예제 #1
from compas.geometry import Frame
from compas.geometry import Box
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas_rhino.artists import FrameArtist
from compas_rhino.artists import MeshArtist

# Box in the world coordinate system
frame = Frame([1, 0, 0], [-0.45, 0.1, 0.3], [1, 0, 0])
width, length, height = 1, 1, 1
box = Box(frame, width, length, height)

# Frame F representing a coordinate system
F = Frame([2, 2, 2], [0.978, 0.010, -0.210], [0.090, 0.882, 0.463])

# Represent box frame in frame F and construct new box
box_frame_transformed = F.to_world_coords(box.frame)
box_transformed = Box(box_frame_transformed, width, length, height)
print("Box frame transformed:", box_transformed.frame)

# create artists
artist1 = FrameArtist(Frame.worldXY())
artist2 = MeshArtist(Mesh.from_shape(box))
artist3 = FrameArtist(F)
artist4 = MeshArtist(Mesh.from_shape(box_transformed))

# draw
"""Example: 'frame in frame'
from compas.geometry import Point
from compas.geometry import Vector
from compas.geometry import Frame

point = Point(146.00, 150.00, 161.50)
xaxis = Vector(0.9767, 0.0010, -0.214)
yaxis = Vector(0.1002, 0.8818, 0.4609)
F0 = Frame(point, xaxis, yaxis)  # coordinate system F0

point = Point(35., 35., 35.)
xaxis = Vector(0.604, 0.430, 0.671)
yaxis = Vector(-0.631, 0.772, 0.074)
f_lcf = Frame(point, xaxis, yaxis)  # frame f_lcf in F0 (local coordinates)

# frame in global (world) coordinate system
f_wcf = F0.to_world_coords(f_lcf)

f_lcf2 = F0.to_local_coords(f_wcf)  # world coords back to local coords
print(f_lcf2)  # should equal f_lcf
print(f_lcf == f_lcf2)
"""Example: 'point in frame'

The simple example above shows how to use a frame as a coordinate system:
Starting from a point `P` in the local (user-defined, relative) coordinate
system of frame `F`, i.e. its position is relative to the origin and orientation
of `F`, we want to get the position `P_` of `P` in the global (world, absolute)
coordinate system.
from compas.geometry import Point
from compas.geometry import Vector
from compas.geometry import Frame
from compas.geometry import allclose

point = Point(146.00, 150.00, 161.50)
xaxis = Vector(0.9767, 0.0010, -0.214)
yaxis = Vector(0.1002, 0.8818, 0.4609)

F = Frame(point, xaxis, yaxis)  # coordinate system F
P = Point(35., 35., 35.)  # point in F (local coordinates)

P_ = F.to_world_coords(P)  # point in global (world) coordinates
print("The point's world coordinates: {}".format(P_))

P2 = F.to_local_coords(P_)
print("The point's local coordinates: {}".format(P2))  # should equal P
print(allclose(P2, P))