class ExplorerNodeBase(object): def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('explorer') # Get the drive robot service # rospy.loginfo('Waiting for service drive_to_goal') rospy.wait_for_service('drive_to_goal') self.driveToGoalService = rospy.ServiceProxy('drive_to_goal', Goal) # rospy.loginfo('Got the drive_to_goal service') self.waitForGoal = threading.Condition() self.waitForDriveCompleted = threading.Condition() self.goal = None # Subscribe to get the map update messages self.mapUpdateSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber('updated_map', MapUpdate, self.mapUpdateCallback) self.noMapReceived = True # Clear the map variables self.occupancyGrid = None self.deltaOccupancyGrid = None # Flags used to control the graphical output. Note that we # can't create the drawers until we receive the first map # message. self.showOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param( 'show_explorer_occupancy_grid', True) self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param( 'show_explorer_delta_occupancy_grid', True) self.occupancyGridDrawer = None self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer = None self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False # Request an initial map to get the ball rolling # rospy.loginfo('Waiting for service request_map_update') rospy.wait_for_service('request_map_update') mapRequestService = rospy.ServiceProxy('request_map_update', RequestMapUpdate) mapUpdate = mapRequestService(True) while mapUpdate.initialMapUpdate.isPriorMap is True: self.kickstartSimulator() mapUpdate = mapRequestService(True) self.mapUpdateCallback(mapUpdate.initialMapUpdate) def mapUpdateCallback(self, msg): # rospy.loginfo("map update received") # If the occupancy grids do not exist, create them if self.occupancyGrid is None: self.occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid.fromMapUpdateMessage(msg) self.deltaOccupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid.fromMapUpdateMessage(msg) # Update the grids self.occupancyGrid.updateGridFromVector(msg.occupancyGrid) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.updateGridFromVector(msg.deltaOccupancyGrid) # Update the frontiers self.updateFrontiers() # Flag there's something to show graphically self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True # This method determines if a cell is a frontier cell or not. A # frontier cell is open and has at least one neighbour which is # unknown. def isFrontierCell(self, x, y): # Check the cell to see if it's open if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(x, y) != 0: return False # Check the neighbouring cells; if at least one of them is unknown, it's a frontier return self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, -1, -1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 0, -1) \ | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 1, -1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 1, 0) \ | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 1, 1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 0, 1) \ | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, -1, 1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, -1, 0) def checkIfCellIsUnknown(self, x, y, offsetX, offsetY): newX = x + offsetX newY = y + offsetY return (newX >= 0) & (newX < self.occupancyGrid.getWidthInCells()) \ & (newY >= 0) & (newY < self.occupancyGrid.getHeightInCells()) \ & (self.occupancyGrid.getCell(newX, newY) == 0.5) # You should provide your own implementation of this method which # maintains and updates the frontiers. The method should return # True if any outstanding frontiers exist. If the method returns # False, it is assumed that the map is completely explored and the # explorer will exit. def updateFrontiers(self): raise NotImplementedError() def chooseNewDestination(self): raise NotImplementedError() def destinationReached(self, goalReached): raise NotImplementedError() def updateVisualisation(self): # If we don't need to do an update, simply flush the graphics # to make sure everything appears properly in VNC if self.visualisationUpdateRequired is False: if self.occupancyGridDrawer is not None: self.occupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() if self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer is not None: self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() return # Update the visualisation; note that we can only create the # drawers here because we don't know the size of the map until # we get the first update from the mapper. if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: if self.occupancyGridDrawer is None: windowHeight = rospy.get_param( 'maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 600) self.occupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Explorer Node Occupancy Grid',\ self.occupancyGrid, windowHeight) self.occupancyGridDrawer.update() if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: if self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer is None: windowHeight = rospy.get_param( 'maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 600) self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Explorer Node Delta Occupancy Grid',\ self.deltaOccupancyGrid, windowHeight) self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.update() self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False def sendGoalToRobot(self, goal): rospy.logwarn("Sending the robot to " + str(goal)) try: response = self.driveToGoalService(goal[0], goal[1], 0) return response.reachedGoal except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e return False
