예제 #1
shutil.copyfile(filename, workingfilename)
accessApplication = CreateObject("Access.Application")

acForm = 2
acModule= 5
acMacro = 4
acReport = 3
dictionaryDelete = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

for f in accessApplication.CurrentProject.AllForms:
    accessApplication.SaveAsText(acForm, f.FullName, exportPath + '\\' + f.FullName + '.form' )
    accessApplication.DoCmd.Close(acForm, f.FullName)
    dictionaryDelete.Add("FO" + f.FullName, acForm)

for m in accessApplication.CurrentProject.AllModules:
    accessApplication.SaveAsText(acModule, m.FullName, exportPath + '\\' + m.FullName + '.bas' )
    accessApplication.DoCmd.Close(acModule, m.FullName)
    dictionaryDelete.Add("MO" + m.FullName, acModule)

for m in accessApplication.CurrentProject.AllMacros:
    accessApplication.SaveAsText(acMacro, m.FullName, exportPath + '\\' + m.FullName + '.mac' )
    accessApplication.DoCmd.Close(acMacro, m.FullName)
    dictionaryDelete.Add("MA" + m.FullName, acMacro)

for r in accessApplication.CurrentProject.AllReports:
예제 #2
    def test_dict(self):
        d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary", dynamic=True)
        self.assertEqual(type(d), Dispatch)

        # Count is a normal propget, no propput
        self.assertEqual(d.Count, 0)
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: setattr(d, "Count", -1))

        # HashVal is a 'named' propget, no propput

        # Add(Key, Item) -> None
        self.assertEqual(d.Add("one", 1), None)
        self.assertEqual(d.Count, 1)

        # RemoveAll() -> None
        self.assertEqual(d.RemoveAll(), None)
        self.assertEqual(d.Count, 0)

        # CompareMode: propget, propput
        # (Can only be set when dict is empty!)
        self.assertEqual(d.CompareMode, 0)
        d.CompareMode = 1
        self.assertEqual(d.CompareMode, 1)
        d.CompareMode = 0

        # Exists(key) -> bool
        self.assertEqual(d.Exists(42), False)
        d.Add(42, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(d.Exists(42), True)

        # Keys() -> array
        # Items() -> array
        self.assertEqual(d.Keys(), (42,))
        self.assertEqual(d.Items(), ("foo",))
        self.assertEqual(d.Exists(42), False)
        self.assertEqual(d.Keys(), ())
        self.assertEqual(d.Items(), ())

        # Item[key] : propget
        d.Add(42, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(d.Item[42], "foo")

        d.Add("spam", "bar")
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["spam"], "bar")

        # Item[key] = value: propput, propputref
        d.Item["key"] = "value"
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["key"], "value")
        d.Item[42] = 73, 48
        self.assertEqual(d.Item[42], (73, 48))

        # part 2, testing propput and propputref

        s = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary", dynamic=True)
        s.CompareMode = 42

        # This calls propputref, since we assign an Object
        d.Item["object"] = s
        # This calls propput, since we assing a Value
        d.Item["value"] = s.CompareMode

        a = d.Item["object"]
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["object"], s)
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["object"].CompareMode, 42)
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["value"], 42)

        # Changing a property of the object
        s.CompareMode = 5
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["object"], s)
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["object"].CompareMode, 5)
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["value"], 42)

        # This also calls propputref since we assign an Object
        d.Item["var"] = VARIANT(s)
        self.assertEqual(d.Item["var"], s)

        # iter(d)
        keys = [x for x in d]
                             tuple([x for x in d]))

        # d[key] = value
        # d[key] -> value
        d["blah"] = "blarg"
        self.assertEqual(d["blah"], "blarg")
        # d(key) -> value
        self.assertEqual(d("blah"), "blarg")