예제 #1
def install_virtualenv( app, venv_dir ):
    if not os.path.exists( venv_dir ):
        with make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            downloaded_filename = VIRTUALENV_URL.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
            downloaded_file_path = common_util.url_download( work_dir, downloaded_filename, VIRTUALENV_URL )
            if common_util.istar( downloaded_file_path ):
                common_util.extract_tar( downloaded_file_path, work_dir )
                dir = common_util.tar_extraction_directory( work_dir, downloaded_filename )
                log.error( "Failed to download virtualenv: Downloaded file '%s' is not a tar file", downloaded_filename )
                return False
            full_path_to_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( work_dir, dir ) )
            shutil.move( full_path_to_dir, venv_dir )
    return True
예제 #2
def install_virtualenv(app, venv_dir):
    if not os.path.exists(venv_dir):
        with make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            downloaded_filename = VIRTUALENV_URL.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
            downloaded_file_path = common_util.url_download(
                work_dir, downloaded_filename, VIRTUALENV_URL)
            if common_util.istar(downloaded_file_path):
                common_util.extract_tar(downloaded_file_path, work_dir)
                dir = common_util.tar_extraction_directory(
                    work_dir, downloaded_filename)
                    "Failed to download virtualenv: Downloaded file '%s' is not a tar file",
                return False
            full_path_to_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(work_dir, dir))
            shutil.move(full_path_to_dir, venv_dir)
    return True
예제 #3
def install_and_build_package( app, tool_dependency, actions_dict ):
    """Install a Galaxy tool dependency package either via a url or a mercurial or git clone command."""
    sa_session = app.model.context.current
    install_dir = actions_dict[ 'install_dir' ]
    package_name = actions_dict[ 'package_name' ]
    #download_url = actions_dict.get( 'download_url', None )
    #clone_cmd = actions_dict.get( 'clone_cmd', None )
    actions = actions_dict.get( 'actions', None )
    if actions:
        with make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            with lcd( work_dir ):
                # The first action in the list of actions will be the one that defines the installation process.  There
                # are currently only two supported processes; download_by_url and clone via a "shell_command" action type.
                action_type, action_dict = actions[ 0 ]
                if action_type == 'download_by_url':
                    # <action type="download_by_url">http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/samtools/0.1.18/samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2</action>
                    url = action_dict[ 'url' ]
                    downloaded_filename = os.path.split( url )[ -1 ]
                    downloaded_file_path = common_util.url_download( work_dir, downloaded_filename, url )
                    if common_util.istar( downloaded_file_path ):
                        common_util.extract_tar( downloaded_file_path, work_dir )
                        dir = common_util.tar_extraction_directory( work_dir, downloaded_filename )
                        dir = work_dir
                elif action_type == 'shell_command':
                    # <action type="shell_command">git clone --recursive git://github.com/ekg/freebayes.git</action>
                    clone_cmd = action_dict[ 'command' ]
                    output = local( clone_cmd, capture=True )
                    log_results( clone_cmd, output, os.path.join( install_dir, INSTALLATION_LOG ) )
                    if output.return_code:
                        tool_dependency.status = app.model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR
                        tool_dependency.error_message = str( output.stderr )
                        sa_session.add( tool_dependency )
                    dir = package_name
                if not os.path.exists( dir ):
                    os.makedirs( dir )
                # The package has been down-loaded, so we can now perform all of the actions defined for building it.
                with lcd( dir ):                
                    for action_tup in actions[ 1: ]:
                        action_type, action_dict = action_tup
                        current_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( work_dir, dir ) )
                        if action_type == 'move_directory_files':
                            common_util.move_directory_files( current_dir=current_dir,
                                                              source_dir=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'source_directory' ] ),
                                                              destination_dir=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'destination_directory' ] ) )
                        elif action_type == 'move_file':
                            common_util.move_file( current_dir=current_dir,
                                                   source=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'source' ] ),
                                                   destination_dir=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'destination' ] ) )
                        elif action_type == 'set_environment':