class MapperNode(object): def __init__(self): # Get the ground truth map from stdr; we use this to figure out the dimensions of the map rospy.init_node('mapper_node', anonymous=True) self.mapServer = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap) resp = self.mapServer() self.entropyFile = open( '/home/ros_user/cw2_catkin_ws/src/comp0037/comp0037_mapper/src/comp0037_mapper/entropy.txt', 'w') # Drawing options self.showOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param('show_mapper_occupancy_grid', True) self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param( 'show_mapper_delta_occupancy_grid', True) # Create the publisher for the regular map messages self.mapUpdatePublisher = rospy.Publisher('updated_map', MapUpdate, queue_size=1) # Get the map scale mapScale = rospy.get_param('plan_scale', 5) # Create the occupancy grid map. This is the "raw" one from the sensor. self.occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0.5) self.occupancyGrid.setScale(mapScale) self.occupancyGrid.scaleEmptyMap() # Create the delta occupancy grid map. This stores the difference since the last time the map was sent out self.deltaOccupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.setScale(mapScale) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.scaleEmptyMap() windowHeight = rospy.get_param('maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 600) if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: self.occupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Mapper Node Occupancy Grid',\ self.occupancyGrid, windowHeight) if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0) self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.setScale(mapScale) self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.scaleEmptyMap() self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Mapper Node Delta Occupancy Grid',\ self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow, windowHeight) # Flag set to true if graphics can be updated self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False # Set up the lock to ensure thread safety self.dataCopyLock = Lock() self.noOdometryReceived = True self.noTwistReceived = True self.noLaserScanReceived = True self.enableMapping = True # Register the supported services self.changeMapperStateService = rospy.Service('change_mapper_state', ChangeMapperState, self.mappingStateService) self.requestMapUpdateService = rospy.Service( 'request_map_update', RequestMapUpdate, self.requestMapUpdateService) # Set up the subscribers. These track the robot position, speed and laser scans. self.mostRecentOdometry = Odometry() self.odometrySubscriber = rospy.Subscriber("robot0/odom", Odometry, self.odometryCallback, queue_size=1) self.mostRecentTwist = Twist() self.twistSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/robot0/cmd_vel', Twist, self.twistCallback, queue_size=1) self.laserSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber("robot0/laser_0", LaserScan, self.laserScanCallback, queue_size=1) def odometryCallback(self, msg): self.dataCopyLock.acquire() self.mostRecentOdometry = msg self.noOdometryReceived = False self.dataCopyLock.release() def twistCallback(self, msg): self.dataCopyLock.acquire() self.mostRecentVelocity = msg self.noTwistReceived = False self.dataCopyLock.release() def mappingStateService(self, changeMapperState): self.enableMapping = changeMapperState.enableMapping # rospy.loginfo('Changing the enableMapping state to %d', self.enableMapping) return ChangeMapperStateResponse() def requestMapUpdateService(self, request): # rospy.loginfo('requestMapUpdateService with deltaOccupancyGridRequired %d', request.deltaOccupancyGridRequired) mapUpdateMessage = self.constructMapUpdateMessage( request.deltaOccupancyGridRequired) return RequestMapUpdateResponse(mapUpdateMessage) # Handle the laser scan callback. First process the scans and update the various maps def laserScanCallback(self, msg): # Can't process anything until stuff is enabled if self.enableMapping is False: return # Can't process anything until we have the first scan if (self.noOdometryReceived is True) or (self.noTwistReceived is True): return # Process the scan gridHasChanged = self.parseScan(msg) # If nothing has changed, return if gridHasChanged is False: return # Mark that there is a pending update to the visualisation self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True # Mark that a laser scan has been received self.noLaserScanReceived = False # Construct the map update message and send it out mapUpdateMessage = self.constructMapUpdateMessage(True) # rospy.loginfo('publishing map update