def fill_results_for_id(self, _id, join_dict): tic = time.time() # Paths to directories user_ind_p = _id + "_files/clean_user_ind.pkl" sparse_matrix_dot_p = _id + "_files/sparse_matrix_dot_a.pkl" # Unpickling objects user_ind = unpickle_object(user_ind_p) sparse_matrix_dot = unpickle_object(sparse_matrix_dot_p) #inv_user_ind = {v:k for k, v in user_ind.items()} sparse_matrix_dot = sparse_matrix_dot #.tocoo() # Transform to coordinate matrix for this # Statistics retrieval total_pairs = len(join_dict) elements_written = 0 for i, k in enumerate(join_dict.keys()): if i % 1000 == 0: self.pprint("[%s] Joining Results" % (_id), "[%d Pairs Processed]" % (i), "[%d Elements Written]" % (elements_written), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((i / total_pairs) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') u1, u2 = k #Extracting users if u1 in user_ind and u2 in user_ind: elements_written += 1 join_dict[k][_id] = sparse_matrix_dot[user_ind[u1], user_ind[u2]] self.pprint("[END] [%s] Joining Results" % (_id), "[%d Pairs Processed]" % (i), "[%d Elements Written]" % (elements_written), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((i / total_pairs) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) return join_dict
def do_extract_trigrams_mp(members): dict_trigrams = dict() tic = time.time() batch_size = 10000 dirname = 'trigram_files/' create_dir(dirname) for i in range(0, len(members), batch_size): p = mp.Pool(12) list_trigrams =, members[i:i + batch_size]) print("Trigrams", "[%d Users Processed]" % (i), "[%d Trigrams]" % (len(dict_trigrams)), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((i / len(members)) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) for l in list_trigrams: for elem in l: if elem in dict_trigrams: dict_trigrams[elem] += 1 else: dict_trigrams[elem] = 1 p.close() print("Saving data...") gen_csv_from_tuples(dirname + "trigrams.csv", ["trigram", "usage"], [(k, v) for k, v in dict_trigrams.items()]) return dict_trigrams
def do_extract_trigrams(members): # This function extracts the trigrams from users. For each user we extract all the trigrams and then we add them to the dictionary of trigrams. # The dictionary of trigrams counts all the trigrams that exist and with each new appearance it adds information of how many times it appeared. dict_trigrams = dict() tic = time.time() dirname = 'trigram_files/' create_dir(dirname) for i, member in enumerate(members): if i % 1000 == 0: print("[%d Users Processed]" % (i), "[%d Trigrams]" % (len(dict_trigrams)), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((i / len(members)) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) if i % 10000 == 0: print("Saving data...") gen_csv_from_tuples(dirname + "trigrams.csv", ["trigram", "usage"], [(k, v) for k, v in dict_trigrams.items()]) for elem in get_trigrams_from_member(member): if elem in dict_trigrams: dict_trigrams[elem] += 1 else: dict_trigrams[elem] = 1 print("Saving data...") gen_csv_from_tuples(dirname + "trigrams.csv", ["trigram", "usage"], [(k, v) for k, v in dict_trigrams.items()]) return dict_trigrams
def do_extract_users_trigrams_mp(members): dict_trigrams = dict() tic = time.time() batch_size = 20000 dirname = 'trigram_files/' create_dir(dirname) # We assign an index to each element in the order they are stored in the file. # Additionally, we remove those trigrams written only by one user. #dict_trigrams = {x[0]:i for i, x in enumerate(read_csv_list(dirname+"trigrams.csv")[1:]) if int(x[1]) > 1} print(len(dict_trigrams)) # We make the computations in batches of information so that we do not fill the memory. # Those batches are stored little by little. #partial_function = partial(do_extract_user_trigrams, dict_trigrams) for i in range(0, len(members), batch_size): print("Users Trigrams", "[%d Users Processed]" % (i), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((i / len(members)) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) batch = members[i:i + batch_size] p = mp.Pool(16) users_trigrams =, batch) p.close() # We only store lengths bigger than 1 gen_csv_from_tuples(dirname + "user_to_trigram.csv_%d" % (i), ["IdAuthor", "IdTrigrams"], [x for x in users_trigrams if len(x) > 1]) #fs = FeatureScore(None, None, None, None, None, None, None,None, None,None, None) join_all_results(dirname + "user_to_trigram.csv") return dict_trigrams
