def search(self, request, hostname): name = request.GET.get('name', None) label = request.GET.get('label', None) latest = request.GET.get('latest', False) searchType = request.GET.get('type', None) checkFnDict = {'group' : trove.troveIsGroup, 'source' : trove.troveIsSourceComponent, 'fileset' : trove.troveIsFileSet, 'package' : lambda x: (trove.troveIsCollection(x) and not trove.troveIsGroup(x)), None: None} if searchType not in checkFnDict: # XXX We probably want to use exceptions instead of direct maps to # an error code #raise errors.InvalidSearchType(searchType) return response.Response('Invalid search type %s' % searchType, status = 400) checkFn = checkFnDict[searchType] repos = self.getRepos() if latest: queryFn = repos.getTroveLatestByLabel else: queryFn = repos.getTroveVersionsByLabel if not label: return response.Response('Label not specified', status = 400) try: label = versions.Label(label) except versions.ParseError, e: return response.Response( 'Error parsing label %s: %s' % (label, e), status = 400)
def rdiffCommand(cfg, client, db, diffSpec, **kw): troveSpec = cmdline.parseChangeList(diffSpec)[0] if troveSpec[1][0] is None: # Most likely, syntax did not specify <old>--<new> return -1 kw.setdefault('recurse', None) kw.setdefault('asDiff', False) if kw['recurse'] is None: kw['recurse'] = (trove.troveIsCollection(troveSpec[0][0]) and not trove.troveIsGroup(troveSpec[0][0])) primaryCsList = cscmd.computeTroveList(client, [troveSpec]) if (primaryCsList[0][1] == primaryCsList[0][2]): # Diffing against ourselves print "Identical troves" return 1 cs = client.createChangeSet(primaryCsList, withFiles=True, withFileContents=kw['asDiff'], recurse=kw['recurse']) showchangeset.displayChangeSet(db, cs, None, cfg, **kw)
def generateChangeSet(self, *args, **kwargs): cs = DiffObject.generateChangeSet(self, *args, **kwargs) if cs is not None: # verify doesn't display changes in collections because those, by # definition, match the database for trvCs in list(cs.iterNewTroveList()): if trove.troveIsCollection(trvCs.getName()): cs.delNewTrove(*trvCs.getNewNameVersionFlavor()) return cs
def buildMap(self, db, troveInfoList): map = set() topTroves = db.getTroves([ x for x in troveInfoList if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) ], pristine = True) for trv in topTroves: for trvInfo, byDefault, isStrong in trv.iterTroveListInfo(): if byDefault: map.add(trvInfo) = map
def getRecursiveBuildRequirements(self, db, cfg): if self.buildRequirementsOverride is not None: return self.buildRequirementsOverride buildReqs = self.getBuildRequirementTroves(db) buildReqs = set((x.getName(), x.getVersion(), x.getFlavor()) for x in buildReqs) packageReqs = [x for x in self.buildReqMap.itervalues() if trove.troveIsCollection(x.getName())] for package in packageReqs: childPackages = [x for x in package.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True, weakRefs=True)] hasTroves = db.hasTroves(childPackages) buildReqs.update(x[0] for x in itertools.izip(childPackages, hasTroves) if x[1]) buildReqs = self._getRecursiveRequirements(db, buildReqs, cfg.flavor) return buildReqs
def getRecursiveBuildRequirements(self, db, cfg): if self.buildRequirementsOverride is not None: return self.buildRequirementsOverride buildReqs = self.getBuildRequirementTroves(db) buildReqs = set( (x.getName(), x.getVersion(), x.getFlavor()) for x in buildReqs) packageReqs = [ x for x in self.buildReqMap.itervalues() if trove.troveIsCollection(x.getName()) ] for package in packageReqs: childPackages = [ x for x in package.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True, weakRefs=True) ] hasTroves = db.hasTroves(childPackages) buildReqs.update(x[0] for x in itertools.izip(childPackages, hasTroves) if x[1]) buildReqs = self._getRecursiveRequirements(db, buildReqs, cfg.flavor) return buildReqs
def rdiffCommand(cfg, client, db, diffSpec, **kw): troveSpec = cmdline.parseChangeList(diffSpec)[0] if troveSpec[1][0] is None: # Most likely, syntax did not specify <old>--<new> return -1 kw.setdefault('recurse', None) kw.setdefault('asDiff', False) if kw['recurse'] is None: kw['recurse'] = (trove.troveIsCollection(troveSpec[0][0]) and not trove.troveIsGroup(troveSpec[0][0])) primaryCsList = cscmd.computeTroveList(client, [ troveSpec ]) if (primaryCsList[0][1] == primaryCsList[0][2]): # Diffing against ourselves print "Identical troves" return 1 cs = client.createChangeSet(primaryCsList, withFiles=True, withFileContents=kw['asDiff'], recurse=kw['recurse']) showchangeset.displayChangeSet(db, cs, None, cfg, **kw)
