def execute(args, parser): import sys import conda.plan as plan from conda.api import get_index from conda.cli import pscheck from conda.install import rm_rf, linked if not (args.all or args.package_names): sys.exit('Error: no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details') prefix = common.get_prefix(args) common.check_write('remove', prefix) index = None if args.features: channel_urls = or () common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels) features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): sys.exit('Error: cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option') actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): sys.exit('Error: cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm)) actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) return sys.exit('Error: no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix) print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions) if not pscheck.main(args): common.confirm_yn(args) plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix)
def execute(args, parser): import sys import conda.plan as plan from conda.api import get_index from conda.cli import pscheck from conda.install import rm_rf, linked if not (args.all or args.package_names): sys.exit('Error: no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details') prefix = common.get_prefix(args) common.check_write('remove', prefix) index = None if args.features: common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels) features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): sys.exit('Error: cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option') actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): sys.exit('Error: cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm)) actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) return sys.exit('Error: no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix) print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions) if not pscheck.main(args): common.confirm_yn(args) plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix)
def check_specs(prefix, specs, json=False, create=False): from conda.plan import is_root_prefix if len(specs) == 0: msg = ('too few arguments, must supply command line ' 'package specs or --file') if create: msg += textwrap.dedent(""" You can specify one or more default packages to install when creating an environment. Doing so allows you to call conda create without explicitly providing any package names. To set the provided packages, call conda config like this: conda config --add create_default_packages PACKAGE_NAME """) error_and_exit(msg, json=json, error_type="ValueError") if not is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(['conda'], specs): error_and_exit("Package 'conda' may only be installed in the " "root environment", json=json, error_type="ValueError")
def check_specs(prefix, specs, json=False, create=False): from conda.plan import is_root_prefix if len(specs) == 0: msg = ('too few arguments, must supply command line ' 'package specs or --file') if create: msg += textwrap.dedent(""" You can specify one or more default packages to install when creating an environment. Doing so allows you to call conda create without explicitly providing any package names. To set the provided packages, call conda config like this: conda config --add create_default_packages PACKAGE_NAME """) error_and_exit(msg, json=json, error_type="ValueError") if not is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(['conda'], specs): error_and_exit( "Package 'conda' may only be installed in the " "root environment", json=json, error_type="ValueError")
def check_specs(prefix, specs): from conda.plan import is_root_prefix if len(specs) == 0: sys.exit("Error: no package specifications supplied") if not is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(['conda'], specs): sys.exit("Error: Package 'conda' may only be installed in the " "root environment")
def check_specs(prefix, specs): from conda.plan import is_root_prefix if len(specs) == 0: sys.exit('Error: too few arguments, must supply command line ' 'package specs or --file') if not is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(['conda'], specs): sys.exit("Error: Package 'conda' may only be installed in the " "root environment")
def execute(args, parser): name = args.remote_definition or try: spec = specs.detect(name=name, filename=args.file, directory=os.getcwd()) env = spec.environment # FIXME conda code currently requires args to have a name or prefix # don't overwrite name if it's given. gh-254 if args.prefix is None and is None: = except exceptions.SpecNotFound: raise prefix = get_prefix(args, search=False) if args.force and not is_root_prefix(prefix) and os.path.exists(prefix): rm_rf(prefix) cli_install.check_prefix(prefix, json=args.json) # TODO, add capability # common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) # channel_urls = or () # special case for empty environment if not env.dependencies: from conda.install import symlink_conda from conda.base.context import context symlink_conda(prefix, context.root_dir) for installer_type, pkg_specs in env.dependencies.items(): try: installer = get_installer(installer_type) installer.install(prefix, pkg_specs, args, env) except InvalidInstaller: sys.stderr.write( textwrap.dedent(""" Unable to install package for {0}. Please double check and ensure you dependencies file has the correct spelling. You might also try installing the conda-env-{0} package to see if provides the required installer. """).lstrip().format(installer_type)) return -1 touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print(cli_install.print_activate( if else prefix))
def execute(args, parser): name = args.remote_definition or try: spec = specs.detect(name=name, filename=args.file, directory=os.getcwd()) env = spec.environment # FIXME conda code currently requires args to have a name or prefix # don't overwrite name if it's given. gh-254 if args.prefix is None and is None: = except exceptions.SpecNotFound: raise prefix = get_prefix(args, search=False) if args.force and not is_root_prefix(prefix) and os.path.exists(prefix): rm_rf(prefix) cli_install.check_prefix(prefix, json=args.json) # TODO, add capability # common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) # channel_urls = or () # special case for empty environment if not env.dependencies: from conda.install import symlink_conda from conda.base.context import context symlink_conda(prefix, context.root_dir) for installer_type, pkg_specs in env.dependencies.items(): try: installer = get_installer(installer_type) installer.install(prefix, pkg_specs, args, env) except InvalidInstaller: sys.stderr.write(textwrap.dedent(""" Unable to install package for {0}. Please double check and ensure you dependencies file has the correct spelling. You might also try installing the conda-env-{0} package to see if provides the required installer. """).lstrip().format(installer_type) ) return -1 touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print(cli_install.print_activate( if else prefix))
def check_specs(prefix, specs, json=False): from conda.plan import is_root_prefix if len(specs) == 0: error_and_exit('too few arguments, must supply command line ' 'package specs or --file', json=json, error_type="ValueError") if not is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(['conda'], specs): error_and_exit("Package 'conda' may only be installed in the " "root environment", json=json, error_type="ValueError")