def get_information_from_matrix(self, user_ind, sparse_matrix_dot): tic = time.time() lst_res = [] inv_user_ind = {v: k for k, v in user_ind.items()} num_users = len(user_ind) #self.pprint("Transforming Matrix A", end='\r') #sparse_matrix_dot = sparse_matrix_dot.tocoo() #row, col, data = sparse_matrix_dot.row, sparse_matrix_dot.col, #self.pprint("[END] Transforming Matrix A") lst_res = [] tx = sparse_matrix_dot.shape[0] print(sparse_matrix_dot.shape) for uind in range(tx): if uind % 100 == 0: self.pprint("Info Extraction", "[%d Users Processed]" % (uind), "[%d List Length]" % (len(lst_res)), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((uind / tx) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') row = np.array(sparse_matrix_dot[uind].toarray()) row = row.flatten() row[uind] = 0 # We do not consider the comparison with itself rmax = row.max() if rmax > 0: n = (row == rmax).sum() #max_inds = row.argsort()[-n:][::-1] max_uinds = np.argpartition( row, -n )[-n:] # it orders "-n" elements of the row, and then, it extracts the last n. for i in max_uinds: lst_res.append((inv_user_ind[uind], inv_user_ind[i], rmax)) lst_res = sorted(lst_res, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) pickle_object(lst_res, self.dir + "results.pkl") self.pprint("[END] Info Extraction", "[%d Users Processed]" % (uind), "[%d List Length]" % (len(lst_res)), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((uind / tx) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) gen_csv_from_tuples(self.dir + "results.csv", ["User1", "User2", "Relation Value"], lst_res) return lst_res
def compute_matrix_mult(self, sparse_matrix): tic = time.time() sparse_matrix_dot_p = self.dir + 'sparse_matrix_dot_a.pkl' print(sparse_matrix.shape) self.pprint("Executing coincidence computation over matrix", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') sparse_matrix_dot = #sparse_matrix_dot = sparse_matrix_dot.astype(dtype='int32') sparse_matrix_dot = sparse.triu(sparse_matrix_dot, format='csr') print(sparse_matrix_dot.shape) sparse_matrix_dot.eliminate_zeros() pickle_object(sparse_matrix_dot, sparse_matrix_dot_p) self.pprint("[END] Executing coincidence computation over matrix", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) print(sparse_matrix_dot.shape) return sparse_matrix_dot
def gen_sparse_matrix(self, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_usage, num_values): tic = time.time() sparse_matrix_p = self.dir + 'sparse_matrix.pkl' #Adding files to list for cleanup self.cleanup_list.append(sparse_matrix_p) if self.backup and os.path.exists(sparse_matrix_p): self.pprint("Sparse Matrix already exist, unpickling.", end='\r') sparse_matrix = unpickle_object(sparse_matrix_p) self.pprint("[END] Sparse Matrix already exist, unpickling.", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) return sparse_matrix num_users = len(dictio_of_users) rows = [] cols = [] data = [] for ind, row in enumerate(dictio_of_users.items()): if ind % 1000 == 0: self.pprint("Sparse Matrix Generation", "[%d Users Processed]" % (ind), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((ind / num_users) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') uind, values = row[0], row[1] usages = dictio_of_usage[uind] for value, usage in zip(values, usages): rows.append(uind) cols.append(value) data.append(usage) sparse_matrix = csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(num_users, num_values), dtype=self.dtype) self.pprint("[END] Sparse Matrix Generation", "[%d Users Processed]" % (ind), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((ind / num_users) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) pickle_object(sparse_matrix, sparse_matrix_p) return sparse_matrix
