def get_Stories(jira, filter_id='', FRs=[], add_clause='', WBStag = 'WBS'): if len(filter_id) > 0: jql = jira.filter(filter_id).jql else: jql = '"Feature Link" in (' + ','.join(str(key) for key in FRs) + ')' if len(add_clause) > 0: jql = jql + ' AND ' + add_clause raw_Stories = jira.search_issues(jql,maxResults=1000) Stories_keys = [[get_story_parent(x, jira) for x in raw_Stories], [x.key for x in raw_Stories]] Stories_list = list(map(lambda x: [', '.join([parse_sprints(sprint) for sprint in cmn.nvl(getattr(x.fields,jira.sprintfield),[])]), x.fields.summary, x.fields.duedate, ', '.join([str(label) for label in cmn.nvl(x.fields.labels,[])]), ', '.join([str( for fixVersion in cmn.nvl(x.fields.fixVersions,[])]), cmn.nvl(x.fields.aggregatetimeestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timeoriginalestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timeestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.aggregatetimeoriginalestimate,0)/3600, get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag), cmn.nvl(x.fields.aggregatetimespent,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timespent,0)/3600, ', '.join([str(subtask) for subtask in cmn.nvl(x.fields.subtasks,[])]),, get_status_mapped(x), get_assignee(x.fields.assignee), getTeam(x)], raw_Stories)) Stories_df = pd.DataFrame(Stories_list, index=Stories_keys, columns=[ 'Sprint', 'Summary', 'Due Date', 'Labels', 'Fix Version/s', 'Σ Remaining Estimate', 'Original Estimate', 'Remaining Estimate', 'Σ Original Estimate', 'WBS Dev LOE', 'Σ Time Spent', 'Time Spent', 'Sub-Tasks', 'Status', 'Status Mapped', 'Assignee', 'Team']) return Stories_df
def alignComponents(jql, jira, update, add_clause=""): stories = jira.search_issues(jql,maxResults=1000) print('Loaded {} stories'.format(len(stories))) stories_keys = list([x.key for x in stories]) stories_list = list(map(lambda x: [parse_components(x.fields.components)], stories)) stories_df = pd.DataFrame(stories_list, index=stories_keys, columns=['components']) subtasks_jql = 'parent in (' + ','.join(str(key) for key in stories_keys) + ') and created > -10d' if add_clause != "": subtasks_jql = subtasks_jql + ' AND ' + add_clause subtasks = jira.search_issues(subtasks_jql,maxResults=1000) print('Loaded {} subtasks'.format(len(subtasks))) subtasks_keys = list([x.key for x in subtasks]) subtasks_list = list(map(lambda x: [x.fields.parent.key, ', '.join([jc.parse_sprints(sprint) for sprint in cmn.nvl(getattr(x.fields,jira.sprintfield),[])]),, parse_components(x.fields.components)], subtasks)) subtasks_df = pd.DataFrame(subtasks_list, index=subtasks_keys, columns=['parent','sprints','status','components']) subtasks_df = subtasks_df.join(stories_df,on='parent',rsuffix='_story') subtasks_df['diff'] = subtasks_df.apply(lambda row: row.components^row.components_story,axis=1) subtasks_df['cmn'] = subtasks_df.apply(lambda row: row.components&row.components_story,axis=1) print('KEY STATUS SUBTASK STORY DIFF CMN') for (key,subtask) in subtasks_df.iterrows(): if subtask.sprints != "" and subtask.status != 'Closed': if len(subtask['diff']) > 0 and len(subtask['cmn']) == 0: print('{} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(key, str(subtask.status), str(subtask.components), str(subtask.components_story), str(subtask['diff']), str(subtask['cmn']))) if update and len(subtask.components) == 0: if len(subtask['diff']) > 1: print('Check {} multiple component {}'.format(key,str(subtask['diff']))) else: issue = jira.issue(key) issue.update(notify=False, fields={"components": [{'name': component} for component in subtask['diff']]}) print('Updated {} set component {}'.format(key,str(subtask['diff'])))
