예제 #1
    def __init__(self, parent):

        # display variables
        self.dist_max = 2**127L        
        self.scale = 1.0
        self.coeff_zoom = 1

        # my node variables
        self.myNode_pseudo = ""
        self.myNode_ar = ""
        self.delta_x = 0
        self.delta_y = 0

        # displaying options
        self.isDisplayPseudos = 0
        val = configuration.readConfParameterValue("displayPseudos")
        if val:
            self.isDisplayPseudos = long(val)

        self.isDisplayAvatars = 1
        val = configuration.readConfParameterValue("displayAvatars")
        if val:
            self.isDisplayAvatars = long(val)

        # default images
        #self.myNode_avatar = 'Img//avat_gh.png'
        self.myNode_avatar = ""
        self.neighbor_avatar = 'Img//avat_gris.png'
        avatarFile = commun.AVATAR_DIR_NAME + os.sep + "neighbor_default.png"
        shutil.copyfile(self.neighbor_avatar, avatarFile)
        # resize the avatar file
        self.neighbor_avatar = commun.chgSize(avatarFile)

        # dictionary associating widget item with a neighbor
        # {[neighbor_id]:[neighbor_posX, neighbor_posY, neighbor_pseudo,
        #  neighbor_chat, neighbor_display2d, neighbor_sharing, neighbor_image]}
        self.neighbor_item = {}

        # init controls

        # navigator
        #self.navigator = Navigator(self, socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()), "8080")
        self.navigator = Navigator(self)

        # refresh timer variables
        self.TIMER_ID = 1
        self.toRefresh = FALSE

        # start the timer to refresh displaying every second
        self.timer = wxTimer(self, self.TIMER_ID)
        EVT_TIMER(self, self.TIMER_ID, self.OnRefreshTimer)
예제 #2
    def drawMyNode(self, pseudo, ar):
        self.myNode_pseudo = pseudo
        self.myNode_ar = ar

        # default avatar
        avatarFile = commun.AVATAR_DIR_NAME + os.sep + pseudo + "_default.png"
        shutil.copyfile("Img//avat_gh.png", avatarFile)
        # resize the avatar file
        self.myNode_avatar = commun.chgSize(avatarFile)

        # refresh the drawing
        self.toRefresh = TRUE
예제 #3
    def OnChooseButton(self, event):
        """ send the avatar selected to the neighbors """

        # check if an item is selected
        if (self.imageIndice != -1):
            # check if the navigator is connected to a node
            if (self.navigator.getIsConnected() == 1):
                # display a confirmation message
                message = 'Are you sure you want to send this avatar to your neighbors : ' + self.imageList[self.imageIndice] + ' ?'
                dlg = wxMessageDialog(self, message, 'Choose avatar', wxOK|wxCANCEL|wxCENTRE|wxICON_QUESTION)
                if dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK:
                    image_name = self.avatarsDir + os.sep + self.imageList[self.imageIndice] + ".png"
                    # copy the avatar in the avatarDir
                    avatarFile = commun.AVATAR_DIR_NAME + os.sep + self.navigator.getNodePseudo() + "_" + self.imageList[self.imageIndice] + ".png"
                    shutil.copyfile(image_name, avatarFile)
                    # resize the avatar file
                    resizeFile = commun.chgSize(avatarFile)
                    # send the file to the navigator                    
                    self.navigator.sendImage(avatarFile, resizeFile)
                    # close the dialog box
                commun.displayError(self, 'Sorry you are not connected !')
예제 #4
    def watch(self):    
        """ watching if a chunk has been received since a long time, a way to check chunk lost"""
        # get the list of chunks received since a long time
        silent = self.extractSilent(self.CHECKWAIT)

        # if a chunk has been received since a long time
        if silent:
            for i in silent:
                # get information about this chunk(sender, number of this chunk, name of image)
                sender = i[0]
                chunkfilename = i[1]
                hyphen = chunkfilename.find("-")
                filename = chunkfilename[:hyphen]
                if self.list_neighbors.has_key(sender):
                    object_sender = self.list_neighbors[sender]

                    # get the list of chunks of this sender
                    chunklist = self.dictListSender[sender]

                    # create a list in order to sort chunks missing
                    list_number = []

                    # get the number of the chunkfile (because chunklist == [filename - number)]
                    for chunk in chunklist[1:]:
                        number_chunk = string.splitfields(chunk, "-", 1)[1]

                    # sort listnumber
                    list_number_sorted = self.sortStr(list_number)

                    # reconstitute the list of chunk_missing in the order (because list_number_sorted == 1, 2, 3........)
                    for number in list_number_sorted:
                        chunkfile = filename +"-"+ number

                    # get total number of chunks that should be received
                    totalChunk = int(chunklist[0])

                    if len(chunklist) == totalChunk +1:
                        # we have all chunks
                        data = ""
                        for chunk in chunklist[1:]:
                            data += self.chunkdict[(sender, chunk)]
                            del self.chunkdict[(sender,chunk)]

                        # create a file to save image
                        filename = str(commun.AVATAR_DIR_NAME) + os.sep + object_sender.pseudo + "_" + filename
                        imgfile = file(filename, "wb")

                        # resize the avatar image
                        resizeFile = commun.chgSize(filename)

                        # display image in the 2D View screen
                        #self.navigator.receiveImage(sender, resizeFile)
                        wxPostEvent(self.navigator.ihm, wxMainFrame.receiveImageEvent(sender=sender, image_name=resizeFile))

                        # we remove the sender from the list "silent"
                        silent.remove((sender, self.beatDict[sender][1]))

                        # we remove sender from all dictionaries
                        del self.dictListSender[sender]
                        del self.beatDict[sender]

                        # send acknowledgement in order to inform we have received all chunks
                        list = ["ACKNOWLEDGEMENT", str(filename)]
                        msg = self.encodeMsg(list)
                        host, port = object_sender.dict_service[self]
                        self.udp_socket.sendto(msg, (host, int(port)))

                        # chunks miss
                        # retrieve the chunks missing (number...)
                        missing_list = []

                        for chunk_number in list_number_sorted:
                            if chunk_number in list_number_sorted[1:-1]:
                                chunk_index = list_number_sorted.index(chunk_number)
                                previous_value = int(list_number_sorted[chunk_index-1])
                                if int(chunk_number) <> previous_value+1:
                                    self.retrieveChunkMiss(missing_list, previous_value, int(chunk_number) - 1, filename)

                            if chunk_number == list_number_sorted[0]:
                                if int(chunk_number) <> 1:
                                    self.retrieveChunkMiss(missing_list, int(0), int(chunk_number) - 1, filename)

                            if chunk_number == list_number_sorted[-1]:
                                if int(chunk_number) <> totalChunk:
                                    self.retrieveChunkMiss(missing_list, int(chunk_number), int(totalChunk), filename)

                        # send the list of name of chunks missing
                        list = ["MISSINGCHUNK", self.my_node.id, str(missing_list), str(totalChunk)]
                        msg = self.encodeMsg(list)
                        host, port = object_sender.dict_service[self]
                        self.udp_socket.sendto(msg, (host, int(port)))

                        # delete the last chunk received since a long time in order to watch the new chunks received since the missingchunk request
                        del self.beatDict[sender]
