예제 #1
def test_concurrent_access(config):
    """test when two backends compete with each other to extract state from third running backend"""

    acon1, acon2, acon3 = common.n_async_connect(config, 3)
    acurs1, acurs2, acurs3 = acon1.cursor(), acon2.cursor(), acon3.cursor()
    query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1'

    common.set_guc(acon3, 'max_parallel_workers_per_gather', 0)
    acurs1.callproc('pg_query_state', (acon3.get_backend_pid(), ))
    acurs2.callproc('pg_query_state', (acon3.get_backend_pid(), ))

    qs1, qs2 = acurs1.fetchall(), acurs2.fetchall()
    assert len(qs1) == len(qs2) == 1 \
     and qs1[0][0] == qs2[0][0] == acon3.get_backend_pid() \
     and qs1[0][1] == qs2[0][1] == 0 \
     and qs1[0][2] == qs2[0][2] == query \
     and len(qs1[0][3]) > 0 and len(qs2[0][3]) > 0 \
     and qs1[0][4] == qs2[0][4] == None

    common.n_close((acon1, acon2, acon3))
예제 #2
def test_timing_buffers_conflicts(config):
    """test when caller requests timing and buffers but counterpart turned off its"""

    acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
    query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1'
    timing_pattern = '(?:running time=\d+.\d+)|(?:actual time=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+)'
    buffers_pattern = 'Buffers:'

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query, {
        'timing': True,
        'buffers': False
    assert len(qs) == 1 and not re.search(timing_pattern, qs[0][3])
    assert notices == ['WARNING:  timing statistics disabled\n']

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query, {
        'timing': False,
        'buffers': True
    assert len(qs) == 1 and not re.search(buffers_pattern, qs[0][3])
    assert notices == ['WARNING:  buffers statistics disabled\n']

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query, {
        'timing': True,
        'buffers': True
    assert len(qs) == 1 and not re.search(timing_pattern, qs[0][3]) \
          and not re.search(buffers_pattern, qs[0][3])
    assert len(notices) == 2 and 'WARNING:  timing statistics disabled\n' in notices \
           and 'WARNING:  buffers statistics disabled\n' in notices

    common.n_close((acon, ))
예제 #3
def test_simple_query(config):
    """test statistics of simple query"""

    acon1, acon2 = common.n_async_connect(config, 2)
    query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1 and unlock_if_eq_1(foo.c1)=bar.c1'
    expected = r"""Aggregate \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
  ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual rows=62473, loop number=1\)
        Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
        Join Filter: \(unlock_if_eq_1\(foo.c1\) = bar.c1\)
        ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
        ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
              Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
              ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""

    qs, _ = common.onetime_query_state_locks(config, acon1, acon2, query)

    assert qs[0][0] == acon1.get_backend_pid()
    assert qs[0][1] == 0
    assert qs[0][2] == query
    assert re.match(expected, qs[0][3])
    assert qs[0][4] == None
    # assert qs[0][0] == acon.get_backend_pid() and qs[0][1] == 0 \
    # 	and qs[0][2] == query and re.match(expected, qs[0][3]) and qs[0][4] == None

    common.n_close((acon1, acon2))
예제 #4
def test_timing(config):
    """test timing statistics"""

    acon1, acon2 = common.n_async_connect(config, 2)
    query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1 and unlock_if_eq_1(foo.c1)=bar.c1'

    expected = r"""Aggregate \(Current loop: running time=\d+.\d+ actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual time=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
        Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
        Join Filter: \(unlock_if_eq_1\(foo.c1\) = bar.c1\)
        ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual time=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=1000000, loop number=1\)
        ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual time=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=500000, loop number=1\)
              Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
              ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual time=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""

    common.set_guc(acon1, 'pg_query_state.enable_timing', 'on')

