class KeggModel(object): def __del__(self): self.ccache.dump() def __init__(self, S, cids, rids=None): self.S = S self.cids = cids self.rids = rids assert len(self.cids) == self.S.shape[0] if self.rids is not None: assert len(self.rids) == self.S.shape[1] self.ccache = CompoundCacher() # remove H+ from the stoichiometric matrix if it exists if 'C00080' in self.cids: i = self.cids.index('C00080') self.S = np.vstack((self.S[:i,:], self.S[i+1:,:])) self.cids.pop(i) @staticmethod def from_file(fname, arrow='<=>', format='kegg', has_reaction_ids=False): """ reads a file containing reactions in KEGG format Arguments: fname - the filename to read arrow - the string used as the 'arrow' in each reaction (default: '<=>') format - the text file format provided ('kegg', 'tsv' or 'csv') has_reaction_ids - a boolean flag indicating if there is a column of reaction IDs (separated from the reaction with whitespaces) Return a KeggModel """ fd = open(fname, 'r') if format == 'kegg': model = KeggModel.from_formulas(fd.readlines(), arrow, has_reaction_ids) elif format == 'tsv': model = KeggModel.from_csv(fd, has_reaction_ids=has_reaction_ids, delimiter='\t') elif format == 'csv': model = KeggModel.from_csv(fd, has_reaction_ids=has_reaction_ids, delimiter=None) fd.close() return model @staticmethod def from_csv(fd, has_reaction_ids=True, delimiter=None): csv_reader = csv.reader(fd, delimiter=delimiter) if has_reaction_ids: rids = rids = rids[1:] else: rids = None S = [] cids = [] for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): cids.append(row[0]) S.append([float(x) for x in row[1:]]) S = np.array(S) return KeggModel(S, cids, rids) @staticmethod def from_kegg_reactions(kegg_reactions, has_reaction_ids=False): if has_reaction_ids: rids = [r.rid for r in kegg_reactions] else: rids = None cids = set() for reaction in kegg_reactions: cids = cids.union(reaction.keys()) # convert the list of reactions in sparse notation into a full # stoichiometric matrix, where the rows (compounds) are according to the # CID list 'cids'. cids = sorted(cids) S = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(cids), len(kegg_reactions)))) for i, reaction in enumerate(kegg_reactions): S[:, i] = np.matrix(reaction.dense(cids)) logging.debug('Successfully loaded %d reactions (involving %d unique compounds)' % (S.shape[1], S.shape[0])) return KeggModel(S, cids, rids) @staticmethod def from_formulas(reaction_strings, arrow='<=>', has_reaction_ids=False, raise_exception=False): """ parses a list of reactions in KEGG format Arguments: reaction_strings - a list of reactions in KEGG format arrow - the string used as the 'arrow' in each reaction (default: '<=>') has_reaction_ids - a boolean flag indicating if there is a column of reaction IDs (separated from the reaction with whitespaces) Return values: S - a stoichiometric matrix cids - the KEGG compound IDs in the same order as the rows of S """ try: reactions = [] not_balanced_count = 0 for line in reaction_strings: rid = None if has_reaction_ids: tokens = re.findall('(\w+)\s+(.*)', line.strip())[0] rid = tokens[0] line = tokens[1] try: reaction = KeggReaction.parse_formula(line, arrow, rid) except KeggParseException as e: logging.warning(str(e)) reaction = KeggReaction({}) if not reaction.is_balanced(fix_water=True, raise_exception=raise_exception): not_balanced_count += 1 logging.warning('Model contains an unbalanced reaction: ' + line) reaction = KeggReaction({}) reactions.append(reaction) logging.debug('Adding reaction: ' + reaction.write_formula()) if not_balanced_count > 0: warning_str = '%d out of the %d reactions are not chemically balanced' % \ (not_balanced_count, len(reaction_strings)) logging.debug(warning_str) return KeggModel.from_kegg_reactions(reactions, has_reaction_ids) except ValueError as e: if raise_exception: raise e else: logging.debug(str(e)) return None def add_thermo(self, cc): # check that all CIDs in the reaction are already cached by CC Nc, Nr = self.S.shape reactions = [] for j in xrange(Nr): sparse = {self.cids[i]:self.S[i,j] for i in xrange(Nc) if self.S[i,j] != 0} reaction = KeggReaction(sparse) reactions.append(reaction) self.dG0, self.cov_dG0 = cc.get_dG0_r_multi(reactions) def get_transformed_dG0(self, pH, I, T): """ returns the estimated dG0_prime and the standard deviation of each estimate (i.e. a measure for the uncertainty). """ dG0_prime = self.dG0 + self._get_transform_ddG0(pH=pH, I=I, T=T) dG0_std = np.matrix(np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov_dG0))).T U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(self.cov_dG0, full_matrices=True) sqrt_Sigma = np.matrix(U) * np.matrix(np.diag(s**0.5)) * np.matrix(V) return dG0_prime, dG0_std, sqrt_Sigma def _get_transform_ddG0(self, pH, I, T): """ needed in order to calculate the transformed Gibbs energies of the model reactions. Returns: an array (whose length is self.S.shape[1]) with the differences between DrG0_prime and DrG0. Therefore, one must add this array to the chemical Gibbs energies of reaction (DrG0) to get the transformed values """ ddG0_compounds = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.S.shape[0], 1))) for i, cid in enumerate(self.cids): comp = self.ccache.get_compound(cid) ddG0_compounds[i, 0] = comp.transform_pH7(pH, I, T) ddG0_forward =, ddG0_compounds) return ddG0_forward def check_S_balance(self): elements, Ematrix = self.ccache.get_element_matrix(self.cids) conserved = Ematrix.T * self.S rxnFil = np.any(conserved[:,range(self.S.shape[1])],axis=0) unbalanced_ind = np.nonzero(rxnFil)[1] if unbalanced_ind != []: logging.warning('There are (%d) unbalanced reactions in S. ' 'Setting their coefficients to 0.' % len(unbalanced_ind.flat)) if self.rids is not None: logging.warning('These are the unbalanced reactions: ' + ', '.join([self.rids[i] for i in unbalanced_ind.flat])) self.S[:, unbalanced_ind] = 0 return self def write_reaction_by_index(self, r): sparse = dict([(cid, self.S[i, r]) for i, cid in enumerate(self.cids) if self.S[i, r] != 0]) if self.rids is not None: reaction = KeggReaction(sparse, rid=self.rids[r]) else: reaction = KeggReaction(sparse) return reaction.write_formula() def get_unidirectional_S(self): S_plus = np.copy(self.S) S_minus = np.copy(self.S) S_plus[self.S < 0] = 0 S_minus[self.S > 0] = 0 return S_minus, S_plus
class TrainingData(object): # a dictionary of the filenames of the training data and the relative # weight of each one FNAME_DICT = {'TECRDB' : ('../data/TECRDB.tsv', 1.0), 'FORMATION' : ('../data/formation_energies_transformed.tsv', 1.0), 'REDOX' : ('../data/redox.tsv', 1.0)} def __del__(self): self.ccache.dump() def __init__(self): self.ccache = CompoundCacher() thermo_params, self.cids_that_dont_decompose = TrainingData.get_all_thermo_params() cids = set() for d in thermo_params: cids = cids.union(d['reaction'].keys()) cids = sorted(cids) # convert the list of reactions in sparse notation into a full # stoichiometric matrix, where the rows (compounds) are according to the # CID list 'cids'. self.S = np.zeros((len(cids), len(thermo_params))) for k, d in enumerate(thermo_params): for cid, coeff in d['reaction'].iteritems(): self.S[cids.index(cid), k] = coeff self.cids = cids self.dG0_prime = np.array([d['dG\'0'] for d in thermo_params]) self.T = np.array([d['T'] for d in thermo_params]) self.I = np.array([d['I'] for d in thermo_params]) self.pH = np.array([d['pH'] for d in thermo_params]) self.pMg = np.array([d['pMg'] for d in thermo_params]) self.weight = np.array([d['weight'] for d in thermo_params]) self.reference = [d['reference'] for d in thermo_params] self.description = [d['description'] for d in thermo_params] rxn_inds_to_balance = [i for i in xrange(len(thermo_params)) if thermo_params[i]['balance']] self.balance_reactions(rxn_inds_to_balance) self.reverse_transform() def savemat(self, fname): d = {'dG0_prime': self.dG0_prime, 'dG0': self.dG0, 'T': self.T, 'I': self.I, 'pH': self.pH, 'pMg': self.pMg, 'weight': self.weight, 'cids': self.cids} savemat(fname, d, oned_as='row') def savecsv(self, fname): csv_output = csv.writer(open(fname, 'w')) csv_output.writerow(['reaction', 'T', 'I', 'pH', 'reference', 'dG0', 'dG0_prime']) for j in xrange(self.S.shape[1]): sparse = {self.cids[i]: self.S[i, j] for i in xrange(self.S.shape[0])} r_string = KeggReaction(sparse).write_formula() csv_output.writerow([r_string, self.T[j], self.I[j], self.pH[j], self.reference[j], self.dG0[j], self.dG0_prime[j]]) @staticmethod def str2double(s): """ casts a string to float, but if the string is empty return NaN """ if s == '': return np.nan else: return float(s) @staticmethod def read_tecrdb(fname, weight): """Read the raw data of TECRDB (NIST)""" thermo_params = [] # columns are: reaction, dG'0, T, I, pH, pMg, weight, balance? headers = ["URL", "REF_ID", "METHOD", "EVAL", "EC", "ENZYME NAME", "REACTION IN KEGG IDS", "REACTION IN COMPOUND NAMES", "K", "K'", "T", "I", "pH", "pMg"] for row_list in csv.reader(open(fname, 'r'), delimiter='\t'): if row_list == []: continue row = dict(zip(headers, row_list)) if (row['K\''] == '') or (row['T'] == '') or (row['pH'] == ''): continue # parse the reaction reaction = KeggReaction.parse_formula(row['REACTION IN KEGG IDS'], arrow='=') # calculate dG'0 dG0_prime = -R * TrainingData.str2double(row['T']) * \ np.log(TrainingData.str2double(row['K\''])) try: thermo_params.append({'reaction': reaction, 'dG\'0' : dG0_prime, 'T': TrainingData.str2double(row['T']), 'I': TrainingData.str2double(row['I']), 'pH': TrainingData.str2double(row['pH']), 'pMg': TrainingData.str2double(row['pMg']), 'weight': weight, 'balance': True, 'reference': row['REF_ID'], 'description': row['REACTION IN COMPOUND NAMES']}) except ValueError: raise Exception('Cannot parse row: ' + str(row)) logging.debug('Successfully added %d reactions from TECRDB' % len(thermo_params)) return thermo_params @staticmethod def read_formations(fname, weight): """Read the Formation Energy data""" # columns are: reaction, dG'0, T, I, pH, pMg, weight, balance? thermo_params = [] cids_that_dont_decompose = set() # fields are: cid, name, dG'0, pH, I, pMg, T, decompose?, # compound_ref, remark for row in csv.DictReader(open(fname, 'r'), delimiter='\t'): if int(row['decompose']) == 0: cids_that_dont_decompose.add(row['cid']) if row['dG\'0'] != '': rxn = KeggReaction({row['cid'] : 1}) thermo_params.append({'reaction': rxn, 'dG\'0' : TrainingData.str2double(row['dG\'0']), 'T': TrainingData.str2double(row['T']), 'I': TrainingData.str2double(row['I']), 'pH': TrainingData.str2double(row['pH']), 'pMg': TrainingData.str2double(row['pMg']), 'weight': weight, 'balance': False, 'reference': row['compound_ref'], 'description': row['name'] + ' formation'}) logging.debug('Successfully added %d formation energies' % len(thermo_params)) return thermo_params, cids_that_dont_decompose @staticmethod def read_redox(fname, weight): """Read the Reduction potential data""" # columns are: reaction, dG'0, T, I, pH, pMg, weight, balance? thermo_params = [] # fields are: name, CID_ox, nH_ox, charge_ox, CID_red, # nH_red, charge_red, E'0, pH, I, pMg, T, ref for row in csv.DictReader(open(fname, 'r'), delimiter='\t'): delta_nH = TrainingData.str2double(row['nH_red']) - \ TrainingData.str2double(row['nH_ox']) delta_charge = TrainingData.str2double(row['charge_red']) - \ TrainingData.str2double(row['charge_ox']) delta_e = delta_nH - delta_charge dG0_prime = -F * TrainingData.str2double(row['E\'0']) * delta_e rxn = KeggReaction({row['CID_ox'] : -1, row['CID_red'] : 1}) thermo_params.append({'reaction': rxn, 'dG\'0' : dG0_prime, 'T': TrainingData.str2double(row['T']), 'I': TrainingData.str2double(row['I']), 'pH': TrainingData.str2double(row['pH']), 'pMg': TrainingData.str2double(row['pMg']), 'weight': weight, 'balance': False, 'reference': row['ref'], 'description': row['name'] + ' redox'}) logging.debug('Successfully added %d redox potentials' % len(thermo_params)) return thermo_params @staticmethod def get_all_thermo_params(): base_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] fname, weight = TrainingData.FNAME_DICT['TECRDB'] fname = os.path.join(base_path, fname) tecrdb_params = TrainingData.read_tecrdb(fname, weight) fname, weight = TrainingData.FNAME_DICT['FORMATION'] fname = os.path.join(base_path, fname) formation_params, cids_that_dont_decompose = TrainingData.read_formations(fname, weight) fname, weight = TrainingData.FNAME_DICT['REDOX'] fname = os.path.join(base_path, fname) redox_params = TrainingData.read_redox(fname, weight) thermo_params = tecrdb_params + formation_params + redox_params return thermo_params, cids_that_dont_decompose def balance_reactions(self, rxn_inds_to_balance): """ use the chemical formulas from the InChIs to verify that each and every reaction is balanced """ elements, Ematrix = self.ccache.get_element_matrix(self.cids) cpd_inds_without_formula = list(np.nonzero(np.any(np.isnan(Ematrix), 1))[0].flat) Ematrix[np.isnan(Ematrix)] = 0 S_without_formula = self.S[cpd_inds_without_formula, :] rxn_inds_without_formula = np.nonzero(np.any(S_without_formula != 0, 0))[0] rxn_inds_to_balance = set(rxn_inds_to_balance).difference(rxn_inds_without_formula) # need to check that all elements are balanced (except H, but including e-) # if only O is not balanced, add water molecules if 'O' in elements: i_H2O = self.cids.index('C00001') j_O = elements.index('O') conserved =, self.S) for k in rxn_inds_to_balance: self.S[i_H2O, k] = self.S[i_H2O, k] - conserved[j_O, k] # recalculate conservation matrix conserved = Ematrix.T * self.S rxn_inds_to_remove = [k for k in rxn_inds_to_balance if np.any(conserved[:, k] != 0, 0)] for k in rxn_inds_to_remove: sprs = {} for i in np.nonzero(self.S[:, k])[0]: sprs[self.cids[i]] = self.S[i, k] reaction = KeggReaction(sprs) logging.debug('unbalanced reaction #%d: %s' % (k, reaction.write_formula())) for j in np.where(conserved[:, k])[0].flat: logging.debug('there are %d more %s atoms on the right-hand side' % (conserved[j, k], elements[j])) rxn_inds_to_keep = \ set(range(self.S.shape[1])).difference(rxn_inds_to_remove) rxn_inds_to_keep = sorted(rxn_inds_to_keep) self.S = self.S[:, rxn_inds_to_keep] self.dG0_prime = self.dG0_prime[rxn_inds_to_keep] self.T = self.T[rxn_inds_to_keep] self.I = self.I[rxn_inds_to_keep] self.pH = self.pH[rxn_inds_to_keep] self.pMg = self.pMg[rxn_inds_to_keep] self.weight = self.weight[rxn_inds_to_keep] self.reference = [self.reference[i] for i in rxn_inds_to_keep] self.description = [self.description[i] for i in rxn_inds_to_keep] logging.debug('After removing %d unbalanced reactions, the stoichiometric ' 'matrix contains: ' '%d compounds and %d reactions' % (len(rxn_inds_to_remove), self.S.shape[0], self.S.shape[1])) def reverse_transform(self): """ Calculate the reverse transform for all reactions in training_data. """ n_rxns = self.S.shape[1] reverse_ddG0 = np.zeros(n_rxns) self.I[np.isnan(self.I)] = 0.25 # default ionic strength is 0.25M self.pMg[np.isnan(self.pMg)] = 14 # default pMg is 14 for i in xrange(n_rxns): for j in np.nonzero(self.S[:, i])[0]: cid = self.cids[j] if cid == 'C00080': # H+ should be ignored in the Legendre transform continue comp = self.ccache.get_compound(cid) ddG0 = comp.transform_pH7(self.pH[i], self.I[i], self.T[i]) reverse_ddG0[i] = reverse_ddG0[i] + ddG0 * self.S[j, i] self.dG0 = self.dG0_prime - reverse_ddG0
class KeggModel(object): def __del__(self): self.ccache.dump() def __init__(self, S, cids, rids=None): self.S = S self.cids = cids self.rids = rids assert len(self.cids) == self.S.shape[0] if self.rids is not None: assert len(self.rids) == self.S.shape[1] self.ccache = CompoundCacher() # remove H+ from the stoichiometric matrix if it exists if 'C00080' in self.cids: i = self.cids.index('C00080') self.S = np.vstack((self.S[:i, :], self.S[i + 1:, :])) self.cids.pop(i) @staticmethod def from_file(fname, arrow='<=>', format='kegg', has_reaction_ids=False): """ reads a file containing reactions in KEGG format Arguments: fname - the filename to read arrow - the string used as the 'arrow' in each reaction (default: '<=>') format - the text file format provided ('kegg', 'tsv' or 'csv') has_reaction_ids - a boolean flag indicating if there is a column of reaction IDs (separated from the reaction with whitespaces) Return a KeggModel """ fd = open(fname, 'r') if format == 'kegg': model = KeggModel.from_formulas(fd.readlines(), arrow, has_reaction_ids) elif