예제 #1
파일: install.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
def installEndPoints(i, localMemberId, tcId):
    Add the local endpoints as defined in the config file in the protocols folder.
    _printAction (i, "Initialise protocols and their endpoints", 1)
    from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
    from communicationmanager import getProtocolManager
    from communicationmanager import Protocol
    from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
    from communicationmanager import Endpoint
    from protocols.config import endpoints          # these are actually addesses, not really endpoints
    from securitymanager import getCredentialManager
    from securitymanager import getAlgorithmManager
    for protocolName in getProtocolController().getOpenProtocols():
        _printAction (i+1, "Add Protocol '" + protocolName + "'")
##        protocol = Protocol(None, protocolName)
##        getProtocolManager().addProtocol(protocol)
        protocol = getProtocolManager().getProtocolByNameAndInsert(protocolName)
        _printAction (i+1, "Add Endpoints for protocol '" + protocolName + "'", 1)
        address = endpoints[protocolName]
        for credential in getCredentialManager().getCredentialsForMember(localMemberId):
            algName = getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithm(credential.getAlgorithmId()).getName()
            _printAction (i+2, "Add Endpoint for protocol '" + protocolName + "' and Algorithm '" + algName + "'")
            endpoint = Endpoint (None, localMemberId, tcId, protocol.getId(), address, credential.getId())
    _printAction (i, "Finished protocols and endpoints")
예제 #2
 def findBestEndpointForMember(self, memberid, communityid = None, allowDefaultCommunity = 0, allowRouting =1):
     Picks the most approriate endpoint for the given member.
     Per default, the default community is disabled here. 
     Currently, simply the first one is taken.
     from config import default_tc_id
     from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
     from communitymanager import getMemberManager
     negCommunityList = []
     if not allowDefaultCommunity:
     endpoints = getEndpointManager().getEndpointsForMember(memberid, communityid, negCommunityList)
     # if no routing allowed, remove the entries where the TC is not one, we are subscribed to
     routingless_endpoints = []
     local = getMemberManager().getLocalMember()
     for e in endpoints:
         except ValueError, msg:
예제 #3
파일: testg4ds.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
def testUpdatingAndDeletingOnManager():
    from communitymanager import getMemberManager, Member
    from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager, Endpoint, getProtocolManager
    from securitymanager import getCredentialManager, Credential, getAlgorithmManager

    m = Member('123','kk test', '<mdl/>','','2005-07-08')
    getMemberManager().updateMember(m, 1)
    alg = getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithmByNameAndInsert('nikos alg')
    c = Credential(None, alg.getId(),'','key5','123')
    protocol = getProtocolManager().getProtocolByNameAndInsert('soap')
    e = Endpoint(None, '123', 'C426009', protocol.getId(), 'http://localhost', c.getId())
예제 #4
파일: testg4ds.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
def testCommunicationManager():
    protMan = communicationmanager.getProtocolManager()
    print protMan
    prot1 = protMan.getProtocols()[0]
    print prot1
    endpMan = communicationmanager.getEndpointManager()
    print endpMan
    endp1 = endpMan.getEndpoints()[0]
    print endp1
예제 #5
    def _handleDecryptionAndValidation(self, message, protocolname):
        Helper function for supporting the decryption of the message.
        The passed message is passed to the L{messagewrapper.MessageWrapper.unwrapForDecryption}
        for removing the encryption "header" and gaining the name of the algorithm and the 
        cipher text. Afterwards, the function decrypt in the securitycontroller is invoked
        and the result is returned.
        @return: Result of the L{securitycontroller.SecurityController.decrypt}
        @rtype: C{String}
        alg, data = getMessageWrapper().unwrapForDecryption(message)
        data = getSecurityController().decrypt(data, alg)
        algName, memberid, communityid, data, signature = getMessageWrapper().unwrapForValidation(data)
        from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
        from errorhandling import G4dsDependencyException, G4dsCommunicationException
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT
        from securitymanager import getCredentialManager, getAlgorithmManager