def _createChangeSetList(self, csList, recurse = True, skipNotByDefault = False, excludeList=cfgtypes.RegularExpressionList(), callback = None): primaryList = [] headerList = [] for (name, (oldVersion, oldFlavor), (newVersion, newFlavor), abstract) in csList: if newVersion: primaryList.append((name, newVersion, newFlavor)) if oldVersion: headerList.append( (name, (None, None), (oldVersion, oldFlavor), True) ) headerList.append( (name, (None, None), (newVersion, newFlavor), True) ) else: primaryList.append((name, oldVersion, oldFlavor)) cs = self.repos.createChangeSet(headerList, recurse = recurse, withFiles = False, callback = callback) finalList = set() jobList = csList[:] while jobList: job = jobList.pop(-1) (name, (oldVersion, oldFlavor), (newVersion, newFlavor), abstract) = job skip = False # troves explicitly listed should never be excluded if (name, newVersion, newFlavor) not in primaryList: if excludeList.match(name): skip = True if skip: continue finalList.add(job) if not recurse or not trove.troveIsCollection(name): continue if job[2][1] is None: continue elif job[1][0] is None: oldTrove = None else: oldTrove = trove.Trove(cs.getNewTroveVersion(name, oldVersion, oldFlavor)) newTrove = trove.Trove(cs.getNewTroveVersion(name, newVersion, newFlavor)) trvCs, filesNeeded, trovesNeeded = newTrove.diff( oldTrove, (oldTrove == None)) for subJob in trovesNeeded: if not subJob[2][0]: jobList.append(subJob) continue if skipNotByDefault and not newTrove.includeTroveByDefault( subJob[0], subJob[2][0], subJob[2][1]): continue jobList.append(subJob) finalList = list(finalList) # recreate primaryList without erase-only troves for the primary trove # list primaryList = [ (x[0], x[2][0], x[2][1]) for x in csList if x[2][0] is not None ] return (finalList, primaryList)
def has(self, troveTup, withFiles=False): if not withFiles or trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]): return troveTup in self return self.get(troveTup, (None, False))[1] is True
def iterTroveList(troveSource, troveTups, recurseAll=False, recurseOne=False, recursePackages=False, needTroves=False, getPristine=True, showNotByDefault=False, showWeakRefs=False, checkExists=False, showNotExists=False, showFlags=False, showBuildLog=False, filesToShow = [], primaryTroves=[]): """ Given a troveTup list, iterate over those troves and their child troves as specified by parameters @param troveSource: place to retrieve the trove instances matching troveTups @type troveSource: display.DisplayConfig @param recurseAll: if true, recursively descend through the listed troves @type recurseAll: bool @param recurseOne: if True, include just the first level of troves below the listed troves (but do not recurse) @param needTroves: if True, return trove objects. Otherwise, return None as each trove object @type needTroves: bool @param getPristine: if True, get pristine trove objects @type getPristine: bool @param showNotByDefault: if True, yield not bydefault troves @type showNotByDefault: bool @param showWeakRefs: if True, yield troves that are weak references @type showWeakRefs: bool @param checkExists: if True, add flag MISSING for troves that do not exist (but are referenced) in this troveSource @type checkExists: bool @param showNotExists: if True, show troves that do not exist (but are referenced) in this troveSource @type showNotExists: bool @rtype: yields (troveTup, troveObj, flags, indent) tuples """ if not getPristine: kw = {'pristine' : False} else: kw = {} if recurseOne: # when we recurse one level deep, always recurse packages # otherwise you might try conary q tmpwatch --troves and # have that give no result. recursePackages = True if needTroves or showFlags: troves = troveSource.getTroves(troveTups, withFiles=False, **kw) troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(troveTups, troves)) elif recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages: if recursePackages: if recurseOne or recurseAll: colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) ] else: colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])] else: colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and not trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])] troves = troveSource.getTroves(colls, withFiles=False, **kw) troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(colls, troves)) else: troves = [None] * len(troveTups) troveCache = {} hasTrovesCache = {} if recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages: # we're recursing, we can cache a lot of information - # troves we'll need, hasTroves info we'll need. # If we cache this now, we cut down significantly on the # number of function calls we need. childTups = list(itertools.chain(*( x.