format == 'tsv': model = KeggModel.from_csv(fd, has_reaction_ids=has_reaction_ids, delimiter='\t') elif format == 'csv': model = KeggModel.from_csv(fd, has_reaction_ids=has_reaction_ids, delimiter=None) fd.close() return model @staticmethod def from_csv(fd, has_reaction_ids=True, delimiter=None): csv_reader = csv.reader(fd, delimiter=delimiter) if has_reaction_ids: rids = rids = rids[1:] else: rids = None S = [] cids = [] for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): cids.append(row[0]) S.append([float(x) for x in row[1:]]) S = np.array(S) return KeggModel(S, cids, rids) @staticmethod def from_kegg_reactions(kegg_reactions, has_reaction_ids=False): if has_reaction_ids: rids = [r.rid for r in kegg_reactions] else: rids = None cids = set() for reaction in kegg_reactions: cids = cids.union(reaction.keys()) # convert the list of reactions in sparse notation into a full # stoichiometric matrix, where the rows (compounds) are according to the # CID list 'cids'. cids = sorted(cids) S = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(cids), len(kegg_reactions)))) for i, reaction in enumerate(kegg_reactions): S[:, i] = np.matrix(reaction.dense(cids)) logging.debug( 'Successfully loaded %d reactions (involving %d unique compounds)' % (S.shape[1], S.shape[0])) return KeggModel(S, cids, rids) @staticmethod def from_formulas(reaction_strings, arrow='<=>', has_reaction_ids=False, raise_exception=False): """ parses a list of reactions in KEGG format Arguments: reaction_strings - a list of reactions in KEGG format arrow - the string used as the 'arrow' in each reaction (default: '<=>') has_reaction_ids - a boolean flag indicating if there is a column of reaction IDs (separated from the reaction with whitespaces) Return values: S - a stoichiometric matrix cids - the KEGG compound IDs in the same order as the rows of S """ try: reactions = [] not_balanced_count = 0 for line in reaction_strings: rid = None if has_reaction_ids: tokens = re.findall('(\w+)\s+(.*)', line.strip())[0] rid = tokens[0] line = tokens[1] try: reaction = KeggReaction.parse_formula(line, arrow, rid) except KeggParseException as e: logging.warning(str(e)) reaction = KeggReaction({}) if not reaction.is_balanced(fix_water=True, raise_exception=raise_exception): not_balanced_count += 1 logging.warning('Model contains an unbalanced reaction: ' + line) reaction = KeggReaction({}) reactions.append(reaction) logging.debug('Adding reaction: ' + reaction.write_formula()) if not_balanced_count > 0: warning_str = '%d out of the %d reactions are not chemically balanced' % \ (not_balanced_count, len(reaction_strings)) logging.debug(warning_str) return KeggModel.from_kegg_reactions(reactions, has_reaction_ids) except ValueError as e: if raise_exception: raise e else: logging.debug(str(e)) return None def add_thermo(self, cc): # check that all CIDs in the reaction are already cached by CC Nc, Nr = self.S.shape reactions = [] for j in xrange(Nr): sparse = { self.cids[i]: self.S[i, j] for i in xrange(Nc) if self.S[i, j] != 0 } reaction = KeggReaction(sparse) reactions.append(reaction) self.dG0, self.cov_dG0 = cc.get_dG0_r_multi(reactions) def get_transformed_dG0(self, pH, I, T): """ returns the estimated dG0_prime and the standard deviation of each estimate (i.e. a measure for the uncertainty). """ dG0_prime = self.dG0 + self._get_transform_ddG0(pH=pH, I=I, T=T) dG0_std = np.matrix(np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov_dG0))).T U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(self.cov_dG0, full_matrices=True) sqrt_Sigma = np.matrix(U) * np.matrix(np.diag(s**0.5)) * np.matrix(V) return dG0_prime, dG0_std, sqrt_Sigma def _get_transform_ddG0(self, pH, I, T): """ needed in order to calculate the transformed Gibbs energies of the model reactions. Returns: an array (whose length is self.S.shape[1]) with the differences between DrG0_prime and DrG0. Therefore, one must add this array to the chemical Gibbs energies of reaction (DrG0) to get the transformed values """ ddG0_compounds = np.matrix(np.zeros((self.S.shape[0], 1))) for i, cid in