예제 #1
 def rollback_transaction(self):
     except Exception as e:
         logexc(["DatabaseSession::rollback_transaction() FAILED ..................", 
          "EXCEPTION catched: "], e, 
          "......................................................", True)
예제 #2
    def __get_fastest_choices(self, alternative_trips, excluded_modes):
        fastest = []
            # TODO: WARNING: //maybe implement using Loops, if deepcopy is CPU hungry
            # loop1: find the absolute_fastest (skip alts with mainmode = excluded_modes)
            # loop2: find all fastest (skip alts with mainmode = excluded_modes)
            # TODO: also research about performance of lambda ...
            alts = deepcopy(alternative_trips)

            # exlude modes we don't want in this comparison (e.g. ignore BICYCLE, assuming travelers don't have a bike)
            alts = filter(lambda x: x.mainmode not in excluded_modes, alts)
            # sort on alt.duration, to easily get the absolute minimum
                key=lambda x: x.duration)  # now the fastest trip is at top

            if len(alts) > 0:
                absolute_fastest = alts[0]  # now the fastest is the first one

                # iterate through all alts, add them to results, as long as trip-duration is within our margin
                MARGIN = datetime.timedelta(
                    minutes=3)  #TODO: make it an inpt cofig value
                for alt in alts:
                    if alt.duration - absolute_fastest.duration > MARGIN:
        except Exception as e:
            logexc("(!) Exception in __get_fastest_choices()", e)
                "(!) Exception in __get_fastest_choices() UNDEFINED Exception",

        return fastest
예제 #3
 def commit_transaction(self):
     except Exception as e:
         logexc(["DatabaseSession::commit_transaction() FAILED ..................", 
          "EXCEPTION catched: "], e, 
          "......................................................", True)
예제 #4
    def send_http_get(self, apiurl, querystr=None, verify_certificate=False):
        # Notes for urllib2:
        #   GET request with urllib2: If you do not pass the data argument, urllib2 uses a GET request (you can encode the data in URL itself)
        #   POST request with urllib2: Just as easy as GET, simply passing (encoded) request data as an extra parameter
        #params = urllib.urlencode(querystr)

        apiurl_with_query = apiurl
        params = querystr
        if params is not None and params != '':
            apiurl_with_query += "?" + params
        #log(["params:", params])
        #log(["apiurl_with_query:", apiurl_with_query, "verify_certificate:", verify_certificate])

        response = None
        res = False
        e = None
        exception_type = ""
            #response = urllib2.urlopen(apiurl_with_query)
            log(["send_http_get():", apiurl_with_query])

            response = requests.get(
                apiurl_with_query, verify=verify_certificate
            )  # //TODO: possible security issue! verify=True works from python command line !!!!
            if response.status_code == 200:  #TODO: does it happen that status_code is NOT CHANGED??
                res = True
        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
            exception_type = "urllib.error.HTTPError"
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            exception_type = "requests.exceptions.ConnectionError"
        except Exception as e:
            exception_type = "Exception"
            pass  # TODO, don't like the idea of finally changing program exec and exception raise path (use later, maybe)

        if res:
            response_str = response.content
        elif e is not None:
            response_str = "(!) EXCEPTION catched (class_type: {}) in WebNetworking::send_http_get(): ".format(
            if response is not None:
                logexc(response_str, e, [
                    ", apiurl_with_query: ", apiurl_with_query,
                    ", response content_type:",
                logexc(response_str, e,
                       [", apiurl_with_query: ", apiurl_with_query])
            response_str = "! error in send_http_get(), res=False, response.status_code={}".format(
                "! error in send_http_get(), res=False, response.status_code="
            ], response.status_code)
            pass  #probably http error occured (eg status code != 200)