def calculate_tfidf(self, sparse_matrix): tic = time.time() #sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values, weight_vector = multfsscore.structurize() self.pprint("Computing TF-IDF", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') num_users, num_values = sparse_matrix.shape tf = sparse_matrix.multiply( 1 / sparse_matrix.sum(axis=1)) # User / Total trigrams of user idf = np.log(num_users / (sparse_matrix != 0).sum( axis=0)) # Num USers / Total that make use of it tfidf = tf.multiply(idf) print(tfidf.shape) tfidf.eliminate_zeros() print(tfidf.shape) tfidf = tfidf.tocsr() self.pprint("[END] Computing TF-IDF", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) return tfidf
def extract_chars_per_user(members): dirname = 'num_files/' filename = 'user_to_num.csv' tic = time.time() batch_size = 24000 create_dir(dirname) for i in range(0, len(members), batch_size): p = mp.Pool(16) lst_pr =, members[i:i + batch_size]) print("Chars per User", "[%d Users Processed]" % (i), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((i / len(members)) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) p.close() # We only store lengths bigger than 1 gen_csv_from_tuples(dirname + filename + "_%d" % (i), ["IdAuthor", "IdTrigrams"], lst_pr) join_all_results(dirname + filename)
def do_extract_timestamps(members): num_users = len(members) tic = time.time() print("Extracted %d users" % (num_users)) dirname = 'timestamp_files/' create_dir(dirname) divs = 100000 i = 0 total_size = 0 while total_size < num_users: print("User Timestamps", "[%d Users Processed]" % (total_size), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((total_size / len(members)) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) extract_timestamps(members[total_size:total_size + divs], dirname + "user_to_timestamp.csv_%d" % (i)) i += 1 total_size += divs print(i, total_size, time.time() - tic) join_all_results(dirname + "user_to_timestamp.csv")
def compute(self): tic = time.time() self.pprint("[>>>] Starting with %s [<<<]" % (self.identifier)) #if self.backup and os.path.exists(self.dir + "results.pkl"): #return sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values = self.structurize( ) (value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values) = tuple([None] * 3) sparse_matrix = self.calculate_tfidf(sparse_matrix) sparse_matrix_dot = self.compute_matrix_mult(sparse_matrix) #return sparse_matrix_dot sparse_matrix = None self.get_information_from_matrix(user_ind, sparse_matrix_dot) self.pprint("[>>>] Ended with %s [<<<]" % (self.identifier), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) self.pprint(self.log)
def gen_data(self): tic = time.time() #Create the path for storing the dictionaries user_ind_p = self.dir + 'user_ind.pkl' value_ind_p = self.dir + 'value_ind.pkl' dictio_of_users_p = self.dir + 'dictio_of_users.pkl' dictio_of_values_p = self.dir + 'dictio_of_values.pkl' dictio_of_usage_p = self.dir + 'dictio_of_usage.pkl' #Adding files to list for cleanup self.cleanup_list.append(user_ind_p), self.cleanup_list.append( value_ind_p), self.cleanup_list.append( dictio_of_users_p), self.cleanup_list.append( dictio_of_values_p), self.cleanup_list.append( dictio_of_usage_p) if self.backup and os.path.exists(user_ind_p) and os.path.exists( value_ind_p ) and os.path.exists(dictio_of_users_p) and os.path.exists( dictio_of_values_p) and os.path.exists(dictio_of_usage_p): self.pprint("Data Structures already exist, unpickling.", end='\r') user_ind = unpickle_object(user_ind_p) value_ind = unpickle_object(value_ind_p) dictio_of_users = unpickle_object(dictio_of_users_p) dictio_of_values = unpickle_object(dictio_of_values_p) # TODO Remove comment #dictio_of_usage = unpickle_object(dictio_of_usage_p) dictio_of_usage = None self.pprint("[END] Data Structures already exist, unpickling.", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) return user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values, dictio_of_usage lst = read_csv_list([1:] tic = time.time() user_ind = {} value_ind = {} dictio_of_users = {} dictio_of_values = {} dictio_of_usage = {} total = len(lst) max_val = np.uint32(0) for uind, i in enumerate(lst): if uind % 1000 == 0: self.pprint("Data Structures Generation", "[%d Users