def build_local(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, force, onserver): """Do a build locally.""" if thisbuild['buildjni'] and thisbuild['buildjni'] != ['no']: if not config['ndk_path']: logging.critical("$ANDROID_NDK is not set!") sys.exit(3) elif not os.path.isdir(config['sdk_path']): logging.critical( "$ANDROID_NDK points to a non-existing directory!") sys.exit(3) # Prepare the source code... root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, thisbuild, build_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, onserver) # We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are # different from the default ones p = None if thisbuild['type'] == 'maven':"Cleaning Maven project...") cmd = [ config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path'] ] if '@' in thisbuild['maven']: maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@', 1)[1]) maven_dir = os.path.normpath(maven_dir) else: maven_dir = root_dir p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir) elif thisbuild['type'] == 'gradle':"Cleaning Gradle project...") cmd = [config['gradle'], 'clean'] adapt_gradle(build_dir) for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths: adapt_gradle(libpath) p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) elif thisbuild['type'] == 'kivy': pass elif thisbuild['type'] == 'ant':"Cleaning Ant project...") p = FDroidPopen(['ant', 'clean'], cwd=root_dir) if p is not None and p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException( "Error cleaning %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.output) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir): # Don't remove possibly necessary 'gradle' dirs if 'gradlew' is not there if 'gradlew' in files: logging.debug("Getting rid of Gradle wrapper stuff in %s" % root) os.remove(os.path.join(root, 'gradlew')) if 'gradlew.bat' in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, 'gradlew.bat')) if 'gradle' in dirs: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, 'gradle')) if not options.skipscan: # Scan before building..."Scanning source for common problems...") count = common.scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, thisbuild) if count > 0: if force: logging.warn('Scanner found %d problems:' % count) else: raise BuildException( "Can't build due to %d errors while scanning" % count) if not options.notarball: # Build the source tarball right before we build the release..."Creating source tarball...") tarname = common.getsrcname(app, thisbuild) tarball =, tarname), "w:gz") def tarexc(f): return any(f.endswith(s) for s in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr']) tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, exclude=tarexc) tarball.close() if onserver: manifest = os.path.join(root_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml') if os.path.exists(manifest): homedir = os.path.expanduser('~') with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'buildserverid'), 'r') as f: buildserverid = with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'fdroidserverid'), 'r') as f: fdroidserverid = with open(manifest, 'r') as f: manifestcontent = manifestcontent = manifestcontent.replace( '</manifest>', '<fdroid buildserverid="' + buildserverid + '"' + ' fdroidserverid="' + fdroidserverid + '"' + '/></manifest>') with open(manifest, 'w') as f: f.write(manifestcontent) # Run a build command if one is required... if thisbuild['build']:"Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir) cmd = common.replace_config_vars(thisbuild['build']) # Substitute source library paths into commands... for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths: libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir) cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath) p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException( "Error running build command for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.output) # Build native stuff if required... if thisbuild['buildjni'] and thisbuild['buildjni'] != ['no']:"Building the native code") jni_components = thisbuild['buildjni'] if jni_components == ['yes']: jni_components = [''] cmd = [os.path.join(config['ndk_path'], "ndk-build"), "-j1"] for d in jni_components: if d:"Building native code in '%s'" % d) else:"Building native code in the main project") manifest = root_dir + '/' + d + '/AndroidManifest.xml' if os.path.exists(manifest): # Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid # the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this # under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like # dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will # work in non-unix systems. manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read() open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text) # In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory del manifest_text p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(root_dir, d)) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException( "NDK build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.output) p = None # Build the release... if thisbuild['type'] == 'maven':"Building Maven project...") if '@' in thisbuild['maven']: maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@', 1)[1]) else: maven_dir = root_dir mvncmd = [ config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path'], '-Dmaven.jar.sign.skip=true', '-Dmaven.test.skip=true', '-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true', 'package' ] if thisbuild['target']: target = thisbuild["target"].split('-')[1] FDroidPopen([ 'sed', '-i', 's@<platform>[0-9]*</platform>@<platform>' + target + '</platform>@g', 'pom.xml' ], cwd=root_dir) if '@' in thisbuild['maven']: FDroidPopen([ 'sed', '-i', 's@<platform>[0-9]*</platform>@<platform>' + target + '</platform>@g', 'pom.xml' ], cwd=maven_dir) p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir) bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target') elif thisbuild['type'] == 'kivy':"Building Kivy project...") spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec') if not os.path.exists(spec): raise BuildException( "Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}".format( spec)) defaults = { 'orientation': 'landscape', 'icon': '', 'permissions': '', 'android.api': "18" } bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True) distdir = 'python-for-android/dist/fdroid' if os.path.exists(distdir): shutil.rmtree(distdir) modules = bconfig.get('app', 'requirements').split(',') cmd = 'ANDROIDSDK=' + config['sdk_path'] cmd += ' ANDROIDNDK=' + config['ndk_path'] cmd += ' ANDROIDNDKVER=r9' cmd += ' ANDROIDAPI=' + str(bconfig.get('app', 'android.api')) cmd += ' VIRTUALENV=virtualenv' cmd += ' ./' cmd += ' -m ' + "'" + ' '.join(modules) + "'" cmd += ' -d fdroid' p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd='python-for-android', shell=True) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Distribute build failed") cid = bconfig.get('app', 'package.domain') + '.' + bconfig.get( 'app', '') if cid != app['id']: raise BuildException( "Package ID mismatch between metadata and spec") orientation = bconfig.get('app', 'orientation', 'landscape') if orientation == 'all': orientation = 'sensor' cmd = [ './' '--dir', root_dir, '--name', bconfig.get('app', 