            endpoint = getEndpointManager().findEndpoint(memberid, communityid, protocolname, algName)
            credential = getCredentialManager().getCredential(endpoint.getCredentialId())
            if not credential:
                getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT, 'No credential found for the sender of the incoming message - validation aborted.')
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('No credential found for the sender of the incoming message - validation aborted.')
            key = credential.getKey()
            if not getSecurityController().validate(data, signature, key, algName):
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('Signature not valid for this message.')
            return data, memberid, communityid
        except G4dsDependencyException, msg:
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT, 'Src Enpoint Detemination: %s - attempt key determination' %(msg))
            # we have to carry on here - if the message is routed; the end-to-end message integrity must still be ensured; however - both members are not in the 
            # same community; hence - the receiver might not know about the endpoints of the sender; however, for this approach it's compulsary, that the public
            # key is known
            creds = getCredentialManager().getCredentialsForMember(memberid)
            for cred in creds:
                # well, problem here - the sender might have several keys of the same algorithm - no chance to get around checking them all here
                if getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithm(cred.getAlgorithmId()).getName() == algName:
                    key = cred.getKey()
                    if getSecurityController().validate(data, signature, key, algName):
                        return data, memberid, communityid
            # ohoh - looks like this message is not valied :(
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_INCOMING_NO_ENDPOINT, 'Src Enpoint Detemination: manual key search not sucessful.')
            raise G4dsCommunicationException('Signature not valid for the incoming message.')
예제 #6
    def sendMessage(self, message, endpoint):
        Tries to deliver a message directly, if impossible via wrapping into routing message.
        All messages should be passed here and not be sent from anywhere else. The routing engine 
        looks, whether the given endpoint may be reached directly from the local node. If this
        is possible, the message is sent off directly. If, however, this is not possible, the 
        message is wrapped into a routing message and gateways are tried to identify for passing
        the message through the topology.
        # check, whether I am in the community of the given endpoint, if not - we need to attempt to route this message
        tc = endpoint.getCommunityId()
        from communitymanager import getMemberManager
        local = getMemberManager().getLocalMember()
##        try:
##            local.getCommunityIds().index(tc)
        from communicationmanager import getProtocolManager, getEndpointManager

        if len(getEndpointManager().getEndpointsForMember(local.getId(), tc)):

            from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger, COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG, COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG, 'New outgoing message - direct delivery (%s | %s)' %(endpoint.getMemberId(), tc))
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Endpoint %s' %(str(endpoint)))
            getDefaultLogger().newMessage(COMMUNICATION_OUTGOING_MSG_DETAILS, '-- Size of Data %d chars' %(len(message)))

            protocol = getProtocolManager().getProtocol(endpoint.getProtocolId())
            from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
            protocol = getProtocolController().getOpenProtocol(protocol.getName())
            from socket import error
            from errorhandling import G4dsCommunicationException
                protocol.sendMessage(endpoint.getAddress(), message)
            except error, msg:
                raise G4dsCommunicationException('Sending Message: %s' %(msg))
예제 #7
    def sendG4dsMessage(self, endpointid, message, refid = None):
        Send a message using the given protocol.
        The message is encyrpted first of all using the algorithm with the requested id. (In fact, for this
        matter the message is passed to the private function L{_handleSigningAndEncryption}, which will thereupon
        pass the request to the SecurityController and return the result. The encrypted result is wrapped into
        a valid G4DS message using the L{messagewrapper.MessageWrapper.wrapG4dsMessage} function.
        Finally, the result is passed to the routing engine, which will send it off using the requested
        @param endpointid: Id of the endpoint for this message. 
        @type endpointid: C{String}
        @param message: Message to be send via G4DS. Should "actually" be a service or control message
        @type message: C{String} (XML)
        @param refid: An id of a previous message which shall be referenced here
        @type refid: C{String}
        @return: ID of the message
        @rtype: C{String}
        from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
        endpoint = getEndpointManager().getEndpoint(endpointid)

        from tools import generateId, TYPE_MESSAGE
        mid = generateId(TYPE_MESSAGE)
        from config import memberid
        message, doc = getMessageWrapper().wrapG4dsPlain(message, mid, memberid, refid)
        message, tree, rootnode = self._handleSigningAndEncryption(message, endpoint)
        xmltext, domtree = getMessageWrapper().wrapG4dsMessage(rootnode)
        from routingcontroller import getRoutingEngine
##        import thread
##        thread.start_new_thread(getRoutingEngine().sendMessage, (xmltext, endpoint))
        getRoutingEngine().sendMessage(xmltext, endpoint)
        return mid
예제 #8
파일: testg4ds.py 프로젝트: kichkasch/ioids
def checkEndpoints():
    from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
    print len(getEndpointManager().getEndpointsForMember('M111', 'C12345'))