def run(pwd): """ gen ssh key on local and copy to all nodes copy traf package file from local to all nodes """ dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) hosts = dbcfgs['node_list'].split(',') traf_package = dbcfgs['traf_package'] # save db configs to a tmp file and copy to all trafodion nodes dbcfgs_file = '/tmp/dbcfgs' p = ParseJson(dbcfgs_file) # remove password from config file try: dbcfgs.pop('mgr_pwd') dbcfgs.pop('traf_pwd') dbcfgs.pop('kdcadmin_pwd') except KeyError: pass key_file = '/tmp/id_rsa' run_cmd('sudo -n rm -rf %s*' % key_file) run_cmd('sudo -n echo -e "y" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f %s' % key_file) files = [key_file, key_file+'.pub', traf_package, dbcfgs_file] remote_insts = [Remote(h, pwd=pwd) for h in hosts] threads = [Thread(target=r.copy, args=(files, '/tmp')) for r in remote_insts] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() for r in remote_insts: if r.rc != 0: err('Failed to copy files to %s' %
def run(): dbcfgs = json.loads(dbcfgs_json) if 'APACHE' in dbcfgs['distro']: modcfgs = ParseJson(MODCFG_FILE).load() MOD_CFGS = modcfgs['MOD_CFGS'] hdfs_xml_file = dbcfgs['hdfs_xml_file'] hbase_xml_file = dbcfgs['hbase_xml_file'] hbasexml = ParseXML(hbase_xml_file) for key, value in MOD_CFGS['hbase-site'].items(): hbasexml.add_property(key, value) hbasexml.write_xml() hdfsxml = ParseXML(hdfs_xml_file) for key, value in MOD_CFGS['hdfs-site'].items(): hdfsxml.add_property(key, value) hdfsxml.write_xml() print 'Apache Hadoop modification completed' first_node = dbcfgs['first_rsnode'] local_host = socket.gethostname() if first_node in local_host: hadoop_home = dbcfgs['hadoop_home'] hbase_home = dbcfgs['hbase_home'] # stop run_cmd(hbase_home + '/bin/') run_cmd(hadoop_home + '/sbin/') # start run_cmd(hadoop_home + '/sbin/') run_cmd(hbase_home + '/bin/') print 'Apache Hadoop restart completed' else: print 'no apache distribution found, skipping'
# "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@ ### this script should be run on local node ### import time import sys import json from constants import MODCFG_FILE from common import ParseHttp, ParseJson, err, info, retry modcfgs = ParseJson(MODCFG_FILE).load() MOD_CFGS = modcfgs['MOD_CFGS'] HBASE_MASTER_CONFIG = modcfgs['HBASE_MASTER_CONFIG'] HBASE_RS_CONFIG = modcfgs['HBASE_RS_CONFIG'] HDFS_CONFIG = modcfgs['HDFS_CONFIG'] ZK_CONFIG = modcfgs['ZK_CONFIG'] CLUSTER_URL_PTR = '%s/api/v1/clusters/%s' RESTART_URL_PTR = CLUSTER_URL_PTR + '/commands/restart' RESTART_SRV_URL_PTR = CLUSTER_URL_PTR + '/services/%s/commands/restart' SRVCFG_URL_PTR = CLUSTER_URL_PTR + '/services/%s/config' RSGRP_BASEURL_PTR = '%s/api/v6/clusters/%s/services/%s/roleConfigGroups' DEPLOY_CFG_URL_PTR = '%s/api/v6/clusters/%s/commands/deployClientConfig' CMD_STAT_URL_PTR = '%s/api/v1/commands/%s'
def run(dbcfgs, options, mode='install', pwd=''): """ main entry mode: install/discover """ STAT_FILE = mode + '.status' LOG_FILE = '%s/logs/%s_%s.log' % (INSTALLER_LOC, mode, time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M')) logger = get_logger(LOG_FILE) verbose = True if hasattr(options, 'verbose') and options.verbose else False upgrade = True if hasattr(options, 'upgrade') and options.upgrade else False user = options.user if hasattr(options, 'user') and options.user else '' threshold = options.fork if hasattr(options, 'fork') and options.fork else 10 script_output = [] # script output array conf = ParseJson(SCRCFG_FILE).load() script_cfgs = conf[mode] dbcfgs_json = json.dumps(dbcfgs) hosts = dbcfgs['node_list'].split(',') # handle skipped scripts, skip them if no need to run skipped_scripts = [] if upgrade: skipped_scripts += [ 'hadoop_mods', 'apache_mods', 'apache_restart', 'traf_dep', 'traf_kerberos' ] if dbcfgs['secure_hadoop'] == 'N': skipped_scripts += ['traf_kerberos'] if dbcfgs['traf_start'].upper() == 'N': skipped_scripts += ['traf_start'] if dbcfgs['ldap_security'].upper() == 'N': skipped_scripts += ['traf_ldap'] if 'APACHE' in dbcfgs['distro']: skipped_scripts += ['hadoop_mods'] else: skipped_scripts += ['apache_mods', 'apache_restart'] # set ssh config file to avoid known hosts verify on current installer node SSH_CFG_FILE = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.ssh/config' ssh_cfg = 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no\nNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes\n' with open(SSH_CFG_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(ssh_cfg) run_cmd('chmod 600 %s' % SSH_CFG_FILE) def run_local_script(script, json_string, req_pwd): cmd = '%s/%s \'%s\'' % (INSTALLER_LOC, script, json_string) # pass the ssh password to sub scripts which need SSH password if req_pwd: cmd += ' ' + pwd if verbose: print cmd # stdout on screen p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if rc != 0: msg = 'Failed to run \'%s\'' % script if stderr: msg += ': ' + stderr print stderr logger.error(msg) state_fail('localhost: Script [%s]' % script) exit(rc) else: state_ok('Script [%s]' % script)'Script [%s] ran successfully!' % script) return stdout # run sub scripts try: remote_instances = [] if mode == 'discover': remote_instances = [ RemoteRun(host, logger, user=user, pwd=pwd, quiet=True) for host in hosts ] else: remote_instances = [ RemoteRun(host, logger, user=user, pwd=pwd) for host in hosts ] first_instance = remote_instances[0] for instance in remote_instances: if == dbcfgs['first_rsnode']: first_rs_instance = instance break' ***** %s Start *****' % mode) for cfg in script_cfgs: script = cfg['script'] node = cfg['node'] desc = cfg['desc'] run_user = '' if not 'run_as_traf' in cfg.keys(): pass elif cfg['run_as_traf'] == 'yes': run_user = dbcfgs['traf_user'] if not 'req_pwd' in cfg.keys(): req_pwd = False elif cfg['req_pwd'] == 'yes': req_pwd = True status = Status(STAT_FILE, script) if status.get_status(): msg = 'Script [%s] had already been executed' % script state_skip(msg) continue if script.split('.')[0] in skipped_scripts: continue else: print '\nTASK: %s %s' % (desc, (83 - len(desc)) * '*') #TODO: timeout exit if node == 'local': run_local_script(script, dbcfgs_json, req_pwd) elif node == 'first': first_instance.run_script(script, run_user, dbcfgs_json, verbose=verbose) elif node == 'first_rs': first_rs_instance.run_script(script, run_user, dbcfgs_json, verbose=verbose) elif node == 'all': l = len(remote_instances) if l > threshold: piece = (l - (l % threshold)) / threshold parted_remote_instances = [ remote_instances[threshold * i:threshold * (i + 1)] for i in range(piece) ] parted_remote_instances.append(remote_instances[threshold * piece:]) else: parted_remote_instances = [remote_instances] for parted_remote_inst in parted_remote_instances: threads = [ Thread(target=r.run_script, args=(script, run_user, dbcfgs_json, verbose)) for r in parted_remote_inst ] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() if sum([r.rc for r in parted_remote_inst]) != 0: err_m( 'Script failed to run on one or more nodes, exiting ...\nCheck log file %s for details.' % LOG_FILE) script_output += [{ r.stdout.strip() } for r in parted_remote_inst] else: # should not go to here err_m('Invalid configuration for %s' % SCRCFG_FILE) status.set_status() except KeyboardInterrupt: err_m('User quit') # remove status file if all scripts run successfully os.remove(STAT_FILE) return script_output