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state_locks(config, acon1, acon2, query,
                                                   {'timing': True})

    assert len(qs) == 2
    assert re.match(expected, qs[0][3])
    assert len(notices) == 0

    common.n_close((acon1, acon2))
예제 #5
def test_deadlock(config):
    """test when two backends try to extract state of each other"""

    acon1, acon2 = common.n_async_connect(config, 2)
    acurs1 = acon1.cursor()
    acurs2 = acon2.cursor()

    while True:
        acurs1.callproc('pg_query_state', (acon2.get_backend_pid(), ))
        acurs2.callproc('pg_query_state', (acon1.get_backend_pid(), ))

        # listen acon1, acon2 with timeout = 10 sec to determine deadlock
        r, w, x = select.select([acon1.fileno(), acon2.fileno()], [], [], 10)
        assert (r or w or
                x), "Deadlock is happened under cross reading of query states"


        # exit from loop if one backend could read state of execution 'pg_query_state'
        # from other backend
        if acurs1.fetchone() or acurs2.fetchone():

    common.n_close((acon1, acon2))
예제 #6
def test_buffers(config):
    """test buffer statistics"""

    acon1, acon2 = common.n_async_connect(config, 2)
    query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1 and unlock_if_eq_1(foo.c1)=bar.c1'
    expected = r"""Aggregate \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
        Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
        Join Filter: \(unlock_if_eq_1\(foo.c1\) = bar.c1\)
        Buffers: shared hit=\d+, temp read=\d+ written=\d+
        ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=1000000, loop number=1\)
              Buffers: [^\n]*
        ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual rows=500000, loop number=1\)
              Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
              Buffers: shared hit=\d+, temp written=\d+
              ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
                    Buffers: .*"""

    common.set_guc(acon1, 'pg_query_state.enable_buffers', 'on')

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state_locks(config, acon1, acon2, query,
                                                   {'buffers': True})

    assert len(qs) == 2
    assert re.match(expected, qs[0][3])
    assert len(notices) == 0

    common.n_close((acon1, acon2))
예제 #7
def test_insert_on_conflict(config):
    """test statistics on conflicting tuples under INSERT ON CONFLICT query"""

    acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
    util_conn = psycopg2.connect(**config)
    util_curs = util_conn.cursor()
    add_field_uniqueness = 'alter table foo add constraint unique_c1 unique(c1)'
    drop_field_uniqueness = 'alter table foo drop constraint unique_c1'
    query = 'insert into foo select i, md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 30000) as i on conflict do nothing'

    expected = r"""Insert on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=\d+\)
  Conflict Resolution: NOTHING
  Conflicting Tuples: \d+
  ->  Function Scan on generate_series i \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=\d+\)"""


    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query)

    assert qs[0][0] == acon.get_backend_pid() and qs[0][1] == 0 \
     and qs[0][2] == query and re.match(expected, qs[0][3]) \
     and qs[0][4] == None
    assert len(notices) == 0


    common.n_close((acon, ))
예제 #8
def test_nested_call(config):
    """test statistics under calling function"""

    acon1, acon2 = common.n_async_connect(config, 2)
    util_conn = psycopg2.connect(**config)
    util_curs = util_conn.cursor()
    create_function = """
		create or replace function n_join_foo_bar() returns integer as $$
				return (select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1 and unlock_if_eq_1(foo.c1)=bar.c1);
		$$ language plpgsql"""
    drop_function = 'drop function n_join_foo_bar()'
    call_function = 'select * from n_join_foo_bar()'
    nested_query1 = '(select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1 and unlock_if_eq_1(foo.c1)=bar.c1)'
    nested_query2 = 'SELECT (select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1 and unlock_if_eq_1(foo.c1)=bar.c1)'
    expected = 'Function Scan on n_join_foo_bar (Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1)'
    expected_nested = r"""Result \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  InitPlan 1 \(returns \$0\)
    ->  Aggregate \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
          ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual rows=62473, loop number=1\)
                Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
                Join Filter: \(unlock_if_eq_1\(foo.c1\) = bar.c1\)
                ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=1000000, loop number=1\)
                ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual rows=500000, loop number=1\)
                      Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
                      ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""


    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state_locks(config, acon1, acon2,

