예제 #1
    def test_order_4_blocks_1x1_with_missing_blocks(self):
        # given
        collector = CollectorI(order=2)
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(1), 0, 0)
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(2), 0, 1)
        # block (1,0) never injected

        # when
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(4), 1, 1)

        # then
        assert_that(collector.get_result(), is_(None))
예제 #2
    def test_order_4_blocks_1x1_with_missing_blocks(self):
        # given
        collector = CollectorI(order=2)
        collector.inject(0, M1(1))
        collector.inject(1, M1(2))
        # block (1,0) never injected

        # when
        collector.inject(3, M1(4))

        # then
        assert_that(collector.get_result(), is_(None))
예제 #3
    def test_order_4_blocks_1x1(self):
        # given
        collector = CollectorI(order=2)
        collector.inject(0, M1(1))
        collector.inject(1, M1(2))
        collector.inject(2, M1(3))

        # when
        collector.inject(3, M1(4))

        # then
        assert_that(collector.get_result(), is_(M2(1, 2, 3, 4)))
예제 #4
    def test_order_4_blocks_1x1(self):
        # given
        collector = CollectorI(order=2)
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(1), 0, 0)
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(2), 0, 1)
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(3), 1, 0)

        # when
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M1(4), 1, 1)

        # then
        assert_that(collector.get_result(), is_(M2(1, 2,
                                                   3, 4)))
예제 #5
    def test_processors_1x1_block(self):
        # given
        P0 = ProcessorI()
        collector = Spy()

        A = M1(2)
        B = M1(5)
        C = M1(10)

        # when
        P0.init(0, 1, None, None, collector)
        P0.injectA(A, 0)
        P0.injectB(B, 0)

        # then
        assert_that(collector.inject, called().with_args(0, C, ANY_ARG))
예제 #6
    def test_order_1_block_1x1(self):
        # given
        collector = CollectorI(order=1)

        # when
        M = M1(1)
        collector.injectSubmatrix(M, 0, 0)

        # then
        assert_that(collector.get_result(), is_(M))
예제 #7
    def test_processors_rings(self):
        # given
        P0 = ProcessorI()
        P1 = Spy()
        P2 = Spy()
        collector = Stub()

        A0 = M1(1)
        B0 = M1(5)

        # when
        P0.init(1, 1, P2, P1, 2, collector)
        P0.injectFirst(A0, 0)
        P0.injectSecond(B0, 0)

        # then
                    called(). async (1).with_args(A0, 1, ANY_ARG))
                    called(). async (1).with_args(B0, 1, ANY_ARG))
    def test_linked_processors(self):
        P0 = self.broker.add_servant(ProcessorI(), Cannon.ProcessorPrx)

        P1_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Processor)
        P1 = self.broker.add_servant(P1_servant, Cannon.ProcessorPrx)

        P2_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Processor)
        P2 = self.broker.add_servant(P2_servant, Cannon.ProcessorPrx)

        collector_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Collector)
        collector = self.broker.add_servant(collector_servant, Cannon.CollectorPrx)

        A00 = M1(1)
        B00 = M1(5)

        P0.init(1, 1, P2, P1, 2, collector)
        P0.injectFirst(A00, 0)
        P0.injectSecond(B00, 0)

        assert_that(P1_servant.injectFirst, called().asyncio(1).with_args(A00, 1, anything()))
        assert_that(P2_servant.injectSecond, called().asyncio(1).with_args(B00, 1, anything()))
예제 #9
    def test_linked_processors(self):
        P0 = self.broker.add_servant(ProcessorI(), Cannon.ProcessorPrx)

        P1_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Processor)
        P1 = self.broker.add_servant(P1_servant, Cannon.ProcessorPrx)

        P2_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Processor)
        P2 = self.broker.add_servant(P2_servant, Cannon.ProcessorPrx)

        collector_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Collector)
        collector = self.broker.add_servant(collector_servant,

        A0 = M1(1)
        B0 = M1(5)

        P0.init(3, 2, P2, P1, collector)
        P0.injectA(A0, 0)
        P0.injectB(B0, 0)

                    called(). async (1).with_args(A0, 1, anything()))
                    called(). async (1).with_args(B0, 1, anything()))
예제 #10
    def test_load_2x2_operands_in_2x2_processors(self):
        nprocs = 4

        # given
        A = M2(1, 2, 3, 4)

        B = M2(5, 6, 7, 8)

        procs = [Spy(Cannon.Processor) for i in range(nprocs)]

        frontend = FrontendI(procs)