message') self.mapUpdatePublisher.publish(mapUpdateMessage) # Predict the pose of the robot to the current time. This is to # hopefully make the pose of the robot a bit more accurate. The # equation is: currentPose = lastPose + dT * lastTwist. Note this # isn't quite right. e.g. a more proper implementation would store # a history of velocities and interpolate over them. def predictPose(self, predictTime): # Copy the last odometry and velocity self.dataCopyLock.acquire() currentPose = copy.deepcopy(self.mostRecentOdometry.pose.pose) currentPoseTime = self.mostRecentOdometry.header.stamp.to_sec() currentTwist = copy.deepcopy(self.mostRecentTwist) self.dataCopyLock.release() dT = 0 #predictTime - currentPoseTime quaternion = (currentPose.orientation.x, currentPose.orientation.y, currentPose.orientation.z, currentPose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) theta = euler[2] # These are the "ideal motion model" prediction equations from # stdr which attempt to accurately describe the trajectory of # the robot if it turns as it moves. The equations are precise # if the angular and linear velocity is constant over the # prediction interval. if (abs(currentTwist.angular.z) < 1e-6): x = currentPose.position.x + dT * currentTwist.linear.x * math.cos( theta) y = currentPose.position.y + dT * currentTwist.linear.x * math.sin( theta) else: x = currentPose.position.x - currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * sin(theta) + \ currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * sin(theta + dT * currentTwist.angular.z) y = currentPose.position.y - currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * cos(theta) + \ currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * cos(theta + dT * currentTwist.angular.z) theta = theta + currentTwist.angular.z * dT return x, y, theta def parseScan(self, msg): # Predict the robot pose to the time the scan was taken x, y, theta = self.predictPose(msg.header.stamp.to_sec()) # Clear the flag which shows that the map has changed gridHasChanged = False # Clear the delta map, to imply that no changes have been detected self.deltaOccupancyGrid.clearMap(0) # For each ray, check the range is good. If so, check all the # cells along the ray and mark cells as either open or # blocked. To get around numerical issues, we trace along each # ray in turn and terminate when we hit the first obstacle or at the end of the ray. for ii in range( int( math.floor((msg.angle_max - msg.angle_min) / msg.angle_increment))): # rospy.loginfo("{} {} {}".format(msg.ranges[ii],msg.angle_min,msg.angle_max)) detectedRange = msg.ranges[ii] # If the detection is below the minimum range, assume this ray is busted and continue if (detectedRange <= msg.range_min): continue rayEndsOnObject = True # If the detection range is beyond the end of the sensor, # this is the mark which says that nothing was detected if detectedRange >= msg.range_max: rayEndsOnObject = False detectedRange = msg.range_max # Get the angle of this ray angle = msg.angle_min + msg.angle_increment * ii + theta # Get the list of cells which sit on this ray. The ray is # scaled so that the last sell is at the detected range # from the sensor. between = self.ray_trace(detectedRange, x, y, angle, msg) # If between is empty, something went wrong with the ray cast, so skip if len(between) == 0: continue # Traverse along the ray and set cells. We can only change # cells from unknown (0.5) to free. If we encounter a # blocked cell, terminate. Sometimes the ray can slightly # extend through a blocked cell due to numerical rounding # issues. traversedToEnd = True for point in between: try: if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(point[0], point[1]) > 0.5: traversedToEnd = False break if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(point[0], point[1]) == 0.5: self.occupancyGrid.setCell(point[0], point[1], 0) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.setCell( point[0], point[1], 1.0) if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.setCell( point[0], point[1], 1.0) gridHasChanged = True except IndexError as e: print(e) print "between: " + str(point[0]) + ", " + str(point[1]) print "extent: " + str(self.occupancyGrid.getExtent()) # If we got to the end okay, see if we have to mark the # state of the end cell to occupied or not. To do this, we # Note that we can change a cell # from unknown and free to occupied, but we cannot change # the state from occupied back to anything else. This gets # around the issue that there can be "blinking" between # whether a cell is occupied or not. if (traversedToEnd is True) & (rayEndsOnObject is True): lastPoint = between[-1] if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1]) < 1.0: self.occupancyGrid.setCell(lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1], 1) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.setCell(lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1], 1.0) if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.setCell( lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1], 1.0) gridHasChanged = True return gridHasChanged def