'title'), '--package', app['id'], '--version', bconfig.get('app', 'version'), '--orientation', orientation ] perms = bconfig.get('app', 'permissions') for perm in perms.split(','): cmd.extend(['--permission', perm]) if config.get('app', 'fullscreen') == 0: cmd.append('--window') icon = bconfig.get('app', 'icon.filename') if icon: cmd.extend(['--icon', os.path.join(root_dir, icon)]) cmd.append('release') p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=distdir) elif thisbuild['type'] == 'gradle':"Building Gradle project...") flavours = thisbuild['gradle'].split(',') if len(flavours) == 1 and flavours[0] in ['main', 'yes', '']: flavours[0] = '' commands = [config['gradle']] if thisbuild['preassemble']: commands += thisbuild['preassemble'].split() flavours_cmd = ''.join(flavours) if flavours_cmd: flavours_cmd = flavours_cmd[0].upper() + flavours_cmd[1:] commands += ['assemble' + flavours_cmd + 'Release'] # Avoid having to use lintOptions.abortOnError false if thisbuild['gradlepluginver'] >= LooseVersion('0.7'): with open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'build.gradle'), "a") as f: f.write( "\nandroid { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }\n") p = FDroidPopen(commands, cwd=root_dir) elif thisbuild['type'] == 'ant':"Building Ant project...") cmd = ['ant'] if thisbuild['antcommand']: cmd += [thisbuild['antcommand']] else: cmd += ['release'] p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin') if p is not None and p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException( "Build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.output)"Successfully built version " + thisbuild['version'] + ' of ' + app['id']) if thisbuild['type'] == 'maven': stdout_apk = '\n'.join([ line for line in p.output.splitlines() if any(a in line for a in ('.apk', '.ap_', '.jar')) ]) m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: m = re.match( r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: m = re.match( r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir + r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]', stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: m = re.match( r".*^\[INFO\] Building jar: .*/" + bindir + r"/(.+)\.jar", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: raise BuildException('Failed to find output') src = src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk' elif thisbuild['type'] == 'kivy': src = 'python-for-android/dist/default/bin/{0}-{1}-release.apk'.format( bconfig.get('app', 'title'), bconfig.get('app', 'version')) elif thisbuild['type'] == 'gradle': if thisbuild['gradlepluginver'] >= LooseVersion('0.11'): apks_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk') else: apks_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'apk') apks = glob.glob(os.path.join(apks_dir, '*-release-unsigned.apk')) if len(apks) > 1: raise BuildException( 'More than one resulting apks found in %s' % apks_dir, '\n'.join(apks)) if len(apks) < 1: raise BuildException('Failed to find gradle output in %s' % apks_dir) src = apks[0] elif thisbuild['type'] == 'ant': stdout_apk = '\n'.join( [line for line in p.output.splitlines() if '.apk' in line]) src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M).group(1) src = os.path.join(bindir, src) elif thisbuild['type'] == 'raw': src = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['output']) src = os.path.normpath(src) # Make sure it's not debuggable... if common.isApkDebuggable(src, config): raise BuildException("APK is debuggable") # By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version # code in our new apk match what we expect... logging.debug("Checking " + src) if not os.path.exists(src): raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " + src) p = SilentPopen([config['aapt'], 'dump', 'badging', src]) vercode = None version = None foundid = None nativecode = None for line in p.output.splitlines(): if line.startswith("package:"): pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*") m = pat.match(line) if m: foundid = pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*") m = pat.match(line) if m: vercode = pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*") m = pat.match(line) if m: version = elif line.startswith("native-code:"): nativecode = line[12:] # Ignore empty strings or any kind of space/newline chars that we don't # care about if nativecode is not None: nativecode = nativecode.strip() nativecode = None if not nativecode else nativecode if thisbuild['buildjni'] and thisbuild['buildjni'] != ['no']: if nativecode is None: raise BuildException( "Native code should have been built but none was packaged") if thisbuild['novcheck']: vercode = thisbuild['vercode'] version = thisbuild['version'] if not version or not vercode: raise BuildException( "Could not find version information in build in output") if not foundid: raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output") if foundid != app['id']: raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + foundid + " but expected " + app['id']) # Some apps (e.g. Timeriffic) have had the bonkers idea of # including the entire changelog in the version number. Remove # it so we can compare. (TODO: might be better to remove it # before we compile, in fact) index = version.find(" //") if index != -1: version = version[:index] if (version != thisbuild['version'] or vercode != thisbuild['vercode']): raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;" " APK: '%s' / '%s', " " Expected: '%s' / '%s'") % (version, str(vercode), thisbuild['version'], str(thisbuild['vercode']))) # Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further # processing (by dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.getapkname(app, thisbuild)) shutil.copyfile(src, dest) # Move the source tarball into the output directory... if output_dir != tmp_dir and not options.notarball: shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))
def build_server(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, force): """Do a build on the build server.""" try: paramiko except NameError: raise BuildException("Paramiko is required to use the buildserver") if options.verbose: logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARN) sshinfo = get_clean_vm() try: # Open SSH connection..."Connecting to virtual machine...") sshs = paramiko.SSHClient() sshs.