def test_get_partition_default_root(self): """Ensure partition returned for default root.""" evidence = RawEvidence( 'foo.json', 'foo', partition={'fields': ['foo', 'bar']} ) evidence.set_content( json.dumps( [ { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BLAH' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BOO', 'baz': 'BAZ' } ] ) ) self.assertEqual( json.loads(evidence.get_partition(['FOO', 'BAR'])), [ { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BLAH' } ] )
def test_partition_keys_nested_root(self): """Ensure keys returned for a defined nested root.""" evidence = RawEvidence( 'foo.json', 'foo', partition={ 'fields': ['foo', 'bar'], 'root': 'nested.root' } ) evidence.set_content( json.dumps( { 'stuff': 'who cares?', 'nested': { 'nested_stuff': 'who cares?', 'root': [ { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BLAH' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BOO', 'baz': 'BAZ' } ], 'nested_other_stuff': 'so what?' }, 'other_stuff': 'so what?' } ) ) keys = evidence.partition_keys self.assertEqual(len(keys), 2) self.assertTrue(['FOO', 'BAR'] in keys) self.assertTrue(['FOO', 'BOO'] in keys)
def test_is_partitioned(self): """Ensure is_partitioned property works as expected.""" evidence = RawEvidence('foo.json', 'foo') self.assertFalse(evidence.is_partitioned) evidence = RawEvidence( 'foo.json', 'foo', partition={'fields': ['foo']} ) self.assertTrue(evidence.is_partitioned) evidence = RawEvidence('foo.txt', 'foo', partition={'fields': ['foo']}) self.assertFalse(evidence.is_partitioned)
def fetch_compliance_configuration(self): """Fetch the compliance tooling configuration. - Evidence is refreshed to the locker regardless of TTL - Evidence is valid for the next two hours (for the check) """ evidence = RawEvidence('compliance_config.json', 'auditree', 2 * HOUR, 'Compliance Configuration') evidence.set_content(json.dumps(self.config.raw_config))
def test_get_hash(self): """Test that get_hash returns a valid commit hash.""" with Locker(name=REPO_DIR, do_push=False) as locker: evidence = RawEvidence('test.json', 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests') test_content = '{"key": "value"}' evidence.set_content(test_content) locker.add_evidence(evidence) self.assertIsNone(locker.get_hash()) commit = locker.get_hash() self.assertEqual(len(commit), 40)
def test_add_partitioned_evidence(self): """Test that partitioned evidence is added to locker as expected.""" with Locker(name=REPO_DIR) as locker: evidence = RawEvidence('foo.json', 'cat_foo', DAY, 'Partitioned evidence', partition={'fields': ['lname']}) data = [{ 'fname': 'simon', 'lname': 'metson' }, { 'fname': 'al', 'lname': 'finkel' }] evidence.set_content(json.dumps(data)) locker.add_evidence(evidence) location = os.path.join(locker.local_path, evidence.dir_path) self.assertTrue(location.endswith('/raw/cat_foo')) finkel_hash = get_sha256_hash('finkel', 10) metson_hash = get_sha256_hash('metson', 10) expected = [ 'index.json', f'{finkel_hash}_foo.json', f'{metson_hash}_foo.json' ] self.assertEqual(set(os.listdir(location)), set(expected)) meta = json.loads(open(os.path.join(location, expected[0])).read()) self.assertEqual(len(meta.keys()), 1) self.assertEqual( set(meta['foo.json'].keys()), { 'description', 'last_update', 'partition_fields', 'partition_root', 'partitions', 'ttl' }) self.assertEqual(meta['foo.json']['partition_fields'], ['lname']) self.assertIsNone(meta['foo.json']['partition_root']) self.assertEqual(len(meta['foo.json']['partitions']), 2) self.assertEqual(meta['foo.json']['partitions'][finkel_hash], ['finkel']) self.assertEqual(meta['foo.json']['partitions'][metson_hash], ['metson']) self.assertEqual( json.loads(open(os.path.join(location, expected[1])).read()), [{ 'fname': 'al', 'lname': 'finkel' }]) self.assertEqual( json.loads(open(os.path.join(location, expected[2])).read()), [{ 'fname': 'simon', 'lname': 'metson' }])
