예제 #1
def make_address2(force, firstnames, lastnames):
    extras = ["c/o", "att:"]

    if force or random.random() < 0.05:
        return "%s %s %s" % (common.get_random_item(extras), common.get_random_item(firstnames).strip(), common.get_random_item(lastnames).strip())
        return None
예제 #2
def generate(db, count):
    print "Populating table: members"

    with open("firstnames_female.txt") as f:
        firstnames_female = f.readlines()
    with open("firstnames_male.txt") as f:
        firstnames_male = f.readlines()
    with open("lastnames.txt") as f:
        lastnames = f.readlines()
    with open("cities.txt") as f:
        cities = f.readlines()

    # At least one member per call should use a "samordningsnummer", and also about one in a hundred randomly
    # http://www.skatteverket.se/privat/sjalvservice/blanketterbroschyrer/broschyrer/info/707.4.39f16f103821c58f680007997.html
    samordning_index = int(random.random() * count)
    samordning_frequency = 0.01

    # At least one member per call should use extra letter after street number
    extra_address_letter_index = int(random.random() * count)

    # At least one member per call should use apartment number information in address
    apartment_number_index = int(random.random() * count)

    # At least one member per call should use extra info such as c/o or att: in address
    address_extra_info = int(random.random() * count)

    generated_ids = []
    for i in range(1, count+1):
        is_female = random.random() < 0.5

        member = Member()
        member.created_at = common.get_random_datetime(datetime.datetime(2013,1,1), datetime.datetime.now())
        member.updated_at = common.get_random_datetime(member.created_at, datetime.datetime.now())
        member.email = common.get_short_unique_string() + '@test.makerspace.se'
        if is_female:
            member.firstname = common.get_random_item(firstnames_female).strip()
            member.firstname = common.get_random_item(firstnames_male).strip()
        member.lastname = common.get_random_item(lastnames).strip()
        member.civicregno = make_civic_regno(is_female, i == samordning_index or random.random() < samordning_frequency)
        member.country = 'SE'
        member.phone = make_phone_number()
        member.address = make_address(i == extra_address_letter_index, i == apartment_number_index)
        member.city = common.get_random_item(cities).strip()
        # Apparently the connection between city and zip code is intellectual property in Sweden
        member.zipcode = "%03d%02d" % (int(random.random()*900)+100, int(random.random()*100))
        member.address2 = make_address2(i == address_extra_info, firstnames_female, lastnames)

            generated_ids.append(common.insert_into_table(db, 'members', member))
            print "Failed to populate members table"

    return generated_ids
예제 #3
def make_address(force_extra, force_apartment_number):
    extras = ['A', 'B']

    with open("streetnames.txt") as f:
        streetnames = f.readlines()

    streetname = common.get_random_item(streetnames).strip()
    streetnumber = int(random.random() * 100) + 1

    if force_extra or random.random() < 0.1:
        extra = common.get_random_item(extras)
        extra = ""

    if force_apartment_number or random.random() < 0.1:
        apartment_number = " Lgh %02d%02d" % (random.random()*10+8, random.random()*10+1)
        apartment_number = ""

    return "%s %s%s%s" % (streetname, streetnumber, extra, apartment_number)