Processed]" % (uind), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((uind / total) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') uind = np.uint32(uind) user_ind[i[0]] = uind user = i[0] dictio_of_users[uind] = [] dictio_of_usage[uind] = [] for t in i[1:]: value, usage = self.separate(t) usage = np.uint32(usage) if value not in value_ind: value_ind[value] = max_val dictio_of_values[max_val] = [] max_val += 1 vind = value_ind[value] dictio_of_values[vind].append(uind) dictio_of_users[uind].append(vind) dictio_of_usage[uind].append(usage) self.pprint("[END] Data Structures Generation", "[%d Users Processed]" % (uind), "[%0.3f Percentage]" % ((uind / total) * 100), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) lst = None # Freeing space from list, no longer needed #self.pprint("[0/5] Storing data structures to disk", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) #pickle_object(user_ind, user_ind_p) #self.pprint("[1/5] Storing data structures to disk", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) #pickle_object(value_ind, value_ind_p) #self.pprint("[2/5] Storing data structures to disk", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) #pickle_object(dictio_of_users, dictio_of_users_p) #self.pprint("[3/5] Storing data structures to disk", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) #pickle_object(dictio_of_values, dictio_of_values_p) #self.pprint("[4/5] Storing data structures to disk", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) #pickle_object(dictio_of_usage, dictio_of_usage_p) #self.pprint("[END] [5/5] Storing data structures to disk", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) return user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values, dictio_of_usage
def clean_matrix(self, sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values): tic = time.time() #inv_user_ind = {v: k for k, v in user_ind.items()} #inv_value_ind = {v: k for k, v in value_ind.items()} sparse_matrix_p = self.dir + 'clean_sparse_matrix.pkl' user_ind_p = self.dir + 'clean_user_ind.pkl' value_ind_p = self.dir + 'clean_value_ind.pkl' dictio_of_users_p = self.dir + 'clean_dictio_of_users.pkl' dictio_of_values_p = self.dir + 'clean_dictio_of_values.pkl' #Adding files to list for cleanup self.cleanup_list.append(sparse_matrix_p), self.cleanup_list.append( user_ind_p ), self.cleanup_list.append(value_ind_p), self.cleanup_list.append( dictio_of_users_p), self.cleanup_list.append(dictio_of_values_p) if self.backup and os.path.exists(sparse_matrix_p) and os.path.exists( user_ind_p) and os.path.exists(value_ind_p) and os.path.exists( dictio_of_users_p) and os.path.exists(dictio_of_values_p): self.pprint("Clean data already exist, unpickling.", end='\r') user_ind = unpickle_object(user_ind_p) value_ind = unpickle_object(value_ind_p) dictio_of_users = unpickle_object(dictio_of_users_p) dictio_of_values = unpickle_object(dictio_of_values_p) sparse_matrix = unpickle_object(sparse_matrix_p) self.pprint("[END] Clean data already exist, unpickling.", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) return sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values user_set = set(dictio_of_users.keys()) self.pprint("Taking values that appear once.", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') value_set = set([k for k, v in dictio_of_values.items() if len(v) > 1]) self.pprint( "[END] Taking values that appear once", "[Process Remaining: %d] [User Set: %d] [Value Set: %d]" % (len(value_set), len(user_set), len(value_set)), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) # We execute all user removal procedures specified if not self.user_removal is None: for ind, procedure in enumerate(self.user_removal): self.pprint("Executing user removal procedure [%d] " % (ind), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') user_list = procedure(user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values) user_set = user_set.intersection(set(user_list)) self.pprint( "[END] Executing user removal procedure [%d]" % (ind + 1), "[Process Remaining: %d] [User Set: %d] [Value Set: %d]" % (len(user_list), len(user_set), len(value_set)), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) # We