                            # Currently the only action supported in this category is "environment_variable".
                            env_var_dict = action_dict[ 'environment_variable' ]
                            env_var_name = env_var_dict[ 'name' ]
                            env_var_action = env_var_dict[ 'action' ]
                            env_var_value = env_var_dict[ 'value' ]
                            if env_var_action == 'prepend_to':
                                changed_value = '%s:$%s' % ( env_var_value, env_var_name )
                            elif env_var_action == 'set_to':
                                changed_value = '%s' % env_var_value
                            elif env_var_action == 'append_to':
                                changed_value = '$%s:%s' % ( env_var_name, env_var_value )
                            cmd = "echo '%s=%s; export %s' > %s/env.sh;chmod +x %s/env.sh" % ( env_var_name,
                                                                                               install_dir )
                            output = local( cmd, capture=True )
                            log_results( cmd, output, os.path.join( install_dir, INSTALLATION_LOG ) )
                            if output.return_code:
                                tool_dependency.status = app.model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR
                                tool_dependency.error_message = str( output.stderr )
                                sa_session.add( tool_dependency )
                        elif action_type == 'shell_command':
                            action = action_dict[ 'command' ]
                            with settings( warn_only=True ):
                                output = local( action, capture=True )
                                log_results( action, output, os.path.join( install_dir, INSTALLATION_LOG ) )
                                if output.return_code:
                                    tool_dependency.status = app.model.ToolDependency.installation_status.ERROR
                                    tool_dependency.error_message = str( output.stderr )
                                    sa_session.add( tool_dependency )
예제 #4
def install_and_build_package( app, tool_dependency, actions_dict ):
    """Install a Galaxy tool dependency package either via a url or a mercurial or git clone command."""
    sa_session = app.model.context.current
    install_dir = actions_dict[ 'install_dir' ]
    package_name = actions_dict[ 'package_name' ]
    actions = actions_dict.get( 'actions', None )
    filtered_actions = []
    if actions:
        with make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            with lcd( work_dir ):
                # The first action in the list of actions will be the one that defines the installation process.  There
                # are currently only two supported processes; download_by_url and clone via a "shell_command" action type.
                action_type, action_dict = actions[ 0 ]
                if action_type == 'download_by_url':
                    # Eliminate the download_by_url action so remaining actions can be processed correctly.
                    filtered_actions = actions[ 1: ]
                    url = action_dict[ 'url' ]
                    if 'target_filename' in action_dict:
                        downloaded_filename = action_dict[ 'target_filename' ]
                        downloaded_filename = os.path.split( url )[ -1 ]
                    downloaded_file_path = common_util.url_download( work_dir, downloaded_filename, url )
                    if common_util.istar( downloaded_file_path ):
                        # <action type="download_by_url">http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/samtools/0.1.18/samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2</action>
                        common_util.extract_tar( downloaded_file_path, work_dir )
                        dir = common_util.tar_extraction_directory( work_dir, downloaded_filename )
                    elif common_util.iszip( downloaded_file_path ):
                        # <action type="download_by_url">http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/picard/picard-tools/1.56/picard-tools-1.56.zip</action>
                        zip_archive_extracted = common_util.extract_zip( downloaded_file_path, work_dir )
                        dir = common_util.zip_extraction_directory( work_dir, downloaded_filename )
                        dir = work_dir
                elif action_type == 'shell_command':
                    # <action type="shell_command">git clone --recursive git://github.com/ekg/freebayes.git</action>
                    # Eliminate the shell_command clone action so remaining actions can be processed correctly.
                    filtered_actions = actions[ 1: ]
                    return_code = handle_command( app, tool_dependency, install_dir, action_dict[ 'command' ] )
                    if return_code:
                    dir = package_name
                    # We're handling a complex repository dependency where we only have a set_environment tag set.
                    # <action type="set_environment">
                    #    <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR/bin</environment_variable>
                    # </action>
                    filtered_actions = [ a for a in actions ]
                    dir = install_dir
                if not os.path.exists( dir ):
                    os.makedirs( dir )
                # The package has been down-loaded, so we can now perform all of the actions defined for building it.
                with lcd( dir ):
                    for action_tup in filtered_actions:
                        action_type, action_dict = action_tup
                        current_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( work_dir, dir ) )
                        if action_type == 'make_directory':
                            common_util.make_directory( full_path=action_dict[ 'full_path' ] )
                        elif action_type == 'move_directory_files':
                            common_util.move_directory_files( current_dir=current_dir,
                                                              source_dir=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'source_directory' ] ),
                                                              destination_dir=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'destination_directory' ] ) )
                        elif action_type == 'move_file':
