예제 #1
def skeletonize(packages, output_dir=".", version=None, recursive=False,
                all_urls=False, pypi_url='https://pypi.python.org/pypi', noprompt=False,
                version_compare=False, python_version=default_python, manual_url=False,
                all_extras=False, noarch_python=False, config=None, setup_options=None,
    client = get_xmlrpc_client(pypi_url)
    package_dicts = {}

    if not setup_options:
        setup_options = []

    if isinstance(setup_options, string_types):
        setup_options = [setup_options]

    if not config:
        config = Config()

    # all_packages = client.list_packages()
    # searching is faster than listing all packages, but we need to separate URLs from names
    all_packages = []

    urls = [package for package in packages if ':' in package]
    names = [package for package in packages if package not in urls]
    all_packages = urls + [match["name"] for match in client.search({"name": names}, "or")]
    all_packages_lower = [i.lower() for i in all_packages]

    created_recipes = []
    while packages:
        package = packages.pop()

        is_url = ':' in package

        if not is_url:
            dir_path = join(output_dir, package.lower())
            if exists(dir_path) and not version_compare:
                raise RuntimeError("directory already exists: %s" % dir_path)
        d = package_dicts.setdefault(package,
                'packagename': package.lower(),
                'run_depends': '',
                'build_depends': '',
                'entry_points': '',
                'build_comment': '# ',
                'noarch_python_comment': '# ',
                'test_commands': '',
                'requires_comment': '#',
                'tests_require': '',
                'usemd5': '',
                'test_comment': '',
                'entry_comment': '# ',
                'egg_comment': '# ',
                'summary_comment': '',
                'home_comment': '',
        if is_url:
            del d['packagename']

        if is_url:
            d['version'] = 'UNKNOWN'
            versions = sorted(client.package_releases(package, True), key=parse_version)
            if version_compare:
            if version:
                if version not in versions:
                    sys.exit("Error: Version %s of %s is not available on PyPI."
                             % (version, package))
                d['version'] = version
                if not versions:
                    # The xmlrpc interface is case sensitive, but the index itself
                    # is apparently not (the last time I checked,
                    # len(set(all_packages_lower)) == len(set(all_packages)))
                    if package.lower() in all_packages_lower:
                        cased_package = all_packages[all_packages_lower.index(package.lower())]
                        if cased_package != package:
                            print("%s not found, trying %s" % (package, cased_package))
                            del package_dicts[package]
                    sys.exit("Error: Could not find any versions of package %s" % package)
                if len(versions) > 1:
                    print("Warning, the following versions were found for %s" %
                    for ver in versions:
                    print("Using %s" % versions[-1])
                    print("Use --version to specify a different version.")
                d['version'] = versions[-1]

        data, d['pypiurl'], d['filename'], d['md5'] = get_download_data(client,
                                                                        is_url, all_urls,
                                                                        noprompt, manual_url)

        if d['md5'] == '':
            d['usemd5'] = '# '
            d['usemd5'] = ''

        d['import_tests'] = ''

        get_package_metadata(package, d, data, output_dir, python_version,
                             all_extras, recursive, created_recipes, noarch_python,
                             noprompt, packages, config=config, setup_options=setup_options)

        if d['import_tests'] == '':
            d['import_comment'] = '# '
            d['import_comment'] = ''
            d['import_tests'] = INDENT + d['import_tests']

        if d['tests_require'] == '':
            d['requires_comment'] = '# '
            d['requires_comment'] = ''
            d['tests_require'] = INDENT + d['tests_require']

        if d['entry_comment'] == d['import_comment'] == '# ':
            d['test_comment'] = '# '

        d['recipe_setup_options'] = ' '.join(setup_options)

        # Change requirements to use format that guarantees the numpy
        # version will be pinned when the recipe is built and that
        # the version is included in the build string.
        if pin_numpy:
            for depends in ['build_depends', 'run_depends']:
                deps = d[depends].split(INDENT)
                numpy_dep = [idx for idx, dep in enumerate(deps)
                             if 'numpy' in dep]
                if numpy_dep:
                    # Turns out this needs to be inserted before the rest
                    # of the numpy spec.
                    deps.insert(numpy_dep[0], 'numpy x.x')
                    d[depends] = INDENT.join(deps)

    for package in package_dicts:
        d = package_dicts[package]
        name = d['packagename']
        makedirs(join(output_dir, name))
        print("Writing recipe for %s" % package.lower())
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'meta.yaml'), 'w') as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'build.sh'), 'w') as f:
        with open(join(output_dir, name, 'bld.bat'), 'w') as f:
예제 #2
 def _get_items(self):
     from conda_build.pypi import get_xmlrpc_client
     args = self.parsed_args
     client = get_xmlrpc_client(getattr(args, 'pypi_url'))
     return [i.lower() for i in client.list_packages()]