enumerate(self.cids): comp = self.ccache.get_compound(cid) ddG0_compounds[i, 0] = comp.transform_pH7(pH, I, T) ddG0_forward =, ddG0_compounds) return ddG0_forward def check_S_balance(self, fix_water=False): elements, Ematrix = self.ccache.get_element_matrix(self.cids) conserved = Ematrix.T * self.S if fix_water: # This part only looks for imbalanced oxygen and uses extra # H2O molecules (on either side of the reaction equation) to # balance them. Keep in mind that also the e- balance is affected # by the water (and hydrogen is not counted at all). if 'C00001' not in self.cids: self.S = np.vstack([self.S, np.zeros((1, self.S.shape[1]))]) self.cids.append('C00001') elements, Ematrix = self.ccache.get_element_matrix(self.cids) i_h2o = self.cids.index('C00001') add_water = -conserved[elements.index('O'), :] self.S[i_h2o, :] += add_water conserved += Ematrix[i_h2o, :].T * add_water rxnFil = np.any(conserved[:, range(self.S.shape[1])], axis=0) unbalanced_ind = np.nonzero(rxnFil)[1] if unbalanced_ind != []: logging.warning('There are (%d) unbalanced reactions in S. ' 'Setting their coefficients to 0.' % len(unbalanced_ind.flat)) if self.rids is not None: logging.warning( 'These are the unbalanced reactions: ' + ', '.join([self.rids[i] for i in unbalanced_ind.flat])) self.S[:, unbalanced_ind] = 0 return self def write_reaction_by_index(self, r): sparse = dict([(cid, self.S[i, r]) for i, cid in enumerate(self.cids) if self.S[i, r] != 0]) if self.rids is not None: reaction = KeggReaction(sparse, rid=self.rids[r]) else: reaction = KeggReaction(sparse) return reaction.write_formula() def get_unidirectional_S(self): S_plus = np.copy(self.S) S_minus = np.copy(self.S) S_plus[self.S < 0] = 0 S_minus[self.S > 0] = 0 return S_minus, S_plus
class KeggReaction(object): def __init__(self, sparse, arrow='<=>', rid=None): for cid, coeff in sparse.iteritems(): if not (isinstance(coeff, float) or isinstance(coeff, int)): raise ValueError('All values in KeggReaction must be integers or floats') self.sparse = dict(filter(lambda (k,v):v, sparse.items())) self.arrow = arrow self.rid = rid self.ccache = CompoundCacher() def keys(self): return self.sparse.keys() def iteritems(self): return self.sparse.iteritems() def __str__(self): return self.write_formula() def reverse(self): """ reverse the direction of the reaction by negating all stoichiometric coefficients """ self.sparse = dict( (k, -v) for (k, v) in self.sparse.iteritems() ) @staticmethod def parse_reaction_formula_side(s): """ Parses the side formula, e.g. '2 C00001 + C00002 + 3 C00003' Ignores stoichiometry. Returns: The set of CIDs. """ if s.strip() == "null": return {} compound_bag = {} for member in re.split('\s+\+\s+', s): tokens = member.split(None, 1) if len(tokens) == 0: continue if len(tokens) == 1: amount = 1 key = member else: try: amount = float(tokens[0]) except ValueError: raise KeggParseException( "Non-specific reaction: %s" % s) key = tokens[1] try: compound_bag[key] = compound_bag.get(key, 0) + amount except ValueError: raise KeggParseException( "Non-specific reaction: %s" % s) return compound_bag @staticmethod def parse_formula(formula, arrow='<=>', rid=None): """ Parses a two-sided formula such as: 2 C00001 => C00002 + C00003 Return: The set of substrates, products and the direction of the reaction """ tokens = formula.split(arrow) if len(tokens) < 2: raise KeggParseException('Reaction does not contain the arrow sign (%s): %s' % (arrow, formula)) if len(tokens) > 2: raise KeggParseException('Reaction contains more than one arrow sign (%s): %s' % (arrow, formula)) left = tokens[0].strip() right = tokens[1].strip() sparse_reaction = {} for cid, count in KeggReaction.parse_reaction_formula_side(left).iteritems(): sparse_reaction[cid] = sparse_reaction.get(cid, 0) - count for cid, count in KeggReaction.parse_reaction_formula_side(right).iteritems(): sparse_reaction[cid] = sparse_reaction.get(cid, 0) + count return KeggReaction(sparse_reaction, arrow, rid=rid) @staticmethod def write_compound_and_coeff(compound_id, coeff): if coeff == 1: return compound_id else: return "%g %s" % (coeff, compound_id) def