예제 #1
def remote_init_train(args):
    input, state, cache = readin_remote(args)
    n_features = cache["n_features"]
    use_CV = cache["use_CV"]

    if not list(list_recursive(cache, "i_lambda")):
        cache["i_lambda"] = 0
        lambdas = set_lambdas(cache["lambdas"], input, cache)
        cache["lambdas"] = lambdas
        cache["n_lambdas"] = len(lambdas)

    # init i_fold, i_lambda
    if use_CV:
        if not list(list_recursive(cache, "i_fold")):
            cache["i_fold"] = 0
        if not list(list_recursive(cache, "MSEs_CV")):
            cache["MSEs_CV"] = []
            cache["convergeds_CV"] = []
            cache["n_iters_CV"] = []
        if not list(list_recursive(cache, "ws")):
            cache["ws_for_scaled_data"] = []
            cache["ws"] = []
            cache["intercepts"] = []
            cache["R2s"] = []
            cache["MSEs"] = []
            cache["w_ranks"] = []
            cache["convergeds"] = []
            cache["n_iters"] = []

    # init
    i_iter = 0
    i_feature = 0
    w = np.zeros(n_features).tolist()
    jj = pick_jth_feature(cache["selection"], n_features, i_feature)
    dw = 0.0

    # dicts
    output = {"msg": "to_train", "w": w, "jj": jj}
    if use_CV:
        output["i_fold"] = cache["i_fold"]

    cache["i_iter"] = i_iter
    cache["i_feature"] = i_feature
    cache["w"] = w
    cache["jj"] = jj
    cache["dw"] = dw

    result_dict = {"output": output, "cache": cache}
    return json.dumps(result_dict)
예제 #2
def local_train(args):
    input, state, cache, cache_dir, id, owner = readin(args)

    if cache["train_split"] > 0:  # has train data
        w = np.array(input["w"], dtype="float64")
        jj = input["jj"]

        tmp = list(list_recursive(input, "i_fold"))
        if tmp:  # CV ongoing
            i_fold = tmp[0]
            with open(
                    os.path.join(cache_dir, "X_fold_" + str(i_fold) + ".npy"),
                    "rb") as fp:
                X = np.load(fp)
            with open(
                    os.path.join(cache_dir, "y_fold_" + str(i_fold) + ".npy"),
                    "rb") as fp:
                y = np.load(fp)
        else:  # non-CV
            with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, "X_train.npy"), "rb") as fp:
                X = np.load(fp)
            with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, "y_train.npy"), "rb") as fp:
                y = np.load(fp)

        c_jj = np.dot(X[:, jj], (y - np.matmul(X, w) + w[jj] * X[:, jj]))

        c_jj = 0.0

    output = {"msg": "to_agg_train", "c_jj_local": float(c_jj)}
    result_dict = {"output": output}
    return json.dumps(result_dict)
예제 #3
def local_test(args):
    input, state, cache, cache_dir, id, owner = readin(args)

    w = np.array(input["w"], dtype="float64")
    intercept = input["intercept"]
    output = {}

    tmp = list(list_recursive(input, "i_fold"))
    if tmp:  # CV ongoing
        if cache["train_split"] > 0:  # has train data
            i_fold = tmp[0]
            with open(
                    os.path.join(cache_dir, "X_valid_" + str(i_fold) + ".npy"),
                    "rb") as fp:
                X_test = np.load(fp)
            with open(
                    os.path.join(cache_dir, "y_valid_" + str(i_fold) + ".npy"),
                    "rb") as fp:
                y_test = np.load(fp)

            y_pred = predict(X_test, w, intercept)
            se = squared_error(y_test, y_pred)  # for MSE
            output["se_local"] = se
            output["se_local"] = 0.0

    else:  # non-CV
        if cache["train_split"] < 1:  # has test data
            with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, "X_test.npy"), "rb") as fp:
                X_test = np.load(fp)
            with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, "y_test.npy"), "rb") as fp:
                y_test = np.load(fp)

            y_pred = predict(X_test, w, intercept)
            se = squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
            se_denominator = squared_error(
                y_test, input["mean_y_test"])  # for R2 score

            output["se_local"] = float(se)
            output["se_denominator_local"] = float(se_denominator)
            output["se_local"] = 0.0
            output["se_denominator_local"] = 0.0

    if id == owner:
        output["msg"] = "to_agg_test"

    result_dict = {"output": output}
    return json.dumps(result_dict)
예제 #4
            "acc_test_owner": float(acc_test_owner),
            "f1_test_owner": float(f1_test_owner),
            "rocauc_test_owner": float(rocauc_test_owner),
            "cm_test_locals": cm_test_locals,
            "cm_test_locals_normalized": cm_test_locals_normalized,
            "acc_test_locals": acc_test_locals,
            "f1_test_locals": f1_test_locals,
            "rocauc_test_locals": rocauc_test_locals,
            "n_samples_owner_train": n_samples_owner,
            "n_samples_owner_test": y_test.shape[0],
            "phase": "local_1",
        output_dict = {"phase": "local_1"}

    result_dict = {"output": output_dict}
    return json.dumps(result_dict)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parsed_args = json.loads(sys.stdin.read())
    phase_key = list(list_recursive(parsed_args, "phase"))
    if not phase_key:
        result_dict = local_0(parsed_args)
    elif "remote_0" in phase_key:
        result_dict = local_1(parsed_args)
        raise Exception("Error occurred at Local")
예제 #5
            output["se_local"] = float(se)
            output["se_denominator_local"] = float(se_denominator)
            output["se_local"] = 0.0
            output["se_denominator_local"] = 0.0

    if id == owner:
        output["msg"] = "to_agg_test"

    result_dict = {"output": output}
    return json.dumps(result_dict)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parsed_args = json.loads(sys.stdin.read())
    msg = list(list_recursive(parsed_args, "msg"))

    if not msg:  # iter 0
        result_dict = local_stats_sum(parsed_args)
    elif "to_sqsum" in msg:
        result_dict = local_stats_sqsum(parsed_args)
    elif "to_preprocess" in msg:
        result_dict = local_preprocess(parsed_args)
    elif "to_train" in msg:
        result_dict = local_train(parsed_args)
    elif "to_test" in msg:
        result_dict = local_test(parsed_args)