def current_temps(): vstring = cfuncs.app_version() all_sensors_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected(lg) if all_sensors_list is not None: no_sensors = str(len(all_sensors_list)) # Log Location DB Name DB Username DB Passwd db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection("web", "localhost", "temps", "temps_reader", "reader") if db_conn is None: return ("<html><h1>DB connection failed!</h1></html>") cursor = db_conn.cursor() sensor_names = [] sensor_ids = [] temp_readings = [] current_datetime = [] for sensor_name in all_sensors_list: db_sensor_id, alias, offset = cfuncs.find_temp_sensor_id_alias_and_offset( lg, db_conn, cursor, sensor_name, False) if db_sensor_id is not None: temperature = cfuncs.read_temp(lg, sensor_name) + offset temperature = round(temperature, 1) # Round to 1 decimal place sensor_names.append(alias) sensor_ids.append(sensor_name) temp_readings.append(str(temperature)) now = current_datetime.append( now.strftime("%d/%m/%y %X")) # 24-Hour:Minute temp_details = list( zip(sensor_names, sensor_ids, current_datetime, temp_readings)) else: temp_details = None return render_template('live_temps.html', version=vstring, page_heading='Current Temperature Readings', title='Current Temps', autorefresh_required=True, temp_data=temp_details)
def home(): vstring = cfuncs.app_version() all_sensors_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected(lg) if all_sensors_list is not None: # Log Location DB Name DB Username DB Passwd db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection("web", "localhost", "temps", "temps_reader", "reader") if db_conn is None: return ("<html><h1>DB connection failed!</h1></html>") cursor = db_conn.cursor() sensors_connected = cfuncs.get_all_connected_sensor_ids("web", cursor) reading_dates = [] temperatures = [] temp_sensor_aliass = [] temp_sensor_ids = [] for sensor_id in sensors_connected: reading_date, temperature, temp_sensor_alias, temp_sensor_id = cfuncs.get_last_temperature_reading_from_db( "web", cursor, sensor_id) reading_dates.append(reading_date) temperatures.append(temperature) temp_sensor_aliass.append(temp_sensor_alias) temp_sensor_ids.append(temp_sensor_id) temp_details = list( zip(temp_sensor_aliass, temp_sensor_ids, reading_dates, temperatures)) else: temp_details = None return render_template('home.html', version=vstring, page_heading='Last Saved Temperature Readings', title='Last Recorded', autorefresh_required=None, temp_data=temp_details)
def do_main(): global Global_db_conn global Global_db_cursor global Global_dict global send_start_up_status_email setup_gpio() os.system('clear') last_change_string = read_last_change_file_and_remove() clean_old_log_file() cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "\n\n************ Started - ************\n") safe_to_unplug(True) all_sensors_list = None cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "------------------------ Checking Network Connection is OK ------------------------" ) ssid, quality, level = cfuncs.check_wireless_network_connection(lg) if ssid != '': network_status(True) else: network_status(False) ip_address = cfuncs.get_local_ip_address(lg) cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "------------------------ IS Database Connection OK? -----------------------" ) db_conn_max_retries = 5 db_conn_count = 0 while True: db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", database_name, database_user_name, database_password) if db_conn is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "ERROR - DB connection failed!") if db_conn_count < db_conn_max_retries: db_conn_count += 1 time.sleep(3) cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, " Trying the DB connect again(" + str(db_conn_count) + ")") continue else: clean_shutdown() else: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " DB connection OK") break cursor = db_conn.cursor() Global_db_conn = db_conn Global_db_cursor = cursor #Setup a Query #query = "SELECT * FROM test.temps WHERE date_of_reading < STR_TO_DATE('24/12/2018 17:00', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i') " safe_to_unplug(False) manage_settings_db_and_dict_stuff(db_conn, cursor) Global_dict = cfuncs.settings_db_to_dictionary(lg, cursor) result = cfuncs.check_table_exists(lg, cursor, "TEMP_READINGS") if result is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "*** NO TEMP_READINGS Table") if create_temp_readings_table(cursor) is None: clean_shutdown() else: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " OK - TEMP_READINGS table exists") result = cfuncs.check_table_exists(lg, cursor, "TEMP_SENSORS") if result is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "*** NO