def testUnknownTroveInfo(self): class ExtraTroveInfo(trove.TroveInfo): streamDict = dict(trove.TroveInfo.streamDict) streamDict[254] = (streams.DYNAMIC, streams.IntStream, 'unknown') class MockTrove: def getName(self): return 'sometrove' def __init__(self, troveInfo=None): self.troveInfo = troveInfo full = ExtraTroveInfo() full.sourceName.set('foo') full.unknown.set(10) db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') cu = db.db.cursor() tiTable = db.troveInfoTable f = full.freeze() trove.TroveInfo(f) tiTable.addInfo(cu, MockTrove(trove.TroveInfo(full.freeze())), 1) returned = trove.TroveInfo() tiTable.getInfo(cu, MockTrove(returned), 1) assert (full.freeze() == returned.freeze()) # make sure that if there is no unknown troveinfo, that nothing # gets stored ti = trove.TroveInfo() ti.size.set(10) tiTable.addInfo(cu, MockTrove(ti), 2) cu.execute('select count(*) from troveinfo where length(data)=0') count = cu.fetchall()[0][0] self.assertTrue(count == 0) # now store all of the trove info in a database (with nothing # unknown) and make sure it can be read using old objects db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') cu = db.db.cursor() tiTable = db.troveInfoTable tiTable.addInfo(cu, MockTrove(full), 1) returned = trove.TroveInfo() tiTable.getInfo(cu, MockTrove(returned), 1) assert (full.freeze() == returned.freeze())
def testMapPinned(self): # test to ensure that a if you update a pinned trove twice, # a duplicate entry does not show up in TroveTroves. db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') pkg = trove.Trove("testpkg", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor, None) pkg.addTrove("testpkg:comp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor) ti = db.addTrove(pkg) db.addTroveDone(ti) comp1 = trove.Trove("testpkg:comp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor, None) ti = db.addTrove(comp1) db.addTroveDone(ti) # we've got a trove with a link from trove to component. # we assume the component was pinned at we need to update # the link to point to the v10 ver. db.mapPinnedTroves([('testpkg:comp', (self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), (self.v20, self.emptyFlavor))]) cu = db.db.cursor() assert ( cu.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TroveTroves WHERE inPristine=0' ).next()[0] == 1) db.mapPinnedTroves([('testpkg:comp', (self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), (self.v20, self.emptyFlavor))]) assert ( cu.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TroveTroves WHERE inPristine=0' ).next()[0] == 1) pkg = db.getTroves([('testpkg', self.v20, self.emptyFlavor)], pristine=False)[0] assert (pkg.strongTroves.keys()[0][1] == self.v10) assert (pkg.weakTroves.keys() == [])
def testPins(self): def _checkPins(*args): assert (db.trovesArePinned(troves) == list(args)) x86Flavor = deps.parseFlavor('is:x86(cmov)') troves = [("first", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("second", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor), ("third", self.v10, x86Flavor)] db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') for name, ver, flavor in troves: ti = db.addTrove(trove.Trove(name, ver, flavor, None)) db.addTroveDone(ti) _checkPins(False, False, False) checks = [False] * 3 for i in range(len(troves)): checks[i] = True db.pinTroves(*troves[i]) _checkPins(*checks) for i in reversed(range(len(troves))): checks[i] = False db.pinTroves(*troves[i] + (False, )) _checkPins(*checks)
def testGroupMissingComponent(self): flavor1 = deps.parseFlavor('is:x86(cmov)') db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') trv1 = trove.Trove("group1", self.v10, flavor1, None) ti = trv1.addTrove("subcomp", self.v10, flavor1) ti = trv1.addTrove("subcomp2", self.v10, flavor1) ti = trv1.addTrove("subcomp3", self.v10, flavor1, weakRef=True) ti = db.addTrove(trv1) db.addTroveDone(ti) trv2 = trove.Trove("group2", self.v10, flavor1, None) trv2.addTrove("subcomp", self.v10, flavor1, weakRef=True) ti = db.addTrove(trv2) db.addTroveDone(ti) trv3 = trove.Trove("subcomp2", self.v10, flavor1, None) ti = db.addTrove(trv3) db.addTroveDone(ti) inst, instRefed, strongMissing, weakMissing = db.getCompleteTroveSet( ["group1", "subcomp", "subcomp2", "subcomp3"]) assert (inst == set([("group1", self.v10, flavor1)])) # this ensures the version returns has timestamps on it assert ([x for x in inst][0][1].freeze()) assert (strongMissing == set([("subcomp", self.v10, flavor1)])) assert (weakMissing == set([("subcomp3", self.v10, flavor1)])) assert (instRefed == set([("subcomp2", self.v10, flavor1)]))