ray_trace(self, dist, x, y, angle, scanmsg): """ Function to get a list of points between two points :param origin: position of the origin in world coordinates :param dist: distance to end point :param angle: angle from robot :param scanmsg: Laser Scan message :return: list of points in between the origin and end point """ startPoint = self.occupancyGrid.getCellCoordinatesFromWorldCoordinates([math.cos(angle) * scanmsg.range_min + x, \ math.sin(angle) * scanmsg.range_min + y]) endPoint = self.occupancyGrid.getCellCoordinatesFromWorldCoordinates([math.cos(angle) * dist + x, \ math.sin(angle) * dist + y]) points = bresenham(endPoint, startPoint) return points.path def updateVisualisation(self): # If anything has changed the state of the occupancy grids, # visualisationUpdateRequired is set to true. Therefore, the # graphics are updated. If set to false, we flush anyway to # make sure that the windows are properly (re)drawn in VNC. if self.visualisationUpdateRequired is True: if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: self.occupancyGridDrawer.update() if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.update() self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.clearMap(0) self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False else: if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: self.occupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() def constructMapUpdateMessage(self, deltaMapRequired): # Construct the map update message mapUpdateMessage = MapUpdate() # rospy.loginfo('constructMapUpdateMessage: invoked') mapUpdateMessage.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now() mapUpdateMessage.isPriorMap = self.noLaserScanReceived mapUpdateMessage.scale = self.occupancyGrid.getScale() mapUpdateMessage.resolution = self.occupancyGrid.getResolution() mapUpdateMessage.extentInCells = self.occupancyGrid.getExtentInCells() mapUpdateMessage.occupancyGrid = self.occupancyGrid.getGridAsVector() if deltaMapRequired is True: mapUpdateMessage.deltaOccupancyGrid = self.deltaOccupancyGrid.getGridAsVector( ) return mapUpdateMessage def entropyGrid(self): # entropies = [] totalEntropy = 0 # go through all of the occupancy grid cells for y in range(0, self.occupancyGrid.getHeightInCells()): # entropyRow = [] entropyRow = 0 for x in range(0, self.occupancyGrid.getWidthInCells()): entropyElement = self.occupancyGrid.getCell(x, y) cell_ent = 0 # in the case where the cell is unknown # (0.5 * ln(0.5)) * (-2) ~ 0.69315 if entropyElement == 0.5: cell_ent = 0.69315 # entropyRow.append(cell_ent) entropyRow += cell_ent # entropies.append(entropyRow) totalEntropy += entropyRow # self.entropyFile.write(str(entropyRow) + "\n") # self.entropyFile.write("\n\n") self.entropyFile.write(str(totalEntropy) + "\n") # return entropies return totalEntropy def run(self): slept = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.updateVisualisation() rospy.sleep(0.1) slept += 0.1 if slept >= 5: entropy_grid = self.entropyGrid() slept = 0 self.entropyFile.close()
class ExplorerNodeBase(object): def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('explorer') # Get the drive robot service rospy.loginfo('Waiting for service drive_to_goal') rospy.wait_for_service('drive_to_goal') self.driveToGoalService = rospy.ServiceProxy('drive_to_goal', Goal) rospy.loginfo('Got the drive_to_goal service') self.waitForGoal = threading.Condition() self.waitForDriveCompleted = threading.Condition() self.goal = None # Subscribe to get the map update messages self.mapUpdateSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber('updated_map', MapUpdate, self.mapUpdateCallback) self.noMapReceived = True # Clear the map variables self.occupancyGrid = None self.deltaOccupancyGrid = None self.counter = 0 = [] self.previousFrontier = [] # Flags used to control the graphical output. Note that we # can't create the drawers until we receive the first map # message. self.showOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param( 'show_explorer_occupancy_grid', True) self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param( 'show_explorer_delta_occupancy_grid', True) self.occupancyGridDrawer = None self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer = None self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False # Request an initial map to get the ball rolling rospy.loginfo('Waiting for service request_map_update') rospy.wait_for_service('request_map_update') mapRequestService = rospy.ServiceProxy('request_map_update', RequestMapUpdate) mapUpdate = mapRequestService(True) while mapUpdate.initialMapUpdate.isPriorMap is True: self.kickstartSimulator() mapUpdate = mapRequestService(True) self.mapUpdateCallback(mapUpdate.initialMapUpdate) def mapUpdateCallback(self, msg): rospy.loginfo("map update received") # If the occupancy grids do not exist, create them if self.occupancyGrid is None: self.occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid.fromMapUpdateMessage(msg) self.deltaOccupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid.fromMapUpdateMessage(msg) # Update the grids