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) sshs.connect(sshinfo['hostname'], username=sshinfo['user'], port=sshinfo['port'], timeout=300, look_for_keys=False, key_filename=sshinfo['idfile']) homedir = '/home/' + sshinfo['user'] # Get an SFTP connection... ftp = sshs.open_sftp() ftp.get_channel().settimeout(15) # Put all the necessary files in place... ftp.chdir(homedir) # Helper to copy the contents of a directory to the server... def send_dir(path): root = os.path.dirname(path) main = os.path.basename(path) ftp.mkdir(main) for r, d, f in os.walk(path): rr = os.path.relpath(r, root) ftp.chdir(rr) for dd in d: ftp.mkdir(dd) for ff in f: lfile = os.path.join(root, rr, ff) if not os.path.islink(lfile): ftp.put(lfile, ff) ftp.chmod(ff, os.stat(lfile).st_mode) for i in range(len(rr.split('/'))): ftp.chdir('..') ftp.chdir('..')"Preparing server for build...") serverpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, ''), '') ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, ''), '') ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, ''), '') ftp.put( os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'buildserver', ''), '') ftp.chmod('', 0o600) # Copy over the ID (head commit hash) of the fdroidserver in use...'git rev-parse HEAD >' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tmp', 'fdroidserverid'), shell=True, cwd=serverpath) ftp.put('tmp/fdroidserverid', 'fdroidserverid') # Copy the metadata - just the file for this app... ftp.mkdir('metadata') ftp.mkdir('srclibs') ftp.chdir('metadata') ftp.put(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'] + '.txt'), app['id'] + '.txt') # And patches if there are any... if os.path.exists(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'])): send_dir(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'])) ftp.chdir(homedir) # Create the build directory... ftp.mkdir('build') ftp.chdir('build') ftp.mkdir('extlib') ftp.mkdir('srclib') # Copy any extlibs that are required... if thisbuild['extlibs']: ftp.chdir(homedir + '/build/extlib') for lib in thisbuild['extlibs']: lib = lib.strip() libsrc = os.path.join('build/extlib', lib) if not os.path.exists(libsrc): raise BuildException("Missing extlib {0}".format(libsrc)) lp = lib.split('/') for d in lp[:-1]: if d not in ftp.listdir(): ftp.mkdir(d) ftp.chdir(d) ftp.put(libsrc, lp[-1]) for _ in lp[:-1]: ftp.chdir('..') # Copy any srclibs that are required... srclibpaths = [] if thisbuild['srclibs']: for lib in thisbuild['srclibs']: srclibpaths.append( common.getsrclib(lib, 'build/srclib', srclibpaths, basepath=True, prepare=False)) # If one was used for the main source, add that too. basesrclib = vcs.getsrclib() if basesrclib: srclibpaths.append(basesrclib) for name, number, lib in srclibpaths:"Sending srclib '%s'" % lib) ftp.chdir(homedir + '/build/srclib') if not os.path.exists(lib): raise BuildException("Missing srclib directory '" + lib + "'") fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + name ftp.put(os.path.join('build/srclib', fv), fv) send_dir(lib) # Copy the metadata file too... ftp.chdir(homedir + '/srclibs') ftp.put(os.path.join('srclibs', name + '.txt'), name + '.txt') # Copy the main app source code # (no need if it's a srclib) if (not basesrclib) and os.path.exists(build_dir): ftp.chdir(homedir + '/build') fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + app['id'] ftp.put(os.path.join('build', fv), fv) send_dir(build_dir) # Execute the build script..."Starting build...") chan = sshs.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() cmdline = 'python --on-server' if force: cmdline += ' --force --test' if options.verbose: cmdline += ' --verbose' cmdline += " %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['vercode']) chan.exec_command('bash -c ". ~/.bsenv && ' + cmdline + '"') output = '' while not chan.exit_status_ready(): while chan.recv_ready(): output += chan.recv(1024) time.sleep(0.1)"...getting exit status") returncode = chan.recv_exit_status() while True: get = chan.recv(1024) if len(get) == 0: break output += get if returncode != 0: raise BuildException( " failed on server for {0}:{1}".format( app['id'], thisbuild['version']), output) # Retrieve the built files..."Retrieving build output...") if force: ftp.chdir(homedir + '/tmp') else: ftp.chdir(homedir + '/unsigned') apkfile = common.getapkname(app, thisbuild) tarball = common.getsrcname(app, thisbuild) try: ftp.get(apkfile, os.path.join(output_dir, apkfile)) if not options.notarball: ftp.get(tarball, os.path.join(output_dir, tarball)) except: raise BuildException( "Build failed for %s:%s - missing output files".format( app['id'], thisbuild['version']), output) ftp.close() finally: # Suspend the build server. release_vm()
def build_local(app, build, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, force, onserver, refresh): """Do a build locally.""" ndk_path = build.ndk_path() if build.buildjni and build.buildjni != ['no']: if not ndk_path: logging.critical("Android NDK version '%s' could not be found!" % build.ndk or 'r10e') logging.critical("Configured versions:") for k, v in config['ndk_paths'].iteritems(): if k.endswith("_orig"): continue logging.critical(" %s: %s" % (k, v)) sys.exit(3) elif not os.path.isdir(ndk_path): logging.critical("Android NDK '%s' is not a directory!" % ndk_path) sys.exit(3) # Set up environment vars that depend on each build for n in ['ANDROID_NDK', 'NDK', 'ANDROID_NDK_HOME']: common.env[n] = ndk_path common.reset_env_path() # Set up the current NDK to the PATH common.add_to_env_path(ndk_path) # Prepare the source code... root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, build, build_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, onserver, refresh) # We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are # different from the default ones p = None gradletasks = [] bmethod = build.build_method() if bmethod == 'maven':"Cleaning Maven project...") cmd = [config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']] if '@' in build.maven: maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, build.maven.split('@', 1)[1]) maven_dir = os.path.normpath(maven_dir) else: maven_dir = root_dir p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir) elif bmethod == 'gradle':"Cleaning Gradle project...") if build.preassemble: gradletasks += build.preassemble flavours = build.gradle if flavours == ['yes']: flavours = [] flavours_cmd = ''.join([capitalize_intact(f) for f in flavours]) gradletasks += ['assemble' + flavours_cmd + 'Release'] adapt_gradle(build_dir) for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths: adapt_gradle(libpath) cmd = [config['gradle']] if build.gradleprops: cmd += ['-P' + kv for kv in build.gradleprops] cmd += ['clean'] p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) elif bmethod == 'kivy': pass elif bmethod == 'ant':"Cleaning Ant project...") p = FDroidPopen(['ant', 'clean'], cwd=root_dir) if p is not None and p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Error cleaning %s:%s" % (, build.version), p.output) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir): def del_dirs(dl): for d in dl: if d in dirs: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, d)) def del_files(fl): for f in fl: if f in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, f)) if 'build.gradle' in files: # Even when running clean, gradle stores task/artifact caches in # .gradle/ as binary files. To avoid overcomplicating the scanner, # manually delete them, just like `gradle clean` should have removed # the build/ dirs. del_dirs(['build', '.gradle']) del_files(['gradlew', 'gradlew.bat']) if 'pom.xml' in files: del_dirs(['target']) if any(f in files for f in ['', '', 'build.xml']): del_dirs(['bin', 'gen']) if 'jni' in dirs: del_dirs(['obj']) if options.skipscan: if build.scandelete: raise BuildException("Refusing to skip source scan since scandelete is present") else: # Scan before building..."Scanning source for common problems...") count = scanner.scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, build) if count > 0: if force: logging.warn('Scanner found %d problems' % count) else: raise BuildException("Can't build due to %d errors while scanning" % count) if not options.notarball: # Build the source tarball right before we build the release..."Creating source tarball...") tarname = common.getsrcname(app, build) tarball =, tarname), "w:gz") def tarexc(f): return any(f.endswith(s) for s in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr']) tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, exclude=tarexc) tarball.close() # Run a build command if one is required... if"Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir) cmd = common.replace_config_vars(, build) # Substitute source library paths into commands... for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths: libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir) cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath) p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Error running build command for %s:%s" % (, build.version), p.output) # Build native stuff if required... if build.buildjni and build.buildjni != ['no']:"Building the native code") jni_components = build.buildjni if jni_components == ['yes']: jni_components = [''] cmd = [os.path.join(ndk_path, "ndk-build"), "-j1"] for d in jni_components: if d:"Building native code in '%s'" % d) else:"Building native code in the main project") manifest = os.path.join(root_dir, d, 'AndroidManifest.xml') if os.path.exists(manifest): # Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid # the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this # under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like # dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will # work in non-unix systems. manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read() open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text) # In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory del manifest_text p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(root_dir, d)) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("NDK build failed for %s:%s" % (, build.version), p.output) p = None # Build the release... if bmethod == 'maven':"Building Maven project...") if '@' in build.maven: maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, build.maven.split('@', 1)[1]) else: maven_dir = root_dir mvncmd = [config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path'], '-Dmaven.jar.sign.skip=true', '-Dmaven.test.skip=true', '-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true', 'package'] if target ='-')[1] common.regsub_file(r'<platform>[0-9]*</platform>', r'<platform>%s</platform>' % target, os.path.join(root_dir, 'pom.xml')) if '@' in build.maven: common.regsub_file(r'<platform>[0-9]*</platform>', r'<platform>%s</platform>' % target, os.path.join(maven_dir, 'pom.xml')) p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir) bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target') elif bmethod == 'kivy':"Building Kivy project...") spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec') if not os.path.exists(spec): raise BuildException("Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}" .format(spec)) defaults = {'orientation': 'landscape', 'icon': '', 'permissions': '', 'android.api': "18"} bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True) distdir = os.path.join('python-for-android', 'dist', 'fdroid') if os.path.exists(distdir): shutil.rmtree(distdir) modules = bconfig.get('app', 'requirements').split(',') cmd = 'ANDROIDSDK=' + config['sdk_path'] cmd += ' ANDROIDNDK=' + ndk_path cmd += ' ANDROIDNDKVER=' + build.ndk cmd += ' ANDROIDAPI=' + str(bconfig.get('app', 'android.api')) cmd += ' VIRTUALENV=virtualenv' cmd += ' ./' cmd += ' -m ' + "'" + ' '.join(modules) + "'" cmd += ' -d fdroid' p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd='python-for-android', shell=True) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Distribute build failed") cid = bconfig.get('app', 'package.domain') + '.' + bconfig.get('app', '') if cid != raise BuildException("Package ID mismatch between metadata and spec") orientation = bconfig.get('app', 'orientation', 'landscape') if orientation == 'all': orientation = 'sensor' cmd = ['./' '--dir', root_dir, '--name', bconfig.get('app', 'title'), '--package',, '--version', bconfig.get('app', 'version'), '--orientation', orientation ] perms = bconfig.get('app', 'permissions') for perm in perms.split(','): cmd.extend(['--permission', perm]) if config.get('app', 'fullscreen') == 0: cmd.append('--window') icon = bconfig.get('app', 'icon.filename') if icon: cmd.extend(['--icon', os.path.join(root_dir, icon)]) cmd.append('release') p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=distdir) elif bmethod == 'gradle':"Building Gradle project...") cmd = [config['gradle']] if build.gradleprops: cmd += ['-P' + kv for kv in build.gradleprops] cmd += gradletasks p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) elif bmethod == 'ant':"Building Ant project...") cmd = ['ant'] if build.antcommands: cmd += build.antcommands else: cmd += ['release'] p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin') if p is not None and p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s" % (, build.version), p.output)"Successfully built version " + build.version + ' of ' + omethod = build.output_method() if omethod == 'maven': stdout_apk = '\n'.join([ line for line in p.output.splitlines() if any( a in line for a in ('.apk', '.ap_', '.jar'))]) m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: m = re.match(r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir + r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]', stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Building jar: .*/" + bindir + r"/(.+)\.jar", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M) if not m: raise BuildException('Failed to find output') src = src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk' elif omethod == 'kivy': src = os.path.join('python-for-android', 'dist', 'default', 'bin', '{0}-{1}-release.apk'.format( bconfig.get('app', 'title'), bconfig.get('app', 'version'))) elif omethod == 'gradle': src = None for apks_dir in [ os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk'), os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'apk'), ]: for apkglob in ['*-release-unsigned.apk', '*-unsigned.apk', '*.apk']: apks = glob.glob(os.path.join(apks_dir, apkglob)) if len(apks) > 1: raise BuildException('More than one resulting apks found in %s' % apks_dir, '\n'.join(apks)) if len(apks) == 1: src = apks[0] break if src is not None: break if src is None: raise BuildException('Failed to find any output apks') elif omethod == 'ant': stdout_apk = '\n'.join([ line for line in p.output.splitlines() if '.apk' in line]) src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk, re.S | re.M).group(1) src = os.path.join(bindir, src) elif omethod == 'raw': globpath = os.path.join(root_dir, build.output) apks = glob.glob(globpath) if len(apks) > 1: raise BuildException('Multiple apks match %s' % globpath, '\n'.join(apks)) if len(apks) < 1: raise BuildException('No apks match %s' % globpath) src = os.path.normpath(apks[0]) # Make sure it's not debuggable... if common.isApkDebuggable(src, config): raise BuildException("APK is debuggable") # By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version # code in our new apk match what we expect... logging.debug("Checking " + src) if not os.path.exists(src): raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " + src) p = SdkToolsPopen(['aapt', 'dump', 'badging', src], output=False) vercode = None version = None foundid = None