def test_get_partition_with_nested_root(self): """Ensure partition returned for a defined nested root.""" evidence = RawEvidence( 'foo.json', 'foo', partition={ 'fields': ['foo', 'bar'], 'root': 'nested.root' } ) evidence.set_content( json.dumps( { 'stuff': 'who cares?', 'nested': { 'nested_stuff': 'who cares?', 'root': [ { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BLAH' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BOO', 'baz': 'BAZ' } ], 'nested_other_stuff': 'so what?' }, 'other_stuff': 'so what?' } ) ) self.assertEqual( json.loads(evidence.get_partition(['FOO', 'BAR'])), { 'stuff': 'who cares?', 'nested': { 'nested_stuff': 'who cares?', 'root': [ { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BLAH' } ], 'nested_other_stuff': 'so what?' }, 'other_stuff': 'so what?' } )
def test_raw_evidence(self): """Test putting RawEvidence into the locker.""" locker = Locker(name=REPO_DIR) with locker: f = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='testfile', suffix='.json', dir=FILES_DIR) evidence_name = os.path.split(f[1])[1] evidence = RawEvidence(evidence_name, 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests') test_content = '{"Squirtle": true, "Pikachu": 1, "Bulbasaur": 2}' evidence.set_content(test_content) locker.add_evidence(evidence) self.assertEqual(len(locker.touched_files), 1)
def fetch_gh_org_collaborators(self): """Fetch collaborators from GH organization repositories.""" for config in self.config.get('org.permissions.org_integrity.orgs'): host, org = config['url'].rsplit('/', 1) for aff in config.get('collaborator_types', GH_ALL_COLLABORATORS): url_hash = get_sha256_hash([config['url']], 10) json_file = f'gh_{aff}_collaborators_{url_hash}.json' path = ['permissions', json_file] description = ( f'{aff.title()} collaborators of the {org} GH org') self.config.add_evidences( [RawEvidence(path[1], path[0], DAY, description)]) with raw_evidence(, '/'.join(path)) as evidence: if evidence: if host not in self.gh_pool: self.gh_pool[host] = Github(base_url=host) if not config.get('repos'): repos = self.gh_pool[host].paginate_api( f'orgs/{org}/repos') config['repos'] = [repo['name'] for repo in repos] collabs = {} for repo in config['repos']: collabs_url = f'repos/{org}/{repo}/collaborators' collabs[repo] = self.gh_pool[host].paginate_api( collabs_url, affiliation=aff) evidence.set_content(json.dumps(collabs))
def fetch_workspaces(self): """Fetch Github repository Zenhub workspaces.""" for config in self.configs: gh_host = config.get('github_host', GH_HOST_URL) zh_root = config.get('api_root', ZH_API_ROOT) repo = config['github_repo'] repo_hash = get_sha256_hash([gh_host, repo], 10) fname = f'zh_repo_{repo_hash}_workspaces.json' self.config.add_evidences([ RawEvidence( fname, 'issues', DAY, f'Zenhub workspaces for {gh_host}/{repo} repository') ]) with raw_evidence(, f'issues/{fname}') as evidence: if evidence: if gh_host not in self.gh_pool.keys(): self.gh_pool[gh_host] = Github(base_url=gh_host) if zh_root not in self.zh_pool.keys(): self.zh_pool[zh_root] = BaseSession(zh_root) service = 'zenhub' if zh_root != ZH_API_ROOT: service = 'zenhub_enterprise' token = self.config.creds[service].token self.zh_pool[zh_root].headers.update({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Authentication-Token': token }) workspaces = self._get_workspaces(repo, config.get('workspaces'), gh_host, zh_root) evidence.set_content(json.dumps(workspaces))
def setUpClass(cls): """Initialize the fetcher object with configuration settings.""" cls.config.add_evidences([ RawEvidence('abandoned_evidence.json', 'auditree', DAY, 'Abandoned evidence') ]) return cls
