def initAnimations(self, animImages, currentAnim=None): self.animation = AnimationComponent( self, { 'run': { 'spritesheet': animImages['run'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.06, 'flip': True }, 'jump': { 'spritesheet': animImages['jump'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True }, 'idle': { 'spritesheet': animImages['idle'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True }, 'cast': { 'spritesheet': animImages['cast'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.18, 'flip': True }, 'push': { 'spritesheet': animImages['push'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True }, 'pull': { 'spritesheet': animImages['pull'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True }, 'grab': { 'spritesheet': animImages['grab'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True } })
def initAnimations(self, animImages, currentAnim=None): self.animation = AnimationComponent(self, { 'run': {'spritesheet': animImages['run'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.06, 'flip': True}, 'jump': {'spritesheet': animImages['jump'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True}, 'idle': {'spritesheet': animImages['idle'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True}, 'cast': {'spritesheet': animImages['cast'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.18, 'flip': True}, 'push': {'spritesheet': animImages['push'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True}, 'pull': {'spritesheet': animImages['pull'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True}, 'grab': {'spritesheet': animImages['grab'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True}})
class Player(Entity): moveSpeed = 400 jumpVelocity = 400 jumpHoldIncrease = 200 timeToJumpAfterLeavingGround = 0.2 # number of seconds in which the player can jump after falling off a platform drag = 120 # to make platforming less frustrating def __init__(self, midbottom, data): Entity.__init__(self, data) self.add(data.playerGroup) self.add(data.mobs) # red theme colour - currently unused colourDict = { (206, 209, 138): (206, 138, 138), # robe (170, 192, 171): (191, 170, 170), # shoes and hat (206, 201, 175): (204, 184, 173), # skin (233, 234, 232): (233, 234, 232) } # moustache animImages = {} for animName in [ 'run', 'jump', 'idle', 'cast', 'push', 'pull', 'grab' ]: animImages[animName] = pygame.image.load( 'assets/mobs/player/%s.png' % (animName)) #animImages = self.setColours(colourDict, animImages) self.initAnimations(animImages) collisionRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (83, 120)) collisionRect.midbottom = midbottom self.collisions = CollisionComponent(self, collisionRect, True) self.gravity = GravityComponent(self) self.obeysGravity = True self.weight = 1 self.movedThisFrame = False self.moveSpeedModifier = { 'left': 0, 'right': 0 } # a number added on to the player's moveSpeed every frame # eg when pushing a crate self.xVel = self.yVel = 0 self.facing = 'R' self.isOnGround = False self.lastTimeOnGround = 0 self.releasedJumpButton = True'idleR') self.animation.update() self.rect = self.image.get_rect(midbottom=midbottom) self.pullRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (40, self.rect.height)) self.pullStartFacing = None self.isPulling = False def initAnimations(self, animImages, currentAnim=None): self.animation = AnimationComponent( self, { 'run': { 'spritesheet': animImages['run'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.06, 'flip': True }, 'jump': { 'spritesheet': animImages['jump'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True }, 'idle': { 'spritesheet': animImages['idle'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True }, 'cast': { 'spritesheet': animImages['cast'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.18, 'flip': True }, 'push': { 'spritesheet': animImages['push'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True }, 'pull': { 'spritesheet': animImages['pull'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True }, 'grab': { 'spritesheet': animImages['grab'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True } }) def update(self, data): for exit in data.exits: # if touches an exit when on ground, load next level if self.isOnGround and self.collisions.collisionRect.colliderect( exit.collisionRect): data.gameHandler.nextLevel(data) return if not data.spellTargeter: self.move(data) self.isPulling = self.pull(data) # spellcasting animation if data.spellTargeter:'cast' + self.facing) if 'cast' in self.animation.animName: if data.gameMousePos[0] < self.rect.centerx: self.facing = 'L' else: self.facing = 'R' self.animation.switchDirection(self.facing) if not data.spellTargeter:'idle' + self.facing) self.gravity.update(data) self.collisions.checkForWorldCollisions(data) self.collisions.checkIfStandingOn(data.dynamicObjects, data) self.animation.update() def move(self, data): """Update