        # when
        frontend.load_processors(A, B)

        # then
        A_blocks = [M1(1), M1(2), M1(4), M1(3)]
        B_blocks = [M1(5), M1(8), M1(7), M1(6)]

        for i in range(nprocs):
            assert_that(procs[i].injectA, called().with_args(A_blocks[i], 0))
            assert_that(procs[i].injectB, called().with_args(B_blocks[i], 0))
예제 #11
    def test_load_2x2_operands_in_2x2_processors(self):
        nprocs = 4

        # given
        A = M2(1, 2, 3, 4)

        B = M2(5, 6, 7, 8)

        procs = [Spy(Cannon.Processor) for i in range(nprocs)]

        loader = OperationsI(procs)

        # when
        loader.load_processors(A, B)

        # then
        A_blocks = [M1(1), M1(2), M1(4), M1(3)]
        B_blocks = [M1(5), M1(8), M1(7), M1(6)]

        for i in range(nprocs):
                        called().with_args(A_blocks[i], 0))
                        called().with_args(B_blocks[i], 0))
예제 #12
    def test_2x2_processors_2x2_operands(self):
        initial shift:
        1 2     1 2      5 6    5 8
        3 4 <   4 3      7 8    7 6

        processors and collectors are distributed objects

        P = [
            self.broker.add_servant(ProcessorI(), Cannon.ProcessorPrx)
            for i in range(4)

        collector_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Collector)
        collector = self.broker.add_servant(collector_servant,

        # by-hand shifted submatrices
        A0 = M1(1)
        A1 = M1(2)
        A2 = M1(4)
        A3 = M1(3)

        B0 = M1(5)
        B1 = M1(8)
        B2 = M1(7)
        B3 = M1(6)

        # by-hand processor initialization
        P[0].init(0, 2, P[2], P[1], collector)
        P[1].init(1, 2, P[3], P[0], collector)
        P[2].init(2, 2, P[0], P[3], collector)
        P[3].init(3, 2, P[1], P[2], collector)

        # by-hand processor loading
        P[0].injectA(A0, 0)
        P[0].injectB(B0, 0)
        P[1].injectA(A1, 0)
        P[1].injectB(B1, 0)
        P[2].injectA(A2, 0)
        P[2].injectB(B2, 0)
        P[3].injectA(A3, 0)
        P[3].injectB(B3, 0)

        wait_that(collector_servant.inject, called().times(4))

        # expected result blocks
        C0 = M1(19)
        C1 = M1(22)
        C2 = M1(43)
        C3 = M1(50)

                    called().with_args(0, C0, anything()))
                    called().with_args(1, C1, anything()))
                    called().with_args(2, C2, anything()))
                    called().with_args(3, C3, anything()))
예제 #13
    def test_2x2_processors_2x2_operands(self):
        initial shift:
        1 2     1 2      5 6    5 8
        3 4   < 4 3      7 8    7 6

        processors and collector are distributed objects
        P = [
            self.broker.add_servant(ProcessorI(), Cannon.ProcessorPrx)
            for i in range(4)

        collector_servant = Mimic(Spy, Cannon.Collector)
        collector = self.broker.add_servant(collector_servant,

        # by-hand shifted submatrices
        A00 = M1(1)
        A01 = M1(2)
        A10 = M1(4)
        A11 = M1(3)

        B00 = M1(5)
        B01 = M1(8)
        B10 = M1(7)
        B11 = M1(6)

        # by-hand processor initialization
        P[0].init(0, 0, P[2], P[1], 2, collector)
        P[1].init(0, 1, P[3], P[0], 2, collector)
        P[2].init(1, 0, P[0], P[3], 2, collector)
        P[3].init(1, 1, P[1], P[2], 2, collector)

        # by-hand processor loading
        P[0].injectFirst(A00, 0)
        P[0].injectSecond(B00, 0)
        P[1].injectFirst(A01, 0)
        P[1].injectSecond(B01, 0)
        P[2].injectFirst(A10, 0)
        P[2].injectSecond(B10, 0)
        P[3].injectFirst(A11, 0)
        P[3].injectSecond(B11, 0)

        wait_that(collector_servant.injectSubmatrix, called().times(4))