def test_partition_keys_dot_notation(self): """Ensure keys returned when using dot notation for key fields.""" evidence = RawEvidence( 'foo.json', 'foo', partition={ 'fields': ['', ''], 'root': 'nested.root' } ) evidence.set_content( json.dumps( { 'stuff': 'who cares?', 'nested': { 'nested_stuff': 'who cares?', 'root': [ { 'dot_nota': { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR' }, 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'dot_nota': { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR' }, 'baz': 'BLAH' }, { 'dot_nota': { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BOO' }, 'baz': 'BAZ' } ], 'nested_other_stuff': 'so what?' }, 'other_stuff': 'so what?' } ) ) keys = evidence.partition_keys self.assertEqual(len(keys), 2) self.assertTrue(['FOO', 'BAR'] in keys) self.assertTrue(['FOO', 'BOO'] in keys)
def setUpClass(cls): """Initialize the fetcher object with configuration settings.""" cls.config.add_evidences([ RawEvidence('cluster_resources.json', 'kubernetes', DAY, 'Kubernetes cluster resources') ]) cls.resource_types = cls.config.get( 'org.kubernetes.cluster_resources.types', RESOURCE_TYPES_DEFAULT) return cls
def test_tmp_evidence(self): """Test putting TmpEvidence into the locker.""" locker = Locker(name=REPO_DIR) with locker: f = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='testfile', suffix='.json', dir=FILES_DIR) evidence_name = os.path.split(f[1])[1] tmp_evidence = TmpEvidence(evidence_name, 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests') raw_evidence = RawEvidence(evidence_name, 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests') test_content = '{"BLAH": "Test"}' tmp_evidence.set_content(test_content) raw_evidence.set_content(test_content) locker.add_evidence(tmp_evidence) locker.add_evidence(raw_evidence) self.assertEqual(len(locker.touched_files), 1)
def test_get_unpartitioned_evidence(self): """Test that unpartitioned evidence is retrieved from the locker.""" with Locker(name=REPO_DIR) as locker: evidence = RawEvidence('foo.json', 'cat_foo', DAY, 'Partitioned evidence') data = [{ 'fname': 'simon', 'lname': 'metson' }, { 'fname': 'al', 'lname': 'finkel' }] evidence.set_content(json.dumps(data)) locker.add_evidence(evidence) locker.checkin() partitioned = locker.get_evidence(evidence.path) self.assertFalse(partitioned.is_partitioned) content = json.loads(partitioned.content) self.assertEqual(len(content), 2) self.assertIn({'fname': 'simon', 'lname': 'metson'}, content) self.assertIn({'fname': 'al', 'lname': 'finkel'}, content)
def test_partition_keys_default_root(self): """Ensure keys returned for default root.""" evidence = RawEvidence( 'foo.json', 'foo', partition={'fields': ['foo', 'bar']} ) evidence.set_content( json.dumps( [ { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BAZ' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BAR', 'baz': 'BLAH' }, { 'foo': 'FOO', 'bar': 'BOO', 'baz': 'BAZ' } ] ) ) keys = evidence.partition_keys self.assertEqual(len(keys), 2) self.assertTrue(['FOO', 'BAR'] in keys) self.assertTrue(['FOO', 'BOO'] in keys)
def test_abandoned_partitioned_evidence(self): """Test that ensures abandoned partitioned evidence is found.""" with Locker(name=REPO_DIR) as locker: evidence = RawEvidence('foo.json', 'cat_foo', DAY, 'Partitioned evidence', partition={'fields': ['lname']}) data = [{ 'fname': 'simon', 'lname': 'metson' }, { 'fname': 'al', 'lname': 'finkel' }] evidence.set_content(json.dumps(data)) locker.add_evidence(evidence) locker.checkin() # Test abandoned self.assertEqual(set(), locker.get_abandoned_evidences()) abandoned_meta = { 'foo.json': { 'last_update': '2017-10-01T00:00:00.0', 'partitions': { '1197ced566_foo.json': 'meh', '3eeaf57767_foo.json': 'bleh' } } } with open(locker.get_index_file(evidence), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(abandoned_meta)) locker.checkin() self.assertEqual( { 'raw/cat_foo/1197ced566_foo.json', 'raw/cat_foo/3eeaf57767_foo.json' }, locker.get_abandoned_evidences())