    # Print some debug output before assertion
    if len(qs) < 2:

    assert len(qs) == 3
    assert qs[0][0] == qs[1][0] == acon1.get_backend_pid()
    assert qs[0][1] == 0
    assert qs[1][1] == 1
    assert qs[0][2] == call_function
    assert qs[0][3] == expected
    assert qs[1][2] == nested_query1 or qs[1][2] == nested_query2
    assert re.match(expected_nested, qs[1][3])
    assert qs[0][4] == qs[1][4] == None
    assert len(notices) == 0


    common.n_close((acon1, acon2))
예제 #9
def test_formats(config):
    """test all formats of pg_query_state output"""

    acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
    query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1'
    expected = r"""Aggregate \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
        Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
        ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=1, loop number=1\)
        ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
              Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
              ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query,
                                             {'format': 'text'})
    assert len(qs) == 1 and re.match(expected, qs[0][3])
    assert len(notices) == 0

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query,
                                             {'format': 'json'})
        js_obj = json.loads(qs[0][3])
    except ValueError:
        assert False, 'Invalid json format'
    assert len(qs) == 1
    assert len(notices) == 0

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query,
                                             {'format': 'xml'})
    assert len(qs) == 1
    assert len(notices) == 0
        xml_root = ET.fromstring(qs[0][3])
        assert False, 'Invalid xml format'

    qs, _ = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query, {'format': 'yaml'})
        yaml_doc = yaml.load(qs[0][3], Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
        assert False, 'Invalid yaml format'
    assert len(qs) == 1
    assert len(notices) == 0

    common.n_close((acon, ))
예제 #10
def test_trigger(config):
    """test trigger statistics"""

    acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
    acurs = acon.cursor()
    util_conn = psycopg2.connect(**config)
    util_curs = util_conn.cursor()
    create_trigger_function = """
		create or replace function unique_c1_in_foo() returns trigger as $$
				if new.c1 in (select c1 from foo) then
					return null;
				end if;
				return new;
		$$ language plpgsql"""
    create_trigger = """
		create trigger unique_foo_c1
			before insert or update of c1 on foo for row
			execute procedure unique_c1_in_foo()"""
    drop_temps = 'drop function unique_c1_in_foo() cascade'
    query = 'insert into foo select i, md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1, 10000) as i'
    expected_upper = r"""Insert on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
  ->  Function Scan on generate_series i \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""
    trigger_suffix = r"""Trigger unique_foo_c1: calls=\d+"""


    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query,
                                             {'triggers': True})
    assert qs[0][0] == acon.get_backend_pid() and qs[0][1] == 0 \
     and qs[0][2] == query and re.match(expected_upper, qs[0][3]) \
     and qs[0][4] == None
    assert len(notices) == 0

    qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query,
                                             {'triggers': False})
    assert qs[0][0] == acon.get_backend_pid() and qs[0][1] == 0 \
     and qs[0][2] == query and re.match(expected_upper, qs[0][3]) \
     and qs[0][4] == None
    assert len(notices) == 0


    common.n_close((acon, ))
예제 #11
def test_costs(config):
	"""test plan costs"""

	acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
	query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1'
	expected = r"""Aggregate  \(cost=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+ width=8\) \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  ->  Hash Join  \(cost=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+ width=0\) \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
        Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
        ->  Seq Scan on foo  \(cost=0.00..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+ width=4\) \(Current loop: actual rows=1, loop number=1\)
        ->  Hash  \(cost=\d+.\d+..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+ width=4\) \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
              Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
              ->  Seq Scan on bar  \(cost=0.00..\d+.\d+ rows=\d+ width=4\) \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""

	qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query, {'costs': True})
	assert len(qs) == 1 and re.match(expected, qs[0][3])
	assert len(notices) == 0

