예제 #1
def print_CE(cp):
    Print out the CE(s) for Condor

    Config options used:
       * ce.name.  The name of the CE.  Defaults to "".
       * condor.status.  The status of the condor LRMS.  Defaults to
       * ce.globus_version.  The used Globus version.  Defaults to 4.0.6
       * ce.hosting_cluster.  The attached cluster name.  Defaults to ce.name
       * ce.host_name.  The CE's host name.  Default to ce.name
       * condor.preemption.  Whether or not condor allows preemption.  Defaults
          to False
       * condor.max_wall.  The maximum allowed wall time for Condor.  Defaults
          to 1440 (in minutes)
       * osg_dirs.app.  The $OSG_APP directory.  Defaults to "/Unknown".
       * osg_dirs.data.  The $OSG_DATA directory.  Defaults to "/Unknown".
       * se.name.  The human-readable name of the closest SE
       * bdii.endpoint.  The endpoint of the BDII this will show up in.

    @param cp: The GIP configuration
    @type cp: ConfigParser.ConfigParser
    ce_template = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueCEUniqueID")
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")

    status = cp_get(cp, "condor", "status", "Production")

    # Get condor version
        condorVersion = getLrmsInfo(cp)
        condorVersion = "Unknown"

    # Get the node information for condor
        total_nodes, claimed, unclaimed = parseNodes(cp)
    except Exception, e:
        total_nodes, claimed, unclaimed = 0, 0, 0
예제 #2
파일: condor.py 프로젝트: holzman/gip
def print_CE(cp):
    Print out the CE(s) for Condor

    Config options used:
       * ce.name.  The name of the CE.  Defaults to "".
       * condor.status.  The status of the condor LRMS.  Defaults to
       * ce.globus_version.  The used Globus version.  Defaults to 4.0.6
       * ce.hosting_cluster.  The attached cluster name.  Defaults to ce.name
       * ce.host_name.  The CE's host name.  Default to ce.name
       * condor.preemption.  Whether or not condor allows preemption.  Defaults
          to False
       * condor.max_wall.  The maximum allowed wall time for Condor.  Defaults
          to 1440 (in minutes)
       * osg_dirs.app.  The $OSG_APP directory.  Defaults to "/Unknown".
       * osg_dirs.data.  The $OSG_DATA directory.  Defaults to "/Unknown".
       * se.name.  The human-readable name of the closest SE
       * bdii.endpoint.  The endpoint of the BDII this will show up in.

    @param cp: The GIP configuration
    @type cp: ConfigParser.ConfigParser
    ce_template = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueCEUniqueID")
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "UNKNOWN_CE")

    status = cp_get(cp, "condor", "status", "Production")
    # Get condor version
        condorVersion = getLrmsInfo(cp)
        condorVersion = "Unknown"

    # Get the node information for condor
        total_nodes, claimed, unclaimed = parseNodes(cp)
    except Exception, e:
        total_nodes, claimed, unclaimed = 0, 0, 0
예제 #3
def print_VOViewLocal(cp):
    Print the GLUE VOView entity; shows the VO's view of the condor batch

    Config options used:
        * ce.name.  The human-readable name of the ce.
        * condor.status.  The status of condor; defaults to "Production"
        * osg_dirs.app.  The $OSG_APP directory; defaults to "/Unknown"
        * osg_dirs.data.  The $OSG_DATA directory; defaults to "/Unknown"
        * se.name. The human-readable name of the closest SE.

    @param cp:  The GIP configuration object
    @type cp: ConfigParser.ConfigParser
    VOView = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueVOViewLocalID")
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "")

    #status = cp_get(cp, "condor", "status", "Production")
    #condorVersion = getLrmsInfo(cp)
    total_nodes, _, unclaimed = parseNodes(cp)

    vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    jobs_info = getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp)
    groupInfo = getGroupInfo(vo_map, cp)

    # Add in the default group
    all_group_vos = []
    total_assigned = 0
    for key, val in groupInfo.items():
        if key == 'default':
        total_assigned += val.get('quota', 0)
    all_vos = sets.Set(voList(cp))
    defaultVoList = [i for i in all_vos if i not in all_group_vos]
    if 'default' not in groupInfo:
        groupInfo['default'] = {}
    groupInfo['default']['vos'] = defaultVoList

    if total_nodes > total_assigned:
        log.info("There are %i assigned job slots out of %i total; assigning" \
            " the rest to the default group." % (total_assigned, total_nodes))
        groupInfo['default']['quota'] = total_nodes - total_assigned
        log.warning("More assigned nodes (%i) than actual nodes (%i)!" % \
            (total_assigned, total_nodes))

    if defaultGroupIsExcluded(cp):
        if groupInfo.has_key('default'):
            del groupInfo['default']

    for group in groupInfo:
        jinfo = jobs_info.get(group, {})
        vos = sets.Set(groupInfo[group].get('vos', [group]))

