예제 #1
def identify_device_RID_from_int_ip(ip):
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - finds the device_id based on interface ip
    Inputs - String - Ip address of interface
    returns - int - ID of related device
    command = """
    SELECT device_id from `FYP Data`.interfaces
    WHERE ip_address = '{}';""".format(ip)

    result = get_data(command)
    print "device_id for {} ip is {}".format(ip, result)
    if not result:
        print_error("something wrong getting device information")
        return (False, "")

    if len(result) > 1:
        print_error("more than one device record, can't carry out automation")
        # email admin
        return (False, "")

    result = result[0][0]
    print "device id is {}".format(result)
    command = """
    SELECT ip from `FYP Data`.device_table
    WHERE device_id = '{}';""".format(result)

    result = get_data(command)

    print "device RID is {}".format(result[0][0])

    return result[0][0]
예제 #2
def match_db_to_device(device_interfaces, device_id):
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - Take the list of interfaces and match up to the database interface and link the database
               information with the local interface
    Inputs - 
        device_interfaces - list - list of interfaceobjects from SNMP gets
        device_id - 
    returns - 
        device_interfaces - list - list of interface objects from snmp gets with database info
    command = "SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.interfaces where device_id = {}".format(device_id)
    # data will be ID/device_id/name/description/ip_address/state/lastupdate/traffic_counter/speed
    db_interfaces = get_data(command)
    for i in range(len(device_interfaces)):
        for db_int in db_interfaces:
            if device_interfaces[i].value == db_int[2]:
                name = str(device_interfaces[i].value)
                oid_index = int(device_interfaces[i].oid_index)
                device_interfaces[i] = {"name": name, "oid_index": oid_index}
                device_interfaces[i]["db_id"] = db_int[0]
                device_interfaces[i]["previous_update"] = db_int[6]
                device_interfaces[i]["previous_counter"] = db_int[7]
                device_interfaces[i]["speed"] = db_int[8]
    return device_interfaces
def check_for_peers():
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - Gets data from the database about the different peers 
               checks the state of the peers and calls the relevant functions
    Inputs - n/a 
    returns - 
        int - configures - Number of peers configured used for logging
        int - checks - Number of peers checked used for logging
        int - fails - Number of peer actions that failed used for logging 
    command = "SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.BGP_peers"
    data = get_data(command)
    # data = peerId/device_id/remote_asn/loopback_source/remote_ip/source_interface/approved/approver/configured
    non_approved = []
    configures = []
    checks = []
    fails = []
    for peer in data:
        if peer[6] == 0:  # Need to approve
            print_error("peer id {} for device {} and remote ip {} needs to be approved".format(
                peer[0], peer[1], peer[4]))
        elif peer[8] == 0:  # Need to configure
            set_peer_status(peer[0], 1)
            state, peer_object, device = configure_peer_workflow(peer)
            if state:
                set_peer_status(peer[0], 2)
                state = check_peer_status(
                if state:
                    print_error("Peer is established")
                    set_peer_status(peer[0], 3)

        elif peer[8] == 1:  # Started to configured but didn't work
            print_error("Peer id {} was attempted to be configured previously but there was a problem".format(peer[0]))

        elif peer[8] == 2:  # Configured but wasn't in established state
            print_error("Checking peer: {}".format(peer))
            state = check_peer_workflow(peer)
            if state:
                print_error("Peer is established")
                set_peer_status(peer[0], 3)
                print_error("Peer still not established")

        else:  # Peer fully configured
    # Setting peer status to in progress
    return configures, checks, fails, non_approved
예제 #4
def main():
    command = "SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.device_table;"
    devices = get_data(command)
    for device in devices:
        (device_id, device_ip, vendor,
            community, username, passwd,
            enpass, config_lock, lock_reason, asn) = device
        device_interfaces = Grab_device_interfaces_snmp(device_ip, community)
        if not device_interfaces:
        device_interfaces = match_db_to_device(device_interfaces, device_id)
        device_interfaces = poll_traffic(device_interfaces, device_ip, community)
예제 #5
def close_event(device_int):
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - closes event that was created once automation has been triggered
    Inputs - 
        device_int - object - combined database and snmp gathered information
    returns - n/a
    command = """
    SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.interface_events
    where interface_id = {} and state ='active' and issue = 'out utilization'""".format(device_int["db_id"])
    event = get_data(command)
    command = """
    UPDATE `FYP Data`.`interface_events`
    SET `state` = 'resolved'
    WHERE event_id = {} ;""".format(event[0][0])
예제 #6
def Device_interfaces_update():
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - Workflow function
    Inputs - n/a
    returns -
        int - updates - the number of interface records updated
        int - adds - The number of interface records added
    command = "SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.device_table;"
    devices = get_data(command)
    updates = 0
    adds = 0
    unreachable = 0
    for device in devices:
        updates, adds, unreachable = process_interfaces(
            device, updates, adds, unreachable)