write_formula(self): """String representation.""" left = [] right = [] for cid, coeff in sorted(self.sparse.iteritems()): if coeff < 0: left.append(KeggReaction.write_compound_and_coeff(cid, -coeff)) elif coeff > 0: right.append(KeggReaction.write_compound_and_coeff(cid, coeff)) return "%s %s %s" % (' + '.join(left), self.arrow, ' + '.join(right)) def _get_reaction_atom_bag(self, raise_exception=False): """ Use for checking if all elements are conserved. Returns: An atom_bag of the differences between the sides of the reaction. E.g. if there is one extra C on the left-hand side, the result will be {'C': -1}. """ try: cids = list(self.keys()) coeffs = map(self.sparse.__getitem__, cids) coeffs = np.matrix(coeffs) cached_cids = set(map(str, self.ccache.compound_id2inchi.keys())) if not cached_cids.issuperset(cids): missing_cids = set(cids).difference(cached_cids) warning_str = 'The following compound IDs are not in the cache, ' + \ 'make sure they appear in kegg_additions.tsv and ' + \ 'then run ' + \ ', '.join(sorted(missing_cids)) raise ValueError(warning_str) elements, Ematrix = self.ccache.get_element_matrix(cids) conserved = coeffs * Ematrix if np.any(np.isnan(conserved), 1): warning_str = 'cannot test reaction balancing because of unspecific ' + \ 'compound formulas: %s' % self.write_formula() raise ValueError(warning_str) atom_bag = {} if np.any(conserved != 0, 1): logging.debug('unbalanced reaction: %s' % self.write_formula()) for j, c in enumerate(conserved.flat): if c != 0: logging.debug('there are %d more %s atoms on the right-hand side' % (c, elements[j])) atom_bag[str(elements[j])] = c return atom_bag except ValueError as e: if raise_exception: raise e else: logging.debug(str(e)) return None def is_balanced(self, fix_water=False, raise_exception=False): reaction_atom_bag = self._get_reaction_atom_bag(raise_exception) if reaction_atom_bag is None: # this means some compound formulas are missing return False if fix_water and 'O' in reaction_atom_bag: self.sparse.setdefault('C00001', 0) self.sparse['C00001'] += -reaction_atom_bag['O'] if self.sparse['C00001'] == 0: del self.sparse['C00001'] reaction_atom_bag = self._get_reaction_atom_bag() return len(reaction_atom_bag) == 0 def is_empty(self): return len(self.sparse) == 0 def dense(self, cids): s = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(cids), 1))) for cid, coeff in self.iteritems(): s[cids.index(cid), 0] = coeff return s def get_transform_ddG0(self, pH, I, T): """ needed in order to calculate the transformed Gibbs energies of reactions. Returns: The difference between DrG0_prime and DrG0 for this reaction. Therefore, this value must be added to the chemical Gibbs energy of reaction (DrG0) to get the transformed value. """ ddG0_forward = 0 for compound_id, coeff in self.iteritems(): comp = self.ccache.get_compound(compound_id) ddG0_forward += coeff * comp.transform_pH7(pH, I, T) return ddG0_forward
class KeggReaction(object): def __init__(self, sparse, arrow='<=>', rid=None): for cid, coeff in sparse.iteritems(): if not (isinstance(coeff, float) or isinstance(coeff, int)): raise ValueError( 'All values in KeggReaction must be integers or floats') self.sparse = dict(filter(lambda (k, v): v, sparse.items())) self.arrow = arrow self.rid = rid self.ccache = CompoundCacher() def keys(self): return self.sparse.keys() def iteritems(self): return self.sparse.iteritems() def __str__(self): return self.write_formula() def reverse(self): """ reverse the direction of the reaction by negating all stoichiometric coefficients """ self.sparse = dict((k, -v) for (k, v) in self.sparse.iteritems()) @staticmethod def parse_reaction_formula_side(s): """ Parses the side formula, e.g. '2 C00001 + C00002 + 3 C00003' Ignores stoichiometry. Returns: The set of CIDs. """ if s.strip() == "null": return {} compound_bag = {} for member in re.split('\s+\+\s+', s): tokens = member.split(None, 1) if len(tokens) == 0: continue if len(tokens) == 1: amount = 1 key = member else: try: amount = float(tokens[0]) except ValueError: raise KeggParseException("Non-specific reaction: %s" % s) key = tokens[1] try: compound_bag[key] = compound_bag.get(key, 0) + amount except ValueError: raise KeggParseException("Non-specific reaction: %s" % s) return compound_bag @staticmethod def parse_formula(formula, arrow='<=>', rid=None): """ Parses a two-sided formula such as: 2 C00001 => C00002 + C00003 Return: The set of substrates, products and the direction of the reaction """ tokens = formula.split(arrow) if len(tokens) < 2: raise KeggParseException( 'Reaction does not contain the arrow sign (%s): %s' % (arrow, formula)) if len(tokens) > 2: raise KeggParseException( 'Reaction contains more than one arrow sign (%s): %s' % (arrow, formula)) left = tokens[0].strip() right = tokens[1].strip() sparse_reaction = {} for cid, count in KeggReaction.parse_reaction_formula_side( left).iteritems(): sparse_reaction[cid] = sparse_reaction.get(cid, 0) - count for cid, count in KeggReaction.parse_reaction_formula_side( right).iteritems(): sparse_reaction[cid] = sparse_reaction.get(cid, 0) + count return KeggReaction(sparse_reaction, arrow, rid=rid) @staticmethod def write_compound_and_coeff(compound_id, coeff): if coeff == 1: return compound_id else: return "%g %s" % (coeff, compound_id) def write_formula(self): """String representation.""" left = [] right = [] for cid, coeff in sorted(self.sparse.iteritems()): if coeff < 0: left.append(KeggReaction.write_compound_and_coeff(cid, -coeff)) elif coeff > 0: right.append(KeggReaction.write_compound_and_coeff(cid, coeff)) return "%s %s %s" % (' + '.join(left), self.arrow, ' + '.join(right)) def _get_reaction_atom_bag(self, raise_exception=False): """ Use for checking if all elements are conserved. Returns: An atom_bag of the differences between the sides of the reaction. E.g. if there is one extra C on the left-hand side, the result will be {'C': -1}. """ try: cids = list(self.keys()) coeffs = map(self.sparse.__getitem__, cids) coeffs = np.matrix(coeffs) cached_cids = set(map(str, self.ccache.compound_id2inchi.keys())) if not cached_cids.issuperset(cids): missing_cids = set(cids).difference(cached_cids) warning_str = 'The following compound IDs are not in the cache, ' + \ 'make sure they appear in kegg_additions.tsv and ' + \ 'then run ' + \ ', '.join(sorted(missing_cids)) raise ValueError(warning_str) elements, Ematrix = self.ccache.get_element_matrix(cids) conserved = coeffs * Ematrix if np.any(np.isnan(conserved), 1): warning_str = 'cannot test reaction balancing because of unspecific ' + \ 'compound formulas: %s' % self.write_formula() raise ValueError(warning_str) atom_bag = {} if np.any(conserved != 0, 1): logging.debug('unbalanced reaction: %s' % self.write_formula()) for j, c in enumerate(conserved.flat): if c != 0: logging.debug( 'there are %d more %s atoms on the right-hand side' % (c, elements[j])) atom_bag[str(elements[j])] = c return atom_bag except ValueError as e: if raise_exception: raise e else: logging.debug(str(e)) return None def is_balanced(self, fix_water=False, raise_exception=False): reaction_atom_bag = self._get_reaction_atom_bag(raise_exception) if reaction_atom_bag is None: # this means some compound formulas are missing return False if fix_water and 'O' in reaction_atom_bag: self.sparse.setdefault('C00001', 0) self.sparse['C00001'] += -reaction_atom_bag['O'] if self.sparse['C00001'] == 0: del self.sparse['C00001'] reaction_atom_bag = self._get_reaction_atom_bag() return len(reaction_atom_bag) == 0 def is_empty(self): return len(self.sparse) == 0 def dense(self, cids): s = np.matrix(np.zeros((len(cids), 1))) for cid, coeff in self.iteritems(): s[cids.index(cid), 0] = coeff return s def get_transform_ddG0(self, pH, I, T): """ needed in order to calculate the transformed Gibbs energies of reactions. Returns: The difference between DrG0_prime and DrG0 for this reaction. Therefore, this value must be added to the chemical Gibbs energy of reaction (DrG0) to get the transformed value. """ ddG0_forward = 0 for compound_id, coeff in self.iteritems(): comp = self.ccache.get_compound(compound_id) ddG0_forward += coeff * comp.transform_pH7(pH, I, T) return ddG0_forward