class HttpService(object): def __init__(self): self.__async_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.__http = Http() def get(self, request): return self.make_request(request, 'GET') def post(self, request): return self.make_request(request, 'POST') def put(self, request): return self.make_request(request, 'PUT') def delete(self, request): return self.make_request(request, 'DELETE') def make_request(self, request, method): future = HttpFuture() self.__async_executor.submit(self.__do_request, request, method, future) return future def __do_request(self, request, method, future): try: uri = request.url + urllib.parse.urlencode(request.parameters) headers, content = self.__http.request(uri, method,, request.headers) future.fulfill(headers, content) except Exception as ex: self.logger.exception("Http __do_request attempt failed with exception")
def __init__(self): # just a big number of workers ThreadPoolExecutor.__init__(self, max_workers=100) self._queue = collections.deque() # thread-safe queue of futures self._waiting_work = collections.deque() # tuple (WorkItem, future, set=dependences) # (dict id(future) -> set): futures running -> dependences used self._sets_in_progress = {} self._set_remove = threading.Lock()
class ThreadedPoolExecutor(PoolExecutor): ''' Pooled executor implementation based on a wrapped ThreadPoolExecutor object. ''' def __init__(self, context, max_workers=1): super(ThreadedPoolExecutor, self).__init__(context) self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) def execute(self, task): self._pool.submit(task.processor)
def test_log_traceback_threaded(caplog): @log_traceback def f(): raise Exception() e = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) f = e.submit(f) while f.running(): time.sleep(0.1) assert caplog.records()[0].message.endswith(" is about to be started") assert caplog.records()[1].message.startswith("Traceback") assert caplog.records()[1].message.endswith("Exception\n")
def __init__(self, name, detector, dataflow, emitter, ccd, stage, focus, shiftebeam=MTD_MD_UPD, **kwargs): """ shiftebeam (MTD_*): if MTD_EBEAM_SHIFT, will correct the SEM position using beam shift (iow, using emitter.shift). If MTD_MD_UPD, it will just update the position correction metadata on the SEM images. ccd (Optical detector) stage (actuator): the sample stage, just to know when re-alignment is needed focus (actuator): the _optical_ focuser, just to know when re-alignment is needed focuser (actuator): the _e-beam_ focuser, to allow focusing the image """ super(AlignedSEMStream, self).__init__(name, detector, dataflow, emitter, **kwargs) self._ccd = ccd self._stage = stage self._focus = focus self._shiftebeam = shiftebeam self.calibrated = model.BooleanVA(False) # whether the calibration has been already done self._last_pos = stage.position.value.copy() self._last_pos.update(focus.position.value) # last known position of the stage self._shift = (0, 0) # (float, float): shift to apply in meters self._last_shift = (0, 0) # (float, float): last ebeam shift applied # In case initialization takes place in unload position the # calibration values are not obtained yet. Thus we avoid to initialize # cur_trans before spot alignment takes place. self._cur_trans = None stage.position.subscribe(self._onMove) focus.position.subscribe(self._onMove) self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._beamshift = None
def __init__(self, name, detector, dataflow, emitter, ccd, stage, focus, shiftebeam=MTD_MD_UPD, **kwargs): """ shiftebeam (MTD_*): if MTD_EBEAM_SHIFT, will correct the SEM position using beam shift (iow, using emitter.shift). If MTD_MD_UPD, it will just update the position correction metadata on the SEM images. ccd (Optical detector) stage (actuator): the sample stage, just to know when re-alignment is needed focus (actuator): the _optical_ focuser, just to know when re-alignment is needed focuser (actuator): the _e-beam_ focuser, to allow focusing the image """ if "acq_type" not in kwargs: kwargs["acq_type"] = model.MD_AT_EM super(AlignedSEMStream, self).__init__(name, detector, dataflow, emitter, **kwargs) self._ccd = ccd self._stage = stage self._focus = focus self._shiftebeam = shiftebeam self.calibrated = model.BooleanVA(False) # whether the calibration has been already done self._last_pos = stage.position.value.copy() self._last_pos.update(focus.position.value) # last known position of the stage stage.position.subscribe(self._onMove) focus.position.subscribe(self._onMove) self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._beamshift = None
def __init__(self): # Scene processors. self.__sceneController = SceneController.instance() self.__methodController = MethodController.instance() self.__sceneUpdateThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.__sceneExecThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=AppConstants.MAX_SCENE_EXEC_THREAD_SIZE) self.__sceneExecutionResultThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) # Scene run workers. self.__sceneExecLocks = {} # Favorite edit lock self.__fav_lock = threading.Lock() # Listeners. GroupController.instance().listen_to_group_icon_change(self.__on_group_icon_changed) self.__methodController.listen_to_method_status_change(self.__on_method_status_changed)
def __init__(self, backbone, brain=None): self._backbone = backbone self._brain = brain if brain is not None else Brain() self._brain_lock = threading.Lock() self._regex_to_response = OrderedDict() self._scripts = OrderedDict() self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) self._futures = [] # list of futures submitted to the pool self._stop_loop = threading.Event()
def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True, handlers=[], srv_path=".", configuration={}): HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate) self.handlers = sorted(handlers, key=lambda k: k["weight"]) self.srv_path = srv_path self.configuration = configuration self.logger = self.setup_logger() self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) self.initialize_server()
def __init__(self, rabbitmq_url=None, queue=None, routing_key=None, exchange="message", exchange_type="direct", log=None, max_tasks=5, logging=None): """ == Config dict structure (case adjusted to json configuration): { "rabbit": { "url": "apmq://rabbit", "queue": "test", "routingKey": "example.json" "exchange": "message", // optional, default: message "exchangeType:" "topic" // optional, default: topic } } :param str rabbitmq_url: optional url to rabbitmq :param str queue: name of the queue :param str routing_key: routing key for queue :param str exchange: name of the exchange :param str exchange_type: type of the exchange :param dict config: Manager configuration from parsed json config all the above options can be configured from it :param logging.Logger log: optional logger that will replace new one :raises exceptions.NotConfigured: :return: """ if queue is None: raise exceptions.NotConfigured("Misssing queue") self._connection = None self._channel = None self._closing = False self._consumer_tag = None self._max_tasks = max_tasks # 2 cores + 1 self._tasks_number = 0 self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._max_tasks) self._max_tasks_warning_counter = 0 self._rabbitmq_url = rabbitmq_url self._queue = queue self._routing_key = routing_key self._exchange = exchange self._exchange_type = exchange_type if log is None: from toddler.logging import setup_logging if logging is not None: self.log = setup_logging(config=logging) else: self.log = setup_logging() else: self.log = log
def __init__(self): # Rule processors. self.__ruleController = RuleController() self.__methodController = MethodController() self.__triggerController = TriggerController.instance() self.__ruleUpdateThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.__ruleExecThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=AppConstants.MAX_RULE_EXEC_THREAD_SIZE) # Rule run workers. self.__ruleExecInfos = {} self.__condCallGroup = MethodCallGroup() self.__execCallGroup = MethodCallGroup() # Listeners. self.__ruleController.listen_to_rule_status_change(self.__on_rule_status_changed) GroupController.instance().listen_to_group_icon_change(self.__on_group_icon_changed) self.__methodController.listen_to_method_status_change(self.__on_method_status_changed) EventController.instance().listen_to_event_callback(self.__on_method_event_callback) self.__triggerController.listen_to_trigger_callback(self.__on_trigger_callback)
def __init__(self): self.__lock = threading.Lock() self.__serLock = SERLock() self.__serController = SceneExecutionResultController() self.__serRetryThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) def after_ser_deleted(serId): self.__serLock.declare_as_deleted(serId) # Report serId is deleted to SERLock instance. self.__broadcast_message__ser_deleted(serId) # Broadcast event to mobile client. SceneExecutionResultDataHandler.AFTER_RECORD_DELETE = after_ser_deleted SceneExecutionResultService.__INSTANCE = self
def __init__(self, max_workers=5): ''' This is multi-threaded caller. max_workers - Maximum simultaneous threads. async - Set it to True then "submit" will not wait for the response. ''' self.__callId_callbackList = {} # 1-level dict, [callId] -- [callback tasks] self.__fs_callbackList = {} # 1-level dict, [fs] = [callback tasks] self.__fs_callId = {} self.__threadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) self.__lock = Lock() self.__taskId = 0
class DispatcherHTTPServer(HTTPServer): def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True, handlers=[], srv_path=".", configuration={}): HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate) self.handlers = sorted(handlers, key=lambda k: k["weight"]) self.srv_path = srv_path self.configuration = configuration self.logger = self.setup_logger() self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) self.initialize_server() def initialize_server(self):'Initializing server') def finish_request(self, request, client_address): def async_finish_request(server, request, client_address, logger): server.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, server, logger) self.executor.submit(async_finish_request(self, request, client_address, self.logger)) def setup_logger(self): logger = None if self.configuration.get('log_config_file') is not None: logger = self.get_logger(self.configuration.get('log_config_file')) else: logger = self.get_default_logger() return logger def get_logger(self, config_file): logging.config.fileConfig(config_file) return logging.getLogger('srv') def get_default_logger(self): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) return logging.getLogger('srv')
def prepareServer(RequestHandlerClass, pipe, threads, timeout): ''' Prepare in a process the request handling. ''' def process(request, address): RequestHandlerClass(request, address, None) try: request.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except socket.error: pass # some platforms may raise ENOTCONN here request.close() pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(threads) while True: if not pipe.poll(timeout): break else: data = pipe.recv() if data is None: break elif data is True: continue requestfd, address = data request = socket.fromfd(rebuild_handle(requestfd), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) pool.submit(process, request, address) pool.shutdown(False)
def __init__(self, name, daemon): model.Component.__init__(self, name=name, daemon=daemon) self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.number_futures = 0 self.startAcquire = model.Event() # triggers when the acquisition of .data starts = FakeDataFlow(sae=self.startAcquire) self.datas = SynchronizableDataFlow() self.data_count = 0 self._df = None # TODO automatically register the property when serializing the Component self.prop = model.IntVA(42) self.cont = model.FloatContinuous(2.0, [-1, 3.4], unit="C") self.enum = model.StringEnumerated("a", set(["a", "c", "bfds"])) self.cut = model.IntVA(0, setter=self._setCut) self.listval = model.ListVA([2, 65])
def __init__(self): self.d = DockerBackend() # root widget self.mainframe = urwid.Frame(urwid.SolidFill()) self.buffers = [] self.footer = Footer(self) self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) root_widget = urwid.AttrMap(self.mainframe, "root") self.main_list_buffer = None # singleton screen = urwid.raw_display.Screen() screen.set_terminal_properties(256) screen.register_palette(PALLETE) super().__init__(root_widget, screen=screen) self.handle_mouse = False self.current_buffer = None
def __init__(self, address, name, keep_alive, thread_pool_size): Server._number += 1 # Logger actually overridden by subclasses. self._log = logging.getLogger("lightstreamer-adapter.server") self._exception_handler = None self._config = {} self._config['address'] = address self._config['name'] = "#{}".format(Server._number) if (name is None) else name self._config['keep_alive'] = max(0, keep_alive) if (keep_alive is not None) else 0 pool = max(0, thread_pool_size) if thread_pool_size is not None else 0 if pool == 0: try: self._config['thread_pool_size'] = cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: self._config['thread_pool_size'] = Server._DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE else: self._config['thread_pool_size'] = pool self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(self._config['thread_pool_size']) self._server_sock = None self._request_receiver = None
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor import boto3 import qiniu MAX_READ_SIZE = 64 * 1024 QINIU_ACCESS_KEY = 'KarvlHfUdoG1mZNSfDVS5Vh3nae2jUZumTBHK-PR' QINIU_SECRET_KEY = 'SFPFkAn5NENhdCMqMe9wd_lxGHAeFR5caXxPTtt7' QINIU_BUCKET_NAME = 'zufangwang' AUTH = qiniu.Auth(QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, QINIU_SECRET_KEY) # AWS3_REGION = 'region_name' # AWS3_AK = 'access_key' # AWS3_SK = 'secret_key' # AWS3_BUCKET = 'bucket_name' # # S3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name=AWS3_REGION, # aws_access_key_id=AWS3_AK, aws_secret_access_key=AWS3_SK) # sysbench ---> 测试整机性能的工具 MAX_THREAD_WORKERS = 64 EXECUTOR = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_THREAD_WORKERS)
class AlignedSEMStream(SEMStream): """ This is a special SEM stream which automatically first aligns with the CCD (using spot alignment) every time the stage position changes. Alignment correction can either be done via beam shift (=shift), or by just updating the image position. """ def __init__(self, name, detector, dataflow, emitter, ccd, stage, focus, shiftebeam=MTD_MD_UPD, **kwargs): """ shiftebeam (MTD_*): if MTD_EBEAM_SHIFT, will correct the SEM position using beam shift (iow, using emitter.shift). If MTD_MD_UPD, it will just update the position correction metadata on the SEM images. ccd (Optical detector) stage (actuator): the sample stage, just to know when re-alignment is needed focus (actuator): the _optical_ focuser, just to know when re-alignment is needed focuser (actuator): the _e-beam_ focuser, to allow focusing the image """ super(AlignedSEMStream, self).__init__(name, detector, dataflow, emitter, **kwargs) self._ccd = ccd self._stage = stage self._focus = focus self._shiftebeam = shiftebeam self.calibrated = model.BooleanVA(False) # whether the calibration has been already done self._last_pos = stage.position.value.copy() self._last_pos.update(focus.position.value) # last known position of the stage self._shift = (0, 0) # (float, float): shift to apply in meters self._last_shift = (0, 0) # (float, float): last ebeam shift applied # In case initialization takes place in unload position the # calibration values are not obtained yet. Thus we avoid to initialize # cur_trans before spot alignment takes place. self._cur_trans = None stage.position.subscribe(self._onMove) focus.position.subscribe(self._onMove) self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._beamshift = None def _onMove(self, pos): """ Called when the stage moves (changes position) pos (dict): new position """ # Check if the position has really changed, as some stage tend to # report "new" position even when no actual move has happened logging.debug("Stage location is %s m,m,m", pos) if self._last_pos == pos: return self._last_pos.update(pos) # if self.is_active.value: self.calibrated.value = False # just reset status self._setStatus(None) # need to override it to support beam shift def _applyROI(self): """ Update the scanning area of the SEM according to the roi """ res, shift = self._computeROISettings(self.roi.value) if (self._shiftebeam == MTD_EBEAM_SHIFT) and (self._beamshift is not None): shift = tuple(s + c for s, c in zip(shift, self._beamshift)) # always in this order self._emitter.resolution.value = res self._emitter.shift.value = shift def _compensateShift(self): """ Compensate the SEM shift, using either beam shift or metadata update """ # update the correction metadata logging.debug("Update metadata for SEM image shift") self._detector.updateMetadata({MD_POS_COR: self._shift}) def _prepare(self): """ Perform calibration if needed """ logging.debug("Preparing stream %s ...", self) # actually indicate that preparation has been triggered, don't wait for # it to be completed self._prepared = True f = self._executor.submit(self._DoPrepare) # Note that there is no need to call super(). This would only check # for an optical path manager which in this case has no effect. return f def __del__(self): self._executor.shutdown(wait=False) def _DoPrepare(self): # Need to calibrate ? if not self.calibrated.value: self._setStatus(logging.INFO, u"Automatic SEM alignment in progress…") # store current settings no_spot_settings = (self._emitter.dwellTime.value, self._emitter.resolution.value) # Don't mess up with un/subscribing while doing the calibration self._getEmitterVA("dwellTime").unsubscribe(self._onDwellTime) self._getEmitterVA("resolution").unsubscribe(self._onResolution) shift = (0, 0) self._beamshift = None try:"Determining the Ebeam center position") # TODO Handle cases where current beam shift is larger than # current limit. Happens when accel. voltage is changed self._emitter.shift.value = (0, 0) shift = FindEbeamCenter(self._ccd, self._detector, self._emitter) logging.debug("Spot shift is %s m,m", shift) self._beamshift = shift # Also update the last beam shift in order to be used for stage # offset correction in the next stage moves self._last_shift = (0.75 * self._last_shift[0] - 0.25 * shift[0], 0.75 * self._last_shift[1] - 0.25 * shift[1]) cur_trans = self._stage.getMetadata().get(model.MD_POS_COR, (0, 0)) self._cur_trans = (cur_trans[0] - self._last_shift[0], cur_trans[1] - self._last_shift[1]) self._stage.updateMetadata({ model.MD_POS_COR: self._cur_trans }) logging.debug("Compensated stage translation %s m,m", self._cur_trans) if self._shiftebeam == MTD_EBEAM_SHIFT: # First align using shift self._applyROI() # Then by updating the metadata shift = (0, 0) # just in case of failure shift = FindEbeamCenter(self._ccd, self._detector, self._emitter) elif self._shiftebeam == MTD_MD_UPD: pass else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown shiftbeam method %s" % (self._shiftebeam,)) except LookupError: self._setStatus(logging.WARNING, (u"Automatic SEM alignment unsuccessful", u"Need to focus all streams")) # logging.warning("Failed to locate the ebeam center, SEM image will not be aligned") except Exception: self._setStatus(logging.WARNING, (u"Automatic SEM alignment unsuccessful", u"Need to focus all streams")) logging.exception("Failure while looking for the ebeam center") else: self._setStatus(None)"Aligning SEM image using shift of %s", shift) self.calibrated.value = True finally: # restore hw settings (self._emitter.dwellTime.value, self._emitter.resolution.value) = no_spot_settings self._getEmitterVA("dwellTime").subscribe(self._onDwellTime) self._getEmitterVA("resolution").subscribe(self._onResolution) self._shift = shift self._compensateShift()
import logging import pickle from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor import colorlog from colorlog import ColoredFormatter import source.pagination as pagination paginator = pagination thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) # a thread pool discordCharLimit = 2000 logging.SPAM = 9 logging.addLevelName(logging.SPAM, "SPAM") def spam(self, message, *args, **kws): self._log(logging.SPAM, message, args, **kws) logging.Logger.spam = spam def getLog(filename, level=logging.DEBUG) -> logging: """ Sets up logging, to be imported by other files """ streamHandler = colorlog.StreamHandler() streamFormatter = ColoredFormatter( "{asctime} {log_color}|| {levelname:^8} || {name:^15s} || {reset}{message}",
class RabbitManager(BaseManager): """Base for managers that connects to rabbit """ def __init__(self, rabbitmq_url=None, queue=None, routing_key=None, exchange="message", exchange_type="direct", log=None, max_tasks=5, logging=None): """ == Config dict structure (case adjusted to json configuration): { "rabbit": { "url": "apmq://rabbit", "queue": "test", "routingKey": "example.json" "exchange": "message", // optional, default: message "exchangeType:" "topic" // optional, default: topic } } :param str rabbitmq_url: optional url to rabbitmq :param str queue: name of the queue :param str routing_key: routing key for queue :param str exchange: name of the exchange :param str exchange_type: type of the exchange :param dict config: Manager configuration from parsed json config all the above options can be configured from it :param logging.Logger log: optional logger that will replace new one :raises exceptions.NotConfigured: :return: """ if queue is None: raise exceptions.NotConfigured("Misssing queue") self._connection = None self._channel = None self._closing = False self._consumer_tag = None self._max_tasks = max_tasks # 2 cores + 1 self._tasks_number = 0 self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._max_tasks) self._max_tasks_warning_counter = 0 self._rabbitmq_url = rabbitmq_url self._queue = queue self._routing_key = routing_key self._exchange = exchange self._exchange_type = exchange_type if log is None: from toddler.logging import setup_logging if logging is not None: self.log = setup_logging(config=logging) else: self.log = setup_logging() else: self.log = log def reconnect(self): """Will be run by IOLoop.time if the connection is closed. See on_connection_closed method. """ self._connection.ioloop.stop() if not self._closing: self._connection = self.connect() self._connection.ioloop.start() @property def queue(self): return self._queue def on_connection_closed(self, connection, reply_code, reply_text): """ :param pika.connection.Connection connection: closed connection ob :param int reply_code: reply code if given :param str reply_text: reply text if given :return: """ self._channel = None if self._closing: self._connection.ioloop.stop() else: self.log.warning( "Connection closed, will reopen in 5 seconds: (%s) %s", reply_code, reply_text ) self._connection.add_timeout(5, self.reconnect) def on_channel_closed(self, channel, reply_code, reply_text): """Invoked when channel has been closed :param channel: :param int reply_code: :param str reply_text: :return: """"Channel to rabbit closed.") self._connection.close() def on_channel_open(self, channel): """Invoked when channel has been opened :param channel: """"Channel opened") self._channel = channel self._channel.add_on_close_callback(self.on_channel_closed) self.start_consuming() def close_channel(self):"Closing channel") self._channel.close() def open_channel(self):"Opening channel") def on_connection_open(self, connection):"Connected") self._connection = connection self._connection.add_on_close_callback(self.on_connection_closed) self.open_channel() def connect(self): """Connects to rabbitmq server, according to config :return pika.SelectConnection: """"Connecting to RabbitMQ") return pika.BlockingConnection( pika.URLParameters(self._rabbitmq_url + "?heartbeat_interval=5"), # self.on_connection_open, # stop_ioloop_on_close=False ) def on_cancel_ok(self, frame): """Invoked when locale Basic.Cancel is acknowledged by RabbitMQ :param pika.frame.Method frame: :return: """"Rabbit acknowledged the cancel of the consumer") self.close_channel() def on_consumer_cancelled(self, method_frame): """Invoked by pika when RabbitMQ sends a Basic.Cancel for a consumer receiving messages. :param pika.frame.Method method_frame: The Basic.Cancel frame :return: """"Consumer was cancelled remotely, shutting down: %r", method_frame) if self._channel: self._channel.close() def acknowledge_message(self, delivery_tag): """ :param delivery_tag: :return: """"Acknowledging message %s", delivery_tag) self._channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag) def requeue_message(self, delivery_tag): """ :param delivery_tag: :return: """"Requeuing message %s", delivery_tag) self._channel.basic_nack(delivery_tag, requeue=True) def on_message(self, channel, basic_deliver, properties, body): """Invoked when message received from rabbit :param channel: :param pika.spec.Basic.Deliver basic_deliver: :param pika.spec.BasicProperties properties: :param str body: :return: """"Received messages # %s from %s", basic_deliver.delivery_tag, properties.app_id) try: if self._tasks_number >= self._max_tasks: raise RuntimeError("Max tasks limit reached") self._tasks_number += 1 ftr = self._executor.submit(self.process_task, body) def process_done(future: Future): nonlocal self self._tasks_number -= 1 if future.cancelled(): # process_task ended by cancel self.requeue_message(self.requeue_message( basic_deliver.delivery_tag) ) else: if future.exception(): exception = future.exception() if not isinstance(exception, RequeueMessage): self.log.exception(exception) self.requeue_message( basic_deliver.delivery_tag ) else: self.acknowledge_message(basic_deliver.delivery_tag) ftr.add_done_callback(process_done) return ftr except RuntimeError: self.requeue_message(basic_deliver.delivery_tag) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) self.requeue_message(basic_deliver.delivery_tag) time.sleep(10) def stop_consuming(self): """Send Basic.Cancel to rabbit :return: """ if self._channel:"Stop consuming") self._channel.basic_cancel(self.on_cancel_ok, self._consumer_tag) def start_consuming(self): """Begins to consume messages :return: """"Start consuming") self._channel.add_on_cancel_callback(self.on_consumer_cancelled) self._consumer_tag = self._channel.basic_consume(self.on_message, self.queue) def run(self): """Run consumer""""Running consumer") connection = self.connect() """:type: pika.SelectConnection""" channel = self._channel = channel self._connection = connection for method_frame, properties, body in channel.consume(self.queue): while self._tasks_number >= self._max_tasks: time.sleep(0.1) self.on_message(channel, method_frame, properties, body) def stop(self): """Stops consuming service :return: """"Stopping") self._closing = True self.stop_consuming() self._executor.shutdown(True) # if self._connection is not None: # self._connection.ioloop.start()"Stopped") def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.stop() super(RabbitManager, self).__exit__(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, max_workers, event_reactor): ThreadPoolExecutor.__init__(self, max_workers) EventReactorMixin.__init__(self, event_reactor) event_reactor.register_handler(EventReactor.STOP_ID, self._stop_cb) self._task_map = WeakValueDictionary()
# If max aligned number larger than 0, it considered that read is TP. return ReadType.TP if max_aligned > 0 else ReadType.FP, max_aligned else: target_aln = target_aligns[from_target.ref] hit_count = 0 for pos in range(from_target.begin, from_target.end): hit_count += 1 if target_aln[pos] else 0 aligned = hit_count / (from_target.end - from_target.begin) >= fn_cov return ReadType.FN if aligned else ReadType.TN, 0 with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=thread_num) as executor: map_list =, read_targets) progress_cnt = 0 progress_bar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(read_targets), fd=sys.stderr).start() for result in map_list: read_type = result[0] if read_type == ReadType.TP: true_positive += 1 aligned_base += result[1] elif read_type == ReadType.FP: false_positive += 1 elif read_type == ReadType.TN: true_negative += 1 elif read_type == ReadType.FN:
class MyComponent(model.Component): """ A component that does everything """ def __init__(self, name, daemon): model.Component.__init__(self, name=name, daemon=daemon) self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.number_futures = 0 self.startAcquire = model.Event() # triggers when the acquisition of .data starts = FakeDataFlow(sae=self.startAcquire) self.datas = SynchronizableDataFlow() self.data_count = 0 self._df = None # TODO automatically register the property when serializing the Component self.prop = model.IntVA(42) self.cont = model.FloatContinuous(2.0, [-1, 3.4], unit="C") self.enum = model.StringEnumerated("a", set(["a", "c", "bfds"])) self.cut = model.IntVA(0, setter=self._setCut) self.listval = model.ListVA([2, 65]) def _setCut(self, value): = value return @roattribute def my_value(self): return "ro" def ping(self): """ Returns (string): pong """ return "pong" def bad_call(self): """ always raise an exception """ raise MyError # oneway to ensure that it will be set in a different thread than the call @oneway def change_prop(self, value): """ set a new value for the VA prop """ self.prop.value = value @isasync def do_long(self, duration=5): """ return a futures.Future """ ft = self.executor.submit(self._long_task, duration) ft.add_done_callback(self._on_end_long) return ft def _long_task(self, duration): """ returns the time it took """ start = time.time() time.sleep(duration) return (time.time() - start) def get_number_futures(self): return self.number_futures def set_number_futures(self, value): self.number_futures = value def _on_end_long(self, future): self.number_futures += 1 def sub(self, df): self._df = df df.subscribe(self.data_receive) def unsub(self): self._df.unsubscribe(self.data_receive) def data_receive(self, df, data):"Received data of shape %r", data.shape) self.data_count += 1 def get_data_count(self): return self.data_count # it'll never be able to answer back if everything goes fine @oneway def stopServer(self): self._pyroDaemon.shutdown()
tokens_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = tokenizer.tokenize_bert(topic_info_dict) train_query, test_query = file_operation.extract_queries_for_bert()'punkt') for topic_id in train_query: result_dict[topic_id] = {} train_query[topic_id] = nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize( train_query[topic_id]) vectorizer = Vectorizer() for topic_id in train_query: topic_id = str(topic_id) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(len(tokens_dict)) num_of_sentence_query = len(train_query[topic_id]) i = 0 ths = [] temp_bm25_dict = bm25_dict[topic_id] sorted_bm25 = list( dict( sorted(temp_bm25_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)).keys())[:100] for doc_id in sorted_bm25: num_of_sentence_doc = len(tokens_dict[doc_id]) all_sentences = train_query[topic_id] + tokens_dict[doc_id]
STATIC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) mf_url = '' headers = { 'Referer': '', 'Domain-Name': 'porn9_video_domain_name', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', } headers_1 = { 'Referer': '', 'Domain-Name': 'porn9_video_domain_name', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'X-Forwarded-For': '' } url_aria2 = '' executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() s = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=3, backoff_factor=1) s.mount('http', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) def get_mf_list(url): mf_html = s.get(url, headers=headers_1) mf_list = {} soup = BeautifulSoup(mf_html.text, 'html.parser') for element in soup(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)): element.extract() image_channel = soup.find_all('div', class_='well well-sm videos-text-align') for channel in image_channel: a = channel.find('a', recursive=False)
def create_load_balancer(app_name: str, dependencies=None): dependencies = [] if dependencies is None else dependencies app_name = app_name.replace(',', '_') app = Flask(app_name) app.__response_level = ResponseLevel.NORMAL app.__dependencies = dependencies app.__executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) # check dependencies should run asynchronously def check_dependencies(visited: str, dependencies: Iterable[str], executor: _base.Executor) -> bool: visited_set = set(visited.split(',')) filtered_dep = filter( lambda x: PORT_APP[int(x.split(':')[1])] not in visited_set, dependencies) # futures = [] # for target in filtered_dep: # get_url = f'http://{target}/?from={visited}' # future = executor.submit(lambda: http_get(get_url)) # futures.append((get_url, future)) # # for (get_url, future) in futures: # result = future.result() # is_ok = result.status_code == 200 # if not is_ok: # return False for target in filtered_dep: get_url = f'http://{target}/?from={visited}' response = http_get(get_url) is_ok = response.status_code == 200 if is_ok: return True return False @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) @app.route('/ping', methods=['GET']) def ping(): visited = request.args.get('from') updated_visited = + ('' if visited is None else (',' + visited)) response_level = current_app.__response_level if response_level == ResponseLevel.NORMAL: dependencies_ok = check_dependencies(updated_visited, current_app.__dependencies, current_app.__executor) message, code = ('OK', 200) if dependencies_ok else ('UNHEALTHY', 500) return Response(message, code) elif response_level == ResponseLevel.TERMINATED: return Response('UNHEALTHY', 500) else: sleep(5.0) dependencies_ok = check_dependencies(updated_visited, current_app.__dependencies, current_app.__executor) message, code = ('OK', 200) if dependencies_ok else ('UNHEALTHY', 500) return Response(message, code) @app.route('/response/<level>', methods=['GET']) def set_response_level(level): try: level = int(level) response_level = inverse_response_level(level) current_app.__response_level = response_level return 'OK' except ValueError as e: return str(e) return app
def execute_command_in_dependencies( command, dependencies, required_files_filter=None, dry_run=False, verbose=False, continue_on_failure=False, here=False, jobs=1, jobs_unordered=False, ): """ Execute the given command for the given dependencies. :param list(unicode) command: The commando to be executed. :param list(Dep) dependencies: The list of dependencies for which execute the command. :param callable required_files_filter: A list os files required in a dependency root directory to execute the command. :param bool dry_run: Does all the checks and most output normally but does not actually execute the command. :param bool verbose: Prints extra information. :param bool continue_on_failure: When this is `False` the first command with a non zero return code makes the dependency processing to stop and this function returns, when it is `True` all dependencies are always processed. :param bool here: Does not change the working dir to the root of the dependency when executing the command. :param int jobs: The number of concurrent jobs to be executed. :param bool jobs_unordered: This only makes a difference if jobs > 1, in which case it'll be able to run all jobs in parallel, without taking into account any pre-condition for the job to run (otherwise, it'll run jobs considering that its pre-requisites are ran first). :rtype: list(int) :return: The exit code of the commands executed so far (may be smaller than `dependencies` list when `continue_on_failure` is false). """ exit_codes = [] error_messages = [] initial = [ for x in dependencies] buffer_output = False output_separator = "\n" + "=" * MAX_LINE_LENGTH if jobs > 1: buffer_output = True from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=jobs) previously_added_to_batch = set() def calculate_next_batch(dependencies): next_batch = [] if jobs_unordered: next_batch.extend(dependencies) del dependencies[:] else: msg = [] for i, dep in reversed(list(enumerate(dependencies))): for depends_on in get_abs_path_to_dep_for_all_deps( dep).values(): if depends_on not in previously_added_to_batch: msg.append("{} still depending on: {}".format(, break else: next_batch.append(dependencies.pop(i)) if not next_batch and dependencies: raise AssertionError( "No batch calculated and dependencies still available.\n\n" "Remaining:\n%s\n\nFinished:\n%s\n\nAll:\n%s" % ( "\n".join(msg), "\n".join( str( for x in previously_added_to_batch), "\n".join(initial), )) previously_added_to_batch.update(next_batch) return next_batch else: from ._synchronous_executor import SynchronousExecutor executor = SynchronousExecutor() def calculate_next_batch(dependencies): # The next is the first one in the list. return [dependencies.pop(0)] progress = 0 total_progress = len(dependencies) while len(dependencies) > 0: deps = calculate_next_batch(dependencies) progress += len(deps) dep_to_future = {} first = True print_str = ", ".join( for dep in deps) for dep in deps: if len(deps) == 1 or first: click.secho(output_separator, fg="black", bold=True, color=_click_echo_color) # Checks before execution. if dep.ignored: click.secho(, fg="blue", bold=True, color=_click_echo_color, nl=False) click.secho(" ignored", fg="yellow", color=_click_echo_color) continue if dep.skipped: click.secho(, fg="blue", bold=True, color=_click_echo_color, nl=False) click.secho(" skipped", fg="magenta", color=_click_echo_color) continue if not required_files_filter(dep, quiet=False): continue formatted_command = format_command(command, dep) working_dir = None if not here: working_dir = dep.abspath if len(deps) == 1 or first: msg = "%s (%d/%d)" % (print_str, progress, total_progress) click.secho(msg, fg="blue", bold=True, color=_click_echo_color) if verbose or dry_run: command_to_print = " ".join( arg.replace(" ", "\\ ") for arg in formatted_command) echo_verbose_msg("executing: " + command_to_print) if working_dir: echo_verbose_msg("from: " + working_dir) if not dry_run: dep_to_future[dep] = executor.submit(execute, formatted_command, working_dir, buffer_output) first = False for dep, future in dep_to_future.items(): try: returncode, stdout, stderr, command_time = future.result() except Exception as e: # Usually should only fail on CancelledException returncode = 1 stdout = "" stderr = str(e) command_time = 0.0 exit_codes.append(returncode) click.secho( "Finished: {} in {:.2f}s".format(, command_time), fg="white", bold=False, color=_click_echo_color, ) if buffer_output: if stdout: click.secho("=== STDOUT ===") if type(stdout) is not str: stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8", errors="replace") click.secho(stdout) if stderr: click.secho("=== STDERR ===", fg="red", bold=True) if type(stderr) is not str: stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8", errors="replace") click.secho(stderr, fg="red", bold=True) if verbose: if jobs > 1: echo_verbose_msg("return code for project {}: {}".format(, returncode)) else: echo_verbose_msg("return code: {}".format(returncode)) if returncode != 0: error_msg = "Command failed (project: {})".format( error_messages.append(error_msg) echo_error(error_msg) if not continue_on_failure: # Cancel what can be cancelled in case we had a failure. for f in dep_to_future.values(): f.cancel() if not continue_on_failure: keep_on_going = True for returncode in exit_codes: if returncode != 0: keep_on_going = False break if not keep_on_going: break # If we have errors and we kept on going or executed multiple jobs, print a summary of the # errors at the end. if continue_on_failure or jobs > 1: if error_messages: echo_error(output_separator) echo_error("A list of all errors follow:") for msg in error_messages: echo_error(msg) return exit_codes
def __init__(self): self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() self.aktuels = []
class VSphereCheck(AgentCheck): __NAMESPACE__ = 'vsphere' def __new__(cls, name, init_config, instances): # type: (Type[VSphereCheck], str, Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> VSphereCheck """For backward compatibility reasons, there are two side-by-side implementations of the VSphereCheck. Instantiating this class will return an instance of the legacy integration for existing users and an instance of the new implementation for new users.""" if is_affirmative(instances[0].get('use_legacy_check_version', True)): from datadog_checks.vsphere.legacy.vsphere_legacy import VSphereLegacyCheck return VSphereLegacyCheck(name, init_config, instances) # type: ignore return super(VSphereCheck, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None super(VSphereCheck, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) instance = cast(InstanceConfig, self.instance) self._config = VSphereConfig(instance, self.init_config, self.log) self.latest_event_query = get_current_datetime() self.infrastructure_cache = InfrastructureCache(interval_sec=self._config.refresh_infrastructure_cache_interval) self.metrics_metadata_cache = MetricsMetadataCache( interval_sec=self._config.refresh_metrics_metadata_cache_interval ) self.api = cast(VSphereAPI, None) self.api_rest = cast(VSphereRestAPI, None) # Do not override `AgentCheck.hostname` self._hostname = None self.thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self._config.threads_count) self.check_initializations.append(self.initiate_api_connection) def initiate_api_connection(self): # type: () -> None try: self.log.debug( "Connecting to the vCenter API %s with username %s...", self._config.hostname, self._config.username ) self.api = VSphereAPI(self._config, self.log) self.log.debug("Connected") except APIConnectionError: self.log.error("Cannot authenticate to vCenter API. The check will not run.") self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=self._config.base_tags, hostname=None) raise if self._config.should_collect_tags: try: version_info = self.api.get_version() major_version = int(version_info.version_str[0]) if major_version >= 7: try: # Try to connect to REST API vSphere v7 self.api_rest = VSphereRestAPI(self._config, self.log, False) return except Exception: self.log.debug("REST API of vSphere 7 not detected, falling back to the old API.") self.api_rest = VSphereRestAPI(self._config, self.log, True) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Cannot connect to vCenter REST API. Tags won't be collected. Error: %s", e) def refresh_metrics_metadata_cache(self): # type: () -> None """ Request the list of counters (metrics) from vSphere and store them in a cache. """ self.log.debug( "Refreshing the metrics metadata cache. Collecting all counters metadata for collection_level=%d", self._config.collection_level, ) t0 = Timer() counters = self.api.get_perf_counter_by_level(self._config.collection_level) self.gauge( "datadog.vsphere.refresh_metrics_metadata_cache.time",, tags=self._config.base_tags, raw=True, hostname=self._hostname, ) self.log.debug("Collected %d counters metadata in %.3f seconds.", len(counters), for mor_type in self._config.collected_resource_types: allowed_counters = [] for c in counters: metric_name = format_metric_name(c) if metric_name in ALLOWED_METRICS_FOR_MOR[mor_type] and not is_metric_excluded_by_filters( metric_name, mor_type, self._config.metric_filters ): allowed_counters.append(c) metadata = {c.key: format_metric_name(c) for c in allowed_counters} # type: Dict[CounterId, MetricName] self.metrics_metadata_cache.set_metadata(mor_type, metadata) self.log.debug( "Set metadata for mor_type %s: %s", mor_type, metadata, ) # TODO: Later - Understand how much data actually changes between check runs # Apparently only when the server restarts? # def collect_tags(self, infrastructure_data): # type: (InfrastructureData) -> ResourceTags """ Fetch the all tags, build tags for each monitored resources and store all of that into the tags_cache. """ if not self.api_rest: return {} # In order to be more efficient in tag collection, the infrastructure data is filtered as much as possible. # All filters are applied except the ones based on tags of course. resource_filters_without_tags = [f for f in self._config.resource_filters if not isinstance(f, TagFilter)] filtered_infra_data = { mor: props for mor, props in iteritems(infrastructure_data) if isinstance(mor, tuple(self._config.collected_resource_types)) and is_resource_collected_by_filters(mor, infrastructure_data, resource_filters_without_tags) } t0 = Timer() mors_list = list(filtered_infra_data.keys()) try: mor_tags = self.api_rest.get_resource_tags_for_mors(mors_list) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to collect tags: %s", e) return {} self.gauge( 'datadog.vsphere.query_tags.time',, tags=self._config.base_tags, raw=True, hostname=self._hostname, ) return mor_tags def refresh_infrastructure_cache(self): # type: () -> None """Fetch the complete infrastructure, generate tags for each monitored resources and store all of that into the infrastructure_cache. It also computes the resource `hostname` property to be used when submitting metrics for this mor.""" self.log.debug("Refreshing the infrastructure cache...") t0 = Timer() infrastructure_data = self.api.get_infrastructure() self.gauge( "datadog.vsphere.refresh_infrastructure_cache.time",, tags=self._config.base_tags, raw=True, hostname=self._hostname, ) self.log.debug("Infrastructure cache refreshed in %.3f seconds.", self.log.debug("Infrastructure cache: %s", infrastructure_data) all_tags = {} if self._config.should_collect_tags: all_tags = self.collect_tags(infrastructure_data) self.infrastructure_cache.set_all_tags(all_tags) for mor, properties in iteritems(infrastructure_data): if not isinstance(mor, tuple(self._config.collected_resource_types)): # Do nothing for the resource types we do not collect continue mor_name = to_string(properties.get("name", "unknown")) mor_type_str = MOR_TYPE_AS_STRING[type(mor)] hostname = None tags = [] if isinstance(mor, vim.VirtualMachine): power_state = properties.get("runtime.powerState") if power_state != vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn: # Skipping because the VM is not powered on # TODO: Sometimes VM are "poweredOn" but "disconnected" and thus have no metrics self.log.debug("Skipping VM %s in state %s", mor_name, to_string(power_state)) continue # Hosts are not considered as parents of the VMs they run, we use the `` property # to get the name of the ESXi host runtime_host = properties.get("") runtime_host_props = {} # type: InfrastructureDataItem if runtime_host: if runtime_host in infrastructure_data: runtime_host_props = infrastructure_data.get(runtime_host, {}) else: self.log.debug("Missing details for VM %s", mor_name) runtime_hostname = to_string(runtime_host_props.get("name", "unknown")) tags.append('vsphere_host:{}'.format(runtime_hostname)) if self._config.use_guest_hostname: hostname = properties.get("guest.hostName", mor_name) else: hostname = mor_name elif isinstance(mor, vim.HostSystem): hostname = mor_name else: tags.append('vsphere_{}:{}'.format(mor_type_str, mor_name)) parent = properties.get('parent') runtime_host = properties.get('') if parent is not None: tags.extend(get_tags_recursively(parent, infrastructure_data, self._config)) if runtime_host is not None: tags.extend( get_tags_recursively( runtime_host, infrastructure_data, self._config, include_only=['vsphere_cluster'] ) ) tags.append('vsphere_type:{}'.format(mor_type_str)) # Attach tags from fetched attributes. tags.extend(properties.get('attributes', [])) resource_tags = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mor_tags(mor) + tags if not is_resource_collected_by_filters( mor, infrastructure_data, self._config.resource_filters, resource_tags, ): # The resource does not match the specified whitelist/blacklist patterns. self.log.debug( "Skipping resource not matched by filters. resource=`%s` tags=`%s`", mor_name, resource_tags ) continue mor_payload = {"tags": tags} # type: Dict[str, Any] if hostname: mor_payload['hostname'] = hostname self.infrastructure_cache.set_mor_props(mor, mor_payload) def submit_metrics_callback(self, query_results): # type: (List[vim.PerformanceManager.EntityMetricBase]) -> None """ Callback of the collection of metrics. This is run in the main thread! `query_results` currently contain results of one resource type in practice, but this function is generic and can handle results with mixed resource types. """ # `have_instance_value` is used later to avoid collecting aggregated metrics # when instance metrics are collected. have_instance_value = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[Type[vim.ManagedEntity], Set[MetricName]] for results_per_mor in query_results: resource_type = type(results_per_mor.entity) metadata = self.metrics_metadata_cache.get_metadata(resource_type) for result in results_per_mor.value: if have_instance_value[resource_type].add(metadata[]) for results_per_mor in query_results: mor_props = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mor_props(results_per_mor.entity) if mor_props is None: self.log.debug( "Skipping results for mor %s because the integration is not yet aware of it. If this is a problem" " you can increase the value of 'refresh_infrastructure_cache_interval'.", results_per_mor.entity, ) continue self.log.debug( "Retrieved mor props for entity %s: %s", results_per_mor.entity, mor_props, ) resource_type = type(results_per_mor.entity) metadata = self.metrics_metadata_cache.get_metadata(resource_type) for result in results_per_mor.value: metric_name = metadata.get( if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # Use isEnabledFor to avoid unnecessary processing self.log.debug( "Processing metric `%s`: resource_type=`%s`, result=`%s`", metric_name, resource_type, str(result).replace("\n", "\\n"), ) if not metric_name: # Fail-safe self.log.debug( "Skipping value for counter %s, because the integration doesn't have metadata about it. If this" " is a problem you can increase the value of 'refresh_metrics_metadata_cache_interval'",, ) continue if not result.value: self.log.debug("Skipping metric %s because the value is empty", to_string(metric_name)) continue # Get the most recent value that isn't negative valid_values = [v for v in result.value if v >= 0] if not valid_values: self.log.debug( "Skipping metric %s because the value returned by vCenter" " is negative (i.e. the metric is not yet available). values: %s", to_string(metric_name), list(result.value), ) continue tags = [] if should_collect_per_instance_values(self._config, metric_name, resource_type) and ( metric_name in have_instance_value[resource_type] ): instance_value = # When collecting per instance values, it's possible that both aggregated metric and per instance # metrics are received. In that case, the metric with no instance value is skipped. if not instance_value: continue instance_tag_key = get_mapped_instance_tag(metric_name) tags.append('{}:{}'.format(instance_tag_key, instance_value)) vsphere_tags = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mor_tags(results_per_mor.entity) mor_tags = mor_props['tags'] + vsphere_tags if resource_type in HISTORICAL_RESOURCES: # Tags are attached to the metrics tags.extend(mor_tags) hostname = None else: # Tags are (mostly) submitted as external host tags. hostname = to_string(mor_props.get('hostname')) if self._config.excluded_host_tags: tags.extend([t for t in mor_tags if t.split(":", 1)[0] in self._config.excluded_host_tags]) tags.extend(self._config.base_tags) value = valid_values[-1] if metric_name in PERCENT_METRICS: # Convert the percentage to a float. value /= 100.0 self.log.debug( "Submit metric: name=`%s`, value=`%s`, hostname=`%s`, tags=`%s`", metric_name, value, hostname, tags, ) # vSphere "rates" should be submitted as gauges (rate is precomputed). self.gauge(to_string(metric_name), value, hostname=hostname, tags=tags) def query_metrics_wrapper(self, query_specs): # type: (List[vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec]) -> List[vim.PerformanceManager.EntityMetricBase] """Just an instrumentation wrapper around the VSphereAPI.query_metrics method Warning: called in threads """ t0 = Timer() metrics_values = self.api.query_metrics(query_specs) self.histogram( 'datadog.vsphere.query_metrics.time',, tags=self._config.base_tags, raw=True, hostname=self._hostname, ) return metrics_values def make_query_specs(self): # type: () -> Iterable[List[vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec]] """ Build query specs using MORs and metrics metadata. """ server_current_time = self.api.get_current_time() self.log.debug("Server current datetime: %s", server_current_time) for resource_type in self._config.collected_resource_types: mors = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mors(resource_type) counters = self.metrics_metadata_cache.get_metadata(resource_type) metric_ids = [] # type: List[vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId] for counter_key, metric_name in iteritems(counters): # PerformanceManager.MetricId `instance` kwarg: # - An asterisk (*) to specify all instances of the metric for the specified counterId # - Double-quotes ("") to specify aggregated statistics # More info if should_collect_per_instance_values(self._config, metric_name, resource_type): instance = "*" else: instance = '' metric_ids.append(vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId(counterId=counter_key, instance=instance)) for batch in self.make_batch(mors, metric_ids, resource_type): query_specs = [] for mor, metrics in iteritems(batch): query_spec = vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec() # type: vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec query_spec.entity = mor query_spec.metricId = metrics if resource_type in REALTIME_RESOURCES: query_spec.intervalId = REALTIME_METRICS_INTERVAL_ID query_spec.maxSample = 1 # Request a single datapoint else: # We cannot use `maxSample` for historical metrics, let's specify a timewindow that will # contain at least one element query_spec.startTime = server_current_time - dt.timedelta(hours=2) query_specs.append(query_spec) if query_specs: yield query_specs def collect_metrics_async(self): # type: () -> None """Run queries in multiple threads and wait for completion.""" tasks = [] # type: List[Any] try: for query_specs in self.make_query_specs(): tasks.append(self.thread_pool.submit(self.query_metrics_wrapper, query_specs)) except Exception as e: self.log.warning("Unable to schedule all metric collection tasks: %s", e) finally: self.log.debug("Queued all %d tasks, waiting for completion.", len(tasks)) for future in as_completed(tasks): future_exc = future.exception() if isinstance(future_exc, vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument): # The query was invalid or the resource does not have values for this metric. continue elif future_exc is not None: self.log.warning("A metric collection API call failed with the following error: %s", future_exc) continue results = future.result() if not results: self.log.debug("A metric collection API call did not return data.") continue try: # Callback is called in the main thread self.submit_metrics_callback(results) except Exception as e: self.log.exception( "Exception '%s' raised during the submit_metrics_callback. " "Ignoring the error and continuing execution.", e, ) def make_batch( self, mors, # type: Iterable[vim.ManagedEntity] metric_ids, # type: List[vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId] resource_type, # type: Type[vim.ManagedEntity] ): # type: (...) -> Generator[MorBatch, None, None] """Iterates over mor and generate batches with a fixed number of metrics to query. Querying multiple resource types in the same call is error prone if we query a cluster metric. Indeed, cluster metrics result in an unpredictable number of internal metric queries which all count towards max_query_metrics. Therefore often collecting a single cluster metric can make the whole call to fail. That's why we should never batch cluster metrics with anything else. """ # Safeguard, let's avoid collecting multiple resources in the same call mors_filtered = [m for m in mors if isinstance(m, resource_type)] # type: List[vim.ManagedEntity] if resource_type == vim.ClusterComputeResource: # Cluster metrics are unpredictable and a single call can max out the limit. Always collect them one by one. max_batch_size = 1 # type: float elif resource_type in REALTIME_RESOURCES or self._config.max_historical_metrics < 0: # Queries are not limited by vCenter max_batch_size = self._config.metrics_per_query else: # Collection is limited by the value of `max_query_metrics` if self._config.metrics_per_query < 0: max_batch_size = self._config.max_historical_metrics else: max_batch_size = min(self._config.metrics_per_query, self._config.max_historical_metrics) batch = defaultdict(list) # type: MorBatch batch_size = 0 for m in mors_filtered: for metric_id in metric_ids: if batch_size == max_batch_size: yield batch batch = defaultdict(list) batch_size = 0 batch[m].append(metric_id) batch_size += 1 # Do not yield an empty batch if batch: yield batch def submit_external_host_tags(self): # type: () -> None """Send external host tags to the Datadog backend. This is only useful for a REALTIME instance because only VMs and Hosts appear as 'datadog hosts'.""" external_host_tags = [] for resource_type in REALTIME_RESOURCES: for mor in self.infrastructure_cache.get_mors(resource_type): mor_props = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mor_props(mor) mor_tags = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mor_tags(mor) hostname = mor_props.get('hostname') # Safeguard if some mors have a None hostname if not hostname: continue mor_tags = mor_props['tags'] + mor_tags tags = [t for t in mor_tags if t.split(':')[0] not in self._config.excluded_host_tags] tags.extend(self._config.base_tags) external_host_tags.append((hostname, {self.__NAMESPACE__: tags})) if external_host_tags: self.set_external_tags(external_host_tags) def collect_events(self): # type: () -> None self.log.debug("Starting events collection (query start time: %s).", self.latest_event_query) latest_event_time = None collect_start_time = get_current_datetime() try: t0 = Timer() new_events = self.api.get_new_events(start_time=self.latest_event_query) self.gauge( 'datadog.vsphere.collect_events.time',, tags=self._config.base_tags, raw=True, hostname=self._hostname, ) self.log.debug("Got %s new events from the vCenter event manager", len(new_events)) event_config = {'collect_vcenter_alarms': True} for event in new_events: self.log.debug( "Processing event with id:%s, type:%s: msg:%s", event.key, type(event), event.fullFormattedMessage ) normalized_event = VSphereEvent(event, event_config, self._config.base_tags) # Can return None if the event if filtered out event_payload = normalized_event.get_datadog_payload() if event_payload is not None: self.log.debug( "Submit event with id:%s, type:%s: msg:%s", event.key, type(event), event.fullFormattedMessage ) self.event(event_payload) if latest_event_time is None or event.createdTime > latest_event_time: latest_event_time = event.createdTime except Exception as e: # Don't get stuck on a failure to fetch an event # Ignore them for next pass self.log.warning("Unable to fetch Events %s", e) if latest_event_time is not None: self.latest_event_query = latest_event_time + dt.timedelta(seconds=1) else: # Let's set `self.latest_event_query` to `collect_start_time` as safeguard in case no events are reported # OR something bad happened (which might happen again indefinitely). self.latest_event_query = collect_start_time def check(self, _): # type: (Any) -> None self._hostname = datadog_agent.get_hostname() # Assert the health of the vCenter API by getting the version, and submit the service_check accordingly try: version_info = self.api.get_version() if self.is_metadata_collection_enabled(): self.set_metadata('version', version_info.version_str) except Exception: # Explicitly do not attach any host to the service checks. self.log.exception("The vCenter API is not responding. The check will not run.") self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.CRITICAL, tags=self._config.base_tags, hostname=None) raise else: self.service_check(SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, AgentCheck.OK, tags=self._config.base_tags, hostname=None) # Collect and submit events if self._config.should_collect_events: self.collect_events() if self._config.collect_events_only: return # Update the value of `max_query_metrics` if needed if self._config.is_historical(): try: vcenter_max_hist_metrics = self.api.get_max_query_metrics() if vcenter_max_hist_metrics < self._config.max_historical_metrics: self.log.warning( "The integration was configured with `max_query_metrics: %d` but your vCenter has a" "limit of %d which is lower. Ignoring your configuration in favor of the vCenter value." "To update the vCenter value, please update the `%s` field", self._config.max_historical_metrics, vcenter_max_hist_metrics, MAX_QUERY_METRICS_OPTION, ) self._config.max_historical_metrics = vcenter_max_hist_metrics except Exception: self._config.max_historical_metrics = DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_METRICS "Could not fetch the value of %s, setting `max_historical_metrics` to %d.", MAX_QUERY_METRICS_OPTION, DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_METRICS, ) pass # Refresh the metrics metadata cache if self.metrics_metadata_cache.is_expired(): with self.metrics_metadata_cache.update(): self.refresh_metrics_metadata_cache() # Refresh the infrastructure cache if self.infrastructure_cache.is_expired(): with self.infrastructure_cache.update(): self.refresh_infrastructure_cache() # Submit host tags as soon as we have fresh data self.submit_external_host_tags() # Submit the number of VMs that are monitored for resource_type in self._config.collected_resource_types: for mor in self.infrastructure_cache.get_mors(resource_type): mor_props = self.infrastructure_cache.get_mor_props(mor) # Explicitly do not attach any host to those metrics. resource_tags = mor_props.get('tags', []) self.count( '{}.count'.format(MOR_TYPE_AS_STRING[resource_type]), 1, tags=self._config.base_tags + resource_tags, hostname=None, ) # Creating a thread pool and starting metric collection self.log.debug("Starting metric collection in %d threads.", self._config.threads_count) self.collect_metrics_async() self.log.debug("Metric collection completed.")
class AktuelFinder: def __init__(self): self.exception = False self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() = {'BİM': BimAktuel, 'A101': A101Aktuel, 'ŞOK': SokAktuel} self.aktuel_db = AktuelDB('aktuels') self.active_aktuels = {} self.still_active_aktuels = {} self.expired_aktuels = {} self.new_aktuels = {} def get_aktuels(self): aktuels = [] threads = {} for name, market in obj = market() threads[name] = self.executor.submit(obj.get_aktuels) for name, thread in threads.items(): try: aktuels += thread.result() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: # print(e, 11) aktuels += self.aktuel_db.read_aktuel(name) self.exception = True aktuels = sorted(aktuels, key=lambda k: k['tarih'], reverse=False) aktuels = sorted(aktuels, key=lambda k: k['magaza'], reverse=False) return aktuels def show_summary(self): saved_aktuels = self.aktuel_db.read_aktuels() aktuels = self.get_aktuels() self.active_aktuels = self.get_active_aktuels(saved_aktuels) self.still_active_aktuels = {} self.expired_aktuels = self.get_expired_aktuels( aktuels, self.active_aktuels) self.new_aktuels = self.get_new_aktuels(aktuels, self.active_aktuels) if self.exception: print('') if self.active_aktuels: print("Chosen campaigns:") for key, active_aktuel in self.active_aktuels.items(): print(active_aktuel['magaza'], active_aktuel['aktuel']) print('') else: pass if self.expired_aktuels: print("Expired campaigns:") for key, expired_aktuel in self.expired_aktuels.items(): print( str(key) + '.', expired_aktuel['magaza'], expired_aktuel['aktuel']) print( "* Please enter the IDs of campaigns you want to delete by adding ':' to beginning. (Enter :0 for deleting all of them)\n" ) else: pass if self.new_aktuels: print("New campaigns:") for key, new_aktuel in self.new_aktuels.items(): print( str(key) + '.', new_aktuel['magaza'], new_aktuel['aktuel']) print( "* Please enter the IDs of campaigns you choose. (Enter 0 for choose all of them)\n" ) else: pass if not self.expired_aktuels and not self.new_aktuels: print("No new campaign.") input() @staticmethod def get_active_aktuels(saved_aktuels): active_aktuels = {} count = 1 for aktuel in saved_aktuels: if aktuel['durum'] == 'active': active_aktuels[count] = aktuel count += 1 else: pass return active_aktuels def get_expired_aktuels(self, aktuels, active_aktuels): expired_aktuels = {} count = 1 count0 = 1 for key, active_aktuel in active_aktuels.items(): active_market = active_aktuel['magaza'] active_aktuel_name = active_aktuel['aktuel'] exist = False for aktuel in aktuels: if aktuel['magaza'] == active_market and aktuel[ 'aktuel'] == active_aktuel_name: exist = True break if not exist: expired_aktuels[count] = active_aktuel count += 1 else: self.still_active_aktuels[count0] = active_aktuel count0 += 1 return expired_aktuels @staticmethod def get_new_aktuels(aktuels, active_aktuels): new_aktuels = {} count = 1 for aktuel in aktuels: market = aktuel['magaza'] aktuel_name = aktuel['aktuel'] exist = False for key, active_aktuel in active_aktuels.items(): if active_aktuel['magaza'] == market and active_aktuel[ 'aktuel'] == aktuel_name: exist = True break if not exist: new_aktuels[count] = aktuel count += 1 return new_aktuels def command(self): user_inputs = [] if self.expired_aktuels or self.new_aktuels: print( "* Split every command with ',' character. (Enter '#' for saving the session)\n" ) while not self.command_control(user_inputs, len(self.new_aktuels), len(self.expired_aktuels)): user_inputs = input("Command Line: ") user_inputs = self.command_optimizer(user_inputs) self.command_execution(user_inputs) self.save_aktuels() else: pass @staticmethod def command_control(user_inputs, new_max, expired_max): try: if not user_inputs: return False for key in user_inputs: if key == '#': return True elif key[0] == ':': if not key[1:].isnumeric() or int(key[1:]) < 0 or int( key[1:]) > expired_max or expired_max == 0: return False elif not key.isnumeric() or int(key) < 0 or int( key) > new_max or new_max == 0: return False else: pass return True except Exception as e: print(e, 12) return False @staticmethod def command_optimizer(user_inputs): user_inputs = sorted(set(''.join(user_inputs.split()).split(','))) for a in user_inputs: if not a: user_inputs.remove(a) return user_inputs def command_execution(self, user_inputs): for user_input in user_inputs: if user_input == '#': break elif user_input[0] == ':': if user_input[1] == '0': self.expired_aktuels = {} else: self.expired_aktuels.pop(int(user_input[1:]), None) elif user_input == '0': for key, new_aktuel in self.new_aktuels.items(): new_aktuel['durum'] = 'active' else: self.new_aktuels[int(user_input)]['durum'] = 'active' def save_aktuels(self): aktuels = [] for key, value in self.new_aktuels.items(): aktuels.append(value) for key, value in self.expired_aktuels.items(): aktuels.append(value) for key, value in self.still_active_aktuels.items(): aktuels.append(value) self.aktuel_db.save_aktuels(aktuels)
def _retrieve_results(tasks, max_workers): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: result_futures = [executor.submit(task.result) for task in tasks] return [future.result() for future in result_futures]
def __init__( self, *, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, # Used in logger name: Optional[str] = None, # Set True when you run this app on a FaaS platform process_before_response: bool = False, # Basic Information > Credentials > Signing Secret signing_secret: Optional[str] = None, # for single-workspace apps token: Optional[str] = None, token_verification_enabled: bool = True, client: Optional[WebClient] = None, # for multi-workspace apps authorize: Optional[Callable[..., AuthorizeResult]] = None, installation_store: Optional[InstallationStore] = None, # for v1.0.x compatibility installation_store_bot_only: Optional[bool] = None, # for the OAuth flow oauth_settings: Optional[OAuthSettings] = None, oauth_flow: Optional[OAuthFlow] = None, # No need to set (the value is used only in response to ssl_check requests) verification_token: Optional[str] = None, ): """Bolt App that provides functionalities to register middleware/listeners :param name: The application name that will be used in logging. If absent, the source file name will be used instead. :param process_before_response: True if this app runs on Function as a Service. (Default: False) :param signing_secret: The Signing Secret value used for verifying requests from Slack. :param token: The bot access token required only for single-workspace app. :param token_verification_enabled: Verifies the validity of the given token if True. :param client: The singleton slack_sdk.WebClient instance for this app. :param authorize: The function to authorize an incoming request from Slack by checking if there is a team/user in the installation data. :param installation_store: The module offering save/find operations of installation data :param installation_store_bot_only: Use InstallationStore#find_bot if True (Default: False) :param oauth_settings: The settings related to Slack app installation flow (OAuth flow) :param oauth_flow: Manually instantiated slack_bolt.oauth.OAuthFlow. This is always prioritized over oauth_settings. :param verification_token: Deprecated verification mechanism. This can used only for ssl_check requests. """ signing_secret = signing_secret or os.environ.get( "SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET") token = token or os.environ.get("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN") self._name: str = name or inspect.stack()[1].filename.split( os.path.sep)[-1] self._signing_secret: str = signing_secret self._verification_token: Optional[ str] = verification_token or os.environ.get( "SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN", None) self._framework_logger = logger or get_bolt_logger(App) self._token: Optional[str] = token if client is not None: if not isinstance(client, WebClient): raise BoltError(error_client_invalid_type()) self._client = client self._token = client.token if token is not None: self._framework_logger.warning( warning_client_prioritized_and_token_skipped()) else: self._client = create_web_client( token) # NOTE: the token here can be None # -------------------------------------- # Authorize & OAuthFlow initialization # -------------------------------------- self._authorize: Optional[Authorize] = None if authorize is not None: if oauth_settings is not None or oauth_flow is not None: raise BoltError(error_authorize_conflicts()) self._authorize = CallableAuthorize(logger=self._framework_logger, func=authorize) self._installation_store: Optional[ InstallationStore] = installation_store if self._installation_store is not None and self._authorize is None: self._authorize = InstallationStoreAuthorize( installation_store=self._installation_store, logger=self._framework_logger, bot_only=installation_store_bot_only, ) self._oauth_flow: Optional[OAuthFlow] = None if (oauth_settings is None and os.environ.get("SLACK_CLIENT_ID") is not None and os.environ.get("SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET") is not None): # initialize with the default settings oauth_settings = OAuthSettings() if oauth_flow: self._oauth_flow = oauth_flow installation_store = select_consistent_installation_store( client_id=self._oauth_flow.client_id, app_store=self._installation_store, oauth_flow_store=self._oauth_flow.settings.installation_store, logger=self._framework_logger, ) self._installation_store = installation_store self._oauth_flow.settings.installation_store = installation_store if self._oauth_flow._client is None: self._oauth_flow._client = self._client if self._authorize is None: self._authorize = self._oauth_flow.settings.authorize elif oauth_settings is not None: installation_store = select_consistent_installation_store( client_id=oauth_settings.client_id, app_store=self._installation_store, oauth_flow_store=oauth_settings.installation_store, logger=self._framework_logger, ) self._installation_store = installation_store oauth_settings.installation_store = installation_store self._oauth_flow = OAuthFlow(client=self.client, logger=self.logger, settings=oauth_settings) if self._authorize is None: self._authorize = self._oauth_flow.settings.authorize if (self._installation_store is not None or self._authorize is not None) and self._token is not None: self._token = None self._framework_logger.warning(warning_token_skipped()) # after setting bot_only here, __init__ cannot replace authorize function if installation_store_bot_only is not None and self._oauth_flow is not None: app_bot_only = installation_store_bot_only or False oauth_flow_bot_only = self._oauth_flow.settings.installation_store_bot_only if app_bot_only != oauth_flow_bot_only: self.logger.warning(warning_bot_only_conflicts()) self._oauth_flow.settings.installation_store_bot_only = app_bot_only self._authorize.bot_only = app_bot_only # -------------------------------------- # Middleware Initialization # -------------------------------------- self._middleware_list: List[Union[Callable, Middleware]] = [] self._listeners: List[Listener] = [] listener_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) self._listener_runner = ThreadListenerRunner( logger=self._framework_logger, process_before_response=process_before_response, listener_error_handler=DefaultListenerErrorHandler( logger=self._framework_logger), listener_executor=listener_executor, lazy_listener_runner=ThreadLazyListenerRunner( logger=self._framework_logger, executor=listener_executor, ), ) self._init_middleware_list_done = False self._init_middleware_list( token_verification_enabled=token_verification_enabled)
def wnms(results, outpath, outfile, iouthresh, savejson=1, nmsname="nms"): indexedresults = indexResults(results) mergedresults = defaultdict(list) for (imageid, objlist) in indexedresults.items(): for objdict in objlist: mergedresults[imageid].append([ objdict['bbox'][0], objdict['bbox'][1], objdict['bbox'][2], objdict['bbox'][3], objdict['score'], objdict['category_id'], objdict["number"] ]) objlist = mergedresults[imageid] # masxlist=[i[2]*i[3] for i in objlist] # max_wh=np.max(masxlist) # objlist=[[i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4]*0.05+i[3]*i[2]*0.95/max_wh,i[5],i[6]] for i in objlist ] keep = py_cpu_nms(np.array(objlist), 1) outdets = [] for index in keep: outdets.append(objlist[index]) mergedresults[imageid] = outdets if nmsname == "softnms": keep = py_cpu_nms(np.array(objlist), 1) newdets, keep = soft_nms(np.array(objlist), iou_thr=iouthresh, method='linear', sigma=0.5, min_score=1e-3) #'gaussian''linear', # keep =py_cpu_softnms(np.array(objlist),thresh=nms_thresh, Nt=0.02, sigma=0.5, method=1) outdets = [] for index in keep: outdets.append(objlist[index]) mergedresults[imageid] = outdets elif nmsname == "setnms": print(objlist[0]) print(len(objlist[0])) keep = np.array(objlist)[set_cpu_nms(np.array(objlist), iouthresh)].tolist() mergedresults[imageid] = keep elif nmsname == "nms": keep = py_cpu_nms(np.array(objlist), 1) outdets = [] for index in keep: outdets.append(objlist[index]) mergedresults[imageid] = outdets elif nmsname == False: print("no nms") else: raise ValueError('nmsname must is softnms or nms') savelist = [] def say2(iss): imageid, objlist = iss[0], iss[1] templist = [] for obj in objlist: #obj [22528, 1270, 24576, 1, 1.0, 4] templist.append({ "image_id": imageid, "category_id": int(obj[5]), "bbox": obj[:4], # "bbox": tlbr2tlwh(obj[:4]), "score": obj[4] }) templist = fliter(imageid, objlist[1][5], templist) return templist executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=80) func_var = [[file_name, dict_value] for file_name, dict_value in mergedresults.items()] print("fusion bbox into self'image start ") pbar2 = tqdm(total=len(mergedresults), ncols=50) for temp in, func_var): # print(temp) savelist += temp pbar2.update(1) pbar2.close() # assert len(savelist)==0,f"error{savelist} error" if savejson: assert isinstance(savelist[0], dict), f"the results must is not {savelist[0]}" # if not isinstance(savelist[0], dict): # raise f"the results must is not {savelist[0]}" # print(savelist[0]['category_id']) outfile = outfile[:-5].replace( "all", f"{savelist[1]['category_id']}") + ".json" with open(os.path.join(outpath, outfile), 'w') as f: dict_str = json.dumps(savelist, indent=2) f.write(dict_str) print( f"save ***{len(savelist)} results*** json :{os.path.join(outpath, outfile)}" ) return savelist
class TriggerController: __INSTANCE = None __LOCK = threading.Lock() @staticmethod def instance(): with TriggerController.__LOCK: TriggerController.__INSTANCE or TriggerController() return TriggerController.__INSTANCE def __init__(self): TriggerController.__INSTANCE = self self.__registeredRuleIds = set([]) self.__threadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) def listen_to_trigger_callback(self, aFunc): ''' aFunc:Function - Parameters (ruleId:Integer) ''' ControllerModule.ON_TRIGGER_CALLBACK = aFunc def register_listener(self, ruleId, triggerDict): self.unregister_listener(ruleId) triggerType = triggerDict["type"] triggerParsedValue = triggerDict.get("parsedValue") #======================================================================= # Register trigger to scheduler #======================================================================= if triggerType == AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_INTERVAL: def __signal_scheduler_add_interval_job(ruleId, seconds, minutes, hours): kwargs = {k:v for k, v in {"seconds":seconds, "minutes":minutes, "hours":hours}.items() if v > 0} try: SchedulerService.add_interval_job(jobName=str(ruleId), kbxTargetAppId=AppInfo.get_app_id(), kbxTargetMethod="on_trigger_callback", kbxTargetModule="controller_module", kbxTargetParams={"ruleId":ruleId}, store=False, **kwargs) self.__registeredRuleIds.add(ruleId) except SystemException as e: Logger.log_debug(e) self.__threadPool.submit(__signal_scheduler_add_interval_job, ruleId, **triggerParsedValue) elif triggerType == AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_TIME: def __signal_scheduler_add_cron_job(ruleId, hour, minute): try: SchedulerService.add_cron_job(jobName=str(ruleId), kbxTargetAppId=AppInfo.get_app_id(), kbxTargetMethod="on_trigger_callback", kbxTargetModule="controller_module", kbxTargetParams={"ruleId":ruleId}, store=False, hour=str(hour), minute=str(minute)) self.__registeredRuleIds.add(ruleId) except SystemException as e: Logger.log_debug(e) self.__threadPool.submit(__signal_scheduler_add_cron_job, ruleId, **triggerParsedValue) def unregister_listener(self, ruleId): def __signal_scheduler_remove_task(ruleId): try: SchedulerService.remove_job(str(ruleId)) self.__registeredRuleIds.remove(ruleId) except SystemException as e: Logger.log_debug(e) if ruleId in self.__registeredRuleIds: self.__threadPool.submit(__signal_scheduler_remove_task, ruleId) def parse_to_trigger_dto(self, trigger): #======================================================================= # Check if all required keys must exists #======================================================================= if "type" not in trigger: raise AutomationException(11703, "'type' must exists") #======================================================================= # Check 'type' against allowed values #======================================================================= triggerType = trigger["type"] if triggerType not in (AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_EVENT, AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_INTERVAL, AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_TIME): raise AutomationException(11703, "'type' has invalid value") #======================================================================= # Compute 'parsedValue' #======================================================================= triggerValue = trigger.get("value") if triggerType == AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_INTERVAL: triggerValue = ValueParser.get_number(triggerValue) # this must be an integer (seconds) if isinstance(triggerValue, int): if triggerValue > 0: seconds = triggerValue % 60 minutes = math.floor(triggerValue / 60) % 60 hours = math.floor((triggerValue / 3600)) % 24 trigger["parsedValue"] = {"seconds":seconds, "minutes":minutes, "hours":hours} else: raise AutomationException(11703, "'value' in 'trigger' must be larger than 0") else: raise AutomationException(11703, "'value' in 'trigger' must be a number in seconds") elif triggerType == AppConstants.TRIGGER_TYPE_TIME: triggerValue = ValueParser.get_string(triggerValue) # this must be in (HH, MM) if isinstance(triggerValue, str): triggerValue = triggerValue.split(":") if len(triggerValue) == 2: #======================================================= # Validate hour #======================================================= hour = ValueParser.get_number(triggerValue[0]) if hour is None or not 0 <= hour <= 23: raise AutomationException(11703, "'HH is ranged from 00 - 23'") #======================================================= # Validate minute #======================================================= minute = ValueParser.get_number(triggerValue[1]) if minute is None or not 0 <= minute <= 59: raise AutomationException(11703, "MM is ranged from 00 - 59") trigger["parsedValue"] = {"hour":hour, "minute":minute} else: raise AutomationException(11703, "'value' in 'trigger' must be in HH:MM format") else: raise AutomationException(11703, "'value' in 'trigger' must be string in HH:MM format") else: trigger["parsedValue"] = None return trigger
import json from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from loader.methods.nose2 import Nose2Loader from loader.methods.pytest import PytestLoader from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) @csrf_exempt def loader(request): if request.method != 'POST': return HttpResponse(status=403) body_unicode = request.body.decode('utf-8') try: data = json.loads(body_unicode) except json.JSONDecodeError: return HttpResponse(status=400) loaders = { '1': Nose2Loader, '2': PytestLoader, } current_loader = loaders.get(data.get('fw')) if current_loader is None: return HttpResponse(status=400)
def run(cls, Obj): TestBase.process_now = 0 def try_run(*args, **kargs): try: return Obj.test(*args, **kargs) except Exception as e: rprint(e) print_exception(e) test_if_same = set() result_zusammen = dict() hs = [] for i in cls.ins: if ( + in test_if_same: continue if '/' in ="/")[0].strip() else: = test_if_same.add( + hs.append( #hs = [ for i in cls.ins] process_len = len(hs) if hasattr(Obj, '__name__'): cls.log("use :", Obj.__name__) if hasattr(Obj, "mode"): if Obj.mode == "thread": thread = 7 if hasattr(Obj, 'thread'): thread = int(Obj.thread) if hasattr(Obj, 'timeout'): timeout = Obj.timeout else: timeout = 12 gprint("set mode : %s" % Obj.mode) gprint("set thread : %d" % thread) gprint("set timeout : %d" % timeout) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=thread) as exe: if not hasattr(Obj, 'callback'): if hasattr(Obj, 'log') and Obj.log == 'simple': callback = lambda x: gprint( x, "\nfinish done | %s" % colored( "-" * 5 + '\n', 'blue')) else: callback = lambda x: TestBase.process_add( process_len) else: callback = Obj.callback def callback_out(future, url=''): try: r = future.result(timeout=timeout) result_zusammen[url] = r callback(r) except futures.TimeoutError: rprint('timeout:', url) for h in hs: future = exe.submit(try_run, h) future.add_done_callback( partial(callback_out, url=h.ip)) if 'has' in Obj.__name__ or 'if' in Obj.__name__: Tprint(result_zusammen, color='green', attrs=['bold']) else: res = try_run(hs) if res: cls.log(res)
Msg.reply_message(random.choice(tempChatBot[chat[2:]])) elif balas: Msg.reply_message(balas) else: Msg.reply_message( random.choice([ "aku ndak Bisa jawab", "bilang apa tadi ?", "gimana ya", "gak ngerti", "mana saya tau", "maksud kamu apa bro" ])) else: Msg.reply_message('Mau Nanya apa ?') if __name__ == '__main__': if 'pickle.txt' in os.listdir('.'): driver.set_local_storage(pickle.loads(open("pickle.txt", "rb").read())) driver.connect() while True: if driver.is_logged_in(): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor: executor.submit(main) else: while True: if driver.is_logged_in(): open("pickle.txt", "wb").write(pickle.dumps(driver.get_local_storage())) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor: executor.submit(main)
class RuleService: def __init__(self): # Rule processors. self.__ruleController = RuleController() self.__methodController = MethodController() self.__triggerController = TriggerController.instance() self.__ruleUpdateThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.__ruleExecThreadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=AppConstants.MAX_RULE_EXEC_THREAD_SIZE) # Rule run workers. self.__ruleExecInfos = {} self.__condCallGroup = MethodCallGroup() self.__execCallGroup = MethodCallGroup() # Listeners. self.__ruleController.listen_to_rule_status_change(self.__on_rule_status_changed) GroupController.instance().listen_to_group_icon_change(self.__on_group_icon_changed) self.__methodController.listen_to_method_status_change(self.__on_method_status_changed) EventController.instance().listen_to_event_callback(self.__on_method_event_callback) self.__triggerController.listen_to_trigger_callback(self.__on_trigger_callback) def __on_rule_status_changed(self, ruleId, oldEnabled, newEnabled, oldStatusProcessed, newStatusProcessed): ''' Trigger Source: RuleController --> This Callback when a rule is re-enabled OR statusProcessed changed to "updated". ''' if newEnabled == True and newStatusProcessed == AppConstants.RULE_STATUS_UPDATED: if oldEnabled != newEnabled or oldStatusProcessed != newStatusProcessed: self.__ruleExecThreadPool.submit(self.__trigger_rule_implementation, ruleId=ruleId, checkCondition=True) def __on_group_icon_changed(self, kbxGroupId): ''' Trigger Source: GroupController --> This Callback when kbxGroupIcon changed. ''' ruleIdsFromCond = self.__ruleController.list_rule_ids_which_has_kbx_group_id_as_condition(kbxGroupId) ruleIdsFromExec = self.__ruleController.list_rule_ids_which_has_kbx_group_id_as_execution(kbxGroupId) # Broadcast rules updated messages. for ruleId in set(ruleIdsFromCond + ruleIdsFromExec): self.__broadcast_message__rule_updated(ruleId) def __on_method_status_changed(self, kbxMethodId, oldKBXMethodStatus, newKBXMethodStatus): ''' Trigger Source: MethodController --> This Callback when kbxMethodStatus changed. ''' if oldKBXMethodStatus != newKBXMethodStatus: ruleIdsFromCond = self.__ruleController.list_rule_ids_which_has_kbx_method_id_as_condition(kbxMethodId) ruleIdsFromExec = self.__ruleController.list_rule_ids_which_has_kbx_method_id_as_execution(kbxMethodId) # # Executes rules with conditions affected. # if newKBXMethodStatus == SharedMethod.METHOD_STATUS_ACTIVE: # for ruleId in ruleIdsFromCond: # self.__ruleExecThreadPool.submit(self.__trigger_rule_implementation, ruleId=ruleId, checkCondition=True) # Broadcast rules updated messages. for ruleId in set(ruleIdsFromCond + ruleIdsFromExec): self.__broadcast_message__rule_updated(ruleId) def __on_method_event_callback(self, kbxMethodId, eventTag, eventData): ''' Trigger Source: EventController --> MethodController --> This Callback when a method with event broadcasted event. ''' ruleIds = self.__ruleController.list_rule_ids_which_has_kbx_method_id_as_condition(kbxMethodId) for ruleId in ruleIds: self.__ruleExecThreadPool.submit(self.__trigger_rule_implementation, ruleId=ruleId, checkCondition=True, eventTag=eventTag, eventData=eventData, eventMethodId=kbxMethodId) def __on_trigger_callback(self, ruleId): ''' Trigger Source: TriggerController --> This Callback when a rule is triggered. ''' self.__ruleExecThreadPool.submit(self.__trigger_rule_implementation, ruleId=ruleId, checkCondition=True) def set_rule(self, trigger, condition, execution, ruleId=None, ruleName=None, ruleProtected=False, enabled=True): ''' Create/Edit(with ruleId provided) an existing rule. trigger:Dictionary condition:List execution:List ruleId:Integer <Optional> ruleName:String <Optional> ruleProtected:Boolean <Optional> enabled:Boolean Returns "ruleId" ''' def process_method_list(methodList): #=================================================================== # Basic type validation #=================================================================== if not isinstance(methodList, list): Logger.log_error("RuleService.set_rule: 'condition' and 'execution' must be type of list.") Logger.log_debug("type:", type(methodList), "value:", methodList) raise AutomationException(11704, "List is required for both 'condition' and 'execution'") #=================================================================== # Check allowed size, raise error if exceeded. #=================================================================== methodListLen = len(methodList) if methodListLen > AppConstants.MAX_METHOD_SIZE: Logger.log_error("RuleService.set_rule: 'condition' and 'execution' cannot have more than", AppConstants.MAX_METHOD_SIZE, "items respectively.") raise AutomationException(11705, "Only a maximum of " + \ str(AppConstants.MAX_METHOD_SIZE) + \ " items is allowed for each 'condition' and 'execution' - given size " + \ str(methodListLen), lambda text: str(AppConstants.MAX_METHOD_SIZE).join(text.split(":max_item_size:"))) #=================================================================== # Check if all kbxMethodIds are valid and all kbxMethodParams are list #=================================================================== idValidator = NumberValidator(isRequired=True, decimalPoint=False) if not all([idValidator.is_valid(eachMethod["kbxMethodId"]) and isinstance(eachMethod["kbxMethodParams"], list) for eachMethod in methodList]): raise AutomationException(11704, "'condition' and 'execution' have incorrect data structure.") #=================================================================== # Check if all kbxParamName and kbxParamCurrentValue exists #=================================================================== paramNameValidator = StringValidator(isRequired=True) for eachMethod in methodList: methodArgs = eachMethod["kbxMethodParams"] for methodArg in methodArgs: if not paramNameValidator.is_valid(methodArg[AppConstants.ARG_NAME]): raise AutomationException(11704, "'condition' and 'execution' have invalid params structure") if not AppConstants.ARG_CURRENT_VALUE in methodArg: methodArg[AppConstants.ARG_CURRENT_VALUE] = None return methodList #======================================================================= # Data structure validations #======================================================================= ruleId = NumberValidator(isRequired=False, decimalPoint=False).get_value(ruleId) triggerDTO = self.__triggerController.parse_to_trigger_dto(trigger) condition = process_method_list(condition) execution = process_method_list(execution) #======================================================================= # Add to database #======================================================================= if Util.is_empty(ruleId): # Validate_max_rule_size if self.__ruleController.count() >= AppConstants.MAX_RULE_SIZE: raise AutomationException(11706, "Total amount of rules cannot be more than " + str(AppConstants.MAX_RULE_SIZE), lambda text: str(AppConstants.MAX_RULE_SIZE).join(text.split(":max_rule_size:"))) ruleId = self.__ruleController.generate_id(ruleName) rule = {} elif self.__ruleController.has(ruleId): ruleFromDB = self.__ruleController.get(ruleId) rule = dict(ruleFromDB) self.__check_rule_process_status(ruleId) self.__ruleController.change_to_updating(ruleId, ruleName) else: raise AutomationException(11704, "Rule ID provided not found - " + str(ruleId)) #======================================================================= # Broadcast message: starts to update rule. #======================================================================= self.__broadcast_message__rule_update_started(ruleId, ruleName) #======================================================================= # Set basic information of the rule #======================================================================= rule["ruleId"] = ruleId rule["ruleName"] = ruleName rule["ruleProtected"] = ruleProtected rule["trigger"] = triggerDTO rule["enabled"] = enabled rule["condition"] = condition rule["execution"] = execution #======================================================================= # Update rule #======================================================================= def __update_rule(rule): try: # Fire rule update start event ruleId = rule["ruleId"] # Add methods to subscribe list methodIds = [kbxMethod["kbxMethodId"] for kbxMethod in rule["condition"] + rule["execution"]] self.__methodController.add(methodIds) # Update "rule" base table self.__ruleController.update(rule) self.__ruleController.commit() except Exception as e: self.__ruleController.rollback() self.__broadcast_message__rule_update_failed(ruleId, ruleName) Logger.log_error("RuleService __update_rule failed:", e, "-- rolledback") else: self.__triggerController.register_listener(ruleId, rule["trigger"]) # Process for Timer Module TimerModule.delete_scheduler(ruleId) timerModuleHandlers = {TimerModule.METHOD_ID_DATE_TIME_RANGE:TimerModule.handle_date_time_range, TimerModule.METHOD_ID_DAY_OF_WEEK:TimerModule.handle_dow, TimerModule.METHOD_ID_TIME_RANGE:TimerModule.handle_time_range} for kbxMethod in rule["condition"]: kbxMethodId = kbxMethod["kbxMethodId"] timerModuleHandler = timerModuleHandlers.get(kbxMethodId, None) if timerModuleHandler is not None: timerModuleHandler(ruleId, kbxMethod["kbxMethodParams"]) # Broadcast message: completed updating a rule self.__broadcast_message__rule_updated(ruleId) #======================================================================= # Submit to a thread to process other info, and return... performance... #======================================================================= self.__ruleUpdateThreadPool.submit(__update_rule, rule) def delete_rule(self, ruleId): self.__check_rule_process_status(ruleId) try: self.__ruleController.delete(ruleId) self.__ruleController.commit() except Exception as e: self.__ruleController.rollback() Logger.log_error("RuleService delete_rule ex:", e, "-- rolled back") else: self.__broadcast_message__rule_deleted(ruleId) self.__triggerController.unregister_listener(ruleId) TimerModule.delete_scheduler(ruleId) def trigger_rule(self, ruleId, checkCondition=False): ''' self.__check_rule_process_status(ruleId) <-- Check again in self.__trigger_rule_implementation. ''' self.__trigger_rule_implementation(ruleId=ruleId, checkCondition=checkCondition) def enable_rule(self, ruleId, enabled): self.__check_rule_process_status(ruleId) try: self.__ruleController.enable(ruleId, enabled) self.__ruleController.commit() except Exception as e: self.__ruleController.rollback() Logger.log_error("RuleService enable_rule ex:", e, "-- rolled back") else: self.__broadcast_message__rule_updated(ruleId) def get_rule(self, ruleId, language=AppInfo.DEFAULT_API_LANGUAGE): try: rule = self.__ruleController.get_detail(ruleId) except: raise AutomationException(11702, "Rule ID provided not found - " + str(ruleId)) kbxMethods = list(rule["condition"]) + list(rule["execution"]) # -------------- Compile lists of kbxMethod and group IDs contains in this rule. kbxMethodIdsToList = {} kbxGroupIdsToList = set([]) for kbxMethod in kbxMethods: # Variables kbxMethodId = kbxMethod["kbxMethodId"] kbxMethodAppId = kbxMethod["kbxMethodAppId"] kbxMethodStatus = kbxMethod["kbxMethodStatus"] kbxGroupId = kbxMethod["kbxGroupId"] kbxGroupStatus = kbxMethod["kbxGroupStatus"] if kbxMethodStatus is not -1 and kbxMethodAppId is not None: kbxMethodIdsToList.setdefault(kbxMethodAppId, set([])) kbxMethodIdsToList[kbxMethodAppId].add(kbxMethodId) if kbxGroupId is not None and kbxGroupStatus is not -1: kbxGroupIdsToList.add(kbxGroupId) # -------------- Get methods and groups based on requested language. kbxMethodIdsListed = {} kbxGroupIdsListed = {} for kbxMethodAppId, kbxMethodIds in kbxMethodIdsToList.items(): kbxMethodIdsListed[kbxMethodAppId] = SharedMethodWrapper.list_shared_methods_by_app_id(kbxMethodAppId, list(kbxMethodIds), language=language) groupList = SharedMethodWrapper.list_shared_method_groups(kbxGroupId=kbxGroupIdsToList, language=language) for row in groupList: kbxGroupIdsListed[row["kbxGroupId"]] = row # -------------- Set method and group data into rule. for kbxMethod in kbxMethods: # Variables kbxMethodId = kbxMethod["kbxMethodId"] kbxMethodAppId = kbxMethod["kbxMethodAppId"] kbxMethodStatus = kbxMethod["kbxMethodStatus"] kbxGroupId = kbxMethod["kbxGroupId"] kbxGroupStatus = kbxMethod["kbxGroupStatus"] if kbxMethodStatus is not -1 and kbxMethodAppId is not None: kbxMethodParamsWithCurrentValue = {kbxMethodParam["kbxParamName"]:kbxMethodParam["kbxParamCurrentValue"] \ for kbxMethodParam in kbxMethod["kbxMethodParams"]} kbxMethodWithDetails = kbxMethodIdsListed[kbxMethodAppId][kbxMethodId] if kbxMethodWithDetails is not None: kbxMethodParamsWithDetails = kbxMethodWithDetails["kbxMethodParams"] kbxMethodParamsWithDetails = copy.deepcopy(kbxMethodParamsWithDetails) for kbxMethodParam in kbxMethodParamsWithDetails: kbxMethodParam["kbxParamCurrentValue"] = kbxMethodParamsWithCurrentValue.get(kbxMethodParam["kbxParamName"], None) kbxMethod["kbxMethodParams"] = kbxMethodParamsWithDetails kbxMethod["kbxMethodHasEvent"] = not Util.is_empty(kbxMethodWithDetails.get("kbxMethodEvent", None)) \ and not Util.is_empty(kbxMethodWithDetails.get("kbxMethodIdentifier", None)) kbxMethod["kbxMethodLabel"] = kbxMethodWithDetails.get("kbxMethodLabel") kbxMethod["kbxMethodDesc"] = kbxMethodWithDetails.get("kbxMethodDesc") else: kbxMethod["atDebugMethod"] = "Unable to get shared method, caused by a method which never register itself on this bootup." else: kbxMethod["kbxMethodHasEvent"] = False if kbxGroupId is not None and kbxGroupStatus is not -1: try: kbxMethod["kbxGroupLabel"] = kbxGroupIdsListed[kbxGroupId]["kbxGroupLabel"] kbxMethod["kbxGroupDesc"] = kbxGroupIdsListed[kbxGroupId]["kbxGroupDesc"] except: kbxMethod["atDebugGroup"] = "Unable to get shared method group, caused by a group which never register itself on this bootup." return rule def list_rules(self, offset=0, limit=20): return self.__ruleController.list(offset, limit), \ self.__ruleController.count() def run_all_enabled_rules(self): ''' Add the following 2 lines of code at - start(), after last statement, to enable run all rules on bootup. # Logger.log_info("Attempts to execute all enabled rules ...") # self.__ruleService.run_all_enabled_rules() ''' ruleIds = self.__ruleController.list_rule_ids_which_are_enabled() for ruleId in ruleIds: self.__ruleExecThreadPool.submit(self.__trigger_rule_implementation, ruleId=ruleId, checkCondition=True) def __check_rule_process_status(self, ruleId): try: statusProcessed = self.__ruleController.get_status_processed(ruleId) if statusProcessed != AppConstants.RULE_STATUS_UPDATED: raise AutomationException(11703, "edit/delete/execute is not allowed on rule update in progress") except: raise AutomationException(11702, "Rule ID provided not found - " + str(ruleId)) def __broadcast_message__rule_update_started(self, ruleId, ruleName=None): eventTag = AppConstants.EVENT_RULE_UPDATE_STARTED eventData = {"ruleId":ruleId, "newRuleName":ruleName} self.__broadcast_message(eventTag, eventData) Logger.log_info("Rule Start Update:", ruleName) def __broadcast_message__rule_updated(self, ruleId): try: rule = self.__ruleController.get_summary(ruleId) except Exception as e: Logger.log_error("RuleService.__broadcast_message__rule_updated get_summary ex:", e) return eventTag = AppConstants.EVENT_RULE_UPDATED eventData = rule self.__broadcast_message(eventTag, eventData) Logger.log_info("Rule Updated:", rule["ruleName"]) def __broadcast_message__rule_update_failed(self, ruleId, ruleName=None): ''' ruleName - For debugging purpose. ''' try: rule = self.__ruleController.get_summary(ruleId) except Exception: rule = None eventTag = AppConstants.EVENT_RULE_UPDATE_FAILED eventData = {"ruleId": ruleId, "oldRuleSummary":rule} self.__broadcast_message(eventTag, eventData) Logger.log_info("Rule Update Failed:", ruleName) def __broadcast_message__rule_deleted(self, ruleId): eventTag = AppConstants.EVENT_RULE_DELETED eventData = {"ruleId": ruleId} self.__broadcast_message(eventTag, eventData) Logger.log_info("Rule Deleted: Id -", ruleId) def __broadcast_message(self, eventTag, eventData): eventData = json.dumps(eventData, cls=AutomationJSONEncoder) Application.send_web_server_event(eventTag, eventData) def __trigger_rule_implementation(self, ruleId, checkCondition=False, eventTag=None, eventData=None, eventMethodId=None): ''' Triggers a rule by given ruleId. ''' Logger.log_info("trigger rule id:", ruleId) # Check if rule is "updated" AND enabled. statusProcessed, enabled = self.__ruleController.get_status_processed_and_enabled(ruleId) if statusProcessed != AppConstants.RULE_STATUS_UPDATED or enabled != True: return self.__ruleExecInfos.setdefault(ruleId, RuleExecInfo()) ruleExecInfo = self.__ruleExecInfos.get(ruleId) ruleExecInfo.increase_trigger_count() triggerCountInThisSession = ruleExecInfo.get_trigger_count() with ruleExecInfo.get_rlock(): #======================================================================= # Check conditions #======================================================================= if checkCondition is True: # Check if we should proceed (stop if there is another pending request on the same ruleId). if triggerCountInThisSession != ruleExecInfo.get_trigger_count(): return methodListToCheck = deque() result = self.__ruleController.list_conditions(ruleId) methodCheckingTime = int(time.time()) for row in result: if row["kbxMethodStatus"] not in (SharedMethod.METHOD_STATUS_ACTIVE, SharedMethod.METHOD_STATUS_INACTIVE): return else: methodArgs = row["kbxMethodParams"] kwargs = {methodArg[AppConstants.ARG_NAME]:methodArg[AppConstants.ARG_CURRENT_VALUE] for methodArg in methodArgs} if eventTag is not None and eventMethodId == row["kbxMethodId"]: kwargs[AppConstants.KEY_CONDITION_EVENT_TAG] = eventTag kwargs[AppConstants.KEY_CONDITION_EVENT_DATA] = eventData if AppInfo.REQUEST_KEY_LANGUAGE not in kwargs: kwargs[AppInfo.REQUEST_KEY_LANGUAGE] = AppInfo.DEFAULT_API_LANGUAGE kwargs["kbxMethodName"] = row["kbxMethodName"] kwargs["kbxModuleName"] = row["kbxModuleName"] kwargs["kbxGroupId"] = row["kbxGroupId"] kwargs["kbxMethodAppId"] = row["kbxMethodAppId"] # Update ruleId if it is required by the method if "ruleId" in kwargs: kwargs["ruleId"] = str(ruleId) callId = hash(str(kwargs)) # Generate condition checking ID kwargs[AppConstants.KEY_CONDITION_TIMESTAMP] = methodCheckingTime # So that timestamp will not caused the generated id to be different methodListToCheck.append({"callId":callId, "callFn", "callKwargs":kwargs}) #=============================================================== # Submit all conditions for checking #=============================================================== methodListToCheckLen = len(methodListToCheck) if methodListToCheckLen > 0: ruleExecResult = RuleExecResult(methodListToCheckLen) for methodItem in methodListToCheck: self.__condCallGroup.submit(callbackFn=self.__on_method_call_complete, ruleExecResult=ruleExecResult, **methodItem) result = ruleExecResult.wait(40.0) if result is False or ruleExecResult.get_result() is False: return # Failed at condition checking. # Clear cache del(methodListToCheck) del(methodCheckingTime) del(methodListToCheckLen) # Check if we should proceed (stop if there is another pending request on the same ruleId). if triggerCountInThisSession != ruleExecInfo.get_trigger_count(): return #======================================================================= # Execute executions #======================================================================= methodListToExec = deque() result = self.__ruleController.list_executions(ruleId) methodExecTime = int(time.time()) for row in result: if row["kbxMethodStatus"] not in (SharedMethod.METHOD_STATUS_ACTIVE, SharedMethod.METHOD_STATUS_INACTIVE): continue else: methodArgs = row["kbxMethodParams"] kwargs = {methodArg[AppConstants.ARG_NAME]:methodArg[AppConstants.ARG_CURRENT_VALUE] for methodArg in methodArgs} if AppInfo.REQUEST_KEY_LANGUAGE not in kwargs: kwargs[AppInfo.REQUEST_KEY_LANGUAGE] = AppInfo.DEFAULT_API_LANGUAGE kwargs["kbxMethodName"] = row["kbxMethodName"] kwargs["kbxModuleName"] = row["kbxModuleName"] kwargs["kbxGroupId"] = row["kbxGroupId"] kwargs["kbxMethodAppId"] = row["kbxMethodAppId"] # Update ruleId if it is required by the method if "ruleId" in kwargs: kwargs["ruleId"] = str(ruleId) callId = hash(str(kwargs)) # Generate execution id kwargs[AppConstants.KEY_ACTION_TIMESTAMP] = methodExecTime methodListToExec.append({"callId":callId, "callFn", "callKwargs":kwargs}) #=============================================================== # Submit all methods for executions #=============================================================== methodListToExecLen = len(methodListToExec) if methodListToExecLen > 0: ruleExecResult = RuleExecResult(methodListToExecLen) for methodItem in methodListToExec: self.__execCallGroup.submit(callbackFn=self.__on_method_call_complete, ruleExecResult=ruleExecResult, **methodItem) result = ruleExecResult.wait(30.0) return def __on_method_call_complete(self, checkingId, result, ruleExecResult): ''' When rule/execution checking is completed. ''' ruleExecResult.set_result(result)
def main(): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=THREAD_COUNT) as executor:, range(len(battles_to_run)))
class OpticalPathManager(object): """ The purpose of this module is setting the physical components contained in the optical path of a SPARC system to the right position/configuration with respect to the mode given. """ def __init__(self, microscope): """ microscope (Microscope): the whole microscope component, thus it can handle all the components needed """ self.microscope = microscope self._graph = affectsGraph(self.microscope) # Use subset for modes guessed if microscope.role == "sparc2": self._modes = copy.deepcopy(SPARC2_MODES) elif microscope.role in ("sparc-simplex", "sparc"): self._modes = copy.deepcopy(SPARC_MODES) else: raise NotImplementedError("Microscope role '%s' unsupported" % (microscope.role,)) # keep list of already accessed components, to avoid creating new proxys # every time the mode changes self._known_comps = dict() # str (role) -> component # All the actuators in the microscope, to cache proxy's to them self._actuators = [] for comp in model.getComponents(): if hasattr(comp, 'axes') and isinstance(comp.axes, dict): self._actuators.append(comp) # last known axes position self._stored = {} self._last_mode = None # previous mode that was set # Removes modes which are not supported by the current microscope for m, (det, conf) in self._modes.items(): try: comp = self._getComponent(det) except LookupError: logging.debug("Removing mode %s, which is not supported", m) del self._modes[m] # Create the guess information out of the mode # TODO: just make it a dict comprole -> mode self.guessed = self._modes.copy() # No stream should ever imply alignment mode for m in ALIGN_MODES: try: del self.guessed[m] except KeyError: pass # Mode to delete is just not there # Handle different focus for chamber-view (in SPARCv2) if "chamber-view" in self._modes: self._focus_in_chamber_view = None self._focus_out_chamber_view = None # Check whether the focus affects the chamber view self._chamber_view_own_focus = False try: chamb_det = self._getComponent(self._modes["chamber-view"][0]) focus = self._getComponent("focus") if self.affects(, self._chamber_view_own_focus = True except LookupError: pass if not self._chamber_view_own_focus: logging.debug("No focus component affecting chamber") try: spec = self._getComponent("spectrometer") except LookupError: spec = None if self.microscope.role == "sparc2" and spec: # Remove the moves that don't affects the detector # TODO: do this for _all_ modes for mode in ('spectral', 'monochromator'): if mode in self._modes: det_role = self._modes[mode][0] det = self._getComponent(det_role) modeconf = self._modes[mode][1] for act_role in modeconf.keys(): try: act = self._getComponent(act_role) except LookupError: # TODO: just remove that move too? logging.debug("Failed to find component %s, skipping it", act_role) continue if not self.affects(, logging.debug("Actuator %s doesn't affect %s, so removing it from mode %s", act_role, det_role, mode) del modeconf[act_role] # will take care of executing setPath asynchronously self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) def __del__(self): logging.debug("Ending path manager") # Restore the spectrometer focus, so that on next start, this value will # be used again as "out of chamber view". if self._chamber_view_own_focus and self._last_mode == "chamber-view": focus_comp = self._getComponent("focus") if self._focus_out_chamber_view is not None: logging.debug("Restoring focus from before coming to chamber view to %s", self._focus_out_chamber_view) try: focus_comp.moveAbsSync(self._focus_out_chamber_view) except IOError as e:"Actuator move failed giving the error %s", e) self._executor.shutdown(wait=False) def _getComponent(self, role): """ same as model.getComponent, but optimised by caching the result return Component raise LookupError: if no component found """ try: comp = self._known_comps[role] except LookupError: comp = model.getComponent(role=role) self._known_comps[role] = comp return comp @isasync def setPath(self, mode): """ Just a wrapper of _doSetPath """ f = self._executor.submit(self._doSetPath, mode) return f def _doSetPath(self, path): """ Given a particular mode it sets all the necessary components of the optical path (found through the microscope component) to the corresponding positions. path (stream.Stream or str): The stream or the optical path mode raises: ValueError if the given mode does not exist IOError if a detector is missing """ if isinstance(path, stream.Stream): mode = self.guessMode(path) if mode not in self._modes: raise ValueError("Mode '%s' does not exist" % (mode,)) target = self.getStreamDetector(path) # target detector else: mode = path if mode not in self._modes: raise ValueError("Mode '%s' does not exist" % (mode,)) comp_role = self._modes[mode][0] comp = self._getComponent(comp_role) target = logging.debug("Going to optical path '%s', with target detector %s.", mode, target) fmoves = [] # moves in progress # Restore the spectrometer focus before any other move, as (on the SR193), # the value is grating/output dependent if self._chamber_view_own_focus and self._last_mode == "chamber-view": focus_comp = self._getComponent("focus") self._focus_in_chamber_view = focus_comp.position.value.copy() if self._focus_out_chamber_view is not None: logging.debug("Restoring focus from before coming to chamber view to %s", self._focus_out_chamber_view) fmoves.append(focus_comp.moveAbs(self._focus_out_chamber_view)) modeconf = self._modes[mode][1] for comp_role, conf in modeconf.items(): # Try to access the component needed try: comp = self._getComponent(comp_role) except LookupError: logging.debug("Failed to find component %s, skipping it", comp_role) continue mv = {} for axis, pos in conf.items(): if axis == "power": if model.hasVA(comp, "power"): try: if pos == 'on': comp.power.value = comp.power.range[1] else: comp.power.value = comp.power.range[0] logging.debug("Updating power of comp %s to %f",, comp.power.value) except AttributeError: logging.debug("Could not retrieve power range of %s component", comp_role) continue if isinstance(pos, str) and pos.startswith("MD:"): pos = self.mdToValue(comp, pos[3:])[axis] if axis in comp.axes: if axis == "band": # Handle the filter wheel in a special way. Search # for the key that corresponds to the value, most probably # to the 'pass-through' choices = comp.axes[axis].choices for key, value in choices.items(): if value == pos: pos = key # Just to store current band in order to restore # it once we leave this mode if self._last_mode not in ALIGN_MODES: self._stored[axis] = comp.position.value[axis] break else: logging.debug("Choice %s is not present in %s axis", pos, axis) continue elif axis == "grating": # If mirror is to be used but not found in grating # choices, then we use zero order. In case of # GRATING_NOT_MIRROR we either use the last known # grating or the first grating that is not mirror. choices = comp.axes[axis].choices if pos == "mirror": # Store current grating (if we use one at the moment) # to restore it once we use a normal grating again if choices[comp.position.value[axis]] != "mirror": self._stored[axis] = comp.position.value[axis] self._stored['wavelength'] = comp.position.value['wavelength'] # Use the special "mirror" grating, if it exists for key, value in choices.items(): if value == "mirror": pos = key break else: # Fallback to zero order (aka "low-quality mirror") axis = 'wavelength' pos = 0 elif pos == GRATING_NOT_MIRROR: if choices[comp.position.value[axis]] == "mirror": # if there is a grating stored use this one # otherwise find the non-mirror grating if axis in self._stored: pos = self._stored[axis] else: pos = self.findNonMirror(choices) if 'wavelength' in self._stored: mv['wavelength'] = self._stored['wavelength'] else: pos = comp.position.value[axis] # no change try: del self._stored[axis] except KeyError: pass try: del self._stored['wavelength'] except KeyError: pass else: logging.debug("Using grating position as-is: '%s'", pos) pass # use pos as-is elif axis == "slit-in": if self._last_mode not in ALIGN_MODES: # TODO: save also the component self._stored[axis] = comp.position.value[axis] elif hasattr(comp.axes[axis], "choices") and isinstance(comp.axes[axis].choices, dict): choices = comp.axes[axis].choices for key, value in choices.items(): if value == pos: pos = key break mv[axis] = pos else: logging.debug("Not moving axis %s.%s as it is not present", comp_role, axis) try: fmoves.append(comp.moveAbs(mv)) except AttributeError: logging.debug("%s not an actuator", comp_role) # Now take care of the selectors based on the target detector fmoves.extend(self.selectorsToPath(target)) # If we are about to leave alignment modes, restore values if self._last_mode in ALIGN_MODES and mode not in ALIGN_MODES: if 'band' in self._stored: try: flter = self._getComponent("filter") fmoves.append(flter.moveAbs({"band": self._stored['band']})) except LookupError: logging.debug("No filter component available") if 'slit-in' in self._stored: try: spectrograph = self._getComponent("spectrograph") fmoves.append(spectrograph.moveAbs({"slit-in": self._stored['slit-in']})) except LookupError: logging.debug("No spectrograph component available") # Save last mode self._last_mode = mode # wait for all the moves to be completed for f in fmoves: try: f.result() except IOError as e: logging.warning("Actuator move failed giving the error %s", e) # When going to chamber view, store the current focus position, and # restore the special focus position for chamber, after _really_ all # the other moves have finished, because the grating/output selector # moves affects the current position of the focus. if self._chamber_view_own_focus and mode == "chamber-view": focus_comp = self._getComponent("focus") self._focus_out_chamber_view = focus_comp.position.value.copy() if self._focus_in_chamber_view is not None: logging.debug("Restoring focus from previous chamber view to %s", self._focus_in_chamber_view) try: focus_comp.moveAbsSync(self._focus_in_chamber_view) except IOError as e: logging.warning("Actuator move failed giving the error %s", e) def selectorsToPath(self, target): """ Sets the selectors so the optical path leads to the target component (usually a detector). target (str): component name return (list of futures) """ fmoves = [] for comp in self._actuators: # TODO: pre-cache this as comp/target -> axis/pos # TODO: extend the path computation to "for every actuator which _affects_ # the target, move if if position known, and update path to that actuator"? # Eg, this would improve path computation on SPARCv2 with fiber aligner mv = {} for an, ad in comp.axes.items(): if hasattr(ad, "choices") and isinstance(ad.choices, dict): for pos, value in ad.choices.items(): if target in value: # set the position so it points to the target mv[an] = pos comp_md = comp.getMetadata() if target in comp_md.get(model.MD_FAV_POS_ACTIVE_DEST, {}): mv.update(comp_md[model.MD_FAV_POS_ACTIVE]) elif target in comp_md.get(model.MD_FAV_POS_DEACTIVE_DEST, {}): mv.update(comp_md[model.MD_FAV_POS_DEACTIVE]) if mv: logging.debug("Move %s added so %s targets to %s", mv,, target) fmoves.append(comp.moveAbs(mv)) # make sure this component is also on the optical path fmoves.extend(self.selectorsToPath( return fmoves def guessMode(self, guess_stream): """ Given a stream and by checking its components (e.g. role of detector) guesses and returns the corresponding optical path mode. guess_stream (object): The given optical stream returns (str): Mode estimated raises: LookupError if no mode can be inferred for the given stream IOError if given object is not a stream """ if not isinstance(guess_stream, stream.Stream): raise IOError("Given object is not a stream") # Handle multiple detector streams if isinstance(guess_stream, stream.MultipleDetectorStream): for st in guess_stream.streams: try: return self.guessMode(st) except LookupError: pass else: for mode, conf in self.guessed.items(): if conf[0] == guess_stream.detector.role: return mode # In case no mode was found yet raise LookupError("No mode can be inferred for the given stream") def getStreamDetector(self, path_stream): """ Given a stream find the detector. path_stream (object): The given stream returns (str): detector name raises: IOError if given object is not a stream LookupError: if stream has no detector """ if not isinstance(path_stream, stream.Stream): raise IOError("Given object is not a stream") # Handle multiple detector streams if isinstance(path_stream, stream.MultipleDetectorStream): dets = [] for st in path_stream.streams: try: # Prefer the detectors which have a role in the mode, as it's much # more likely to be the optical detector # TODO: handle setting multiple optical paths? => return all the detectors role = st.detector.role name = for conf in self.guessed.values(): if conf[0] == role: return name dets.append(name) except AttributeError: pass if dets: logging.warning("No detector on stream %s has a known optical role", return dets[0] else: try: return except AttributeError: pass # will raise error just after raise LookupError("Failed to find a detector on stream %s" % ( def findNonMirror(self, choices): """ Given a dict of choices finds the one with value different than "mirror" """ for key, value in choices.items(): if value != "mirror": return key else: raise ValueError("Cannot find grating value in given choices") def mdToValue(self, comp, md_name): """ Just retrieves the "md_name" metadata from component "comp" """ md = comp.getMetadata() try: value = md.get(md_name) return value except KeyError: raise KeyError("Metadata %s does not exist in component %s" % (md_name, def affects(self, affecting, affected): """ Returns True if "affecting" component affects -directly of indirectly- the "affected" component """ path = self.findPath(affecting, affected) if path is None: return False else: return True def findPath(self, node1, node2, path=[]): """ Find any path between node1 and node2 (may not be shortest) """ path = path + [node1] if node1 == node2: return path if node1 not in self._graph: return None for node in self._graph[node1]: if node not in path: new_path = self.findPath(node, node2, path) if new_path: return new_path return None
def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(fn, Task): self._task_map[id(fn)] = fn return ThreadPoolExecutor.submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs)
def main(): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor: while True: task = [] chatTextObject = driver.get_unread() for chatObject in chatTextObject: for TextObject in chatObject.messages: if TextObject.type == 'chat': if set(TextObject.content.lower().split(' ')) & set( kasar): #anda Bisa mengaktifkan Anti Toxic if '' in TextObject.chat_id: try: ksr = Kasar(TextObject.chat_id) ksr.add_check_kick(, TextObject) except Exception as e: False elif TextObject.content.split( )[0] in FullCommand or TextObject.content.split( '|')[0] in FullCommand: executor.submit(replyCommand, (TextObject), ( elif TextObject.content.split( )[0] != '#' and '' != TextObject.chat_id: if '' in TextObject.chat_id: Mc = chatBot(TextObject.content) Mc.max_() balas = Mc.balas() if tempChatBot.get(TextObject.content): TextObject.reply_message( random.choice( tempChatBot[TextObject.content])) elif balas: TextObject.reply_message(balas) else: TextObject.reply_message( random.choice([ "aku ndak Bisa jawab", "bilang apa tadi ?", "gimana ya", "gak ngerti", "mana saya tau", "maksud kamu apa bro" ])) elif TextObject.type == 'image': executor.submit(recImageReplyCommand, (TextObject), ( elif TextObject.type == 'vcard': masuk = 'SELAMAT DATANG :\n' for i in TextObject.contacts: for u in re.findall('waid\=(.*?):', i.decode()): try: '*****@*****.**' % (u)) masuk += '-@%s' % (u) except Exception: TextObject.reply_message( 'Menambahkan %s Sukses' % (u)) try: driver.wapi_functions.sendMessageWithMentions(, masuk, '') except Exception: False
import asyncio import itertools import re import time from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import partial from io import BytesIO import aiohttp from PIL import Image IMG_PATTERN = re.compile(r'url\(\/\/(live.staticflickr\.com.+\.jpg)\)') thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor() def flatten(iterable): return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(iterable)) async def fetch_html(url, session): response = await session.get(url, allow_redirects=False) if response.status != 200: return '' return await response.text() async def find_images_in_page(url, session): html = await fetch_html(url, session)
def stop_orphaned_threads(): # make sure we shut down any orphaned threads and create a new Executor for each test PostgresStatementSamples.executor.shutdown(wait=True) PostgresStatementSamples.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor()
class BaseRequestHandler(RequestHandler): executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=server_configs["max_workers"]) def set_default_headers(self): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") self.set_header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*") self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "false") self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-requested-with") self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, OPTIONS") self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') def response(self, responseObject): if isinstance(responseObject, Success): self.write(responseObject) if isinstance(responseObject, Panic): self.write_error(responseObject) if isinstance(responseObject, str): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8') self.write(responseObject) def write(self, chunk): if self._finished: raise RuntimeError("Cannot write() after finish()") if not isinstance(chunk, (bytes, unicode_type, dict, Success)): message = "write() only accepts bytes, unicode, dict, Success objects" if isinstance(chunk, list): message += ". Lists not accepted for security reasons; see " + \ "" raise TypeError(message) if isinstance(chunk, dict): logger.error("its dict") chunk = escape.json_encode(chunk) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") if isinstance(chunk, Success): chunk = escape.json_encode(chunk.reason) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") chunk = escape.utf8(chunk) self._write_buffer.append(chunk) self.finish() def write_error(self, error, **kwargs): self.set_status(error.status_code) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') if self.settings.get("serve_traceback") and "exc_info" in kwargs: # in debug mode, try to send a traceback lines = [l for l in traceback.format_exception(*kwargs["exc_info"])] self.finish(json.dumps({ 'error': { 'message': error.reason, 'traceback': lines, } })) else: self.finish(json.dumps({ 'error': { 'message': error.reason, } }))
music_url = "" # 音乐地址 music_info_url = "" # 音乐详情 hd = { 'authority': '', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, ' 'like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1' } THREADS = 2 # 每次分页数量 PAGE_NUM = 10 # TODO 后期增加多线程下载 # 10个线程 pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(10) HEADERS = { 'authority': '', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'accept': 'application/json', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 'user-agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) " "Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1", }
def __init__(self, microscope): """ microscope (Microscope): the whole microscope component, thus it can handle all the components needed """ self.microscope = microscope self._graph = affectsGraph(self.microscope) # Use subset for modes guessed if microscope.role == "sparc2": self._modes = copy.deepcopy(SPARC2_MODES) elif microscope.role in ("sparc-simplex", "sparc"): self._modes = copy.deepcopy(SPARC_MODES) else: raise NotImplementedError("Microscope role '%s' unsupported" % (microscope.role,)) # keep list of already accessed components, to avoid creating new proxys # every time the mode changes self._known_comps = dict() # str (role) -> component # All the actuators in the microscope, to cache proxy's to them self._actuators = [] for comp in model.getComponents(): if hasattr(comp, 'axes') and isinstance(comp.axes, dict): self._actuators.append(comp) # last known axes position self._stored = {} self._last_mode = None # previous mode that was set # Removes modes which are not supported by the current microscope for m, (det, conf) in self._modes.items(): try: comp = self._getComponent(det) except LookupError: logging.debug("Removing mode %s, which is not supported", m) del self._modes[m] # Create the guess information out of the mode # TODO: just make it a dict comprole -> mode self.guessed = self._modes.copy() # No stream should ever imply alignment mode for m in ALIGN_MODES: try: del self.guessed[m] except KeyError: pass # Mode to delete is just not there # Handle different focus for chamber-view (in SPARCv2) if "chamber-view" in self._modes: self._focus_in_chamber_view = None self._focus_out_chamber_view = None # Check whether the focus affects the chamber view self._chamber_view_own_focus = False try: chamb_det = self._getComponent(self._modes["chamber-view"][0]) focus = self._getComponent("focus") if self.affects(, self._chamber_view_own_focus = True except LookupError: pass if not self._chamber_view_own_focus: logging.debug("No focus component affecting chamber") try: spec = self._getComponent("spectrometer") except LookupError: spec = None if self.microscope.role == "sparc2" and spec: # Remove the moves that don't affects the detector # TODO: do this for _all_ modes for mode in ('spectral', 'monochromator'): if mode in self._modes: det_role = self._modes[mode][0] det = self._getComponent(det_role) modeconf = self._modes[mode][1] for act_role in modeconf.keys(): try: act = self._getComponent(act_role) except LookupError: # TODO: just remove that move too? logging.debug("Failed to find component %s, skipping it", act_role) continue if not self.affects(, logging.debug("Actuator %s doesn't affect %s, so removing it from mode %s", act_role, det_role, mode) del modeconf[act_role] # will take care of executing setPath asynchronously self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
def _retrieve_results(tasks: List[AwsQuantumTask], max_workers: int) -> List[AwsQuantumTask]: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: result_futures = [executor.submit(task.result) for task in tasks] return [future.result() for future in result_futures]
end = time.time() time_list.append((end-start)*1000) self.request += 1 self.data_sent += getsizeof(self.message.encode()) time.sleep(1/REQUESTS) finally: self.sock.close() print("Client information-",, "sent", self.data_sent, "bytes, and made", self.request, "requests\n") if __name__ == "__main__": with ThreadPoolExecutor(CLIENTS) as executor: for CLIENT in range(CLIENTS): executor.submit( clients.append(Client(SERVER_IP, PORT_NUMBER, MESSAGE, REQUESTS, CLIENT))) with ThreadPoolExecutor(CLIENTS) as executor: for client in clients: executor.submit( total_requests_sent = 0 for c in clients: total_requests_sent += c.request print("Created", str(len(clients)),"clients") print("Total requests sent:", str(total_requests_sent)) print("Average time of getting response: " + str(mean(time_list)) + " ms" + "\n")
class DBMAsyncJob(object): # Set an arbitrary high limit so that dbm async jobs (which aren't CPU bound) don't # get artificially limited by the default max_workers count. Note that since threads are # created lazily, it's safe to set a high maximum executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(100000) """ Runs Async Jobs """ def __init__( self, check, config_host=None, min_collection_interval=15, dbms="TODO", rate_limit=1, run_sync=False, enabled=True, expected_db_exceptions=(), shutdown_callback=None, job_name=None, ): self._check = check self._config_host = config_host self._min_collection_interval = min_collection_interval # map[dbname -> psycopg connection] self._log = get_check_logger() self._job_loop_future = None self._cancel_event = threading.Event() self._tags = None self._tags_no_db = None self._run_sync = None self._db_hostname = None self._last_check_run = 0 self._shutdown_callback = shutdown_callback self._dbms = dbms self._rate_limiter = ConstantRateLimiter(rate_limit) self._run_sync = run_sync self._enabled = enabled self._expected_db_exceptions = expected_db_exceptions self._job_name = job_name def cancel(self): self._cancel_event.set() def run_job_loop(self, tags): """ :param tags: :return: """ if not self._enabled: self._log.debug("[job=%s] Job not enabled.", self._job_name) return if not self._db_hostname: self._db_hostname = resolve_db_host(self._config_host) self._tags = tags self._tags_str = ','.join(self._tags) self._job_tags = self._tags + ["job:{}".format(self._job_name)] self._job_tags_str = ','.join(self._job_tags) self._last_check_run = time.time() if self._run_sync or is_affirmative( os.environ.get('DBM_THREADED_JOB_RUN_SYNC', "false")): self._log.debug("Running threaded job synchronously. job=%s", self._job_name) self._run_job_rate_limited() elif self._job_loop_future is None or not self._job_loop_future.running( ): self._job_loop_future = DBMAsyncJob.executor.submit(self._job_loop) else: self._log.debug("Job loop already running. job=%s", self._job_name) def _job_loop(self): try:"[%s] Starting job loop", self._job_tags_str) while True: if self._cancel_event.isSet():"[%s] Job loop cancelled", self._job_tags_str) self._check.count("dd.{}.async_job.cancel".format( self._dbms), 1, tags=self._job_tags, raw=True) break if time.time( ) - self._last_check_run > self._min_collection_interval * 2: "[%s] Job loop stopping due to check inactivity", self._job_tags_str) self._check.count("dd.{}.async_job.inactive_stop".format( self._dbms), 1, tags=self._job_tags, raw=True) break self._run_job_rate_limited() except Exception as e: if self._cancel_event.isSet(): # canceling can cause exceptions if the connection is closed the middle of the check run # in this case we still want to report it as a cancellation instead of a crash self._log.debug("[%s] Job loop error after cancel: %s", self._job_tags_str, e)"[%s] Job loop cancelled", self._job_tags_str) self._check.count("dd.{}.async_job.cancel".format(self._dbms), 1, tags=self._job_tags, raw=True) elif isinstance(e, self._expected_db_exceptions): self._log.warning( "[%s] Job loop database error: %s", self._job_tags_str, e, exc_info=self._log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG, ) self._check.count( "dd.{}.async_job.error".format(self._dbms), 1, tags=self._job_tags + ["error:database-{}".format(type(e))], raw=True, ) else: self._log.exception("[%s] Job loop crash", self._job_tags_str) self._check.count( "dd.{}.async_job.error".format(self._dbms), 1, tags=self._job_tags + ["error:crash-{}".format(type(e))], raw=True, ) finally:"[%s] Shutting down job loop", self._job_tags_str) if self._shutdown_callback: self._shutdown_callback() def _set_rate_limit(self, rate_limit): if self._rate_limiter.rate_limit_s != rate_limit: self._rate_limiter = ConstantRateLimiter(rate_limit) def _run_job_rate_limited(self): self._run_job_traced() self._rate_limiter.sleep() @_traced_dbm_async_job_method def _run_job_traced(self): return self.run_job() def run_job(self): raise NotImplementedError()
''' Created on Jan 8, 2019 @author: balasubramanyas ''' from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor def printData(x): return x + 2 if __name__ == '__main__': values = [1, 2, 3, 4] executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(2) # Submit method print("Executor.submit() : ") submitresultData = {executor.submit(printData, i): i for i in values} for res in submitresultData: print(res.result()) # Map method print(" : ") mapresultData =, values) for res in mapresultData: print(res) pass
def refresh_batch(self, plot_paths: List[Path], plot_directories: Set[Path]) -> PlotRefreshResult: start_time: float = time.time() result: PlotRefreshResult = PlotRefreshResult( processed=len(plot_paths)) counter_lock = threading.Lock() log.debug( f"refresh_batch: {len(plot_paths)} files in directories {plot_directories}" ) if self.match_str is not None: f'Only loading plots that contain "{self.match_str}" in the file or directory name' ) def process_file(file_path: Path) -> Optional[PlotInfo]: if not self._refreshing_enabled: return None filename_str = str(file_path) if self.match_str is not None and self.match_str not in filename_str: return None if (file_path in self.failed_to_open_filenames and (time.time() - self.failed_to_open_filenames[file_path]) < self.refresh_parameter.retry_invalid_seconds): # Try once every `refresh_parameter.retry_invalid_seconds` seconds to open the file return None if file_path in self.plots: return self.plots[file_path] entry: Optional[Tuple[str, Set[str]]] = self.plot_filename_paths.get( if entry is not None: loaded_parent, duplicates = entry if str(file_path.parent) in duplicates: log.debug(f"Skip duplicated plot {str(file_path)}") return None try: if not file_path.exists(): return None prover = DiskProver(str(file_path)) log.debug(f"process_file {str(file_path)}") expected_size = _expected_plot_size( prover.get_size()) * UI_ACTUAL_SPACE_CONSTANT_FACTOR stat_info = file_path.stat() # TODO: consider checking if the file was just written to (which would mean that the file is still # being copied). A segfault might happen in this edge case. if prover.get_size( ) >= 30 and stat_info.st_size < 0.98 * expected_size: log.warning( f"Not farming plot {file_path}. Size is {stat_info.st_size / (1024**3)} GiB, but expected" f" at least: {expected_size / (1024 ** 3)} GiB. We assume the file is being copied." ) return None cache_entry = self.cache.get(prover.get_id()) if cache_entry is None: ( pool_public_key_or_puzzle_hash, farmer_public_key, local_master_sk, ) = parse_plot_info(prover.get_memo()) # Only use plots that correct keys associated with them if farmer_public_key not in self.farmer_public_keys: log.warning( f"Plot {file_path} has a farmer public key that is not in the farmer's pk list." ) self.no_key_filenames.add(file_path) if not self.open_no_key_filenames: return None pool_public_key: Optional[G1Element] = None pool_contract_puzzle_hash: Optional[bytes32] = None if isinstance(pool_public_key_or_puzzle_hash, G1Element): pool_public_key = pool_public_key_or_puzzle_hash else: assert isinstance(pool_public_key_or_puzzle_hash, bytes32) pool_contract_puzzle_hash = pool_public_key_or_puzzle_hash if pool_public_key is not None and pool_public_key not in self.pool_public_keys: log.warning( f"Plot {file_path} has a pool public key that is not in the farmer's pool pk list." ) self.no_key_filenames.add(file_path) if not self.open_no_key_filenames: return None # If a plot is in `no_key_filenames` the keys were missing in earlier refresh cycles. We can remove # the current plot from that list if its in there since we passed the key checks above. if file_path in self.no_key_filenames: self.no_key_filenames.remove(file_path) local_sk = master_sk_to_local_sk(local_master_sk) plot_public_key: G1Element = ProofOfSpace.generate_plot_public_key( local_sk.get_g1(), farmer_public_key, pool_contract_puzzle_hash is not None) cache_entry = CacheEntry(pool_public_key, pool_contract_puzzle_hash, plot_public_key) self.cache.update(prover.get_id(), cache_entry) with self.plot_filename_paths_lock: paths: Optional[Tuple[ str, Set[str]]] = self.plot_filename_paths.get( if paths is None: paths = (str(Path(prover.get_filename()).parent), set()) self.plot_filename_paths[] = paths else: paths[1].add(str(Path(prover.get_filename()).parent)) log.warning( f"Have multiple copies of the plot {} in {[paths[0], *paths[1]]}." ) return None new_plot_info: PlotInfo = PlotInfo( prover, cache_entry.pool_public_key, cache_entry.pool_contract_puzzle_hash, cache_entry.plot_public_key, stat_info.st_size, stat_info.st_mtime, ) with counter_lock: result.loaded.append(new_plot_info) if file_path in self.failed_to_open_filenames: del self.failed_to_open_filenames[file_path] except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() log.error(f"Failed to open file {file_path}. {e} {tb}") self.failed_to_open_filenames[file_path] = int(time.time()) return None f"Found plot {file_path} of size {new_plot_info.prover.get_size()}" ) return new_plot_info with self, ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: plots_refreshed: Dict[Path, PlotInfo] = {} for new_plot in, plot_paths): if new_plot is not None: plots_refreshed[Path( new_plot.prover.get_filename())] = new_plot self.plots.update(plots_refreshed) result.duration = time.time() - start_time self.log.debug( f"refresh_batch: loaded {len(result.loaded)}, " f"removed {len(result.removed)}, processed {result.processed}, " f"remaining {result.remaining}, batch_size {self.refresh_parameter.batch_size}, " f"duration: {result.duration:.2f} seconds") return result
def __init__(self): self.__async_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.__http = Http()
parser.add_argument("--use_cache", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--images", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--results", type=str, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() images = Path(args.images).glob("*.jpg") face_det = fm.FaceMatch(args.fid_m) human_det = hd.CocoDetectorAPI(path_to_ckpt=args.hd_m) experiment = ef.BlurExperiments(face_det, human_det) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "{}".format(0) for image in images: image_name = Path(image).resolve().stem full_image_path = args.results + "/{}_{}_data.pkl".format(image_name, args.blur_kernel) if args.use_cache == 'y' and os.path.exists(full_image_path): pass else: process_image(image_name, image, args, experiment, args.results) if __name__ == "__main__": pool = ThreadPool(4) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) main_method()
def __init__(self): TriggerController.__INSTANCE = self self.__registeredRuleIds = set([]) self.__threadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
def next_chunk(self): """Gets the next chunk if ready.""" logger.debug("next_chunk_to_consume={next_chunk_to_consume}, " "next_chunk_to_download={next_chunk_to_download}, " "total_chunks={total_chunks}".format( next_chunk_to_consume=self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, next_chunk_to_download=self._next_chunk_to_download + 1, total_chunks=self._chunk_size, )) if self._next_chunk_to_consume > 0: # clean up the previously fetched data n = self._next_chunk_to_consume - 1 self._chunks[n] = self._chunks[n]._replace(result_data=None, ready=False) if self._next_chunk_to_download < self._chunk_size: self._pool.submit(self._download_chunk, self._next_chunk_to_download) self._next_chunk_to_download += 1 if self._downloader_error is not None: raise self._downloader_error for attempt in range(MAX_RETRY_DOWNLOAD): logger.debug( "waiting for chunk %s/%s" " in %s/%s download attempt", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, attempt + 1, MAX_RETRY_DOWNLOAD, ) done = False for wait_counter in range(MAX_WAIT): with self._chunk_cond: if self._downloader_error: raise self._downloader_error if self._chunks[self._next_chunk_to_consume].ready: done = True break logger.debug( "chunk %s/%s is NOT ready to consume" " in %s/%s(s)", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, (wait_counter + 1) * WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS, MAX_WAIT * WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS, ) self._chunk_cond.wait(WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS) else: logger.debug( "chunk %s/%s is still NOT ready. Restarting chunk " "downloader threads", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, ) self._pool.shutdown(wait=False) # terminate the thread pool self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self._effective_threads) for idx0 in range(self._effective_threads): idx = idx0 + self._next_chunk_to_consume self._pool.submit(self._download_chunk, idx) if done: break else: Error.errorhandler_wrapper( self._connection, self._cursor, OperationalError, { "msg": "The result set chunk download fails or hang for " "unknown reason.", "errno": ER_CHUNK_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, }, ) logger.debug( "chunk %s/%s is ready to consume", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, ) ret = self._chunks[self._next_chunk_to_consume] self._next_chunk_to_consume += 1 return ret
def __init__(self, max_workers): ThreadPoolExecutor.__init__(self, max_workers) self._queue = collections.deque() # thread-safe queue of futures
class SnowflakeChunkDownloader(object): """Large Result set chunk downloader class.""" def _pre_init( self, chunks, connection, cursor, qrmk, chunk_headers, query_result_format="JSON", prefetch_threads=DEFAULT_CLIENT_PREFETCH_THREADS, ): self._query_result_format = query_result_format self._downloader_error = None self._connection = connection self._cursor = cursor self._qrmk = qrmk self._chunk_headers = chunk_headers self._chunk_size = len(chunks) self._chunks = {} self._chunk_cond = Condition() self._effective_threads = min(prefetch_threads, self._chunk_size) if self._effective_threads < 1: self._effective_threads = 1 for idx, chunk in enumerate(chunks): logger.debug("queued chunk %d: rowCount=%s", idx, chunk["rowCount"]) self._chunks[idx] = SnowflakeChunk( url=chunk["url"], result_data=None, ready=False, row_count=int(chunk["rowCount"]), ) logger.debug( "prefetch threads: %s, " "number of chunks: %s, " "effective threads: %s", prefetch_threads, self._chunk_size, self._effective_threads, ) self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self._effective_threads) self._downloading_chunks_lock = Lock() self._total_millis_downloading_chunks = 0 self._total_millis_parsing_chunks = 0 self._next_chunk_to_consume = 0 def __init__( self, chunks, connection, cursor, qrmk, chunk_headers, query_result_format="JSON", prefetch_threads=DEFAULT_CLIENT_PREFETCH_THREADS, ): self._pre_init( chunks, connection, cursor, qrmk, chunk_headers, query_result_format=query_result_format, prefetch_threads=prefetch_threads, ) logger.debug("Chunk Downloader in memory") for idx in range(self._effective_threads): self._pool.submit(self._download_chunk, idx) self._next_chunk_to_download = self._effective_threads def _download_chunk(self, idx): """Downloads a chunk asynchronously.""" logger.debug("downloading chunk %s/%s", idx + 1, self._chunk_size) headers = {} if self._chunk_headers is not None: headers = self._chunk_headers logger.debug("use chunk headers from result") elif self._qrmk is not None: headers[SSE_C_ALGORITHM] = SSE_C_AES headers[SSE_C_KEY] = self._qrmk last_error = None backoff = DecorrelateJitterBackoff(1, 16) sleep_timer = 1 for retry in range(10): try: logger.debug( "started getting the result set %s: %s", idx + 1, self._chunks[idx].url, ) result_data = self._fetch_chunk(self._chunks[idx].url, headers) logger.debug( "finished getting the result set %s: %s", idx + 1, self._chunks[idx].url, ) if isinstance(result_data, ResultIterWithTimings): metrics = result_data.get_timings() with self._downloading_chunks_lock: self._total_millis_downloading_chunks += metrics[ ResultIterWithTimings.DOWNLOAD] self._total_millis_parsing_chunks += metrics[ ResultIterWithTimings.PARSE] with self._chunk_cond: self._chunks[idx] = self._chunks[idx]._replace( result_data=result_data, ready=True) self._chunk_cond.notify_all() logger.debug("added chunk %s/%s to a chunk list.", idx + 1, self._chunk_size) break except Exception as e: last_error = e sleep_timer = backoff.next_sleep(1, sleep_timer) logger.exception( "Failed to fetch the large result set chunk %s/%s for the %s th time, backing off for %s s", idx + 1, self._chunk_size, retry + 1, sleep_timer, ) time.sleep(sleep_timer) else: self._downloader_error = last_error def next_chunk(self): """Gets the next chunk if ready.""" logger.debug("next_chunk_to_consume={next_chunk_to_consume}, " "next_chunk_to_download={next_chunk_to_download}, " "total_chunks={total_chunks}".format( next_chunk_to_consume=self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, next_chunk_to_download=self._next_chunk_to_download + 1, total_chunks=self._chunk_size, )) if self._next_chunk_to_consume > 0: # clean up the previously fetched data n = self._next_chunk_to_consume - 1 self._chunks[n] = self._chunks[n]._replace(result_data=None, ready=False) if self._next_chunk_to_download < self._chunk_size: self._pool.submit(self._download_chunk, self._next_chunk_to_download) self._next_chunk_to_download += 1 if self._downloader_error is not None: raise self._downloader_error for attempt in range(MAX_RETRY_DOWNLOAD): logger.debug( "waiting for chunk %s/%s" " in %s/%s download attempt", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, attempt + 1, MAX_RETRY_DOWNLOAD, ) done = False for wait_counter in range(MAX_WAIT): with self._chunk_cond: if self._downloader_error: raise self._downloader_error if self._chunks[self._next_chunk_to_consume].ready: done = True break logger.debug( "chunk %s/%s is NOT ready to consume" " in %s/%s(s)", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, (wait_counter + 1) * WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS, MAX_WAIT * WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS, ) self._chunk_cond.wait(WAIT_TIME_IN_SECONDS) else: logger.debug( "chunk %s/%s is still NOT ready. Restarting chunk " "downloader threads", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, ) self._pool.shutdown(wait=False) # terminate the thread pool self._pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self._effective_threads) for idx0 in range(self._effective_threads): idx = idx0 + self._next_chunk_to_consume self._pool.submit(self._download_chunk, idx) if done: break else: Error.errorhandler_wrapper( self._connection, self._cursor, OperationalError, { "msg": "The result set chunk download fails or hang for " "unknown reason.", "errno": ER_CHUNK_DOWNLOAD_FAILED, }, ) logger.debug( "chunk %s/%s is ready to consume", self._next_chunk_to_consume + 1, self._chunk_size, ) ret = self._chunks[self._next_chunk_to_consume] self._next_chunk_to_consume += 1 return ret def terminate(self): """Terminates downloading the chunks.""" if hasattr(self, u"_pool") and self._pool is not None: self._pool.shutdown() self._pool = None def __del__(self): try: self.terminate() except Exception: # ignore all errors in the destructor pass def _fetch_chunk(self, url, headers): """Fetch the chunk from S3.""" handler = (JsonBinaryHandler( is_raw_binary_iterator=True) if self._query_result_format == "json" else ArrowBinaryHandler(self._cursor, self._connection)) return "get", url, headers, timeout=DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, is_raw_binary=True, binary_data_handler=handler, )