def testVersion20DeAnalyze(self): dbfile = os.path.join(resources.get_archive(), 'conarydbs', 'conarydb-version-20-with-analyze') fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) shutil.copyfile(dbfile, fn) db = sqldb.Database(fn) cu = db.db.cursor() cu.execute('select count(*) from sqlite_stat1') count = cu.fetchall()[0][0] self.assertEqual(count, 0) db.close() os.unlink(fn)
def testMigrationReadOnly(self): dbfile = os.path.join(resources.get_archive(), 'conarydbs', 'conarydb-version-2') fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) shutil.copyfile(dbfile, fn) os.chmod(fn, 0444) try: db = sqldb.Database(fn) except sqldb.OldDatabaseSchema: pass else: raise os.unlink(fn)
def testDatabase2(self): db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') f1 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/passwd", self.id1) f2 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/services", self.id2) f3 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/group", self.id3) trv = trove.Trove("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor, None) trv.addFile(self.id1, "/bin/1", self.v10, f1.fileId()) trv.addFile(self.id2, "/bin/2", self.v10, f2.fileId()) trv.addFile(self.id3, "/bin/3", self.v10, f3.fileId()) trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv) db.addFile(trvInfo, f1.pathId(), "/bin/1", f1.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f1.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f2.pathId(), "/bin/2", f2.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f2.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f3.pathId(), "/bin/3", f3.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f3.freeze()) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) assert (db.getTroves([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testcomp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor)], True) == [trv, None]) assert (db.hasTroves([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testcomp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor) ]) == [True, False]) f2 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/hosts", self.id2) trv2 = trove.Trove("testcomp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor, None) trv2.addFile(self.id1, "/bin/1", self.v10, self.fid1) trv2.addFile(self.id2, "/bin/2", self.v20, self.fid2)
def testSubtroveUpdates(self): db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') pkg = trove.Trove("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor, None) pkg.addTrove("testpkg:comp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ti = db.addTrove(pkg) db.addTroveDone(ti) comp1 = trove.Trove("testpkg:comp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor, None) ti = db.addTrove(comp1) db.addTroveDone(ti) comp2 = trove.Trove("testpkg:comp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor, None) ti = db.addTrove(comp1) db.addTroveDone(ti) # ti = db.addTrove( #("testpkg:comp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), comp2) db.addTroveDone(ti) db.eraseTrove("testpkg:comp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) pristinePkg = db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], pristine=True)[0] instPkg = db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], pristine=False)[0] assert (pristinePkg == pkg) assert (instPkg != pkg) ti = db.addTrove( #("testpkg:comp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor), comp1) db.addTroveDone(ti) db.eraseTrove("testpkg:comp", self.v20, self.emptyFlavor) pristinePkg = db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], pristine=True)[0] instPkg = db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], pristine=False)[0] assert (pristinePkg == pkg) assert (instPkg == pkg) # make sure there aren't broken bits in TroveTroves assert (db.db.cursor().execute( "select count(*) from trovetroves").next()[0] == 1)