        # expected result blocks
        C00 = M1(19)
        C01 = M1(22)
        C10 = M1(43)
        C11 = M1(50)

                    called().with_args(C00, 0, 0, anything()))
                    called().with_args(C01, 0, 1, anything()))
                    called().with_args(C10, 1, 0, anything()))
                    called().with_args(C11, 1, 1, anything()))
예제 #14
    def test_2x2_processors_1x1_blocks_with_collector_injection(self):
        A = (1, 2,
             3, 4)

        B = (5, 6,
             7, 8)
        nprocs = 4

        # given
        P = [ProcessorI() for i in range(nprocs)]
        collector = Spy(Cannon.Collector)

        # by-hand shift and split
        A0 = M1(1)
        A1 = M1(2)
        A2 = M1(4)
        A3 = M1(3)

        B0 = M1(5)
        B1 = M1(8)
        B2 = M1(7)
        B3 = M1(6)

        # when
        P[0].init(0, 0, P[2], P[1], 2, collector)
        P[1].init(0, 1, P[3], P[0], 2, collector)
        P[2].init(1, 0, P[0], P[3], 2, collector)
        P[3].init(1, 1, P[1], P[2], 2, collector)

        P[0].injectFirst(A0, 0)
        P[0].injectSecond(B0, 0)
        P[1].injectFirst(A1, 0)
        P[1].injectSecond(B1, 0)
        P[2].injectFirst(A2, 0)
        P[2].injectSecond(B2, 0)
        P[3].injectFirst(A3, 0)
        P[3].injectSecond(B3, 0)

        # then
        C0 = M1(19)
        C1 = M1(22)
        C2 = M1(43)
        C3 = M1(50)

        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C0, 0, 0, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C1, 0, 1, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C2, 1, 0, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C3, 1, 1, anything())
예제 #15
    def test_3x3_processors_1x1_blocks_with_collector_injection(self):
        A = (1, 2, 3,
             4, 5, 6,
             7, 8, 9)

        B = (10, 11, 12,
             13, 14, 15,
             16, 17, 18)
        nprocs = 9

        # given
        P = [ProcessorI() for i in range(nprocs)]
        collector = Spy(Cannon.Collector)

        # by-hand shift and split
        A0 = M1(1)
        A1 = M1(2)
        A2 = M1(3)
        A3 = M1(5)
        A4 = M1(6)
        A5 = M1(4)
        A6 = M1(9)
        A7 = M1(7)
        A8 = M1(8)

        B0 = M1(10)
        B1 = M1(14)
        B2 = M1(18)
        B3 = M1(13)
        B4 = M1(17)
        B5 = M1(12)
        B6 = M1(16)
        B7 = M1(11)
        B8 = M1(15)

        # when
        P[0].init(0, 0, P[6], P[2], 3, collector)
        P[1].init(0, 1, P[7], P[0], 3, collector)
        P[2].init(0, 2, P[8], P[1], 3, collector)
        P[3].init(1, 0, P[0], P[5], 3, collector)
        P[4].init(1, 1, P[1], P[3], 3, collector)
        P[5].init(1, 2, P[2], P[4], 3, collector)
        P[6].init(2, 0, P[3], P[8], 3, collector)
        P[7].init(2, 1, P[4], P[6], 3, collector)
        P[8].init(2, 2, P[5], P[7], 3, collector)

        P[0].injectFirst(A0, 0)
        P[0].injectSecond(B0, 0)
        P[1].injectFirst(A1, 0)
        P[1].injectSecond(B1, 0)
        P[2].injectFirst(A2, 0)
        P[2].injectSecond(B2, 0)
        P[3].injectFirst(A3, 0)
        P[3].injectSecond(B3, 0)
        P[4].injectFirst(A4, 0)
        P[4].injectSecond(B4, 0)
        P[5].injectFirst(A5, 0)
        P[5].injectSecond(B5, 0)
        P[6].injectFirst(A6, 0)
        P[6].injectSecond(B6, 0)
        P[7].injectFirst(A7, 0)
        P[7].injectSecond(B7, 0)
        P[8].injectFirst(A8, 0)
        P[8].injectSecond(B8, 0)

        # then
        C0 = M1(84)
        C1 = M1(90)
        C2 = M1(96)
        C3 = M1(201)
        C4 = M1(216)
        C5 = M1(231)
        C6 = M1(318)
        C7 = M1(342)
        C8 = M1(366)

        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C0, 0, 0, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C1, 0, 1, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C2, 0, 2, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C3, 1, 0, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C4, 1, 1, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C5, 1, 2, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C6, 2, 0, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C7, 2, 1, anything())
        self.assert_collector_called(collector, C8, 2, 2, anything())