def app_uninstall(fn, prefix=config.root_dir): """ Uninstall application `fn` (but not its dependencies). Like `conda remove fn`. """ import conda.cli.common as common import conda.plan as plan index = None specs = [_fn2spec(fn)] if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs): raise ValueError("Cannot remove %s from the root environment" % ", ".join(common.root_no_rm)) actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): raise ValueError("Nothing to do") plan.execute_actions(actions, index)
def app_uninstall(fn, prefix=config.root_dir): """ Uninstall application `fn` (but not its dependencies). Like `conda remove fn`. """ import conda.cli.common as common import conda.plan as plan index = None specs = [_fn2spec(fn)] if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): raise ValueError("Cannot remove %s from the root environment" % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm)) actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): raise ValueError("Nothing to do") plan.execute_actions(actions, index)
def execute(args, parser): from conda import config, plan from conda.install import linked, rm_rf prefix = common.get_prefix(args) if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit( 'cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") if prefix == config.default_prefix: # FIXME The way the "name" is determined now is handled by # looking at the basename of the prefix. This is brittle # and underlines a use-case for an Environment object that # is capable of providing a name attribute. common.error_and_exit( textwrap.dedent(""" Conda cannot remove the current environment. Please deactivate and run conda env remove again with the name specified. conda env remove --name %s """ % basename(prefix)).lstrip()) # TODO Why do we need an index for removing packages? index = common.get_index_trap(json=args.json) actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): # TODO Should this automatically remove even *before* confirmation? # TODO Should this display an error when removing something that # doesn't exist? rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions}) return if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: print() print("Remove the following packages in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) common.confirm_yn(args) plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions})
def execute(args, parser): import sys import conda.plan as plan from conda.cli import pscheck from conda.install import rm_rf, linked from conda import config if not (args.all or args.package_names): common.error_and_exit( 'no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = common.get_prefix(args) common.check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, json=args.json) channel_urls = or () index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, prepend=not args.override_channels, json=args.json) if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit( 'cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions}) return common.error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: if not pscheck.main(args): common.confirm_yn(args) elif (sys.platform == 'win32' and not args.force_pscheck and not pscheck.check_processes(verbose=False)): common.error_and_exit( "Cannot continue removal while processes " "from packages are running without --force-pscheck.", json=True, error_type="ProcessesStillRunning") if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions})
use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) else: index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) specs = None if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for dist in sorted(linked(prefix)): plan.add_unlink(actions, dist) =======
def execute(args, parser): import sys import conda.plan as plan from conda.cli import pscheck from conda.install import rm_rf, linked from conda import config if not (args.all or args.package_names): common.error_and_exit('no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = common.get_prefix(args) if args.all and prefix == config.default_prefix: common.error_and_exit("cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again") common.check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, json=args.json) channel_urls = or () if args.use_local: from conda.fetch import fetch_index from conda.utils import url_path try: from conda_build.config import croot except ImportError: common.error_and_exit("you need to have 'conda-build >= 1.7.1' installed" " to use the --use-local option", json=args.json, error_type="RuntimeError") # remove the cache such that a refetch is made, # this is necessary because we add the local build repo URL fetch_index.cache = {} index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=[url_path(croot)] + list(channel_urls), prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json) else: index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json) if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions }) return common.error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: if not pscheck.main(args): common.confirm_yn(args) elif (sys.platform == 'win32' and not args.force_pscheck and not pscheck.check_processes(verbose=False)): common.error_and_exit("Cannot continue removal while processes " "from packages are running without --force-pscheck.", json=True, error_type="ProcessesStillRunning") if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions })
def install(args, parser, command='install'): """ conda install, conda update, and conda create """ newenv = bool(command == 'create') if newenv: common.ensure_name_or_prefix(args, command) prefix = common.get_prefix(args, search=not newenv) if newenv: check_prefix(prefix, json=args.json) if config.force_32bit and plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit("cannot use CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1 in root env") if command == 'update': if not args.file: if not args.all and len(args.packages) == 0: common.error_and_exit("""no package names supplied # If you want to update to a newer version of Anaconda, type: # # $ conda update --prefix %s anaconda """ % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if command == 'update' and not args.all: linked = ci.linked(prefix) for name in args.packages: common.arg2spec(name, json=args.json) if '=' in name: common.error_and_exit("Invalid package name: '%s'" % (name), json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if name not in set(ci.name_dist(d) for d in linked): common.error_and_exit("package '%s' is not installed in %s" % (name, prefix), json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if newenv and not args.no_default_packages: default_packages = config.create_default_packages[:] # Override defaults if they are specified at the command line for default_pkg in config.create_default_packages: if any(pkg.split('=')[0] == default_pkg for pkg in args.packages): default_packages.remove(default_pkg) args.packages.extend(default_packages) else: default_packages = [] common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () specs = [] if args.file: for fpath in args.file: specs.extend(common.specs_from_url(fpath, json=args.json)) elif getattr(args, 'all', False): linked = ci.linked(prefix) if not linked: common.error_and_exit("There are no packages installed in the " "prefix %s" % prefix) for pkg in linked: name, ver, build = pkg.rsplit('-', 2) if name in