def testMultipleFlavorsInstalled(self): """ verify that only one (unique) flavor is returned from db.iterVersionByName if multiple troves with the same version but different flavors are installed at the same time """ db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') flavor1 = deps.parseFlavor('is:x86(cmov)') flavor2 = deps.parseFlavor('is:x86(sse)') trv1 = trove.Trove("testcomp", self.v10, flavor1, None) trv2 = trove.Trove("testcomp", self.v10, flavor2, None) ti = db.addTrove(trv1) db.addTroveDone(ti) ti = db.addTrove(trv2) db.addTroveDone(ti) assert ([x for x in db.iterVersionByName('testcomp', False) ] == [self.v10]) assert ([x for x in db.iterVersionByName('testcomp', True) ] == [(self.v10, flavor1), (self.v10, flavor2)])
def testDatabaseTroveInfoCleanup(self): # remove a trove but leave a reference - its troveInfo data # should be removed flavor1 = deps.parseFlavor('is:x86(cmov)') db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') trv1 = trove.Trove("testcomp:runtime", self.v10, flavor1, None) trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv1) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) trv2 = trove.Trove("testcomp", self.v10, flavor1, None) trv2.addTrove(*trv1.getNameVersionFlavor()) trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv2) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) db.commit() db.eraseTrove("testcomp:runtime", self.v10, flavor1) db.commit() cu = db.db.cursor() cu.execute('select count(*) from instances join troveInfo ' 'using(instanceId) where troveName="testcomp:runtime"') assert (not cu.fetchall()[0][0])
def testDatabaseTransactionCounter(self): db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') field = 'transaction counter' # We should have a row cu = db.db.cursor() cu.execute("SELECT value FROM DatabaseAttributes WHERE name = ?", field) row = self.assertEqual(row[0], '0') updateq = "UPDATE DatabaseAttributes SET value = ? WHERE name = ?" # Update it manually cu.execute(updateq, '10', field) db.db.commit() self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 10) # Increment it self.assertEqual(db.incrementTransactionCounter(), 11) self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 11) # Delete entry, should reset the counter cu.execute("DELETE from DatabaseAttributes WHERE name = ?", field) db.db.commit() self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 0) self.assertEqual(db.incrementTransactionCounter(), 1) self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 1) self.assertEqual(db.incrementTransactionCounter(), 2) self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 2) # Mess it up cu.execute(updateq, 'not an integer', field) self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 0) self.assertEqual(db.incrementTransactionCounter(), 1) self.assertEqual(db.getTransactionCounter(), 1)
def testVersion20Migration(self): dbfile = os.path.join(resources.get_archive(), 'conarydbs', 'conarydb-version-19') fd, fn = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) shutil.copyfile(dbfile, fn) # get a list of tables db = dbstore.connect(fn, driver='sqlite') db.loadSchema() cu = db.cursor() tableCounts = dict.fromkeys(db.tables.keys()) for table in tableCounts.keys(): tableCounts[table] = cu.execute('select count(*) from %s' % table).fetchall()[0][0] # DBInstances is gone... tableCounts.pop('DBInstances') # we have a VersionId 0 entry now tableCounts['Versions'] += 1 # new table added tableCounts['DatabaseAttributes'] = 1 # do the migration db, str = self.captureOutput(sqldb.Database, fn) cu = db.db.cursor() # make sure we have all the tables db2 = dbstore.connect(fn, driver='sqlite') db2.loadSchema() cu = db2.cursor() tableCounts2 = dict.fromkeys(db2.tables.keys()) for table in tableCounts2.keys(): tableCounts2[table] = cu.execute('select count(*) from %s' % table).fetchall()[0][0] self.assertEqual(tableCounts, tableCounts2) # check to make sure that we fixed our broken deps and troveinfo cu.execute("select count(*) from troveinfo where infoType=3 " "and hex(data) == '31'") assert ([0] == 0) cu.execute("select count(*) from dependencies where " "name like 'conary:%' and flag='1'") assert ([0] == 0) # verify the conary:runtime trove v = VersionFromString('/') f = deps.parseFlavor('~!bootstrap is: x86') t = db.getTroves([('conary:runtime', v, f)])[0] t.verifyDigitalSignatures() # verify