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True) for x in troves if x))) if recurseAll: if recursePackages: _check = lambda x: trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) else: _check = lambda x: (trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and not trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])) colls = set(x for x in troveTups if _check(x)) childColls = [ x for x in childTups if _check(x)] troves = troveSource.getTroves(childColls, withFiles=False, **kw) troveCache.update(itertools.izip(childColls, troves)) allTups = troveTups + childTups if checkExists: hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(allTups) hasTrovesCache = dict(itertools.izip(allTups, hasTroves)) troves = [ troveCache.get(x, None) for x in troveTups ] seen = set() # cached info about what troves we've called hasTrove on. #import epdb; for troveTup, trv in itertools.izip(troveTups, troves): if recurseAll: # recurse all troves, depth first. topTrove = trv troves = [(trv, (troveTup, trv, TROVE_BYDEFAULT | TROVE_STRONGREF | TROVE_HASTROVE, 0))] while troves: topTrove, info = troves.pop(0) yield info troveTup, trv, flags, depth = info if not flags & TROVE_HASTROVE: # we can't recurse this trove, it doesn't exist. continue if not trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]): # this could have been one of the troves we specified # initially, in which case trying to recurse it will # not work. continue if trove.troveIsPackage(troveTup[0]) and not recursePackages: continue newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True, weakRefs=showWeakRefs) newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups) if needTroves or trv.isRedirect(): # might as well grab all the troves, we're supposed # to yield them all. neededTroveTups = [ x for x in newTroveTups \ if x not in troveCache ] newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(neededTroveTups, withFiles=False) troveCache.update(x for x \ in itertools.izip(neededTroveTups, newTroves) if x[1]) seen.update(neededTroveTups) else: newColls = [ x for x in trv.iterTroveList(weakRefs=True, strongRefs=True) if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and x not in troveCache ] newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(newColls, withFiles=False) troveCache.update(x for x in itertools.izip(newColls, newTroves)) seen.update(newColls) if checkExists: toCheck = set(x for x in trv.iterTroveList(True, True)) alsoToCheck = {} for newTrove in newTroves: if newTrove is None: continue alsoToCheck.update(dict((x, newTrove) for x in \ newTrove.iterTroveList(True, True) if x not in toCheck and x not in seen)) if not showNotByDefault: newToCheck = [] for tup in toCheck: if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup): if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) elif trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) for tup, parent in alsoToCheck.iteritems(): if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup): if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) elif trv.hasTrove(*tup): if trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) elif parent.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) toCheck = newToCheck else: toCheck = list(toCheck) if toCheck: seen.update(toCheck) toCheck = [ x for x in toCheck if x not in hasTrovesCache ] hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toCheck) hasTrovesCache.update(x for x in itertools.izip(toCheck, hasTroves)) trovesToAdd = [] depth += 1 for troveTup in newTroveTups: if not topTrove.hasTrove(*troveTup): topTrove = trv if not recursePackages and trove.troveIsComponent(troveTup[0]): continue installByDefault = topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*troveTup) if not installByDefault and not showNotByDefault: continue flags = TROVE_STRONGREF if installByDefault: flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT if not checkExists or hasTrovesCache[troveTup]: flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE elif not showNotExists: continue newTrove = troveCache.get(troveTup, None) if trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]): trovesToAdd.append((topTrove, (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth))) else: yield (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth) troves = trovesToAdd + troves else: # recurse one level or recurse no levels. yield troveTup, trv, TROVE_STRONGREF | TROVE_BYDEFAULT | TROVE_HASTROVE, 0 if (trv and (recurseOne or recursePackages and (trove.troveIsPackage(trv.getName())))): newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveListInfo() if not showWeakRefs: newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[2]) if not showNotByDefault: newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[1]) newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups) if needTroves or trv.isRedirect(): newTroves = troveSource.getTroves( [x[0] for x in newTroveTups], withFiles=False) else: newTroves = [None] * len(newTroveTups) if checkExists: toAdd = [ x[0] for x in newTroveTups if x[0] not in hasTrovesCache ] hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toAdd) hasTrovesCache.update(itertools.izip(toAdd, hasTroves)) hasTroves = [ hasTrovesCache[x[0]] for x in newTroveTups ] else: hasTroves = [True] * len(newTroveTups) for (troveTup, byDefault, strongRef), trv, hasTrove \ in itertools.izip(newTroveTups, newTroves, hasTroves): flags = 0 if strongRef: flags |= TROVE_STRONGREF if byDefault: flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT if hasTrove: flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE elif not showNotExists: continue yield troveTup, trv, flags, 1
def has(self, troveTup, withFiles = False): if not withFiles or trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]): return troveTup in self return self.get(troveTup, (None, False))[1] is True
def _buildRedirect(self, trvCsDict, sourceFlavor, sourceVersion, rule, target): if target[0] is not None: redirInfo = _RedirectInfo(target[0], target[1].branch(), rule.targetFlavor) else: redirInfo = _RemoveRedirect() self.redirections.add(rule.sourceName, sourceFlavor, redirInfo) # Groups don't include any additional redirections, and # neither do items which aren't collections if (trove.troveIsGroup(rule.sourceName) or not trove.troveIsCollection(rule.sourceName)): return if target[0] is not None: targetTrove = self.repos.getTrove(withFiles=False, *target) targetComponents = set([ x[0].split(':')[1] for x in targetTrove.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True) ]) else: targetComponents = set() # we can't integrity check here because we got # the trove w/o files trvCs = trvCsDict[(rule.sourceName, sourceVersion, sourceFlavor)] trv = trove.Trove(trvCs) # assemble a set of all of the components included # in this trove currentComponents = set( [x[0].split(':')[1] for x in trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True)]) # components shared between the current trove and # the target should be redirected to the target # components for compName in currentComponents & targetComponents: sourceCompName = rule.sourceName + ':' + compName targetCompName = redirInfo.targetName + ':' + compName self.redirections.add( sourceCompName, sourceFlavor, _RedirectInfo(targetCompName, redirInfo.targetBranch, redirInfo.targetFlavor)) # now get all of the components which have been # included in this trove anywhere on the branch; those # components need to generate erase redirects allVersions = self.repos.getTroveVersionsByBranch( {trv.getName(): { trv.getVersion().branch(): None }}) l = [] for subVersion, subFlavorList in \ allVersions[trv.getName()].iteritems(): l += [(trv.getName(), subVersion, flavor) for flavor in subFlavorList] allTroves = self.repos.getTroves(l, withFiles=False) allComponents = set() for otherTrv in allTroves: allComponents.update([ x[0].split(':')[1] for x in otherTrv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True) ]) # components which existed at any point for this # trove but don't have a component in the redirect # target need to be erased for subName in allComponents - targetComponents: newName = rule.sourceName + ':' + subName self.redirections.add(newName, sourceFlavor, _RemoveRedirect()) # the package redirect includes references to the # component redirects to let the update code know # how to redirect the components; this tracks the # components of this redirect redirInfo.addComponents( [rule.sourceName + ':' + x for x in allComponents])