self.occupancyGrid.updateGridFromVector(msg.occupancyGrid) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.updateGridFromVector(msg.deltaOccupancyGrid) # Update the frontiers self.updateFrontiers() # Flag there's something to show graphically self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True # This method determines if a cell is a frontier cell or not. A # frontier cell is open and has at least one neighbour which is # unknown. def isFrontierCell(self, x, y): # Check the cell to see if it's open if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(x, y) != 0: return False # Check the neighbouring cells; if at least one of them is unknown, it's a frontier return self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, -1, -1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 0, -1) \ | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 1, -1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 1, 0) \ | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 1, 1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, 0, 1) \ | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, -1, 1) | self.checkIfCellIsUnknown(x, y, -1, 0) def checkIfCellIsUnknown(self, x, y, offsetX, offsetY): newX = x + offsetX newY = y + offsetY return (newX >= 0) & (newX < self.occupancyGrid.getWidthInCells()) \ & (newY >= 0) & (newY < self.occupancyGrid.getHeightInCells()) \ & (self.occupancyGrid.getCell(newX, newY) == 0.5) # You should provide your own implementation of this method which # maintains and updates the frontiers. The method should return # True if any outstanding frontiers exist. If the method returns # False, it is assumed that the map is completely explored and the # explorer will exit. def updateFrontiers(self): self.previousFrontier = copy.copy( # If it's the first time if self.counter == 1: for x in range(0, self.occupancyGrid.getWidthInCells()): for y in range(0, self.occupancyGrid.getHeightInCells()): if self.isFrontierCell(x, y) == True:, y)) else: continue else: # First, check all current frontier points for idx, cell_coords in enumerate( if self.isFrontierCell(cell_coords[0], cell_coords[1]) is True: continue else: # Second, get access to the cells just discovered for x in range(0, self.deltaOccupancyGrid.getWidthInCells()): for y in range(0, self.deltaOccupancyGrid.getHeightInCells()): if (self.deltaOccupancyGrid.getCell(x, y) == 1.0) and not ((x, y) in if self.isFrontierCell(x, y) is True:, y)) # Now that we have all frontier points, let's split into multiple frontiers # Stores indices of frontiers from self.frontiers = [] self.frontiers.append([0]) for idx, frontierPoint in enumerate( for idx2, frontierPoint2 in enumerate( # print("idx2 vs. len( {} - {}".format(idx2, len( # Get the second point if idx == idx2: continue # If they are next to each other if (frontierPoint[0] + 1, frontierPoint[1] + 1) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0] + 1, frontierPoint[1]) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0] + 1, frontierPoint[1]-1) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0] - 1, frontierPoint[1] + 1) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0] - 1, frontierPoint[1]) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0] - 1, frontierPoint[1]-1) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0], frontierPoint[1] + 1) == frontierPoint2 \ or (frontierPoint[0], frontierPoint[1] - 1) == frontierPoint2: # Is idx already in self.frontiers? idxInFrontiers = False for f, frontier in enumerate(self.frontiers): if idx in frontier: whereIsIdx = f idxInFrontiers = True else: continue # If it is, add idx2 to that frontier: if idxInFrontiers: self.frontiers[whereIsIdx].append(idx2) # Otherwise, add idx as a new frontier else: self.frontiers.append([idx]) print(self.frontiers) print("Frontiers updated #{}".format(self.counter)) self.counter += 1 if == self.previousFrontier: return False else: return True def chooseNewDestination(self): raise NotImplementedError() def destinationReached(self, goalReached): raise NotImplementedError() def updateVisualisation(self): # If we don't need to do an update, simply flush the graphics # to make sure everything appears properly in VNC if self.visualisationUpdateRequired is False: if self.occupancyGridDrawer is not None: self.occupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() if self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer is not None: self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() return # Update the visualisation; note that we can only create the # drawers here because we don't know the size of the map until # we get the first update from the mapper. if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: if self.occupancyGridDrawer is None: windowHeight = rospy.get_param( 'maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 600) self.occupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Explorer Node Occupancy Grid',\ self.occupancyGrid, windowHeight) self.occupancyGridDrawer.update() if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: if self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer is None: windowHeight = rospy.get_param( 'maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 600) self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Explorer Node Delta Occupancy Grid',\ self.deltaOccupancyGrid, windowHeight) self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.update() self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False def sendGoalToRobot(self, goal): rospy.logwarn("Sending the robot to " + str(goal)) try: response = self.driveToGoalService(goal[0], goal[1], 0) return response.reachedGoal except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e return False