TEMP_SENSORS Table") if create_sensors_table(db_conn, cursor) is None: clean_shutdown() else: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " OK - TEMP_SENSORS table exists") cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "------------------- Finished DB connection and setup all OK -------------------" ) safe_to_unplug(True) result = reset_sensor_connected_status(db_conn, cursor) if result is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "ERROR - sensor connection status reset failed!") if create_sensors_table(db_conn, cursor) is None: clean_shutdown() while all_sensors_list is None: all_sensors_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected(lg) if all_sensors_list is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "***Waiting 5 seconds before trying again") time.sleep(5) no_of_sensors = len(all_sensors_list) if no_of_sensors == 3: expected_sensor_count(True) else: expected_sensor_count(False) if Global_dict['start_up_email_address'] != "not_set": email_recipient_addr = Global_dict['start_up_email_address'] cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, " Startup email address from settings DB: " + email_recipient_addr) else: email_recipient_addr = gbl_email_recipient_addr cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, " Startup email address from preset file: " + email_recipient_addr) send_start_up_status_email = Global_dict['start_up_status_email'] #Override for start emails! #send_start_up_status_email = "True" if email_user is not None and email_passwd is not None and email_recipient_addr is not None: if send_start_up_status_email == "True": if last_change_string is None: last_change_string = "User restart or other unplanned restart" email_title = "PI Temperature Monitoring System (" + socket.gethostname( ) + "): Reset/Power Up Alert" send_startup_email(email_user, email_passwd, gbl_email_recipient_addr, gbl_email_recipient_addr, email_title, last_change_string, ssid, quality, level, all_sensors_list, ip_address) else: cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "*************************** Email credentials not all present, check env variable in /etc/environment!" ) cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "Email user: "******"Email passwd: " + str(email_passwd)) cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "Email recipient: " + str(email_recipient_addr)) settle_time = int(Global_dict['first_read_settle_time']) cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "Waiting %d seconds for the initial readings" % settle_time) time.sleep(settle_time) while True: cfuncs.clear_old_temp_readings(lg, Global_dict['temp_reading_max_age']) all_sensors_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected(lg) no_of_sensors = len(all_sensors_list) if no_of_sensors == 3: expected_sensor_count(True) else: expected_sensor_count(False) for sensor_name in all_sensors_list: db_sensor_id, alias, offset = cfuncs.find_temp_sensor_id_alias_and_offset( lg, db_conn, cursor, sensor_name, True) cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, " DB Sensor ID: " + str(db_sensor_id) + " Temp Offset: " + str(offset)) safe_to_unplug(False) if db_sensor_id is not None: temperature = cfuncs.read_temp(lg, sensor_name) if temperature is not None: write_temp_reading_to_db(db_conn, cursor, db_sensor_id, (temperature + offset)) else: cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "***Unable to obtain temperature reading! Return from call was None" ) else: cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "***No info for sensor " + sensor_name + ", ignoring! Temp is " + str(read_temp(sensor_name))) loop_time = int(Global_dict['sensor_polling_freq']) cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "The next reading will be taken in " + str(loop_time) + " minutes") safe_to_unplug(True) net_checking_count = 10 net_checking_loop_time = ((loop_time * 60) / net_checking_count) for count in range(0, net_checking_count): cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "In network monitor loop(" + str(count) + ") before resampling temps again") ssid, quality, level = cfuncs.check_wireless_network_connection(lg) if ssid != '': network_status(True) else: network_status(False) Global_dict = cfuncs.settings_db_to_dictionary(lg, cursor) new_loop_time = int(Global_dict['sensor_polling_freq']) if loop_time != new_loop_time: cfuncs.write_to_log( lg, "sensor_polling_freq - changed from " + str(loop_time) + "mins, to " + str(new_loop_time) + "mins.....") break time.sleep(net_checking_loop_time) # Time in seconds cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "Exited network monitor loop.....")
