예제 #1
 def validate(self):
     if not self.options.glsl and \
        (self.options.hlsl or self.options.msl or self.options.cpp or self.options.reflect):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "hlsl, msl, cpp and reflect require glsl enabled")
예제 #2
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.arch not in ("x86", "x86_64"):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "libcpuid is only available for x86 and x86_64 architecture")
예제 #3
 def configure(self):
     del self.settings.compiler.libcxx
     if self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio" \
         and int(str(self.settings.compiler.version)) < 14:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "Visual Studio >= 14 (2015) is required")
예제 #4
 def configure(self):
     # Verify build configuration
     if str(self.settings.os_build) != str(self.settings.os):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("settings.os_build must be equal to settings.os")
     if str(self.settings.arch_build) != str(self.settings.arch_build):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("settings.arch_build must be equal to settings.arch_build")
 def configure(self):
     if self.settings.os == "Windows" and \
        self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio" and \
        float(self.settings.compiler.version.value) < 14:
        raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Double Convertion could not be built by MSVC <14")
예제 #6
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.os != "Macos":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(f"{self.name} works only on MacOS")
예제 #7
    def configure(self):
        if self.settings.compiler in ["gcc", "clang"]:
            if tools.Version(self.settings.compiler.version) < "5.0":
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "qt 5.15.0 is not support on GCC or clang before 5.0")
        if conan_version < Version("1.20.0"):
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "This recipe needs at least conan 1.20.0, please upgrade.")
        if self.settings.os != 'Linux':
            #     self.options.with_libiconv = False
            self.options.with_fontconfig = False
        if self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and Version(
                self.settings.compiler.version.value) < "5.3":
            self.options.with_mysql = False
        if self.settings.os == "Windows":
            self.options.with_mysql = False
            if not self.options.shared and self.options.with_icu:
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "icu option is not supported on windows in static build. see QTBUG-77120."

        if self.options.widgets and not self.options.GUI:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "using option qt:widgets without option qt:GUI is not possible. "
                "You can either disable qt:widgets or enable qt:GUI")
        if not self.options.GUI:
            self.options.opengl = "no"
            self.options.with_vulkan = False
            self.options.with_freetype = False
            self.options.with_fontconfig = False
            self.options.with_harfbuzz = False
            self.options.with_libjpeg = False
            self.options.with_libpng = False

        if not self.options.qtgamepad:
            self.options.with_sdl2 = False

        if not self.options.qtmultimedia:
            self.options.with_libalsa = False
            self.options.with_openal = False

        if self.options.qtmultimedia and not self.options.GUI:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Qt multimedia cannot be used without GUI")

        if self.settings.os != "Linux":
            self.options.with_libalsa = False

        if self.options.qtwebengine:
            if not self.options.shared:
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "Static builds of Qt Webengine are not supported")

            if tools.cross_building(self.settings, skip_x64_x86=True):
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "Cross compiling Qt WebEngine is not supported")

            if self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and tools.Version(
                    self.settings.compiler.version) < "5":
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "Compiling Qt WebEngine with gcc < 5 is not supported")

        if self.settings.os == "Android" and self.options.opengl == "desktop":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "OpenGL desktop is not supported on Android. Consider using OpenGL es2"

        if self.settings.os != "Windows" and self.options.opengl == "dynamic":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Dynamic OpenGL is supported only on Windows.")

        if self.options.with_fontconfig and not self.options.with_freetype:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "with_fontconfig cannot be enabled if with_freetype is disabled."