def iterTroveList(troveSource, troveTups, recurseAll=False, recurseOne=False, recursePackages=False, needTroves=False, getPristine=True, showNotByDefault=False, showWeakRefs=False, checkExists=False, showNotExists=False, showFlags=False, showBuildLog=False, filesToShow=[], primaryTroves=[]): """ Given a troveTup list, iterate over those troves and their child troves as specified by parameters @param troveSource: place to retrieve the trove instances matching troveTups @type troveSource: display.DisplayConfig @param recurseAll: if true, recursively descend through the listed troves @type recurseAll: bool @param recurseOne: if True, include just the first level of troves below the listed troves (but do not recurse) @param needTroves: if True, return trove objects. Otherwise, return None as each trove object @type needTroves: bool @param getPristine: if True, get pristine trove objects @type getPristine: bool @param showNotByDefault: if True, yield not bydefault troves @type showNotByDefault: bool @param showWeakRefs: if True, yield troves that are weak references @type showWeakRefs: bool @param checkExists: if True, add flag MISSING for troves that do not exist (but are referenced) in this troveSource @type checkExists: bool @param showNotExists: if True, show troves that do not exist (but are referenced) in this troveSource @type showNotExists: bool @rtype: yields (troveTup, troveObj, flags, indent) tuples """ if not getPristine: kw = {'pristine': False} else: kw = {} if recurseOne: # when we recurse one level deep, always recurse packages # otherwise you might try conary q tmpwatch --troves and # have that give no result. recursePackages = True if needTroves or showFlags: troves = troveSource.getTroves(troveTups, withFiles=False, **kw) troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(troveTups, troves)) elif recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages: if recursePackages: if recurseOne or recurseAll: colls = [x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])] else: colls = [x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])] else: colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and not trove.troveIsPackage(x[0]) ] troves = troveSource.getTroves(colls, withFiles=False, **kw) troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(colls, troves)) else: troves = [None] * len(troveTups) troveCache = {} hasTrovesCache = {} if recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages: # we're recursing, we can cache a lot of information - # troves we'll need, hasTroves info we'll need. # If we cache this now, we cut down significantly on the # number of function calls we need. childTups = list( itertools.chain(*(x.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True) for x in troves if x))) if recurseAll: if recursePackages: _check = lambda x: trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) else: _check = lambda x: (trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and not trove .troveIsPackage(x[0])) colls = set(x for x in troveTups if _check(x)) childColls = [x for x in childTups if _check(x)] troves = troveSource.getTroves(childColls, withFiles=False, **kw) troveCache.update(itertools.izip(childColls, troves)) allTups = troveTups + childTups if checkExists: hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(allTups) hasTrovesCache = dict(itertools.izip(allTups, hasTroves)) troves = [troveCache.get(x, None) for x in troveTups] seen = set() # cached info about what troves we've called hasTrove on. #import epdb; for troveTup, trv in itertools.izip(troveTups, troves): if recurseAll: # recurse all troves, depth first. topTrove = trv troves = [ (trv, (troveTup, trv, TROVE_BYDEFAULT | TROVE_STRONGREF | TROVE_HASTROVE, 0)) ] while troves: topTrove, info = troves.pop(0) yield info troveTup, trv, flags, depth = info if not flags & TROVE_HASTROVE: # we can't recurse this trove, it doesn't exist. continue if not trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]): # this could have been one of the troves we specified # initially, in which case trying to recurse it will # not work. continue if trove.troveIsPackage(troveTup[0]) and not recursePackages: continue newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True, weakRefs=showWeakRefs) newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups) if