예제 #1
def pcbc_bitflipping():
    print('---------- PCBC ----------')

    plaintext = 'From:Lucas\nTo:Pedro\nContent:the PCBC mode of encryption is NOT vulnerable to bit flipping'
    print('Original plaintext:', plaintext, sep='\n', end='\n\n')
    ciphertext = cbc.encrypt(plaintext, KEY)

    ##### modifying the IV to bitflip the first block #####
    iv = bytearray(ciphertext[:pcbc.IV_SIZE])
    iv[5:] = common.xor(iv[5:], common.xor(b'Lucas', b'Mario'))
    ciphertext = bytes(iv) + ciphertext[pcbc.IV_SIZE:]

    print('Bitflipping Lucas to Mario...')
    plaintext = pcbc.decrypt(ciphertext, KEY)
    print('Decrypted ciphertext:', plaintext, sep='\n', end="\n\n")
    print('List of bytes of the plaintext:',
          list(bytes(plaintext, 'utf-8')),

    ##### modifying the second block #####
    block = bytearray(ciphertext[pcbc.BLOCK_SIZE:pcbc.BLOCK_SIZE * 2])
    block[4:9] = common.xor(block[4:9], common.xor(b'Pedro', b'Mario'))
    ciphertext = ciphertext[:pcbc.
                            BLOCK_SIZE] + block + ciphertext[pcbc.BLOCK_SIZE *

    print('Bitflipping Pedro to Mario...')
    plaintext = pcbc.decrypt(ciphertext, KEY)
    print('Decrypted ciphertext:', plaintext, end="\n\n")
예제 #2
 def encrypt_block(self, plaintext, ciphertext_blocks):
     if self.verbose:
         print("[+] encrypting block {}".format(plaintext))
     ivs = [b'\x41' * self.block_size] + ciphertext_blocks[:-1]
     print("ivs: {}".format(ivs))
     decrypted = self.decrypt_block(b''.join(ivs), ciphertext_blocks[-1])
     ivs[0] = xor(xor(plaintext, decrypted), ivs[0])
     return ivs[0]
예제 #3
파일: aes_siv.py 프로젝트: nymble/cryptopy
def s2v(key, ad_list, block_size=16):
    """ SIV mode s2v integrity and iv generation
        ad_list is a list of strings that are included in the integrity check
    if len(ad_list) == 0:
        return aes_cmac(key, (block_size-1)*"\00"+"\01")
    d = aes_cmac(key, block_size*"\00")
    for i in range( len(ad_list)-1 ):
        d = xor( dbl(d), aes_cmac(key, ad_list[i]) )
    if len( ad_list[-1] ) >= block_size: # last item
        t = ad_list[-1][:-block_size] + xor( ad_list[-1][-block_size:], d) # xorend
        t = xor( dbl(d), pad(ad_list[-1]) )
    return aes_cmac(key, t)
예제 #4
def s2v(key, ad_list, block_size=16):
    """ SIV mode s2v integrity and iv generation
        ad_list is a list of strings that are included in the integrity check
    if len(ad_list) == 0:
        return aes_cmac(key, (block_size - 1) * "\00" + "\01")
    d = aes_cmac(key, block_size * "\00")
    for i in range(len(ad_list) - 1):
        d = xor(dbl(d), aes_cmac(key, ad_list[i]))

    if len(ad_list[-1]) >= block_size:  # last item
        t = ad_list[-1][:-block_size] + xor(ad_list[-1][-block_size:],
                                            d)  # xorend
        t = xor(dbl(d), pad(ad_list[-1]))
    return aes_cmac(key, t)
예제 #5
def pcbc_decryption(blocks: Iterator, keys: list) -> Union[str, bytes]:
    next_iv = next(blocks)
    plaintext = bytes()
    for block in blocks:
        plainblock = common.decrypt_block(block, keys, next_iv)
        next_iv = common.xor(block, plainblock)
        plaintext += plainblock
    return plaintext
예제 #6
def pcbc_encryption(blocks: Iterator, keys: list) -> bytes:
    ciphertext = iv
    next_iv = iv
    for block in blocks:
        cipherblock = common.encrypt_block(block, keys, next_iv)
        next_iv = common.xor(block, cipherblock)
        ciphertext += cipherblock
    return ciphertext
예제 #7
def ecb_bitflipping():
    print('---------- ECB ----------')

    plaintext = 'From:Lucas\nTo:Pedro\nContent:the ECB mode of encryption is predictable'
    print('Original plaintext:', plaintext, sep='\n', end='\n\n')
    ciphertext = ecb.encrypt(plaintext, KEY)