nativecode = None for line in p.output.splitlines(): if line.startswith("package:"): pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*") m = pat.match(line) if m: foundid = pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*") m = pat.match(line) if m: vercode = pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*") m = pat.match(line) if m: version = elif line.startswith("native-code:"): nativecode = line[12:] # Ignore empty strings or any kind of space/newline chars that we don't # care about if nativecode is not None: nativecode = nativecode.strip() nativecode = None if not nativecode else nativecode if build.buildjni and build.buildjni != ['no']: if nativecode is None: raise BuildException("Native code should have been built but none was packaged") if build.novcheck: vercode = build.vercode version = build.version if not version or not vercode: raise BuildException("Could not find version information in build in output") if not foundid: raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output") if foundid != raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + foundid + " but expected " + # Some apps (e.g. Timeriffic) have had the bonkers idea of # including the entire changelog in the version number. Remove # it so we can compare. (TODO: might be better to remove it # before we compile, in fact) index = version.find(" //") if index != -1: version = version[:index] if (version != build.version or vercode != build.vercode): raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;" " APK: '%s' / '%s', " " Expected: '%s' / '%s'") % (version, str(vercode), build.version, str(build.vercode)) ) # Add information for 'fdroid verify' to be able to reproduce the build # environment. if onserver: metadir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'META-INF') if not os.path.exists(metadir): os.mkdir(metadir) homedir = os.path.expanduser('~') for fn in ['buildserverid', 'fdroidserverid']: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(homedir, fn), os.path.join(metadir, fn))['jar', 'uf', os.path.abspath(src), 'META-INF/' + fn], cwd=tmp_dir) # Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further # processing (by dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.getapkname(app, build)) shutil.copyfile(src, dest) # Move the source tarball into the output directory... if output_dir != tmp_dir and not options.notarball: shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))
def build_server(app, build, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, force): """Do a build on the build server.""" try: paramiko except NameError: raise BuildException("Paramiko is required to use the buildserver") if options.verbose: logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.INFO) else: logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARN) sshinfo = get_clean_vm() try: # Open SSH connection..."Connecting to virtual machine...") sshs = paramiko.SSHClient() sshs.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) sshs.connect(sshinfo['hostname'], username=sshinfo['user'], port=sshinfo['port'], timeout=300, look_for_keys=False, key_filename=sshinfo['idfile']) homedir = '/home/' + sshinfo['user'] # Get an SFTP connection... ftp = sshs.open_sftp() ftp.get_channel().settimeout(15) # Put all the necessary files in place... ftp.chdir(homedir) # Helper to copy the contents of a directory to the server... def send_dir(path): root = os.path.dirname(path) main = os.path.basename(path) ftp.mkdir(main) for r, d, f in os.walk(path): rr = os.path.relpath(r, root) ftp.chdir(rr) for dd in d: ftp.mkdir(dd) for ff in f: lfile = os.path.join(root, rr, ff) if not os.path.islink(lfile): ftp.put(lfile, ff) ftp.chmod(ff, os.stat(lfile).st_mode) for i in range(len(rr.split('/'))): ftp.chdir('..') ftp.chdir('..')"Preparing server for build...") serverpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ftp.mkdir('fdroidserver') ftp.chdir('fdroidserver') ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'fdroid'), 'fdroid') ftp.chmod('fdroid', 0o755) send_dir(os.path.join(serverpath)) ftp.chdir(homedir) ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', 'buildserver', ''), '') ftp.chmod('', 0o600) # Copy over the ID (head commit hash) of the fdroidserver in use...'git rev-parse HEAD >' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tmp', 'fdroidserverid'), shell=True, cwd=serverpath) ftp.put('tmp/fdroidserverid', 'fdroidserverid') # Copy the metadata - just the file for this app... ftp.mkdir('metadata') ftp.mkdir('srclibs') ftp.chdir('metadata') ftp.put(os.path.join('metadata', + '.txt'), + '.txt') # And patches if there are any... if os.path.exists(os.path.join('metadata', send_dir(os.path.join('metadata', ftp.chdir(homedir) # Create the build directory... ftp.mkdir('build') ftp.chdir('build') ftp.mkdir('extlib') ftp.mkdir('srclib') # Copy any extlibs that are required... if build.extlibs: ftp.chdir(homedir + '/build/extlib') for lib in build.extlibs: lib = lib.strip() libsrc = os.path.join('build/extlib', lib) if not os.path.exists(libsrc): raise BuildException("Missing extlib {0}".format(libsrc)) lp = lib.split('/') for d in lp[:-1]: if d not in ftp.listdir(): ftp.mkdir(d) ftp.chdir(d) ftp.put(libsrc, lp[-1]) for _ in lp[:-1]: ftp.chdir('..') # Copy any srclibs that are required... srclibpaths = [] if build.srclibs: for lib in build.srclibs: srclibpaths.append( common.getsrclib(lib, 'build/srclib', basepath=True, prepare=False)) # If one was used for the main source, add that too. basesrclib = vcs.getsrclib() if basesrclib: srclibpaths.append(basesrclib) for name, number, lib in srclibpaths:"Sending srclib '%s'" % lib) ftp.chdir(homedir + '/build/srclib') if not os.path.exists(lib): raise BuildException("Missing srclib directory '" + lib + "'") fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + name ftp.put(os.path.join('build/srclib', fv), fv) send_dir(lib) # Copy the metadata file too... ftp.chdir(homedir + '/srclibs') ftp.put(os.path.join('srclibs', name + '.txt'), name + '.txt') # Copy the main app source code # (no need if it's a srclib) if (not basesrclib) and os.path.exists(build_dir): ftp.chdir(homedir + '/build') fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + ftp.put(os.path.join('build', fv), fv) send_dir(build_dir) # Execute the build script..."Starting build...") chan = sshs.get_transport().open_session() chan.get_pty() cmdline = os.path.join(homedir, 'fdroidserver', 'fdroid') cmdline += ' build --on-server' if force: cmdline += ' --force --test' if options.verbose: cmdline += ' --verbose' cmdline += " %s:%s" % (, build.vercode) chan.exec_command('bash -c ". ~/.bsenv && ' + cmdline + '"') output = '' while not chan.exit_status_ready(): while chan.recv_ready(): output += chan.recv(1024) time.sleep(0.1)"...getting exit status") returncode = chan.recv_exit_status() while True: get = chan.recv(1024) if len(get) == 0: break output += get if returncode != 0: raise BuildException( " failed on server for {0}:{1}".format(, build.version), output) # Retrieve the built files..."Retrieving build output...") if force: ftp.chdir(homedir + '/tmp') else: ftp.chdir(homedir + '/unsigned') apkfile = common.getapkname(app, build) tarball = common.getsrcname(app, build) try: ftp.get(apkfile, os.path.join(output_dir, apkfile)) if not options.notarball: ftp.get(tarball, os.path.join(output_dir, tarball)) except: raise BuildException( "Build failed for %s:%s - missing output files".format(, build.version), output) ftp.close() finally: # Suspend the build server. release_vm()