        return res, response_str
 def _log_exception(self, method_name, qstr, exception):
     if method_name is None:
         method_name = "DatabaseCommands::???()"
         ">> (!) EXCEPTION catched in {}: DB Command FAILED ......................"
         .format(method_name), exception, [
             ">> qstr:", qstr,
         ], True)
예제 #6
 def __get_trip_comfort(self, trip):    
     trip.comfort = 50 # (%)
     # traverse all alerts of each leg
         for leg in trip.legs:            
             if 'alerts' in leg and leg['alerts'] is not None:
                 for alert in leg['alerts']:
                     if 'alertHeaderText' in alert and alert['alertHeaderText'] == 'Unpaved surface': #TODO is this even bad in case of 'WALK' or 'BICYCLE'?
                         trip.comfort -= 10
     except Exception as e:
         logexc(["trip:",trip.user_id,"|",trip.device_id,"|",trip.id,"|",trip.plan_id, " - (!) EXCEPTION catched in trip_economics.get_trip_comfort():"], e)
예제 #7
    def HttpRequestWithGET(self,
        # Notes for urllib2:
        #   GET request with urllib2: If you do not pass the data argument, urllib2 uses a GET request (you can encode the data in URL itself)
        #   POST request with urllib2: Just as easy as GET, simply passing (encoded) request data as an extra parameter
        #params = urllib.urlencode(querystr)

        apiurl_with_query = apiurl
        params = querystr
        if params is not None and params != '':
            apiurl_with_query += "?" + params
        #log(["params:", params])
        #log(["apiurl_with_query:", apiurl_with_query, "verify_certificate:", verify_certificate])

        response_data_collection = None
        res = False
        e = None
        exception_type = ""
            #response = urllib2.urlopen(apiurl_with_query)
            response = requests.get(
                apiurl_with_query, verify=verify_certificate
            )  # //TODO: possible security issue! verify=True works from python command line !!!!
            response_data_collection = json.loads(
                response.content)  # response.content is in JSON format (text)
            res = True
        except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
            exception_type = "urllib2.HTTPError"
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            exception_type = "requests.exceptions.ConnectionError"
        except Exception as e:
            exception_type = "Exception"
            pass  # TODO, don't like the idea of finally changing program exec and exception raise path (use later, maybe)

        if not res:
            response_data_collection = {
                "error": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "msg": "",
                    "message": ""
            response_data_collection["error"]["message"] = exception_type
            response_data_collection["error"]["msg"] = str(e)
                "(!) EXCEPTION catched (class_type: {}) in HttpRequestWithGET(): "
                .format(exception_type), e,
                [", apiurl_with_query: ", apiurl_with_query])

        return res, response_data_collection
예제 #8
    def __get_lowemission_timerelevant_choices(self, alternative_trips,
        bestest = []
            # TODO: WARNING: //maybe implement using Loops, if deepcopy is CPU hungry
            # loop1: find the absolute_fastest (skip alts with mainmode = excluded_modes)
            # loop2: find all bestest (skip alts with mainmode = excluded_modes)
            # TODO: also research about performance of lambda ...
            alts = deepcopy(alternative_trips)

            # exlude modes we don't want in this comparison (e.g. ignore BICYCLE, assuming travelers don't have a bike)
            alts = filter(lambda x: x.mainmode not in excluded_modes, alts)

            # find the fastest alternative
            #            alts.sort(key = lambda x: x.duration) # now the fastest trip is at top
            if len(alts) > 0:
                absolute_fastest = min(alts, key=lambda x: x.duration)
#                absolute_fastest = alts[0]

# sort on alt.emission
            alts.sort(key=lambda x: x.emission)

            # sort on custom emission+activity priority
            # our order of low-emission and activity is now: {walk, bike, ebike, (tram, metro, train), bus, car, ferry}
            for alt in alts:
                alt.lowemission_order = deepcopy(
            alts.sort(key=lambda x: x.lowemission_order
                      )  # now the most suitable trip is at top

            if len(alts) > 0:
                # iterate through all alts, add them to results, as long as trip-duration is within our margin
                MARGIN = datetime.timedelta(
                    minutes=3)  #TODO: make it an input cofig value
                for alt in alts:
                    if alt.duration - absolute_fastest.duration <= MARGIN:
        except Exception as e:
            logexc("(!) Exception in __get_fastest_choices()", e)
                "(!) Exception in __get_fastest_choices() UNDEFINED Exception",

        return bestest
예제 #9
    def _parse_planning_response(self, response_content_str):
        res = 0
            # response content from OTP servers is supposed to be in JSON string format (json text)
            response_collection = json.loads(response_content_str)
            # TODO WARNING! dummy test only to regenerate occasional error
            #   raise Exception('No JSON object could be decoded')
        except Exception as e:
            # build our own custom collection ---:
            response_collection = self._make_response_collection(
                    0, "(!) EXCEPTION catched in _parse_planning_response()",