def weekoverview_chart(): # Location DB Name DB Username DB Passwd db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection("web", "localhost", "temps", "temps_reader", "reader") db_temp_readings_table = "TEMP_READINGS" if db_conn is None: return ("<html><h1>DB connection failed!</h1></html>") cursor = db_conn.cursor() result = cfuncs.check_table_exists("web", cursor, db_temp_readings_table) if result is None: cursor.close() db_conn.close() return ("<html><h1>TEMP_READINGS DB table does not exist!</h1></html>") no_of_sensors, sensor_list = get_no_of_sensors_and_sensor_id_in_db(cursor) if no_of_sensors == 0: return ("<html><h1>No temperature data for today yet!</h1></html>") if no_of_sensors != 3: return ( "<html><h1>Data for %d sensors found</h1><h1>Charting only works for 3 sensors currently!</h1></html>" % no_of_sensors) all_sensor_aliases = [] all_dates = [] all_min_temps = [] all_avg_temps = [] all_max_temps = [] for sensor in sensor_list: dates = [] min_temps = [] avg_temps = [] max_temps = [] query = """SELECT DATE_FORMAT(TEMP_READINGS.date_added, '%d/%m/%y'), MIN(TEMP_READINGS.temperature), ROUND(AVG(TEMP_READINGS.temperature), 1), MAX(TEMP_READINGS.temperature), TEMP_SENSORS.temp_sensor_alias FROM TEMP_READINGS JOIN TEMP_SENSORS ON temp_sensor_db_id = TEMP_SENSORS.sensor_id WHERE TEMP_READINGS.temp_sensor_db_id = """ + str( sensor) + """ GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(TEMP_READINGS.date_added, '%d/%m/%y') ORDER BY TEMP_READINGS.date_added DESC LIMIT 7""" cursor.execute(query) count = 0 for row in cursor.fetchall( ): #row[0]:date, row[1]:temp, row[2]:sensor_id, row[3]:sensor_name if count == 0: all_sensor_aliases.append(row[4]) count += 1 dates.append(str(row[0])) min_temps.append(row[1]) avg_temps.append(row[2]) max_temps.append(row[3]) all_dates.append(list(reversed(dates))) all_min_temps.append(list(reversed(min_temps))) all_avg_temps.append(list(reversed(avg_temps))) all_max_temps.append(list(reversed(max_temps))) cursor.close() db_conn.close() vstring = cfuncs.app_version() page_title = 'Daily Stats' chart_title1 = 'Daily Overview of Temperatures (' + all_sensor_aliases[ 0] + ')' chart_title2 = 'Daily Overview of Temperatures (' + all_sensor_aliases[ 1] + ')' chart_title3 = 'Daily Overview of Temperatures (' + all_sensor_aliases[ 2] + ')' return render_template('weekoverview_chart.html', version=vstring, title=page_title, chart_title1=chart_title1, autorefresh_required=False, date_labels1=all_dates[0], mins1=all_min_temps[0], avgs1=all_avg_temps[0], maxs1=all_max_temps[0], chart_title2=chart_title2, date_labels2=all_dates[1], mins2=all_min_temps[1], avgs2=all_avg_temps[1], maxs2=all_max_temps[1], chart_title3=chart_title3, date_labels3=all_dates[2], mins3=all_min_temps[2], avgs3=all_avg_temps[2], maxs3=all_max_temps[2])
def today_chart(): # Location DB Name DB Username DB Passwd db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_reader", "reader") #db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_user", "user") if db_conn is None: return ("<html><h1>ERROR - DB connection failed!</h1></html>") cursor = db_conn.cursor() settings_dict = cfuncs.settings_db_to_dictionary(lg, cursor) web_refresh_time = settings_dict['webpage_autorefresh_time'] line_thickness = settings_dict['line_chart_line_thickness'] db_temp_readings_table = "TEMP_READINGS" result = cfuncs.check_table_exists(lg, cursor, db_temp_readings_table) if result is None: cursor.close() db_conn.close() return ("<html><h1>TEMP_READINGS DB table does not exist!</h1></html>") no_of_sensors, sensor_list = get_no_of_sensors_and_sensor_id_in_db(cursor) if no_of_sensors == 0: return ("<html><h1>No temperature data for today yet!</h1></html>") if no_of_sensors != 3: return ( "<html><h1>Data for %d sensors found</h1><h1>Charting only works for 3 sensors currently!</h1></html>" % no_of_sensors) query = """SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',',MONTH(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',',DAY(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',',HOUR(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',',MINUTE(TEMP_READINGS.date_added)) as time_added, temperature, temp_sensor_db_id, temp_sensor_alias FROM temps.TEMP_READINGS JOIN TEMP_SENSORS ON temp_sensor_db_id = TEMP_SENSORS.sensor_id WHERE DAYOFMONTH(TEMP_READINGS.date_added) = DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) AND MONTH(TEMP_READINGS.date_added) = MONTH(NOW()) AND YEAR(TEMP_READINGS.date_added) = YEAR(NOW())""" cursor.execute(query) date = [] temps = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] for row in cursor.fetchall( ): #row[0]:date, row[1]:temp, row[2]:sensor_id, row[3]:sensor_name if row[2] == sensor_list[0]: legend1 = str(row[3]) data1.append("{x: new Date(" + row[0] + "), y: " + str(row[1]) + "}") if row[2] == sensor_list[1]: legend2 = str(row[3]) data2.append("{x: new Date(" + row[0] + "), y: " + str(row[1]) + "}") if row[2] == sensor_list[2]: legend3 = str(row[3]) data3.append("{x: new Date(" + row[0] + "), y: " + str(row[1]) + "}") #formatted_data = str(data1).replace('\'', '') #print(formatted_data) #print(data1) cursor.close() db_conn.close() vstring = cfuncs.app_version() now = xaxis_info = [] # X Axis to start at 00:00 and end at 24:00 of the same day i.e. the current day! xaxis_info.append("new Date(" + str(now.year) + "," + str(now.month) + "," + str( + ",0,0)") xaxis_info.append("new Date(" + str(now.year) + "," + str(now.month) + "," + str( + ",23,59)") page_title = 'Todays Temps' chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for Today Only' return render_template('time_line_chart.html', version=vstring, page_heading='', title=page_title, autorefresh_required=True, refresh_time=web_refresh_time, temps1=str(data1).replace('\'', ''), temps2=str(data2).replace('\'', ''), temps3=str(data3).replace('\'', ''), series1=legend1, series2=legend2, series3=legend3, chart_title=chart_title, xaxis=xaxis_info, line_thickness=line_thickness)
def timeline_chart(): # Location DB Name DB Username DB Passwd db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_reader", "reader") #db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_user", "user") if db_conn is None: return ("<html><h1>ERROR - DB connection failed!</h1></html>") cursor = db_conn.cursor() settings_dict = cfuncs.settings_db_to_dictionary(lg, cursor) web_refresh_time = settings_dict['webpage_autorefresh_time'] line_thickness = settings_dict['line_chart_line_thickness'] requested_period_hours = request.args.get('hours', None) if requested_period_hours == 'User': requested_period_hours = settings_dict['user_period_line_chart'] if int(requested_period_hours) < 1: return ("<html><h1>Invalid number of hours requested!</h1></html>") db_temp_readings_table = "TEMP_READINGS" result = cfuncs.check_table_exists(lg, cursor, db_temp_readings_table) if result is None: cursor.close() db_conn.close() return ("<html><h1>TEMP_READINGS DB table does not exist!</h1></html>") no_of_sensors, sensor_list = get_no_of_sensors_and_sensor_id_in_db(cursor) if no_of_sensors == 0: return ("<html><h1>No temperature data for today yet!</h1></html>") if no_of_sensors != 3: return ( "<html><h1>Data for %d sensors found</h1><h1>Charting only works for 3 sensors currently!</h1></html>" % no_of_sensors) query = """SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',', MONTH(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',', DAY(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',', HOUR(TEMP_READINGS.date_added),',', MINUTE(TEMP_READINGS.date_added)) as time_added, temperature, temp_sensor_db_id, temp_sensor_alias FROM temps.TEMP_READINGS JOIN TEMP_SENSORS ON temp_sensor_db_id = TEMP_SENSORS.sensor_id WHERE TEMP_READINGS.date_added >= (now() - INTERVAL """ + requested_period_hours + """ HOUR) ORDER BY TEMP_READINGS.date_added ASC""" cursor.execute(query) date = [] temps = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] data3 = [] for row in cursor.fetchall( ): #row[0]:date, row[1]:temp, row[2]:sensor_id, row[3]:sensor_name if row[2] == sensor_list[0]: legend1 = str(row[3]) data1.append("{x: new Date(" + row[0] + "), y: " + str(row[1]) + "}") if row[2] == sensor_list[1]: legend2 = str(row[3]) data2.append("{x: new Date(" + row[0] + "), y: " + str(row[1]) + "}") if row[2] == sensor_list[2]: legend3 = str(row[3]) data3.append("{x: new Date(" + row[0] + "), y: " + str(row[1]) + "}") cursor.close() db_conn.close() vstring = cfuncs.app_version() xhoursbefore = - datetime.timedelta( hours=int(requested_period_hours)) now = xaxis_info = [] xaxis_info.append("new Date(" + str(xhoursbefore.year) + "," + str(xhoursbefore.month) + "," + str( + "," + str(xhoursbefore.hour) + "," + str(xhoursbefore.minute) + ")") xaxis_info.append("new Date(" + str(now.year) + "," + str(now.month) + "," + str( + "," + str(now.hour) + "," + str(now.minute) + ")") date_only = False if int(requested_period_hours) > 48: date_only = True if int(requested_period_hours) == 1 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous Day' page_title = '1 Day Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) == 2 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous 2 Days' page_title = '2 Days Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) == 3 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous 3 Days' page_title = '3 Days Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) == 4 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous 4 Days' page_title = '4 Days Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) == 5 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous 5 Days' page_title = '5 Days Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) == 6 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous 6 Days' page_title = '6 Days Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) == 7 * 24: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous Week' page_title = '1 Week Temps' elif int(requested_period_hours) > 1: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous ' + requested_period_hours + ' hours' page_title = requested_period_hours + 'hrs Temps' else: chart_title = 'Temperature Readings for the previous ' + requested_period_hours + ' hour' page_title = requested_period_hours + 'hr Temps' return render_template('time_line_chart.html', version=vstring, page_heading='', title=page_title, autorefresh_required=True, refresh_time=web_refresh_time, temps1=str(data1).replace('\'', ''), temps2=str(data2).replace('\'', ''), temps3=str(data3).replace('\'', ''), series1=legend1, series2=legend2, series3=legend3, chart_title=chart_title, xaxis=xaxis_info, date_only=date_only, line_thickness=line_thickness)
def SensorDisplayNameUpdate(): form = SensorDisplayNameForm(request.form) #print(form.errors) if request.method == 'POST': new_name1 = request.form['new_name1'].strip() new_name2 = request.form['new_name2'].strip() new_name3 = request.form['new_name3'].strip() if new_name1 != "" or new_name2 != "" or new_name3 != "": if form.validate(): cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " Form validated OK") all_sensors_uid_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected( lg) newnames = [new_name1, new_name2, new_name3] #print(newnames) #print(all_sensors_uid_list) all_sensor_name_info = list(zip(all_sensors_uid_list, newnames)) #print(all_sensor_name_info) for sensor_uid, new_name in all_sensor_name_info: print("looking at: " + sensor_uid + " new_name: " + new_name) if new_name != "": #print("sensor_uid + " " new_name - updating name in DB!") cfuncs.update_sensor_display_name( lg, sensor_uid, new_name) return redirect(url_for('home')) else: print("Form NOT validated OK") return redirect(url_for('SensorDisplayNameUpdate')) else: all_sensors_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected(lg) if all_sensors_list is not None: no_sensors = str(len(all_sensors_list)) db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_user", "user") if db_conn is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "ERROR - DB connection failed!") clean_shutdown() else: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " DB connection OK") cursor = db_conn.cursor() sensor_aliases = [] for sensor_id in all_sensors_list: db_id, temp_sensor_alias, temp_offset = cfuncs.find_temp_sensor_id_alias_and_offset( lg, db_conn, cursor, sensor_id, False) sensor_aliases.append(temp_sensor_alias) cursor.close() db_conn.close() all_sensor_info = list(zip(all_sensors_list, sensor_aliases)) vstring = cfuncs.app_version() return render_template('sensor_display_name_update.html', form=form, version=vstring, sensors_ids=all_sensors_list, sensor_aliases=sensor_aliases)
def utils(): form = SettingsUpdateForm(request.form) setting_name = [] setting_value = [] #print(form.errors) db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_user", "user") if db_conn is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "ERROR - DB connection failed!") clean_shutdown() else: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " DB connection OK") cursor = db_conn.cursor() settings_dict = cfuncs.settings_db_to_dictionary(lg, cursor) setting_name.append('sensor_polling_freq') setting_name.append('write_to_logfile') setting_name.append('start_up_email_address') setting_name.append('start_up_status_email') setting_name.append('webpage_autorefresh_time') setting_name.append('first_read_settle_time') setting_name.append('temp_reading_max_age') setting_name.append('line_chart_line_thickness') setting_name.append('user_period_line_chart') setting_value.append(settings_dict['sensor_polling_freq']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['write_to_logfile']) if settings_dict['start_up_email_address'] == 'not_set': setting_value.append("Internal Default") else: setting_value.append(settings_dict['start_up_email_address']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['start_up_status_email']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['webpage_autorefresh_time']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['first_read_settle_time']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['temp_reading_max_age']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['line_chart_line_thickness']) setting_value.append(settings_dict['user_period_line_chart']) cursor.close() db_conn.close() if request.method == 'POST': sensor_polling_freq = request.form['new_value0'] write_to_logfile = str( start_up_email_address = str( start_up_status_email = str( webpage_autorefresh_time = request.form['new_value4'].strip() first_read_settle_time = request.form['new_value5'] temp_reading_max_age = request.form['new_value6'] line_chart_line_thickness = request.form['new_value7'] user_period_line_chart = request.form['new_value8'] if form.validate(): cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " Form validated OK") if sensor_polling_freq != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'sensor_polling_freq', sensor_polling_freq) if write_to_logfile != settings_dict['write_to_logfile']: cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'write_to_logfile', write_to_logfile) if start_up_email_address != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'start_up_email_address', start_up_email_address) if start_up_status_email != settings_dict['start_up_status_email']: cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'start_up_status_email', start_up_status_email) if webpage_autorefresh_time != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'webpage_autorefresh_time', webpage_autorefresh_time) if first_read_settle_time != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'first_read_settle_time', first_read_settle_time) if temp_reading_max_age != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'temp_reading_max_age', temp_reading_max_age) if line_chart_line_thickness != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'line_chart_line_thickness', line_chart_line_thickness) if user_period_line_chart != '': cfuncs.update_setting(lg, 'user_period_line_chart', user_period_line_chart) else: print("Form NOT validated OK") return redirect(url_for('utils')) else: if setting_value[1] == "True": temp1 = True else: temp1 = False if setting_value[3] == "True": temp3 = True else: temp3 = False vstring = cfuncs.app_version() return render_template('utils.html', form=form, page_heading='System Utils', version=vstring, title="Utils", setting_name=setting_name, setting_value=setting_value, tmp1=temp1, tmp3=temp3)
def status(): sensor_aliases = None no_sensors = 0 public_ip = None record_count = 0 ssid, quality, level = cfuncs.check_wireless_network_connection(lg) if (level <= -100): level_perc = 0 elif (level >= -50): level_perc = 100 else: level_perc = 2 * (level + 100) quality_perc = 2 * (quality + 100) all_sensors_list = cfuncs.find_all_temp_sensors_connected(lg) if all_sensors_list is not None: no_sensors = str(len(all_sensors_list)) db_conn = cfuncs.setup_db_connection(lg, "localhost", "temps", "temps_user", "user") if db_conn is None: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, "ERROR - DB connection failed!") clean_shutdown() else: cfuncs.write_to_log(lg, " DB connection OK") cursor = db_conn.cursor() sensor_aliases = [] for sensor_id in all_sensors_list: db_id, temp_sensor_alias, temp_offset = cfuncs.find_temp_sensor_id_alias_and_offset( lg, db_conn, cursor, sensor_id, False) sensor_aliases.append(temp_sensor_alias) record_count = cfuncs.get_total_temp_reading_records_count_from_db( lg, cursor) cursor.close() db_conn.close() all_sensor_info = list(zip(all_sensors_list, sensor_aliases)) else: all_sensor_info = None now = date_and_time = str( + "/" + str(now.month).zfill(2) + "/" + str( now.year) + " " + str(now.hour).zfill(2) + ":" + str( now.minute).zfill(2) + ":" + str(now.second).zfill(2) ip_address = cfuncs.get_local_ip_address("web") public_ip = cfuncs.get_public_ip(lg) vstring = cfuncs.app_version() os, architecture, oskernel, firmwareversion, uptime = cfuncs.get_system_information( ) cputemp = cfuncs.get_cpu_temp(lg) total_capacity, free_space, disk_used = cfuncs.get_filesystem_stats(lg) logs_directory_size = cfuncs.get_size_of_directory( lg, '/home/steve/temperature_monitoring/logs') log_file_size = cfuncs.get_size_of_file( lg, '/home/steve/temperature_monitoring/log.txt') return render_template('status.html', version=vstring, page_heading='System Information', title='Sys Info', os=os, architecture=architecture, oskernel=oskernel, uptime=uptime, cputemp=cputemp, firmwareversion=firmwareversion, hostname=socket.gethostname(), disk_capacity=total_capacity, disk_used=disk_used, disk_free_space=free_space, logs_size=logs_directory_size, log_file=log_file_size, total_records=record_count, ip=ip_address, publicip=public_ip, ssid=ssid, quality=str(quality), level_perc=str(level_perc), level=str(level), no_sensors=no_sensors, sensors_list=all_sensor_info)