    return updates, adds, unreachable
def find_device_ip(device_id):
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - find the RID of the device required along with some other details 
    Inputs - int - device_id - device_id of the request device
    returns -
        string - RID of device
        string - Vendor of device
        int - ASN of device
    command = """
    SELECT ip, vendor, asn from `FYP Data`.device_table
    WHERE device_id = {}
    data = get_data(command)
    if len(data) > 1:
        print_error("There multipul devices listed under device_id {} somehow".format(device_id))
        return "", "", ""
    if len(data) == 0:
        print_error("No Data was found for device_id {}".format(device_id))
        return "", "", ""
    print data[0]
    return data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2]
예제 #8
def check_for_event(device_int, device_ip):
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - checks for an existing event and if one exists if its an old event or not
    Inputs - 
        Global - timeout_minuets - defined at the top to identify how many minuets old an event
                                   needs to be before closing it.
        device_int - object - combined database and snmp gathered information
        device_ip - string - ip address of the host for this event
    returns - 
    command = """
    SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.interface_events
    where `interface_id` = '{}'
    and `state` = 'active'
    and `issue` = 'out utilization'""".format(device_int["db_id"])
    events = get_data(command)
    if events:
        time_now = datetime.now()
        time_diff = (time_now - events[0][4]).seconds
        timeout_minuets = 5
        if time_diff / 60 > timeout_minuets:
            print_error("closing old event older than {} minuets".format(timeout_minuets))
            command = """
            UPDATE `FYP Data`.`interface_events`
            SET `state` = 'resolved'
            WHERE event_id = {} ;""".format(events[0][0])
            print "event for {} on {} already exists will not act".format(device_int["name"], device_ip)
            return False
    command = """
    INSERT INTO `FYP Data`.`interface_events` (`interface_id`, `state`, `issue`)
    VALUES ('{}', 'active', 'out utilization');""".format(device_int["db_id"])
    return True
예제 #9
def process_interfaces(device, updates, adds, unreachable):
    Author - Jonathan Steward
    Function - Function to carry out the logic to detect new or update interfaces and add to DB
    Inputs -
        Device - touple - one data record from the database containing device details
        updates - int - Number of updates so far
        adds - int - Number of added interfaces so far
    returns -
        int - updates - the number of interface records updated
        int - adds - The number of interface records added
    print "grabbing details for:\n{}".format(device)
    (device_id, device_ip, vendor, community, username, passwd, enpass,
     config_lock, lock_reason, asn) = device
    device_interfaces = grab_device_interfaces(device_ip, community)
    if not device_interfaces:
        unreachable += 1
        return updates, adds, unreachable
    command = "SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.interfaces where device_id = {}".format(
    db_interfaces = get_data(command)
    # db_interfaces will be ID/device_id/name/description/ip_address/state/lastupdate/traffic_counter/speed
    for ifindex, device_int in device_interfaces.items():
        # Checking new device interface
        state = "new"
        for interface in db_interfaces:
            # finding matching database interface
            if device_int["name"] == interface[2]:
                # Check state
                if device_int["description"] != interface[3]:
                    state = "update"
                    updates += 1
                    command = update_command(device_int, interface)
                    print "need to update record"
                if device_int["speed"] != interface[8]:
                    state = "update"
                    updates += 1
                    command = update_command(device_int, interface)
                    print "need to update record"
                if device_int["ip"] != interface[4]:
                    state = "update"
                    updates += 1
                    command = update_command(device_int, interface)
                    print "need to update record"
                if device_int["state"] != interface[5]:
                    state = "update"
                    updates += 1
                    command = update_command(device_int, interface)
                    print "need to update record"
                state = "good"
                # print "interface details the same as the database."
        # itterated through all db interfaces
        if state == "new":
            adds += 1
            print "A new interface was detected: {}".format(device_int["name"])
            command = add_command(device_int, device_id)

    return updates, adds, unreachable
def db_read(attempt):
    get_data("SELECT * FROM `FYP Data`.device_table;")
    logging.info("done read number: {}".format(attempt))
    print "done read number: {}".format(attempt)