예제 #1
def app():
    _app = create_app(TestConfig)
    ctx = _app.test_request_context()

    yield _app

예제 #2
    for line in open('.env'):
        var = [item.strip() for item in line.strip().split('=')]
        if len(var) == 2:
            os.environ[var[0]] = var[1]

# pick a configuration object
if os.environ.get("COMPORT_ENV") == 'prod':
    config_object = ProdConfig
    # No Slack webhook URL for testing
    if 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL' in os.environ:
    config_object = DevConfig

# create the app
app = create_app(config_object)

HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEST_PATH = os.path.join(HERE, 'tests')

manager = Manager(app)

def _make_context():
    """Return context dict for a shell session so you can access
    app, db, and the User model by default.
    return {'app': app, 'db': db, 'User': User, 'Department': Department, 'Extractor': Extractor, 'UseOfForceIncident': UseOfForceIncident, "CitizenComplaint": CitizenComplaint, "OfficerInvolvedShooting": OfficerInvolvedShooting}

def test():
예제 #3
    for line in open('.env'):
        var = [item.strip() for item in line.strip().split('=')]
        if len(var) == 2:
            os.environ[var[0]] = var[1]

# pick a configuration object
if os.environ.get("COMPORT_ENV") == 'prod':
    config_object = ProdConfig
    # No Slack webhook URL for testing
    if 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL' in os.environ:
        del (os.environ['SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'])
    config_object = DevConfig

# create the app
app = create_app(config_object)

HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEST_PATH = os.path.join(HERE, 'tests')

manager = Manager(app)

def _make_context():
    ''' Return context dict for a shell session.
    # generate a list of all the incident classes
    short_names = ["IMPD", "BPD"]
    incident_prefixes = [
        "UseOfForceIncident", "AssaultOnOfficer", "CitizenComplaint",
예제 #4
파일: manage.py 프로젝트: mehmadi/comport

from comport.app import create_app
from comport.user.models import User, Role
from comport.department.models import Department, Extractor
from comport.settings import DevConfig, ProdConfig, Config
from comport.database import db
from comport.utils import parse_csv_date
from comport.data.models import UseOfForceIncident, CitizenComplaint, DenominatorValue, DemographicValue, OfficerInvolvedShooting
import glob
import csv
import hashlib
from testclient.JSON_test_client import JSONTestClient

if os.environ.get("COMPORT_ENV") == 'prod':
    app = create_app(ProdConfig)
    app = create_app(DevConfig)

HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEST_PATH = os.path.join(HERE, 'tests')

manager = Manager(app)

def _make_context():
    """Return context dict for a shell session so you can access
    app, db, and the User model by default.
    return {'app': app, 'db': db, 'User': User, 'Department': Department, 'Extractor': Extractor, 'UseOfForceIncident': UseOfForceIncident, "CitizenComplaint": CitizenComplaint, "OfficerInvolvedShooting": OfficerInvolvedShooting}