def checkLiveServices(self, services, result): osType = OSCheck.get_os_family() for service in services: svcCheckResult = {} if isinstance(service, dict): serviceName = service[osType] else: serviceName = service service_check_live = shlex.split(self.SERVICE_STATUS_CMD) service_check_live[1] = serviceName svcCheckResult['name'] = serviceName svcCheckResult['status'] = "UNKNOWN" svcCheckResult['desc'] = "" try: osStat = subprocess.Popen(service_check_live, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = osStat.communicate() if 0 != osStat.returncode: svcCheckResult['status'] = "Unhealthy" svcCheckResult['desc'] = out if len(out) == 0: svcCheckResult['desc'] = err else: svcCheckResult['status'] = "Healthy" except Exception, e: svcCheckResult['status'] = "Unhealthy" svcCheckResult['desc'] = repr(e) result.append(svcCheckResult)
def find_repo_files_for_repos(self, repoNames): repoFiles = [] osType = OSCheck.get_os_family() repoNameList = [] for repoName in repoNames: if len(repoName.strip()) > 0: repoNameList.append("[" + repoName + "]") repoNameList.append("name=" + repoName) if repoNameList: # get list of files if osType == 'suse': fileList = self.get_files_in_dir(REPO_PATH_SUSE) elif osType == "redhat": fileList = self.get_files_in_dir(REPO_PATH_RHEL) else: logger.warn( "Unsupported OS type, cannot get repository location.") return [] if fileList: for filePath in fileList: with open(filePath, 'r') as file: content = file.readline() while (content != ""): for repoName in repoNameList: if content.find( repoName ) == 0 and filePath not in repoFiles: repoFiles.append(filePath) break content = file.readline() return repoFiles
def os_family(self): """ Return values: redhat, debian, suse In case cannot detect raises exception """ return OSCheck.get_os_family()
def main(argv=None): # Same logic that was in "" if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: <cluster_os>" raise Exception("Error in number of arguments. Usage: <cluster_os>") pass cluster_os = sys.argv[1] current_os = OSCheck.get_os_family() + OSCheck.get_os_major_version() # If agent/server have the same {"family","main_version"} - then ok. print "Cluster primary/cluster OS type is %s and local/current OS type is %s" % ( cluster_os, current_os) if current_os == cluster_os: sys.exit(0) else: raise Exception( "Local OS is not compatible with cluster primary OS. Please perform manual bootstrap on this host." )
def do_erase_packages(self, packageList): packageStr = None if packageList: packageStr = ' '.join(packageList) logger.debug("Erasing packages: " + packageStr) if packageStr is not None and packageStr: os_name = OSCheck.get_os_family() command = '' if os_name == 'suse': command = PACKAGE_ERASE_CMD_SUSE.format(packageStr) elif os_name == 'redhat': command = PACKAGE_ERASE_CMD_RHEL.format(packageStr) else: logger.warn("Unsupported OS type, cannot remove package.") if command != '': logger.debug('Executing: ' + str(command)) (returncode, stdoutdata, stderrdata) = self.run_os_command(command) if returncode != 0: logger.warn("Erasing packages failed: " + stderrdata) else:"Erased packages successfully.\n" + stdoutdata) return 0
def test_get_os_family(self, mock_exists, mock_linux_distribution): # 1 - Any system mock_exists.return_value = False mock_linux_distribution.return_value = ('MY_os', '', '') result = OSCheck.get_os_family() self.assertEquals(result, 'my_os') # 2 - Redhat mock_exists.return_value = False mock_linux_distribution.return_value = ('Centos Linux', '', '') result = OSCheck.get_os_family() self.assertEquals(result, 'redhat') # 3 - Debian mock_exists.return_value = False mock_linux_distribution.return_value = ('Ubuntu', '', '') result = OSCheck.get_os_family() self.assertEquals(result, 'debian') # 4 - Suse mock_exists.return_value = False mock_linux_distribution.return_value = ( 'suse linux enterprise server', '', '') result = OSCheck.get_os_family() self.assertEquals(result, 'suse') mock_exists.return_value = False mock_linux_distribution.return_value = ('SLED', '', '') result = OSCheck.get_os_family() self.assertEquals(result, 'suse') # 5 - Negative case mock_linux_distribution.return_value = ('', '111', '2222') try: result = OSCheck.get_os_family()"Should throw exception in OSCheck.get_os_family()") except Exception as e: # Expected self.assertEquals("Cannot detect os type. Exiting...", str(e)) pass
