def main(player1="Player 1", player2="Player 2", mode="STANDARD", bot_bool=False, bot_difficulty=6): # resetting the variables in the .json file# json_file = open(r'components\constants.json', 'r') json_content = json.load(json_file) json_content["round_int"] = 0 json_file.close() json_file = open(r'components\constants.json', 'w') json_file.writelines(json.dumps(json_content)) json_file.close() Pieces.white_is_checked = False Pieces.black_is_checked = False Pieces.checking_piece = None #initiating pygame# pygame.init() player1 = "Spieler 1" if player1 == "" else player1 player2 = "Spieler 2" if player2 == "" else player2 #Constants# BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREY = (50, 50, 50) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BG_COLOR_1 = (0, 152, 163) BG_COLOR_2 = (2, 112, 120) #reading the constants from the json file# json_file = open(os.getcwd() + r"\components\constants.json", "r") json_content = json.load(json_file) round_int = json_content["round_int"] tile_size = json_content["tile_size"] anchor_point_s = (json_content["anchor_point_s_x"] * tile_size, json_content["anchor_point_s_y"] * tile_size) anchor_point_h = (json_content["anchor_point_h_x"] * tile_size, json_content["anchor_point_h_y"] * tile_size) anchor_point_hud = (json_content["anchor_point_hud_x"] * tile_size, json_content["anchor_point_hud_y"] * tile_size) json_file.close() #setting up the variables for a new and fresh game# screen_size = (11 * tile_size, 11 * tile_size) font = pygame.font.SysFont("DejaVu Sans", int(tile_size * 0.2)) font_titles = pygame.font.SysFont("DejaVu Sans", int(tile_size * 0.25)) go = True timer = Clock(time=5) #creating the surfaces# screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size, 0, 0) s = pygame.Surface((8 * tile_size, 8 * tile_size)) hud = pygame.Surface((10.25 * tile_size, 2 * tile_size)) p1 = pygame.Surface((3 * tile_size, 1.5 * tile_size)) p2 = pygame.Surface((3 * tile_size, 1.5 * tile_size)) h = Hud((2 * tile_size, 8 * tile_size)) screen.fill(BG_COLOR_1) hud.fill(BG_COLOR_2) h.fill(BG_COLOR_2) h.print(pos=(0.6 * tile_size, 20), label='Spielhistorie', font=font) #window caption# pygame.display.set_caption("Chess") #creating a clock for the ingame ticks# clock = pygame.time.Clock() #creating the board on the subsurface# board = Board(master=s, width=8, height=8, tile_size=tile_size, color_a=(245, 216, 188), color_b=(176, 142, 109), color_t1=(240, 230, 221), color_t2=(201, 181, 163), anchor_point=anchor_point_s) #loading the images for the pieces# images = { "white_pawn_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/white_pawn.png'), "white_rook_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/white_rook.png'), "white_knight_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/white_knight.png'), "white_bishop_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/white_bishop.png'), "white_queen_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/white_queen.png'), "white_king_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/white_king.png'), "black_pawn_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/black_pawn.png'), "black_rook_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/black_rook.png'), "black_knight_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/black_knight.png'), "black_bishop_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/black_bishop.png'), "black_queen_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/black_queen.png'), "black_king_img": pygame.image.load(r'assets/black_king.png') } #loading the icons for the buttons# quit_icon = pygame.image.load(r'assets/quit.png') takeback_icon = pygame.image.load(r'assets/takeback.png') resign_icon = pygame.image.load(r'assets/resign_flag.png') test_icon = pygame.image.load(r'assets/lightbulb.png') #creating the board build_board(mode, s, images) #creating the chessbot based