def post(self): uploaded_file = request.files.get('file') if not uploaded_file: abort( 400, title="File Not Uploaded", message= "Sorry, no file was found to upload. Please try uploading again." ) elif not allowed_file( uploaded_file.filename, current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']): extensions = [ extension.upper() for extension in list( current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']) ] extensions.sort() extensions = ", ".join(extensions) abort( 400, title="File Not Uploaded", message= "Please try again with an approved file type, which includes: " + extensions + ".") on_save_file.send(self,, user=current_user, data={'file': uploaded_file.filename}) try: db_file = File(, name='', alias=uploaded_file.filename) db.session.add(db_file) db.session.commit() # use uuid generated by file model for name name = db_file.uuid + '.' + uploaded_file.filename.lower().rsplit( '.', 1)[1] # create new file with name full_path = os.path.join( current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_FOLDER'], name) current_app.logger.debug("Saved attachment {}/{}".format( current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_FOLDER'], name)) # update file record with name = name db.session.commit() except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() raise e return {'file': marshal(db_file, dataformat.get_file())}
def post(self, course_uuid): course = Course.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(course_uuid) user_course = UserCourse( require(EDIT, user_course, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Sorry, your role in this course does not allow you to import or otherwise change the class list.") if current_app.config.get('DEMO_INSTALLATION', False): from data.fixtures import DemoDataFixture if == DemoDataFixture.DEFAULT_COURSE_ID: abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Sorry, you cannot import users for the default demo course.") params = import_classlist_parser.parse_args() import_type = params.get('import_type') if import_type not in [ThirdPartyType.cas.value, ThirdPartyType.saml.value, None]: abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Please select a way for students to log in and try importing again.") elif import_type == ThirdPartyType.cas.value and not current_app.config.get('CAS_LOGIN_ENABLED'): abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Please select another way for students to log in and try importing again. Students are not able to use CWL logins based on the current settings.") elif import_type == ThirdPartyType.saml.value and not current_app.config.get('SAML_LOGIN_ENABLED'): abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Please select another way for students to log in and try importing again. Students are not able to use CWL logins based on the current settings.") elif import_type is None and not current_app.config.get('APP_LOGIN_ENABLED'): abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Please select another way for students to log in and try importing again. Students are not able to use the ComPAIR logins based on the current settings.") uploaded_file = request.files['file'] results = {'success': 0, 'invalids': []} if not uploaded_file: abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="No file was found to upload. Please try uploading again.") elif not allowed_file(uploaded_file.filename, current_app.config['UPLOAD_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']): abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message="Sorry, only CSV files can be imported. Please try again with a CSV file.") unique = str(uuid.uuid4()) filename = unique + secure_filename(uploaded_file.filename) tmp_name = os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) current_app.logger.debug("Importing for course " + str( + " with " + filename) with open(tmp_name, 'rb') as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile) users = [] for row in spamreader: if row: users.append(row) if len(users) > 0: results = import_users(import_type, course, users) on_classlist_upload.send( self,, user=current_user, os.remove(tmp_name) current_app.logger.debug("Class Import for course " + str( + " is successful. Removed file.") return results
def post(self): uploaded_file = request.files.get('file') if not uploaded_file: abort(400, title="File Not Uploaded", message="Sorry, no file was found to upload. Please try uploading again.") elif not allowed_file(uploaded_file.filename, current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']): extensions = [extension.upper() for extension in list(current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS'])] extensions.sort() extensions = ", ".join(extensions) abort(400, title="File Not Uploaded", message="Please try again with an approved file type, which includes: "+extensions+".") on_save_file.send( self,, user=current_user, data={'file': uploaded_file.filename}) try: db_file = File(, name='', alias=uploaded_file.filename ) db.session.add(db_file) db.session.commit() # use uuid generated by file model for name name = db_file.uuid + '.' + uploaded_file.filename.lower().rsplit('.', 1)[1] # create new file with name full_path = os.path.join(current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_FOLDER'], name) current_app.logger.debug("Saved attachment {}/{}".format(current_app.config['ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_FOLDER'], name)) # update file record with name = name db.session.commit() except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() raise e return {'file': marshal(db_file, dataformat.get_file())}
def post(self, course_uuid): course = Course.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(course_uuid) user_course = UserCourse( require( EDIT, user_course, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Sorry, your role in this course does not allow you to import or otherwise change the class list." ) if current_app.config.get('DEMO_INSTALLATION', False): from data.fixtures import DemoDataFixture if == DemoDataFixture.DEFAULT_COURSE_ID: abort( 400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Sorry, you cannot import users for the default demo course." ) params = import_classlist_parser.parse_args() import_type = params.get('import_type') if import_type not in [ ThirdPartyType.cas.value, ThirdPartyType.saml.value, None ]: abort( 400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Please select a way for students to log in and try importing again." ) elif import_type == ThirdPartyType.cas.value and not current_app.config.get( 'CAS_LOGIN_ENABLED'): abort( 400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Please select another way for students to log in and try importing again. Students are not able to use CWL logins based on the current settings." ) elif import_type == ThirdPartyType.saml.value and not current_app.config.get( 'SAML_LOGIN_ENABLED'): abort( 400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Please select another way for students to log in and try importing again. Students are not able to use CWL logins based on the current settings." ) elif import_type is None and not current_app.config.get( 'APP_LOGIN_ENABLED'): abort( 400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Please select another way for students to log in and try importing again. Students are not able to use the ComPAIR logins based on the current settings." ) uploaded_file = request.files['file'] results = {'success': 0, 'invalids': []} if not uploaded_file: abort(400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "No file was found to upload. Please try uploading again.") elif not allowed_file(uploaded_file.filename, current_app.config['UPLOAD_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']): abort( 400, title="Class List Not Imported", message= "Sorry, only CSV files can be imported. Please try again with a CSV file." ) unique = str(uuid.uuid4()) filename = unique + secure_filename(uploaded_file.filename) tmp_name = os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) current_app.logger.debug("Importing for course " + str( + " with " + filename) with open(tmp_name, 'rb') as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile) users = [] for row in spamreader: if row: users.append(row) if len(users) > 0: results = import_users(import_type, course, users) on_classlist_upload.send(self,, user=current_user, os.remove(tmp_name) current_app.logger.debug("Class Import for course " + str( + " is successful. Removed file.") return results