def detailedSprintReport(jira, parsedBurndown, Burndown, getdailyrep): now = Burndown['now'] startTime = Burndown['startTime'] endTime = Burndown['endTime'] if 'completeTime' in Burndown: completeTime = Burndown['completeTime'] else: completeTime = None sprintScope = parsedBurndown.query('added == True') if len(sprintScope) == 0: return None jql = 'issue in (' + ','.join( str(key) for key in sprintScope.index.get_level_values(2)) + ')' sprintIssues = jira.search_issues(jql, maxResults=1000) print('Preparing detailed report...') sprintDetailedReport = sprintScope.apply(lambda x: issueDetails( x, parsedBurndown, sprintIssues, now, startTime, cmn.nvl(completeTime, endTime), jira, getdailyrep), axis=1) sprintDetailedReport = sprintDetailedReport.query( 'completed != completed or completed > added') sprintDetailedReport['notParent'] = sprintDetailedReport.apply( lambda row:[1] !=[2], axis=1) sprintDetailedReport[ 'Parent'] = sprintDetailedReport.index.get_level_values(1) sprintDetailedReport['Key'] = sprintDetailedReport.index.get_level_values( 2) sprintDetailedReport = sprintDetailedReport.sort_values( ['Parent', 'notParent', 'Key']) #sprintDetailedReport.to_excel('C:\\Users\\rudu0916\\Documents\\SprintReport_IPAM_Sp8.xlsx') #Initial scope #initialScope = parsedBurndown.query('initialScope == True') #initialScope = initialScope.join(initialScope.apply(lambda x: getInitialEstimate(parsedBurndown,[2], startTime),axis=1)) #initialScope = initialScope.join(initialScope.apply(lambda x: getTimeSpent(parsedBurndown,[2], startTime, cmn.nvl(completeTime,endTime)),axis=1)) #Additional scope #additionalScope = parsedBurndown.query('additionalScope == True') #additionalScope = additionalScope.join(additionalScope.apply(lambda x: getInitialEstimate(parsedBurndown,[2],startTime),axis=1)) #additionalScope = additionalScope.join(additionalScope.apply(lambda x: getTimeSpent(parsedBurndown,[2],[0], cmn.nvl(completeTime,endTime)),axis=1)) #Descoped #descoped = parsedBurndown.query('descope == True') #descoped = descoped.join(descoped.apply(lambda x: getInitialEstimate(parsedBurndown,[2], startTime),axis=1)) #descoped = descoped.join(additionalScope.apply(lambda x: getTimeSpent(parsedBurndown,[2], startTime, cmn.nvl(completeTime,endTime)),axis=1)) return sprintDetailedReport
def get_subtasks(jira, parents): jql = 'parent in (' + ','.join(str(key) for key in parents.index.levels[1]) + ')' raw_subtasks = jira.search_issues(jql,maxResults=1000) subtasks_keys = [[parents[parents.index.get_level_values(1) == x.fields.parent.key].iloc[0].name[0] for x in raw_subtasks], [x.fields.parent.key for x in raw_subtasks], [x.key for x in raw_subtasks]] subtasks_list = list(map(lambda x: [', '.join([parse_sprints(sprint) for sprint in cmn.nvl(getattr(x.fields,jira.sprintfield),[])]), ', '.join([str( for component in cmn.nvl(x.fields.components,[])]), x.fields.summary, x.fields.duedate, ', '.join([str(label) for label in cmn.nvl(x.fields.labels,[])]), get_step(x), ', '.join([str( for fixVersion in cmn.nvl(x.fields.fixVersions,[])]), cmn.nvl(x.fields.timeoriginalestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timeestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timespent,0)/3600,, get_priority(x), get_status_mapped(x), get_assignee(x.fields.assignee)], raw_subtasks)) subtasks_df = pd.DataFrame(subtasks_list, index = subtasks_keys, columns=['Sprint', 'Components', 'Summary', 'Due Date', 'Labels', 'Step', 'Fix Version/s', 'Original Estimate', 'Remaining Estimate', 'Time Spent', 'Status', 'Priority', 'Status Mapped', 'Assignee']) return subtasks_df