예제 #12
def test_nested_call(config):
	"""test statistics under calling function"""

	acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
	util_conn = psycopg2.connect(**config)
	util_curs = util_conn.cursor()
	create_function = """
		create or replace function n_join_foo_bar() returns integer as $$
				return (select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1);
		$$ language plpgsql"""
	drop_function = 'drop function n_join_foo_bar()'
	call_function = 'select * from n_join_foo_bar()'
	nested_query = 'SELECT (select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1)'
	expected = 'Function Scan on n_join_foo_bar (Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1)'
	expected_nested = r"""Result \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  InitPlan 1 \(returns \$0\)
    ->  Aggregate \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
          ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
                Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
                ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=1, loop number=1\)
                ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
                      Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
                      ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)"""


	qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, call_function)
	assert len(qs) == 2 \
		and qs[0][0] == qs[1][0] == acon.get_backend_pid() \
		and qs[0][1] == 0 and qs[1][1] == 1 \
		and qs[0][2] == call_function and qs[0][3] == expected \
		and qs[1][2] == nested_query and re.match(expected_nested, qs[1][3]) \
		and qs[0][4] == qs[1][4] == None
	assert len(notices) == 0


예제 #13
def test_buffers(config):
	"""test buffer statistics"""

	acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
	query = 'select count(*) from foo join bar on foo.c1=bar.c1'
	expected = r"""Aggregate \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
  ->  Hash Join \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
        Hash Cond: \(foo.c1 = bar.c1\)
        ->  Seq Scan on foo \(Current loop: actual rows=1, loop number=1\)
              Buffers: [^\n]*
        ->  Hash \(Current loop: actual rows=0, loop number=1\)
              Buckets: \d+  Batches: \d+  Memory Usage: \d+kB
              ->  Seq Scan on bar \(Current loop: actual rows=\d+, loop number=1\)
                    Buffers: .*"""

	common.set_guc(acon, 'pg_query_state.enable_buffers', 'on')

	qs, notices = common.onetime_query_state(config, acon, query, {'buffers': True})
	assert len(qs) == 1 and re.match(expected, qs[0][3])
	assert len(notices) == 0

예제 #14
def run_tpcds(config):
    """TPC-DS stress test"""

    TPC_DS_EXCLUDE_LIST = []  # actual numbers of TPC-DS tests to exclude
    TPC_DS_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT = 20000  # statement_timeout in ms

    print('Preparing TPC-DS queries...')
    queries = []
    for query_file in sorted(
        with open(
                'tmp_stress/tpcds-result-reproduction/query_qualification/%s' %
                query_file, 'r') as f:

    acon, = common.n_async_connect(config)
    pid = acon.get_backend_pid()

    print('Starting TPC-DS queries...')
    timeout_list = []
    bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(queries))
    for i, query in enumerate(queries):
        bar.update(i + 1)
        if i + 1 in TPC_DS_EXCLUDE_LIST:
            # Set query timeout to TPC_DS_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT / 1000 seconds
            common.set_guc(acon, 'statement_timeout', TPC_DS_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT)

            # run query
            acurs = acon.cursor()

            # periodically run pg_query_state on running backend trying to get
            # crash of PostgreSQL
            PG_QS_DELAY, BEFORE_GETTING_QS_DELAY = 0.1, 0.1
            BEFORE_GETTING_QS, GETTING_QS = range(2)
            state, n_first_getting_qs_retries = BEFORE_GETTING_QS, 0
            while True:
                result, notices = common.pg_query_state(config, pid)
                # run state machine to determine the first getting of query state
                # and query finishing
                if state == BEFORE_GETTING_QS:
                    if len(result
                           ) > 0 or common.BACKEND_IS_ACTIVE_INFO in notices:
                        state = GETTING_QS
                    n_first_getting_qs_retries += 1
                    if n_first_getting_qs_retries >= MAX_FIRST_GETTING_QS_RETRIES:
                        # pg_query_state callings don't return any result, more likely run
                        # query has completed
                elif state == GETTING_QS:
                    if common.BACKEND_IS_IDLE_INFO in notices:

            # wait for real query completion

        except psycopg2.extensions.QueryCanceledError:
            timeout_list.append(i + 1)

    common.n_close((acon, ))

    if len(timeout_list) > 0:
            '\nThere were pg_query_state timeouts (%s s) on queries:' %
            TPC_DS_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, timeout_list)