def test_validate_raw_evidence(self, validation, check_mock, evidence_mock): """Test validate method in locker for an evidence.""" config = ComplianceConfig() check_mock.return_value = config evidence_mock.return_value = config with Locker(name=REPO_DIR, do_push=True) as locker: f = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='testfile', suffix='.json', dir=FILES_DIR) test_evidence_name = os.path.split(f[1])[1] evidence = RawEvidence(test_evidence_name, 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests if the validation works') config.add_evidences([evidence]) test_content = '{"Squirtle": true, "Pikachu": 1, "Bulbasaur": 2}' evidence.set_content(test_content) locker.add_evidence(evidence) evidence = get_evidence_by_path( os.path.join(evidence.rootdir, evidence.category, self.assertTrue(isinstance(evidence, RawEvidence)) validation.return_value = True locker.get_evidence( os.path.join('raw', 'test_category', test_evidence_name))
def setUpClass(cls): """Initialize the fetcher object with configuration settings.""" cls.config.add_evidences( [ RawEvidence( 'cluster_list.json', 'ibm_cloud', DAY, 'IBM Cloud cluster list inventory' ) ] ) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} cls.session(IC_CONTAINERS_BASE_URL, **headers) return cls
def setUpClass(cls): """Initialize the fetcher object with configuration settings.""" cls.config.add_evidences([ RawEvidence('python_packages.json', 'auditree', DAY, 'Python Package List'), PackageReleaseEvidence('auditree_arboretum_releases.xml', 'auditree', DAY, 'Auditree Arboretum PyPI releases'), PackageReleaseEvidence('auditree_framework_releases.xml', 'auditree', DAY, 'Auditree Framework PyPI releases') ]) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': 'application/xml' } cls.session(PYPI_RSS_BASE_URL, **headers) return cls
def fetch_issues(self): """Fetch Github repository issues.""" for config in self.configs: host = config.get('host', GH_HOST_URL) repo = config['repo'] fname = f'gh_repo_{get_sha256_hash([host, repo], 10)}_issues.json' self.config.add_evidences([ RawEvidence(fname, 'issues', DAY, f'Github issues for {host}/{repo} repository') ]) with raw_evidence(, f'issues/{fname}') as evidence: if evidence: if host not in self.gh_pool.keys(): self.gh_pool[host] = Github(base_url=host) issues = [] for search in self._compose_searches(config, host): issue_ids = [i['id'] for i in issues] for result in self.gh_pool[host].search_issues(search): if result['id'] not in issue_ids: issues.append(result) evidence.set_content(json.dumps(issues))
def test_locker_as_expected(self): """Test that checks contents of the locker are as expected.""" with Locker(name=REPO_DIR) as locker: test_content_one = '{"key": "value1"}' evidence_one = RawEvidence('test_one.json', 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests locker') evidence_one.set_content(test_content_one) locker.add_evidence(evidence_one) evidence_two = RawEvidence('test_two.json', 'test_category', DAY, 'This tests locker') evidence_two.set_content(test_content_one) locker.add_evidence(evidence_two) evidence_three = RawEvidence('test_three.json', 'test_category_two', DAY, 'This tests locker') evidence_three.set_content(test_content_one) locker.add_evidence(evidence_three) locker.checkin() self.assertTrue( locker.get_index_file(evidence_one).endswith( f'/raw/test_category/{INDEX_FILE}')) self.assertTrue( locker.get_index_file(evidence_two).endswith( f'/raw/test_category/{INDEX_FILE}')) self.assertTrue( locker.get_index_file(evidence_three).endswith( f'/raw/test_category_two/{INDEX_FILE}')) # Test abandoned self.assertEqual(set(), locker.get_abandoned_evidences()) with open(locker.get_index_file(evidence_three), 'w') as f: meta = ('{"test_three.json":' '{"last_update":"2017-10-01T00:00:00.0"} }') f.write(meta) locker.checkin() self.assertEqual({'raw/test_category_two/test_three.json'}, locker.get_abandoned_evidences())
# -*- mode:python; coding:utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020 IBM Corp. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from compliance.config import get_config from compliance.evidence import DAY, ReportEvidence, RawEvidence get_config().add_evidences([ RawEvidence('world_clock_utc.json', 'time', DAY, 'Coordinated Universal Time'), ReportEvidence('', 'time', DAY, 'World Clock Analysis report.') ])