def getOsFamily(self): return OSCheck.get_os_family()
def register(self, dict, componentsMapped=True, commandsInProgress=True): dict['hostHealth'] = {} java = [] self.javaProcs(java) dict['hostHealth']['activeJavaProcs'] = java liveSvcs = [] self.checkLiveServices(self.DEFAULT_LIVE_SERVICES, liveSvcs) dict['hostHealth']['liveServices'] = liveSvcs dict['umask'] = str(self.getUMask()) # detailed host check is not available for Suse isSuse = 'suse' == OSCheck.get_os_family() dict['iptablesIsRunning'] = self.checkIptables() dict['reverseLookup'] = self.checkReverseLookup() # If commands are in progress or components are already mapped to this host # Then do not perform certain expensive host checks if componentsMapped or commandsInProgress or isSuse: dict['existingRepos'] = [self.RESULT_UNAVAILABLE] dict['installedPackages'] = [] dict['alternatives'] = [] dict['stackFoldersAndFiles'] = [] dict['existingUsers'] = [] else: etcs = [] self.etcAlternativesConf(self.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAMES, etcs) dict['alternatives'] = etcs existingUsers = [] self.checkUsers(self.DEFAULT_USERS, existingUsers) dict['existingUsers'] = existingUsers dirs = [] self.checkFolders(self.DEFAULT_DIRS, self.DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAMES, existingUsers, dirs) dict['stackFoldersAndFiles'] = dirs installedPackages = [] availablePackages = [] self.packages.allInstalledPackages(installedPackages) self.packages.allAvailablePackages(availablePackages) repos = [] self.packages.getInstalledRepos( self.PACKAGES, installedPackages + availablePackages, self.IGNORE_PACKAGES_FROM_REPOS, repos) packagesInstalled = self.packages.getInstalledPkgsByRepo( repos, self.IGNORE_PACKAGES, installedPackages) additionalPkgsInstalled = self.packages.getInstalledPkgsByNames( self.ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES, installedPackages) allPackages = list(set(packagesInstalled + additionalPkgsInstalled)) dict['installedPackages'] = self.packages.getPackageDetails( installedPackages, allPackages) repos = self.getReposToRemove(repos, self.IGNORE_REPOS) dict['existingRepos'] = repos self.reportFileHandler.writeHostCheckFile(dict) pass # The time stamp must be recorded at the end dict['hostHealth']['agentTimeStampAtReporting'] = int(time.time() * 1000) pass
import subprocess import threading import shlex import platform from PackagesAnalyzer import PackagesAnalyzer from HostCheckReportFileHandler import HostCheckReportFileHandler from Hardware import Hardware from common_functions import OSCheck, OSConst import socket logger = logging.getLogger() # OS info OS_VERSION = OSCheck().get_os_major_version() OS_TYPE = OSCheck.get_os_type() OS_FAMILY = OSCheck.get_os_family() # service cmd SERVICE_CMD = "/sbin/service" # on ubuntu iptables service is called ufw if OS_FAMILY == OSConst.DEBIAN_FAMILY: SERVICE_CMD = "/usr/sbin/service" class HostInfo: # List of project names to be used to find alternatives folders etc. DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAMES = [ "hadoop*", "hadoop", "hbase", "hcatalog", "hive", "ganglia", "nagios", "oozie", "sqoop", "hue", "zookeeper", "mapred", "hdfs", "flume", "storm", "hive-hcatalog", "tez", "falcon", "ambari_qa",
class HostInfo: # List of project names to be used to find alternatives folders etc. DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAMES = [ "hadoop*", "hadoop", "hbase", "hcatalog", "hive", "ganglia", "nagios", "oozie", "sqoop", "hue", "zookeeper", "mapred", "hdfs", "flume", "storm", "hive-hcatalog", "tez", "falcon", "ambari_qa", "hadoop_deploy", "rrdcached", "hcat", "ambari-qa", "sqoop-ambari-qa", "sqoop-ambari_qa", "webhcat", "hadoop-hdfs", "hadoop-yarn", "hadoop-mapreduce" ] # List of live services checked for on the host, takes a map of plan strings DEFAULT_LIVE_SERVICES = [{ "redhat": "ntpd", "suse": "ntp", "debian": "ntp" }] # Set of default users (need to be replaced with the configured user names) DEFAULT_USERS = [ "nagios", "hive", "ambari-qa", "oozie", "hbase", "hcat", "mapred", "hdfs", "rrdcached", "zookeeper", "flume", "sqoop", "sqoop2", "hue", "yarn" ] # Filters used to identify processed PROC_FILTER = ["hadoop", "zookeeper"] # Additional path patterns to find existing directory DIRNAME_PATTERNS = ["/tmp/hadoop-", "/tmp/hsperfdata_"] # Default set of directories that are checked for existence of files and folders DEFAULT_DIRS = [ "/etc", "/var/run", "/var/log", "/usr/lib", "/var/lib", "/var/tmp", "/tmp", "/var", "/hadoop" ] # Packages that are used to find repos (then repos are used to find other packages) PACKAGES = [ "hadoop", "zookeeper", "webhcat", "*-manager-server-db", "*-manager-daemons" ] # Additional packages to look for (search packages that start with these) ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES = [ "rrdtool", "rrdtool-python", "nagios", "ganglia", "gmond", "gweb", "libconfuse", "ambari-log4j", "hadoop", "zookeeper", "oozie", "webhcat" ] # ignore packages from repos whose names start with these strings IGNORE_PACKAGES_FROM_REPOS = ["ambari", "installed"] # ignore required packages IGNORE_PACKAGES = ["epel-release"] # ignore repos from the list of repos to be cleaned IGNORE_REPOS = ["ambari", "HDP-UTILS"] # default timeout for async invoked processes TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 60 RESULT_UNAVAILABLE = "unable_to_determine" OS_FAMILY = OSCheck.get_os_family() OS_UBUNTU_DEBIAN = 'debian' # service cmd SERVICE_CMD = "/sbin/service" FIREWALL_SERVICE_NAME = "iptables" # on ubuntu iptables service is called ufw if OS_FAMILY == OS_UBUNTU_DEBIAN: SERVICE_CMD = "/usr/sbin/service" FIREWALL_SERVICE_NAME = "ufw" FIREWALL_STATUS_CMD = "%s %s status" % (SERVICE_CMD, FIREWALL_SERVICE_NAME) DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME = "ntpd" SERVICE_STATUS_CMD = "%s %s status" % (SERVICE_CMD, DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME) event = threading.Event() current_umask = -1 def __init__(self, config=None): self.packages = PackagesAnalyzer() self.reportFileHandler = HostCheckReportFileHandler(config) def dirType(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): return 'not_exist' elif os.path.islink(path): return 'sym_link' elif os.path.isdir(path): return 'directory' elif os.path.isfile(path): return 'file' return 'unknown' def hadoopVarRunCount(self): if not os.path.exists('/var/run/hadoop'): return 0 pids = glob.glob('/var/run/hadoop/*/*.pid') return len(pids) def hadoopVarLogCount(self): if not os.path.exists('/var/log/hadoop'): return 0 logs = glob.glob('/var/log/hadoop/*/*.log') return len(logs) def etcAlternativesConf(self, projects, etcResults): if not os.path.exists('/etc/alternatives'): return [] projectRegex = "'" + '|'.join(projects) + "'" files = [ f for f in os.listdir('/etc/alternatives') if re.match(projectRegex, f) ] for conf in files: result = {} filePath = os.path.join('/etc/alternatives', conf) if os.path.islink(filePath): realConf = os.path.realpath(filePath) result['name'] = conf result['target'] = realConf etcResults.append(result) def checkLiveServices(self, services, result): osType = OSCheck.get_os_family() for service in services: svcCheckResult = {} if isinstance(service, dict): serviceName = service[osType] else: serviceName = service service_check_live = shlex.split(self.SERVICE_STATUS_CMD) service_check_live[1] = serviceName svcCheckResult['name'] = serviceName svcCheckResult['status'] = "UNKNOWN" svcCheckResult['desc'] = "" try: osStat = subprocess.Popen(service_check_live, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = osStat.communicate() if 0 != osStat.returncode: svcCheckResult['status'] = "Unhealthy" svcCheckResult['desc'] = out if len(out) == 0: svcCheckResult['desc'] = err else: svcCheckResult['status'] = "Healthy" except Exception, e: svcCheckResult['status'] = "Unhealthy" svcCheckResult['desc'] = repr(e) result.append(svcCheckResult)
def getOperatingSystem(self): return OSCheck.get_os_family()