velocity based on keyboard input""" if self.isOnGround: self.lastTimeOnGround = time.time() self.xVel = 0 self.movedThisFrame = False for key in data.input.pressedKeys: # support for multiple keys bound to the same action if key in data.keybinds['right']: self.xVel += (Player.moveSpeed + self.moveSpeedModifier['right']) * data.dt self.facing = 'R' self.animation.switchDirection('R') if 'idle' in self.animation.animName:'runR') self.movedThisFrame = True break if key in data.keybinds['left']: self.xVel -= (Player.moveSpeed + self.moveSpeedModifier['left']) * data.dt self.facing = 'L' self.animation.switchDirection('L') if 'idle' in self.animation.animName:'runL') self.movedThisFrame = True break # play pull animations if self.isPulling and self.facing != self.pullStartFacing:'pull' + self.facing) elif self.isPulling and not self.movedThisFrame:'grab' + self.facing) # stop playing pull animations if not pulling if ('grab' in self.animation.animName or 'pull' in self.animation.animName) and not self.isPulling:'idle' + self.facing) # idle animations if not self.movedThisFrame: if 'run' in self.animation.animName or 'push' in self.animation.animName:'idle' + self.facing) if 'pull' in self.animation.animName and self.pullStartFacing:'grab' + self.pullStartFacing) if self.xVel > 0: self.xVel -= Player.drag * data.dt if self.xVel < 0: self.xVel += Player.drag * data.dt for key in data.keybinds['jump']: if key in data.input.justPressedKeys: # JUMP if on ground or just fell off a platform if self.isOnGround or time.time( ) - self.lastTimeOnGround < Player.timeToJumpAfterLeavingGround: self.yVel = -Player.jumpVelocity self.lastTimeOnGround = 0 self.releasedJumpButton = False self.animation.playOnce('jump' + self.facing) break # OR if jumping up and jump is still held, jump a bit higher elif key in data.input.pressedKeys and self.yVel < -1 and not self.releasedJumpButton: self.rect.move_ip(0, -Player.jumpHoldIncrease * data.dt) if key in data.input.unpressedKeys: self.releasedJumpButton = True self.rect.move_ip(round(self.xVel), 0) self.moveSpeedModifier['right'] = self.moveSpeedModifier['left'] = 0 def pull(self, data): """Pulls any pushable objects within range of the player""" keyIsPressed = False for key in data.keybinds['pull']: if key in data.input.pressedKeys: keyIsPressed = True if not self.pullStartFacing: self.pullStartFacing = self.facing break if keyIsPressed: if self.pullStartFacing == 'R': self.pullRect.topleft = self.collisions.collisionRect.topright elif self.pullStartFacing == 'L': self.pullRect.topright = self.collisions.collisionRect.topleft for obj in data.dynamicObjects: if obj.rect.colliderect(self.pullRect): #obj.movedThisFrame = True if self.pullStartFacing == 'R': obj.rect.left = self.collisions.collisionRect.right if self.pullStartFacing == 'L': obj.rect.right = self.collisions.collisionRect.left return 'pulling' if not keyIsPressed: self.pullStartFacing = None def setColours(self, colourDict, imageDict): """Set colours of the wizard's images""" modifiedImgs = {} for imgName in imageDict: newImage = imageDict[imgName].copy() pixArray = pygame.PixelArray(newImage) for oldColour in colourDict: newColour = colourDict[oldColour] pixArray.replace(oldColour, newColour) modifiedImgs[imgName] = newImage return modifiedImgs
class Player(Entity): moveSpeed = 400 jumpVelocity = 400 jumpHoldIncrease = 200 timeToJumpAfterLeavingGround = 0.2 # number of seconds in which the player can jump after falling off a platform drag = 120 # to make platforming less frustrating def __init__(self, midbottom, data): Entity.__init__(self, data) self.add(data.playerGroup) self.add(data.mobs) # red theme colour - currently unused colourDict = {(206, 209, 138): (206, 138, 138), # robe (170, 192, 171): (191, 170, 170), # shoes and hat (206, 201, 175): (204, 184, 173), # skin (233, 234, 232): (233, 234, 232)} # moustache animImages = {} for animName in ['run', 'jump', 'idle', 'cast', 'push', 'pull', 'grab']: animImages[animName] = pygame.image.load('assets/mobs/player/%s.png' %(animName)) #animImages = self.setColours(colourDict, animImages) self.initAnimations(animImages) collisionRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (83, 120)) collisionRect.midbottom = midbottom self.collisions = CollisionComponent(self, collisionRect, True) self.gravity = GravityComponent(self) self.obeysGravity = True self.weight = 1 self.movedThisFrame = False self.moveSpeedModifier = {'left': 0, 'right': 0} # a number added on to the player's moveSpeed every frame # eg when pushing a crate self.xVel = self.yVel = 0 self.facing = 'R' self.isOnGround = False self.lastTimeOnGround = 0 self.releasedJumpButton = True'idleR') self.animation.update() self.rect = self.image.get_rect(midbottom = midbottom) self.pullRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (40, self.rect.height)) self.pullStartFacing = None self.isPulling = False