    ##### here I try to modify the second block - change Pedro to Mario #####
    block = bytearray(ciphertext[ecb.BLOCK_SIZE:ecb.BLOCK_SIZE * 2])
    block[4:9] = common.xor(block[4:9], common.xor(b'Pedro', b'Mario'))
    ciphertext = ciphertext[:ecb.
                            BLOCK_SIZE] + block + ciphertext[ecb.BLOCK_SIZE *

    print('Bitflipping Pedro to Mario...')
    plaintext = ecb.decrypt(ciphertext, KEY)
    print('Decrypted ciphertext:', plaintext, sep='\n', end="\n\n")
예제 #8
def main(argv):
    cypher_texts = [common.hex_to_ascii(cypher_text) for cypher_text in files.read_lines(argv[0])]
    key          = encdec.many_time_pad_crack(cypher_texts, len(cypher_texts[10]))

    plain_text   = common.string_to_ascii('The secret message is: When using a stream cipher, never use the key more than once')
    new_key      = common.xor(plain_text, cypher_texts[10])

    print 'Decrypt Many-time Pad Demo'

    for i in xrange(len(cypher_texts)):
        print 'Message %2d = %s' % ((i + 1), common.ascii_to_string(common.xor(cypher_texts[i], key)))

    print 'Make best guess and use to derive key'

    for i in xrange(len(cypher_texts)):
        print 'Message %2d = %s' % ((i + 1), common.ascii_to_string(common.xor(cypher_texts[i], new_key)))

예제 #9
파일: aes_siv.py 프로젝트: nymble/cryptopy
def siv_encrypt(key, pt, ad_list):
    """ """
    blksize=16 # AES block size
    keysize = len(key)/2  # SIV key is two keys of equal size for CMAC and CTR
    key1 = key[0:keysize]      # leftmost half of key
    key2 = key[-keysize:]      # rightmost half of key
    ad = ad_list + [pt]
    iv = s2v(key1, ad )
    q = string_to_int(iv) & 0xffffffffffffffff7fffffff7fffffffL # clear 32nd and 64th bits
    m = (len(pt)+blksize-1)/blksize
    x = ''
    aes = AES.new(key2, AES.MODE_ECB)
    for i in range(m):
        x = x + aes.encrypt( int_to_string(q+i, padto=blksize) )
    x = x[0:len(pt)]  #  trim x to leftmost to match plain text which may not be block aligned
    ct = xor(pt,x)
    return iv + ct    # concatenate initialization vector and cipher text
예제 #10
def siv_encrypt(key, pt, ad_list):
    """ """
    blksize = 16  # AES block size
    keysize = len(
        key) / 2  # SIV key is two keys of equal size for CMAC and CTR
    key1 = key[0:keysize]  # leftmost half of key
    key2 = key[-keysize:]  # rightmost half of key
    ad = ad_list + [pt]
    iv = s2v(key1, ad)
    q = string_to_int(
        iv) & 0xffffffffffffffff7fffffff7fffffffL  # clear 32nd and 64th bits
    m = (len(pt) + blksize - 1) / blksize
    x = ''
    aes = AES.new(key2, AES.MODE_ECB)
    for i in range(m):
        x = x + aes.encrypt(int_to_string(q + i, padto=blksize))
    x = x[0:len(
    )]  #  trim x to leftmost to match plain text which may not be block aligned
    ct = xor(pt, x)
    return iv + ct  # concatenate initialization vector and cipher text
예제 #11
파일: aes_siv.py 프로젝트: nymble/cryptopy
def siv_decrypt(key, encrypted_string, ad_list):
    """ """
    blksize = 16 # AES block size
    iv = encrypted_string[:16]    # leftmost 128 bits (16 octets)
    ct = encrypted_string[16:]
    keysize = len(key)/2  # SIV key is two keys of equal size for CMAC and CTR
    key1 = key[0:keysize]      # leftmost half of key
    key2 = key[-keysize:]      # rightmost half of key
    q = string_to_int(iv)  & 0xffffffffffffffff7fffffff7fffffffL
    m = (len(ct)+blksize-1)/blksize
    x = ''
    aes = AES.new(key2, AES.MODE_ECB)
    for i in range(m):
        x = x + aes.encrypt( int_to_string(q+i, padto=blksize) )
    x = x = x[0:len(ct)]
    pt = xor(ct,x)
    ad = ad_list + [pt]
    t = s2v( key1, ad )
    if t == iv:
        return pt
        raise 'SIV Integrity Check Error'
예제 #12
def siv_decrypt(key, encrypted_string, ad_list):
    """ """
    blksize = 16  # AES block size
    iv = encrypted_string[:16]  # leftmost 128 bits (16 octets)
    ct = encrypted_string[16:]
    keysize = len(
        key) / 2  # SIV key is two keys of equal size for CMAC and CTR
    key1 = key[0:keysize]  # leftmost half of key
    key2 = key[-keysize:]  # rightmost half of key
    q = string_to_int(iv) & 0xffffffffffffffff7fffffff7fffffffL
    m = (len(ct) + blksize - 1) / blksize
    x = ''
    aes = AES.new(key2, AES.MODE_ECB)
    for i in range(m):
        x = x + aes.encrypt(int_to_string(q + i, padto=blksize))
    x = x = x[0:len(ct)]
    pt = xor(ct, x)
    ad = ad_list + [pt]
    t = s2v(key1, ad)
    if t == iv:
        return pt
        raise 'SIV Integrity Check Error'