예제 #1
파일: pycompile.py 프로젝트: manbaum/Logix
def compileSlice(doc):
    assertResult(doc[0], "slice")
    assertResult(doc[1], "slice from")
    assertResult(doc[2], "slice to")
    assertResult(doc[3], "slice with step")
    return ast.Subscript(topy(doc[0]), 'OP_APPLY',
                         [ast.Sliceobj([topy(x) for x in doc[1:4]])])
예제 #2
파일: pycompile.py 프로젝트: manbaum/Logix
 def compileSlicePlace(objx, fromx, tox, stepx):
      assertResult(objx, "slice")
      assertResult(fromx, "slice from ")
      assertResult(tox, "slice to")
      assertResult(stepx, "slice with step")
      return ast.Subscript(topy(objx), opname,
                           [ast.Sliceobj(map(topy, (fromx, tox, stepx)))])
예제 #3
    def _do_SliceExpression(self, node):
        def transform(node):
            if node is None:
                return ast.Const(None)
            return self.transform(node)

        start = transform(node.SliceStart)
        stop = transform(node.SliceStop)
        step = transform(node.SliceStep)
        return ast.Sliceobj([start, stop, step])
예제 #4
파일: pycompile.py 프로젝트: manbaum/Logix
    def continuationOp(self, expr, parts):
        assertResult(expr, "call or subscript")

        res = topy(expr)

        for part in parts:
            kind = part[-1]
            args = part[:-1]
            if kind == 'call':
                funcArgs = []
                funcKws = {}
                for a in args:
                    if isinstance(a, rootops.PyOp) and a.__syntax__.token == '=':
                        if isinstance(a[0], Symbol):
                            funcKws[str(a[0])] = a[1]
                            raise CompileError("invalid keyword arg %r" % a[0])

                star = part.get('star', None)
                dstar = part.get('dstar', None)
                res = compileFunctionCall(res, funcArgs, funcKws, star, dstar)

            elif kind == 'subscript':
                for key in args:
                    assertResult(key, "subscript with")
                res = ast.Subscript(res, 'OP_APPLY', map(topy, args))

            elif kind == 'slice':
                start, end, step = args
                assertResult(start, "slice from")
                assertResult(end, "slice to")
                assertResult(step, "slice with step")

                res = ast.Subscript(res, 'OP_APPLY',
                                    [ast.Sliceobj(map(topy, (start, end, step)))])

        return res
예제 #5
파일: pycompile.py 프로젝트: manbaum/Logix
    def continuationOp(self, expr, *parts):
        "" # The language knows it as the blank operator
        assertResult(expr, "call or subscript")

        res = topy(expr)

        for part in parts:
            kind = part[-1]
            args = part[:-1]
            if kind == 'call':
                funcArgs = []
                funcKws = {}
                for a in args:
                    if isPyOp(a, "="):
                        if isinstance(a[0], Symbol) and a[0].namespace == "":
                            funcKws[a[0].name] = a[1]
                            raise CompileError("invalid keyword arg %r" % a[0])

                star = part.get('star')
                dstar = part.get('dstar')
                res = compileFunctionCall(res, funcArgs, funcKws, star, dstar)

            elif kind == 'subscript':
                for key in args:
                    assertResult(key, "subscript with")
                res = ast.Subscript(res, 'OP_APPLY', map(topy, args))

            elif kind == 'slice':
                start, end, step = args
                assertResult(start, "slice from")
                assertResult(end, "slice to")
                assertResult(step, "slice with step")

                res = ast.Subscript(res, 'OP_APPLY',
                                    [ast.Sliceobj(map(topy, (start, end, step)))])

        return res
예제 #6
 def visitSlice(self, node):
     n = ast.Subscript(node.expr, compiler.consts.OP_APPLY, [ast.Sliceobj(node.asList()[2:])])
예제 #7
파일: pycompile.py 프로젝트: manbaum/Logix
def compilePlace(place, opname='OP_ASSIGN'):
    if isinstance(place, Symbol):
        return ast.AssName(str(place), opname)

    elif isinstance(place, rootops.PyOp):
        token = place.__syntax__.token

        if token == ".":
            # {{{ assign to field
            expr = topy(place[0])
            field = place[1]
            if isinstance(field, Symbol):
                return ast.AssAttr(expr, str(field), opname)
                raise CompileError("Cannot assign to %s" % place)
            # }}}

        elif token == "__continue__":
            # {{{ assign to slice or subscript
            last = place[1][-1]

            # expr = the continuationOp not including the last part
            if len(place[1]) == 1:
                expr = place[0]
                expr = basel.getContinuationOp()(place[0], place[1][:-1])
            kind = last[-1]
            if kind == 'subscript':
                # {{{ assign to subscript
                assertResult(expr, "subscript")

                keys = last[:-1]
                for key in keys:
                    assertResult(key, "subscript with")

                return ast.Subscript(topy(expr), opname, map(topy, keys))
                # }}}

            elif kind ==  "slice":
                # {{{ assign to slice
                assertResult(expr, "slice")

                start,end,step = last[:-1]
                assertResult(start, "slice from ")
                assertResult(end, "slice to")
                assertResult(step, "slice with step")

                return ast.Subscript(topy(expr), opname,
                                     [ast.Sliceobj(map(topy, (start,end,step)))])
                # }}}
                raise CompileError("Cannot asign to %s " % place)
            # }}}

        elif token == ",":
            return ast.AssTuple([compilePlace(p, opname) for p in list(place)])

        elif token == "[" and place[1] == 'list':
            return ast.AssList([compilePlace(p, opname) for p in place.elems])

        elif token == "(":
            return compilePlace(place[1], opname)

            raise CompileError("Cannot asign to %s " % place)

        raise CompileError("Cannot assign to %s" % place)
예제 #8
 def testSliceobj(self):
     node = ast.Sliceobj([ast.Const(1), ast.Const(2), ast.Const(3)])
     source = ModuleSourceCodeGenerator(node).getSourceCode()
     self.assertEqual(source, 'slice(1, 2, 3)')
예제 #9
 def BUILD_SLICE(decompiler, size):
     return ast.Sliceobj(decompiler.pop_items(size))