getattr(args, '_skip', ['anaconda']): continue if name == 'python' and ver.startswith('2'): # Oh Python 2... specs.append('%s >=%s,<3' % (name, ver)) else: specs.append('%s' % name) specs.extend(common.specs_from_args(args.packages, json=args.json)) if command == 'install' and args.revision: get_revision(args.revision, json=args.json) elif not (newenv and args.clone): common.check_specs(prefix, specs, json=args.json, create=(command == 'create')) num_cp = sum(s.endswith('.tar.bz2') for s in args.packages) if num_cp: if num_cp == len(args.packages): depends = misc.install_local_packages(prefix, args.packages, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.no_deps: depends = [] specs = list(set(depends)) args.unknown = True else: common.error_and_exit( "cannot mix specifications with conda package filenames", json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") # handle tar file containing conda packages if len(args.packages) == 1: tar_path = args.packages[0] if tar_path.endswith('.tar'): depends = install_tar(prefix, tar_path, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.no_deps: depends = [] specs = list(set(depends)) args.unknown = True if args.use_local: from conda.fetch import fetch_index from conda.utils import url_path try: from conda_build.config import croot except ImportError: common.error_and_exit( "you need to have 'conda-build >= 1.7.1' installed" " to use the --use-local option", json=args.json, error_type="RuntimeError") # remove the cache such that a refetch is made, # this is necessary because we add the local build repo URL fetch_index.cache = {} if exists(croot): channel_urls = [url_path(croot)] + list(channel_urls) index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, unknown=args.unknown, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) if newenv and args.clone: if set(args.packages) - set(default_packages): common.error_and_exit('did not expect any arguments for --clone', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") clone(args.clone, prefix, json=args.json, quiet=args.quiet, index=index) misc.append_env(prefix) misc.touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print_activate( if else prefix) return # Don't update packages that are already up-to-date if command == 'update' and not (args.all or args.force): r = Resolve(index) orig_packages = args.packages[:] for name in orig_packages: installed_metadata = [ci.is_linked(prefix, dist) for dist in linked] vers_inst = [dist.rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in linked if dist.rsplit('-', 2)[0] == name] build_inst = [m['build_number'] for m in installed_metadata if m['name'] == name] try: assert len(vers_inst) == 1, name assert len(build_inst) == 1, name except AssertionError as e: if args.json: common.exception_and_exit(e, json=True) else: raise pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(name))) if not pkgs: # Shouldn't happen? continue latest = pkgs[-1] if (latest.version == vers_inst[0] and latest.build_number == build_inst[0]): args.packages.remove(name) if not args.packages: from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages if not args.json: regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(orig_packages) print('# All requested packages already installed.') print_packages(prefix, regex) else: common.stdout_json_success( message='All requested packages already installed.') return if args.force: args.no_deps = True spec_names = set(s.split()[0] for s in specs) if args.no_deps: only_names = spec_names else: only_names = None if not isdir(prefix) and not newenv: if args.mkdir: try: os.makedirs(prefix) except OSError: common.error_and_exit("Error: could not create directory: %s" % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="OSError") else: common.error_and_exit("""\ environment does not exist: %s # # Use 'conda create' to create an environment before installing packages # into it. #""" % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="NoEnvironmentFound") try: if command == 'install' and args.revision: actions = plan.revert_actions(prefix, get_revision(args.revision)) else: with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet): actions = plan.install_actions(prefix, index, specs, force=args.force, only_names=only_names, pinned=args.pinned, minimal_hint=args.alt_hint, update_deps=args.update_deps) if config.always_copy or args.copy: new_link = [] for pkg in actions["LINK"]: dist, pkgs_dir, lt = inst.split_linkarg(pkg) lt = ci.LINK_COPY new_link.append("%s %s %d" % (dist, pkgs_dir, lt)) actions["LINK"] = new_link except NoPackagesFound as e: error_message = e.args[0] if command == 'update' and args.all: # Packages not found here just means they were installed but # cannot be found any more. Just skip them. if not args.json: print("Warning: %s, skipping" % error_message) else: # Not sure what to do here pass args._skip = getattr(args, '_skip', ['anaconda']) for pkg in e.pkgs: p = pkg.split()[0] if p in args._skip: # Avoid infinite recursion. This can happen if a spec # comes from elsewhere, like --file raise args._skip.append(p) return install(args, parser, command=command) else: packages = {index[fn]['name'] for fn in index} for pkg in e.pkgs: close = get_close_matches(pkg, packages, cutoff=0.7) if close: error_message += ("\n\nDid you mean one of these?" "\n\n %s" % (', '.join(close))) error_message += '\n\nYou can search for this package on with' error_message += '\n\n anaconda search -t conda %s' % pkg if len(e.pkgs) > 1: # Note this currently only happens with dependencies not found error_message += '\n\n (and similarly for the other packages)' if not find_executable('anaconda', include_others=False): error_message += '\n\nYou may need to install the anaconda-client command line client with' error_message += '\n\n conda install anaconda-client' pinned_specs = plan.get_pinned_specs(prefix) if pinned_specs: error_message += "\n\nNote that you have pinned specs in %s:" % join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'pinned') error_message += "\n\n %r" % pinned_specs common.error_and_exit(error_message, json=args.json) except SystemExit as e: # Unsatisfiable package specifications/no such revision/import error error_type = 'UnsatisfiableSpecifications' if e.args and 'could not import' in e.args[0]: error_type = 'ImportError' common.exception_and_exit(e, json=args.json, newline=True, error_text=False, error_type=error_type) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages if not args.json: regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(spec_names) print('\n# All requested packages already installed.') print_packages(prefix, regex) else: common.stdout_json_success( message='All requested packages already installed.') return if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for installation in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index, show_channel_urls=args.show_channel_urls) if command in {'install', 'update'}: common.check_write(command, prefix) if not args.json: common.confirm_yn(args) elif args.dry_run: common.stdout_json_success(actions=actions, dry_run=True) sys.exit(0) with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet): try: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if not (command == 'update' and args.all): try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# %s specs: %s\n' % (command, specs)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise except RuntimeError as e: if len(e.args) > 0 and "LOCKERROR" in e.args[0]: error_type = "AlreadyLocked" else: error_type = "RuntimeError" common.exception_and_exit(e, error_type=error_type, json=args.json) except SystemExit as e: common.exception_and_exit(e, json=args.json) if newenv: misc.append_env(prefix) misc.touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print_activate( if else prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json_success(actions=actions)