on .json parameters bot = Stockfish(b'components\stockfish_20011801_x64.exe') bot.set_skill_level(bot_difficulty) quit_button = Button(x=8.5 * tile_size, y=0.4 * tile_size, w=int(0.6 * tile_size), h=int(0.6 * tile_size), color_b=BLACK, color_in=GREY, color_t=WHITE, command=quit, icon=quit_icon, imaginary_x=anchor_point_hud[0], imaginary_y=anchor_point_hud[1]) resign_button = Button(x=9.2 * tile_size, y=0.4 * tile_size, w=int(0.6 * tile_size), h=int(0.6 * tile_size), color_b=BLACK, color_in=GREY, color_t=WHITE, command=lambda: [decideWhoLost(round_int)], icon=resign_icon, imaginary_x=anchor_point_hud[0], imaginary_y=anchor_point_hud[1]) test_zone_button = Testmode_Button( x=9.2 * tile_size, y=0.4 * tile_size + 0.74 * tile_size, w=int(0.6 * tile_size), h=int(0.6 * tile_size), color_b=BLACK, color_in=GREY, color_t=WHITE, command1=lambda: [ Board.change_testmode(), #Pieces.change_ignore_me_standard(), Pieces.crop_move_done(), Pieces.kill_board(), build_board(mode, s, images), Pieces.build_from_list(screen=s), Pieces.set_round(Pieces.round_safe) ], command2=lambda: [ Board.change_testmode(), #Pieces.change_ignore_me_standard(), Pieces.safe_round() ], icon=test_icon, imaginary_x=anchor_point_hud[0], imaginary_y=anchor_point_hud[1], deaf=False) if bot_bool: command = lambda: [ takeback(board, s, takeback_button), takeback(board, s, takeback_button) ] else: command = lambda: [takeback(board, s, takeback_button)] takeback_button = Button(x=8.5 * tile_size, y=0.4 * tile_size + 0.74 * tile_size, w=int(0.6 * tile_size), h=int(0.6 * tile_size), color_b=BLACK, color_in=GREY, color_t=WHITE, command=command, icon=takeback_icon, imaginary_x=anchor_point_hud[0], imaginary_y=anchor_point_hud[1]) start_sound = mixer.Sound("assets/sounds/board-start.mp3") #the mainloop# while go: #setting the framerate# clock.tick(60) #refreshing the round counter# json_file = open(os.getcwd() + r"\components\constants.json", "r") json_content = json.load(json_file) round_int = json_content["round_int"] json_file.close() #drawing the board# # if not Board.game_over: board.draw_board() #updating the bot with the new game state# bot.set_fen_position(Pieces.give_FEN()) #detecting, if the game is over, or not if not Board.game_over: Pieces.detectingCheck() Board.game_over = Pieces.detectGameOver(round_int=round_int) #end the game if the game is over# if Board.game_over or Board.resign_w or Board.resign_b: if Pieces.white_is_checked or Board.resign_w: board.end_screen('BLACK', s) elif Pieces.black_is_checked or Board.resign_b: board.end_screen('WHITE', s) else: board.end_screen('STALEMATE', s) = False = False = False #checking if a pawn is promotable# for pawn in Pieces.all_pieces_list: if 'Pawn-B' in and pawn.y == 7 * tile_size or 'Pawn-W' in and pawn.y == 0 * tile_size: pawn.promotion() Pieces.detectingCheck() #highlighting the checked king# if Pieces.white_is_checked: for king in Pieces.all_pieces_list: if isinstance(king, Kings) and king.farbe == WHITE: board.check(king_pos=(king.x, king.y)) #highlighting the checked king# elif Pieces.black_is_checked: for king in Pieces.all_pieces_list: if isinstance(king, Kings) and king.farbe == BLACK: board.check(king_pos=(king.x, king.y)) #drawing all the pieces# # if not Board.game_over: for pieces in Pieces.all_pieces_list: pieces.draw(screen) #updating the mainsurface# pygame.display.update() #clearing the Subsurfaces# p1.fill(BG_COLOR_1) p2.fill(BG_COLOR_1) hud.fill(BG_COLOR_2) #refresh the time of the timers# timer.refreshTime() #creating the labels to be printed on the subsurfaces# Player_1_label = font_titles.render(player1, 1, BLACK) Player_2_label = font_titles.render(player2, 1, BLACK) timer_label = font_titles.render(timer.getTime(), 1, BLACK) #printing the labes on the subsurfaces# p1.blit(Player_1_label, (p1.get_width() / 2 - Player_1_label.get_width() / 2, 0)) p2.blit(Player_2_label, (p2.get_width() / 2 - Player_2_label.get_width() / 2, 0)) #creating the history h.fill(BG_COLOR_2) h.print((0.31 * tile_size, 20), 'Spielhistorie', font) for i in range(len(Pieces.moves_done)): fac_50 = 5 / 7 * tile_size fac_20 = 2 / 7 * tile_size h.print(pos=((i % 2) * fac_50 + fac_20, (i // 2) * fac_20 + 2 * fac_20), label=Pieces.moves_done[i], font=font) #showing the taken pieces# Pieces.taken_pieces.sort(key=lambda x: x.value, reverse=False) white_loss = [[], []] black_loss = [[], []] for piece in Pieces.taken_pieces: if piece.farbe == (0, 0, 0): if len(black_loss[0]) < 8: black_loss[0].append(piece) else: black_loss[1].append(piece) elif piece.farbe == WHITE: if len(white_loss[0]) < 8: white_loss[0].append(piece) else: white_loss[1].append(piece) for line in black_loss: for piece in line: p1.blit( pygame.transform.scale(piece.image, (tile_size // 3, tile_size // 3)), ((line.index(piece) * 11 / 32 + 6 / 40) * tile_size, (black_loss.index(line) + 1) * 0.5 * tile_size)) for line in white_loss: for piece in line: p2.blit( pygame.transform.scale(piece.image, (tile_size // 3, tile_size // 3)), ((line.index(piece) * 11 / 32 + 6 / 40) * tile_size, (white_loss.index(line) + 1) * 0.5 * tile_size)) value_white = 0 value_black = 0 for piece in Pieces.taken_pieces: if piece.farbe == (0, 0, 0): value_black += piece.value elif piece.farbe == WHITE: value_white += piece.value label = font.render('+' + str(abs(int(value_white - value_black))), True, BLACK) if int(value_white - value_black) > 0: if len(white_loss[0]) < 8: p2.blit(label, ((len(white_loss[0]) * 11 / 32 + 6 / 40) * tile_size, 0.55 * tile_size)) else: p2.blit(label, ((len(white_loss[1]) * 11 / 32 + 6 / 40) * tile_size, 1.05 * tile_size)) elif int(value_white - value_black) < 0: if len(black_loss[0]) < 8: p1.blit(label, ((len(black_loss[0]) * 11 / 32 + 6 / 40) * tile_size, 0.55 * tile_size)) else: p1.blit(label, ((len(black_loss[1]) * 11 / 32 + 6 / 40) * tile_size, 1.05 * tile_size)) #updating the hud# if round_int % 2 == 0: pygame.draw.rect(hud, BLACK, [ 0.45 * tile_size, 0.2 * tile_size, 3.1 * tile_size, 1.6 * tile_size ]) elif round_int % 2 == 1: pygame.draw.rect(hud, BLACK, [ 4.45 * tile_size, 0.2 * tile_size, 3.1 * tile_size, 1.6 * tile_size ]) hud.blit(p1, (0.5 * tile_size, 0.25 * tile_size)) hud.blit(p2, (4.5 * tile_size, 0.25 * tile_size)) hud.blit(timer_label, (3.65 * tile_size, 0.75 * tile_size)) #creating the buttons on the hud resign_button.draw(screen=hud) quit_button.draw(screen=hud) takeback_button.draw(screen=hud) test_zone_button.draw(screen=hud) items = [quit_button, resign_button, takeback_button, test_zone_button] #bliting the subsurfaces on the mainsurface screen.blit(s, anchor_point_s) screen.blit(h, anchor_point_h) screen.blit(hud, anchor_point_hud) #bot moves# if round_int % 2 == 1 and bot_bool and not Board.game_over and not Board.test_mode: opt_move = bot.get_best_move_time(random.randint(400, 1200)) for piece in Pieces.all_pieces_list: if piece.farbe == BLACK: move = piece.move_from_pos( move=opt_move, board=board, screen=screen, takeback_button=takeback_button, ignore_me=Pieces.ignore_me_standard) if move != None: break #checking for events# else: for event in pygame.event.get(): for item in items: item.processEvent(event) #closing the screen by clicking the X# if event.type == pygame.QUIT: go = False #Keyboard-Inputs# if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: #kill window if ESC is pressed# if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: Pieces.white_is_checked = False Pieces.black_is_checked = False Pieces.checking_piece = None json_file = open(r'components\constants.json', 'r') json_content = json.load(json_file) json_content["round_int"] = 0 json_file.close() json_file = open(r'components\constants.json', 'w') json_file.writelines(json.dumps(json_content)) json_file.close() quit() #(TEMP) my information key (arrow down) to get certain