예제 #1
def _getMonthStat(var,name) :
   G = GETSTAT(var,name)
   per = {}
   y = None
   m = None
   dstart = con.incDays(G.dstart,-1)
   while (dstart != G.dend) :
     dstart = con.incDays(dstart)
     if y != None and y == dstart.year and m == dstart.month : continue
     y = dstart.year
     m = dstart.month
     dpocz = datetime.date(y,m,1)
     dkon = datetime.date(y,m,con.lastDay(y,m))
     per[(y,m)] = (con.nofDays(dpocz,dkon)+1,0,0)
   for r in G.seq :
     status = util.resStatus(r[0])
     date = con.toJDate(r[1].getResDate())
     key = (date.year,date.month)
     (nofdays,staydays,resdays) = per[key]
     if status == 1 : staydays = staydays + 1
     if status == 2 : resdays = resdays + 1
     per[key] = (nofdays,staydays,resdays)
   return per
예제 #2
 def readBlobList(self,var):
     l = var["JLIST_MAP"][self._bloblist]
     for k in l :
         bkey = k["blob_key"]
         d = B.getModifTime(__getO(var),bkey).getCreationDate()
         dd = con.toJDate(d)
         k["blob_date"] = dd
예제 #3
def _toMap(map,li):
    ma = {}
    for e in map.entrySet() :
        k= e.getKey()
        if li != None and not k in li : continue 
        v = e.getValue()
        if type(v) == Date : v = con.toJDate(v)
        ma[k] = v
    return ma     
예제 #4
def _toMap(map,li):
    ma = {}
    for e in map.entrySet() :
        k= e.getKey()
        if li != None and not k in li : continue 
        v = e.getValue()
        if type(v) == Date : v = con.toJDate(v)
        ma[k] = v
    return ma     
예제 #5
def _XbuildHeaderXML(var,ma,nog,r,custname):
    (arrival,departure,roomname,rate,numberofnights) = rutil.getReseDate(var,r)
    room = util.ROOMLIST(var).findElem(roomname)
    p = util.CUSTOMERLIST(var).findElem(custname);
    ma["country"] = _getCountryName(var,p.getAttr("country"))
    ma["roomnumber"] = roomname
    ma["dailyrate"] = rate
    ma["roomtype"] = room.getDescription()
    ma["arrivaldate"] = arrival
    ma["departuredate"] = departure
    ma["nofguests"] = nog
    ma["resid"] = r.getName()
    ma["issuedate"] = con.toJDate(r.getCreationDate())
    ma["saledate"] = con.today()
    ma["addinfo"] = ""
    ma["amount"] = numberofnights
    ma["description"] = ""
예제 #6
def getVar(map,dialogname,xml,listv):
    """ Set map with values read from xml string for dialog form.
    Retrieves values from XML string and set values to the map (key->value). 
    Retrieves values only for list of keys (not for all found in XML string)
       map : A map being set. Can be empty or contains some values already. In case of
          conflict new value will overwrite existing value.
       dialogname : Dialog name where form is available.
       xml : XML string to be analyzed.
       listv : List of keys to be set to the map. Only keys found in the list are set. 
           Others are ignored.    
    iXml = Holder.getXMLTransformer();
    v = DialogVariables();
    for vname in listv :
        val = v.getValue(vname)
        if val == None or val.getValue() == None: 
            map[vname] = None
        if val.getType() == TT.STRING :
            map[vname] = val.getValueS()
        if val.getType() == TT.BIGDECIMAL :
            b = val.getValueBD()
            map[vname] = con.BigDecimalToDecimal(b)
        if val.getType() == TT.BOOLEAN :
            b = val.getValueB()
            map[vname] = b
        if val.getType() == TT.INT :
            map[vname] = val.getValue()
        if val.getType() == TT.DATE :
            map[vname] = con.toJDate(val.getValue())
        if val.getType() == TT.DATETIME :
            map[vname] = con.toJDateTime(val.getValue())
예제 #7
def getVar(map,dialogname,xml,listv):
    """ Set map with values read from xml string for dialog form.
    Retrieves values from XML string and set values to the map (key->value). 
    Retrieves values only for list of keys (not for all found in XML string)
       map : A map being set. Can be empty or contains some values already. In case of
          conflict new value will overwrite existing value.
       dialogname : Dialog name where form is available.
       xml : XML string to be analyzed.
       listv : List of keys to be set to the map. Only keys found in the list are set. 
           Others are ignored.    
    iXml = Holder.getXMLTransformer();
    v = DialogVariables();
    for vname in listv :
        val = v.getValue(vname)
        if val == None or val.getValue() == None: 
            map[vname] = None
        if val.getType() == TT.STRING :
            map[vname] = val.getValueS()