def execute(args, parser): import conda.plan as plan import conda.instructions as inst from conda.install import rm_rf, linked from conda import config if not (args.all or args.package_names): common.error_and_exit( 'no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = common.get_prefix(args) if args.all and prefix == config.default_prefix: common.error_and_exit( "cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again" ) common.check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, json=args.json) channel_urls = or () if args.use_local: from conda.fetch import fetch_index from conda.utils import url_path try: from conda_build.config import croot except ImportError: common.error_and_exit( "you need to have 'conda-build >= 1.7.1' installed" " to use the --use-local option", json=args.json, error_type="RuntimeError") # remove the cache such that a refetch is made, # this is necessary because we add the local build repo URL fetch_index.cache = {} if exists(croot): channel_urls = [url_path(croot)] + list(channel_urls) index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) else: index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) specs = None if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit( 'cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for dist in sorted(linked(prefix)): plan.add_unlink(actions, dist) else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions}) return common.error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: common.confirm_yn(args) if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if specs: try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# remove specs: %s\n' % specs) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions})
def execute(args, parser): from conda import config, plan from conda.install import linked, rm_rf prefix = common.get_prefix(args) if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") if prefix == config.default_prefix: # FIXME The way the "name" is determined now is handled by # looking at the basename of the prefix. This is brittle # and underlines a use-case for an Environment object that # is capable of providing a name attribute. common.error_and_exit(textwrap.dedent( """ Conda cannot remove the current environment. Please deactivate and run conda env remove again with the name specified. conda env remove --name %s """ % basename(prefix) ).lstrip()) # TODO Why do we need an index for removing packages? index = common.get_index_trap(json=args.json) actions = { plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix)) } if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): # TODO Should this automatically remove even *before* confirmation? # TODO Should this display an error when removing something that # doesn't exist? rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions }) return if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: print() print("Remove the following packages in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) common.confirm_yn(args) plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions })
def execute(args, parser): import conda.plan as plan import conda.instructions as inst from conda.gateways.disk.delete import rm_rf from conda.core.linked_data import linked_data if not (args.all or args.package_names): raise CondaValueError('no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details') prefix = context.prefix_w_legacy_search if args.all and prefix == context.default_prefix: msg = "cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again" raise CondaEnvironmentError(msg) check_write('remove', prefix, json=context.json) ensure_use_local(args) ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () if not args.features and args.all: index = linked_data(prefix) index = {dist: info for dist, info in iteritems(index)} else: index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_local=args.use_local, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, prefix=prefix) specs = None if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): raise CondaEnvironmentError( 'cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option') actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for dist in sorted(iterkeys(index)): plan.add_unlink(actions, dist) else: specs = specs_from_args(args.package_names) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if (context.conda_in_root and plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(ROOT_NO_RM, specs) and not args.force): raise CondaEnvironmentError( 'cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(ROOT_NO_RM)) actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, force=args.force, pinned=args.pinned) delete_trash() if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: print("\nRemove all packages in environment %s:\n" % prefix, file=sys.stderr) if not context.json: confirm_yn(args) rm_rf(prefix) if context.json: stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions}) return raise PackageNotFoundError( '', 'no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix) if not context.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if context.json and args.dry_run: stdout_json({'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions}) return if not context.json: confirm_yn(args) if context.json and not context.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not context.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not context.quiet) if specs: try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# remove specs: %s\n' % ','.join(specs)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if context.json: stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions})
def execute(args, parser): import conda.plan as plan import conda.instructions as inst from conda.install import rm_rf, linked from conda import config if not (args.all or args.package_names): common.error_and_exit('no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = common.get_prefix(args) if args.all and prefix == config.default_prefix: common.error_and_exit("cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again") common.check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, json=args.json) channel_urls = or () if args.use_local: from conda.fetch import fetch_index from conda.utils import url_path try: from conda_build.config import croot except ImportError: common.error_and_exit("you need to have 'conda-build >= 1.7.1' installed" " to use the --use-local option", json=args.json, error_type="RuntimeError") # remove the cache such that a refetch is made, # this is necessary because we add the local build repo URL fetch_index.cache = {} if exists(croot): channel_urls = [url_path(croot)] + list(channel_urls) index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) else: index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) specs = None if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for dist in sorted(linked(prefix)): plan.add_unlink(actions, dist) else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions }) return common.error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: common.confirm_yn(args) if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if specs: try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# remove specs: %s\n' % specs) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions })
def install(args, parser, command='install'): """ conda install, conda update, and conda create """ newenv = bool(command == 'create') isupdate = bool(command == 'update') isinstall = bool(command == 'install') if newenv: common.ensure_name_or_prefix(args, command) prefix = common.get_prefix(args, search=not newenv) if newenv: check_prefix(prefix, json=args.json) if force_32bit and plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit("cannot use CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1 in root env") if isupdate and not (args.file or args.all or args.packages): common.error_and_exit("""no package names supplied # If you want to update to a newer version of Anaconda, type: # # $ conda update --prefix %s anaconda """ % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") linked = ci.linked(prefix) lnames = {ci.name_dist(d) for d in linked} if isupdate and not args.all: for name in args.packages: common.arg2spec(name, json=args.json, update=True) if name not in lnames: common.error_and_exit("Package '%s' is not installed in %s" % (name, prefix), json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if newenv and not args.no_default_packages: default_packages = create_default_packages[:] # Override defaults if they are specified at the command line for default_pkg in create_default_packages: if any(pkg.split('=')[0] == default_pkg for pkg in args.packages): default_packages.remove(default_pkg) args.packages.extend(default_packages) else: default_packages = [] common.ensure_use_local(args) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () specs = [] if args.file: for fpath in args.file: specs.extend(common.specs_from_url(fpath, json=args.json)) if '@EXPLICIT' in specs: misc.explicit(specs, prefix, verbose=not args.quiet) return elif getattr(args, 'all', False): if not linked: common.error_and_exit("There are no packages installed in the " "prefix %s" % prefix) specs.extend(nm for nm in lnames) specs.extend(common.specs_from_args(args.packages, json=args.json)) if isinstall and args.revision: get_revision(args.revision, json=args.json) elif not (newenv and args.clone): common.check_specs(prefix, specs, json=args.json, create=(command == 'create')) num_cp = sum(s.endswith('.tar.bz2') for s in args.packages) if num_cp: if num_cp == len(args.packages): misc.explicit(args.packages, prefix, verbose=not args.quiet) return else: common.error_and_exit( "cannot mix specifications with conda package filenames", json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") # handle tar file containing conda packages if len(args.packages) == 1: tar_path = args.packages[0] if tar_path.endswith('.tar'): install_tar(prefix, tar_path, verbose=not args.quiet) return if newenv and args.clone: if set(args.packages) - set(default_packages): common.error_and_exit('did not expect any arguments for --clone', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") clone(args.clone, prefix, json=args.json, quiet=args.quiet, fetch_args={'use_cache': args.use_index_cache, 'unknown': args.unknown}) misc.append_env(prefix) misc.touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print_activate( if else prefix) return index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_local=args.use_local, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, unknown=args.unknown, json=args.json, offline=args.offline, prefix=prefix) r = Resolve(index) ospecs = list(specs) plan.add_defaults_to_specs(r, linked, specs, update=isupdate) # Don't update packages that are already up-to-date if isupdate and not (args.all or args.force): orig_packages = args.packages[:] installed_metadata = [ci.is_linked(prefix, dist) for dist in linked] for name in orig_packages: vers_inst = [m['version'] for m in installed_metadata if m['name'] == name] build_inst = [m['build_number'] for m in installed_metadata if m['name'] == name] try: assert len(vers_inst) == 1, name assert len(build_inst) == 1, name except AssertionError as e: if args.json: common.exception_and_exit(e, json=True) else: raise pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(name)) if not pkgs: # Shouldn't happen? continue latest = pkgs[-1] if (latest.version == vers_inst[0] and latest.build_number == build_inst[0]): args.packages.remove(name) if not args.packages: from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages if not args.json: regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(orig_packages) print('# All requested packages already installed.') print_packages(prefix, regex) else: common.stdout_json_success( message='All requested packages already installed.') return if args.force: args.no_deps = True if args.no_deps: only_names = set(s.split()[0] for s in ospecs) else: only_names = None if not isdir(prefix) and not newenv: if args.mkdir: try: os.makedirs(prefix) except OSError: common.error_and_exit("Error: could not create directory: %s" % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="OSError") else: common.error_and_exit("""\ environment does not exist: %s # # Use 'conda create' to create an environment before installing packages # into it. #""" % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="NoEnvironmentFound") try: if isinstall and args.revision: actions = plan.revert_actions(prefix, get_revision(args.revision)) else: with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet): actions = plan.install_actions(prefix, index, specs, force=args.force, only_names=only_names, pinned=args.pinned, always_copy=args.copy, minimal_hint=args.alt_hint, update_deps=args.update_deps) except NoPackagesFound as e: error_message = e.args[0] if isupdate and args.all: # Packages not found here just means they were installed but # cannot be found any more. Just skip them. if not args.json: print("Warning: %s, skipping" % error_message) else: # Not sure what to do here pass args._skip = getattr(args, '_skip', ['anaconda']) for pkg in e.pkgs: p = pkg.split()[0] if p in args._skip: # Avoid infinite recursion. This can happen if a spec # comes from elsewhere, like --file raise args._skip.append(p) return install(args, parser, command=command) else: packages = {index[fn]['name'] for fn in index} nfound = 0 for pkg in sorted(e.pkgs): pkg = pkg.split()[0] if pkg in packages: continue close = get_close_matches(pkg, packages, cutoff=0.7) if not close: continue if nfound == 0: error_message += "\n\nClose matches found; did you mean one of these?