        # Enforce invariants
        # This code determines CE_ASSIGNED
        ginfo = groupInfo[group]
        if ginfo.get("quota", 0) > 0:
            assigned = ginfo.get("quota", 0)
            assigned = total_nodes

        log.debug("All VOs for %s: %s" % (group, ", ".join(vos)))
        ce_unique_id = buildCEUniqueID(cp, ce_name, 'condor', group)

        max_wall = cp_getInt(cp, "condor", "max_wall", 1440)

        myrunning = sum([i.get('running', 0) for i in jinfo.values()], 0)
        assigned = max(assigned, myrunning)

        for vo in vos:
            acbr = 'VO:%s' % vo
            info = jinfo.get(vo.lower(), {"running": 0, "idle": 0, "held": 0})
            ert, wrt = responseTimes(cp, info["running"], info["idle"] + \
                info["held"], max_job_time=max_wall*60)
            free = min(unclaimed, assigned - myrunning,
                       assigned - int(info['running']))
            free = int(free)

            waiting = int(info["idle"]) + int(info["held"])
            if waiting > cp_getInt(cp, 'condor', 'idle_slack', '10'):
                free = 0

            info = {
                "vo": vo,
                "acbr": acbr,
                "ceUniqueID": ce_unique_id,
                "voLocalID": vo,
                "ce_name": ce_name,
                "job_manager": 'condor',
                "queue": vo,
                "running": info["running"],
                # Held jobs are included as "waiting" since the definition is:
                #    Number of jobs that are in a state different than running
                "waiting": waiting,
                "total": info["running"] + info["idle"] + info["held"],
                "free_slots": free,
                "job_slots": int(total_nodes),
                "ert": ert,
                "wrt": wrt,
                "default_se": getDefaultSE(cp),
                'app': cp_get(cp, 'osg_dirs', 'app', '/Unknown'),
                "data": cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "/Unknown"),
            printTemplate(VOView, info)
예제 #4
파일: condor.py 프로젝트: holzman/gip
def print_VOViewLocal(cp):
    Print the GLUE VOView entity; shows the VO's view of the condor batch

    Config options used:
        * ce.name.  The human-readable name of the ce.
        * condor.status.  The status of condor; defaults to "Production"
        * osg_dirs.app.  The $OSG_APP directory; defaults to "/Unknown"
        * osg_dirs.data.  The $OSG_DATA directory; defaults to "/Unknown"
        * se.name. The human-readable name of the closest SE.

    @param cp:  The GIP configuration object
    @type cp: ConfigParser.ConfigParser
    VOView = getTemplate("GlueCE", "GlueVOViewLocalID")
    ce_name = cp_get(cp, "ce", "name", "")
    #status = cp_get(cp, "condor", "status", "Production")
    #condorVersion = getLrmsInfo(cp) 
    total_nodes, _, unclaimed = parseNodes(cp)
    vo_map = VoMapper(cp)
    jobs_info = getJobsInfo(vo_map, cp)
    groupInfo = getGroupInfo(vo_map, cp)

    # Add in the default group
    all_group_vos = []    
    total_assigned = 0
    for key, val in groupInfo.items():
        if key == 'default':
        total_assigned += val.get('quota', 0)
    all_vos = sets.Set(voList(cp))
    defaultVoList = [i for i in all_vos if i not in all_group_vos]
    if 'default' not in groupInfo:
        groupInfo['default'] = {}
    groupInfo['default']['vos'] = defaultVoList

    if total_nodes > total_assigned:
        log.info("There are %i assigned job slots out of %i total; assigning" \
            " the rest to the default group." % (total_assigned, total_nodes))
        groupInfo['default']['quota'] = total_nodes-total_assigned
        log.warning("More assigned nodes (%i) than actual nodes (%i)!" % \
            (total_assigned, total_nodes))

    if defaultGroupIsExcluded(cp):
        if groupInfo.has_key('default'):
            del groupInfo['default']
    for group in groupInfo:
        jinfo = jobs_info.get(group, {})
        vos = sets.Set(groupInfo[group].get('vos', [group]))

        # Enforce invariants
        # This code determines CE_ASSIGNED
        ginfo = groupInfo[group]
        if ginfo.get("quota", 0) > 0:
            assigned = ginfo.get("quota", 0)
            assigned = total_nodes

        log.debug("All VOs for %s: %s" % (group, ", ".join(vos)))
	ce_unique_id = buildCEUniqueID(cp, ce_name, 'condor', group)

        max_wall = cp_getInt(cp, "condor", "max_wall", 1440)

        myrunning = sum([i.get('running', 0) for i in jinfo.values()], 0)
        assigned = max(assigned, myrunning)
        for vo in vos:
            acbr = 'VO:%s' % vo
            info = jinfo.get(vo.lower(), {"running": 0, "idle": 0, "held": 0})
            ert, wrt = responseTimes(cp, info["running"], info["idle"] + \
                info["held"], max_job_time=max_wall*60)
            free = min(unclaimed, assigned-myrunning,
            free = int(free)

            waiting = int(info["idle"]) + int(info["held"])
	    if waiting > cp_getInt(cp, 'condor', 'idle_slack', '10'):
                free = 0

            info = {"vo"      : vo,
                "acbr"        : acbr,
                "ceUniqueID"  : ce_unique_id,
                "voLocalID"   : vo,
                "ce_name"     : ce_name,
                "job_manager" : 'condor',
                "queue"       : vo,
                "running"     : info["running"],
                # Held jobs are included as "waiting" since the definition is:
                #    Number of jobs that are in a state different than running
                "waiting"     : waiting,
                "total"       : info["running"] + info["idle"] + info["held"],
                "free_slots"  : free,
                "job_slots"   : int(total_nodes),
                "ert"         : ert,
                "wrt"         : wrt,
                "default_se"  : getDefaultSE(cp),
                'app'     : cp_get(cp, 'osg_dirs', 'app', '/Unknown'),
                "data"    : cp_get(cp, "osg_dirs", "data", "/Unknown"),
            printTemplate(VOView, info)