needTroves or trv.isRedirect(): # might as well grab all the troves, we're supposed # to yield them all. neededTroveTups = [ x for x in newTroveTups \ if x not in troveCache ] newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(neededTroveTups, withFiles=False) troveCache.update(x for x \ in itertools.izip(neededTroveTups, newTroves) if x[1]) seen.update(neededTroveTups) else: newColls = [ x for x in trv.iterTroveList(weakRefs=True, strongRefs=True) if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and x not in troveCache ] newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(newColls, withFiles=False) troveCache.update( x for x in itertools.izip(newColls, newTroves)) seen.update(newColls) if checkExists: toCheck = set(x for x in trv.iterTroveList(True, True)) alsoToCheck = {} for newTrove in newTroves: if newTrove is None: continue alsoToCheck.update(dict((x, newTrove) for x in \ newTrove.iterTroveList(True, True) if x not in toCheck and x not in seen)) if not showNotByDefault: newToCheck = [] for tup in toCheck: if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup): if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) elif trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) for tup, parent in alsoToCheck.iteritems(): if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup): if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) elif trv.hasTrove(*tup): if trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) elif parent.includeTroveByDefault(*tup): newToCheck.append(tup) toCheck = newToCheck else: toCheck = list(toCheck) if toCheck: seen.update(toCheck) toCheck = [ x for x in toCheck if x not in hasTrovesCache ] hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toCheck) hasTrovesCache.update( x for x in itertools.izip(toCheck, hasTroves)) trovesToAdd = [] depth += 1 for troveTup in newTroveTups: if not topTrove.hasTrove(*troveTup): topTrove = trv if not recursePackages and trove.troveIsComponent( troveTup[0]): continue installByDefault = topTrove.includeTroveByDefault( *troveTup) if not installByDefault and not showNotByDefault: continue flags = TROVE_STRONGREF if installByDefault: flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT if not checkExists or hasTrovesCache[troveTup]: flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE elif not showNotExists: continue newTrove = troveCache.get(troveTup, None) if trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]): trovesToAdd.append( (topTrove, (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth))) else: yield (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth) troves = trovesToAdd + troves else: # recurse one level or recurse no levels. yield troveTup, trv, TROVE_STRONGREF | TROVE_BYDEFAULT | TROVE_HASTROVE, 0 if (trv and (recurseOne or recursePackages and (trove.troveIsPackage(trv.getName())))): newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveListInfo() if not showWeakRefs: newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[2]) if not showNotByDefault: newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[1]) newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups) if needTroves or trv.isRedirect(): newTroves = troveSource.getTroves( [x[0] for x in newTroveTups], withFiles=False) else: newTroves = [None] * len(newTroveTups) if checkExists: toAdd = [ x[0] for x in newTroveTups if x[0] not in hasTrovesCache ] hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toAdd) hasTrovesCache.update(itertools.izip(toAdd, hasTroves)) hasTroves = [hasTrovesCache[x[0]] for x in newTroveTups] else: hasTroves = [True] * len(newTroveTups) for (troveTup, byDefault, strongRef), trv, hasTrove \ in itertools.izip(newTroveTups, newTroves, hasTroves): flags = 0 if strongRef: flags |= TROVE_STRONGREF if byDefault: flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT if hasTrove: flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE elif not showNotExists: continue yield troveTup, trv, flags, 1