that we can insert a '1.0' into deps and troveinfo cu.execute("insert into Dependencies values (NULL, 4, 'test', '1.0')") cu.execute("select flag from Dependencies where name='test'") assert ([0] == '1.0') cu.execute("insert into TroveInfo values (300, 3, '1.0')") cu.execute("select data from TroveInfo where instanceId=300 and " "infotype=3") assert ([0] == '1.0') db.close() db2.close() # make sure the addition of DatabaseAttributes happens correctly db = dbstore.connect(fn, driver='sqlite') db.loadSchema() self.assertTrue('DatabaseAttributes' in db.tables) cu = db.cursor() cu.execute("DROP TABLE DatabaseAttributes") db.commit() db.close() sdb = sqldb.Database(fn) self.assertTrue('DatabaseAttributes' in sdb.db.tables) del sdb os.unlink(fn)
def testDatabaseVersionCleanup(self): flavor1 = deps.parseFlavor('is:x86(cmov)') db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') cu = db.db.cursor() v10 = ThawVersion('/') v20 = ThawVersion('/') v30 = ThawVersion('/') # test file version cleanup trv = trove.Trove('testcomp:runtime', v10, flavor1, None) f1 = files.FileFromFilesystem('/etc/passwd', self.id1) f2 = files.FileFromFilesystem('/etc/services', self.id2) f3 = files.FileFromFilesystem('/etc/group', self.id3) trv.addFile(self.id1, '/bin/1', v10, f1.fileId()) trv.addFile(self.id2, '/bin/2', v20, f2.fileId()) trv.addFile(self.id3, '/bin/3', v30, f3.fileId()) trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv) db.addFile(trvInfo, f1.pathId(), '/bin/1', f1.fileId(), v10, fileStream=f1.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f2.pathId(), '/bin/2', f2.fileId(), v20, fileStream=f2.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f3.pathId(), '/bin/3', f3.fileId(), v30, fileStream=f3.freeze()) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) # check to see how many versions we have cu.execute('select count(*) from Versions') count = cu.fetchall()[0][0] # should have only 0|NULL self.assertEqual(count, 4) # now erase db.eraseTrove('testcomp:runtime', v10, flavor1) db.commit() cu.execute('select count(*) from Versions') count = cu.fetchall()[0][0] # should have only 0|NULL self.assertEqual(count, 1) # test trove version cleanup trv1 = trove.Trove('testcomp:runtime', v10, flavor1, None) trv2 = trove.Trove('group-test', v20, flavor1, None) trv2.addTrove(trv1.getName(), trv1.getVersion(), trv1.getFlavor(), weakRef=True) trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv2) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) db.commit() cu.execute('select count(*) from Versions') count = cu.fetchall()[0][0] self.assertEqual(count, 3) db.eraseTrove('group-test', v20, flavor1) db.commit() cu.execute('select count(*) from Versions') count = cu.fetchall()[0][0] # should have only 0|NULL self.assertEqual(count, 1)
def testDatabase1(self): db = sqldb.Database(':memory:') f1 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/passwd", self.id1) f2 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/services", self.id2) f3 = files.FileFromFilesystem("/etc/group", self.id3) trv = trove.Trove("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor, None) trv.addFile(self.id1, "/bin/1", self.v10, f1.fileId()) trv.addFile(self.id2, "/bin/2", self.v10, f2.fileId()) trv.addFile(self.id3, "/bin/3", self.v10, f3.fileId()) trv.troveInfo.size.set(1234) trv.troveInfo.sourceName.set('thesource') req = deps.DependencySet() req.addDep(deps.FileDependencies, deps.Dependency("/bin/bash")) req.addDep(deps.TroveDependencies, deps.Dependency("foo:runtime")) req.addDep(deps.SonameDependencies, deps.Dependency("")) trv.setRequires(req) trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv) db.addFile(trvInfo, f1.pathId(), "/bin/1", f1.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f1.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f2.pathId(), "/bin/2", f2.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f2.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f3.pathId(), "/bin/3", f3.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f3.freeze()) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) dbTrv = db.getTroves([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)])[0] assert (dbTrv == trv) assert (dbTrv.