        if self.settings.os == "Macos":
            del self.settings.os.version

        if self.options.multiconfiguration:
            del self.settings.build_type

        if not self.options.with_doubleconversion and str(
                self.settings.compiler.libcxx) != "libc++":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                'Qt without libc++ needs qt:with_doubleconversion. '
                'Either enable qt:with_doubleconversion or switch to libc++')

        if tools.os_info.is_linux:
            if self.options.qtwebengine:
                self.options.with_fontconfig = True

        assert self.version == self._submodules['qtbase']['branch']

        def _enablemodule(mod):
            if mod != 'qtbase':
                setattr(self.options, mod, True)
            for req in self._submodules[mod]["depends"]:

        for module in self._submodules:
            if module != 'qtbase' and getattr(self.options, module):
예제 #8
 def configure(self):
     # check the selected settings
     if self.settings.os == "Arduino":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "This library only compiles on platforms with full STL support."
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio":
         if self.options.shared and "MT" in str(self.settings.compiler.runtime):
             raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Cannot build shared libsodium libraries with MT(d) runtime")
예제 #10
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.os == "Windows" and self.options.shared:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "Windows shared builds are not supported right now, see issue https://github.com/swift-nav/libsbp/issues/1062"
예제 #11
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.compiler == "clang" and self.settings.compiler.version == "6.0" and \
        self.settings.build_type == "Release":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "OpenCASCADE {} doesn't support Clang 6.0 if Release build type"
예제 #12
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and tools.Version(
             self.settings.compiler.version) < 7:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("perfetto requires gcc >= 7")
     if self.settings.compiler.cppstd:
         tools.check_min_cppstd(self, 11)
예제 #13
 def configure(self):
     if self.settings.os != "Windows":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Only windows supported for Strawberry Perl.")
 def configure(self):
     if self._os == "Macos" and self._arch == "x86":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Not supported x86 for OSx")
예제 #15
 def validate(self):
     if hasattr(self, 'settings_build') and tools.cross_building(
             self, skip_x64_x86=True):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Cross-building not implemented")
예제 #16
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.os == "Macos" and self.settings.arch == "armv8":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("sorry, M1 builds are not currently supported, give up!")
예제 #17
 def configure(self):
     if self.settings.os not in ("Windows", "Macos", "Linux"):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("OS is not supported")
예제 #18
    def validate(self):
        if tools.cross_building(self):
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Cross compiling is not supported by serd's build system Waf.")

        if is_msvc(self):
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Don't know how to setup WAF for VS.")
예제 #19
 def validate(self):
     if self.options.shared:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Can't build as a shared lib")
예제 #20
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.os == "Windows":
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "Windows builds of ImageMagick require MFC which cannot currently be sourced from CCI."
예제 #21
 def configure(self):
     if not self._supports_compiler():
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "llvm-openmp doesn't support compiler: {} on OS: {}.".format(
                 self.settings.compiler, self.settings.os))
예제 #22
 def validate(self):
     if self.options.with_tls != self.options["hiredis"].with_ssl:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("with_tls must match hiredis.with_ssl option")
예제 #23
 def configure(self):
     if self.options.shared:
         del self.options.fPIC
     if self.settings.compiler == "Visual Studio" and self.options.shared:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("shared is not supported using Visual Studio")
 def validate(self):
     if self.settings.os not in ("Linux", "FreeBSD"):
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "at-spi2-atk is only supported on Linux and FreeBSD")
예제 #25
 def configure(self):
     if not self.supported_compiler:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             "magic_enum: Unsupported compiler (https://github.com/Neargye/magic_enum#compiler-compatibility)."
예제 #26
    def _configure_autotools_vars(self):
        autotools_vars = self._autotools.vars
        # tweaks for mingw
        if self._is_mingw:
            autotools_vars['RCFLAGS'] = '-O COFF'
            if self.settings.arch == "x86":
                autotools_vars['RCFLAGS'] += ' --target=pe-i386'
                autotools_vars['RCFLAGS'] += ' --target=pe-x86-64'

            del autotools_vars['LIBS']
            self.output.info("Autotools env vars: " + repr(autotools_vars))

        if tools.cross_building(self.settings):
            if self.settings.os == "iOS":
                iphoneos = tools.apple_sdk_name(self.settings)
                ios_dev_target = str(self.settings.os.version).split(".")[0]
                if self.settings.arch in ["x86", "x86_64"]:
                    autotools_vars['CPPFLAGS'] = "-D__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED={}0000".format(ios_dev_target)
                elif self.settings.arch in ["armv7", "armv7s", "armv8"]:
                    autotools_vars['CPPFLAGS'] = ""
                    raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Unsuported iOS arch {}".format(self.settings.arch))