class MapperNode(object): def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('mapper_node', anonymous=True) # Check if we use the ground truth map from stdr; if this is enabled, the mapper will ignore # the laser scans self.useGroundTruthMap = True # Set up the lock to ensure thread safety self.dataCopyLock = Lock() self.noOdometryReceived = True self.noTwistReceived = True self.noLaserScanReceived = True self.enableMapping = True # List of active obstacles self.activatedObstacles = [] self.disactivatedObstacles = [] self.activeObstacles = [] # Get the ground truth map from stdr; we use this to figure out the dimensions of the map rospy.loginfo('waiting for the static_map service') rospy.wait_for_service('static_map') self.mapServer = rospy.ServiceProxy('static_map', GetMap) resp = self.mapServer() # Drawing options self.showOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param('show_mapper_occupancy_grid', True) self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid = rospy.get_param( 'show_mapper_delta_occupancy_grid', True) # Flag set to true if graphics can be updated self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False # Create the publisher for the regular map messages self.mapUpdatePublisher = rospy.Publisher('updated_map', MapUpdate, queue_size=1) # Get the map scale mapScale = rospy.get_param('plan_scale', 5) # Create the occupancy grid self.occupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0.5) self.occupancyGrid.setScale(mapScale) self.occupancyGrid.scaleEmptyMap() # Create the delta occupancy grid map. This stores the difference since the last time the map was sent out self.deltaOccupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.setScale(mapScale) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.scaleEmptyMap() # If we are using ground truth, create a ground truth occupancy map (used for reference) and set its value to the # ground truth map. if self.useGroundTruthMap is True: self.groundTruthOccupancyGrid = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0.5) self.groundTruthOccupancyGrid.setScale(mapScale) self.groundTruthOccupancyGrid.setFromDataArrayFromMapServer( self.updateOccupancyGridFromGroundTruthAndObstacles() self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True self.noLaserScanReceived = False # Debug code if False: uniqueCellValues1 = [] for x in range(self.occupancyGrid.widthInCells): for y in range(self.occupancyGrid.heightInCells): if self.groundTruthOccupancyGrid.grid[x][ y] not in uniqueCellValues1: uniqueCellValues1.append(self.occupancyGrid.grid[x][y]) uniqueCellValues = [] print str(len( for x in range(len( g =[x] if g not in uniqueCellValues: uniqueCellValues.append(g) print '**************************************************************************************' print str(uniqueCellValues) print str(uniqueCellValues1) print '**************************************************************************************' windowHeight = rospy.get_param('maximum_window_height_in_pixels', 600) if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: self.occupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Mapper Node Occupancy Grid',\ self.occupancyGrid, windowHeight) if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow = OccupancyGrid(,,, 0) self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.setScale(mapScale) self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.scaleEmptyMap() self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer = OccupancyGridDrawer('Mapper Node Delta Occupancy Grid',\ self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow, windowHeight) # Set up the subscribers. These track the robot position, speed, threshold and laser scans. self.mostRecentOdometry = Odometry() self.odometrySubscriber = rospy.Subscriber("robot0/odom", Odometry, self.odometryCallback, queue_size=1) self.mostRecentTwist = Twist() self.twistSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber('/robot0/cmd_vel', Twist, self.twistCallback, queue_size=1) self.laserSubscriber = rospy.Subscriber("robot0/laser_0", LaserScan, self.laserScanCallback, queue_size=1) self.addObstacleToMapSubscriber = \ rospy.Subscriber("/add_obstacle_to_map", Int32, self.addObstacleToMapCallback, queue_size=1) self.removeObstacleFromMapSubscriber = \ rospy.Subscriber("/remove_obstacle_from_map", Int32, self.removeObstacleFromMapCallback, queue_size=1) # Register the supported services self.changeMapperStateService = rospy.Service('change_mapper_state', ChangeMapperState, self.mappingStateService) self.requestMapUpdateService = rospy.Service( 