver returned unexpectly with return code %i see gdbserver-stdout.txt for more info" % gdbServerProcess.returncode) # Setup port forwarding print("Forwarding local port to gdbserver port") common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + [ "forward", "tcp:" + str(hostGDBPort), "tcp:" + str(targetGDBPort) ]) # Pull some data files for debugger print("Pull /system/bin/%s from device" % appProcessName) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["pull", "/system/bin/" + str(appProcessName)]) print("Pull /system/bin/%s from device" % linkerName) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["pull", "/system/bin/" + str(linkerName)]) for lib in deviceLibs: print("Pull library %s from device" % lib) try: common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["pull", lib]) except Exception as e: print("Failed to pull library '%s'. Error: %s" % (lib, str(e))) print("Copy %s from build dir" % common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(buildDir, common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME), common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) # Forward local port for jdb print("Forward local port to jdb port") common.execArgs( [adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["forward", "tcp:" + str(jdbPort), "jdwp:" + str(programPid)]) # Connect JDB print("Start jdb process redirectd stdout to jdb-stdout.txt") jdbProcess = subprocess.Popen([ jdbCmd, "-connect", "com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:hostname=localhost,port=" + str(jdbPort), "-sourcepath", "../package" ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open("jdb-stdout.txt", "wb"), stderr=open("jdb-stderr.txt", "wb")) print("Started jdb process") # Write gdb.setup print("Write gdb.setup") gdbSetup = open("gdb.setup", "wb") gdbSetup.write("file %s\n" % appProcessName) gdbSetup.write("set solib-search-path .\n") gdbSetup.write("target remote :%i\n" % hostGDBPort) gdbSetup.write("set breakpoint pending on\n") for breakpoint in breakpoints: print("Set breakpoint at %s" % breakpoint) gdbSetup.write("break %s\n" % breakpoint) gdbSetup.write("set breakpoint pending off\n") gdbSetup.close() print("Start gdb") gdbProcess = subprocess.Popen(common.shellquote(gdbCmd) + " -x gdb.setup", shell=True) gdbProcess.wait() print("gdb returned with %i" % gdbProcess.returncode) gdbProcess = None print("Close jdb process with 'quit'") jdbProcess.stdin.write("quit\n") jdbProcess.wait() print("JDB returned %s" % str(jdbProcess.returncode)) jdbProcess = None print("Kill gdbserver process") gdbServerProcess.kill() gdbServerProcess = None print("Killed gdbserver process") print("Kill program %i" % programPid) common.execArgs( [adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + [ "shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", "kill", "-9", str(programPid) ]) print("Killed program") finally: if jdbProcess and jdbProcess.returncode == None: print("Kill jdb") jdbProcess.kill() elif jdbProcess: print("JDB returned %i" % jdbProcess.returncode) if gdbProcess and gdbProcess.returncode == None: print("Kill gdb") gdbProcess.kill() elif gdbProcess: print("GDB returned %i" % gdbProcess.returncode) if gdbServerProcess and gdbServerProcess.returncode == None: print("Kill gdbserver") gdbServerProcess.kill() elif gdbServerProcess: print("GDB server returned %i" % gdbServerProcess.returncode) if programPid != -1: print("Kill program %i" % programPid) common.execArgs( [adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + [ "shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", "kill", "-9", str(programPid) ]) print("Killed program") os.chdir(curDir)
def debug ( adbCmd, deqpCmdLine, targetGDBPort, hostGDBPort, jdbPort, jdbCmd, gdbCmd, buildDir, deviceLibs, breakpoints, serial, deviceGdbCmd, appProcessName, linkerName ): programPid = -1 gdbServerProcess = None gdbProcess = None jdbProcess = None curDir = os.getcwd() debugDir = os.path.join(common.ANDROID_DIR, "debug") serialArg = "-s " + serial if serial != None else "" if os.path.exists(debugDir): shutil.rmtree(debugDir) os.makedirs(debugDir) os.chdir(debugDir) try: # Start execution print("Starting intent...") common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["shell", "am", "start", "-W", "-D", "-n", "com.drawelements.deqp/", "-e", "cmdLine", "\"\"unused " + deqpCmdLine + "\"\""]) print("Intent started") # Kill existing gdbservers print("Check and kill existing gdbserver") gdbPid = getADBProgramPID(adbCmd, "gdbserver", serial) if gdbPid != -1: print("Found gdbserver with PID %i" % gdbPid) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", "kill", "-9", str(gdbPid)]) print("Killed gdbserver") else: print("Couldn't find existing gdbserver") programPid = getADBProgramPID(adbCmd, "com.drawelements.deqp:testercore", serial) print("Find process PID") if programPid == -1: common.die("Couldn't get PID of testercore") print("Process running with PID %i" % programPid) # Start gdbserver print("Start gdbserver for PID %i redirect stdout to gdbserver-stdout.txt" % programPid) gdbServerProcess = subprocess.Popen([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", deviceGdbCmd, "localhost:" + str(targetGDBPort), "--attach", str(programPid)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open("gdbserver-stdout.txt", "wb"), stderr=open("gdbserver-stderr.txt", "wb")) print("gdbserver started") time.sleep(1) gdbServerProcess.poll() if gdbServerProcess.returncode != None: common.die("gdbserver returned unexpectly with return code %i see gdbserver-stdout.txt for more info" % gdbServerProcess.returncode) # Setup port forwarding print("Forwarding local port to gdbserver port") common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["forward", "tcp:" + str(hostGDBPort), "tcp:" + str(targetGDBPort)]) # Pull some data files for debugger print("Pull /system/bin/%s from device" % appProcessName) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["pull", "/system/bin/" + str(appProcessName)]) print("Pull /system/bin/%s from device" % linkerName) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["pull", "/system/bin/" + str(linkerName)]) for lib in deviceLibs: print("Pull library %s from device" % lib) try: common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["pull", lib]) except Exception as e: print("Failed to pull library '%s'. Error: %s" % (lib, str(e))) print("Copy %s from build dir" % common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(buildDir, common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME), common.NATIVE_LIB_NAME) # Forward local port for jdb print("Forward local port to jdb port") common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["forward", "tcp:" + str(jdbPort), "jdwp:" + str(programPid)]) # Connect JDB print("Start jdb process redirectd stdout to jdb-stdout.txt") jdbProcess = subprocess.Popen([jdbCmd, "-connect", "com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:hostname=localhost,port=" + str(jdbPort), "-sourcepath", "../package"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open("jdb-stdout.txt", "wb"), stderr=open("jdb-stderr.txt", "wb")) print("Started jdb process") # Write gdb.setup print("Write gdb.setup") gdbSetup = open("gdb.setup", "wb") gdbSetup.write("file %s\n" % appProcessName) gdbSetup.write("set solib-search-path .\n") gdbSetup.write("target remote :%i\n" % hostGDBPort) gdbSetup.write("set breakpoint pending on\n") for breakpoint in breakpoints: print("Set breakpoint at %s" % breakpoint) gdbSetup.write("break %s\n" % breakpoint) gdbSetup.write("set breakpoint pending off\n") gdbSetup.close() print("Start gdb") gdbProcess = subprocess.Popen(common.shellquote(gdbCmd) + " -x gdb.setup", shell=True) gdbProcess.wait() print("gdb returned with %i" % gdbProcess.returncode) gdbProcess=None print("Close jdb process with 'quit'") jdbProcess.stdin.write("quit\n") jdbProcess.wait() print("JDB returned %s" % str(jdbProcess.returncode)) jdbProcess=None print("Kill gdbserver process") gdbServerProcess.kill() gdbServerProcess=None print("Killed gdbserver process") print("Kill program %i" % programPid) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", "kill", "-9", str(programPid)]) print("Killed program") finally: if jdbProcess and jdbProcess.returncode == None: print("Kill jdb") jdbProcess.kill() elif jdbProcess: print("JDB returned %i" % jdbProcess.returncode) if gdbProcess and gdbProcess.returncode == None: print("Kill gdb") gdbProcess.kill() elif gdbProcess: print("GDB returned %i" % gdbProcess.returncode) if gdbServerProcess and gdbServerProcess.returncode == None: print("Kill gdbserver") gdbServerProcess.kill() elif gdbServerProcess: print("GDB server returned %i" % gdbServerProcess.returncode) if programPid != -1: print("Kill program %i" % programPid) common.execArgs([adbCmd] + (["-s", serial] if serial != None else []) + ["shell", "run-as", "com.drawelements.deqp", "kill", "-9", str(programPid)]) print("Killed program") os.chdir(curDir)