        if val.getType() == TT.BIGDECIMAL :
            b = val.getValueBD()
            map[vname] = con.BigDecimalToDecimal(b)
        if val.getType() == TT.BOOLEAN :
            b = val.getValueB()
            map[vname] = b
        if val.getType() == TT.INT or val.getType() == TT.LONG :
            map[vname] = val.getValue()
        if val.getType() == TT.DATE :
            map[vname] = con.toJDate(val.getValue())
        if val.getType() == TT.DATETIME :
            map[vname] = con.toJDateTime(val.getValue())
예제 #8
def _XbuildHeaderXML(var, ma, nog, r, custname):
    (arrival, departure, roomname, rate,
     numberofnights) = rutil.getReseDate(var, r)
    room = util.ROOMLIST(var).findElem(roomname)
    p = util.CUSTOMERLIST(var).findElem(custname)
    _XaddMapElem(ma, ["name1", "name2", "address", "city"], p,
                 ["firstname", "surname", "street", "city"])
    ma["country"] = _getCountryName(var, p.getAttr("country"))
    ma["roomnumber"] = roomname
    ma["dailyrate"] = rate
    ma["roomtype"] = room.getDescription()
    ma["arrivaldate"] = arrival
    ma["departuredate"] = departure
    ma["nofguests"] = nog
    ma["resid"] = r.getName()
    ma["issuedate"] = con.toJDate(r.getCreationDate())
    ma["saledate"] = con.today()
    ma["addinfo"] = ""
    ma["amount"] = numberofnights
    ma["description"] = ""
예제 #9
def _XbuildElemXML(var,ma,r,CV=None):
    da = con.toJDate(r.getServDate())
    roomname = r.getRoomName()
    desc = util.ROOMLIST(var).findElem(roomname).getDescription()
    rate = r.getPrice()
    amount = r.getNoP()
    total = r.getPriceTotal()
    ma["date"] =da
    ma["roomnumber"] = roomname
    ma["description"] = desc
    ma["dailyrate"] = rate           
    ma["amount"] = amount
    ma["total"] = total
    ma["id"] = r.getId()
    if CV != None :
        vats = rutil.getVatName(var,r)
        (netto,vatv,vatlevel) = CV.calculateVatValue(con.BigDecimalToDecimal(total),vats)
        ma["netvalue"] = netto
        ma["taxvalue"] = vatv
        ma["taxlevel"] = vatlevel
        ma["tax"] = vats    
        ma["grossvalue"] = con.addDecimal(netto,vatv)    
예제 #10
def selectSQL(sql, param, li):
    cone = __getConnection()
    st = cone.prepareStatement(sql)
    __resolvePos(st, param)
    res = st.executeQuery()
    resli = []
    if type(li) != list:
        li = [li]
    while res.next():
        ma = {}
        for l in li:
            val = None
            if l[2] == cutil.STRING: val = res.getString(l[1])
            elif l[2] == cutil.LONG: val = res.getLong(l[1])
            elif l[2] == cutil.DECIMAL: val = res.getDouble(l[1])
                d = res.getDate(l[1])
                val = con.toJDate(d)
            ma[l[0]] = val
    return resli
예제 #11
def _XbuildElemXML(var, ma, r, CV=None):
    da = con.toJDate(r.getServDate())
    roomname = r.getRoomName()
    desc = util.ROOMLIST(var).findElem(roomname).getDescription()
    rate = r.getPrice()
    amount = r.getNoP()
    total = r.getPriceTotal()
    ma["date"] = da
    ma["roomnumber"] = roomname
    ma["description"] = desc
    ma["dailyrate"] = rate
    ma["amount"] = amount
    ma["total"] = total
    ma["id"] = r.getId()
    if CV != None:
        vats = rutil.getVatName(var, r)
        (netto, vatv,
         vatlevel) = CV.calculateVatValue(con.BigDecimalToDecimal(total), vats)
        ma["netvalue"] = netto
        ma["taxvalue"] = vatv
        ma["taxlevel"] = vatlevel
        ma["tax"] = vats
        ma["grossvalue"] = con.addDecimal(netto, vatv)
예제 #12
def toJDate(value):
    return con.toJDate(value)
예제 #13
def toJDate(value):
    return con.toJDate(value)
예제 #14
def getResStatusRese(var, r, room=None, today=None):
    """ Calculates and returns the status of the reservation
       r ReservationForm
       room room symbol
       0 reservation scheduled
       1 reservation confirmed
       2 reservation advance paid 
       3 reservation advanced expired
       4 customer not arrived
       5 vacant not paid
       6 vacant paid
       7 vacant excess payment
       8 occupied, not paid
       9 occupied, advance paid
       10 occupied paid
       11 occupied excess paid
       12 canceled              
    if today == None: today = con.today()
    S.forday = today
    #    print today
    sym = r.getName()
    re = util.resStatus(r)
    if re == 0: return (12, S)
    li = rutil.getPayments(var, sym)
    for l in li:
        if room != None and room != l.getRoomName(): continue
         S.departure) = rutil.calculateDates(S.arrival, S.departure, l)