def allWBStoHLEstimate(jira, WBS, force=False): for x in WBS.iterrows(): if str(x[0]) == 'nan': print('skipped - no FR') else: print(x[0]) try: issue = jira.issue(x[0]) total_jira = round(cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_23121, 0), 1) analysis_jira = round( cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_23422, 0), 1) design_jira = round(cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_23423, 0), 1) build_jira = round(cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_23424, 0), 1) bugfix_jira = round(cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_23425, 0), 1) qa_jira = round(cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_23426, 0), 1) if abs(total_jira - round(x[1]['Tech LOE wbs'], 1)) > 0.2: print('Different estimations exist:') print('HL Estimate, md ' + str(total_jira) + ' ' + str(round(x[1]['Tech LOE wbs'], 1))) print('Analysis LOE, md ' + str(analysis_jira) + ' ' + str(round(x[1]['Analysis LOE wbs'], 1))) print('Design LOE, md ' + str(design_jira) + ' ' + str(round(x[1]['Design LOE wbs'], 1))) print('Build LOE, md ' + str(build_jira) + ' ' + str(round(x[1]['Build LOE wbs'], 1))) print('Bug Fixing LOE, md ' + str(bugfix_jira) + ' ' + str(round(x[1]['Bug Fixing LOE wbs'], 1))) print('QA LOE, md ' + str(qa_jira) + ' ' + str(round(x[1]['QA LOE wbs'], 1))) if force: WBStoHLEstimate(issue, x) print('Updated with force') elif (total_jira == 0) and (x[1]['Tech LOE wbs'] != 0): WBStoHLEstimate(issue, x) print('Updated') else: print('Already filled') except Exception as e: print(e) continue return
def get_plan(issue, WBSitem = 'HL Estimate, md', WBStag = 'WBS'): if cmn.nvl(WBStag,'') == '': return None dsc = issue.fields.description if dsc is None: return None m ='#' + WBStag + '(\{.*\})',dsc) if m is None: return None WBSdata = eval('nan','0.0')) #'Dev LOE' is legacy, remove later if WBSitem in WBSdata: return WBSdata[WBSitem] * 8 elif 'Dev LOE' in WBSdata: return WBSdata['Dev LOE'] * 8 else: return None
def get_WorkItems(jira, jql=''): raw_WorkItems = jira.search_issues(jql,maxResults=1000) WorkItems_keys = [[getattr(x.fields,jira.epiclinkfield) for x in raw_WorkItems], [x.key for x in raw_WorkItems]] WorkItems_list = list(map(lambda x: [', '.join([parse_sprints(sprint) for sprint in cmn.nvl(getattr(x.fields,jira.sprintfield),[])]), ', '.join([str( for component in cmn.nvl(x.fields.components,[])]), x.fields.summary, x.fields.duedate, ', '.join([str(label) for label in cmn.nvl(x.fields.labels,[])]), ', '.join([str( for fixVersion in cmn.nvl(x.fields.fixVersions,[])]), cmn.nvl(x.fields.aggregatetimeestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timeoriginalestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timeestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.aggregatetimeoriginalestimate,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.aggregatetimespent,0)/3600, cmn.nvl(x.fields.timespent,0)/3600, ', '.join([str(subtask) for subtask in cmn.nvl(x.fields.subtasks,[])]),,, get_status_mapped(x), get_assignee(x.fields.assignee)], raw_WorkItems)) WorkItems_df = pd.DataFrame(WorkItems_list, index=WorkItems_keys, columns=[ 'Sprint', 'Components', 'Summary', 'Due Date', 'Labels', 'Fix Version/s', 'Σ Remaining Estimate', 'Original Estimate', 'Remaining Estimate', 'Σ Original Estimate', 'Σ Time Spent', 'Time Spent', 'Sub-Tasks', 'Status', 'Priority', 'Status Mapped', 'Assignee']) return WorkItems_df
def get_FRs(jira, filter_id, WBStag = 'WBS'): raw_FRs = jira.search_issues(jira.filter(filter_id).jql,maxResults=1000) FRs_keys = list([x.key for x in raw_FRs]) FRs_list = list(map(lambda x: [cmn.nvl(get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag, WBSitem='HL Estimate, md'), cmn.nvl(x.fields.customfield_23121,0)), ', '.join([parse_sprints(sprint) for sprint in cmn.nvl(getattr(x.fields,jira.sprintfield),[])]), cmn.nvl(get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag, WBSitem='Analysis LOE, md'), cmn.nvl(x.fields.customfield_23422,0)), cmn.nvl(get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag, WBSitem='Build LOE, md'), cmn.nvl(x.fields.customfield_23424,0)), cmn.nvl(get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag, WBSitem='Design