            # response from OTP servers is supposed to be in JSON string format (json text)
            # ==> therefore this is an exception (unexpected):
            logexc("(!) EXCEPTION catched in _parse_planning_response(): ", e,
        else:  # (if no exception occured)
            if 'plan' not in response_collection or \
            response_collection['plan'] is None or \
            'itineraries' not in response_collection['plan']:
                # TODO: what to do?
                #itineraries_count = len (response_collection['plan']['itineraries'])
                #if itineraries_count == 0:
                #   raise Ecception("journey planner did NOT return any itineraries!\n")
                #   print "response_collection returned:\n", response_collection, "\n"
                #   print "response_collection error section:\n", response_collection['error']

                # build our own custome collection ---:
                if 'error' not in response_collection or response_collection[
                        'error'] is None:
                    response_collection["error"] = self._make_error_collection(
                        0, "unknown planning error",
                        "no \'plan\' in response, BUT also no \'error\' field")
                response_collection['plan'] = None
            else:  # everything was OK!
                res = 1
                response_collection['error'] = None

        return res, response_collection['plan'], response_collection[
            'error'], response_collection
예제 #10
    def plan_trip_alternatives(self,
        trips_skipped = []
        for trip in trips:
            # filter our very short trips and,
            # try to filter out the 'badly' detected trips, or 'round-trips', 'walking/running exercise', etc.
            # (do NOT waste time planning alternatives if not needed)
            # OLDER CODE commented out:
            #            if trip.od_distance > min_od_distance and trip.distance < od_d_diff_coeff * trip.od_distance:
            print(">> Computing alternatives for trip ID:",
                  trip.id)  #TODO temp for moprim

            for mode in desiredModes:
                    # assumptions, adjusting parameters, related cals, some kinematics, etc.:
                    max_walk_distance = MAX_MODE_DETECTION_DELAY * 2  # e.g. 500m walk to start bus stop ... 500m walk to end bus stop
                    # somehow max_walk_distance is equal to mode-detection-error (transitoin point error) threshold in our system
                    # this could be also max_distance_between_busstops / 2 !!  (if we have a detection between two bus stops)
                    # 1000 m (e.g. 500 m walking at each trip end) gives good results for user id 13 )
                    num_of_itineraries = 3  # default is 3
                    maxTransfers = 2  # seems like this param didn't have any effect!
                    show_intermediate_stops = "True"
                    # TODO: is there a param 'max waiting time' too?

                    # TODO: IMPORTANT: for PT plans, should this also shift back start-time same as mass_transit_match_planner?
                    # maybe not if it's not important to time-match with the realized trip

                    # query for a trip plan (it either makes a new trip plan (eg. from OTP) or retrieves from cache)
                    res, planned_trips, planning_res = self.planner.plan_a_trip(
                        trip, mode, num_of_itineraries, max_walk_distance,

                    if res == 1:
                        for planned_trip in planned_trips:
                            planned_trip.plan_id = len(
                            ) + 1  # get next plan_id *
                        # TODO: update the original plan field (later in code trips rows are stored in DB):
                        if planning_res.is_desired_trip_date_shifted:
                            trip.shifted_starttime_for_publictransport_tripplan = planning_res.desired_trip_shifted_starttime
                            if planning_res.desired_trip_shifted_starttime is None:
                                raise Exception(
                                    "plan_trip_alternatives(): planning_res.is_desired_trip_date_shifted True, but planning_res.desired_trip_shifted_starttime is None"
                    elif res == 0:
                            "ERROR in plan_trip_alternatives(): trip:",
                            trip.user_id, trip.id, ": mode", mode,
                            ": planning error:",
                except Exception as e:
                        "(!) EXCEPTION catched in plan_trip_alternatives(): trip:",
                        trip.user_id, trip.id, ": mode", mode, ": Exception:"
                    ], e)
#            else:
#                print(">> Skipped computation of alternatives for trip ID:",trip.id,"!") #TODO temp for moprim
#                trips_skipped.append(trip)