    if today < S.arrival and re != 1:
        advance = r.getAdvanceDeposit()
        resstatusset = False
        if advance == None: resstatusset = True
            term = con.toJDate(r.getTermOfAdvanceDeposit())
            if term != None:
                if today < term: resstatusset = True

        if resstatusset:
            if re == 2: return (1, S)
            if re == 3: return (0, S)
            # internal error, not expected
            # TO DO
            return (0, S)

        if r.getAdvancePayment() == None: return (3, S)
        if r.getAdvancePayment() < r.getAdvanceDeposit(): return (3, S)
        return (2, S)

    if re != 1: return (4, S)
    sta = None
    # 0 - not paid
    # 1 - paid
    # 2 - excess paid
    # 3 - advance paid
    for l in li:
        add = False
        re = con.toJDate(l.getResDate())
        if util.isRoomService(l.getServiceType()) and re < today: add = True
        if not util.isRoomService(l.getServiceType()) and re <= today:
            add = True
        #        print sym,add,l.getPriceTotal()
        if add:
            S.sumcost = con.addDecimal(
                S.sumcost, con.BigDecimalToDecimal(l.getPriceTotal()))
            if S.sumcostafter == None: S.sumcostafter = 0.0
            S.sumcostafter = con.addDecimal(
                S.sumcostafter, con.BigDecimalToDecimal(l.getPriceTotal()))

    S.advancepayment = con.BigDecimalToDecimal(r.getAdvancePayment())
    if S.advancepayment != None and S.advancepayment >= S.sumcost: sta = 3
        bli = util.RESOP(var).findBillsForReservation(sym)
        for b in bli:
            (suma, advanced) = rutil.countPaymentsA(var, b.getName())
            S.sumpay = con.addDecimal(S.sumpay, suma)
            S.advancepaymentused = con.addDecimal(S.advancepaymentused,
        S.sumpay = con.addDecimal(S.sumpay, S.advancepayment)
        #        print sym,S.sumcost,S.sumpay
        if S.sumcost == S.sumpay and S.sumcost > 0.0: sta = 1
        elif S.sumcost > S.sumpay: sta = 0
        elif S.sumcost == 0 and S.sumpay == 0: sta = 0
        else: sta = 2