                            # TODO: Remove this hack that resets current_dir so that the pre-compiled bwa binary can be found.
                            # current_dir = '/Users/gvk/workspaces_2008/bwa/bwa-0.5.9'
                            common_util.move_file( current_dir=current_dir,
                                                   source=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'source' ] ),
                                                   destination_dir=os.path.join( action_dict[ 'destination' ] ) )
                        elif action_type == 'set_environment':
                            # Currently the only action supported in this category is "environment_variable".
                            env_var_dicts = action_dict[ 'environment_variable' ]
                            for env_var_dict in env_var_dicts:
                                cmd = common_util.create_or_update_env_shell_file( install_dir, env_var_dict )
                                return_code = handle_command( app, tool_dependency, install_dir, cmd )
                                if return_code:
                        elif action_type == 'shell_command':
                            with settings( warn_only=True ):
                                return_code = handle_command( app, tool_dependency, install_dir, action_dict[ 'command' ] )
                                if return_code:
예제 #5
def install_and_build_package(app, tool_dependency, actions_dict):
    """Install a Galaxy tool dependency package either via a url or a mercurial or git clone command."""
    sa_session = app.model.context.current
    install_dir = actions_dict['install_dir']
    package_name = actions_dict['package_name']
    actions = actions_dict.get('actions', None)
    filtered_actions = []
    if actions:
        with make_tmp_dir() as work_dir:
            with lcd(work_dir):
                # The first action in the list of actions will be the one that defines the installation process.  There
                # are currently only two supported processes; download_by_url and clone via a "shell_command" action type.
                action_type, action_dict = actions[0]
                if action_type == 'download_by_url':
                    # Eliminate the download_by_url action so remaining actions can be processed correctly.
                    filtered_actions = actions[1:]
                    url = action_dict['url']
                    if 'target_filename' in action_dict:
                        downloaded_filename = action_dict['target_filename']
                        downloaded_filename = os.path.split(url)[-1]
                    downloaded_file_path = common_util.url_download(
                        work_dir, downloaded_filename, url)
                    if common_util.istar(downloaded_file_path):
                        # <action type="download_by_url">http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/samtools/0.1.18/samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2</action>
                        common_util.extract_tar(downloaded_file_path, work_dir)
                        dir = common_util.tar_extraction_directory(
                            work_dir, downloaded_filename)
                    elif common_util.iszip(downloaded_file_path):
                        # <action type="download_by_url">http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/picard/picard-tools/1.56/picard-tools-1.56.zip</action>
                        zip_archive_extracted = common_util.extract_zip(
                            downloaded_file_path, work_dir)
                        dir = common_util.zip_extraction_directory(
                            work_dir, downloaded_filename)
                        dir = work_dir
                elif action_type == 'shell_command':
                    # <action type="shell_command">git clone --recursive git://github.com/ekg/freebayes.git</action>
                    # Eliminate the shell_command clone action so remaining actions can be processed correctly.
                    filtered_actions = actions[1:]
                    return_code = handle_command(app, tool_dependency,
                    if return_code:
                    dir = package_name
                    # We're handling a complex repository dependency where we only have a set_environment tag set.
                    # <action type="set_environment">
                    #    <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR/bin</environment_variable>
                    # </action>
                    filtered_actions = [a for a in actions]
                    dir = install_dir
                if not os.path.exists(dir):
                # The package has been down-loaded, so we can now perform all of the actions defined for building it.
                with lcd(dir):
                    for action_tup in filtered_actions:
                        action_type, action_dict = action_tup
                        current_dir = os.path.abspath(
                            os.path.join(work_dir, dir))
                        if action_type == 'make_directory':
                        elif action_type == 'move_directory_files':
                        elif action_type == 'move_file':
                            # TODO: Remove this hack that resets current_dir so that the pre-compiled bwa binary can be found.
                            # current_dir = '/Users/gvk/workspaces_2008/bwa/bwa-0.5.9'
                        elif action_type == 'set_environment':
                            # Currently the only action supported in this category is "environment_variable".
                            env_var_dicts = action_dict['environment_variable']
                            for env_var_dict in env_var_dicts:
                                cmd = common_util.create_or_update_env_shell_file(
                                    install_dir, env_var_dict)
                                return_code = handle_command(
                                    app, tool_dependency, install_dir, cmd)
                                if return_code:
                        elif action_type == 'shell_command':
                            with settings(warn_only=True):
                                return_code = handle_command(
                                    app, tool_dependency, install_dir,
                                if return_code: