def app(): todos = [("Write a Todo app", True), ("Take out garbage", False)] disp = [True, False] edited = "" while True: tag, value = yield from c.orr([ c.orr_same_line( [c.button("All"), c.button("Active"), c.button("Completed")]), c.orr([ c.tag_value(i, item(s, a)) for i, (s, a) in enumerate(todos) if a in disp ]), c.orr_same_line( [c.button("+"), c.input_text("New Item", edited, 30)]), ]) if tag == "New Item": edited = value elif tag == "+" and edited: todos.append((edited, False)) edited = "" elif tag in ["All", "Active", "Completed"]: disp = dict(All=[True, False], Active=[False], Completed=[True])[tag] elif tag == "-": del todos[value[0]] elif tag == "toggle": todos[value[0]] = todos[value[0]][0], value[1] yield
def render(self): events = yield from c.window(, widget=c.multi_orr([ c.text("Style: "), c.orr_same_line([ c.radio_button(label, == label) for label in self.style_choices ]), c.spacing(), c.text("Username: "******"inject" ImGui calls into the rendering routine. # It may be better to abstract these `lift` calls out into a function (or not). # Note that Concur (and ImGui as a whole) are primarily made for debug interfaces, so custom styling like this is a bit clunky. # The calls used for sizing are [documented here]( # You can do a whole lot of customization like this, I recommend skimming through the above link. c.lift(lambda: imgui.push_item_width(100)), c.input_text(name="", value=self.username, tag="Username", buffer_length=10), c.text("Password: "******"", value=self.password, tag="Password"), c.lift(lambda: imgui.pop_item_width()), c.checkbox("Remember credentials", self.remember_credentials), c.spacing(), c.text("Input file: "), c.same_line(), c.text(self.filepath), c.button("Open"), self.custom_spacing(0, 20), c.separator(), c.button("Save"), c.same_line(), c.button("Reset"), ])) for tag, value in events: # This is how event handling works with `multi_orr` if tag in self.style_choices: = tag self.style_choices[tag]() elif tag == "Open": self.prompt_for_input_file() elif tag == "Username": self.username = value elif tag == "Password": self.password = value elif tag == "Remember credentials": self.remember_credentials = value elif tag == "Save": print("Saved") elif tag == "Reset": print("Resetted") return self
def __auth_view(self): view = c.orr([ c.collapsing_header( text="Languages", widget=c.orr([ c.radio_button( label='English', active=True if self.language == 'default' else False, tag='english'), c.same_line(), c.radio_button( label='Russian', active=True if self.language == 'cyrillic' else False, tag='cyrillic'), c.same_line(), c.radio_button( label='Korean', active=True if self.language == 'korean' else False, tag='korean'), c.same_line(), c.radio_button( label='Japanese', active=True if self.language == 'japanese' else False, tag='japanese'), c.same_line(), c.radio_button(label='Chinese', active=True if self.language == 'chinese_full' else False, tag='chinese_full'), c.same_line(), c.radio_button( label='German', active=True if self.language == 'latin' else False, tag='latin'), ]), open=True), self.custom_spacing(1, 1), c.text("Username:"******"", value=self.username, tag="username"), c.text("Password:"******"", value=self.password, tag="password"), c.button("Terminate", tag='terminate') if self.process else self.dynamic_popup_button( label="Login", error=self.evaluate_popup_behaviour({ 'user': self.username, 'password': self.password }), tag='login'), ]) return view
def app(): im1 = c.Image("examples/lenna.png")) im2 = c.Image("examples/lenna.png")) while True: k, v = yield from c.orr([ c.button("Hello,"), c.button("world!"), c.orr_same_line([ c.text("Hello,"), c.nothing(), c.text_tooltip("Text tooltip", c.text("world!")), c.text_tooltip("Orr tooltip", c.orr([ c.text_tooltip("Button tooltip", c.button("Button1")), c.button("Button2"), ])), c.orr([ c.button("Button3"), c.button("Button4"), ]), c.text("Finish line."), ]), c.draggable("Drag", c.orr([c.button("Draggable Button"), c.forever(c.button, "Another")])), c.input_text("Hello", "world!", 123), c.collapsing_header("Image", c.orr([ c.tooltip(c.orr([c.text("Hello!"), c.image("", im1, width=300, height=200), c.event(("Key", "Tooltip value"))]), c.image("Im1", im1, width=30, height=20)), c.image("Im2", im2, width=30, height=20), ])), c.input_text("Hello", "world!", 123), c.key_press("Key", glfw.KEY_SPACE), ]) if k == "Im1": im1 = v if k == "Im2": im2 = v print(k, v) yield
def render(self): if self.task_statuses: # Prepare the progress bar n_working_or_finished = sum([ status in ["Working...", "Done."] for status in self.task_statuses ]) n_total_threads = len(self.task_statuses) progress = n_working_or_finished / n_total_threads progress_text = f"{n_working_or_finished}/{n_total_threads}" progress_bar = self.progress_bar_widget(progress_text, progress) else: progress_bar = c.nothing() # use `multi_orr`, so that concurrent events aren't thrown away events = yield from c.window(, c.multi_orr([ c.text_tooltip( "Drag the slider or enter your preferred amount directly to adjust the amount of threads used.", c.text("Number of Threads")), c.slider_int(label="", value=self.n_threads, min_value=1, max_value=100, tag='threads'), c.same_line(), c.lift(lambda: imgui.push_item_width( self.evaluate_field_size(self.n_threads, self.n_tasks))), c.interactive_elem(imgui.input_int, "", self.n_threads, tag="threads"), c.lift(lambda: imgui.pop_item_width()), c.slider_int(label="", value=self.n_tasks, min_value=1, max_value=100, tag='tasks'), c.same_line(), c.lift(lambda: imgui.push_item_width( self.evaluate_field_size(self.n_threads, self.n_tasks))), c.interactive_elem(imgui.input_int, "", self.n_tasks, tag="threads"), c.lift(lambda: imgui.pop_item_width()), c.input_text(name="Information, the feature needs", value=self.information, tag="info"), c.button("Terminate", tag='terminate') if self.process else self.dynamic_popup_button( "Start", "Feature information is missing. Continue anyway?" if not self.information else self.evaluate_popup_behaviour( {'information': True})), c.separator(), c.text_colored("Feature status:", 'yellow'), c.text(f"{self.window_status}"), progress_bar, c.optional(bool(self.task_statuses), self.generate_thread_table), c.separator(), c.text_colored(f"{} Log:", 'orange'), # c.child(name=f"{} Log", widget=self.log_widget(self.log), width=-1, height=-1, border=True), c.window("Log", self.log_widget(self.log)), c.tag(tag_name="status_queue", elem=c.listen(self.status_queue)), c.tag("log_queue", c.listen(self.log_queue)), ])) for tag, value in events: # This is how event handling works with `multi_orr` if tag == "info": self.information = value elif tag == "Start": assert self.process is None self.status_queue = Queue() self.task_statuses = ["Waiting"] * self.n_tasks information_dict = { 'log_queue': self.log_queue, 'information': self.information } self.process = Process(target=self.threadify, args=( NiceFeature, information_dict, )) self.process.start() elif tag == "terminate": assert self.process is not None self.process.terminate() self.window_status = "Terminated." self.process = None for i, status in enumerate(self.task_statuses, 0): if status in ["Waiting", "Working..."]: self.task_statuses[i] = "Terminated." elif tag == "status_queue": # Handle events fired by threads. # Update the thread state table thread_id, new_status = value # Update the feature status if thread_id < 0: self.window_status = new_status if new_status == "Work done.": self.process = None else: self.task_statuses[thread_id] = new_status elif tag == "log_queue": msg = value.getMessage() # Colored logging try: text, color = msg.split("|") except: text, color = msg, "white" if color == "green": rgb_tuple = (0, 255, 0) elif color == "red": rgb_tuple = (255, 0, 0) else: rgb_tuple = (255, 255, 255) self.log_list.append((text, rgb_tuple)) elif tag == "tasks": self.n_tasks = value elif tag == "threads": self.n_threads = value return self