'request_map_update', RequestMapUpdate, self.requestMapUpdateService) def odometryCallback(self, msg): self.dataCopyLock.acquire() self.mostRecentOdometry = msg self.noOdometryReceived = False self.dataCopyLock.release() def twistCallback(self, msg): self.dataCopyLock.acquire() self.mostRecentVelocity = msg self.noTwistReceived = False self.dataCopyLock.release() def mappingStateService(self, changeMapperState): self.enableMapping = changeMapperState.enableMapping # rospy.loginfo('Changing the enableMapping state to %d', self.enableMapping) return ChangeMapperStateResponse() def requestMapUpdateService(self, request): rospy.loginfo( 'requestMapUpdateService with deltaOccupancyGridRequired %d', request.deltaOccupancyGridRequired) mapUpdateMessage = self.constructMapUpdateMessage( request.deltaOccupancyGridRequired) return RequestMapUpdateResponse(mapUpdateMessage) # Handle the laser scan callback. First process the scans and update the various maps def laserScanCallback(self, msg): if self.useGroundTruthMap is True: return # Can't process anything until stuff is enabled if self.enableMapping is False: return # Can't process anything until we have the first scan if (self.noOdometryReceived is True) or (self.noTwistReceived is True): return # Process the scan gridHasChanged = self.parseScan(msg) # If nothing has changed, return if gridHasChanged is False: return # Mark that there is a pending update to the visualisation self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True # Mark that a laser scan has been received self.noLaserScanReceived = False # Construct the map update message and send it out mapUpdateMessage = self.constructMapUpdateMessage(True) rospy.loginfo('publishing map update message') self.mapUpdatePublisher.publish(mapUpdateMessage) def predictPose(self, predictTime): self.dataCopyLock.acquire() currentPose = copy.deepcopy(self.mostRecentOdometry.pose.pose) currentPoseTime = self.mostRecentOdometry.header.stamp.to_sec() currentTwist = copy.deepcopy(self.mostRecentTwist) self.dataCopyLock.release() dT = 0 #predictTime - currentPoseTime quaternion = (currentPose.orientation.x, currentPose.orientation.y, currentPose.orientation.z, currentPose.orientation.w) euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) theta = euler[2] # These are the "ideal motion model" prediction equations from # stdr which attempt to accurately describe the trajectory of # the robot if it turns as it moves. The equations are precise # if the angular and linear velocity is constant over the # prediction interval. if (abs(currentTwist.angular.z) < 1e-6): x = currentPose.position.x + dT * currentTwist.linear.x * math.cos( theta) y = currentPose.position.y + dT * currentTwist.linear.x * math.sin( theta) else: x = currentPose.position.x - currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * sin(theta) + \ currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * sin(theta + dT * currentTwist.angular.z) y = currentPose.position.y - currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * cos(theta) + \ currentTwist.linear.x / currentTwist.angular.z * cos(theta + dT * currentTwist.angular.z) theta = theta + currentTwist.angular.z * dT return x, y, theta # This method notes the obstacle ID with the groundtruth list. def addObstacleToMapCallback(self, obstacleMsg): id = rospy.loginfo( 'addObstacleToMapCallback: adding obstacle {}'.format(id)) if id not in self.activeObstacles: self.activeObstacles.append(id) rospy.loginfo( 'addObstacleToGroundtruthListCallback: activeObstacles = {}'. format(self.activeObstacles)) self.updateOccupancyGridFromGroundTruthAndObstacles() self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True def removeObstacleFromMapCallback(self, obstacleMsg): id = rospy.loginfo( 'removeObstacleFromGroundtruthListCallback: removing obstacle {}'. format(id)) if id in self.activeObstacles: self.activeObstacles.remove(id) rospy.loginfo( 'removeObstacleFromGroundtruthListCallback: activateObstacles = {}' .format(self.activeObstacles)) self.updateOccupancyGridFromGroundTruthAndObstacles() self.visualisationUpdateRequired = True def parseScan(self, msg): # Predict the robot pose to the time the scan was taken x, y, theta = self.predictPose(msg.header.stamp.to_sec()) # Clear the flag which shows that the map has changed gridHasChanged = False # Clear the delta map, to imply that no changes have been detected self.deltaOccupancyGrid.clearMap(0) # For each ray, check the range is good. If so, check all the # cells along the ray and mark cells as either open or # blocked. To get around numerical issues, we trace along each # ray in turn and terminate when we hit the first obstacle or at the end of the ray. for ii in range( int( math.floor((msg.angle_max - msg.angle_min) / msg.angle_increment))): # rospy.loginfo("{} {} {}".format(msg.ranges[ii],msg.angle_min,msg.angle_max)) detectedRange = msg.ranges[ii] # If the detection is below the minimum range, assume this ray is busted and continue if (detectedRange <= msg.range_min): continue rayEndsOnObject = True # If the detection range is beyond the end of the sensor, # this is the mark which says that