    S.advancepaymentleft = con.minusDecimal(S.advancepayment,
    if today <= S.departure:
        if sta == 0: return (8, S)
        if sta == 3: return (9, S)
        if sta == 2: return (11, S)
        return (10, S)

    if sta == 0: return (5, S)
    if sta == 3: return (6, S)
    if sta == 2: return (7, S)
    return (6, S)
예제 #15
def getResStatusRese(var,r,room=None,today=None) :
    """ Calculates and returns the status of the reservation
       r ReservationForm
       room room symbol
       0 reservation scheduled
       1 reservation confirmed
       2 reservation advance paid 
       3 reservation advanced expired
       4 customer not arrived
       5 vacant not paid
       6 vacant paid
       7 vacant excess payment
       8 occupied, not paid
       9 occupied, advance paid
       10 occupied paid
       11 occupied excess paid
       12 canceled              
    if today == None : today = con.today()
    S.forday = today
#    print today
    sym = r.getName()
    re = util.resStatus(r)
    if re == 0 : return (12,S)
    li = rutil.getPayments(var,sym)
    for l in li :
        if room != None and room != l.getRoomName() : continue
        (S.arrival,S.departure) = rutil.calculateDates(S.arrival,S.departure,l)
    if today < S.arrival and re != 1 :
        advance = r.getAdvanceDeposit()
        resstatusset = False
        if advance == None : resstatusset = True
        else :
          term = con.toJDate(r.getTermOfAdvanceDeposit())
          if term != None :
             if today < term : resstatusset = True
        if resstatusset :
          if re == 2 : return (1,S)
          if re == 3 : return (0,S)
            # internal error, not expected
            # TO DO
          return (0,S)
        if r.getAdvancePayment() == None : return (3,S)
        if r.getAdvancePayment() < r.getAdvanceDeposit() : return (3,S)
        return (2,S)     
    if re != 1 : return (4,S)
    sta = None
    # 0 - not paid
    # 1 - paid
    # 2 - excess paid
    # 3 - advance paid
    for l in li :
        add = False
        re = con.toJDate(l.getResDate())
        if util.isRoomService(l.getServiceType()) and re < today : add = True
        if not util.isRoomService(l.getServiceType()) and re <= today : add = True
#        print sym,add,l.getPriceTotal()
        if add : 
	    S.sumcost = con.addDecimal(S.sumcost,con.BigDecimalToDecimal(l.getPriceTotal()))
        else : 
	  if S.sumcostafter == None : S.sumcostafter = 0.0
	  S.sumcostafter = con.addDecimal(S.sumcostafter,con.BigDecimalToDecimal(l.getPriceTotal()))
    S.advancepayment = con.BigDecimalToDecimal(r.getAdvancePayment())
    if  S.advancepayment != None and S.advancepayment >= S.sumcost : sta = 3
    else :
        bli = util.RESOP(var).findBillsForReservation(sym)
        for b in bli :
            (suma,advanced) = rutil.countPaymentsA(var,b.getName())
            S.sumpay = con.addDecimal(S.sumpay,suma)
            S.advancepaymentused = con.addDecimal(S.advancepaymentused,advanced)
        S.sumpay = con.addDecimal(S.sumpay,S.advancepayment)
#        print sym,S.sumcost,S.sumpay
        if S.sumcost == S.sumpay and S.sumcost > 0.0 : sta = 1
        elif S.sumcost > S.sumpay : sta = 0
        elif S.sumcost == 0 and S.sumpay == 0 : sta = 0
        else : sta = 2
    S.advancepaymentleft = con.minusDecimal(S.advancepayment,S.advancepaymentused)
    if today <= S.departure :
      if sta == 0 : return (8,S)
      if sta == 3 : return (9,S)
      if sta == 2 : return (11,S)
      return (10,S)
    if sta == 0 : return (5,S)
    if sta == 3 : return (6,S)
    if sta == 2 : return (7,S)
    return (6,S)         
예제 #16
def calculateDates(arrival, departure, l):
    return calculateJDates(arrival, departure, con.toJDate(l.getServDate()))