\n" error_message += "\n %s: %s" % (pkg, ', '.join(close)) nfound += 1 error_message += '\n\nYou can search for packages on with' error_message += '\n\n anaconda search -t conda %s' % pkg if len(e.pkgs) > 1: # Note this currently only happens with dependencies not found error_message += '\n\n(and similarly for the other packages)' if not find_executable('anaconda', include_others=False): error_message += '\n\nYou may need to install the anaconda-client' error_message += ' command line client with' error_message += '\n\n conda install anaconda-client' pinned_specs = plan.get_pinned_specs(prefix) if pinned_specs: path = join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'pinned') error_message += "\n\nNote that you have pinned specs in %s:" % path error_message += "\n\n %r" % pinned_specs common.error_and_exit(error_message, json=args.json) except (Unsatisfiable, SystemExit) as e: # Unsatisfiable package specifications/no such revision/import error error_type = 'UnsatisfiableSpecifications' if e.args and 'could not import' in e.args[0]: error_type = 'ImportError' common.exception_and_exit(e, json=args.json, newline=True, error_text=False, error_type=error_type) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages if not args.json: regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(s.split()[0] for s in ospecs) print('\n# All requested packages already installed.') print_packages(prefix, regex) else: common.stdout_json_success( message='All requested packages already installed.') return if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for installation in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index, show_channel_urls=args.show_channel_urls) if command in {'install', 'update'}: common.check_write(command, prefix) if not args.json: common.confirm_yn(args) elif args.dry_run: common.stdout_json_success(actions=actions, dry_run=True) sys.exit(0) with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet): try: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if not (command == 'update' and args.all): try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# %s specs: %s\n' % (command, specs)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise except RuntimeError as e: if len(e.args) > 0 and "LOCKERROR" in e.args[0]: error_type = "AlreadyLocked" else: error_type = "RuntimeError" common.exception_and_exit(e, error_type=error_type, json=args.json) except SystemExit as e: common.exception_and_exit(e, json=args.json) if newenv: misc.append_env(prefix) misc.touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print_activate( if else prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json_success(actions=actions)
def execute(args, parser): import conda.plan as plan import conda.instructions as inst from conda.install import rm_rf, linked if not (args.all or args.package_names): error_and_exit( 'no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = get_prefix(args) if args.all and prefix == default_prefix: msg = "cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again" error_and_exit(msg) check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) ensure_use_local(args) ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () if not args.features and args.all: index = {} else: index = get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_local=args.use_local, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline, prefix=prefix) specs = None if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): error_and_exit( 'cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for dist in sorted(linked(prefix)): plan.add_unlink(actions, dist) else: specs = specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(root_no_rm, specs)): error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, force=args.force, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions}) return error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: stdout_json({'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions}) return if not args.json: confirm_yn(args) if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if specs: try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# remove specs: %s\n' % specs) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions})
def execute(args, parser): import sys import conda.plan as plan from conda.cli import pscheck from conda.install import rm_rf, linked from conda import config if not (args.all or args.package_names): common.error_and_exit( 'no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = common.get_prefix(args) if args.all and prefix == config.default_prefix: common.error_and_exit( "cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again" ) common.check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, json=args.json) channel_urls = or () if args.use_local: from conda.fetch import fetch_index from conda.utils import url_path try: from conda_build.config import croot except ImportError: common.error_and_exit( "you need to have 'conda-build >= 1.7.1' installed" " to use the --use-local option", json=args.json, error_type="RuntimeError") # remove the cache such that a refetch is made, # this is necessary because we add the local build repo URL fetch_index.cache = {} index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=[url_path(croot)] + list(channel_urls), prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json) else: index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json) if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit( 'cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions}) return common.error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: if not pscheck.main(args): common.confirm_yn(args) elif (sys.platform == 'win32' and not args.force_pscheck and not pscheck.check_processes(verbose=False)): common.error_and_exit( "Cannot continue removal while processes " "from packages are running without --force-pscheck.", json=True, error_type="ProcessesStillRunning") if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({'success': True, 'actions': actions})
def execute(args, parser): import conda.plan as plan import conda.instructions as inst from conda.install import rm_rf, linked_data if not (args.all or args.package_names): raise CondaValueError('no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', args.json) prefix = get_prefix(args) if args.all and prefix == default_prefix: msg = "cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again" raise CondaEnvironmentError(msg) check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) ensure_use_local(args) ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () if not args.features and args.all: index = linked_data(prefix) index = {dist + '.tar.bz2': info for dist, info in iteritems(index)} else: index = get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_local=args.use_local, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, json=args.json, offline=args.offline, prefix=prefix) specs = None if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): raise CondaEnvironmentError('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', args.json) actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for fkey in sorted(iterkeys(index)): plan.add_unlink(actions, fkey[:-8]) else: specs = specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs(root_no_rm, specs)): raise CondaEnvironmentError('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(root_no_rm), args.json) actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=index, force=args.force, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions }) return raise PackageNotFoundError('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, args.json) if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: confirm_yn(args) if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if specs: try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# remove specs: %s\n' % specs) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions })
def execute(args, parser): import sys import conda.plan as plan from conda.cli import pscheck from conda.install import rm_rf, linked from conda import config if not (args.all or args.package_names): common.error_and_exit('no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") prefix = common.get_prefix(args) common.check_write('remove', prefix, json=args.json) common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, json=args.json) channel_urls = or () index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, prepend=not args.override_channels, json=args.json) if args.features: features = set(args.package_names) actions = plan.remove_features_actions(prefix, index, features) elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option', json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveRoot") actions = {plan.PREFIX: prefix, plan.UNLINK: sorted(linked(prefix))} else: specs = common.specs_from_args(args.package_names) if (plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and common.names_in_specs(common.root_no_rm, specs)): common.error_and_exit('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(common.root_no_rm), json=args.json, error_type="CantRemoveFromRoot") actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, pinned=args.pinned) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions }) return common.error_and_exit('no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="PackageNotInstalled") if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if args.json and args.dry_run: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': actions }) return if not args.json: if not pscheck.main(args): common.confirm_yn(args) elif (sys.platform == 'win32' and not args.force_pscheck and not pscheck.check_processes(verbose=False)): common.error_and_exit("Cannot continue removal while processes " "from packages are running without --force-pscheck.", json=True, error_type="ProcessesStillRunning") if args.json and not args.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions })
def install(args, parser, command='install'): """ conda install, conda update, and conda create """ newenv = bool(command == 'create') if newenv: common.ensure_name_or_prefix(args, command) prefix = common.get_prefix(args, search=not newenv) if newenv: check_prefix(prefix, json=args.json) if config.force_32bit and plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): common.error_and_exit("cannot use CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1 in root env") if command == 'update': if args.all: if args.packages: common.error_and_exit("""--all cannot be used with packages""", json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") elif not args.file: if len(args.packages) == 0: common.error_and_exit("""no package names supplied # If you want to update to a newer version of Anaconda, type: # # $ conda update --prefix %s anaconda """ % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if command == 'update': linked = ci.linked(prefix) for name in args.packages: common.arg2spec(name, json=args.json) if '=' in name: common.error_and_exit("Invalid package name: '%s'" % (name), json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if name not in set(ci.name_dist(d) for d in linked): common.error_and_exit("package '%s' is not installed in %s" % (name, prefix), json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") if newenv and not args.no_default_packages: default_packages = config.create_default_packages[:] # Override defaults if they are specified at the command line for default_pkg in config.create_default_packages: if any(pkg.split('=')[0] == default_pkg for pkg in args.packages): default_packages.remove(default_pkg) args.packages.extend(default_packages) else: default_packages = [] common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) channel_urls = or () specs = [] if args.file: for fpath in args.file: specs.extend(common.specs_from_url(fpath, json=args.json)) elif getattr(args, 'all', False): linked = ci.linked(prefix) if not linked: common.error_and_exit("There are no packages installed in the " "prefix %s" % prefix) for pkg in linked: name, ver, build = pkg.rsplit('-', 2) if name in getattr(args, '_skip', ['anaconda']): continue if name == 'python' and ver.startswith('2'): # Oh Python 2... specs.append('%s >=%s,<3' % (name, ver)) else: specs.append('%s' % name) specs.extend(common.specs_from_args(args.packages, json=args.json)) if command == 'install' and args.revision: get_revision(args.revision, json=args.json) elif not (newenv and args.clone): common.check_specs(prefix, specs, json=args.json, create=(command == 'create')) num_cp = sum(s.endswith('.tar.bz2') for s in args.packages) if num_cp: if num_cp == len(args.packages): depends = misc.install_local_packages(prefix, args.packages, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.no_deps: depends = [] specs = list(set(depends)) args.unknown = True else: common.error_and_exit( "cannot mix specifications with conda package filenames", json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") # handle tar file containing conda packages if len(args.packages) == 1: tar_path = args.packages[0] if tar_path.endswith('.tar'): depends = install_tar(prefix, tar_path, verbose=not args.quiet) if args.no_deps: depends = [] specs = list(set(depends)) args.unknown = True if args.use_local: from conda.fetch import fetch_index from conda.utils import url_path try: from conda_build.config import croot except ImportError: common.error_and_exit( "you need to have 'conda-build >= 1.7.1' installed" " to use the --use-local option", json=args.json, error_type="RuntimeError") # remove the cache such that a refetch is made, # this is necessary because we add the local build repo URL fetch_index.cache = {} if exists(croot): channel_urls = [url_path(croot)] + list(channel_urls) index = common.get_index_trap(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, unknown=args.unknown, json=args.json, offline=args.offline) if newenv and args.clone: if set(args.packages) - set(default_packages): common.error_and_exit('did not expect any arguments for --clone', json=args.json, error_type="ValueError") clone(args.clone, prefix, json=args.json, quiet=args.quiet, index=index) misc.append_env(prefix) misc.touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print_activate( if else prefix) return # Don't update packages that are already up-to-date if command == 'update' and not (args.all or args.force): r = Resolve(index) orig_packages = args.packages[:] for name in orig_packages: installed_metadata = [ci.is_linked(prefix, dist) for dist in linked] vers_inst = [dist.rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in linked if dist.rsplit('-', 2)[0] == name] build_inst = [m['build_number'] for m in installed_metadata if m['name'] == name] try: assert len(vers_inst) == 1, name assert len(build_inst) == 1, name except AssertionError as e: if args.json: common.exception_and_exit(e, json=True) else: raise pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(name))) if not pkgs: # Shouldn't happen? continue latest = pkgs[-1] if (latest.version == vers_inst[0] and latest.build_number == build_inst[0]): args.packages.remove(name) if not args.packages: from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages if not args.json: regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(orig_packages) print('# All requested packages already installed.') print_packages(prefix, regex) else: common.stdout_json_success( message='All requested packages already installed.') return if args.force: args.no_deps = True spec_names = set(s.split()[0] for s in specs) if args.no_deps: only_names = spec_names else: only_names = None if not isdir(prefix) and not newenv: if args.mkdir: try: os.makedirs(prefix) except OSError: common.error_and_exit("Error: could not create directory: %s" % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="OSError") else: common.error_and_exit("""\ environment does not exist: %s # # Use 'conda create' to create an environment before installing packages # into it. #""" % prefix, json=args.json, error_type="NoEnvironmentFound") try: if command == 'install' and args.revision: actions = plan.revert_actions(prefix, get_revision(args.revision)) else: with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet): actions = plan.install_actions(prefix, index, specs, force=args.force, only_names=only_names, pinned=args.pinned, minimal_hint=args.alt_hint) if args.copy: new_link = [] for pkg in actions["LINK"]: dist, pkgs_dir, lt = inst.split_linkarg(pkg) lt = ci.LINK_COPY new_link.append("%s %s %d" % (dist, pkgs_dir, lt)) actions["LINK"] = new_link except NoPackagesFound as e: error_message = e.args[0] if command == 'update' and args.all: # Packages not found here just means they were installed but # cannot be found any more. Just skip them. if not args.json: print("Warning: %s, skipping" % error_message) else: # Not sure what to do here pass args._skip = getattr(args, '_skip', ['anaconda']) for pkg in e.pkgs: p = pkg.split()[0] if p in args._skip: # Avoid infinite recursion. This can happen if a spec # comes from elsewhere, like --file raise args._skip.append(p) return install(args, parser, command=command) else: packages = {index[fn]['name'] for fn in index} for pkg in e.pkgs: close = get_close_matches(pkg, packages, cutoff=0.7) if close: error_message += ("\n\nDid you mean one of these?" "\n\n %s" % (', '.join(close))) error_message += '\n\nYou can search for this package on with' error_message += '\n\n anaconda search -t conda %s' % pkg if len(e.pkgs) > 1: # Note this currently only happens with dependencies not found error_message += '\n\n (and similarly for the other packages)' if not find_executable('anaconda', include_others=False): error_message += '\n\nYou may need to install the anaconda-client command line client with' error_message += '\n\n conda install anaconda-client' pinned_specs = plan.get_pinned_specs(prefix) if pinned_specs: error_message += "\n\nNote that you have pinned specs in %s:" % join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'pinned') error_message += "\n\n %r" % pinned_specs common.error_and_exit(error_message, json=args.json) except SystemExit as e: # Unsatisfiable package specifications/no such revision/import error error_type = 'UnsatisfiableSpecifications' if e.args and 'could not import' in e.args[0]: error_type = 'ImportError' common.exception_and_exit(e, json=args.json, newline=True, error_text=False, error_type=error_type) if plan.nothing_to_do(actions): from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages if not args.json: regex = '^(%s)$' % '|'.join(spec_names) print('\n# All requested packages already installed.') print_packages(prefix, regex) else: common.stdout_json_success( message='All requested packages already installed.') return if not args.json: print() print("Package plan for installation in environment %s:" % prefix) plan.display_actions(actions, index) if command in {'install', 'update'}: common.check_write(command, prefix) if not args.json: common.confirm_yn(args) elif args.dry_run: common.stdout_json_success(actions=actions, dry_run=True) sys.exit(0) with common.json_progress_bars(json=args.json and not args.quiet): try: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not args.quiet) if not (command == 'update' and args.all): try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# %s specs: %s\n' % (command, specs)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise except RuntimeError as e: if len(e.args) > 0 and "LOCKERROR" in e.args[0]: error_type = "AlreadyLocked" else: error_type = "RuntimeError" common.exception_and_exit(e, error_type=error_type, json=args.json) except SystemExit as e: common.exception_and_exit(e, json=args.json) if newenv: misc.append_env(prefix) misc.touch_nonadmin(prefix) if not args.json: print_activate( if else prefix) if args.json: common.stdout_json_success(actions=actions)
def execute(args, parser): import conda.plan as plan import conda.instructions as inst from conda.gateways.disk.delete import rm_rf from conda.core.linked_data import linked_data if not (args.all or args.package_names): raise CondaValueError('no package names supplied,\n' ' try "conda remove -h" for more details') prefix = context.prefix_w_legacy_search if args.all and prefix == context.default_prefix: msg = "cannot remove current environment. deactivate and run conda remove again" raise CondaEnvironmentError(msg) check_write('remove', prefix, json=context.json) ensure_use_local(args) ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args) if not args.features and args.all: index = linked_data(prefix) index = {dist: info for dist, info in iteritems(index)} else: index = get_index(channel_urls=context.channels, prepend=not args.override_channels, use_local=args.use_local, use_cache=args.use_index_cache, prefix=prefix) specs = None if args.features: specs = ['@' + f for f in set(args.package_names)] actions = plan.remove_actions(prefix, specs, index, pinned=args.pinned) action_groups = actions, elif args.all: if plan.is_root_prefix(prefix): raise CondaEnvironmentError('cannot remove root environment,\n' ' add -n NAME or -p PREFIX option') actions = {inst.PREFIX: prefix} for dist in sorted(iterkeys(index)): plan.add_unlink(actions, dist) action_groups = actions, else: specs = specs_from_args(args.package_names) r = Resolve(index) prefix_spec_map = create_prefix_spec_map_with_deps(r, specs, prefix) if (context.conda_in_root and plan.is_root_prefix(prefix) and names_in_specs( ROOT_NO_RM, specs) and not args.force): raise CondaEnvironmentError('cannot remove %s from root environment' % ', '.join(ROOT_NO_RM)) actions = [] for prfx, spcs in iteritems(prefix_spec_map): index = linked_data(prfx) index = {dist: info for dist, info in iteritems(index)} actions.append(plan.remove_actions(prfx, list(spcs), index=index, force=args.force, pinned=args.pinned)) action_groups = tuple(actions) delete_trash() if any(plan.nothing_to_do(actions) for actions in action_groups): if args.all: print("\nRemove all packages in environment %s:\n" % prefix, file=sys.stderr) if not context.json: confirm_yn(args) rm_rf(prefix) if context.json: stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': action_groups }) return raise PackageNotFoundError('', 'no packages found to remove from ' 'environment: %s' % prefix) for action in action_groups: if not context.json: print() print("Package plan for package removal in environment %s:" % action["PREFIX"]) plan.display_actions(action, index) if context.json and args.dry_run: stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'dry_run': True, 'actions': action_groups }) return if not context.json: confirm_yn(args) for actions in action_groups: if context.json and not context.quiet: with json_progress_bars(): plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not context.quiet) else: plan.execute_actions(actions, index, verbose=not context.quiet) if specs: try: with open(join(prefix, 'conda-meta', 'history'), 'a') as f: f.write('# remove specs: %s\n' % ','.join(specs)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EACCES: log.debug("Can't write the history file") else: raise target_prefix = actions["PREFIX"] if (is_private_env(prefix_to_env_name(target_prefix, context.root_prefix)) and linked_data(target_prefix) == {}): rm_rf(target_prefix) if args.all: rm_rf(prefix) if context.json: stdout_json({ 'success': True, 'actions': actions })