nothing was detected if detectedRange >= msg.range_max: rayEndsOnObject = False detectedRange = msg.range_max # Get the angle of this ray angle = msg.angle_min + msg.angle_increment * ii + theta # Get the list of cells which sit on this ray. The ray is # scaled so that the last sell is at the detected range # from the sensor. between = self.ray_trace(detectedRange, x, y, angle, msg) # If between is empty, something went wrong with the ray cast, so skip if len(between) == 0: continue # Traverse along the ray and set cells. We can only change # cells from unknown (0.5) to free. If we encounter a # blocked cell, terminate. Sometimes the ray can slightly # extend through a blocked cell due to numerical rounding # issues. traversedToEnd = True for point in between: try: # if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(point[0], point[1]) == 0.5: self.occupancyGrid.setCell(point[0], point[1], 0) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.setCell(point[0], point[1], 1.0) if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.setCell( point[0], point[1], 1.0) gridHasChanged = True except IndexError as e: print(e) print "between: " + str(point[0]) + ", " + str(point[1]) print "extent: " + str(self.occupancyGrid.getExtent()) # If we got to the end okay, see if we have to mark the # state of the end cell to occupied or not. To do this, we # Note that we can change a cell # from unknown and free to occupied, but we cannot change # the state from occupied back to anything else. This gets # around the issue that there can be "blinking" between # whether a cell is occupied or not. if (traversedToEnd is True) & (rayEndsOnObject is True): lastPoint = between[-1] if self.occupancyGrid.getCell(lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1]) < 1.0: self.occupancyGrid.setCell(lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1], 1) self.deltaOccupancyGrid.setCell(lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1], 1.0) if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.setCell( lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1], 1.0) gridHasChanged = True return gridHasChanged def ray_trace(self, dist, x, y, angle, scanmsg): """ Function to get a list of points between two points :param origin: position of the origin in world coordinates :param dist: distance to end point :param angle: angle from robot :param scanmsg: Laser Scan message :return: list of points in between the origin and end point """ startPoint = self.occupancyGrid.getCellCoordinatesFromWorldCoordinates([math.cos(angle) * scanmsg.range_min + x, \ math.sin(angle) * scanmsg.range_min + y]) endPoint = self.occupancyGrid.getCellCoordinatesFromWorldCoordinates([math.cos(angle) * dist + x, \ math.sin(angle) * dist + y]) points = bresenham(endPoint, startPoint) return points.path def updateOccupancyGridFromGroundTruthAndObstacles(self): # Loop through the map and change the occupancy grid so that only # visible objects are shown. Note that we turn the cell occupancy back # into an integer to avoid rounding issues in comparisons. self.occupancyGrid.grid = copy.deepcopy( self.groundTruthOccupancyGrid.grid) for x in range(self.occupancyGrid.widthInCells): for y in range(self.occupancyGrid.heightInCells): cell = int(self.occupancyGrid.getCell(x, y) * 100) if cell > 0 and cell < 100: if cell in self.activeObstacles: self.occupancyGrid.setCell(x, y, 1) else: self.occupancyGrid.setCell(x, y, 0) mapUpdateMessage = self.constructMapUpdateMessage(True) rospy.loginfo('publishing map update message') self.mapUpdatePublisher.publish(mapUpdateMessage) def updateVisualisation(self): # If anything has changed the state of the occupancy grids, # visualisationUpdateRequired is set to true. Therefore, the # graphics are updated. If set to false, we flush anyway to # make sure that the windows are properly (re)drawn in VNC. if self.visualisationUpdateRequired is True: if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: self.occupancyGridDrawer.update() if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.update() self.deltaOccupancyGridForShow.clearMap(0) self.visualisationUpdateRequired = False else: if self.showOccupancyGrid is True: self.occupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() if self.showDeltaOccupancyGrid is True: self.deltaOccupancyGridDrawer.flushAndUpdateWindow() def constructMapUpdateMessage(self, deltaMapRequired): # Construct the map update message mapUpdateMessage = MapUpdate() #rospy.loginfo('constructMapUpdateMessage: invoked') mapUpdateMessage.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now() mapUpdateMessage.isPriorMap = self.noLaserScanReceived mapUpdateMessage.scale = self.occupancyGrid.getScale() mapUpdateMessage.resolution = self.occupancyGrid.getResolution() mapUpdateMessage.extentInCells = self.occupancyGrid.getExtentInCells() mapUpdateMessage.occupancyGrid = self.occupancyGrid.getGridAsVector() if deltaMapRequired is True: mapUpdateMessage.deltaOccupancyGrid = self.deltaOccupancyGrid.getGridAsVector( ) return mapUpdateMessage def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.updateVisualisation() rospy.sleep(0.1)