LOE, md'), cmn.nvl(x.fields.customfield_23423,0)), cmn.nvl(get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag, WBSitem='QA LOE, md'), cmn.nvl(x.fields.customfield_23426,0)), cmn.nvl(get_plan(x, WBStag=WBStag, WBSitem='Bug Fixing LOE, md'), cmn.nvl(x.fields.customfield_23425,0)), x.fields.summary, getCustomers(x), x.fields.duedate, ', '.join([str(label) for label in cmn.nvl(x.fields.labels,[])]), ', '.join([str( for fixVersion in cmn.nvl(x.fields.fixVersions,[])]),, get_status_mapped(x), ', '.join(getFRTeams(x))], raw_FRs)) FRs_df = pd.DataFrame(FRs_list, index=FRs_keys, columns=['HL Estimate, md', 'Sprint', 'Analysis LOE, md', 'Build LOE, md', 'Design LOE, md', 'QA LOE, md', 'Bug Fixing LOE, md', 'Summary', 'Customers', 'Due Date', 'Labels', 'Fix Version/s', 'Status', 'Status Mapped', 'Teams']) return FRs_df
def getCustomers(issue): try: customers = ', '.join([str(customer.value) for customer in cmn.nvl(issue.fields.customfield_21820,[])]) except AttributeError: customers = '' return customers
def issueDetails(issue, parsedBurndown, sprintIssues, now, startTime, endTime, jira, getdailyrep): parent =[1] key =[2] initialScope = issue['initialScope'] additionalScope = issue['additionalScope'] decsopeFilter = parsedBurndown.query('key == "' + key + '" and added == False') #TODO doesn't account for case when issue removed from sprint and added again during sprint if len(decsopeFilter) > 0: descope = True descoped = decsopeFilter.iloc[0].name[0] descoped_str = decsopeFilter.iloc[0]['timestamp_str'] else: descope = '' descoped = None descoped_str = '' added =[0] added_str = issue['timestamp_str'] completed = getCompletedDate(parsedBurndown, key, endTime) if completed is None: completed_str = '' remainingEstimate = getRemainingEstimate( parsedBurndown, key, min(now, endTime, cmn.nvl(descoped, endTime))) else: completed_str = parseBurndownTimestamp(completed).strftime( '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M') remainingEstimate = 0 initialEstimate = getInitialEstimate(parsedBurndown, key, startTime) timeSpent = getTimeSpent(parsedBurndown, key, startTime, cmn.nvl(descoped, endTime)) jiraIssue = [x for x in sprintIssues if x.key == key][0] Summary = jiraIssue.fields.summary Status = Status_mapped = jc.statuses_mapped.loc[]['Type'] assignee = jc.get_assignee(jiraIssue.fields.assignee) if getdailyrep: dailyreport = dr.dailyreport(jira, jiraIssue) else: dailyreport = "" return pd.Series({ 'parent': parent, 'key': key, 'initialScope': initialScope, 'additionalScope': additionalScope, 'descope': descope, 'added': added, 'added_str': added_str, 'descoped': descoped_str, 'completed': completed, 'completed_str': completed_str, 'initialEstimate': initialEstimate, 'timeSpent': timeSpent, 'remainingEstimate': remainingEstimate, 'Summary': Summary, 'Status': Status, 'Assignee': assignee, 'Status_mapped': Status_mapped, 'dailyreport': dailyreport })
def parseBurndown(Burndown): columns = [ 'timestamp_str', 'timeSpent', 'oldEstimate', 'newEstimate', 'deltaEstimate', 'changeDate', 'changeDate_str', 'notDone', 'done', 'newStatus', 'added', 'initialScope', 'additionalScope', 'descope' ] data = [] index1 = [] index2 = [] index3 = [] startTime = Burndown['startTime'] endTime = Burndown['endTime'] if 'completeTime' in Burndown: completeTime = Burndown['completeTime'] else: completeTime = None for timestamp, changes in Burndown['changes'].items(): timestamp_str = parseBurndownTimestamp(timestamp).strftime( '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M') timestamp = int(timestamp) for change in changes: key = change['key'] notDone = '' done = '' newStatus = '' timeSpent = 0 oldEstimate = None newEstimate = None deltaEstimate = 0 changeDate = None changeDate_str = '' added = '' initialScope = '' additionalScope = '' descope = '' if key in Burndown['issueToParentKeys'].values(): index2 = index2 + [key] elif key in Burndown['issueToParentKeys'].keys(): index2 = index2 + [Burndown['issueToParentKeys'][key]] else: index2 = index2 + [''] if 'column' in change: column = change['column'] if 'notDone' in column: notDone = column['notDone'] if 'done' in column: done = column['done'] if 'newStatus' in column: newStatus = column['newStatus'] if 'timeC' in change: timeC = change['timeC'] if 'timeSpent' in timeC: timeSpent = timeC['timeSpent'] / 3600 if 'oldEstimate' in timeC: oldEstimate = timeC['oldEstimate'] / 3600 else: oldEstimate = 0 if 'newEstimate' in timeC: newEstimate = timeC['newEstimate'] / 3600 else: newEstimate = 0 deltaEstimate = newEstimate - oldEstimate if 'changeDate' in timeC: changeDate = timeC['changeDate'] changeDate_str = parseBurndownTimestamp( timeC['changeDate']).strftime('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M') changeDate = int(changeDate) if 'added' in change: added = change['added'] if added: if timestamp <= startTime: initialScope = True else: additionalScope = True else: if (timestamp > startTime) and (timestamp < cmn.nvl( completeTime, endTime)): descope = True elif timestamp <= startTime: raise ValueError('Added is False before sprint start') data = data + [[ timestamp_str, timeSpent, oldEstimate, newEstimate, deltaEstimate, changeDate, changeDate_str, notDone, done, newStatus, added, initialScope, additionalScope, descope ]] index1 = index1 + [timestamp] index3 = index3 + [key] res = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[index1, index2, index3], columns=columns) res.index.levels[0].name = 'timestamp' res.index.levels[1].name = 'parent' res.index.levels[2].name = 'key' return res
def my_program(i_args): l_myArgs = i_args # parse the argments l_exclude = "" l_mysqlCNF = "" l_init = "" l_zip = "" l_user = "" l_pwd = "" l_database = "" l_repository = "" l_expired = "" l_mode = "" opts, args = getopt.getopt(l_myArgs, '-i-h-t-v-z-u:-p:-d:-r:-e:-m:', [ 'init', 'help', 'trace', 'version', 'zip=', 'user='******'password='******'directory=', 'repository=', 'expired=', 'mode=' ]) try: for opt_name, opt_value in opts: if opt_name in ('-i', '--zip'): l_init = 'yes' continue if opt_name in ('-h', '--help'): Usage() exit(0) if opt_name in ('-t', '--trace'): print('-t') import pdb pdb.set_trace() continue if opt_name in ('-v', '--version'): print("Version is 0.01 ") exit(0) if opt_name in ('-z', '--zip'): l_zip = opt_value continue if opt_name in ('-u', '--user'): l_user = opt_value continue if opt_name in ('-p', '--password'): l_pwd = opt_value continue if opt_name in ('-d', '--database'): l_database = opt_value continue if opt_name in ('-r', '--repository'): l_repository = opt_value continue if opt_name in ('-e', '--expired'): l_expired = opt_value continue if opt_name in ('-m', '--mode'): l_mode = opt_value continue except GetoptError as opt: print('unsupported parameter') except Exception as e: print("unknowned error (%s)" % e) l_init = common.nvl(l_init, 'n') l_zip = common.nvl(l_zip, cfg.ZIP_BACKUP) l_user = common.nvl(l_user, cfg.USER_BACKUP) l_pwd = common.nvl(l_pwd, cfg.PWD_BACKUP) l_database = common.nvl(l_database, cfg.DATABASE_BACKUP) l_repository = common.nvl(l_repository, cfg.REPOSITORY_BACKUP) l_expired = common.nvl(l_expired, cfg.EXPIRED_BACKUP) l_mode = common.nvl(l_mode, cfg.MODE_BACKUP) l_mysqlCNF = common.nvl(l_mysqlCNF, cfg.MYSQL_CNF) l_exclude = common.nvl(l_exclude, cfg.EXCLUDE_BACKUP) l_user_admin = cfg.USER_ADMIN l_pwd_admin = cfg.PWD_ADMIN l_port = cfg.PORT_BACKUP modes = ['inc', 'full'] if l_mode in modes: mysqlbk.execute_backup(l_database, l_port, l_mysqlCNF, l_user, l_pwd, l_exclude, l_repository, l_mode, l_zip) if (len(common.toStr(l_expired)) != 0): mysqlbk.del_expired_backupset(l_repository, l_expired) if 'n' != l_init: mysqlbk.Init_backup_env(l_user_admin, l_pwd_admin, l_user, l_pwd, l_port)