__class__ == trove.Trove) assert (db.trovesArePinned([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ]) == [False]) dbTrv = db.getTroves([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], withFileObjects=True)[0] assert (dbTrv == trv) assert (dbTrv.__class__ == trove.TroveWithFileObjects) for f in (f1, f2, f3): assert (dbTrv.getFileObject(f.fileId()) == f) trv2 = trove.Trove("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor, None) ti = trv2.addTrove(trv.getName(), self.v10, trv.getFlavor()) trv2.addTrove("weakref", self.v10, trv.getFlavor(), weakRef=True) ti = db.addTrove(trv2, pin=True) db.addTroveDone(ti) assert (db.trovesArePinned([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ]) == [True]) assert (db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ])[0] == trv2) assert (db.getTroves([ ("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ])[0].getVersion().timeStamps() == trv2.getVersion().timeStamps()) assert (db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testitem", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], True) == [trv2, trv, None]) assert (db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testcomp", self.v10, req)], True) == [trv2, None]) assert (db.findTroveContainers(["testpkg", "testcomp"]) == [[], [("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)]]) assert (db.getTroveContainers([ ("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ]) == [[], [("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)]]) res = db.findTroveReferences(["testpkg", "testcomp"]) assert (db.findTroveReferences(["testpkg", "testcomp" ]) == [[], [("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)]]) v10new = VersionFromString("/") assert (db.getTroves([("testpkg", v10new, self.emptyFlavor) ])[0] == trv2) assert (db.getTroves([ ("testpkg", v10new, self.emptyFlavor) ])[0].getVersion().timeStamps() == trv2.getVersion().timeStamps()) assert (set(db.findByNames(['testpkg', 'testcomp'])) == set([ ("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor), ("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ])) db.eraseTrove("testcomp", self.v10, None) assert (db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ])[0] == trv2) trv.computePathHashes() trvInfo = db.addTrove(trv) db.addFile(trvInfo, f1.pathId(), "/bin/1", f1.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f1.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f2.pathId(), "/bin/2", f2.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f1.freeze()) db.addFile(trvInfo, f3.pathId(), "/bin/3", f3.fileId(), self.v10, fileStream=f1.freeze()) db.addTroveDone(trvInfo) assert (db.getTroves([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ])[0] == trv) db.removeFileFromTrove(trv, "/bin/1") changedTrv = db.getTroves([trv.getNameVersionFlavor()], pristine=False)[0] otherChangedTrv = db.getTroves([trv.getNameVersionFlavor()], withFiles=False, pristine=False)[0] assert (len(changedTrv.idMap) + 1 == len(trv.idMap)) assert (len(changedTrv.troveInfo.pathHashes) + 1 == len( trv.troveInfo.pathHashes)) assert (changedTrv.troveInfo.pathHashes == otherChangedTrv.troveInfo.pathHashes) assert (len(otherChangedTrv.idMap) == 0) changedTrv.addFile(self.id1, "/bin/1", self.v10, f1.fileId()) assert (changedTrv.idMap == trv.idMap) changedTrv.computePathHashes() assert (changedTrv.troveInfo.pathHashes == trv.troveInfo.pathHashes) assert (db.getTroves([("testcomp", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor)], pristine=True)[0] == trv) db.eraseTrove("testpkg", self.v10, None) assert (db.getTroves([("testpkg", self.v10, self.emptyFlavor) ]) == [None]) self.assertRaises(KeyError, db.instances.getVersion, 100) db.eraseTrove("testcomp", self.v10, None) db.commit() cu = db.db.cursor() # make sure the versions got removed; the None entry is still there cu.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM Versions") assert ([0] == 1) # make sure the dependency table got cleaned up cu.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM Dependencies") assert ([0] == 0) # make sure the instances table got cleaned up cu.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM Instances") assert ([0] == 0) # make sure the troveInfo table got cleaned up cu.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM TroveInfo") assert ([0] == 0)