def build_server(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, force): """Do a build on the build server.""" import ssh # Reset existing builder machine to a clean state if possible. vm_ok = False if not options.resetserver: print "Checking for valid existing build server" if got_valid_builder_vm(): print "...VM is present" p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'list', '--details'], cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = p.communicate()[0] if output.find('fdroidclean') != -1: if options.verbose: print "...snapshot exists - resetting build server to clean state" retcode, output = vagrant(['status'], cwd='builder') if output.find('running') != -1: if options.verbose: print "...suspending" vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder') p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'restore', 'fdroidclean'], cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = p.communicate()[0] if options.verbose: print output if p.returncode == 0: print "...reset to snapshot - server is valid" retcode, output = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder') if retcode != 0: raise BuildException("Failed to start build server") vm_ok = True else: print "...failed to reset to snapshot" else: print "...snapshot doesn't exist - VBoxManage snapshot list:\n" + output # If we can't use the existing machine for any reason, make a # new one from scratch. if not vm_ok: if os.path.exists('builder'): print "Removing broken/incomplete/unwanted build server" vagrant(['destroy', '-f'], cwd='builder') shutil.rmtree('builder') os.mkdir('builder') p = subprocess.Popen('vagrant --version', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) vver = p.communicate()[0] if vver.startswith('Vagrant version 1.2'): with open('builder/Vagrantfile', 'w') as vf: vf.write('Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|\n') vf.write(' = "buildserver"\n') vf.write('end\n') else: with open('builder/Vagrantfile', 'w') as vf: vf.write(' do |config|\n') vf.write(' = "buildserver"\n') vf.write('end\n') print "Starting new build server" retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder') if retcode != 0: raise BuildException("Failed to start build server") # Open SSH connection to make sure it's working and ready... print "Connecting to virtual machine..." if'vagrant ssh-config >sshconfig', cwd='builder', shell=True) != 0: raise BuildException("Error getting ssh config") vagranthost = 'default' # Host in ssh config file sshconfig = ssh.SSHConfig() sshf = open('builder/sshconfig', 'r') sshconfig.parse(sshf) sshf.close() sshconfig = sshconfig.lookup(vagranthost) sshs = ssh.SSHClient() sshs.set_missing_host_key_policy(ssh.AutoAddPolicy()) idfile = sshconfig['identityfile'] if idfile.startswith('"') and idfile.endswith('"'): idfile = idfile[1:-1] sshs.connect(sshconfig['hostname'], username=sshconfig['user'], port=int(sshconfig['port']), timeout=300, look_for_keys=False, key_filename=idfile) sshs.close() print "Saving clean state of new build server" retcode, _ = vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder') if retcode != 0: raise BuildException("Failed to suspend build server") print "...waiting a sec..." time.sleep(10) p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'take', 'fdroidclean'], cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode != 0: print output raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot") print "Restarting new build server" retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder') if retcode != 0: raise BuildException("Failed to start build server") # Make sure it worked... p = subprocess.Popen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(), 'list', '--details'], cwd='builder', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = p.communicate()[0] if output.find('fdroidclean') == -1: raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot.") try: # Get SSH configuration settings for us to connect... if options.verbose: print "Getting ssh configuration..."'vagrant ssh-config >sshconfig', cwd='builder', shell=True) vagranthost = 'default' # Host in ssh config file # Load and parse the SSH config... sshconfig = ssh.SSHConfig() sshf = open('builder/sshconfig', 'r') sshconfig.parse(sshf) sshf.close() sshconfig = sshconfig.lookup(vagranthost) # Open SSH connection... if options.verbose: print "Connecting to virtual machine..." sshs = ssh.SSHClient() sshs.set_missing_host_key_policy(ssh.AutoAddPolicy()) idfile = sshconfig['identityfile'] if idfile.startswith('"') and idfile.endswith('"'): idfile = idfile[1:-1] sshs.connect(sshconfig['hostname'], username=sshconfig['user'], port=int(sshconfig['port']), timeout=300, look_for_keys=False, key_filename=idfile) # Get an SFTP connection... ftp = sshs.open_sftp() ftp.get_channel().settimeout(15) # Put all the necessary files in place... ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant') # Helper to copy the contents of a directory to the server... def send_dir(path): root = os.path.dirname(path) main = os.path.basename(path) ftp.mkdir(main) for r, d, f in os.walk(path): rr = os.path.relpath(r, root) ftp.chdir(rr) for dd in d: ftp.mkdir(dd) for ff in f: lfile = os.path.join(root, rr, ff) if not os.path.islink(lfile): ftp.put(lfile, ff) ftp.chmod(ff, os.stat(lfile).st_mode) for i in range(len(rr.split('/'))): ftp.chdir('..') ftp.chdir('..') print "Preparing server for build..." serverpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, ''), '') ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, ''), '') ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, ''), '') ftp.put(os.path.join(serverpath, '..', ''), '') ftp.chmod('', 0o600) # Copy the metadata - just the file for this app... ftp.mkdir('metadata') ftp.mkdir('srclibs') ftp.chdir('metadata') ftp.put(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'] + '.txt'), app['id'] + '.txt') # And patches if there are any... if os.path.exists(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'])): send_dir(os.path.join('metadata', app['id'])) ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant') # Create the build directory... ftp.mkdir('build') ftp.chdir('build') ftp.mkdir('extlib') ftp.mkdir('srclib') # Copy any extlibs that are required... if 'extlibs' in thisbuild: ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant/build/extlib') for lib in thisbuild['extlibs'].split(';'): lib = lib.strip() libsrc = os.path.join('build/extlib', lib) if not os.path.exists(libsrc): raise BuildException("Missing extlib {0}".format(libsrc)) lp = lib.split('/') for d in lp[:-1]: if d not in ftp.listdir(): ftp.mkdir(d) ftp.chdir(d) ftp.put(libsrc, lp[-1]) for _ in lp[:-1]: ftp.chdir('..') # Copy any srclibs that are required... srclibpaths = [] if 'srclibs' in thisbuild: for lib in thisbuild['srclibs'].split(';'): srclibpaths.append(common.getsrclib(lib, 'build/srclib', srclibpaths, basepath=True, prepare=False)) # If one was used for the main source, add that too. basesrclib = vcs.getsrclib() if basesrclib: srclibpaths.append(basesrclib) for name, number, lib in srclibpaths: if options.verbose: print "Sending srclib '" + lib + "'" ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant/build/srclib') if not os.path.exists(lib): raise BuildException("Missing srclib directory '" + lib + "'") fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + name ftp.put(os.path.join('build/srclib', fv), fv) send_dir(lib) # Copy the metadata file too... ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant/srclibs') ftp.put(os.path.join('srclibs', name + '.txt'), name + '.txt') # Copy the main app source code # (no need if it's a srclib) if (not basesrclib) and os.path.exists(build_dir): ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant/build') fv = '.fdroidvcs-' + app['id'] ftp.put(os.path.join('build', fv), fv) send_dir(build_dir) # Execute the build script... print "Starting build..." chan = sshs.get_transport().open_session() cmdline = 'python --on-server' if force: cmdline += ' --force --test' if options.verbose: cmdline += ' --verbose' cmdline += ' -p ' + app['id'] + ' --vercode ' + thisbuild['vercode'] chan.exec_command('bash -c ". ~/.bsenv && ' + cmdline + '"') output = '' error = '' while not chan.exit_status_ready(): while chan.recv_ready(): output += chan.recv(1024) while chan.recv_stderr_ready(): error += chan.recv_stderr(1024) print "...getting exit status" returncode = chan.recv_exit_status() while True: get = chan.recv(1024) if len(get) == 0: break output += get while True: get = chan.recv_stderr(1024) if len(get) == 0: break error += get if returncode != 0: raise BuildException(" failed on server for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), output, error) # Retrieve the built files... print "Retrieving build output..." if force: ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant/tmp') else: ftp.chdir('/home/vagrant/unsigned') apkfile = common.getapkname(app,thisbuild) tarball = common.getsrcname(app,thisbuild) try: ftp.get(apkfile, os.path.join(output_dir, apkfile)) ftp.get(tarball, os.path.join(output_dir, tarball)) except: raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s - missing output files" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), output, error) ftp.close() finally: # Suspend the build server. print "Suspending build server"['vagrant', 'suspend'], cwd='builder')
def build_local(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, install, force, onserver): """Do a build locally.""" # Prepare the source code... root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, thisbuild, build_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, onserver) # We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are # different from the default ones p = None if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no': print "Cleaning Maven project..." cmd = [config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']] if '@' in thisbuild['maven']: maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@',1)[1]) maven_dir = os.path.normpath(maven_dir) else: maven_dir = root_dir p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir) elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no': print "Cleaning Gradle project..." cmd = [config['gradle'], 'clean'] if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']: gradle_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['gradle'].split('@',1)[1]) gradle_dir = os.path.normpath(gradle_dir) else: gradle_dir = root_dir p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=gradle_dir) elif thisbuild.get('update', '.') != 'no' and thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') == 'no': print "Cleaning Ant project..." cmd = ['ant', 'clean'] p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) if p is not None and p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Error cleaning %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr) # Also clean jni print "Cleaning jni dirs..." for baddir in [ 'libs/armeabi-v7a', 'libs/armeabi', 'libs/mips', 'libs/x86', 'obj']: badpath = os.path.join(build_dir, baddir) if os.path.exists(badpath): print "Removing '%s'" % badpath shutil.rmtree(badpath) # Scan before building... print "Scanning source for common problems..." buildprobs = common.scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, thisbuild) if len(buildprobs) > 0: print 'Scanner found ' + str(len(buildprobs)) + ' problems:' for problem in buildprobs: print '...' + problem if not force: raise BuildException("Can't build due to " + str(len(buildprobs)) + " scanned problems") # Build the source tarball right before we build the release... print "Creating source tarball..." tarname = common.getsrcname(app,thisbuild) tarball =, tarname), "w:gz") def tarexc(f): for vcs_dir in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr']: if f.endswith(vcs_dir): return True return False tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, exclude=tarexc) tarball.close() # Run a build command if one is required... if 'build' in thisbuild: cmd = common.replace_config_vars(thisbuild['build']) # Substitute source library paths into commands... for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths: libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir) cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath) if options.verbose: print "Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Error running build command for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr) # Build native stuff if required... if thisbuild.get('buildjni') not in (None, 'no'): print "Building native libraries..." jni_components = thisbuild.get('buildjni') if jni_components == 'yes': jni_components = [''] else: jni_components = [c.strip() for c in jni_components.split(';')] ndkbuild = os.path.join(config['ndk_path'], "ndk-build") for d in jni_components: if options.verbose: print "Running ndk-build in " + root_dir + '/' + d manifest = root_dir + '/' + d + '/AndroidManifest.xml' if os.path.exists(manifest): # Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid # the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this # under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like # dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will # work in non-unix systems. manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read() open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text) # In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory del manifest_text p = FDroidPopen([ndkbuild], cwd=os.path.join(root_dir,d)) if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("NDK build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr) p = None # Build the release... if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no': print "Building Maven project..." if '@' in thisbuild['maven']: maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@',1)[1]) else: maven_dir = root_dir mvncmd = [config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']] if install: mvncmd += ['-Dandroid.sign.debug=true', 'package', 'android:deploy'] else: mvncmd += ['-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true', 'package'] if 'target' in thisbuild: target = thisbuild["target"].split('-')[1]['sed', '-i', 's@<platform>[0-9]*</platform>@<platform>'+target+'</platform>@g', 'pom.xml'], cwd=root_dir) if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:['sed', '-i', 's@<platform>[0-9]*</platform>@<platform>'+target+'</platform>@g', 'pom.xml'], cwd=maven_dir) if 'mvnflags' in