                cc = tools.XCRun(self.settings, iphoneos).cc
                sysroot = "-isysroot {}".format(tools.XCRun(self.settings, iphoneos).sdk_path)

                if self.settings.arch == "armv8":
                    configure_arch = "arm64"
                    configure_host = "arm" #unused, autodetected
                    configure_arch = self.settings.arch
                    configure_host = self.settings.arch #unused, autodetected

                arch_flag = "-arch {}".format(configure_arch)
                ios_min_version = tools.apple_deployment_target_flag(self.settings.os, self.settings.os.version)
                extra_flag = "-Werror=partial-availability"
                extra_def = " -DHAVE_SOCKET -DHAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK"
                # if we debug, maybe add a -gdwarf-2 , but why would we want that?

                autotools_vars['CC'] = cc
                autotools_vars['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = ios_dev_target
                autotools_vars['CFLAGS'] = "{} {} {} {}".format(
                    sysroot, arch_flag, ios_min_version, extra_flag

                if self.options.with_openssl:
                    openssl_path = self.deps_cpp_info["openssl"].rootpath
                    openssl_libdir = self.deps_cpp_info["openssl"].libdirs[0]
                    autotools_vars['LDFLAGS'] = "{} {} -L{}/{}".format(arch_flag, sysroot, openssl_path, openssl_libdir)
                    autotools_vars['LDFLAGS'] = "{} {}".format(arch_flag, sysroot)

                autotools_vars['CPPFLAGS'] += extra_def

            elif self.settings.os == "Android":
                # nothing do to at the moment, this seems to just work

        return autotools_vars
예제 #27
    def validate(self):
        if self.settings.compiler.get_safe("cppstd"):
            tools.check_min_cppstd(self, self._minimum_cpp_standard)
        min_version = self._minimum_compilers_version.get(
        if not min_version:
                "{} recipe lacks information about the {} compiler support.".
                format(self.name, self.settings.compiler))
            if tools.Version(self.settings.compiler.version) < min_version:
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "{} requires C++{} support. The current compiler {} {} does not support it."
                    .format(self.name, self._minimum_cpp_standard,

        if self.version < "2022.01.31.00" and self.settings.os != "Linux":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Conan support for non-Linux platforms starts with Folly version 2022.01.31.00"

        if self.settings.os == "Macos" and self.settings.arch != "x86_64":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Conan currently requires a 64bit target architecture for Folly on Macos"

        if self.settings.os == "Windows" and self.settings.arch != "x86_64":
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Folly requires a 64bit target architecture on Windows")

        if self.settings.os in ["Macos", "Windows"] and self.options.shared:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Folly could not be built on {} as shared library".format(

        if self.version == "2020.08.10.00" and self.settings.compiler == "clang" and self.options.shared:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Folly could not be built by clang as a shared library")

        if self.options["boost"].header_only:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Folly could not be built with a header only Boost")

        miss_boost_required_comp = any(
            getattr(self.options["boost"], "without_{}".format(boost_comp),
                    True) for boost_comp in self._required_boost_components)
        if miss_boost_required_comp:
            raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                "Folly requires these boost components: {}".format(", ".join(

        min_version = self._minimum_compilers_version.get(
        if not min_version:
                "{} recipe lacks information about the {} compiler support.".
                format(self.name, self.settings.compiler))
            if tools.Version(self.settings.compiler.version) < min_version:
                raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
                    "{} requires C++{} support. The current compiler {} {} does not support it."
                    .format(self.name, self._minimum_cpp_standard,
예제 #28
 def build_requirements(self):
     if self._with_grpc():
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("CCI has no grpc recipe (yet)")
예제 #29
 def validate(self):
     if self.options.shared and self._is_msvc:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("libmad does not support shared library for MSVC")
예제 #30
 def configure(self):
     if self.settings.os == 'Windows' and self.options.shared:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration(
             'build as shared lib not supported')
     if self.options.exceptions and not self.options.rtti:
         raise ConanInvalidConfiguration('exceptions require rtti support')