        return trips_skipped
예제 #11
    def plan_trip_alternatives_new(self,
        trips_processed = 0
        number_of_input_trips = len(trips)
        # compute alternatives per obsevred trip
        for trip in trips:
            trips_processed += 1
            print("-------------- trip", trips_processed, "/",
                  number_of_input_trips, ": trip (", trip.user_id, trip.id,
                  ") --------------")

            for mode in desired_modes:
                    # assumptions, adjusting parameters, related cals, some kinematics, etc.:
                    max_walk_distance = MAX_MODE_DETECTION_DELAY * 2  # e.g. 500m walk to start bus stop ... 500m walk to end bus stop
                    # somehow max_walk_distance is equal to mode-detection-error (transitoin point error) threshold in our system
                    # this could be also max_distance_between_busstops / 2 !!  (if we have a detection between two bus stops)
                    # 1000 m (e.g. 500 m walking at each trip end) gives good results for user id 13 )
                    num_of_itineraries = 3  # default is 3
                    maxTransfers = 2  # seems like this param didn't have any effect!
                    show_intermediate_stops = "True"
                    # TODO: is there a param 'max waiting time' too?

                    # TODO: IMPORTANT: for PT plans, should this also shift back start-time same as mass_transit_match_planner?
                    # maybe not if it's not important to time-match with the realized trip

                    # a few fixes, just in case
                    trip.starttime = trip.starttime.replace(microsecond=0)
                    trip.endtime = trip.endtime.replace(microsecond=0)

                    # query for a trip plan (it either makes a new trip plan (eg. from OTP) or retrieves from cache)
                    res, plan, planning_res = self.planner.plan_a_trip_new(
                        trip, mode, num_of_itineraries, max_walk_distance,

                    if res == 1:
                        # attach the computed alternative to the observed trip
                        #   go through all trip-leg-chains suggested, to build a collection of Trip objects
                        alts_added = 0
                        plan_id_base = MODES_PLAN_IDS[mode]
                        for itin in plan['itineraries']:
                            planned_trip = Trip()
                                plan, itin)

                            #                            if mode=='PUBLIC_TRANSPORT' and len(planned_trip.legs)==1 and planned_trip.legs[0]['mode']=='WALK':
                            #                                #print("len(planned_trip.legs):", len(planned_trip.legs))
                            #                                #print(planned_trip.legs[0]['mode'])
                            #                                #logi("plan_trip_alternatives_new():: NOTE!!! planner returned a single WALK leg for PUBLIC_TRANSPORT. Not saving it.")
                            #                                pass
                            #                            else:
                            planned_trip.plan_id = plan_id_base + alts_added
                            alts_added += 1

                        # IMPORTANT: update the original plan field (later in code trips rows are stored in DB):
                        #   NOTE: is_desired_trip_date_shifted and the shifted date only apply to PUBLIC_TRANSPORT requested mode
                        #         is same for all itins returned by PT OTP query. Therefore, in the 'trips_alts' table, it reperesents all plan_ids of PT alternatives

                        # print("SUCCESS; Planned itin(s) :); ")
                    elif res == 0:
                            "ERROR in plan_trip_alternatives(): trip (" +
                            str(trip.user_id) + " " + str(trip.id) +
                            ": mode " + mode + ": planning error:" +

                    # THIS applies only to queries for public transport
                    if planning_res.is_desired_trip_date_shifted and mode == 'PUBLIC_TRANSPORT':
                            "TEMP MESSAGE: updating the trip's shifted-date field =",
                        # update the trip's shifted-date field
                        trip.shifted_starttime_for_publictransport_tripplan = planning_res.desired_trip_shifted_starttime
                        if planning_res.desired_trip_shifted_starttime is None:
                            raise Exception(
                                "plan_trip_alternatives(): planning_res.is_desired_trip_date_shifted True, but planning_res.desired_trip_shifted_starttime is None"

                except Exception as e:
                        "(!) EXCEPTION catched in plan_trip_alternatives(): trip:",
                        trip.user_id, trip.id, ": mode", mode, ": Exception:"
                    ], e)

        return trips
예제 #12
 def to_Text(self):
         #return str(self.error_code)+ ", "+ self.error_msg+ ", "+ self.error_message
         return "{}, {}, {}".format(self.error_code, self.error_message, self.error_msg)
     except Exception as e:
         logexc(">> (!) EXCEPTION catched in TripPlanningResult::to_Text(): ", e)