def format_Stories(workbook, worksheet, FRs, Stories, number_columns, project, timesheet): number_rows = len(Stories.index) format_all = workbook.add_format(cmn.format_all) header_fmt = workbook.add_format(cmn.header_fmt) effort_fmt = workbook.add_format(cmn.effort_fmt) percent_fmt = workbook.add_format(cmn.percent_fmt) worksheet.set_column('A:B', 11, format_all) worksheet.set_column('C:C', 40, format_all) worksheet.set_column('D:D', 11, format_all) worksheet.set_column('E:F', 15, format_all) worksheet.set_column('G:G', 18, format_all) worksheet.set_column('H:K', 8, effort_fmt) worksheet.set_column('L:N', 8, percent_fmt) worksheet.set_column('O:Q', 8, effort_fmt) worksheet.set_column('R:S', 8, percent_fmt) worksheet.set_column('T:V', 8, effort_fmt) worksheet.set_column('W:X', 8, percent_fmt) worksheet.set_column('Y:AN',8, format_all) worksheet.set_row(0, None, header_fmt) format_alert = workbook.add_format(cmn.format_alert) format_warn = workbook.add_format(cmn.format_warn) format_impl = workbook.add_format(cmn.format_impl) format_done = workbook.add_format(cmn.format_done) format_cancelled = workbook.add_format(cmn.format_cancelled) #Fact exceeds plan (forecast rate * spent rate) for over 20% worksheet.conditional_format('J2:J{}'.format(number_rows+2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=($L2*$M2)>=1.2', 'format': format_alert}) #Cancelled worksheet.conditional_format('A2:AN{}'.format(number_rows+1), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$AC2="Cancelled"', 'format': format_cancelled}) #Story is completed worksheet.conditional_format('A2:AN{}'.format(number_rows+1), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$N2=1', 'format': format_done}) #Development is completed worksheet.conditional_format('A2:AN{}'.format(number_rows+1), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=$S2=1', 'format': format_impl}) #Progress pars worksheet.conditional_format('N2:N{}'.format(number_rows+2), cmn.format_bar_done) worksheet.conditional_format('S2:S{}'.format(number_rows+2), cmn.format_bar_impl) worksheet.conditional_format('X2:X{}'.format(number_rows+2), cmn.format_bar_impl) #Gained effort exceeds gained progress for over then 20% worksheet.conditional_format('R2:R{}'.format(number_rows+2), {'type': 'formula', 'criteria': '=($R2-$S2)>=0.2', 'format': format_warn}) #Forecast exceeds plan for over than 20% worksheet.conditional_format('L2:L{}'.format(number_rows+2), {'type': 'cell', 'criteria': '>=', 'value': 1.2, 'format': format_alert}) total_effort_fmt = workbook.add_format({**cmn.effort_fmt, **{'bold': True, 'top': 6}}) total_percent_fmt = workbook.add_format({**cmn.percent_fmt, **{'bold': True, 'top': 6}}) worksheet.write_string(number_rows+1, 6, "Total",total_effort_fmt) for column in [7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21]: worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, column), "=SUM({:s}:{:s})".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, column), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, column)), total_effort_fmt) if FRs is not None: for row in range(number_rows): if cmn.nvl(Stories.iloc[row].name[0],'') != '': try: comment = (FRs.loc[Stories.iloc[row].name[0]]['Summary'] + '\n' + str(int(FRs.loc[Stories.iloc[row].name[0]]['nonqa_rate'] * 100)) + '% - ' + str(round(FRs.loc[Stories.iloc[row].name[0]]['HL Estimate, md'],1)) + '/' + str(round(FRs.loc[Stories.iloc[row].name[0]]['total_fact_md'],1)) + '/' + str(round(FRs.loc[Stories.iloc[row].name[0]]['total_remaining_md'],1))) worksheet.write_comment('A{}'.format(row+2),comment) except: print('Cannot create comment for Story ' + Stories.iloc[row].name[1]) #Total fcast/plan worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 11), "={:s}/{:s}".