thisbuild: mvncmd += thisbuild['mvnflags'] p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir) bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target') elif thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') != 'no': print "Building Kivy project..." spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec') if not os.path.exists(spec): raise BuildException("Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}" .format(spec)) defaults = {'orientation': 'landscape', 'icon': '', 'permissions': '', 'android.api': "18"} bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True) distdir = 'python-for-android/dist/fdroid' if os.path.exists(distdir): shutil.rmtree(distdir) modules = bconfig.get('app', 'requirements').split(',') cmd = 'ANDROIDSDK=' + config['sdk_path'] cmd += ' ANDROIDNDK=' + config['ndk_path'] cmd += ' ANDROIDNDKVER=r9' cmd += ' ANDROIDAPI=' + str(bconfig.get('app', 'android.api')) cmd += ' VIRTUALENV=virtualenv' cmd += ' ./' cmd += ' -m ' + "'" + ' '.join(modules) + "'" cmd += ' -d fdroid' if, cwd='python-for-android', shell=True) != 0: raise BuildException("Distribute build failed") cid = bconfig.get('app', 'package.domain') + '.' + bconfig.get('app', '') if cid != app['id']: raise BuildException("Package ID mismatch between metadata and spec") orientation = bconfig.get('app', 'orientation', 'landscape') if orientation == 'all': orientation = 'sensor' cmd = ['./' '--dir', root_dir, '--name', bconfig.get('app', 'title'), '--package', app['id'], '--version', bconfig.get('app', 'version'), '--orientation', orientation, ] perms = bconfig.get('app', 'permissions') for perm in perms.split(','): cmd.extend(['--permission', perm]) if config.get('app', 'fullscreen') == 0: cmd.append('--window') icon = bconfig.get('app', 'icon.filename') if icon: cmd.extend(['--icon', os.path.join(root_dir, icon)]) cmd.append('release') p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=distdir) elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no': print "Building Gradle project..." if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']: flavour = thisbuild['gradle'].split('@')[0] gradle_dir = thisbuild['gradle'].split('@')[1] gradle_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, gradle_dir) else: flavour = thisbuild['gradle'] gradle_dir = root_dir if 'compilesdk' in thisbuild: level = thisbuild["compilesdk"].split('-')[1]['sed', '-i', 's@compileSdkVersion[ ]*[0-9]*@compileSdkVersion '+level+'@g', 'build.gradle'], cwd=root_dir) if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:['sed', '-i', 's@compileSdkVersion[ ]*[0-9]*@compileSdkVersion '+level+'@g', 'build.gradle'], cwd=gradle_dir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir): for f in files: if f == 'build.gradle': adapt_gradle(os.path.join(root, f)) break if flavour in ['main', 'yes', '']: flavour = '' commands = [config['gradle']] if 'preassemble' in thisbuild: for task in thisbuild['preassemble'].split(): commands.append(task) if install: commands += ['assemble'+flavour+'Debug', 'install'+flavour+'Debug'] else: commands += ['assemble'+flavour+'Release'] p = FDroidPopen(commands, cwd=gradle_dir) else: print "Building Ant project..." cmd = ['ant'] if install: cmd += ['debug','install'] elif 'antcommand' in thisbuild: cmd += [thisbuild['antcommand']] else: cmd += ['release'] p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir) bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin') if p.returncode != 0: raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr) print "Successfully built version " + thisbuild['version'] + ' of ' + app['id'] if install: return # Find the apk name in the output... if 'bindir' in thisbuild: bindir = os.path.join(build_dir, thisbuild['bindir']) if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no': stdout_apk = '\n'.join([ line for line in p.stdout.splitlines() if any(a in line for a in ('.apk','.ap_'))]) m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk", stdout_apk, re.S|re.M) if not m: m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]", stdout_apk, re.S|re.M) if not m: m = re.match(r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir + r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]', stdout_apk, re.S|re.M) if not m: raise BuildException('Failed to find output') src = src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk' elif thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') != 'no': src = 'python-for-android/dist/default/bin/{0}-{1}-release.apk'.format( bconfig.get('app', 'title'), bconfig.get('app', 'version')) elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no': dd = build_dir if 'subdir' in thisbuild: dd = os.path.join(dd, thisbuild['subdir']) if flavour in ['main', 'yes', '']: name = '-'.join([os.path.basename(dd), 'release', 'unsigned']) else: name = '-'.join([os.path.basename(dd), flavour, 'release', 'unsigned']) src = os.path.join(dd, 'build', 'apk', name+'.apk') else: stdout_apk = '\n'.join([ line for line in p.stdout.splitlines() if '.apk' in line]) src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk, re.S|re.M).group(1) src = os.path.join(bindir, src) # Make sure it's not debuggable... if common.isApkDebuggable(src, config): raise BuildException("APK is debuggable") # By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version # code in our new apk match what we expect... print "Checking " + src if not os.path.exists(src): raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " + src) p = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(config['sdk_path'], 'build-tools', config['build_tools'], 'aapt'), 'dump', 'badging', src], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0] vercode = None version = None foundid = None for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith("package:"): pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*") foundid = re.match(pat, line).group(1) pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*") vercode = re.match(pat, line).group(1) pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*") version = re.match(pat, line).group(1) if thisbuild['novcheck']: vercode = thisbuild['vercode'] version = thisbuild['version'] if not version or not vercode: raise BuildException("Could not find version information in build in output") if not foundid: raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output") if foundid != app['id']: raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + foundid + " but expected " + app['id']) # Some apps (e.g. Timeriffic) have had the bonkers idea of # including the entire changelog in the version number. Remove # it so we can compare. (TODO: might be better to remove it # before we compile, in fact) index = version.find(" //") if index != -1: version = version[:index] if (version != thisbuild['version'] or vercode != thisbuild['vercode']): raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;" " APK: '%s' / '%s', " " Expected: '%s' / '%s'") % (version, str(vercode), thisbuild['version'], str(thisbuild['vercode'])) ) # Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further # processing (by dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.getapkname(app,thisbuild)) shutil.copyfile(src, dest) # Move the source tarball into the output directory... if output_dir != tmp_dir: shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))