def _buildRedirect(self, trvCsDict, sourceFlavor, sourceVersion, rule, target): if target[0] is not None: redirInfo = _RedirectInfo(target[0], target[1].branch(), rule.targetFlavor) else: redirInfo = _RemoveRedirect() self.redirections.add(rule.sourceName, sourceFlavor, redirInfo) # Groups don't include any additional redirections, and # neither do items which aren't collections if trove.troveIsGroup(rule.sourceName) or not trove.troveIsCollection(rule.sourceName): return if target[0] is not None: targetTrove = self.repos.getTrove(withFiles=False, *target) targetComponents = set([x[0].split(":")[1] for x in targetTrove.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True)]) else: targetComponents = set() # we can't integrity check here because we got # the trove w/o files trvCs = trvCsDict[(rule.sourceName, sourceVersion, sourceFlavor)] trv = trove.Trove(trvCs) # assemble a set of all of the components included # in this trove currentComponents = set([x[0].split(":")[1] for x in trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True)]) # components shared between the current trove and # the target should be redirected to the target # components for compName in currentComponents & targetComponents: sourceCompName = rule.sourceName + ":" + compName targetCompName = redirInfo.targetName + ":" + compName self.redirections.add( sourceCompName, sourceFlavor, _RedirectInfo(targetCompName, redirInfo.targetBranch, redirInfo.targetFlavor), ) # now get all of the components which have been # included in this trove anywhere on the branch; those # components need to generate erase redirects allVersions = self.repos.getTroveVersionsByBranch({trv.getName(): {trv.getVersion().branch(): None}}) l = [] for subVersion, subFlavorList in allVersions[trv.getName()].iteritems(): l += [(trv.getName(), subVersion, flavor) for flavor in subFlavorList] allTroves = self.repos.getTroves(l, withFiles=False) allComponents = set() for otherTrv in allTroves: allComponents.update([x[0].split(":")[1] for x in otherTrv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True)]) # components which existed at any point for this # trove but don't have a component in the redirect # target need to be erased for subName in allComponents - targetComponents: newName = rule.sourceName + ":" + subName self.redirections.add(newName, sourceFlavor, _RemoveRedirect()) # the package redirect includes references to the # component redirects to let the update code know # how to redirect the components; this tracks the # components of this redirect redirInfo.addComponents([rule.sourceName + ":" + x for x in allComponents])
def expandJobList(db, chgSetList, recurse): """ For each job in the list, find the set of troves which are recursively included in it. The reutnr value is list parallel to chgSetList, each item of which is a sorted list of those troves which are included in the recursive changeset. """ # We mark old groups (ones without weak references) as uncachable # because they're expensive to flatten (and so old that it # hardly matters). if not recurse: return [ [ job ] for job in chgSetList ] cu = db.cursor() schema.resetTable(cu, "tmpNVF") foundGroups = set() foundWeak = set() foundCollections = set() insertList = [] for jobId, job in enumerate(chgSetList): if trove.troveIsGroup(job[0]): foundGroups.add(jobId) insertList.append((jobId, job[0], job[2][0], job[2][1])) db.bulkload("tmpNvf", insertList, [ "idx", "name", "version", "flavor" ], start_transaction = False) db.analyze("tmpNVF") newJobList = [ [ job ] for job in chgSetList ] cu.execute("""SELECT tmpNVF.idx, I_Items.item, I_Versions.version, I_Flavors.flavor, TroveTroves.flags FROM tmpNVF JOIN Items ON = Items.item JOIN Versions ON (tmpNVF.version = Versions.version) JOIN Flavors ON (tmpNVF.flavor = Flavors.flavor) JOIN Instances ON Items.itemId = Instances.itemId AND Versions.versionId = Instances.versionId AND Flavors.flavorId = Instances.flavorId JOIN TroveTroves USING (instanceId) JOIN Instances AS I_Instances ON TroveTroves.includedId = I_Instances.instanceId JOIN Items AS I_Items ON I_Instances.itemId = I_Items.itemId JOIN Versions AS I_Versions ON I_Instances.versionId = I_Versions.versionId JOIN Flavors AS I_Flavors ON I_Instances.flavorId = I_Flavors.flavorId WHERE I_Instances.isPresent = 1 ORDER BY I_Items.item, I_Versions.version, I_Flavors.flavor """) for (idx, name, version, flavor, flags) in cu: newJobList[idx].append( (name, (None, None), (version, flavor), True) ) if flags & schema.TROVE_TROVES_WEAKREF > 0: foundWeak.add(idx) if trove.troveIsCollection(name): foundCollections.add(idx) for idx in ((foundGroups & foundCollections) - foundWeak): # groups which contain collections but no weak refs # are uncachable newJobList[idx] = None return newJobList