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 8), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 7)), total_percent_fmt) #Total fact/fcast worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 12), "={:s}/{:s}".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 9), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 8)), total_percent_fmt) #Done, % worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 13), "=SUM({:s}:{:s})/SUM({:s}:{:s})".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, 35), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, 35), xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, 8), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, 8)), total_percent_fmt) #Impl fact/fcast worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 17), "={:s}/{:s}".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 15), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 14)), total_percent_fmt) #Impl, % worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 18), "=SUM({:s}:{:s})/SUM({:s}:{:s})".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, 37), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, 37), xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, 14), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, 14)), total_percent_fmt) #QA fact/fcast worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 22), "={:s}/{:s}".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 20), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 19)), total_percent_fmt) #QA, % worksheet.write_formula(xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows+1, 23), "=SUM({:s}:{:s})/SUM({:s}:{:s})".format(xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, 36), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, 36), xl_rowcol_to_cell(1, 19), xl_rowcol_to_cell(number_rows, 19)), total_percent_fmt) if timesheet is not None: worksheet.write_string(number_rows+2, 6, "Total ERP",total_effort_fmt) worksheet.write_number(number_rows+2, 7, ter.PROJECTS_INFO[project]['projectLOE'], total_effort_fmt) worksheet.write_number(number_rows+2, 9, timesheet['MD'].sum(), total_effort_fmt) worksheet.autofilter(0,0,number_rows+1,number_columns+1) return
def calc_subtasks(Story, Stories, subtasks): #print('calc_subtasks in Story=' + Story) Story_row = Stories[Stories.index.get_level_values(1) == Story].iloc[0] story_estimate = original_estimate(Story_row) story_fact = Story_row['Time Spent'] total_fact = Story_row['Σ Time Spent'] story_done_cnt = 0 story_done_estimate = 0 story_implemented_cnt = 0 story_implemented_estimate = 0 story_remaining_estimate = 0 subtasks_c = subtasks[(subtasks.index.get_level_values(1) == Story) & (subtasks['Status Mapped']!='Cancelled')] subtasks_c_all = subtasks[subtasks.index.get_level_values(1) == Story] cnt_subtasks = len(subtasks_c) cnt_subtasks_all = len(subtasks_c_all) if story_estimate > 0 or cnt_subtasks == 0: story_cnt = 1 if Story_row['Status Mapped'] == 'Done': story_done_cnt = 1 story_implemented_cnt = 1 story_implemented_estimate = story_estimate story_done_estimate = story_estimate elif Story_row['Status Mapped'] == 'In QA': story_implemented_cnt = 1 story_implemented_estimate = story_estimate elif Story_row['Status Mapped'] == 'Cancelled': story_estimate = 0 else: story_remaining_estimate = Story_row['Remaining Estimate'] else: story_cnt = 0 cnt_total = cnt_subtasks + story_cnt cnt_nonqa_subtasks = len(subtasks_c[subtasks_c['Step']!='QA']) cnt_nonqa = cnt_nonqa_subtasks + story_cnt cnt_qa = cnt_total-cnt_nonqa cnt_done_subtasks = len(subtasks_c[subtasks_c['Status Mapped']=='Done']) cnt_done = cnt_done_subtasks + story_done_cnt cnt_done_qa = len(subtasks_c[(subtasks_c['Step']=='QA') & (subtasks_c['Status Mapped']=='Done')]) cnt_dev_implemented_subtasks = len(subtasks_c[(subtasks_c['Step']!='QA') & subtasks_c['Status Mapped'].isin(['In QA', 'Done'])]) cnt_dev_implemented = cnt_dev_implemented_subtasks + story_implemented_cnt if cmn.nvl(Story_row['WBS Dev LOE'],0) > 0: total_plan = Story_row['WBS Dev LOE'] else: total_plan = Story_row['Σ Original Estimate'] if cnt_subtasks > 0: total_estimate = sum(subtasks_c.apply(original_estimate,axis=1)) + story_estimate total_remaining = sum(subtasks_c.apply(remaining_estimate,axis=1)) + story_remaining_estimate elif cnt_subtasks_all > 0: total_estimate = sum(subtasks_c_all.apply(original_estimate,axis=1)) + story_estimate total_remaining = story_remaining_estimate else: total_estimate = story_estimate total_remaining = story_remaining_estimate total_estimate_for_rate = total_estimate if total_plan > 0: if total_estimate/total_plan <= 0.2: total_estimate_for_rate = total_plan if cnt_nonqa_subtasks > 0: nonqa_estimate = sum(subtasks_c[subtasks_c['Step']!='QA'].apply(original_estimate,axis=1)) + story_estimate nonqa_fact = sum(subtasks_c[subtasks_c['Step']!='QA'].apply(lambda row: row['Time Spent'],axis=1)) + story_fact nonqa_remaining = sum(subtasks_c[subtasks_c['Step']!='QA'].apply(remaining_estimate,axis=1)) + story_remaining_estimate else: nonqa_estimate = story_estimate nonqa_fact = story_fact nonqa_remaining = story_remaining_estimate qa_estimate = total_estimate - nonqa_estimate qa_fact = total_fact - nonqa_fact qa_remaining = total_remaining - nonqa_remaining if cnt_done_subtasks > 0: done_estimate = sum(subtasks_c[subtasks_c['Status Mapped']=='Done'].apply(original_estimate,axis=1)) + story_done_estimate else: done_estimate = story_done_estimate if cnt_done_qa > 0: done_qa_estimate = sum(subtasks_c[(subtasks_c['Step']=='QA') & (subtasks_c['Status Mapped']=='Done')].apply(original_estimate,axis=1)) else: done_qa_estimate = 0 if cnt_dev_implemented_subtasks > 0: implemented_dev_estimate = sum(subtasks_c[(subtasks_c['Step']!='QA') & subtasks_c['Status Mapped'].isin(['In QA', 'Done'])].apply(original_estimate,axis=1)) + story_implemented_estimate else: implemented_dev_estimate = story_implemented_estimate if total_estimate_for_rate > 0: total_rate = done_estimate / total_estimate_for_rate total_spent_rate = total_fact / total_estimate_for_rate else: if cnt_done > 0: total_rate = cnt_done / cnt_total else: total_rate = 0 total_spent_rate = 0 if nonqa_estimate > 0: nonqa_rate = implemented_dev_estimate / nonqa_estimate nonqa_spent_rate = nonqa_fact / nonqa_estimate else: if cnt_dev_implemented > 0: nonqa_rate = cnt_dev_implemented / cnt_nonqa else: nonqa_rate = 0 nonqa_spent_rate = 0 if qa_estimate > 0: qa_rate = done_qa_estimate / qa_estimate qa_spent_rate = qa_fact / qa_estimate else: if cnt_done_qa > 0: qa_rate = cnt_done_qa / cnt_qa else: qa_rate = 0 qa_spent_rate = 0 if total_plan > 0: total_fcast_plan_rate = total_estimate / total_plan else: total_fcast_plan_rate = 0 if cnt_total == 0 or total_estimate == 0: if Story_row['Status Mapped'] == 'Done': total_rate = 1 nonqa_rate = 1 qa_rate = 1 elif Story_row['Status Mapped'] == 'In QA': total_rate = 0 nonqa_rate = 1 qa_rate = 0 return pd.Series({'cnt_total': cnt_total, 'cnt_nonqa': cnt_nonqa, 'cnt_qa': cnt_qa, 'cnt_done': cnt_done, 'cnt_done_qa': cnt_done_qa, 'cnt_dev_implemented': cnt_dev_implemented, 'total_plan' : total_plan, 'total_estimate': total_estimate, 'nonqa_estimate': nonqa_estimate, 'qa_estimate': qa_estimate, 'total_fcast_plan_rate': total_fcast_plan_rate, 'story_fact': story_fact, 'nonqa_fact': nonqa_fact, 'qa_fact': qa_fact, 'total_remaining': total_remaining, 'nonqa_remaining': nonqa_remaining, 'qa_remaining': qa_remaining, 'total_spent_rate': total_spent_rate, 'nonqa_spent_rate': nonqa_spent_rate, 'qa_spent_rate': qa_spent_rate, 'done_estimate': done_estimate, 'done_qa_estimate': done_qa_estimate, 'implemented_dev_estimate': implemented_dev_estimate, 'total_rate': total_rate, 'nonqa_rate': nonqa_rate, 'qa_rate': qa_rate})