information# if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: print(Pieces.give_FEN()) #print([ for x in Pieces.all_pieces_list]) # for king in Pieces.all_pieces_list: # if "King-W" in # print(list(king.is_castle_legal())) #left mouse click# elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: #getting the mouseposition and than correcting it by the relative position of the subsurface# mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mouse_pos = (mouse_pos[0] - anchor_point_s[0], mouse_pos[1] - anchor_point_s[1]) #checking if a Piece stands on the clicked tile# if not Board.game_over: for piece in Pieces.all_pieces_list: if mouse_pos[0] >= piece.x and mouse_pos[ 1] >= piece.y: if mouse_pos[ 0] < piece.x + tile_size and mouse_pos[ 1] < piece.y + tile_size: #if the clicked piece is one of the team that currently is to move...# with_bool = round_int % 2 == 0 and piece.farbe == ( 255, 255, 255) without_bool = round_int % 2 == 1 and piece.farbe == ( 0, 0, 0) if with_bool or without_bool: #...wait for the second mouse input# move_ = piece.move( board=board, screen=screen, takeback_button=takeback_button, ignore_me=Pieces.ignore_me_standard ) move_ = move_[1][2:3] + move_[2] + str( move_[0][2:]) #check if the white kiung is checked# Pieces.detectingCheck() #resetting class variables# Pieces.white_is_checked = False Pieces.black_is_checked = False Pieces.checking_piece = None #resetting the variables in the .json file# json_file = open(r'components\constants.json', 'r') json_content = json.load(json_file) json_content["round_int"] = 0 json_file.close() json_file = open(r'components\constants.json', 'w') json_file.writelines(json.dumps(json_content)) json_file.close()
def login(mode='STANDARD'): pygame.init() json_file = open(os.getcwd() + r"\components\constants.json", "r") json_content = json.load(json_file) round_int = json_content["round_int"] json_file.close() BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BROWN = (138, 79, 28) font = pygame.font.SysFont("DejaVu Sans", 30) # RED = (255, 0, 0), GREEN = (0, 255, 0), BLUE = (0, 0, 255) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((720, 480)) screen.fill(BROWN) clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.update() title_label = font.render(mode, True, BLACK) Player1_label = font.render("Player 1:", True, BLACK) Player2_label = font.render("Player 2:", True, BLACK) Player1 = InputBox(300, 200, 100, 32, WHITE, (10, 10, 10)) Player2 = InputBox(300, 250, 100, 32, WHITE, (10, 10, 10)) Accept_Button = Button(x=300, y=300, w=100, h=50, color_b=BLACK, color_in=WHITE, color_t=WHITE, command=lambda: [ main(player1=Player1.export(), player2=Player2.export(), mode=mode, bot_bool=False) ], text='Start Game') boxes_arr = [Player1, Player2] while True: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() for box in boxes_arr: box.checkActivation(event) Accept_Button.processEvent(event) screen.fill(BROWN) screen.blit(Player1_label, (150, 200)) screen.blit(Player2_label, (150, 250)) screen.blit(title_label, (pygame.display.get_window_size()[0] / 2 - title_label.get_rect().w / 2, 30)) for box in boxes_arr: box.draw(screen) Accept_Button.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip()
def settings(mode='STANDARD'): pygame.init() json_file = open(os.getcwd() + r"\components\constants.json", "r") json_content = json.load(json_file) round_int = json_content["round_int"] json_file.close() BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREY = (100, 100, 100) BROWN = (138, 79, 28) font = pygame.font.SysFont("DejaVu Sans", 30) # RED = (255, 0, 0), GREEN = (0, 255, 0), BLUE = (0, 0, 255) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((720, 480)) screen.fill(BROWN) clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.update() title_label = font.render(mode, True, BLACK) Player1_label = font.render("Player 1:", True, BLACK) Player2_label = font.render("AI Difficuly:", True, BLACK) Player1 = InputBox(345, 200, 120, 32, WHITE, GREY) bot_diff = Slider(screen, 350, 260, 120, 15, min=1, max=20, step=1, initial=6) Accept_Button = Button(x=300, y=300, w=100, h=50, color_b=BLACK, color_in=WHITE, color_t=WHITE, command=lambda: [ main(player1=Player1.export(), player2='Computer', mode=mode, bot_bool=True, bot_difficulty=bot_diff.getValue()) ], text='Start Game') while True: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() Player1.checkActivation(event) bot_diff.listen(event) Accept_Button.processEvent(event) screen.fill(BROWN) screen.blit(Player1_label, (150, 200)) screen.blit(Player2_label, (150, 250)) screen.blit(title_label, (pygame.display.get_window_size()[0] / 2 - title_label.get_rect().w / 2, 30)) Player1.draw(screen) bot_diff.draw() Accept_Button.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip()
class GameOfLife(object): def __init__(self): pg.init() self.rows = 60 self.columns = 40 self.screen = pg.display.set_mode( (self.rows * 10, self.columns * 10 + 20)) self.width, self.height = self.screen.get_size() self.screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect() self.done = False self.pause = True self.clock = pg.time.Clock() self.fps = 60 self.color = pg.Color('white') self.title = pg.display.set_caption( 'Conway\'s Game of Life (by void*)') self.start_button = Button((self.width - self.width, self.height - 20, self.width / 3 - 10, 20), 'gray', 'Start', 'black') self.pause_button = Button((self.width / 2 - self.width / 3 / 2 + 5, self.height - 20, self.width / 3 - 10, 20), 'gray', 'Pause', 'black') self.reset_button = Button((self.width - self.width / 3 + 10, self.height - 20, self.width / 3 - 10, 20), 'gray', 'Reset', 'black') self.cells = [] self.last_updated_cell = None self.setupCells() def setupCells(self): self.cells = [] for row in range(self.rows): self.cells.append([]) for column in range(self.columns): self.cells[row].append( Cell((row * 10, column * 10, 10, 10), (row, column), 0)) print() def drawCells(self): for row in range(self.rows): for column in range(self.columns): self.cells[row][column].draw(self.screen) def drawButtons(self): self.start_button.draw(self.screen) self.pause_button.draw(self.screen) self.reset_button.draw(self.screen) def next_generation(self): for row in range(self.rows): for column in range(self.columns): if self.cells[row][column].state == 1 and \ (self.cells[row][column].count_neighbours(self.cells) == 2 or self.cells[row][column].count_neighbours(self.cells) == 3): self.cells[row][column].next_state = self.cells[row][ column].state elif self.cells[row][column].state == 0 and self.cells[row][ column].count_neighbours(self.cells) == 3: self.cells[row][column].next_state = 1 else: self.cells[row][column].next_state = 0 for row in range(self.rows): for column in range(self.columns): self.cells[row][column].state = self.cells[row][ column].next_state def event_loop(self): for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.start_button.pressed(pg.mouse.get_pos()): self.pause = False self.fps = 15 elif self.pause_button.pressed(pg.mouse.get_pos()): self.pause = True self.fps = 60 elif self.reset_button.pressed(pg.mouse.get_pos()): self.setupCells() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.last_updated_cell = None if pg.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: for row in range(self.rows): for column in range(self.columns): if self.cells[row][column].pressed(pg.mouse.get_pos()) and \ self.last_updated_cell != (row, column): self.last_updated_cell = (row, column) self.cells[row][column].state = not self.cells[ row][column].state if event.type == pg.QUIT: self.done = True def main_loop(self): while not self.done: self.event_loop() self.screen.fill(self.color) if not self.pause: self.next_generation() self.drawCells() self.drawButtons() pg.display.update() self.clock.tick(self.fps)