def initAnimations(self, animImages, currentAnim=None): self.animation = AnimationComponent(self, { 'run': {'spritesheet': animImages['run'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.06, 'flip': True}, 'jump': {'spritesheet': animImages['jump'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True}, 'idle': {'spritesheet': animImages['idle'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True}, 'cast': {'spritesheet': animImages['cast'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.18, 'flip': True}, 'push': {'spritesheet': animImages['push'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.1, 'flip': True}, 'pull': {'spritesheet': animImages['pull'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True}, 'grab': {'spritesheet': animImages['grab'], 'imageWidth': 128, 'timePerFrame': 0.15, 'flip': True}}) def update(self, data): for exit in data.exits: # if touches an exit when on ground, load next level if self.isOnGround and self.collisions.collisionRect.colliderect(exit.collisionRect): data.gameHandler.nextLevel(data) return if not data.spellTargeter: self.move(data) self.isPulling = self.pull(data) # spellcasting animation if data.spellTargeter:'cast' + self.facing) if 'cast' in self.animation.animName: if data.gameMousePos[0] < self.rect.centerx: self.facing = 'L' else: self.facing = 'R' self.animation.switchDirection(self.facing) if not data.spellTargeter:'idle' + self.facing) self.gravity.update(data) self.collisions.checkForWorldCollisions(data) self.collisions.checkIfStandingOn(data.dynamicObjects, data) self.animation.update() def move(self, data): """Update velocity based on keyboard input""" if self.isOnGround: self.lastTimeOnGround = time.time() self.xVel = 0 self.movedThisFrame = False for key in data.input.pressedKeys: # support for multiple keys bound to the same action if key in data.keybinds['right']: self.xVel += (Player.moveSpeed + self.moveSpeedModifier['right']) * data.dt self.facing = 'R' self.animation.switchDirection('R') if 'idle' in self.animation.animName:'runR') self.movedThisFrame = True break if key in data.keybinds['left']: self.xVel -= (Player.moveSpeed + self.moveSpeedModifier['left']) * data.dt self.facing = 'L' self.animation.switchDirection('L') if 'idle' in self.animation.animName:'runL') self.movedThisFrame = True break # play pull animations if self.isPulling and self.facing != self.pullStartFacing:'pull' + self.facing) elif self.isPulling and not self.movedThisFrame:'grab' + self.facing) # stop playing pull animations if not pulling if ('grab' in self.animation.animName or 'pull' in self.animation.animName) and not self.isPulling:'idle' + self.facing) # idle animations if not self.movedThisFrame: if 'run' in self.animation.animName or 'push' in self.animation.animName:'idle' + self.facing) if 'pull' in self.animation.animName and self.pullStartFacing:'grab' + self.pullStartFacing) if self.xVel > 0: self.xVel -= Player.drag * data.dt if self.xVel < 0: self.xVel += Player.drag * data.dt for key in data.keybinds['jump']: if key in data.input.justPressedKeys: # JUMP if on ground or just fell off a platform if self.isOnGround or time.time() - self.lastTimeOnGround < Player.timeToJumpAfterLeavingGround: self.yVel = -Player.jumpVelocity self.lastTimeOnGround = 0 self.releasedJumpButton = False self.animation.playOnce('jump' + self.facing) break # OR if jumping up and jump is still held, jump a bit higher elif key in data.input.pressedKeys and self.yVel < -1 and not self.releasedJumpButton: self.rect.move_ip(0, -Player.jumpHoldIncrease * data.dt) if key in data.input.unpressedKeys: self.releasedJumpButton = True self.rect.move_ip(round(self.xVel), 0) self.moveSpeedModifier['right'] = self.moveSpeedModifier['left'] = 0 def pull(self, data): """Pulls any pushable objects within range of the player""" keyIsPressed = False for key in data.keybinds['pull']: if key in data.input.pressedKeys: keyIsPressed = True if not self.pullStartFacing: self.pullStartFacing = self.facing break if keyIsPressed: if self.pullStartFacing == 'R': self.pullRect.topleft = self.collisions.collisionRect.topright elif self.pullStartFacing == 'L': self.pullRect.topright = self.collisions.collisionRect.topleft for obj in data.dynamicObjects: if obj.rect.colliderect(self.pullRect): #obj.movedThisFrame = True if self.pullStartFacing == 'R': obj.rect.left = self.collisions.collisionRect.right if self.pullStartFacing == 'L': obj.rect.right = self.collisions.collisionRect.left return 'pulling' if not keyIsPressed: self.pullStartFacing = None def setColours(self, colourDict, imageDict): """Set colours of the wizard's images""" modifiedImgs = {} for imgName in imageDict: newImage = imageDict[imgName].copy() pixArray = pygame.PixelArray(newImage) for oldColour in colourDict: newColour = colourDict[oldColour] pixArray.replace(oldColour, newColour) modifiedImgs[imgName] = newImage return modifiedImgs