execute all value removal procedures specified by the user if not self.value_removal is None: for ind, procedure in enumerate(self.value_removal): self.pprint("Executing value removal procedure [%d]" % (ind), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') value_list = procedure(user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values) value_set = value_set.intersection(set(value_list)) self.pprint( "[END] Executing value removal procedure [%d]" % (ind + 1), "[Process Remaining: %d] [User Set: %d] [Value Set: %d]" % (len(value_list), len(user_set), len(value_set)), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values = self.remove_user_value_set( sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values, user_set, value_set) self.pprint("Obtaining empty data", end='\r') user_set = set(dictio_of_users.keys()) value_set = set(dictio_of_values.keys()) user_set_rem = set([ uind for uind, vinds in dictio_of_users.items() if len(vinds) == 0 ]) value_set_rem = set([ vind for vind, uinds in dictio_of_values.items() if len(uinds) == 0 ]) user_set = user_set.difference(user_set_rem) value_set = value_set.difference(value_set_rem) self.pprint("[END] Obtaining empty data") sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values = self.remove_user_value_set( sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values, user_set, value_set) pickle_object(sparse_matrix, sparse_matrix_p) pickle_object(user_ind, user_ind_p) pickle_object(value_ind, value_ind_p) pickle_object(dictio_of_users, dictio_of_users_p) pickle_object(dictio_of_values, dictio_of_values_p) return sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values
def remove_user_value_set(self, sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values, user_set, value_set): tic = time.time() # We remove the data from the matrix users, values = sparse_matrix.shape rem_users = sorted(list(user_set)) rem_values = sorted(list(value_set)) self.pprint("[STATUS] [Original] Users: [%d] Values: [%d]" % (users, values)) sparse_matrix = sparse_matrix[rem_users, :] users, values = sparse_matrix.shape self.pprint( "[STATUS] [User Removal] Users: [%d] Values: [%d]" % (users, values), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) sparse_matrix = sparse_matrix[:, rem_values] users, values = sparse_matrix.shape self.pprint( "[STATUS] [Value Removal] Users: [%d] Values: [%d]" % (users, values), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) # Users to remove self.pprint("Generating new user data.", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') temp = { user: uind for user, uind in user_ind.items() if uind in user_set } # Remove not needed users #print(len(temp)) trans_user_dict = { uind: new_uind for new_uind, (_, uind) in enumerate(temp.items()) } # Translate from current index to new index #print(len(temp), len(trans_user_dict)) user_ind = { user: trans_user_dict[uind] for user, uind in temp.items() } # Update user_ind with new indexes self.pprint("[END] Generating new user data: %d" % (len(user_ind)), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) self.pprint("Generating new value data.", get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic), end='\r') temp = { value: vind for value, vind in value_ind.items() if vind in value_set } # Remove not needed values trans_value_dict = { vind: new_vind for new_vind, (_, vind) in enumerate(temp.items()) } # Translate from current index to new index value_ind = { value: trans_value_dict[vind] for value, vind in temp.items() } # Update the value_ind with new indexes self.pprint("[END] Generating new value data: %d" % (len(value_ind)), get_ram(), get_elapsed_time(tic)) dictio_of_users = { trans_user_dict[uind]: [trans_value_dict[vind] for vind in vinds if vind in value_set] for uind, vinds in dictio_of_users.items() if uind in user_set } dictio_of_values = { trans_value_dict[vind]: [trans_user_dict[uind] for uind in uinds if uind in user_set] for vind, uinds in dictio_of_values.items() if vind in value_set } return sparse_matrix, user_ind, value_ind, dictio_of_users, dictio_of_values